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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 News worth sharing.
City drug program’s demise leads to rise in needle use: Group
Frigid. Cold
Alberta Health Services ordered an end to the distribution of crack pipes in August Legality of program remains a mystery
Bonnie Wells made sure her hood was tied tight as she made her way down Stephen Avenue Tuesday. KATIE TURNER/METRO
It felt like -50 C last night While the mercury hovered around -30 C Tuesday afternoon, overnight temperatures dropped to -36 C and felt like -50 C. The frigid temperatures are expected until Saturday, when Calgary may see a high near 0 C.
Frontline workers attempting to aid drug addicts say they have noticed a disturbing trend since Alberta’s governing health body ordered an end to the distribution of crack pipes. A harm-reduction group known as Safeworks had been offering the devices in Calgary for more than three years in hopes of curbing the spread of disease and generating first contact with drug users. In August, however, just as Vancouver was planning to launch a similar program, scrutiny of the program emerged in a local media publication. Citing potential legal issues, Alberta Health Services ordered an end to the pipe distribution shortly after. Now, five months later, outreach workers like Nicole Bealing with support agency Alpha House say the closure has led to a “huge step backwards.”
In Vancouver Aiyanas Ormond with the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users said demand outstripped supply during December, the first month of its crack-pipe-distribution pilot. He also said the group is reaching more addicts than ever before as a result.
“We have noticed a significant increase in clients using needles since the program at Safeworks was closed,” she said, noting that in November the group doled out twice as many needle kits to drug users than it typically did when the crack-pipe program was running. Advocates believe using needles over pipes increases the risk of spreading HIV. Bealing added that while the Safeworks pipes were made of glass, others are metal and more likely to create
sores on a user’s lips. Alpha House isn’t alone in its fears either. “The life expectancy of a homeless Calgarian is 48,” said Debbie Newman, executive director of the Calgary Drop-In Centre, in a written statement. “Homeless Calgarians are vulnerable and require innovative programs that prevent the spread of disease.” A spokesperson for Alberta Health Services pointed out that Safeworks continues to offer other harm-reduction services, but shed little light on whether the group would ever return to distributing pipes. Bealing, meanwhile, says Alpha House members will continue to reach out to addicts, but fears the deck may be further stacked against them going forward. “It’s very frustrating,” she said. “You kind of start to wonder what else might be taken away.” JEREMY NOLAIS
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