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Hungry for the sequel before games even begins?

under pressure to appease fans, Screenwriter is already shaping his adaptation of the hunger games followup page 22


WEEKEND, March 9-11, 2012 News worth sharing.

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Police plan ahead as another cup run looms for Canucks Playoffs. VPD chief says it’s too early to assess riot risk, will depend on length of post-season phylicia Torrevillas


With the NHL playoffs fast approaching, VPD Chief Jim Chu

says the force is already bracing for the Vancouver Canucks’ Stanley Cup chase. “We’ve got the plans in place to ensure that we have officers deployed in the right places at the right levels,” he said, adding the VPD has looked at the recommendations from various post-riot independent and internal reviews.

Chu said they have also talked to other regional police forces to make sure there is a liquor strategy in place. One of the problems on the night of the riot, Chu pointed out, was that people came into Vancouver’s downtown core with their liquor. “We’ve had large events since (the riot) and that

… strategy has been successful,” he said. “During the Celebration of Light, we asked our policing partners in the region to stop them before they got on the train and intercept that liquor before they came downtown.” The VPD has had discussions with Mayor Gregor Robertson and city staff about the upcoming

preparations, said Chu, adding that he agrees with the city’s idea to have smaller events. Charles Gauthier, executive director of the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association, said he would like to see smaller-scale, crowdcontrolled events in multiple locations, similar to what was done during the Olympic Winter Games. He said he believes that a

balance between celebrating the team and maintaining safety can be reached. “We’re very supportive of hosting events outdoors and having them downtown, but with the proper security and safety plans in place,” he said, adding that gathering fans at BC Place or Rogers Arena can also be options. more riot coverage, page 4 canucks versus jets, page 32

Air Canada disruption averted

round 2 Whitecaps goalkeeper Joe Cannon dives for the ball during a Major League Soccer training session in Vancouver on Thursday. The Whitecaps open their second MLS season with a game against Montreal Saturday in Vancouver. Check out our Whitecaps season preview, page 33. darryl dyck/the canadian press

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MP sends labour dispute to board ahead of March-break travel period page 14

Time to spring forward Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead by one hour before bed on Saturday night


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