returning to the red carpet
Tonight’s jackpot
jessica chastain is back at cannes for lawless, But this time brad pitt is not there to hold her hand
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 News worth sharing. | |
Pride may still face objections to funding June council meeting. Councillors opposing ‘Israeli apartheid’ group hope to withhold cash
Council’s economic development committee rapidly approved the city’s $123,807 grant to Pride Toronto on Tuesday. There were no speeches, questions or debates about Mideast politics. But it became clear immediately after the committee met that the June meeting of the whole council will be far more contentious.
princely passenger No, this bus does not stop at Buckingham Palace — Prince Charles is seen boarding the TTC to ride with community-organization leaders on Tuesday. The royal couple spent a whirlwind day in the city as part of their four-day visit to Canada to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. See story, page 4. Paul Chiasson/the canadian press
Coun. Josh Colle, a key centrist swing voter, told reporters the city should not fund the 10-day gay and lesbian festival if the activist group Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA) is permitted to march in the July 1 parade. And Coun. James Pasternak said he’s expecting a motion to hold back Pride’s funding until after the festival, subject to certain conditions. This would not be the first time such a motion has been brought forth, and in 2011 city manager Joe Pennachetti said in a report that QuAIA doesn’t violate the city’s anti-discrimination policy. torstar news service
Torontonians Greyhound stabbed in U.S. killer’s story Two Scarborough women are dead after an apparent botched robbery in Atlantic City page 3
Man who beheaded a bus passenger has been treated unfairly by the public, says a mental-health advocate page 8
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