metronews.ca Monday, June 4, 2012
Ward 5. City councillor gets the nod as FCM president Longtime Edmonton city councillor Karen Leibovici is the new president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Leibovici was acclaimed president at the organization’s 75th annual conference in Saskatoon on Sunday. With close to 2,000 members, FCM represents the interests of local governments in policy and program matters that fall within federal jurisdiction. Leibovici is in her fourth term as councillor for Edmonton’s Ward 5. Metro Found by police dogs
Coun. Karen Leibovici City of Edmonton
Rededication ceremony
Leduc RCMP charge parolee after crash
Downtown church celebrates one century
Leduc RCMP have charged a parolee recently released from prison for fleeing on foot after he crashed his vehicle into a lamp post and fence on Highway 2 north of Highway 19 on May 30. Police dogs tracked down Nadir Kassam, 53, of Edmonton, who was passed out in a ditch one kilometre away. metro
The First Presbyterian Church, located downtown at 100 Avenue and 105 Street, celebrated its 100th anniversary on Sunday. The 1912 building was declared a provincial historic resource in 1987 and by the city in 2000. A dinner was held Saturday, but a rededication ceremony Sunday was held for the milestone. Metro
Wildrose leader Danielle Smith, seen here in a campaign photo, says her party got caught up in PC procedural play in the first week of the legislature sitting.
Wildrose gets a lesson in who’s the boss metro file
East of Edmonton. 1 dead in fiery tanker-truck crash One man is dead after two tanker trucks collided 20 kilometres east of Sherwood Park Sunday afternoon. According to Strathcona County RCMP Const. Wally Henry, a Gibson’s Energy double tanker truck, initially travelling southbound on Range Road 215, was rearended after turning west onto Highway 16 by another tanker truck. “The driver of the (second) tanker ended up
in the median … and (the vehicle) broke out into flames,” said Henry. Witnesses attempted to help the driver of the second tanker out of his truck, but couldn’t before it was engulfed by flames, said Henry. He was pronounced dead on scene. The first truck was carrying crude oil, while the second was empty. Heather McIntyre/Metro
Accusation. Danielle Quoted Smith issues rebuke after PCs abruptly move “They just wanted to be jerks.” to adjourn session just Danielle Smith before Wildrose MLA butions, Danielle Smith and ably going to be par for the was about to speak her rookie MLAs were given course.” Maurice Tougas
After a week of roasting the government on everything from the “no meet” committee to illegal campaign contri-
a blunt reminder of who’s in charge under the dome at the close of the session Thursday. “They pulled out a bunch of procedural manoeuvres at the end of the week that just left my team feeling pretty disgusted by it all,” Smith said in an interview with Metro. “But that’s prob-
On Thursday, just before Wildrose MLA Ian Donovan was set to give his “maiden speech” (a new MLA’s first opportunity to address the legislature) the PCs abruptly moved to adjourn the session. Angry opposition members forced a full vote on the motion, which took 20
minutes — plenty of time for Donovan to have given his speech, Smith said. Smith said some of her MLAs were told by government members the move was in response to some Wildrose members “getting out of line”. “It’s so silly,” Smith chuckled. “They just wanted to be jerks.” Overall, Smith felt it was a successful but “nerve-wracking” week for the opposition. She feels they got over their “first-day-of-class jitters” and will be better prepared for the new session in the fall.
Invitation accepted. Premier to attend Edmonton Pride festival this weekend
10468 - 82nd Avenue, Edmonton, AB (780) 439-8519 www.tobacconist.ca mon-wed 10am - 8pm thurs & fri 10am - 9pm sat: 10am - 8pm sun: 12pm - 6pm
Premier Alison Redford Jeff McIntosh/THE CANADIAN PRESS
Organizers of this year’s gay pride festival in Edmonton are calling the news that Premier Alison Redford will attend a “milestone.” Festival spokesman Terry Harris says that to his knowledge, no Alberta premier has accepted an invitation before. Redford’s official itinerary for next week states the premier will greet the Edmonton Pride Festival on Saturday afternoon in Sir Winston Churchill Square, which is in front of city hall. Harris says the event in the square immediately follows the
annual pride parade. During the provincial election campaign in April, an online video surfaced of Opposition Wildrose Party candidate Allan Hunsperger claiming homosexuals would burn in a lake of fire. Redford said at the time that if Hunsperger was a Progressive Conservative, she would have removed him from her team. The Canadian Press
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