Senior Living March 2015

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March 15, 2015 - April 15, 2015 • Volume 1/Issue 4

Many thanks, to a great start!

Cover: Ronnie Lamarque Photo by Bach Imagery

Senior Living Magazine has been off to a great start in 2015. The community is really excited about the magazine. Both our readers and advertisers are enjoying the informative articles and exciting cover features. This month we are bringing you a special issue. Senior Housing! This issue is filed with lots of great information in regards to downsizing, and housing choices for seniors. This year it is our promise to you to bring informative articles and resources that you may need as you enter retirement age or if you are caring for a loved one that may need extra assistance. We will feature a whole line up of familiar seniors who are making headlines. Don’t miss out of their stories and what they are doing

with life after 50! Be sure to catch our May Issue. This issue is another special issue that you will want to keep as a resource on your coffee table. The May issue is called TOP DOC’s, featuring the best of the best physicians in our communities. You won’t want to miss this one! If you have a TOP DOC please email us we may feature them in the magazine. We love to hear from our readers! The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. –Chinese Proverb

- Michelle Carollo & Kelly Walgamotte Publishers

For Senior Living Magazine Advertsing InformationPlease contact: Mary West at (504) 610-1051 or email to

Table of Contents Planned Giving /Page 6 by Laurie Panzecas Money Matters /Page 7 by Mike Rich Walgreens: Vaccines /Page 10 by Bill Cloudet

Set up for Success /Page 12 by Kelly Walgamotte Senior Sampler /Page 14 & 15 by Michelle Carollo Cover Feature, Ronnie Lamarque/Page 16 by Lisa Fitzmorris Clement Senior Housing Section /Page 20 by Michelle Carollo Downsizing for Seniors /Page 27 by Mary Bounds Michelle Carollo (985) 445-3644 Kelly Walgamotte (985) 778-6171

Staff Publishers Michelle Carollo & Kelly Walgamotte Editor Lana Walgamotte

Account Executive Mary West

Contributing Writers Lisa Bologna Lisa Clement Mary Bounds Mike Rich

Chief Designer Chris Tiblier

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Photographer Bach Imagery

Senior Living is published monthly P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459. Michelle Carollo 985-445-3644 / Kelly Walgamotte (985) 778-6171 Copyright 2015 by Senior Living. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written, expressed consent of the publisher. Reproduction of editorial content or graphics in any manner or in any medium is prohibited. Opinions of staff & contributing writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. For advertising information, contact Senior Living business department

at 985-778-6171 or e-mail at Letters to the Editor are Welcome – send signed letters to P.O. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459. Please include a phone number for verification (it will not be published). E-mail letters to The Editor reserves the right to edit for length, style and spelling. Postmaster: Send address changes to Senior Living P.0. Box 752, Slidell, LA 70459

Planned According to the National Philanthropic Trust, 95 percent of households give to charities and nonprofit organizations. Philanthropy is a way to make a difference in the lives of other. While giving is often triggered by emotions, you can make an even bigger impact in your community through advanced gift planning.


by: Laurie Panzecas


lanned giving is a term used to describe a method of donating larger gifts to charitable organizations then what you can make solely from your income. In other words, instead of being made from discretionary income like a pledge or sponsorship, planned gifts are major donations that are part of your financial or estate planning. Planned giving is the act of deciding ahead of time where your charitable gifts will go at some point in the future. The process of planned giving allows for clear thinking without the pressure of a time line. It can be an exciting exercise filled with the thrill of imagining the world, or at least the part you want to influence, as a better place. "There are several different ways you can help support a cause that's special to you." said Slidell Memorial Hospital Foundation Executive Director Laurie Panzeca. "Planned giving is a way to maximize the financial benefit to your special cause and to yourself." Planned gifts include gifts that use appreciated assets in place of giving cash, such as property, securities or real estate. End-of-life gifts are also common, and these include naming the organization as a beneficiary in wills, bequests, life insurance Policies or retirement accounts. Additionally, there are gifts that return income back to you in return for your contribution, such as annuities, mutual funds or trusts. Endowments and other non-traditional ways to give provide more choices, as well. For example, a legacy gift can also be very practical addition to your financial or estate plan. In most cases, the

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tax burden left to relatives is lifted significantly. Your professional advisor can show you how giving may actually benefit your family after you are gone. Gifts both large and small are important legacy giving is not just for the wealthy. "At any stage of your life, whatever your specific situation may be, we can help you find a legacy giving option that suits your circumstances," Panzeca shared, You can adequately prepare for a planned gift by consulting with a financial advisor, attorney or accountant. With the gel of an expert, you can create a giving strategy that will reap the best tax advantages possible, Early planning can also help you maximize the benefits to the organization you wish to support. Whatever type of gift you decide on, you are always encouraged to investigate the effectiveness of the organization you choose to benefit. In the case of the SMH Foundation, tangible evidence is right here in Slidell, La. Donations build healthcare programs and places to provide them; help patients with transportation cost to the hospital; fund equipment for treatment and recovery; and much more. If you are a donor or are thinking about giving to the Foundation, we encourage you to schedule tours of the facilities to see the types of things your generosity can impact. Your gift ensures that the Foundation can sustain the future of Slidell Memorial Hospital.

To schedule a tour of the hospital or for more information on how you can benefit your community by giving to the SMH Foundation, call (985) 280-8820, or visit

Laurie Panzecas

by: Mike Rich

Do yourself a big money favor: Don’t peek! I have a wonderful wife. Her name is Mary and we have been married 41 years. In addition to being a great spouse, Mary is a fantastic cook. She is particularly fond of recipes that tell her to cover the pot and not peek while the food is cooking. Mary doesn’t know this, but I’ve found that the same “don’t peek” instructions might work pretty well for your investments, too. Here’s why. The fact that we’re human works against many of us when it comes to investing. We bring an entire laundry list of bad behaviors to the table, including something called recency bias, which causes us to anchor investment decisions on an event that occurred in the recent past – such as a market downturn – that we think will continue forever. So, when the market goes down a lot, we sell, thinking that the end is near and things will never be better again. When things do actually get better (which is usually the case), we buy back in (typically, much later), which sets up the infamous “sell low, buy high” pattern. This behavior is doomed to fail. My observations over many years of managing money for my clients is that the folks who stick with an investment plan that’s designed to meet their own goals (not someone else’s), who do not waver, and, in effect, who do not peek, actually experience the best overall portfolio performance over the long haul. Of course, we have to choose the portfolio that fits their goals best and re-balance to keep the asset allocation in line, but that’s about it. It really doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that. For those of us near or in retirement, we can’t afford to make mistakes with our money. As financial advisors, the

most important job Steve and I have is to keep our clients from making what we call “The Big Boo-Boo.” It happened to a lot of people in 2008 and 2009 when the stock market plummeted and they moved all or most of their investment money to cash, hoping to ride out the storm. Not only did they sell low, their behavior put them in a real pickle: “When do I get back in?” It turns out that the market bottomed out in March 2009 and ushered in an epic bull market, but who knew that was the bottom? Consequently, a lot of people missed out on the big run-up. However, my guess is that the investors who held on – that is, the ones who didn’t peek when everyone else was panic-selling – fared pretty well. I’ll also make a bet that the folks who weathered that storm well had an advisor who talked them off the ledge during that awful time. If you are the type of investor who prefers to do something other than stare with grim fixation at the daily moves of the stock market, we’d like to meet with you. Call Steve or me for a complimentary portfolio review.

Mike Rich and Steve Kernahan, Pontchartrain Investment Management, 2242 Carey Street, Slidell, LA 70458 985-605-5066

Adults over 65 can take charge of their health by receiving vaccines for preventable diseases. Medicare Part B and D plans are widely accepted. Immunizations-trained healthcare professionals can administer a wide range of CDC-recommended immunizations and vaccines for adolescents, adults and seniors. *

What Vaccines Do I need? by: Bill Clouded, PharmD

The following vaccines should be considered for seniors. Flu (Influenza) Seasonal Most Insurance Plans cover the annual Flu Shot with no copay. Seniors and people with certain health conditions are at high risk for serious u compications. Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Shingles is a painful skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Once you've had chickenpox, the virus remains in your body in a dormant or inactive stage. If the virus becomes active again you may get shingles. Age, increased stress, and problems with the immune system may increase your chances of getting shingles. The shingles rash usually occurs on one side of the body, in a line along a nerve pathway. The rash begins as a tingling in the area then forms a cluster of small red spots that often blister. The rash can be painful. Shingles rashes can last 2-4 weeks, but in some people the

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nerve pain can last for months. For most people, the pain associated with the rash lessens as it heals. Other symptoms of shingles can include fever, headache, chills and upset stomach. In some people, severe complications include pneumonia, blindness, hearing problems, brain inammation, and even death. Pneumonia (Pneumococcal) If the patient is 65 years and older who has never received either pneumonia vaccine, PCV13 vaccine should be given then 6-12 months later PPSV23 vaccine should be given. Td (Tetanus, Diphtheria) All adults aged 19 and older should get a booster dose of Td every 10 years

Tdap (Whooping Cough) New Grandchild? All adults who expect to have close contact with an infant younger than 12 months of age. Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B (Hep A and Hep B) The vaccine, given in two doses six months apart, is injected into the arm or thigh muscle. Both shots are needed for long-term protection. Along with other qualiďŹ ers, if you are traveling out of the country you'll want to check the CDC website to see if your destination requires this vaccine. MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) Adults who have not been vaccinated nor had the diseases, or don't know if they've been vaccinated or had the diseases and were born after 1957 should get at least one dose.

Traveling Abroad? Our pharmacists can provide a comprehensive travel health consultation to help you stay healthy on your next trip abroad. Find out if you need vaccines for Yellow Fever, Meningitis (Meningococcal), Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, Rabies and Polio.

Prepare for Your Immunization Wear loose-ďŹ tting clothing. Bring your insurance information and photo ID. If you schedule an immunization, check in 10 minutes before your appointment. Appointments are held for 20 minutes. If you check in more than 20 minutes after your appointment time, you will be seen in the order of arrival. At Walgreens you can get recommended immunizations based on your history and the latest age-recommended guidelines from the CDC. You can view and edit your vaccine history and immunizations received at Walgreens Pharmacy are automatically added to your record. * Vaccines subject to availability. Not all vaccines available in all locations. State, age, and health condition-related restrictions may apply.

S et Y ou r se lf U p Fo r S u cce ss New Habits to lose weight today by: Kelly Walgamotte

It's the small things that count and with weight loss it's the small habits that add up to big changes. By simply doing one or two of the habits mentioned below you notice a difference. The power is in numbers. By combing all of the habits below with a good healthy diet I personal guarantee success in your weight loss journey. Stick to these habits for a good 8 weeks and rejoice in your newly found body. 1. Hire a personal trainer to hold you accountable. Having someone to hold you accountable while on your weight loss journey could be the difference between success and failure. Everyone needs a second pair of eyes to keep them on track while guiding them to success. 2. Study your eating habits. Are you eating junk or sugary food late at night, nibbling while cooking, ďŹ nishing the kids dinner? Take a look around, and it will be easy to identify a few behaviors you can change that will add up to big calorie savings. It'll be hard to succeed if you truly don't know yourself. 3. Learn to read the nutritional facts on foods. Pay attention to serving sizes and the content of the food you're about to eat. It's all about the protein, carbs, and fats. Remember knowledge is power. Know what you putting in your mouth. Don't just put something in there because it taste good. Save that for your cheat meals. 4. Fail to plan, plan to fail. You need a plan and strategy for you meals. Take a few hours in the week to cook and pack your meals. Pack into Ziploc bags or storage containers. This is the number one key to success. 5. Start your day with breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. After a long night's rest, your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and give you energy for the rest of the day.

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6. If you snack during the day, treat the snack like a mini-meal. The best way to snack is with a high protein snack. Throw some fat in there to create a feeling of fullness. Stay away from junk and process foods. 7. Eat for you body not your tongue. Everything you put into your mouth should have a purpose. Think of it like planting a garden. You wouldn't plant weeds on purpose only plants that add to the beauty of the garden. So is it with food. Your body is the garden. Don't clutter it up with weeds (junk food). 8. Eat before you go to bed. Don't fall victim of the age old saying Don't eat after dinner. Somebody made that up a long time ago before we knew anything about nutrition. The key to this meal is to ONLY eat protein and fat and keep it somewhat small. 9. Eat carbs in the morning and fats in the evening. To really maximize your weight loss try eating carbs in the morning then switching to fats in the evening. Remember to keep protein with every meal. 10. Reward your self with cheat meals. If you going out with friends go ahead and indulge in some tasty foods. New Orleans has plenty to offer, just don't go hog wild. Always have a plan, understand what your eating, and why you're eating it. Remember these meals are designed as rewards for keeping up with you diet.

Keep yourself motivated by reading motivational books or quotes, talking with friends and family, or watching motivational videos. Either route you choose the main thing is, Motivation. The amount of free resources we have at our ďŹ nger tips is unbelievable, use them. Remember, no war has ever been won by an unmotivated leader. You're the leader in this war on weight loss. Lead the way in your life and change it. Wave your ag high and show the world your colors. You can do this.

Senior Sampler Corn Beef and Cabbage

March is a season that reminds me of Leprechauns, Four Leaf Clovers and of course Corned Beef and Cabbage. Ingredients: Baked Corned Beef • 3 lbs corned beef (in package) • 10 whole cloves • 1/4 cup hot sweet honey mustard • 2 Tbsp brown sugar Cabbage (sautéed) • Olive oil • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped • 1 cloves garlic, minced • 1 large head of cabbage, sliced into 3/8-inch to 1/2-inch wide slices • Salt Baked Corned Beef Take the corned beef from the package and discard the spice packet. Note that one side of the roast should have a layer of fat, the other side should have distinct lines indicating the grain of the beef. Corned beef can be very salty, especially when baked. To remove some of the salt before cooking, place it in a pot fat side up. Cover with water, bring to a boil, discard the water, add fresh water and bring to a boil again. Again discard the water. Preheat oven to 350°F. Lay the corned beef, fat side up, on a large piece of heavy duty, wide, aluminum foil (you may have to get creative with the way you wrap the beef if your foil isn't wide enough). Insert the cloves into the top of the slab of corned beef, evenly spaced. Spread

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the top with the hot sweet honey mustard. Sprinkle brown sugar over the top. Wrap the corned beef with foil in a way that allows for a little space on top between the corned beef and the foil, and creates a container to catch the juices. Place foil-wrapped corned beef in a shallow roasting pan and bake for 2 hours. Open the foil wrapping, spread a little more honey mustard over the top of the corned beef, and broil it for 2-3 minutes, until the top is bubbly and lightly browned. Let rest for 5 to 10 minutes, then place on cutting board. Pull out and discard the cloves. Then cut the meat at a diagonal, across the grain of the meat, into 1/2inch thick slices. Sautéed Cabbage 1 Heat approximately 2 Tbsp olive oil on medium high to high heat in a large, 8-quart or larger, high-sided sauté pan. Add chopped

onions, cook until clear, then add garlic. 2 Add about 1/3- ½ of the sliced cabbage to the pan. Sprinkle with a little salt and stir to mix with onions. Spread out the cabbage evenly over the bottom of the pan and do not stir until it starts to brown. A high heat setting will help the cabbage to brown quickly. Be careful not to burn the cabbage. When the bottom of the cabbage is nicely browned flip and brown the other side. Once the cabbage in the pan has browned, add the remaining cabbage to the pan. Mix well, then spread. out the cabbage and repeat. You may need to add a bit more olive oil to the pan to help with the browning, and to keep the cabbage from sticking too much to the pan. Serve with the corned beef. Serve with boiled new potatoes. Can be made ahead and reheated.

Senior Sampler Irish Soda Bread with Raisins 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 3-1/2 to 4 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup golden raisins

INGREDIENTS 1 package (1/4 ounce) active dry yeast 1/2 cup warm water (110° to 115°) 3 tablespoons sugar, divided 1 cup warm buttermilk (110° to 115°) Note: Warmed buttermilk will appear curdled. 2 tablespoons butter, softened 1/2 teaspoon salt

DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add 1 tablespoon sugar; let stand for 5 minutes. Beat in the buttermilk, butter, salt, baking soda, 1 cup flour and remaining sugar until smooth. Stir in raisins and enough remaining flour to form a soft dough. 2. Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes. Place

in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 40 minutes. 3. Punch dough down. Turn onto a lightly floured surface; knead for 2 minutes. Shape into a round loaf. Place on a greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. With a sharp knife, cut a 1/4-in.deep cross on top of loaf. 4. Bake at 350° for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan to cool on a wire rack. Yield: 1 loaf (12 slices).

Irish Potato Cakes 2 Tablespoons of Milk I Tablespoon of Mixed Herbs de Province Salt and Pepper to taste

INGREDIENTS 2 Cups of Mashed Potatoes 1/3 Cup of Flour

PREPARATION 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Combine the first 6 ingredients in a bowl. Whisk together oil, soy milk, & vanilla in a separate bowl. Add wet mixture to dry ingredients; stir to

combine. Fold in banana, walnuts, & chocolate chips etc. 2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Scoop dough onto pan with a small ice-cream scoop. Bake 25 minutes or until golden brown, turning baking sheet halfway through. Let cool on a wire rack. Yields 16 Cookies

Irish Coffee 1 large measure Irish whiskey ( Michael Collins is a favorite) 1-2 tbsp Heavy Whipped Cream

INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup hot, strong, black coffee 1-2 tsp sugar

Warm a stemmed whiskey glass with hot water and discard prior to filling it with the hot coffee so that it will not break. Fill the glass

more than half full with coffee and add sugar to taste. Stir to dissolve, then add the whiskey. Pour the cream over the back of a spoon to float on top.

Author: Lisa Fitzmorris Clement • Photo’s by: Bach Imagery

With a motto of "Being in business is more

than just putting up a sign," Arabi Native Ronnie Lamarque has built an empire of success by feeling blessed and humbled by where he came from. Born in 1946 in Old Arabie to an Italian mother, Marie D'Geralamo, and a French father, Anthony Lamarque, Ronnie was the fourth of seven children. His grandfather, Emile Lamarque, tended land near the Domino refinery, checking in the sheep and horses. Lamarque attended Arabi Elementary School and Chalmette High School, where he developed his ambition to become a singer. His music idols at the time were Fats Domino, Elvis Presley, and Louie Prima. Although he became a member of the Noble band and was inducted into the Louisiana Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, his life took a different turn.

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LSU in the fall of 2015. Through the redirection of his life, Lamarque gave up alcohol in 2007. Giving back to the community where he was raised has always been a main priority for Lamarque. Through his years of chairing the Leukemia Pro Am at City Park, he helped raise millions of dollars for Leukemia research: a disease near and dear to him, as his mother passed away from Leukemia. Also, he has both sponsored patriotic programs in the Greater New Orleans Area schools and brings Christmas cheer to the children of Children's Hospital of New Orleans. Referring to New Orleans as the "city of cities," he would like to see New Orleans continue to put the proper police force in place. With events and attractions like Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest, Sugar Bowl, the Saints, and the Pelicans, there is always something going on; our citizens and visitors need to feel and be safe while enjoying all that our wonderful city has to offer. He believes that New Orleans' "melting pot Gumbo" is changing again with all the Millenials making their lives here. He believes we could see a new regime of living with downtown condos and apartments, where more people will walk or bike to work and recreation. Growing up, Lamarque's dream was to own a car; his family never owned one. With determination as his driving force, Lamarque was able to both own a car and become a successful businessman in the automotive industry for the past 45 years. He currently owns and operates Lamarque Ford in the Greater New Orleans Area and Mercedes-Benz of Mobile. Lamarque says, "getting up early, going to bed late, and hard work" are some of the factors that have helped him achieve success. In addition to fulfilling and surpassing his professional goals, this larger than life gentleman has embraced a knack for picking out the right horses as well. In 1987 Lamarque and his partner Louis Roussel purchased a horse for $300,000 named Risen Star, the son of Triple Crown winner, Secretariat. This American thoroughbred racehorse went on to win the Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes in 1988. Lamarque's life changed when his wife Natasha gave birth to their son, Ronnie Michael, 18 years ago. He came to realize that he was not man-made, but God-made. His son, now a senior at the Isidore Newman School in New Orleans, has accepted an invitation to play football at

“ T h roughout his life Lamarque has always had a desire to be the best and said that he has had an inner self feeling of success.”

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At fifty years old, Lamarque picked up a Bible and learned to know and love his Lord and Savior in a way he didn't know was possible. And through the years of putting God first and his family second, his life has been lived in a beautiful way. And, his positive, energetic attitude, are inspiring to those around him.

By: Michelle Carollo

For many reaching the age of retirement discussions arise with downsizing and choosing a place to live. If your search for senior housing options is prompted by a medical condition or for just a lifestyle change, ďŹ nding the right place to live can be challenging and stressful. Learning about the different types of senior housing available, allows you to make the right choice you or a family member. The right decision will ensure enjoyment in a happy, healthy, and fulďŹ lling home environment as you age. The earlier you assess your current needs and how those needs will change over time, the more choices and control you’ll have. There are many different options of housing available to seniors, it is important to educate yourself about the different types.

arise suddenly or from a chronic condition. Home improvement or maintenance needs is another important factor to consider. If you are living alone or your current residence may be costly to maintain there are options for housing that provides a maintenance free choice for housing.

Social Support System:

Adaptation and change are inevitable as we age. Planning your future housing needs is an important part of ensuring that you continue to live a fulfilling life as you get older. Every adult is different, so the senior housing choice that’s right for one person may not be ideal for you. In an effort to make the right decision focus on housing that will match your lifestyle, health, and financial needs.

Assessing your needs: When deciding on the senior housing plan that’s right for you, it’s important to consider not only the needs you have now but also those you may have in the future. The following should be considered in your evaluation: What is my Level of Care: Start by looking at your physical and medical needs, as we get older we may require extra assistance in our activities of daily living (ADLS). These needs could range from light housekeeping, shopping, cooking, to more intensive assistance like bathing, mobility or feeding. It is important to remember that medical needs can

Social networks, are important as we age. Friends and family members may have passed on or moved away. Transportation provides a key role for allowing exposure to social opportunities. However, conditions or circumstances may not allow you to be able to drive, and many housing options will have this benefit that allows you not to feel homebound or isolated.

Financial Planning:

Financial considerations need to be evaluated. Unanticipated medical expenses, modifying your home or utilizing long term care options can be expensive. A careful evaluation is important and financial planning is recommended. Senior housing options like assisted living is costly, but in home care can rapidly add up as well, especially if 24-hr coverage is needed. Long term care insurance options are available to help offset the costs of long term care. Elder care managers can provide a professional assessment in managing your situation. They can offer advice in crisis management, interview home help or assist with placement in an assisted living facility or nursing home.

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So what are my Options? There are many different housing options available to seniors, from staying in your own home to specialized facilities that provide roundthe-clock nursing care. Senior housing will vary according to the amount of care provided for activities of daily living (ADL) and for medical needs. In your search for a senior housing option, make sure it covers your required level of care and that you are informed on exactly what the facilities offer and the associated costs involved.

Staying Home The advantage of staying at home allows you stay in a familiar place where you know your neighbors and the community. There are a wide range of home care services that can assist you maintaining your independence within the comfort of your own home. These range from Home Health Care to a Senior Day care option. An in home assessment by a home health provider can help with designing modifications to make your life easier and safer, such as installing a wheelchair ramp, bathtub railings, or emergency response system.

Staying at home may be a good option if: ● You have a close social support system of nearby of family, friends, and neighbors ● Transportation is easily accessible. ● Your neighborhood and home is safe ● Modifications can be made to your home to reflect your changing needs

Retirement Community or Independent Living A retirement community is a fairly new concept this enables active seniors to remain in their own homes without having to rely on family and friends. This is an independent housing arrangement designed exclusively for seniors. This may include free-standing homes, condos, or apartments. Retirement communities allow seniors to access specialized programs and services with in a community setting of seniors the same age and activity level. These services can include transportation to the grocery store, home health care, or help with household chores, outside maintenance, as well as a network of social activities with other retirement community members.

A consideration for Retirement Community Living may be considered if: ● ● ● ●

You would like to be in a community with others your age & activity level You need minor assistance with activities of daily living You’d like a place that does not require a lot of maintenance and upkeep You like transportation for shopping or social activities

● Home and yard maintenance is not overwhelming or help can be obtained ● Your physical and medical needs do not require a higher skill level of care ● You live in a retirement community.

Assisted Living

“You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.”

-George Burns

This can also be called residential care, board and care, congregate care, adult care home, adult group home, alternative care facility. Assisted Living housing option is recommended for those who need some help with activities of daily living, assistance with medications, and staff available for safety concerns 24 hours a day. The cost for these centers will vary according to the level of daily help required. Assisted living facilities can provide an apartment like living style with kitchens and living quarters. These can be private apartments for shared for cost savings. These facilities have a common dining area, beauty salons, and centers for recreational activities. Transportation for social outings are usually available.

An assisted living facility may be a good choice if: ●

You need more personal care services than are feasible at home or in an inde-

pendent living retirement community ●

You don’t need the round-the-clock medical care & super vision of a nursing home

Nursing Homes A nursing home will typically provide the highest level of care for older adults outside of a hospital setting. These centers provide a specialized skill set of medical care. This skilled care can be nursing, physical and occupational therapy. A licensed physician supervises each resident’s care and a nurse or other medical professional is almost always on the premises.

A nursing home may be a good choice if: ● Both your medical and personal care needs have become too great to handle at home or in another facility. This may be due to a recent hospitalization, or a chronic illness which has gradually been worsening. ● You need a higher level of care temporarily after a hospitalization, but it’s anticipated you will be able to return to home or another facility after a period of time.

Keeping you independent for as long as you are able is the ultimate goal. Long term planning is crucial to feeling settled in your future. It is normal

while making these decisions to feel confused, vulnerable, or even angry when you realize you can’t do the things you used to be able to do. You may even feel guilty that you are being a burden to family and friends. Understanding and acknowledging these feelings, as well as keeping an open mind to new ways to make life easier. There are resources out there to assist you in your decision making process. Involve your loved ones in this process. Preparation and planning will not only help you to cope with your change in situation better, you may also be able to prolong other aspects of your independence for longer.

by: Mary Bounds

Studies estimate most people use about 20% of the things they own. A survey from the University of Kansas states 56% of those aged 50-59 and 62% of those 70-79 admit they have more things than they need. In contrast, seniors who streamline their households, say they enjoy a freer, less stressful lifestyle. Yet downsizing remains a sensitive subject for many older adults. Relocating to a smaller home, efficiency apartment, or assisted living center can be an emotional experience. Add to that the need to scale down a lifetime of possessions, and it can be overwhelming. With proper planning and forethought, however, the process of downsizing can be a positive experience for everyone involved. It is best to begin downsizing before the need is urgent. Starting the process a week before moving day can create undue stress. If possible plan to spend a few weeks or months sorting through items. Don’t work alone. The job will be more enjoyable and efficient if a friend or family member is actively involved, reliving memories along the way. Before the process gets underway, ask adult children to reclaim and remove any of their items. This will hopefully deter unforeseen family feuds. Consider also if this is a good time to pass down family heirlooms. It can be deeply rewarding to watch loved ones appreciate the history and sentiment of a meaningful gift. Begin with large items such as furniture. Determine which pieces are no longer needed, then devise a “distribution plan”. Some prefer giving these items to family or donating them to charity, while others welcome the quick cash from selling their excess furnishings. Either way, once the large items are removed, the overall job will appear much smaller. Next tackle one room at a time. At this point the task becomes more nostalgic. Smaller items tend to have sentimental value far beyond their

usefulness or worth. Take time to reminisce with others and gently move forward emotionally. Experts in the moving industry suggest photographing mementos and souvenirs for a keepsake scrapbook. Ask a grandchild to scan family photos into the computer for convenient, frequent viewing. Once the memory is “safe” it is easier to let go. Sort articles into groups by deciding which to keep, sell or donate. When duplicate items are found, keep only one. No one really needs three toaster ovens! Eliminate clothing that has not been worn in over one year. Then note which pieces to sell at your inevitable yard sale or in a local consignment shop. Finally consider donations to charity. Some charitable organizations pick up donated items at the home, and don’t forget that nice tax deduction! If this still seems too daunting to take on, there are professionals who can help lessen the load. A number of private and non-profit agencies have trained specialists to assist seniors through the physical and emotional demands of the downsizing process. Services can be customized to meet individual needs every step of the way. Check local listings for resources nearby. Once the process is complete, the outcome may surprise you. Downsizing does have an upside. Fewer items to clean, maintain or store, means more time for hobbies, travel or new adventures. Incredibly, less truly can be more!

By: Kelly Walgamotte

Research has shown socially-active seniors live longer than those who live in a non socially-active, so it’s important for both body and mind to stay social during the golden years. But if you’re having trouble figuring out how to keep your social life active, we have some tips to help you stay engaged in daily life for healthy mind, body and spirit: the best ideas for social senior living.


Reach Out to Your Local Senior Center

After years of getting up early for work, you might feel a bit restless in retirement. Yet this is a great time to start another kind of job: giving back to your community. Start your search by checking the local news for volunteer organizations making a splash. Some possible volunteer opportunities to experience positive, social senior living include the following: Museums • Libraries • Food charities • Veterans Affairs centers • Parks Some volunteer positions may even transition into part-time jobs, a great way to earn extra spending money during social senior living adventures.

Senior centers offer events tailored for senior citizens. They may include these options: Field trips • Knitting • Arts and crafts • Fitness programs • Computer classes • Movies and theater • Foreign languages These activities can be free or cost a fee. Ask a senior center associate about any other interests you have. If there’s a program not offered by the center itself, but exists near your community, they are likely to know about it.

Take Adult Education Classes Learning is a lifelong process. If you live within driving distance of a college, check its website or call to see if the campus offers continuing education courses. These courses are open to older adults and should be offered at a (sometimes heavily) discounted rate. Once there, actively participate in class to make new acquaintances and keep your mind stimulated.

Stay Active You’re much more likely to meet people if you’re not only out and about, also feel good, so don’t spend all your time with your feet up. Your local Gym or family health center may have discounted rates for seniors and offer weight machines or a pool area for low-impact exercises. Taking the time to walk around the neighborhood, or within a favorite area of town, can present you with new social senior living opportunities.

and get the results you need!

Mary West

Account Executive (504) 610-1051

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