Metro fitness nov final

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Don t let ExerciseInduced Asthma Stop Exercise-Induced Asthma Symptoms usually begin about five to 20 minutes after beginning to -exer cise. The symptoms often peak about five to 10 minutes after stopping exercise then gradually diminish. The symptoms are typically gone within an hour, but they may last longer. Symptoms include one or a combination of the following: Coughing, Wheezing, Chest tightness, Chest pain Prolonged shortness of breath Extreme fatigue. Northshore Allergy & Immunology, LLCNAI, LLC Office (985) 792-4022 NEW LOCATION: 355 Lakeview CT. Covington, LA 70433

Richard J Guillot, M.D. Board Certified In Adult & Pediatric Allergy & Immunology

mastHEAD cover







account executive gregFLORIDI

chief designer chrisTIBLIER

contributing writers

mikeMILLS jamesFAMBRO, MD catherineWILBERT larryMcEWEN garyDRAGON lyndsiLEWIS travisMANNY kristenSMITH lindaCUCCIA lisaVONEBERSTEIN

Coming up next month: Nerium


volume4 NUMBER 10

Distribution in: New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, Westbank, Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, & Hammond

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page 22 Celebrate Without Gaining Weight by catherineWILBERT


page 24 Warning Signs of a Heart Attach

page 12 Heartbreak

by travisMANNY

by lindaCUCCIA

page 28 HIIT High Intensity Interval Training

page 16 Revolution Fitness NOLA

by aaronPOTTS

by lindaCUCCIA

page 20 5 Simple Rules for Amazing Health

page 13


by krisGunnars Metro Fitness is published monthly by Metro Fitness P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459, 985778-6171. Copyright 2012 by Metro Fitness. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written, expressed consent of the publisher. Reproduction of editorial content or graphics in any manner or in any medium is prohibited. Opinions of staff & contributing writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. For advertising information, contact Metro Fitness business department at 985-778-6171 fax at 985-201-8165 or e-mail at Letters to the Editor are Welcome – send signed letters to P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459. Please include a phone number for verification (it will not be published). E-mail letters to The Editor reserves the right to edit for length, style and spelling. Postmaster: Send address changes to Metro Fitness P.0. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459


Cover: Revolution Fitness NOLA By: lindaCUCCIA Photos By: renyRAMOS Page: 16


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kellyWALGAMOTTE publisher

Like Metro Fitness A man stopped by a river to drink water. There he saw a scorpion flounMagazine on: dering around in the water. He decided to save it by stretching out his finger, but the scorpion stung him. The man still tried to get the scorpion out of the water, but the scorpion stung him again. A man nearby told him to stop trying to save the scorpion, it will only sting you more. But he replied, "It is the nature of the scorpion to sting. It is my nature to love. Why should I give up my nature to love just because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting?" Don't give up loving.... Don't give up your goodness. Even if people around you sting!!! A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble."

God Bless, Kelly Walgamotte (985) 778-6171 •

6 Nov 2013

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Monkeys Born From Stem Cells The birth of three monkeys from a stem cell research program is being hailed as a major breakthrough in genetic engineering. It appears that the mouse stem cells widely used in studies follow a different developmental process that was previously thought to be identical to primate and human. Scientists have opened a window to a new strategy, one which has seemed out of reach for more than ten years. Now it is possible for cloning primate and even human stem cells into living, breathing organisms.

Some Women Hit the Big O During Exercise

How Safe Is Splenda (Sucralose)? Splenda (sucralose) is being downgraded from "safe" to "caution" after an Italian animal study linked sucralose to a higher risk of developing leukemia. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) says it awaits the Italian study's review before deciding what long-term safety grade to assign to Splenda in its Chemical Cuisine guide to food additives. Hundreds of millions of people globally use artificial sweeteners, which are commonly found in a wide range of food and drinks, including food for diabetes, cakes, milkshakes, soft drinks, and even medications. The steadily growing problem of obesity and type 2 diabetes in developed and middle income countries has led to rising demand for reduced-calorie foods and drinks. However, the growth of the artificial-sweetener market has brought with it concerns among consumers regarding the potential health consequences.

A Broken Heart Breaks Your Heart, Literally ! According to an article published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, heart attack risk after bereavement is much higher for several weeks after the loss. The day the loved one dies, the risk of a heart attack is a stunning twenty one times higher. The article also warns friends and family to look for signs of heart failure in the bereaved person, ensuring they relax and maintain any medication regime they may be on. The study was conducted with nearly 2000 adult heart attack survivors and while the risk of a heart problem declined over the first month, it still remained at six times the normal risk during the first week after a loved one died.

Some women reach orgasm during exercise, especially those that involve the core abdominal muscles, researcher Debby Herbenick and J. Dennis Fortenberry, M.D., both from Indiana University, wrote in the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy. The researchers explain that "coregasm" - reaching an orgasm from exercising the core abdominal muscles has been mentioned in the media for some time. However, they add that the findings in this latest study are new. Herbenick said: "The most common exercises associated with exerciseinduced orgasm were abdominal exercises, climbing poles or ropes, biking/spinning and weight lifting. These data are interesting because they suggest that orgasm is not necessarily a sexual event, and they may also teach us more about the bodily processes underlying women's experiences of orgasm."

8 Nov 2013

Wine Consumption May Protect Against Sunburn Drinking wine may protect against the harmful effects of sunburn, researchers from the University of Barcelona revealed in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. They explained that grapes and grape derivatives have a compound - a flavonoid - that helps protect human skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. The authors explained that wine has been shown in previous studies to have some effect in protecting against Alzheimer's disease, cavities, and prostate cancer. However, no prior study had looked at the effect it may have on human skin.

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Revolution Fitness NOLA has taken the leading training methods from around the country and put them all under one roof. No matter what your fitness level is, we have something for you. We are a personal training gym that takes guesswork out of fitness and revolts against standard box gyms. Revolution Fitness believes your body is the machine, and by using functional training tools and innovative training programs, we will have your machine operating at its highest levels. Our coaches are with you every step of the way motivating, teaching, engaging, and pushing you to be in the best shape of your life. Let us use our tools to build your machine and keep it running at its highest possible performance level.

I worked out until my ninth month of pregnancy and felt great! Revolution Fitness offers group training and programs which are unlike anything I've ever seen before. The group dynamic is very motivating yet you still get that one on one attention from the trainers. Since having a baby, time is of the essence. I only work out twice a week at Revolution Fitness and the results are unbelievable.

Working out here at Revolution Fitness is so much more affordable than having a full time personal trainer. Revolution Fitness is just so different than any other place that I've experienced. If you're serious about getting in shape, then this is the place to be.

When it comes to fitness, we know you want quick, long-lasting results. We also know that trying to find a routine that works can be overwhelming especially if you're just starting. Don't get discouraged. Revolution Fitness NOLA has joined forces with the number one gym in America, and our trainers and coaches specialize in the best training methods in the country. It won't take long before you start noticing and seeing those results you crave.

supplementREVIEW by: mikeMILLS “Have Your Cake, and Eat it too!” The holidays have arrived and with them all the sugar filled deserts and treats that are loaded with empty calories. Leaving you with the feeling of being bloated. This year satisfy sugar cravings without the excess of calories by using all natural, sugar free sweeteners when preparing tasty holiday snacks! With so many sugar substitutes available these days, it can be difficult to choose the right one. Many so called “natural” sweeteners can actually do the body more harm than good and give diabetics a false sense of security when choosing a desert or beverage during the holidays. Aspartame (NutraSweet) is one of the most used artificial sweeteners in the world today. It also happens to be one of the most dangerous. Aspartame is used in thousands of products as a substitute to sugar, though consumers would actually be better off eating smaller amounts of regular sugar. Aspartame has been linked to possible causes for cancer, short term mem-

ory loss, gastric problems, and neurological disorders. Sucralose is a artificial sweetener sold under the brand names Splenda . Though marketed as a “No calorie sweetener,” Splenda products that also include bulking agents contain 12.4% the calories of the same volume of sugar. Although the “nutritional facts” label

on Splenda’s retail packaging states that a single serving contains zero calories, each individual, tear-open package contains 3.31 calories. Such labeling is approved in the U.S. because the FDA’s regulations permit a product to be labeled as “zero calories” if the “food contains less than 5 calories per reference amount customarily consumed and per labeled serving.” Because Splenda contains a relatively small amount of sucralose, little of which is metabolized, virtually all of Splenda’s caloric content derives from the highly fluffed dextrose or maltodextrin bulking agents that give Splenda its volume. Like other carbohydrates, dextrose and maltodextrin have 3.75 calories per gram. Xylitol is all natural, not an artificial chemical like aspartame, sucralose, and splenda. It can be found in berries, fruit, vegetables, and mushrooms. Xylitol resembles sugar in consistency and taste, but has a third fewer calories and is a great sugar alternative for diabetics. Xylitol can be safely used as a sugar substitute in most sugar-free recipes. Stevia is a unique plant native to the areas near the rain forests of northeastern Paraguay. Stevia contains glycosides which are compounds within the leaves that give them their sweet taste. Glycosides are neither absorbed nor assimilated therefore there is no insulin response rendering stevia a zero on the glycemic index. In contrast, Splenda has a glycemic index of 80, sugar has a glycemic index of 70, meaning Splenda spikes insulin levels more than sugar does! Stevia is safe for both diabetics and hypoglycemics and is a remarkable sweetener for any beverage. Stevia is also excellent for both cooking and baking. When preparing holiday dishes limit the amount of sugar being used and substitute with Xylitol and Stevia instead. Xylitol and Stevia can both be found in local health food and vitamin stores. Make sure to read nutrition labels carefully to avoid ingesting harmful chemicals like Sucralose and Apsartame, and remember portion control is vital during the holidays. With careful planning and preparation, one can truly have their cake and eat it too!

Mike Mills is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, has a B.S. in Health and Exercise Science from the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), and 10+ years experience in the Vitamin and Supplement Industry.

cuccia’sCORNER by: lindaCUCCIA Heartbreak Anyone who has ever been heartbroken knows the moments of intense grief, we may choose to eat, pain can be as intense as a physical injury. During this drink, or sleep excessively to self-soothe, and some time, we might abandon our established fitness habits even pour their emotions into another relationship to escape. A healthier alternaand adopt some unhealthy “Pain serves an important functive is to simply accept the ones in attempts to find relief. To heal properly and tion in our lives, and engaging in pain as part of the process. continue moving forward unhealthy behaviors solely for the When we know without a doubt that it can be endured on our fitness journey, it is purpose of avoiding pain tends to and will subside, we can essential to understand examine and respect it. Pain some key truths. prolong the healing process.� serves an important function First, the pain of in our lives, and engaging in heartbreak, no matter how intense, can be endured and will subside. Rejection unhealthy behaviors solely for the purpose of avoiding can feel like a knife stab, and the sadness of losing a pain tends to prolong the healing process. Another important truth is that emotions do not treasured connection can feel dark and heavy. We fear the negative emotion will last forever and we will dictate behavior. Decisions dictate behavior. No matnever again experience joy and lightheartedness. In ter how devastated we feel on the inside, we can still

dragon’sCORNER pursue our health and fitness goals by deciding to do so. In fact, we can find solace in the practice of dressing for the gym, completing our established workout routines, and making healthy food choices in spite of how we feel. Eventually, when the pain is gone, and the heartbreak is just a memory, we can look back over that time period and be proud of our progress. Finally, focusing on the present is a powerful method for finding relief from negative emotions. Whenever our thoughts wander to the past or the future, we can benefit greatly from redirecting our attention to the present moment. Noticing a beautiful sunset while we walk outside, enjoying the warm sudsy water while we wash dishes, listening to our children’s laughter, and appreciating the wonderful aromas as we prepare healthy meals keeps our thoughts in the present and leaves little room for wallowing in sorrow. Author Eckhart Tolle writes, “As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease.” A few years ago I endured what felt like the worst heartbreak imaginable. Although I experienced a depth of sadness that seemed infinite at the time, I continued to engage, by faith, in my daily responsibilities, and to progress toward my goals. I believed that the pain would eventually subside, healing would take place, and understanding would come. As I look back on it now, I am so thankful for the experience and consider it an honor. The journey from heartbreak to healing can feel like running a marathon. But crossing the finish line is pure joy. Every decision counts.

THE PAINFUL SHOULDER garyDRAGON The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. It is considered a ball and socket joint, but it looks like a golf ball sitting on a golf tee. This joint is held together by a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and a capsule. This network provides stability to the joint, maintaining the ball in the socket during movements. If any part of it is not functioning properly, you can develop a PAINFUL SHOULDER. Shoulder pain is a common problem in athletes who perform repetitive overhead movements such as baseball/softball players, volleyball players and swimmers. Shoulder pain is also common in people who work with their arms over their heads such as painters, electricians, and carpenters. Repetitive movements can cause the muscles of the shoulder to fatigue and weaken. When a structure in the shoulder weakens, the stability to the joint is compromised, causing the ball to move abnormally inside the socket. As it continues to move abnormally, the rotator cuff weakens and is overpowered by the outer (deltoid) muscles. This muscle pattern results in the ball migrating supe-

Gary Dragon, owner of Action Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, has a Master’s & Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine. Gary has 13 years of experience specializing in orthopedic and sports related injuries.

healthyEATS Hearty Beef and Barley Stew robHOWELL This stew is like a traditional stew that can be made with any type of lean beef. I use shoulder tendon which, in my opinion, is the second tenderest piece of meat next to the filet. The addition of barley adds good, clean carbohydrates to the dish instead of potatoes. This is a

Ingredients: 2 tsp olive oil 2 lbs lean beef chopped 1 ½ - 2 cups pearled barley (depends on how thick you want it) 2 med. yellow onion diced 1 red bell pepper, diced 1 green bell pepper, diced 4 ribs celery, diced

high protein meal that keeps you full and satisfied and is great left over!

Linda is a National Board Certified teacher, certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer, presenter, writer and life coach. She is most passionate about BodyPump and helping others achieve their fitness goals

riorly (upward) by the deltoids instead of remaining in the center of the socket, causing pain and inflammation to the shoulder tissues. Continuing to perform your sport or activity with shoulder pain will lead to further injuries including rotator cuff tears and shoulder tendonitis. Having a painful shoulder due to repetitive movements is not a season ending injury if caught early enough. It can be treated conservatively with physical therapy. If you are an athlete or work overhead and are suffering from unexplained shoulder pain, give us a call at Action Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine. After a thorough evaluation of your shoulder, we can start you on a strengthening and stabilization program targeting your shoulder problems. Don’t let ongoing shoulder pain keep you from performing your best. Contact us at ACTION PHYSICAL THERAPY so we can get your shoulder BACK INTO ACTION.

To Make: In a large stock pot or Dutch oven, sauté the veggies (not tomatoes) in the olive oil until almost tender. Then add the meat and just brown it (don't cook it thru.) Next add the tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients, and cook for about 40 minutes to an hour on a low simmer. Check barley for tenderness and then enjoy!

1 14 oz can diced tomatoes with juice, or 2 med fresh 6 cups low-sodium beef broth 3 cloves garlic, crushed 3 bay leaves 1 tbsp fresh thyme ¼ tsp red pepper flakes 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp Italian seasoning Salt and pepper to taste

by: dr kristinSMITH Avoiding Discomfort So You Can Continue Exercising During Pregnancy Pregnancy is a major event, but it doesn't have to include being in pain or discomfort. Nearly half of all pregnant moms will develop low-back pain. For those who have suffered from low-back pain in the past, the problem can become even worse and prevent exercise and other activities. This is because during pregnancy, a woman's center of gravity shifts forward to the front of her pelvis, increasing stress on her joints. As the baby grows in size, the curvature of her lower back increases and places extra stress on the spinal discs. To compensate, the normal curvature of the upper spine increases and hormones help loosen the ligaments attached to the pelvic bones. These natural changes designed to accommodate the growing baby can result in postural imbalances. So what can you do? Exercise during pregnancy can help strengthen your muscles and prevent discomfort. Try exercising at least three times a week, gently stretching before and after. Check with your doctor or midwife before starting or continuing any exercise. Walking, swimming, and stationary cycling are relatively safe cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women. Jogging can be safe for women who were avid runners before becoming pregnant, if done carefully and under a provider's supervision. Don't let your heart rate exceed 140 bpm and stop your exercise routine immediately if you notice any unusual symptoms, such as bleeding, dizziness, nausea, weakness, blurred vision, increased swelling, or heart palpitations. Ergonomics is important too. Wear flat, sensible shoes as high heels worsen postural imbalances. When picking up children, bend from the knees, not the waist and never turn your head when you lift. Rest is key so elevate your feet for a few moments when you need a break. Sleep on your left side with a pillow between your knees to take pressure off your lower back. Lying on your left side allows unobstructed blood flow and helps your kidneys flush waste from your body. Full-length "body pillows" may be helpful. If you sit at a computer for long hours, position the monitor so the top of the screen is at your eye level, and place your feet on a small footrest to take pressure off your legs and feet. Take breaks every 30 minutes with a quick walk. What can a chiropractor do? Many pregnant women find that chiropractic adjustments provide relief from increased low-back pain. Studies show adjustments

LIVE FIT MEALS - Individually packaged meals deigned to fit a healthier lifestyle choice. These calorie conscious meals are designed for portion control, are lower in sodium, lower in fat, and preservative free. If you're trying to balance your work and family responsibilities and want to eat well, consider ordering Live Fit Meals. Instead of having to shop for the freshest ingredients and prepare a meal from scratch after a long day of work, trust a local healthy pre made meal like Live Fit Meals to provide you with balanced nutritional meals. If you're searching the Greater New Orleans area for healthy gourmet food delivery services, check out our web site for delivery options It is said that when trying to get back into optimal physical shape and good health that it’s 20% how you work out and 80% what you eat and how you eat it.

continued on pg. 18

(985) 624-8503 / 4240 Hwy 22 Mandeville /

by: lindaCUCCIA

photos by: renyRAMOS


hat makes Revolution Fitness NOLA so unique is the elite training programs it offers that simply cannot be found in traditional gyms. First, the facility houses the Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning program (MBSC Thrive) which offers the most comprehensive performance enhancement training, reconditioning, and personal training available today. MBSC’s results-driven approach covers every aspect necessary to achieve your goals, whether they involve sports performance, weight loss, or a healthier lifestyle. Also incorporated into the facility is the Training for Warriors program (TFW), a physical and mental training program originally created for fighters by Martin Rooney. TFW utilizes ongoing evaluation and feedback to adapt specific strength and conditioning protocols to best fit individual needs. TFW encompasses warmups, speed training, strength training, endurance training, flexibility work and nutrition, all of which are based on the comprehensive evaluation process. Training For Warriors is designed to build strength, improve conditioning, reduce fat and/or increase muscle. Revolution Fitness also offers Parisi Speed School, which is the nation’s premier program for improving athletic performance and building selfconfidence and character in young people. And in addition, the facility contains the most up-to-date athletic equipment, including Indo-Row Water Rowers and Keiser compressed-air resistance machines.

Learn more about as Online at:

Revolution Fitness is the creation and passion of co-owners Lyle Schween and Christian Varnado. Dr. Lyle Schween, chiropractor on the Northshore, had always worked out in big gyms, but found that his routines had become stagnant and his results were disappointing. When he began suffering from work-related back issues, he met and hired Personal Trainer, Christian Varnado, who happened to be training clients in his home gym at the time. Christian was using his own athleticbased, functional f i t n e s s training program, and even though he worked as a policeman full time, his client base had grown so large he had begun to dream of shifting his career to the fitness industry. When the two began sharing their ideas, they decided to research and travel around the country to find the latest and most effective training methods available. Specifically, they wanted to find programs that incorporated individual evaluation, goal setting, corrective exercises, illness and injury prevention, and guidance for achieving total wellness inside and out. And the results of their research can be experienced now at Revolution Fitness NOLA. Dr. Schween says that within weeks of training with Christian he saw measurable improvement in his

strength, mobility and overall fitness. Like everyone who enters the program, he underwent a Functional Movement Screen first to expose areas of weakness. Christian then used those results to design a program specifically for him, to correct vulnerabilities and increase core strength. Lyle says he has never felt better. “In my practice as a chiropractor, I see so many exercise-related injuries that could have been prevented with the right training program. With the


Encouraging Physical and Spiritual Fitness by: Dr. Larry T. McEwen Senior Pastor,

There are many myths and old wives’ tales out there, and the world of fitness has a few of its own. We’ve all heard the “fairy tale” stories about ways to lose weight and get fit without having to exercise or follow a proper diet! Most of us would say, “Are you kidding, can’t happen!” However, there is something we should do in addition to cardio and weight training that will boost our physical condition in a powerful way. I guess you could call it a supplement of sorts. What on Earth am I talking about? Spiritual fitness! Many never achieve their ultimate physical condition because they ignore the condition of their spiritual life. The two are intricately interwoven. When a person is bitter, bothered, broken, or burdened in their spirit, there’s just no way their body is not affected. It would actually be better to focus on your

spiritual life and let physical training be the supplement! In the Bible, Paul put it this way in a letter to his young apprentice Timothy: 1 Timothy 4:7-9 NIV “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance.”

are safe for a pregnant woman and her baby and can be very attractive to those who are trying to avoid medications in treating their back pain. Studies also show that adjustments during pregnancy can help a woman maintain activity level as well as help the baby get into the proper position to be born. It can also help in the eight weeks after delivery. Ligaments that loosened during pregnancy begin to tighten up and joint problems brought on during pregnancy should be treated before the ligaments return to their pre-pregnancy state. This prevents muscle tension, headaches, rib discomfort, and shoulder problems. Check out for more research on pregnancy, maintaining activity level, and Chiropractic care and don't forget to call our office if there is anything we can do to help. Helping pregnant women maintain their active lifestyles and enjoy their pregnancy is one of my favorite things to do!

Dr. Kristin Smith LifeCare Family Wellness & Chiropractic (985) 774-9303

Functional Movement Screen, which evaluates range of motion and movement patterns and identifies weaknesses, the trainer can actually predict where the next injury is likely to occur and design a program to prevent it.” Although this kind of training is invaluable, it is surprisingly cost-effective, and takes far less time than traditional gym workouts. “I have seen far better results in one-hour sessions at Revolution Fitness than I ever did spending twice that time in the gym.” One aspect of Revolution Fitness that members benefit greatly from is the group training. According to Stephen Kriebel, “It’s unlike any other gym I’ve ever been to. The whole team atmosphere, training with a group, makes you really want to come because you don’t want to disappoint your fellow group members.” Christian says the groups are small, 3-4 people per trainer, and each person is working at the level of intensity designed for him. The smaller group format helps with motivation while maintaining the personal attention each member needs. Courtney Reed calls it “a kind of community, a group of team mates that help inspire you.” According to another member, Dr. Johnson, “What I find different about Revolution Fitness is the professionalism. They are really invested in the individual and helping you reach your goals. They have high quality trainers, equipment, and programs.” Christian adds that each trainer he employs is certified in every program and on every piece of equipment offered. “Here there is an emphasis on education. The trainers and coaches hold 8-10 certifications each, and we are always learning.” Revolution Fitness NOLA also features Café Thrive, a performance food bar that makes delicious, all-natural smoothies with no artificial ingredients. MBSC Thrive director Adam Lassus says this facility is the best he has ever seen in the fitness industry. “It offers elite sports performance and training for adults and kids, plus a smoothie/coffee bar to refuel after workouts. Families can improve their health and wellness and have fun, all in one place.” If you are ready to change your body and your life in a small-group training atmosphere with the most effective and motivating programs to help you reach your goals, call Revolution Fitness NOLA today at (504) 570-6333 or visit the web site at to schedule an initial visit. If you are in the Metairie area, stop in and see this innovative facility and meet the trainers and coaches. After the first visit, you will want to go back.

5 Simple Rules For

Amazing Health by: krisGUNNARS

Being healthy often seems incredibly complicated. There are advertise-

ments everywhere and various experts giving conflicting advice. However, being healthy doesn’t need to be complicated. People were much healthier in the past, before all the dieting and “health products” took hold of our society. The rules haven’t changed since then… our genetics are the same and what worked for us back in the day can also work for us now. To gain optimal health, lose weight, and feel better every day all you need to do is follow these five simple rules. 1. Do Not Put Toxic Things into Your Body There are so many things in the environment that are downright toxic to our bodies. Given the addictive nature of some of these things, people often have a real hard time avoiding them. This includes the usual suspects like cigarettes, alcohol, and abusive drugs. If you’ve got a problem with those… then diet and exercise are the least of your worries. But what is MUCH more common today is eating unhealthy, disease-promoting foods. If you want to gain optimal health, then you need to minimize your consumption of these foods. A list of these foods include processed foods, sugar, wheat, and all fats that require chemicals and factories to produce. This includes man-made trans-fats, as well as refined seed and vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower oils. You can't be healthy if you keep putting disease-promoting things into your body. This includes tobacco and alcohol, as well as certain foods and ingredients. You can't be healthy if you keep putting disease-promoting things into your body. This includes the usual suspects like tobacco and alcohol, as well as certain foods and ingredients.

2. Lift Things and Move Around It’s extremely important for optimal health to use your muscles. Lifting weights lowers your blood sugar and insulin levels, improves cholesterol and lowers triglycerides. It also raises your levels of testosterone and growth hormone, both associated with improved well-being. Lifting weights (and other forms of exercise) can

20 Nov 2013

also help reduce depression and the threat of chronic diseases, including obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and many more. Exercise doesn't just make you look better, it also improves your hormonal status, makes you feel better and reduces your risk of all sorts of diseases.

3. Sleep Like a Baby Sleep is very important for overall health and studies show that sleep deprivation correlates with many diseases, including obesity and heart disease.

Here are a few effective ways to improve sleep: • Do not drink coffee late in the day. • Try to go to bed and wake up at similar times each day. • Sleep in complete darkness, with no artificial lighting. • Dim the lights in your home a few hours before bedtime. Getting quality sleep can improve your health in more ways than you can imagine. You'll feel better both physically and mentally and lower your risk for numerous health problems down the line.

There is also evidence that stress is a significant contributor to depression, which is a massive health problem today. In order to reduce stress, try to simplify your life. Do some exercise, practice deep breathing techniques, and maybe even meditation. If you simply can not handle the burdens of daily life without becoming overly stressed, consider seeing a psychologist. Stress can wreak havoc on your health, leading to weight gain and many other illnesses.

5. Nourish Your Body With Real Foods The simplest and most effective way to eat healthy is to just focus on real foods. It’s best to eat a combination of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, as well as healthy fats, oils, and high-fat dairy products. Whatever you do, make an effort to choose whole, unprocessed foods instead of foods that look like they were made in a factory.

You Need to Stick With it For Life It’s important to keep in mind that the “dieting” mind-set is a bad idea, because it almost never works in the long term. For this reason, it’s critical to aim for a lifestyle change. Being healthy is a marathon, not a race. It takes time… and you need to stick with it for life.

4. Avoid Excess Stress Excess stress can raise cortisol levels and cause severe harmful effects on metabolism. It can increase junk food cravings, fat in the abdominal area, and raise your risk for all sorts of diseases.

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C e l e b r a t e Without Gaining Weight by: catherineWILBERT Once you’ve made your selections, take your plate and leave the table – in fact, leave the room. It’s easy to be tempted when the food is staring you in the face. Stay away from the table and keep busy so you won’t be tempted to eat.

T’was the month before Christmas and the parties begin; can I eat, drink and be merry and still remain thin? When it comes to the Holiday season, party foods and alcohol are symbols of festivity. Holiday celebrations, with traditional buffet-style parties and hearty servings of eggnog, make it difficult for the average health-conscious individual, as the opportunity to eat and drink more than usual is available and enticing. So, how can you maintain good eating habits and still enjoy holiday parties and social gatherings? Here are a few strategies to assist you through this season of temptation.

>>The party isn’t all day long Maybe it is, but more than likely, it will be in the evening. And just because you will be attending a holiday event, doesn’t mean you have to blow the entire day. On the day of the party, pace yourself at breakfast and through lunch with smaller protein based meals, reserving your fat and carb count for later that evening where there will undoubtedly be lots of fats and carbs (and not much protein) to choose from.

>>Eat before you go Eat a small, healthy, high protein meal before you go to the party. This will prevent you from being ravenous when you finally get to the buffet table, and you will be less likely to overindulge.

>>Exercise Don’t quit the program just because it’s party time. Sticking with your exercise program will keep you feeling good about taking care of yourself, and you will be less inclined to go way overboard when choosing holiday delicacies.

ing in your head when you can feel your pants getting tighter.

>>Make the calories count Scout out the spread and choose small, tastesize portions of interesting looking dishes you would like to try. Don’t waste calories on familiar foods. Stay away from the cheeses, fattier foods, and dips with heavier cream bases, and remember portion control – little nibbles add up to large servings. Vegetables and finger sandwiches filled with meats, like turkey, ham and roast beef, make the best choices. Avoid the chicken, egg, and tuna salad sandwiches, which are usually made with a lot of mayonnaise, high in fat and calories. Also, ditch the bread and just eat the meat. I’m sure Miss Manners wouldn’t be too appalled at your picking at your food in the name of health, and after all, they are called finger foods.

>>Visit with friends rather than the food

It seems like tradition to gather around the food table, concentrating on what to try next, rather than truly paying attention to the conversation at hand. Visit with friends, dance or mingle, and focus on other things besides the tempting array of food. It’s good to enjoy food, but it’s even nicer to truly enjoy the company of friends and family you haven’t seen in a while.

>>Drink, drink, drink WATER Make sure to drink plenty of water before (and during) the party. This will not only help fill your belly, but will hydrate you when you are drinking alcohol.

>>Keep it in perspective Have a strategy before you leave for the party with a designated number of cocktails that you’ll drink and an allotted amount of food that you’ll consume. If you eat more than you had planned at a particular function, that doesn’t mean you’ve blown it for the entire holiday season, try to return to your normal healthy eating habits the next day. Your attitude about what you eat is just as important as the food itself.

Making the effort to watch your calorie intake is the perfect gift to yourself. . . no more need for those nasty New Year’s Resolutions!

>>“Eat and get out!” The slogan that made a popular restaurant in Chicago famous, is a good rule of thumb at parties.

>>Dress to eat less Wear the tight-fitting dress or pair of pants that make you look great and feel good about yourself, AND that doesn’t allow you to eat too much. It’s easier to discourage those visions of sugarplums danc-

22 Nov 2013

“Avoid the chicken, egg, and tuna salad sandwiches, which are usually made with a lot of mayonnaise, high in fat and calories”

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Warning Signs Chest discomfort: Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or fullness. Discomfort in other areas of the upper body: Symptoms can include discomfort in one or both arms or in the back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Shortness of breath: This symptom often accompanies chest discomfort. However, it can also occur before the chest discomfort. Other signs: These may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness. Some patients report a sense of impending doom.

Call 9-1-1 by: travisMANNY Each year, over one million Americans experience a heart attack; 460,000 of them are fatal. Of those who die, almost half do so suddenly, before they can get to a hospital. Although a heart attack is a frightening event, if you learn the signs of a heart attack and what steps to take, you can save a life—perhaps even your own.

Who Is At Risk? Many people think that heart attacks are a “man’s problem,” yet heart disease is actually the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. In men, the risk for heart attack increases significantly after the age of 45. In women, heart attacks are more likely to occur in the years after menopause (usually, after the age of 50). However, younger men and women can also have heart attacks. Besides age, factors that increase the risk for heart attack are: A previous heart attack or procedure to open up the coronary arteries, family history of early heart disease, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, overweight, and physical inactivity. If you have one or more of these factors, see your health care provider to find out how to reduce your risk of having a heart attack. During a heart attack, a clot in the heart’s artery

blocks the flow of blood to the heart. Heart muscle begins to die. This is technically called a “myocardial infarction,” meaning “death of heart muscle.” The more time that passes without treatment, the greater the damage. The part of the heart that dies during a heart attack cannot grow back or be repaired.

Learn the Signs Many people think that a heart attack is sudden and intense, like the “Hollywood” heart attack depicted in the movies, where a person clutches his or her chest and falls over. The truth is many heart attacks start as a mild discomfort in the center of the chest. Someone who feels such a warning may not be sure what is wrong. The discomfort (and other symptoms) may even come and go. Even people who have had a heart attack may not recognize the signs, because the next one can have entirely different symptoms. The warning signs of a heart attack are shown below. Learn them, but also remember: Even if you’re not sure it’s a heart attack, you should still check it out promptly.

24 Nov 2013

Timing is everything. People who experience the warning signs of a heart attack often deny how serious the situation is and take a wait-andsee approach. But time is very important, and anyone with these warning signs needs to get medical evaluation and treatment right away. Don’t wait more than a few minutes—5 minutes at most—to call 9-1-1. By calling 9-1-1 and taking an ambulance, you will get to the hospital in the fastest way possible. There also are other benefits to calling 9-1-1: Emergency personnel can begin treatment immediately—even before you arrive at the hospital. Your heart may stop beating during a heart attack. Emergency personnel have the knowledge and equipment needed to start it beating again. Heart attack patients who arrive by ambulance tend to receive faster treatment on their arrival at the hospital. Note: If you are having heart attack symptoms and for some reason cannot call 9-1-1, have someone else drive you at once to the hospital. Never drive yourself unless there is absolutely no other choice.

Remember: Don’t Delay The best way to find out if symptoms are due to a heart attack is to get them checked at a hospital emergency department. In a heart attack, every minute that passes causes more of the heart muscle to die. You can save a life—your own or someone else’s—by calling 9-1-1 right away. Doctors and emergency personnel want anyone who may be having a heart attack to come to the emergency department without delay, even if the symptoms turn out to be a false alarm.

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Why Is HIIT the Best Cardio to Burn Fat?

by: aaronPOTTS

Exercise physiologists used to believe that “steady state” cardio was superior for fat loss because relatively more fat is used by the body as fuel at lower exercise intensities than at higher intensities. The “Fat Burning Zone” shown on most cardio equipment as only 60%-65% of max heart rate is really a myth and is NOT optimal for burning fat.Yes, you burn more fat relative to glycogen when going for a walk, but what we care about is total fat burn. At higher intensities, you are burning far more fat, even though the fat/glycogen ratio is lower. In addition, interval training allows you to exercise at very high intensities for a much longer period of time than steady state, so you burn more fat. As an added bonus, there’s also an afterburn effect known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). You increase your metabolism and burn more calories for up to 24 hours after interval training, whereas going for a jog burns almost NO calories after.

What are other HIIT Benefits When most people think of cardio, they think of long, boring jogs or endless hours on the elliptical. I’ve got good news for you: there’s a method of cardio that takes much less time and is far superior to jogging to help you burn fat. It’s called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and this article will give you the basics so you can take your body to a new fitness level. The picture to the right shows an extreme example of the different training outcomes of a marathoner (“steady state” cardio) and sprinter (high intensity interval training cardio). While these people obviously have different body types and genetics, the photo is still revealing.

What is High Intensity Interval Training? High Intensity Interval Training involves alternating between very intense bouts of exercise and low intensity exercise. For example, sprinting for 30 seconds, then walking for 60 seconds is high intensity interval training. HIIT can be used both anaerobically (in the gym with weights) and aerobically with cardio.

There are a number of great benefits to High Intensity Interval Training besides serious fat burn that include: • Increased Aerobic Capacity – The amount of oxygen your body can use (oxygen uptake) is increased, so your overall aerobic capacity can increase faster than with low intensity endurance exercise. • Increased Lactate Threshold – Your ability to handle increased lactic acid buildup in your muscles increases • Improved Insulin Sensitivity – Your muscles more readily suck in glucose, instead of the glucose going to your fat stores • Anabolic Effect – Some studies show that interval training combined with consuming slightly more calories than you burn creates an anabolic effect, which helps you put on muscle. The opposite occurs with steady state cardio, which for long durations is catabolic.

Sample HIIT Workout If you are a beginner, I would recommend only trying HIIT if you can do a session of cardio for 20-30 minutes at 7085% of your max heart rate.You can still try interval training, but at a lower exercise intensity, and beginners should always wear a heart rate monitor. NOTE: Interval training should begin with a 3-5 minute warm up and end with a 3-5 minute cool down to prevent dizziness, or nausea. Here’s a sample HIIT workout that’s simple, but effective:

• 60 Seconds Sprint/Fast Jog • 120 Seconds Walk/Slow Jog I do this HIIT workout all the time on a treadmill, elliptical, or outside. The duration of “work” is 60 seconds, and my “rest” is 120 seconds. The work/rest ratio in this case is 60/120, or 1 to 2. I shoot for 5-10 cycles, depending on the type of cardio I’m doing and if it’s right after strength training. The better shape you’re in, the higher intensity you can handle and the higher the work/rest ratio. For example, well trained athletes can use a 2 to 1 work /rest ratio, so they are sprinting for 120 seconds and only resting for 60 seconds. That’s tough! Any type of cardio can be used with interval training, but I would caution against running more than a few times per week, because the demands on your metabolic system and joints are significant. For beginners, I recommend the elliptical, which is lower impact. Swimming, jumping rope, cycling etc. can all work well as training modalities. I rarely go for just a jog unless I just want to clear my head, or get a little sweaty. Jogging is child’s play compared to HIIT, which is substantially more effective to help you burn fat in less time and take your body to a MUCH higher fitness level.



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