Weekend, January 13-15, 2012 News worth sharing.
A few Savage words Sex columnist Dan Savage says he woke up Thursday morning thinking he was married JOE LOFARO
Outspoken American author and journalist Dan Savage told his husband Thursday morning their marriage was no longer valid. What did husband Terry Miller have to say about that? “Nothing you can print,” Savage told Metro in an interview from Seattle. The couple was reacting to news reports according to which the Conservative government argued non-resident same-sex couples who married in Canada are not legally wed if same-sex marriages are unlawful in their home jurisdictions. “We’re not crawled up in the fetal position on the floor. We’re getting up and we’re going to fight,” he said. “But we’re pissed.” Savage said the controversy has left marriages like his in “legal limbo” and that if the federal policy on samesex mar-
riage nullifies his marriage, then it has far-reaching consequences. “In Washington state, my husband and I are domestic partners because we’re
married in Canada,” said Savage, who married Miller in Vancouver in 2005. “So if we’re not
“You can’t give someone a marriage licence, tell them that their marriage is valid, have no asterisk ... and then years and years and years later say, ‘Oh, by the way — psych! Didn’t mean it.’ ” DAN SAVAGE
Dan Savage, right, and his husband Terry Miller at the White House last June.
married in Canada, we’re not domestic partners here.” Although Washington state doesn’t perform samesex marriages, it does recognize domestic partnerships that were performed in jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is legal. Savage said the
Now he’s not so sure From his blog “Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go wake up my husband and tell him we got divorced last night.” “Stephen Harper’s government reopened this issue, not the gays, and Stephen Harper’s government deserves the blame.”
news was “personally distressing” and “a big step backwards for Canada.” He and his husband will continue to fight to ensure the issue is debated until equality is granted to all same-sex couples. As a gay-rights activist, Savage is well known for his It Gets Better movement, which was started with an online video of him and his husband reaching out to gay youth to prevent teen suicides. More on the marriage controversy {page 10}