Metropol - 11 August 2016

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11 AUGUST 2016


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National Multi Award Winning Magazine

Metropol August 11, 2016 1

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Kate Pierson


EDITOR’S Kate Pierson PERSPECTIVE EDITOR’S Kate Pierson PERSPECTIVE EDITOR’S Kate Pierson PERSPECTIVE EDITOR’S ith Canterbury FashionPERSPECTIVE Week next week, and our latest cover a

fashionable nodFashion to whatWeek we can expect show, a I've ith Canterbury next week,from and this our year's latest cover Kate Pierson been thinking quite a lot about the subject. fashionable nod to what we can expect from this year's show, ith Canterbury Fashion Week next week, and our latest cover aI've Generating billions ofa dollars per annum in New Zealand, fashion is been thinking quite lotwe about subject. fashionable nod to what can the expect from this year's show, I've the untameable beast at billions theFashion heart of consumer culture. chameleon likea is Generating of dollars per annum in The New Zealand, fashion ith Canterbury Week next week, and our latest cover been thinking quite a lot about the subject. nature of thefashionable industry keeps loyalists to 'what's hot and what's not' on their the untameable beast at the heart of consumer culture. The chameleon likeI'veis nod to what we can expect from this year's show, Generating billions of dollars per annum in New Zealand, fashion toes, and leaves the rest ofquite usloyalists who consider ourselves a 'work innot' progress' nature of the industry keeps to 'what's hot and what's on their been thinking a lot about the subject. the untameable beast at the heart of consumer culture. The chameleon like rather perplexed. toes, and leaves the rest of us who consider 'work in progress' Generating billions of dollars perourselves annum inaNew Zealand, nature of the industry keeps loyalists to 'what's hot and what's not' onfashion their is All of this 'threads andat kicks' talk has inspired some nostalgic and ratherlike cringerather perplexed. the untameable theusheart consumer culture. chameleon toes, and leaves beast the rest of who of consider ourselves a The 'work in progress' “Heart to heart conversations areI the best tomy me. Everyone’s vulnerable. Vulnerability inducing memories for me as reflect on style – or rather unstylish All of this 'threads and kicks' talk has inspired some nostalgic and rather cringenature of the industry keeps loyalists to 'what's hot and what's not' on their rather perplexed. attracts honesty, attracts soul connections” – unknown evolution. It honesty would be difficult to determine which of the styles I donned as a kid inducing memories for me as I reflect on my style – or rather unstylish toes, and leaves the rest of us who consider ourselves a 'work in progress' All ofalong this 'threads and kicks' talk has inspired somethe nostalgic and cringeDriving in my car last week, hail stones pelting roof and therather sky above of the perplexed. eighties and nineties eras thewhich 'mostofheinous' fashion faux as pas evolution. It would be difficult todeserves determine the styles I donned a kid rather inducing memories for me as I reflect on my style – or rather unstylish ominously grey, I wondered at what point in the coming days the weather would be title. of the eighties and nineties eras deserves the 'most heinous' fashion faux pas All of this 'threads and kicks' talk has inspired some nostalgic and rather cringeevolution. would be difficult to determine whichor ofdistant the styles I donned as This a kidin brought up as aIt conversation filler between strangers acquaintances. My obsession with unflattering fabrics;on oversized, wideleg jeans, and tie-dye title. inducing memories for me as I reflect – or rather unstylish - pas of the and about nineties eras deservesmy thestyle 'most heinous' fashion faux turn got meeighties to thinking ‘small talk’. leggings with slouch socks spring to mind as doeswideleg a denim 'cowgirl' My obsession with unflattering fabrics; oversized, jeans, andstyled tie-dyea kid evolution. It would difficult determine which of thefor styles title. In the latter half of mybe twenties I to developed a real disdain smallI donned talk and as have dress covered in sequins, which Ideserves picked up second-hand shopping with my leggings with slouch socks spring to mind as does a denim 'cowgirl' styled of the eighties and nineties eras the 'most heinous' fashion faux pas My obsession with unflattering fabrics; oversized, wideleg jeans, and tie-dye found myself avoiding it ever since. I’m not so much talking about the polite chit-chat Mum and worein tosequins, the point of itsI extinction. That was a sad day in our my dress covered which up shopping title. that’sleggings an inevitable part ofsocks many of ourpicked social but more thewith awkward ‘you with slouch spring to mindenvironments, assecond-hand does a denim 'cowgirl' styled household. Mum and the point of its extinction. Thatoccurs was afrom sad day into our My obsession with unflattering fabrics; oversized, wideleg jeans, and tie-dye coulddress hear a pinwore drop’ stuttering and that time time. covered into sequins, which Ispluttering picked up second-hand shopping with my I also can't forget the pink, patent leather heels that my friend and I wore on household. leggings with slouch socks spring to mind as does a denim 'cowgirl' styled These have to an the insatiable appetite for sincere conversations Mumdays andI wore point of its extinction. Thatand wasmind-enriching a sad day in our girls' nights out. My preoccupation with heeled shoes (no longer the case I also can't forget the pink, patent leather heels that my friend and I wore on dress covered in sequins, which I picked up second-hand shopping with my that leave me feeling full of life. I gravitate towards them. Conversely, I love the these feeling household. days) in fact started atpoint around theextinction. age ofheeled six when I begged my parents forthese my girls' nights out. My preoccupation with shoes (no longer the case Mum and wore to the of its That was a sad day in our of being able to sit peacefully without the need for any exchange, safe in the knowledge I also can't forget the pink, patent leather heels that my friend and I wore on own pair of 'clip clops'. Iaround still me vividly remember when they took me toTullius buyfor them. days) in fact started at the age of six when I begged my parents my that the company I keep accepts entirely. Roman philosopher Marcus Cicero household. girls' nights out. My preoccupation with heeled shoes (no longer the case these thinkpair I probably insisted on sleeping in great them such was the love of Ito these $20 is credited with saying, “Silence is one of the arts of conversation”. I couldn’t own of 'clip clops'. I still vividly remember when they took me buy them. Idays) also can't forget the pink, patent leather heels that my friend and wore on in fact started at around the age of six when I begged my parents for my white, pointed with bows on. with agreeown I more. think I probably insisted onvividly sleeping inheeled them when such was love ofto these $20 girls' nights out.heels My preoccupation shoes (nothe longer the case these pair of 'clip clops'. I still remember they took me buy them. The ability to converse with our words, and language is an The interesting thing about a lot ofage theeyes styles webody have banished to theincredible back my of white, heels with bows on. fact started at around the six when begged my- of parents Idays) thinkin Ipointed probably insisted on sleeping inofthem such Iwas the love these for $20 gift, one that can easily be taken for granted. I have always been a great believer that our minds/wardrobes is that they find themselves back in vogue when style The interesting thing about a lot of the styles we have banished to the back of own pair of 'clip clops'. I still vividly white, pointed heels with bows on. remember when they took me to buy them. everyone has an extraordinary story to tell, and if we stop for long enough to listen, royalists decide to give them a second wind. our minds/wardrobes is that they find themselves back in vogue when style I think I probably insisted onasleeping them we such wasbanished the love to of the these $20of the The interesting thing about lot of theinstyles have back worldwhite, is a wonderful narrator. Ultimately, fashion is an them extremely subjective, personal thing, but I believe one royalists decide to give a second wind. pointed heels with bows on. our minds/wardrobes is that they find themselves back in vogue when style At The Metropol we are fortunate to discover share many people’s stories every of the best parts about donning something you feel really proud of, is the Ultimately, fashion is about anthem extremely personal thing, butto I the believe one interesting thing a alot of subjective, the and styles we have banished back of royalists decide to give second wind. issueconfidence – each chronicles a unique tale. It can be a soul-bearing exercise to communicate injection. Despite being somewhat offeel aback Tomboy thesewhen days, I know I of the best parts about donning something you really proud of, is the our minds/wardrobes is that they find themselves in vogue style Ultimately, fashion is an extremely subjective, personal thing, but I believe one whatalso resides inside of us,comes but what incredible impression our authentic self can lovedeep theinjection. feeling that overan me when wearing a beautiful garment. confidence Despite somewhat of a Tomboy theseof,days, I know I royalists decide toabout give them abeing second wind. the best parts donning something you feel really –proud is the makeof on others. There are people strangers and companions whose stories have Ialso hope reading through some of the not-so-fashionable hallmarks of my youth love the feeling that comes over me when wearing a beautiful garment. Ultimately, fashion is an extremely subjective, personal thing, but I days, believe one I confidence being somewhat a Tomboy these I know changed my life injection. and I haveDespite held onto their pearls ofof wisdom like precious, irreplaceable provides some great conversation starters this weekend asproud you share some of I hope reading through some ofover the not-so-fashionable hallmarks of the best parts about donning something youwearing feel really of,of ismy theyouth also love the feeling that comes me when a beautiful garment. keepsakes - because they are. your own sartorial sins with friends and family. provides some great Despite conversation thisof weekend as these you share some of I confidence injection. being somewhat a Tomboy days, Iyouth know through of ection thestarters not-so-fashionable hallmarks my If itI hope takes reading your fancy, pausesome for refl this weekend with someoneofyou care about, yourlove ownsome sartorial sins with friends and also the feeling that comes over mefamily. when wearing aas beautiful garment. provides great conversation starters this weekend you share some of or an interesting person who crosses your path and enjoy giving and receiving the gift I hope reading through some of theand not-so-fashionable of my youth your own sartorial family. of great conversation. Itsins is, inwith my friends humble opinion, one of life’shallmarks most wonderful pleasures. provides some great conversation starters this weekend as you share some of your own sartorial sins with friends and family.


Kate Pierson Kate Pierson Kate Pierson Kate Pierson

Publisher Metros Publishing Group Ltd Publisher Metros Publishing Group Ltd Publisher Managing Director MetrosTrevor Publishing Group Ltd Laplanche Managing Director Publisher Trevor Laplanche Managing Director Metros Publishing Group Ltd Trevor Laplanche Advertising: Tracey Prince Managing Director Advertising : Tracey Prince Trevor Laplanche Advertising : Tracey Prince Editorial: Kate Pierson Editorial: Pierson Advertising : Kate Tracey Prince Editorial: Kate Pierson Production: Julian Laplanche Production: Laplanche Editorial: Julian Kate Pierson Production: Julian Laplanche Administration: Emma Dyer Administration: Dyer Production: JulianEmma Laplanche Administration: Emma Dyer Photography: Wendy Cook Photography: Wendy Administration: EmmaCook Dyer Photography: Wendy Cook Ph: (03) 343 3669 Fax: 3659 Ph: (03) (03) 343 343 3669Cook Photography: Wendy Fax: (03) 343 3659 Ph: (03) 343 3669 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Fax: (03) 343 Riccarton, 16 Leslie Hills3659 Drive, Ph:P.O. (03) 3439362 3669 Box Riccarton, 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Fax: (03)Box 3439362 3659 Christchurch, NZ P.O. Riccarton, Christchurch, NZ P.O. Box 9362 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Christchurch, Riccarton, NZ Metropol is published every fortnight and delivered to P.O. 9362 and Canterbury the best addresses in theBox Christchurch Metropol published every fortnight and delivered region. It isisalso available from manyNZ selected stores,to Christchurch,

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CHANTELLE LINGERIE BECOMES A WAY OF LIFE There’s a Chantelle lingerie set to match your every moment and mood. This is the secret to Chantelle women’s elegance and freedom. Pictured: Vendôme Black-Gold Half cup bra, B-E, 30-38, $189.90, & Shorty, S-XL, $129. Shop online at City Mall, Christchurch PHONE (03) 379 7400 OPEN 7 DAYS

4 August 11, 2016 Metropol


TRENZSEATER TRENZSEATER Christchurch I 121 Blenheim Rd, Riccarton, Christchurch 8041. T. (03) 343 0876 TRENZSEATER Auckland I 80 Parnell Rd, Parnell, Auckland 1052. T. (09) 303 4151 OPEN 7 DAYS

SHOP ONLINE AT Metropol August 11, 2016 5



COVER STORIES 24 FASHION A floral fixation 43 CUISINE Palate pleasing pairings 62 HOME Coastal living




11 AUGUST 2016



Home Coastal Living







britten bikes




Cuisine Palate pleasing pairings

National Multi Award Winning Magazine

FRONT COVER Enjoy an eclectic mix of style and texture in your abode. Designed and crafted in the USA, a striking new range - as featured on the front cover will be exclusive to Frobisher Interiors. Available soon, this collection is sure to resonate with you and your space.


11 AUGUST 2016 VOL 19 ISSUE 16


6 August 11, 2016 Metropol




heart is

By Céline Gibson

The future looks bright for the proposed new St Albans Community Centre with a projected plan to begin construction in 2017.


ecently a public consultation was held by the St Albans Community Centre Working Party - a party established by the Shirley – Papanui Community Board - in which the St Albans Residents Association (SARA) met with community board members, council staff and other interested parties such as St Albans School, Edgeware Business Association, St Albans Pool Group, youth groups and churches. The concept design was a collaborative partnership between Council staff and the Working Party. They received up to fifty submissions themed around management services, opening hours, size and function of gathering spaces, and building materials. The submissions were unanimously pro a new

The new centre will be situated on the same site as the current transitional centre - 1049 Colombo Street.

community centre, and after due process from the Working Party and Council, staff were integrated into the final plan presented to the Community Board. The new centre will be situated on the same site as the current transitional centre - 1049 Colombo Street, with another entrance off Caledonian road. SARA Co-chair Renée Walker said that “the design process has worked exceptionally well, and it was very heartening to see the number of submissions received, and the time people had taken to input into the process.” Visit the City Council website or SARA Facebook page for information. Updates may also be found in the monthly St Albans newsletter (STAN), or on notice board outside current transitional community centre.

Metropol August 11, 2016 7



A stunning

On Wednesday 15 June, highly respected Portfolio Model Agency, run by Mel RadfordBrown, held a special event at The Dirty Land. Celebrating the launch of its fashion video and soon to be launched new website, Portfolio is adding more strings to its already impressive professional bow. Twenty-five gorgeous models feature in the video along with the incredible talent of Kristen Stewart School of Makeup (KSSM) makeup artists.


Nick Bradford, Bradford, Darren Darren Paddock, Paddock, Nick Rebecca Dore Dore & & Mel Mel Radford-Brown Radford-Brown Rebecca (Managing Director) Director) (Managing

Mary Outran, Outran, Beoryia Beoryia Breiy, Breiy, Mary Sophie Doull Doull & & Magdalena Magdalena Varley Varley Sophie

Steph Stevens, Deb Hymers-Ross, Emily Glubb (Ballantynes)

Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson

Rosemary de de Jong Jong & & Rosemary Sherie Jenkins Jenkins Sherie

Katy Jeffery, Jeffery, Daniella Daniella Cambel Cambel Katy & Anna Anna Pickett Pickett &

Liz Mills, Tracey Prince

Judy Wilson, Tracey Dempsey

Jade Jenkins Jenkins & & Sarah Sarah Lake Lake Jade

Pippa Andrew Burnett,Brown, Rebecca Dore, Dawson, Ed Wells Wells & Lawrence Janet Vincent, Pippa Burnett, Rebecca Dore, Ed & Averill Moser Moser & & Paul Kris Bickerton Bickerton Marcus Worton Tweedale Maria Worton O’Halloran Averill Kris Marcus Photos for copies email: Photos by by Jane SarahWyles Jane Photography Stringer - for -copies email:

Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, Mark Eder Eder &Endacott, Louise Eder Eder Julie& Marie Lawder Mark Louise

322 Manchester Street 03 355 2628 Open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm. Espressory, 7am - 4pm

8 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Nick De De Lautour Lautour Nick & Harry Harry Fisher Liz Mills & Fisher

SHOWROOM: 293 Cranford St. St. Albans Christchurch Ph.03 3667137 75 Kingsley St. Sydenham Christchurch Ph.03 366 7199 Metropol August 11, 2016 9

Come rain, come shine by Céline Gibson

The fabulous folk behind the West Melton Market epitomise the spirit of a true Cantabrian; whatever the weather - howling norwesters or blankets of snow - the market is always open. Every Saturday from 9 am until midday, the picturesque churchyard of St Pauls Anglican church is transformed into a colourful, vibrant place where music fills the air and enticing aromas of food and coffee tantalise the taste buds.


t all began in 2014 when Susan Benzie saw that the church community herb and vegetable garden could grow beyond its borders; she envisioned a market place that would nourish minds, bodies and souls; it would enrich lives. Susan’s concept was one of complete pastoral care. Three stallholders that uphold her vision are Sandy Sharp of Miss Lily Flowers, Lauren Carmichael, the Co. behind Miss Lily & Co stall, and Cynthia Bishell of Cynthia’s Seedlings. These ladies are loyal to their market and proud of its success; it holds a special

place in their hearts. They bubble with enthusiasm over fellow stallholders such as Peter Archbold of Handcrafted Wooden Creations; Emilio of Emilio’s Cheese; Vicky from Sharney Downs who sells gorgeous gifts and repairs horse covers, and Faerie Folk Cottage who offer all things spellbinding and sparkly for little princesses! Pausing for breath, Sandy laughs and says you can never have enough stallholders – “the more the merrier!” And so say all of us. Visit

Room to run, jump, play, chase, get dizzy, sit down Build your family lifestyle dreams right now on one of our big, spacious West Melton sections. Sizes up to 5,000m2, many with titles, are selling now. Pop in to see us at our sales office to find out more, or call one of the team on 03 741 1340, email or visit our website.

Sales and info office at the Wilfield subdivision on Weedons Ross Rd. OPEN Sundays and Wednesdays 1-3pm. Or by appointment at 145 Papanui Road, Christchurch. Monday - Friday.

10 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Culture candy The Christchurch Art Gallery may have some great culture candy on offer during the daylight hours, but come night-time, what’s on offer is even sweeter.


rt comes to life after dark with ‘The Mix’ #adifferentnightout. Bringing together the best people, art, wine and food, The Mix is virtuously exploring the history of counterculture, subculture and alternative scenes in New Zealand. Made up of a series of six event across 2016, the next instalment of The Mix will take place on Wednesday 17 August with a vibrant evening kicking off at 6pm. Pop up talks and demonstrations, along with debates, film and live performances will also

Art, and selfexpression, in their sincerest, rawest and purest form, are alive and kicking in Christchurch.

feature in the mix (pun intended). A cultural exploration, The Mix is illuminating and enriching our lives in the Garden City, serving as an important reminder that art, and self-expression, in their sincerest, rawest and purest form, are alive and kicking in Christchurch. For further information, including special guests on the night, visit the Christchurch Art Gallery Facebook page and website at Entry to The Mix is free.

13 August - 3 September

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Metropol August 11, 2016 11





A world-class accessories paradise has opened for lovers of fine things. On Wednesday 20 July, Ballantynes brand new accessories department treated guests to a sneak peek preview and showcase while they enjoyed grazing on tapas and champagne.

Nicola Doolan, Janet Vincent, Amie Vandinther

Michelle Bayliss, Nicola Batchelor Steph Stevens, Deb Hymers-Ross, Emily Glubb (Ballantynes)

Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson

James Ballantyne, Elena Coco Liz Mills, Tracey Prince

Felicia Zepa, Lucinda Judy Bryant Wilson, (Calvin TraceyKlein) Dempsey

Brigit Mirfin-Veitch, Alex Rutherford, Kate Pierson

Mike Phillips, Philip Richards, Charlotte Cochrane, GrantJanet Cooper Andrew Brown, Lawrence Dawson, Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran Monica Hunter, Bill Luff, Rachael McGrath Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, Paul Tweedale Maria O’Halloran Liz Mills Julie Endacott, Marie Lawder PhotosbybyJane JaneWyles WylesPhotography Photography:- for for copies copies email: email: Photos

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12 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Congratulations to our wonderful clients, fantastic sta and subcontractors.

Visit or call Colin 027 432 2364

Metropol August 11, 2016 13

Financial infidelity and what to do about it

Honesty and openness are key to a healthy relationship – especially when it comes to money. But some couples are suffering from what’s called “financial infidelity”. Financial infidelity is when you lie, or hide financial information from your spouse or partner and it can be tricky to spot if your partner is doing it.


inancial infidelity comes in many different guises - it can involve keeping a secret bank account or credit card, making risky investments, hiding assets and liabilities, or not telling your spouse how much you really earn. The seriousness of financial infidelity can vary. It could be something minor such as concealing a small purchase, or not being completely truthful about the price of an item you’ve bought. It can, however, have devastating consequences if you’re hiding big debts, not paying bills, or if you have a gambling addiction.

It is possible to break such bad financial habits. First, you and your partner need to admit that there is room for improvement. Then you need to come clean and be honest about your finances with each other. The team at enableMe sees varying degrees of financial infidelity and they can devise a plan that gets everyone working together to achieve the same goal of financial fidelity - and all without compromising your lifestyle. If financial infidelity is threatening your relationship, visit or call 0800 897 898. The Christchurch

Sarah Bayley

The team can devise a plan that gets everyone working together.

branch of enableMe is located on Level 1, 68 Manchester Street. It is owned and owned and operated by Sarah Bayley who has over 17 years’ experience in the banking sector, including managing relationships with business owners in difficult financial situations.

Money is comple� and emo�onal� o�en a sounding board is needed and in many cases the “financial dynamic” can be outsourced to me as your financial personal trainer.

14 August 11, 2016 Metropol


Warmth Winter in

The team at Simply Heat

On a cold winter’s day it’s a sheer pleasure to wander around Simply Heat’s showroom. There’s wonderful ambient warmth throughout the building, as well as delightful flickering flames to be mesmerised by.


e really do demonstrate just what is possible from various heating options here in our display space,” says Steve Waring of Simply Heat. “Because we aren’t limited to one or two brands we can advise customers as to what is the best heating system for their particular environment, from central heating to gas fires and wood burners.” Steve explains that ducted central heating systems are now more affordable and people are realising the benefits of their comfort and efficiency. “With the Fujitsu central heating and cooling system all that is visible in a home are the discrete ceiling, wall and floor vents plus the smart wall controller - the heat pump itself is completely hidden. The system is extremely quiet and delivers a warm and healthy environment.”

You may consider a feature fire to go with your central heating. Especially striking is the contemporary Gazco double-sided Studio Duplex fire. “This fire is highly efficient and doesn’t require any power source to ignite it. With a choice of frame options the Studio Duplex can be styled completely independently on either side to maximise the potential of customers’ own decorative tastes.” If space is an issue, then a Studio Slimline gas fire may be the solution for you. “These slimmer depth fires have been created so there is minimal intrusion into the internal room space meaning they are suitable for a wider variety of homes.” Inspect the extensive range at Simply Heat, 95 Byron Street in Sydenham – phone 365 3685 - or visit

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The Gazco Studio Duplex gas re’s realistic log-effect fuel bed features attractive glowing embers to give the ultimate in real re ambience. The Duplex requires no power source to ignite it and can have different frame styles on either side to suit each room. Please bring your plans in to our Heating Specialists. With New Zealand’s largest heating appliance showroom, we can give you the heating solution that suits your lifestyle and your budget.

P:03 365 3685

Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 9am to 1pm

95 BYRON STREET, NEXT TO ROCKGAS Metropol August 11, 2016 15

What have been some of the challenges the organisation has faced and how have you overcome these? Fundraising is a challenging aspect of any not-for-profit organisation. We are constantly mindful to ensure we build sincere, respectful relationships with those in the communities of the families we support as we are only able to do what we do with their ongoing support. Another ongoing challenge we face on a daily basis is capacity. Through this year our House and Family Rooms have operated in excess of 90 per cent capacity, and many nights our rooms are full requiring us to provide accommodation offsite for some of our families until we are able to bring them home. We are now entering a time where we need to look at opportunities to further grow our Christchurch House to meet these needs. How did your career lead you to this role? I enjoy being in an environment that goes hand in hand with my personal values. Having worked in a variety of senior roles within the corporate environment, the opportunity to embrace this experience and couple it with a personal desire to serve people in a meaningful way has certainly proven to be extremely rewarding. It is one that my family has fully embraced also with my wife and children all very involved in a voluntary capacity in a number of ways. It is far more than a job, it is a privileged lifestyle.

ate n able to cre We have bee r from home fo y a w a e m o h a a milies and as even more fa ti c ng sitively impa o p re a lt u s re across the communities country.

What have been some of your team’s achievements that have resonated most with you? The Family Dinner Programme has been a huge achievement for our team. When it first began a few years ago, the programme would provide dinner for families perhaps one or two nights a week. We are now at the stage where, in July 2016, every night our families have been fed due to the incredible generosity of many community groups and businesses, who take time out of their busy schedules to cook at the House. This is a true testament to our team, who believe family and community are at the heart of everything we do.

What are some of the key ambitions the charity holds for the future? I’m always looking to encourage the team to think outside the box, to think big bold and brave and not be scared to ask what our ‘big hairy audacious goals’ should be. Without question, we seek to strive for excellence in all we do as we serve and support an increasing number of children and their families through arguably some of their most challenging times. There is a healthy tension to all we do in that while we continually seek to challenge ourselves, we remain firm in our mission to keep families close.

What are your views on the success of philanthropy in New Zealand? I do believe that Kiwis are innately generous, we experience that on a daily basis. However, I also think that some people believe that they are limited in what they might be able to do to help. If I was able to share one thing with our community it would be that no matter how small the contribution, every bit helps. It’s that culmination of lots of small actions that make a big impact.

What is your own ‘go to’ professional philosophy? One of my favourite books is ‘The Little Big Things – 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence’ by Tom Peters. I am passionate about being the best we can be, in all we do. Every one of us has the opportunity to positively impact our community. We should know what our passionate purpose is and live impassioned lives that embrace those opportunities whole-heartedly and ensure the ripples we create reach as far and wide as possible.

Metropol August 11, 2016 17



An artistic event

On Saturday 2 July Art Metro provided a platform for aspiring artists to showcase their talent. The student exhibition attracted significant interest with a dozen artworks already sold. Of this 12, eight of the artists had not previously sold work with the youngest artist in their teens and the eldest in their eighties.

Mark Ashby (artist), Maureen Ashby, Tumanako Mataki-Ashby, Wyvern Ashby “Determination”

Steph Stevens, DebBurt Hymers-Ross, Jenny “Fruits” Emily Glubb (Ballantynes)

Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson

Christine Mottram (artist) and Anne Marie Prendeville “Vanitas” Liz Mills, Tracey Prince

Oliver (artist) and Ann RyanJudy “Wayan” Wilson, Tracey Dempsey

John Burt Leticia (artist), Allan and Adrienne Kelly Jayne (artist) and Paul Warwick Andrew Brown, Lawrence Dawson, Janet Vincent,“Redcliffs Bay” Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, “Springtime Daffodils” “Sunrise in Africa” Paul Tweedale Maria O’Halloran Liz Mills Julie Endacott, Marie Lawder Photos by Jane Wyles Photography: for copies email: Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

A sensational supper

Caroline Blanchfield, Peter Morrison, Jan Clarke

Mathew Mark (CEO)

The Christchurch Art Gallery was humming with more than 30 guests at Ronald McDonald House South Island’s Supper Club 2016. A highlight on the fundraising calendar for the charity, Supper Club is a unique experience for supporters and guests to take part in a mystery dining experience and celebrate fantastic local cuisine at 41 unique venues and restaurants. The event raised over $100,000 for the charity.

Georgie Priest, Hayley Middleton

Sarah Brunton, Pene Johnson

Jo-Anne Bruce, Stephen Bruce

Photos by Helen McLeod Photography: for copies email: 18 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Vic & Seth Ovens, Kevin & Jude Braid

Garath Mabin, Andrew Clark


TO THE NEXT On Friday 2 July, the Girls’ School of Cathedral Grammar School came of age, celebrating its 21st birthday. Cathedral Grammar School is on an exciting journey with the arrival of a new Principal, Scott Thelning.

Year 7 girls enjoying the 21st celebration breakfast



his is a school with a rich 135 year history delivering high quality education in the centre of our city. It is a school with a strong values-based heart that uniquely supports siblings being educated at the same school, while maximising the benefits of coeducational and separate boys’ and girls’ schools. I am Christchurch born and bred, and enjoy living in the Mt Pleasant community

with my wife Andrea and three children Jack, Issy and Will. I love sport and wish I could play the drums. However, most of my time is now spent watching and not participating in sport, and I’m the roadie for the band my son plays drums in – The Wingers. It is an honour to lead this school through the fantastic times that lay ahead. I am passionate about our city and ensuring that Cathedral Grammar is

a valued part of the rejuvenation of our CBD. I am looking forward to working with our pupils, staff and parents to ensure our school engages, motivates and inspires young Cantabrians to enable them to embrace the challenges of our ever-evolving world. We will build on the best of our valued traditions while opening our pupils’ minds to new ways of thinking, doing and being. Great times ahead!

OPEN DAY: Tuesday 23 August Your child’s foundation… The ideal preparation

 Co-educational Pre-School - 20 hours ECE funding available  Co-educational Junior School (Y1-3)  Girls’ School (Y4-8)  Boys’ School (Y4-8)  Small Classes, Specialist teachers  Tradition blended with innovation  Nurturing, focused, challenging  Teacher-supervised after-school care until 5.30pm

To arrange a visit, contact Linda Marsh 03 365 0385

26 Park Terrace, Christchurch Metropol August 11, 2016 19

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20 August 11, 2016 Metropol



A designer celebration

On Thursday 16 June, E3 Curtains and Blinds held an opening party for its business. The business custom-makes each curtain from a range of beautiful European and exclusive factory-direct Chinese fabrics.

Ella Zhao, Jeanette Webb, Dudley Webb, Eason Yin Kerri Smith, Mr Yin, Ella Zhao Steph Stevens, Deb Hymers-Ross, Emily Glubb (Ballantynes)

Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson

Judy Wilson, Mckenzie, Ella Zhao Liz Mills, TraceyViki Prince Tracey Dempsey

Ngaire Sigmund, Mary Johnston, Kerri Smith

Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, Kerri Smith, Lisa Yadley, Lin Ma Julie Endacott, Marie Lawder

Lawrence Wu, Ting Yan, Andrew Brown, Lawrence Dawson, Ella Zhao, Eason YinTweedale Paul

Janet Vincent, Wayne Taylor, Ella Zhao Liz Mills Maria O’Halloran

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:


Choosing the right school for your son is an important decision. We invite you to have a personalised tour with the Headmaster to see for yourself our wonderful learning facilities, and to observe our personalised learning programmes, both inside and outside of the classroom. For more information contact Tanya Moore (Headmaster’s PA) on 03 351 6169 109 Clyde Road, Christchurch | | Metropol August 2016.indd 1

1/08/16 3:18 PM

Metropol August 11, 2016 21

RAGTIME Comes to Christchurch this September

The opening number of Ragtime sets the scene for an incredible evening of heart-warming stories and award winning music. The performance is the National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Art’s (at Ara Institute of Canterbury) musical extravaganza for 2016.


f you haven’t seen a NASDA show yet, you are in for a treat. Over just five shows from 1 to 4 September, the students will show off talents honed during three years of intensive training with leading theatre practitioners such as Ragtime’s director, NASDA Senior Tutor Dr Soseh Yekanians. Soseh has 20 years’ experience as a

director, acting lecturer and private acting consultant for performing arts institutions and elite talent agencies both in Australia and overseas. She moved to Christchurch from Sydney to work with NASDA at the beginning of 2016 and made an impressive start directing second year students in a sophisticated production of well-known


22 August 11, 2016 Metropol

dramatic play Mad Forest in June. Ragtime’s themes of immigrants striving for a better tomorrow for themselves and their families has struck a chord with Soseh and her cast. Two lead performers are first generation New Zealanders – Albany Peseta came to Christchurch with his family from Samoa and Emiliano Pereyra is studying in Christchurch but hails from Uruguay. Soseh explored cultural identity and theatre directing for her PhD work and is herself an Australian of Armenian origin now living in Christchurch. The central themes of Ragtime make this vibrant musical as relevant now as when it was first produced in 1996. The narrative follows an upper-class wife, a determined Jewish immigrant, and a daring young Harlem musician in early 20th century New York. Ragtime is based on a book by Terrence McNally, with lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, and music by Stephen Flaherty. The Tony Award winning musical includes marches, cakewalks, gospel and ragtime. Don’t miss Ragtime at the Christchurch Arts Centre Gym, 1, 2 and 3 September at 7.30pm, 3 September at 1pm and 4 September at 4pm. Tickets are $30/$45 on sale now from



Beauty Bar By Majka Kaiser


As we move through winter with the bright light of spring just on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to freshen up your beauty collection with some charming new additions.



MAC brings a new collection that comprises half a dozen delectable hues of Pushglass lip lacquers and a dozen mouth-watering lipstick colours. Blue Nectar’s range is awash with tangy apricot, luscious lavender, cool coral and zesty orange. From top-to-toe and everywhere in-between, Oasis Beauty’s Rhino Repair is the ultimate multi-tasking repair cream packed with soothing and healing natural ingredients like chamomile, aloe vera, manuka and honeydew honey, and Echinacea; ideal for dry, itchy or sunburnt skin. The City Block Purifying Charcoal Day Mask/Scrub is the newest skin saviour from Clinique. The clay mask gives skin a deep detox from dirt, pollution and other environmental toxins while removing excess oil and reducing large pores. Once the mask has turned light blue massage with warm water to activate its gentle exfoliating qualities for a smooth visage. For those with problem skin Smashbox’s Photo Finish Primer Oil is guaranteed to be your new best friend. Tried and tested, the difference is remarkable. It’s ultra lightweight and super hydrating. Jojoba Seed Oil quenches the skin without being greasy, lavender oil calms and cleanses the complexion with its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, while argan oil, rich in vitamin E boosts cell production, creating a flawless base from which to apply your foundation. Bobbi Brown’s Sunset Pink Collection brings a gorgeous dewy range of limited edition hues for cheeks and eyes. The Long Wear Cream Shadow has a soft, velvety finish that glides over the eyelids. Lasting up to 12 hours it is resistant to water, sweat and humidity.

2. 3.

3 1



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Floral fixation

By Kate Pierson

The recent chill factor might have seen you scrambling for wardrobe additions of the woolly persuasion, but it’s almost time to start springing for something lighter and brighter – pun intended.


ith the look books for Spring making a glamorous appearance with their tempting apparel, we’re tickled pink about the fixation on florals for the warmer weather. Gloriously feminine, florals are experiencing a welldeserved renaissance with the favoured aesthetic a sweet frock paired with an edgier or more laid-back shoe. A closet favourite, the floral frock – or pant for that matter – can help you transition from day to nightwear and help you keep your style game strong. There are a number of iterations of this look – from different prints and fabrics to a range of silhouettes. We’re happily playing favourites with this year’s A-line skater dress winning our hearts. There are a myriad of options available with the key guidance for a purchase being to shop for your shape and the occasion. With florals, there’s a perfect match out there for everyone so consider your options before you make your sartorial move.

24 August 11, 2016 Metropol

We’re tickled pink about the fixation on florals for the . warmer weather

Twenty Seven Names Shadow Dress.

Ketz-ke Splater Tee & Ketzke Delta Cullotes.

Mind the gap By Majka Kaiser

Transitional or trans-seasonal wear is versatile, economical and fun. Certain pieces will lend themselves to this category, such as the tunic, the tailored trench, the leather jacket, the long-length cardigan or poncho, and the silk scarf.


he tunic has got to be the most versatile transitional garment ever created. A tunic can be worn on its own with a pair of sandals in the height of summer; over pants or leggings to hide a multitude of sins we’ve collected during hibernation, or can be layered up with a long-sleeved merino and opaque tights underneath with boots for that extra warmth in winter. The classic trench is a staple cover up that can be dressed up or down depending on what you pair it with; jeans and flats or a dress and heels. If it’s made of lightweight wool then it will be warm in winter and won’t leave you sweltering in cooler weather during the warmer months. A long-length cardigan or poncho is another great transitional piece that can be worn as an extra layer on cool days

and is easily layered up over thinner wool undergarments. Whether it’s reminiscent of a chunky woollen blanket or a sleek and sophisticated silk kerchief, a scarf can keep the chill at bay while adding a real statement to any outfit. The leather jacket is a highly valuable transitional piece that will serve you year after year. Tailored blazers or edgier motorcycle jackets look fabulous worn with a t-shirt, jeans and flats for a casual vibe when the sun is shining or layered up with a chunky knit when the leaves start to fall again. Have fun and experiment with the different combinations of clothes and accessories, colours and patterns, textures and styles to see what works and what doesn’t.


Creating and maintaining modern hair design.

Now open Monday to Saturday Phone 384 1743 4/2 Soleares Ave, Mt Pleasant

Warm up as a couple with a luxurious two hour Hot Stone Massage

GIVE A GIFT VOUCHER ~ Ph 980 5400 ~ ~ 9 Ernlea Terrace, Cashmere ~ Metropol August 11, 2016 25

Handmade Man Scrubs Indulge your man with one of our blissful exfoliating scrubs. Each scrub is locally made from 100% natural, fair-trade goodness. Metropol readers receive 10% off using code BLISS10 (T&Cs apply).

Selection of beautiful handmade belts. Genuine leather. Crafted and created for you, length, colour and buckle can be altered. Buy online: or call: 027 221 4066

Miss Bliss Nails & Beauty Ltd 03 981 1136 / 0275 765 761

Tuesday label

Danielle Floral Maxi Dress in blue floral, from our Spring 16 range. This easy-wear maxi dress is fully lined and has a sophisticated look with a high neckline. The flattering feminine dress is $269 and can be worn with a leather jacket, and some velvet heels to toughen up the look. Shop online now

Mary and Lou Clothing, costumes & more Smart Stuff for Smart Kids. Smarty Pants 55 Nottingham Ave, Halswell Ph 0800 895 190

Tropical Island Glamour Jets Aspire Swimsuit in Oceanic Sizes 10-16

The Fitting Room 207 Fendalton Rd Phone: 351 9244

Look stylish at Weddings & Races. Hats, fascinators, shoes, jewellery, clothing.

Park Avenue Fashions

Open 6 days 363 Lincoln Rd, Addington, Christchurch Phone. 03 374 5858 26 August 11, 2016 Metropol

We are excited for the arrival of our new brand KITX. KITX is of superior quality and creative design.

Lynn Woods

149 Victoria St Ph.377 9476

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER SPECIAL Rebook your next appointment in the months of August/September and go into a draw for our wonderful welcome to “Spring Pack of Goodness” Cheeky Browns Hairdressing Ph. 332 2205 236a Centaurus Road, Christchurch.


Ultherapy is a new type of non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that uses focused ultrasound and the body’s own natural healing process to lift, tone and tighten loose skin on the brow, neck and under the chin and even the décolletage (upper chest area).


ith Ultherapy there is no downtime, no foreign substances, and no radical change - just a healthy revving-up on the inside for a natural, noticeable effect on the outside. It causes a tighter, better fitting skin, even on the neck - it’s the lift without the surgery! Ultherapy is the only non-invasive procedure cleared by the FDA to lift the skin on the brow, neck, under the chin and the décolletage. Unlike lasers which penetrate the skin from the outside-in, Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin and delivers targeted energy specifically into the deep, structural tissues. This stimulation of the deep supportive layers of the skin initiates a regenerative response

Jennifer Aniston, Hollywood Actress and global beauty icon, is a vocal advocate for Ultherapy having publicly spoken about using it as part of her beauty regime.

stimulating the growth of new collagen, which lifts and tightens the skin over the next 90 days. The results appear gradually over the next 60- 90 days and the new, young collagen that results is still present a year after the procedure. However, it’s not a magical cure, the skin will continue to age and therefore it’s recommended to have yearly touch-up treatments to help keep pace with the ageing process. Ultherapy is not a replacement for the surgical face-lift. Many people want some lifting but are not ready for surgery and there are also younger people who want to “stay ahead of the game!” To see if Ultherapy is the right treatment for you, call the Skin Rejuvenation Clinic.

This stimulation of the deep supportive layers of the skin initiates a regenerative response.

The Power of Sound

corkin + friends

Non-invasive lifting and tightening of the face

who does your hair



Whether you’re preparing for a big event, looking for a newstyle, or simply recreating your favourite look, the team of experts at corkin + friends will make sure you always walk away feeling fabulous.


BOtulinum TOXin Dermal Fillers The Liquid Face Lift IPL - Facial Rejuvenation Micro - Hydrabrasion Skin Stamping Ulthera Face Tightening The Vampire Facial Scarless Mole Removal Lip Enhancing

All injectables performed by Doctor Brigid Lee


WE DELIVER Ph. 371 9297 + 830 Colombo St

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Tel: 03 351 3241 Metropol August 11, 2016 27

the Gaps TOP Filling FASHION


Do you have one or several missing teeth? Have you had dentures for years but want something solid and natural looking to chew and smile with? Dental implants may be the solution for you.

Irrespective of the season, there are some cardinal sins when it comes to fashion and we want to help you avoid falling into the faux pas trap! Here are our top tips: Strategise with skin: there’s a fine line between sultry and not-so-sultry and this balance is all about keeping the right assets under wraps. If you’re revealing skin in one area – i.e. legs, covering up on top keeps your look sophisticated.


Embrace the right silhouette: before buying, exercising some restraint is crucial. Working out what best complements your body type is essential.


Get back to basics: it’s easy to underestimate how fabulous basics can be when it comes to introducing a foundation into your wardrobe that you can build on. Buy basics first, then splurge on frills.



ental implants are small, pure titanium screws that are surgically placed in your jaw, and have proven themselves to be a reliable addition to the treatment options currently available in high quality dental practice. Implants are placed and then left to heal for three or more months, during which time ‘osseointegration’ occurs - the bone heals around the implant fixtures locking them into place permanently. False teeth, crowns, or other appliances can then be attached, either with screws or cement. If only one tooth is to be replaced, generally a porcelain crown will be attached to a single implant fixture. If a few teeth are missing, more than one fixture may be required - a 3 or 4 teeth

bridge can often be attached to two implants, or if a full arch (all the upper or lower teeth) is to be restored, several fixtures can be placed, with the denture either screwed to or clipped onto the fixtures. Dental implant treatment can initially be more costly than conventional treatment options. However, as it provides a very long term solution, the cost is often comparable over time. Doctor David Walsh has more than 25 years of experience providing implant based solutions for people of all ages and backgrounds. For more information contact Dentistry on Merivale, upstairs inside Merivale Mall, on 355 8297 or at

FINE FOOD+COFFEE CATERING SERVICE Open Mon-Fri 5am-4pm Sat 5am-2pm Sun closed


186 Papanui Rd PH 355 1481 28 August 11, 2016 Metropol

204 Papanui Rd, Merivale

P.355 4734



Perfection Diamonds have a talismanic quality – the magic embodied by this precious stone owes to its ability to capture the imagination and command attention. A sophisticated and elegant keepsake, the journey of a diamond from raw form to stunning reality, is equally impressive.


ince 1863, Petersens Jewellers has always taken pride in its passion for the diamond as pioneers in the field. Brent Morrison, managing director of Petersens Jewellers in the Bush Inn Centre, Upper Riccarton travels to Antwerp - the diamond capital - twice a year to hand-pick his diamonds, ensuring that each diamond is high quality and set to impress. Backed with a GIA diamond-grading certificate, keen eyes and hours of patience, this unwavering commitment means only the best Antwerp diamonds are chosen to be set into rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets, loved by customers and cherished for generations. At Petersens Jewellers, the dedicated

team believe it is never “just” a diamond. As a manufacturing jeweller, Petersens can bring your dream ring to life. From handdrawn designs to wax moulds, you get to choose your own diamond and bespoke design. The extensive range of cuts and diamond carats accommodate every budget, also showcasing an exclusive range of fancy coloured diamonds including the rare Australian Argyle Chocolate diamonds. Immerse yourself in the infinite possibilities - your ring can be set in gold, white gold, rose gold or platinum with hand-made or cast settings. Let your imagination run wild at Petersens Jewellers. For the gents, the store has a premium

range of Seiko and Citizen watches and is currently the exclusive stockist in the South Island for the legendary Seiko Astrons - the world’s first ever GPS solar watches. Brent and his experienced staff at Petersens Jewellers in the Bush Inn Centre welcome you to a unique and personalised shopping experience. Phone 348 8042 or view

Would you like the secret to

Youthful Beautiful Skin? Using the latest techniques and technology in cosmetic medicine to transform & maintain beautiful skin, come and see us.

0800 2 lookgood 343 2880 52A Mandeville Street, Riccarton. Christchurch, Auckland, Dunedin & Queenstown Metropol August 11, 2016 29

A new medical ultrasound practice specialising in Obstetrics and Gynaecology • Musculoskeletal (ACC scans) • Vascular (Carotid, DVT, arterial) • Small parts (testes, thyroid, lumps, foreign body localisation) • General ultrasound

53 Caulfield Ave, Halswell, Christchurch 8025 Phone 03 595 2256 Email

30 August 11, 2016 Metropol


Get back into

When it comes to health issues, women are particularly good at “just getting on with it”.


hen they eventually seek help many discover that they didn’t need to simply put up with the symptoms they had been experiencing. Incontinence is a prime example, as Ben Sharp, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, explains. “Running is an impact sport – it could even be described as constant jumping. This is why so many women, perhaps up to 40%, experience urinary leakage when they run. Known as stress incontinence, it can lead to embarrassment and even giving up physical exercise, with often a knock-on effect of weight gain and more incontinence. Urinary leakage is more common and more severe in those who are overweight or obese. It is often experienced, when walking (especially downhill), getting up from a chair or during sex.” While having a baby may be associated with urinary leakage, almost 30% of women will experience involuntary urinary leakage without having had a child. Being fit may not protect you either: one study showed 26% of female fitness instructors

experienced stress incontinence. Many women are too embarrassed to talk about it, even to their doctor, so they continue to suffer from it, perhaps believing that it is a normal part of growing older. So, what can be done? The first step is to seek help as this condition can be improved, often quickly and easily. The team at Oxford Women’s Health is very experienced in treating incontinence. One of the specialists will first take a history and examine you to assess your issues and form a diagnosis. They will then develop a plan with you for your care.

Oxford Women’s Health is here to help you get back into life

There are three types of incontinence: Stress, urge (where there is an unusually strong desire to pass urine and you can’t get to the toilet in time) and thirdly, a mixture of the two. Occasionally, a special test is required to distinguish between the different categories, as the treatment is dependent on the underlying problem. Stress incontinence is usually caused by weak supportive structures around the bladder neck, while urge incontinence can have a variety of causes. The first step towards resolving incontinence is often performing pelvic floor exercises. Many women will have tried these before seeing a doctor. However, they are likely to be more successful if taught by an experienced physiotherapist, as they can be quite tricky to master. More severe cases of incontinence are usually treated by a small operation, which can be done without spending a night in hospital. This involves a small incision on the front wall of the vagina and a piece of tape being placed underneath the bladder neck. The incision is then closed with two or three dissolvable stitches. The tape acts as a support and will cure stress incontinence in about 90% of women without any further treatment. If urinary leakage is something you’re struggling with, Oxford Women’s Health is available to help you fix it and get back into life. Metropol August 11, 2016 31



B GET FIT THIS SPRING WITH BODYCORE Tr a i n i n g + S u p p l e m e n t s 45b Carlyle St, Sydenham Phone 374 6947

ALSO OPEN IN RANGIORA Phone. 021 499 490

odycore Rangiora is the partnership of Shane Murray and Bodycore Training and Supplements owner, Muzz Coates - a venture that began with a shared idea and an excellent location on Rangiora’s High Street. Together they celebrated the grand opening with their loyal customers and some of the top names in body building - Richard and Annette Parnham just back from the World Championship in Brazil and IFBB Pro body builder Steve Orton. Shane welcomes locals to come in and check out what’s on offer, with fit wear, supplements and equipment to suit the casual or committed athlete. Check out tights and leggings for women from JoJo in Brazil; Pure Aesthetic fit wear, bags and hats; Supa Sport gym equipment; Justine’s cookies; Nutrition Systems, and Body Science BSc products, as well as Bodycore’s own extensive range of supplements. Bodycore label supplements are manufactured at its factory on-site in Sydenham, allowing complete control


over the quality and production of its organic and sugar free range, as well as being able to offer products at wholesale prices. New products include hemp protein, an effective and tasty protein option for vegans, with the natural benefits of hemp seeds and no fats or sugar. Check out Bodycore Rangiora at 8-10 High Street, opposite The Warehouse beside Snap Fitness, or on Facebook. Give Shane a call on 021 672 468 and visit for online purchases.



Protect your eyes from the harsh summer sun Full selection of Prescription Sunglasses, Clip-ons & Fitovers Optometrist: Leesa Stuart 32 Gerald St 41 Shelley St Rolleston Lincoln ph 325 7267 ph 347 1667

32 August 11, 2016 Metropol




Melissa Harrop (aka Miss Bliss)

“It renews and rejuvenates by gently exfoliating the skin.”

What’s even better than a morning coffee? A hot shower using an exfoliating body scrub with the blissful scent of a vanilla latte.


elissa Harrop (aka Miss Bliss) developed an exfoliating scrub with nourishing natural ingredients that really do smell good enough to eat. The Miss Bliss scrub comes in vanilla, chai and mocha – with moisturising oils and the toning benefits of fair trade coffee grounds as the base. “It renews and rejuvenates by gently exfoliating the skin, while caffeine increases blood-flow, helping reduce cellulite, among other benefits,” she says. “Mr Bliss, my husband Matt, first conjured up the idea

in the kitchen and was also the brains behind my brand name.” It then seemed only fair to have a men’s body scrub version infused with the bracing zing of tee tree, peppermint and eucalyptus oils. The previous civil industry contracts manager had the work ethics to develop her home business, while caring for daughter Chloe, dubbed Mini Bliss. A born perfectionist, a lot of care has been taken to perfect her product to a consistent standard under scrupulous conditions. She has also created Miss Bliss natural Blissticks lip balm. “They feel light and luscious while oils such as jojoba, almond oil and vitamin E hydrate and protect,” she says. Ten lip-licking flavours include caramel, peach and coconut. “It’s important for men working outdoors to moisturise their lips too.” So Miss Bliss is making a version with guy-friendly packaging. Already established as a nail technician and educator, Miss Bliss’ clients snap up the products that also make fantastic locally made gifts. “I love what I do and feel very proud to be part of Christchurch’s growing local business culture.” To order visit


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Contact: Lorraine Terris 03 343 3669 or 027 925 9668

Timeless Elegant Vintage Jewellery 1958 Full Sovereign Coin in 9ct Frame


Sterling Silver Marcasite Brooch $145.00

18ct 1.00ct Diamond Solitaire Ring RV $10,475.00


14ct Opal Ring RV $2035.00


18ct Diamond Dress Ring TDW 0.50ct

18ct 16.8ct Golden Beryl Pendant



RV $3750.00

RV $7600.00

RV– Replacement Valuation

Metropol August 11, 2016 33


A fresh new look for

Watch out – Spring is just around the corner. The new season is the perfect time to update your wardrobe, find a new favourite piece, or put together an entirely fresh look.


New Zealand design with European labels.

ashion boutique Made in the Shade, in Beckenham, mixes New Zealand designs with European labels, the natural fibres of cotton, linen and silk with cuts designed for style and comfort. Evoke warm spring days with relaxed linens in corals and natural shades by Eva’s Sunday; a pretty feminine touch with local label, Salted Ink, and the new Robe collection with dresses for special events from Suzie Walker, designer of popular Bazaar label. In store are new season looks from Lisette L Montréal - pants designed for all figures and leg lengths, cut specifically to fit even those with a sway back. Spring styles in their quality fabrics bring

neutrals and bright, or patterns and florals, and are available up to size 20. Favourite European labels include the bright, colourful prints of Smashed Lemon and softer shades of pieces from Sandwich. Layering is a must for Spring weather – add a jacket or knitwear layer, including a cardigan or shrug from quality New Zealand made knitwear label, Optimum. With all winter stock now half price, pop into Made in the Shade at 151 Colombo Street, and let Ali and Sharon help you find the piece you are after, for this season or the next, a special occasion, or everyday wear. For more information call 332 1238 or visit



Fashion | Art | Jewellery | Gifts

family portraits weddings conferences events homes & gardens

Jane Wyles Photography 34 August 11, 2016 Metropol 027 245 245 8193 027 48 St Albans St, Merivale

Embracing a

fresh look

Fully refurbished Beauty Co at Westfield Riccarton has officially reopened, offering the same professional, friendly and affordable beauty treatments that have attracted a large following of loyal clientele over the years.



wners Deb and John Musgrave took over the business in 2010, which has rapidly grown on the premise of competitive pricing and no appointments. “At Beauty Co, our staff are all qualified and experienced and you get the same treatments as the more expensive beauty salons, but with the convenience of being able to pop in at any time. “You could get a massage or a facial while the kids are at the movies, or your eyebrows done in between shopping or before you do the groceries. The wait could be anything from just two minutes, or up to 15 minutes at the most.” The store has been fully refitted and re-painted, Deb says. “It’s really exciting as everything is totally new – from the décor, joinery and beauty beds, to the counter and couches in reception. It looks completely different and we are really happy.” Beauty Co services also include threading, waxing, microdermabrasion, skin peels, ear and nose piercing, as well as Be Gorgeous spray tans, with a violet base for perfect colour. Depil products and globally recognised professional skincare brand Environ are also used and sold at the salon. One of the affordable and popular combo deals is a full leg wax, full arm and underarm wax plus eyebrow shape for just $58. Phone 341 0081 - appointments are needed for facials, massage and spray tans only. Vouchers are also available. Metropol August 11, 2016 35


leather Creations “I love creating articles that people will get years of pleasure from. Leather has such a lovely smell and working with it is soothing and relaxing.”


eter O’Brien learned the craft of working with leather back in the 1970s when handcrafted leather bags and belts were highly desirable. “The fashion declined in the ensuing years, but it is now having a revival. I kept all my tools from way back then and now I am finding great satisfaction in making individual and original products once again.” Peter uses only vegetable tanned leather of the best quality from England, America and Europe so his customers can be assured his products will last. All the dyes, stains and finishes he uses are also natural water-based products. The products on display in Peter’s studio are exquisite. There are belts with very detailed handcarved and hand-stamped floral designs of traditional western-style. Handbags of various shapes and sizes with either hand-stitching or hand-lacing are also available. “Hand-stitching is very time-consuming, but the

final product is quite beautiful to look at. Besides handbags and belts I’ve also made backpacks to fit a laptop or iPad, overnight bags with shoulder straps, wine bottle carriers and recently I made a highly ornate guitar strap.” Indeed Peter really can make anything from leather, and custom bags, belts or other products can be made to order. If you have a design in mind, please contact Peter through the website or visit him by appointment at his studio at 153 Port Hills Road. He would be delighted to discuss ideas and options with you. Phone 027 221 4066.


Shop in the heart of the city Love Love Love



Get the beautiful straight teeth you’ve always wanted. Merivale 363 Papanui Road, Strowan Cashmere 36 Colombo Street, Cashmere Ashburton 139 Walnut Avenue, Allenton

0800 Orthodontix (0800 678 463) Phone 03 337 3373 | 36 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Beauty Skin beyond the

Our skin is a precious part of who we are and how we care for it goes a long way to ensuring that we can take pride in our appearance and wellbeing on our journey through life.

New Zealand, whose appreciation of fine ingredients and the power of nature was passed on to Kati at a young age. She developed a holistic appreciation and understanding of the health benefits of plants from her mother, a trained botanist and herbalist. From her father, one of New Zealand’s winemaking pioneers, she acquired her knowledge of well-chosen ingredients and the power of blending them volu is founded on the premise successfully. of beauty being beyond the skin. Predicated on these combined values and Synonymous with ethical and ecoutilising this knowledge, Kati created her conscious practices, this natural New products specifically to nourish and restore Zealand skincare range extols the virtues balance to the skin’s natural mechanisms. of an active, age-defence approach to the Working with strategic partners - expert skin utilising pure and potent botanical cosmetologists - Kati maintains her actives and enriched formulations. The hands-on approach and enjoys creating range promotes resilience, regeneration formulations, which she customises to fulfil and firmness. specific requirements. Kati also harnesses Evolu founder Kati Kasza’s first steps expanding scientific research that shows into skincare arose from her frustration the natural components of botanicals are at not being able to find a product to resolve the problems that plagued her skin. also the essential elements in keeping skin healthy and radiant. Kati’s parents were Hungarian emigrés to


Kati Kasza

The range promotes resilience, regeneration and firmness. The company is a CarboNZero™ certified organisation, it avoids animal testing and its products are vegetarian friendly and completely free of unnecessary synthetics. Above all, the Evolu philosophy is that skincare should not only be effective but also a pleasure to use. The range is designed to turn your everyday beauty routine into a satisfying treat.

Metropol August 11, 2016 37

Our music has us on the floor at home serenading our little loves to test out our new material!

Jenny Payne and Lucy Hiku

By Melinda Collins

Bopping to the The dynamic duo that is Itty Bitty Beats is New Zealand’s answer to The Wiggles.


enny Payne and Lucy Hiku met each other – and their husbands – at jazz school in 2002. Twelve years after they met, both with children of their own, the pair formed Itty Bitty Beats, making music for families just like themselves. “As professional singers and singing teachers... as well as mothers, it was natural that we wanted to share our love of music with our children,” Jenny says. “We’ve tried to create music for kids with parents in mind. Parents have to listen to these songs too - on loop at times - so we wanted something practical for the grownups, at the same time as being entertaining, relevant and educational for our little listeners.” Perhaps the coolest part of these catchy tunes is that there’s music for the bath, for learning, for

bedtimes, for tying shoelaces and doing chores, so you’ll be bopping along in no time at all. Itty Bitty Beats’ album Lay Your Head Down is a finalist for the Recorded Music NZ Best Children’s Music Album at this year’s Children’s Music Awards, while their bilingual lullaby Pō Mārie is a finalist for the APRA Best Children’s Music Song. “We’ve loved having the opportunity to bond with our kids in a new way,” Lucy says. “Gigs and work used to take us away from our kids. Now our music has us on the floor at home serenading our little loves to test out our new material! “We’ve found a new way to celebrate our love of music. Being in the studio, writing music and having families listening to our songs is incredible. Really incredible!”


38 August 11, 2016 Metropol


Musical Time Travel

Pop music is descending on Christchurch courtesy of Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox, returning to New Zealand in September for a national tour.


et your hair down, shake your tailfeather and sing your way through time with this musical and visual extravaganza. Modern pop songs are reinvented with a modern twist thanks to the collective of wildly talented performers. Postmodern Jukebox has a roster of more than 70 rotating cast members, who have stolen the show time and time again, even appearing on broadcast institutions like Good Morning America. Re-imagining current top 40 hits while paying homage to popular eras and genres of music, the group’s accomplishments have earned significant praise from media across the world as well as the music moguls themselves. Multi-grammy winning artist and homegrown talent, Lorde, praised Postmodern Jukebox’s vintage take on her globally resonant hit Royals, which has been viewed more than 15.3 million times. Bradlee, the creative mastermind behind the group, has inspired a global grassroots movement giving the act a voice that reverberates with purpose and passion around the world. Selecting the songs, creating the arrangements and shows, and casting every tour, Bradlee’s is a powerful success story. “I posted the first video in 2009. I was broke and living in Queens, NY. Seven

Postmodern Jukebox by Braverijah Gregg

Re-imagining current top 40 hits while paying homage to popular eras and genres of music.

years later, we’ve amassed 2 million subscribers, we’ve sold out shows across four continents and we’ve become a showcase for an incredible group of performers. “Every single one of our cast members has unique superpowers and I take pride in putting together the best combination of abilities and personalities to create an amazing experience for our fans. We want them to escape reality and join us for the most sensational 1920s party this side of The Great Gatsby.

“We want them to experience what it was like to be at the New Years’ Eve show that Sinatra would have hosted in the 1940s. We want them to feel the excitement of hearing the greats of Motown live and up close… and a Postmodern Jukebox show is the only place you can experience all of this and more in one night.” Don’t miss your chance to catch Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox live on Monday 29 August at the Isaac Theatre Royal. Buy tickets at

Metropol August 11, 2016 39

by Kate Pierson


makes its way to Christchurch

Having been to India three (soon to be four times), I am all too aware of its intoxicating allure. The symphony of sounds – market chatter, growling tuk-tuks and honking motorbike horns ducking and diving through the dusty roads; potent aromas accosting your senses; the passion of the people; the beautiful chaos. Yes, India truly is a rare and precious geographical gem.


t is with this experience that I await, with great expectation, the highly-anticipated arrival of Guru of Chai presented by the critically acclaimed Indian Ink Theatre Company. Gracing Christchurch’s pre-

eminent performance space - The Piano – the knowledge I hold that this show will have a spellbinding effect on audience members is more than visceral. The evidence speaks for itself.

Sheer Brilliance… a joy to behold Dominion Post

Secrets of love, life & everything September 1 - 3 The Piano 0800 842 538

Feel good production of the year NZ Listener

Play Best Actor ser t s Be Compoipp Best man Tr rds p Chaatre Awa The

$25 to $55*



Featuring the world famous anthem “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” SHOWBIZ P R E S E N T S


15 OCT

01 Lyrics by TIM RICE Music by ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER Originally directed by HAROLD PRINCE An Amateur production by arrangement with ORIGIN™ THEATRICAL on behalf of THE REALLY USEFUL GROUP LTD

40 August 11, 2016 Metropol

ISAAC THEATRE ROYAL BOOK NOW 0800 842 538 TICKETEK.CO.NZ For more information visit TM & © 2006 & RUG Ltd. & RSO Ltd

*Service Fees Apply

The magic of

Indian Ink has firmly established itself as one of New Zealand’s most successful independent theatre companies, garnering an international reputation and enjoying sell out seasons in Australia, the UK Singapore, Germany and the United States. The beautiful dichotomy of modern India’s reality – cell phones juxtaposing with antiquated traditions – are brought to life in Guru of Chai. The romantic thriller – with comic relief in the mix – tells the story of a poor chai-wallah. His life is powerfully transformed when a young girl is abandoned at a busy railway station and brings the place to a standstill with the beauty of her singing. The character of Kutisar (the chaiwallah) is described by one of the playwrights and performer, Jacob Rajan, as “A man steeped in the spirituality of maskdance, but with a weakness for beer and cock-fighting, and yet desperate to have a Facebook page – he literally danced into our lives, and onto the pages of this play as a fully-formed character”. It is the extraordinary partnership of Rajan and co-writer Justin Lewis that has given rise to this celebrated masterpiece. Buy your tickets now to experience the truly unparalleled magic of India. Guru of Chai is on at The Piano, September 1-3 at 7.30pm, with a matinee on September 3 at 2pm. Witness the magic of India before Guru of Chai travels to Canada in November.


Canterbury is in a unique position, the spot where the country and the city meet; a spot some may liken to the ‘best of both worlds’. This makes it the ideal location for the booming agritourism market.


ne of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry, agritourism includes visits to working farms, wineries and agricultural industries, with destinations offering a wide variety of entertainment, education, relaxation, outdoor adventures, shopping and dining experiences. On a local level, Canterbury is ripe with opportunities as farms increasingly invite the public to experience the outdoors, the leisurely pace and the nutritious produce. Just 1.6km past Orana Park and 10 minutes from the city, Arion Farm Education Park is a small working farm focusing on native New Zealand farm animals. It’s a great spot to take the kids in the school holidays where they can learn about – and even feed – the farm animals. Erewhon Station is a picturesque 35,000-acre

sheep and beef property in Ashburton that offers a completely unique Clydesdale horse experience ranging from a one hour wagon ride to a genuine high country saddle or wagon adventure to a private hut in the mountains. Miners Arms is a 10-acre lifestyle property on the city’s western edge where you can experience Kiwi life, meeting alpacas, sheep, chooks and Maremma sheepdogs. There are numerous farm and agricultural tours that provide a wonderful opportunity to connect with the real outdoor world of farming in New Zealand. Take a farm tour and experience farm life on a sheep, cattle or alpaca farm. Watch mustering teams work, feed farm animals and enjoy sheep shearing demonstrations. The country is your oyster.

Just 1.6km past Orana Park and 10 minutes from the city, Arion Farm Education Park is a small working farm focusing on native New Zealand farm animals.




EQUIPMENT, COACHING & RECOVERY SPECIALISTS Unit 9 / 501 Wairekei Road, Christchurch. Phone 595 2324 / sportingedge501

@ sportingedgech

Metropol August 11, 2016 41


Wheel Womyn Wednesday By Céline Gibson

‘Wheel Womyn Wednesday’ is a great alliterative title for a great team of women. These ladies are bicycle mad and want to share their enthusiasm with whoever stops by their shed at The Commons, 70 Kilmore Street.

This group of volunteers have a funfresh, zany approach to sustainability and recyclability.


heel Womyn Wednesday is one of the initiatives of RAD (Recycle a Dunger) Bikes. RAD Bikes, now a registered Charitable Trust, evolved from a Gap Filler project “CyclingRecycling”. This group of volunteers have a fun-fresh, zany approach to sustainability and recyclability. They think original; they think education; they think ahead. You might like to check out RAD’s Afterschool Programme where children can talk bikes and tinker with bikes – pretty cool, huh? Wheel Womyn Wednesday hosts its workshops every second Wednesday of the month, empowering people to learn and laugh together. The dinky shed has an impressive array of tools for people

to work on their bicycles, onsite, and get their trusty steeds back into action. These sessions include pop-in participants like Catarina from Cycle Christchurch and Charlotte from Action Bicycle Club who are great supporters of the initiative and are happy to talk and offer advice. RAD Bikes have bikes available for donation and for repair, and some bikes, once fixed and roadworthy, are donated on to charities such as The City Mission, Women’s Refuge, or Pathways. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, Wheel Womyn Wednesday welcomes men as well…because the groups is wheelie, wheelie nice! Email and visit ‘RADbikes’ on Facebook.

PAINT ‘N’ SIP STUDIO Christchurch’s most creative & fun night out!

WINTER TEAM BUILDING Treat your team to something special this winter to cure those winter blues! Check out our website for details on private events and our online calendar for availability!

locations in Christchurch & Queenstown paintnsipnz #paintnsipnz 42 August 11, 2016 Metropol



Food and wine go together like a culinary cliché and yet, while taste is subjective, the right wine has been known to enhance many a dish.


ine pairing’s most basic premise is white meat with white wine, and red wine with red meat. Then it’s all about creating balance, so neither the food nor the wine overpowers the other. Match mild foods with mild wines. Match big, flavourful foods with big, flavourful wines. Match the richness of the foods and the richness of the wine. Think of a bold pepper steak with a bold red with peppery notes such as Cabernet Sauvignon, or a rich chicken in cream sauce with a rich Chardonnay. The next culinary rule of thumb is to cleanse the palate with tannins or acids. Tannins in wines can be likened to the

bitter flavour you would get from placing a used black tea bag on your tongue. This astringent flavour helps strip the fats from your tongue and cleanse the palate of the rich fats from a meal, to provide a refreshing drink. If your dish is rich and fatty and you’re pairing it with a red – such as a good beef steak – you want a wine with good tannins to help cleanse the palate. White wines have much lower tannin levels than red wines, so if you’re pairing a rich fatty meal – such as fried chicken – and are looking for a white, then go for acidity. That fried chicken works well with a crisp acidic wine such as a Sauvignon Blanc.

reating It’s all about c ither balance, so ne e wine the food nor th e other. overpowers th

You’ll also want to stick with an acidic wine for a dish that also has a strong acidic content – such as a lemon fish meal or a tomato pasta. Much like if you squeeze lemon juice into a cup of milk, that acidity doesn’t mesh well with milky, creamy meals. So your creamy chicken pasta will clash with a crisp Sauvignon Blanc. Strong spices, such as hot chili peppers, can also clash with wines, so consider something spicy and sweet such as an off-dry Gewurtztraminer or Riesling. When in doubt... mix wines with their culinary siblings – such as Italian foods with Italian wines. Metropol August 11, 2016 43


MAKING HISTORY A historic homestead in Darfield is an invitation for a special dining experience. The Oaks of Darfield takes its setting - a 160-year-old homestead and surrounding mature oak trees - as inspiration for fabulous food outside of the city.


hef Tom Hiddlestone has created a menu to be enjoyed throughout the day, with The Oaks now open for breakfast in the weekend, as well as casual lunch, and evening fine dining. “Our food is focused on great flavours and seasonal where possible,” says owner Hamish Jenkins. “Tom looks to create traditional favourites as well as dishes that are not the usual.” A large garden and sheltered sunny courtyard make for wonderful outdoor dining, whether for an intimate lunch, a small group, or a function or special event. The Oaks specialises in events ranging from corporate seminars to boutique weddings and cocktails parties, catering for up to 100 guests. For smaller gatherings a private dining room is available,

44 August 11, 2016 Metropol


or exclusive use of the homestead for groups of no more than 30 people. “We can create a menu to meet the needs of the client,” says Hamish, with premium accommodation also available within the homestead. Find The Oaks of Darfield on the corner of Main West Coast Road and Clintons Road, call 03 318 7686 to make a reservation, or visit and on Facebook for more information.

A sophisticated


k c a b p ste -

e m i T n -I

It’s a glorious case of old world meets new world at one of Christchurch’s newest hospitality hotspots.


confluence of elegance, sophistication and luxe décor, the intimate space at O.G.B Bar & Café connotes a feeling of yesteryear with carefully selected furnishings evocative of bygone eras. A vintage car commanding attention at the entranceway sets the tone for what awaits. “With the building being 1913, we wanted to keep our look and feel this era to complement the building,” Nick confirms. “All our staff wear suspenders and hats when working in the bar. It’s that ‘Peaky blinders’ look, which, along with our live music and menu additions makes for a unique experience.” Formal, without pretention, O.G.B is the brainchild of Nick Inkster and business partner William Lepoutre. Based in the resplendent Old Government Building at the heart of the city, O.G.B’s charming personality is channelled through its suited-up staff, the sweet tunes of

Nick Inkster, Owner live jazz duo, Vintage Blue, along with many other talented Christchurch musicians seven nights a week, and a menu designed to romance the senses. With a north-west facing courtyard, guests can enjoy a drink looking out onto Cathedral Square and watch the tram, or experience the all-day coffee offering with a quirky window bar service. Spend the afternoon or evening with friends grazing on a generous O.G.B platter served on a rimu platter, venison croquettes with Kiwi onion dip, cheese boards, a classic burger and chips, and braised lamb nachos. Satiate desires for a delicious tipple with a compelling range of New Zealand’s viticultural best; inventive cocktails; five types of beers poured on tap including IPA, Pilsner and Stout; or enjoy a cider, port or other fortified wine. Step back in time at O.G.B Bar & Cafe and enjoy the finer things in life.

A confluence of elegance, sophistication and luxe décor, the intimate space connotes a feeling of yesteryear




On Thursday 23 June, fine wine connoisseurs enjoyed a fantastic opportunity to meet top winemakers and try a range of stunning wines at the Negociants annual wine tasting held at The George. Some of the best drops from New Zealand and Australia were enjoyed during the divine evening.

wine tasting

Anna Sutton, Emma Thompson, Liz Campbell, Leanne Whitteker

Denise Robertson, Morven McAuley

Helen, Merv & Amy Wilson Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson Clive Jones (Nautilus Estate), Tess Carney

Steph Stevens, Deb Hymers-Ross, Emily Glubb (Ballantynes)

Liz Mills, Tracey Prince

Judy Wilson, Tracey Dempsey

Chloe Gabrielsen, Denise Robertson

Brid Ryan (Food & Bev Barry Riwai, Caroline Manager, The George), Andy Wilkinson, Cameron & Ashley Stewart, Vickridge, Malyon Bimler Erin Harrison Chris Heslop Sharron Pearce, Russell Martin Andrew Brown, Lawrence Dawson, Janet Vincent, Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, Paul for Tweedale Maria O’Halloran Liz Mills Julie Endacott, Marie Lawder Photos by Jane Wyles Photography: copies email: Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

Metropol August 11, 2016 45


In k tchen Piccolo Ristorante Italiano

Fresh to Wigram – fresh baked – fresh served for either take away or dine in. Atomic Coffee Home made Pies Excellent Service

Coffee Cube

We tick all the right boxes 5 Avenger Crescent, Wigram Ph 021 028 48466 text orders welcome!

Divine Cakes & Desserts is the divine answer for a cake at your next special occasion. No baking required – just order and pick up Whether it be a wedding cake, gateau, cheesecake, cakes for any occasion and more.

Divine Cakes & Desserts

Blenheim Rd l The Palms l Northlands l Westfield

Enjoy a delicious glass of Ataahua Late Harvest Gewurztraminer with your dessert this winter. Perfect to wow dinner party guests. Available from Decant Vintners & Epicures in Christchurch or order from us. Ph. 021 22 22 354

Main Divide Meats Delicious South Island sourced Wild Venison used by NZ's top chefs and now available for you to experience this quality in the comfort of your own home with the ease of home delivery. Wholesale available. To order, phone (03) 348 2573 or email:

46 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Spoil yourself with our own special blend “New City” Coffee, house roasted to ensure a fresh, delicious cup. Delicious English and European Cuisine with healthy options for Brunch, Lunch, Breakfast, Afternoon Tea. Open Mon-Fri 7.00am-5.00pm Sat- Sun & public holidays 8am-5pm

Cafe Metro

Cranford Street Merivale Ph. 356 1835


8 Somerfield street Christchurch ph 3379424 Reservations required.

Italian Food We Are

Old-fashioned High Tea Finger sandwiches, savouries, Devonshire scones and your favourite cream cakes to treat yourself or delight some friends. Espresso Coffee and full tea selection included for $21.50 per person. Bookings essential.

Little Sister Cafe

7 Days, 670 Main South Road, Templeton Ph. (03) 349 7337

Una Bakery Fresh Handcrafted Convenient Underground coffee Friendly, helpful staff

73 Centaurus Rd, Huntsbury Ph: 337 8214. E:


In k tchen

Introducing our limited edition After Dinner Mint Macaron – the perfect treat any time of the day. Available during August in-store or on-line

J’aime les macarons

The Colombo, 363 Colombo Street, Christchurch Ph.(03) 366 9108

$45 Winter Special Tapas + Main (Fish/Lamb/Chicken) Min 2pp - Available 7 days (not in conjunction with discount cards)

Curators House Restaurant

Botanic Gardens. 7 Rolleston Ave Ph. (03) 379 2252


4 different flavours - $20 each. Find us at Riccarton Farmer’s Market on Saturday.

Cashmere Cuisine

Ph.(03) 03 3326071 - 18 Colombo Street

Wine Drinkers Wanted Motoring past Straight 8 Estate call into our cellar door For our SPRING IS IN THE AIR Specials OPEN 7 DAYS

Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious Scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie!! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too

2321 Main South Road

MRS DENTON’S Fine. Food. Fast Takeaway Cafe, Delicatessen

Ph 03 347 6878 or 0274361005

168a Kendal Ave, Burnside Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-3pm Sat 8.30am-3pm Ph. (03) 357 4516 027 469 0206

Burnham Cheers James and Mary

Wigram Brewing Company

Decant is a wine shop - the largest range of European wine in the South Is. Decant is a licensed café - really good food, superb coffee. Decant is a deli - a great selection of French cheeses. Decant is… - visit our website

Somewhere over the rainbow is the Sweet Revenge cake artist dreaming up a masterpiece to be devoured. Our cakes are a feast for your eyes and an experience your taste-buds will thank you for. Don’t today!

Sweet Revenge

Ph:03 3528815

“Tapping into Christchurch” Wigram produces multi-award winning beers for beer lovers. Look for us at your local bottle store, bar or supermarket. Brewery & Sales 34 Sonter Road Wigram Christchurch 03 343-4493 email:

Metropol August 11, 2016 47


In k tchen

“Hand crafted with love” Our pies are full of tender, slow cooked beef, rich, flavoursome gravy, encased in soft flaky pastry.

HALSWELL BAKERY & CAFÉ 346 Halswell Rd Open 7 days Ph. 322-4600

Cognac Ferrand has close relationships with the best distilleries in the Caribbean, selling them casks that had once contained it's cognac. Ask for Plantation Rum at your local liquor outlet. Ph 0800 893 457

Award Winning Dessert Wine Luscious and rich from old vines. You will not regret tasting this!!!! 2013 Late Harvest Noble Riesling Voted Champion Wine of Canterbury 2016 Lane Neave Lawyers Cheese Trophy and Gold medal Canterbury Wine awards 2016 Ph. Linda 021 483 112 Waipara River Estate wines for information on our full range of wines

Winter is here, be adventurous and experiment with gorgeous cooking essentials available from our Gourmet Essentials range, and match with a boutique Waipara Valley wine, perfection! Pukeko Junction Regional Wine Centre & Gallery 458 Ashworths Road SH 1, Leithfield, North Canterbury P. (03) 314 8867 E.

48 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Where eating healthy is a pleasure Our Sushi is fresh every day and is only the finest in Japanese fare!

Sushi Lane

290a Main North Rd, Redwood Ph. 354 4699

Love the ugly vege By Emma Dyer

Winter is a time to celebrate the ugly vegetables, like the swede, the parsnip, and fennel. They are well suited to soups, roast dinners, lasagne, casseroles, and other comfort food. What they lack in looks they make up for in flavour and these fresh seasonal ingredients can bring an interesting and dynamic addition to any home cook’s menu.

Parsnip Carrot’s plain looking cousin; you can use this in most places you would use a carrot including in desserts. Recipe Inspirations • Mashed parsnip • Cake • Muffins • Parsnip chips



The pride of Southland, they like a good frost. This is a particularly unattractive vegetable but has a surprisingly sweet taste and is easy to throw in with root veges in a roast. Handle like a potato, it can be peeled and cut into cubes, slices, or mashed.

The fennel bulb has a strong aniseed flavour, and is not to everyone’s taste but is simply beautiful fried in butter, infused olive oils, or roasted. Serve with white meats, halloumi or fish.

(also known as a Rutabaga)

Recipe Inspirations • Vegetarian lasagne • Curries • Chunky vege soup

Recipe Inspirations • Fried fennel with halloumi • Roast fennel and chicken • Orange and fennel salad with a light vinaigrette

Metropol August 11, 2016 49

Italian innovation

Step through the door at Casa Nostra Italian Kitchen in Ferrymead and you feel you have truly entered a little slice of Italy.


his is an authentic trattoria complete with checked gingham table cloths - green and white ones in the main restaurant and red and white in the covered and heated courtyard area – as well as ornate Renaissance-style mirrors and pictures of Italian scenes. Casa Nostra means “our house” and this family-owned and operated restaurant certainly achieves a sense of the welcoming warmth of home. And that is even before you try the wonderful selection of genuine Italian culinary fare on offer. Especially delicious is the schiacciata (pizza by any other name) – Tuscan flat bread that is hand-stretched and thin, light and crispy for having been left to prove at least overnight and often longer. The pizzas come with a large range of toppings all equally tempting from the Regionella and the Salmone to the Gustosa and the Verdure. Then there are the home-made pasta dishes and the mouth-watering risottos.

The pizzas come with a large range of toppings all equally tempting.

There is something to tempt everyone’s palate at Casa Nostra. If pizza and pasta aren’t your favourites there are plenty of secondi (main courses) of veal, pork, chicken or lamb all served with seasonal vegetables and roast potatoes. A nice touch at the restaurant is the complimentary sparkling water on the table. Sangria is also available by the glass as well as thirst-quenching cider cocktails. Casa Nostra is open seven days a week from 5pm until late and has a take-away menu of pizzas and risottos. Phone 384 3186. Casa Nostra believes “chi mangia bene mangia Italiano (who eats well eats Italian)”.

Eat in genuine Italian family style with genuine Italian food made by our genuine Italian owner Try the exciting new additions to our menu including Schiacciata (skiah-CHA-tah) – a delicious Italian pizza alternative. (A hand stretched Tuscan flatbread loaded with toppings & packed with taste)

You can dine either from our a-la-carte menu or the Italian Family way with shared Platters and Serves down the middle of the table

Now BYO 5

50 August 11, 2016 Metropol

(Wine Only)

Celebrate 25 years of Harrington’s! We have taken our popular Rogue Hop NZ Pilsner and pumped it up by 25%. An abundance of extra hops really brings those gooseberry flavours to party in a 25% stronger beer. This is a special limited release, enjoy before the candles go out. 6 TENAHAUN PLACE, WIGRAM, CHRISTCHURCH






Jenny describes the food as similar to that of their interior design style – clean and contemporary.

When ten27 opened in June it was the return of what had been, and something entirely new. Jenny and John Turnbull have been owners of Casual and Country for 25 years, combining homeware, furniture and interior design with great coffee and food.


heir new space, designed by Young Architects, allowed them to re-think how best to continue their story. The eatery, ten27, and the design store, are linked by large doors to create a great synergy between the areas, while allowing the eatery to be open when the store is closed. “We have an amazing young chef,” says

The eatery, and the design store, are linked by large doors to create a great synergy between the areas. The interior design was the combined work of the Casual and Country team interior designers Lucy and Shelley, Jenny and John, and their son Ben. The colour and geometric pattern of Scandinavian designed wallpaper provides a connection throughout the eatery, including two courtyard areas which can be opened on all sides to enjoy the shelter and sunshine, or closed for a cosy spot by an open flame BBQ in the evenings. Visit ten27 at 1027 Ferry Road in Ferrymead, at or call 03 595 2428 to make a reservation.

Jenny, with Monique Garnett designing their day to night menu alongside consultant chef, Mark Sycamore. From coffees, cabinet food and à la carte dining, the menu reflects great flavours and food that is made to nourish – tastes of vanilla buckwheat hotcakes, free range chicken cotoletta, salt baked artichoke, chocolate tart and the famous date scones.

ten27 coFFee



a colouRFul dining exPeRience

Modern Thai, authentic flavors, cafe by day dining in the evening. locally roasted coffee beans

open morning, noon & night serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert & everything in between 1027 Ferry Road, Ferrymead

Ph: 03 595 2428

24 New Regent Street | Christchurch | Ph: 03-377 4627 | 10am til late - 7 days

Metropol August 11, 2016 51


Seaside RICCARTON 85 Riccarton Road 03-3416608 RICCARTON@TEPPANYAKI.CO.NZ FERRYMEAD 2 Waterman Place Ferrymead P. 348 5644 FERRYMEAD@TEPPANYAKI.CO.NZ


New Zealand’s




Nestled in the seaside locale of Sumner, there is a quaint café with looks, personality and charm – Ocean Café & Bar.


hile winter has certainly made its presence felt, warm weather isn’t a necessity for a visit to this delicious destination, which remains incredibly ambient despite the chill factor. The café boasts sea vistas while the talented team has its focus firmly on customer service excellence and delivering a menu defined by innovation and imagination. “We have an a la carte breakfast and lunch menu along with a light meal board – all of which include vegetarian and gluten free options,” confirms owner Jules. “The a la carte menu changes regularly to keep things fresh for our customers.” The distilled essence of value for money, Jules says she has paid careful attention to all facets of the waterfront café, particularly the staff. “It has been a progressive effort to curate a team that takes pride and pleasure in its profession. “I love to be really hands on and work the front of house too. I am very much aware of what is going in the business. I think our loyal customers like to have the direct connection and appreciate seeing the owner.” Presenting itself as a bona fide ‘eatery’ and not just a standard café, the décor at Ocean Café


The café boasts sea vistas while the talented team has its focus firmly on customer service. & Bar channels a pared back and sophisticated aesthetic while also creating a down-to-earth vibe that chimes well with the environment and the experience. The $5 Friday has almost become an institution in its own right, offering a tapa style menu for lovers of delicious fare. Bespoke private parties catered for on Saturday evenings with details agreed on a case by case basis. For more information visit

A fabulous café in Christchurch's most famous secret garden...

Dose Cafe is a friendly, vibrant breakfast, brunch & lunch cafe

Online • Delivered or Click & Collect • FitCafé

Gourmet health food for busy people, delivered to your door. Designed by Nutritionists, prepared & cooked by our health food specialist Chefs, using local, free range, organic, wholefoods. Simply reheat & eat!

Fitfood Eat Fit. Live Well.

52 August 11, 2016 Metropol

TUAM ST chuch hospital Close to Christ BREAKFAST, LUNCH, AND COFFEE 77 TUAM STREET PH 03 943 2112 OPEN MON - FRI 7.30AM-4PM SAT 8.30AM-3PM

Next �me you visit Hagley Park, you are welcome to enjoy our delicious food and an amazing range of drinks at the Club House Café. • The Café with the biggest back yard in Christchurch - North Hagley park, between Hagley Golf Club and Victoria Lake. • Func�on hire, weddings and catering. • Walking the dog? - pooch is welcome to join you at Club House Café.

North Hagley Park

Between Hagley Golf Club & Victoria Lake

Phone 03 365 3010

Connoisseurs of Vivace coffee and delicious food Love Coco!

Nick Lange - Proprietor

400 Barbadoes St, Montreux Building

Ph.020 4106 8403




Sophistication and refinement are the hallmarks of the recently opened Dim 7th Jazz and Whisky Bar and Restaurant on Lincoln Road.


ith fine whiskies, live music and modern Japanese cuisine this venue is one of the few places in town to tailor its food and entertainment to a mature and professional clientele. Dark tones and plush double storey red curtains create an elegant underground feel that together with a corner stage and great acoustics easily captures a speakeasy-type environment. True to its name – the diminished seventh chord is a jazz music staple – Dim 7th has live jazz performances every Thursday, Friday and Saturday – and it hasn’t taken long for people to find out about its variety of offerings. “A lot of people love the whiskies,”co-owner Josh Zhao says. “While some are here for the jazz and live bands and some for our Japanese cuisine.”

Indeed the restaurant is presenting Japanese cuisine and tapas in a very new, modern style. Josh explains that the restaurant’s meals are inspired by the Japanese Nobu establishments – places where wine and spirits are served alongside food especially designed for occasions of conversation, laughter and relaxed drinking. “But the restaurant is also open for lunch every week day,” Josh says. “Dishes like our yakitori grilled chicken, salmon fillets glazed with sweet miso sauce and sashimi with ponzu sauce and Thai red chillies are available from mid-day.” Dim 7th is located at 363E Lincoln Road by Moorhouse Ave and is open seven days a week. For bookings or to find out about upcoming gigs visit or phone 379 5779.

The restaurant’s meals are inspired by the Japanese Nobu establishments.

Groove & Rhythm

Cafe Restaurant Bar

JAZZ & WHISKY BAR with Asian Japanese inspired New style Tapas with local and imported wine, craft beers & Yakitori. New kid on the block, just opposite the casino. Open for brunch, lunch and dinner. Come in and dine with us. Full menu available on


Tue-Sun 10am-10pm Mon 10am-4pm 71 Victoria Street, Christchurch Phone: 03 377 8944

363 Lincoln Road, Christchurch Ph: 03-3795 779 • Hours: Thur-sat 12pm-3am, Sun - Wed 12pm-1am Metropol August 11, 2016 53


Waimairi/North Beach

CAFE KUDOS BEACH CAFE Take your taste buds on a beachside stroll. Feel the sand between your toes and then just walk over the road to our beach café to taste our new summer menu, and supreme coffee. Boasting a great kids menu, play area and even your dog is welcome in the courtyard. Available for Private Functions.

Beach Café 16a Beach Road, Waimairi Beach Hours: Open 7 Days: 9am - 4pm

Phone: 03 382 8599

54 August 11, 2016 Metropol


Acclaimed Christchurch wide - delicious breakfasts and lunches from only $16 On site Cooks, chefs and bakers who love new flavours and adapting old fashioned favorites Cabinet food and catering. Grab a confidential table and delicious food and do business. Breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon teas. On and off premises catering - Fully Licensed, Wi Ii and great parking. FOOD HOMEMADE ON THE PREMISES Mon - Thur 7am-4pm Fri 7am-6:30pm Saturday 8:30 to 2:30pm � 235 Annex Road Middleton


Phone (03) 338 1801



KUM PUN THAI RESTAURANT GLAMOUR Delivering an artful and seductive mix of glamour and an amazing authentic Thai menu Exotic food in Exotic surroundings

73 Victoria Street Christchurch Ph.365-5494 Phone: (03) 365 5494

Airport & Wigram

It's all about the food! Every day we grill and roast our meats, chop our salsas and fry up our tortilla chips to bring you the fresh avours of Mexico, Cali-style! Fully licensed, open 10am-9pm Monday to Sunday. Check out the menu and order online

Spitre Square, Christchurch Airport 5, 544 Memorial Ave 03 974 1084

Wigram Skies, 96 The Runway 03 974 9279 Metropol August 11, 2016 55



Lifes A Beach... Enjoy a casual dining experience, while watching the surfers, SuPs, seagulls and swimmers.

Open daily for Breakfast & Lunch

Open late for Friday night Tapas

147 Esplanade Clock Tower End Sumner Ph. 03 326 7923 Fully Licensed

West Melton


llli �eJi


Winery Lunch & Show .__'--_Sunday 28th August Show Tickets $65 Book online @

Melton Estate - boutique winery, restaurant and event venue Located just minutes from Christchurch, this popular winery restaurant serves great food that is matched to handcrafted boutique wines. Come and enjoy the wines, vines and fine food. The winery restaurant and cellar door are open for lunch and wine tastings - Thursday to Sunday from 1 Oam to 5pm. Otherwise by arrangement for weddings, family celebrations, conferences and business meetings, and show events.

Weedons Ross Road, West Melton Phone (03) 347 4968 56 August 11, 2016 Metropol



Mount Pleasant/Redcliffs

DINING AND TAKE AWAY AT CHILLI FLAKES INDIAN RESTAURANT... with real authentic full flavours. 10% New menu with plenty of Discount Off Vegetarian, Non Vegetarian Takeaways Food, Dairy Free, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Curries, & Dinning Conditions Gluten Free Naan available. apply


DISH OF THE MONTH We asked & you voted! The Dish of the Month in The Grand Café this August is The GC Burger as voted by you on our Facebook page! For the month of August you can enjoy this delicious burger with 180gm price beef, bacon, Swiss cheese, lettuce & chutney served with homemade fries for only $13! Keep an eye on our Facebook page to vote for September’s Dish of the Month & you could win! R20 venue.

2 Soleares Ave Mount Pleasant Christchurch

30 Victoria Street, Christchurch

Phone: (03) 384 1309

Phone: (03) 372 8892

Yaldhurst / West Melton Reon Hobson - Chef de Cusine at The George’s award winning signature restaurant, Pescatore.

Truffled version of curried eggs


Tewnion Truffière was established in 1996 by Wayne and Alison Tewnion Old West Coast Road, Christchurch. Tewnion Truffière - major supplier to Fine Dining Restaurants and Wineries throughout New Zealand. Including The Pescatore - Roots Restaurant - Town Tonic

Where you can enjoy a fabulous Truffle experience 202 Old West Coast Road RD6 Christchurch 7676

Phone: 027 604 0004 Metropol August 11, 2016 57

Metropol’s sharing the musical vibes – they’re yours for the taking. Christchurch’s boldest and brightest, right here, every month.

11 August

OGB Bar: Vintage Blue, 6pm

12 August

Trevinos: Flat City Brotherhood, late Dux Central: Emerson, 5pm Dux Central: Izonik, 9.30pm

13 August

Riccarton Park Grand National: SouthField Dux Central: Jules and Willy Styles, 2pm Dux Central: Nacoa, 9.30pm Little Neighbourhood: Canadian Tuxedo, 9pm

Open: Mon-Fri 7am - 1am Sat-Sun 9am - 1am

14 August

Sequoia 88: Katrina Keenan solo, 5.15pm Dux Central: Sunday Jazz Sessions, 2pm

19 August

Civil and Naval: birthday celebrations with Tookie Wookie, 9pm Dux Central: Emerson, 5pm Trevinos: Hot August Night – Vague as Bros, late Little Neighbourhood: Uptown Shakedown, 9pm

20 August

Christchurch Casino: SouthField, 11pm Dux Central: Siaosi, 2pm Little Neighbourhood: Kitchen Collective, midnight

21 August

Music to make your function



Dux Central: Sunday Jazz Sessions, 2pm

26 August

Kaiapoi Working Men’s Club: SouthField Trevinos: Reckless Duo, late Little Neighbourhood: Sanstribe, 10pm

27 August

Trevinos: Carpe Diem, late Dux Central: Jules and Willy Styles, 2pm Dux Central: Get Set, 9.30pm Little Neighbourhood: Dsendantz, 10pm

28 August

Melton Estate: Ali Harper Sings, Winery and Lunch Show, $65

2 September

Trevinos: X Files, late Little Neighbourhood: Sanstribe, 10pm

Katrina Keenan and Dave McKenzie present an unbeatable repertoire of covers ranging from the 50s, 60s, and 70s through to the latest hits and chart toppers. Your guests will be quick to the dance floor with all your favourite Pop, Rock and Dance anthems. For enquiries contact John Woolco� at Pla���e Pro�o�ons on

0274 334 838 58 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Coronation Chicken

From Vanilla table by Natasha MacAller

On squashy poppy buns

Hands-down my favourite sandwich: a little sweet, a little spicy and scented with vanilla. These petite sliders – the filling created, they say, for the Queen’s coronation – are perfect for picnics, brunches and parties.

Chicken Salad

450g chicken, boneless, skinless breast or thigh, cooked ½ cup mayonnaise ¼ cup Greek yoghurt 1½ tsp curry powder 2 Tbsp mango chutney 1 Tbsp chives, minced ¼ cup red onion, diced small 2 Tbsp flaked almonds, toasted 2 Tbsp dried mango, chopped ¼ cup red bell pepper/capsicum, diced small 2 Tbsp lime juice 1 tsp orange zest 1 tsp vanilla paste


2 cups plain flour 1 Tbsp baking powder 2 tsp poppy seeds ½ tsp sea salt 75g unsalted butter, chilled 2 tsp runny honey 1 tsp vanilla paste 1 cup butternut or pumpkin squash, cooked and pureed 30 ml milk, as needed

To serve

12 tomatoes, cherry, thinly sliced 4 iceberg lettuce leaves 1 Tbsp chives to garnish

Chicken Salad

Cut or tear the cooked chicken into bite-size pieces and set aside. Mix the mayonnaise, yoghurt and curry powder until smooth. Add remaining ingredients to mayonnaise mixture until well combined. Fold in the chicken pieces. Cover and chill until ready to serve.


Preheat oven to 200°C Combine flour, baking powder, poppy seeds and salt. Cut butter in small pieces and work into flour with a pastry cutter or forks until butter is the size of small peas. Stir honey and vanilla paste into pureed squash and fold into flour mixture, adding just enough milk, if needed, to make a soft dough. Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface. With floured hands, flatten to about 1½cm thickness. Knead slightly then gently fold over, rotate 90°, pat out and fold again twice more, dusting with flour if necessary. Work quickly to prevent butter from melting. Roll dough to 1½ cm thick. Using a floured biscuit cutter, cut into 4-cm rounds. Place buns closely together in a 20-cm square baking pan. Bake until puffed and very lightly browned, 18-20 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes.

To serve

Split open and fill buns with chicken filling. Top with tomatoes, finely shredded lettuce and a sprinkling of chopped chives, and arrange on serving platters.



Metropol August 11, 2016 59

DIY CUISINE By Melinda Collins

We throw out milk that has ‘turned’ and purchase for sour cream; we slice off the mouldy parts of the cheese block before paying top dollar for blue cheese; toss the stale bread then buy breadcrumbs by the bag.

As the global food revolution pushes for sustainability, we’re getting back to basics and it’s seeing us get a bit crafty in the kitchen.


any cultures enjoy fermented – essentially rotted – foods, and don’t even get me started on the price of fungi – those delicious little spores we know of as mushrooms and truffles! In fact, bacteria, fungi and yeast – three things we may traditionally be trying to keep out of the house – are the unusual ingredients favoured by the latest culinary craze. Whether it’s a step back to times gone by, or just a classic case of daring DIY, more and more people are making their own sourdough starters, kimchi, kombucha teas, sauerkraut and if you peek in the odd hot water cupboard, don’t be surprised to find buckets of mushrooms.

As the global food revolution pushes for sustainability, we’re getting back to basics and it’s seeing us get a bit crafty in the kitchen, delighting the senses with culinary creations that have their roots many centuries – and even cultures – ago. My very own sourdough starter is currently sitting on the bench, sucking in some natural yeast, while jars of salted cabbage ferment away in the cupboard, transforming into what will be my first batch of sauerkraut. Next on the to-do list is to create a tea from a “scoby” (an acronym of symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) known as kombucha. So when you want to get some culture in your life, why not think outside of the culinary box?

wedding Conference &


As an idyllic wedding venue or exciting conference location, Methven Resort offers an unforgettable experience.

Relax by the crackling fire and choose from an extensive boutique wine list in the piano bar.

60 August 11, 2016 Metropol


his exclusive escape in Methven Village is renowned for fine food, fantastic facilities, entertainment, serenity and space in a beautiful mountain setting. Accommodating staff personalise every detail for your event to ensure a seamless stay. The main conference room, the largest in midCanterbury which accommodates up to 300, can also host a sumptuous banquet. Methven Resort attracts weddings all year – photos up at Mount Hutt couldn’t be more romantic. Booking early is advisable, with summer especially popular and conferences booked through to 2019. Revered for exquisite top-class food, two in-house chefs, one from Austria and an Asian chef formerly from a large cruise ship, cleverly create many diverse and delicious international dishes using fresh, local produce like salmon and venison. They’ll prepare any meal for a guest’s unique requirements for breakfast,

lunch and dinner. The restaurant with a view has seating for 100 guests. Three outdoor steamy hot pools are a luxurious way to unwind among stunning scenery and pristine mountain air, especially after skiing, hiking, jet boating or hot-air ballooning, or swimming in the 25metre heated pool. Evenings are entertaining with a pool table and video gaming, including pinball and a new racing-car game. Socialise on the dance floor or relax by the crackling fire and choose from an extensive boutique wine list in the piano bar. At the end of an eventful day, retire to one of 47 affordable, comfortable and spotlessly clean rooms, including family suites that sleep four. Methven Resort is an easy hour’s drive from Christchurch with plenty of parking on site. Visit or phone 03 302 8724

Living with blue and white From the palest aquamarine to the deepest indigo, the spectrum of blues offers endless possibilities for coastal-style decoration. When mixed with creamy white or oyster grey in stripes and other geometric patterns, the blue cornucopia becomes even richer. Blue-and-white patterns incorporating nautical motifs such as boats, seagulls and beach scenes are another variation on a theme.


Seaside Style

By Majka Kaiser

This edited excerpt comes from Coastal Living by Henrietta Heald. Design, photography and publishing by Ryland, Peters & Small. Distributed by Bookreps NZ.

With a fresh new take on living by the seaside, Coastal Living by Henrietta Heald offers up a treasure trove bursting with nautically inspired decorative ideas for classic, contemporary, casual and country-style homes.

The addition of blue, even in the form of ornaments, textiles or simple decorative details, will make a white scheme less sterile. Displaying nautical maps and charts If you’re a true sailor - or simply dream about being one - there is no better way to create the illusion of a life afloat than by displaying nautical features in your home. You can transform any space into a veritable ship’s cabin by framing old maritime maps and charts behind glass and hanging them on walls, or even covering an entire room with a nautically themed wallpaper. Decorating with beach finds Beachcombing is a pleasure in its own right and it is particularly satisfying to adorn your home with shoreline finds. When choosing which textures to put on display, consider texture and tactility as much as visual appeal. Wave-smoothed pebbles, limpets and thinly grooved scallop shells arranged on a shelf or windowsill will tempt you to pick them up and stroke them. By contrast, dried sea sponges and coarse hemp ropes with chunky knots are pleasingly rough to the touch. Pieces of bleached driftwood, gnarled and contorted into strange shapes, can be displayed on a glass shelf or in a vitrine. Feathers, starfish and delicate fronds of dried seaweed are ideal of adding form and texture to an interior display.

Metropol August 11, 2016 61

Coastal Living Create the Look

By Majka Kaiser

There is something romantic about the seaside and it’s raw beauty - potent and revitalising. As Kiwis it has the ability to inspire a powerful sense of Déjà vu within us, evoking nostalgic memories of yesteryear.

We have put together some inspiration for your abode so you can bring a little or large slice of paradise into your world.


n celebration of the seaside’s boundless generosity and it’s talismanic qualities, we have put together some inspiration for your abode so you can bring a little or large slice of paradise into your world. Introduce subtle elements inspired by the seaside with colours of seafoam, lichen encrusted rocks, smooth grey pebbles, seaweed and sand. Be sure to strike the balance between modern and classic elements, smooth and rough textures, and linear and organic shapes, for a truly characterful home decor. Through a marriage of organic and manmade furnishings, your home will take on a distinct personality, unique to you. We’d love to see your interpretation of this style – visit Metropol on Facebook and upload your look with the hashtag #metropolhome.

Bloomingville Rug / Mini Moderns Gull wallpaper / HAY WH Hook / Normann Copenhagen Grinders / Vintage pottery planter / HAY Bjørn sofa //

Ph 027 545 6991

We can start your new home of tomorrow – today. 62 August 11, 2016 Metropol


ART By Majka Kaiser

Fabric, ephemera and even crockery can make for unexpected art. Framed topographical maps, an exquisitely patterned piece of fabric, or a selection of pretty patterned plates can all be presented in an artful way to liven up your walls. Retro cake tin lids are ideal for hanging on walls and can even double as clever wall-hung storage by using the whole tin.


rouping similarly themed objects can create a beautiful vignette on a wall, windowsill, sideboard or mantelpiece. Experiment with different shapes and sizes, colour combinations and textures to create visual interest. Treasured clothing and jewellery can even be used to adorn bare walls. A colourful vintage Kimono, for example, can make a dramatic statement in the boudoir positioned above or opposite the bed. Some jewellery pieces are often works of art in their own right; pieces that may be too big to wear, yet deserve to be admired, can be

given their own wall space. Advertising posters from music concerts, theatre, ballet, art exhibitions, or even the gigantic posters you see at bus stops or plastered on walls around the city are like gold. Become a detective and hunt them down by contacting theatre companies, music agents, advertising agencies or art galleries to see how you can procure these works of art. Collect a few and have them framed or professionally mounted to create an interesting feature wall that is bound to spark conversation with dinner guests.


Experiment with different shapes and sizes, colour combinations and textures to create visual interest.

Metropol August 11, 2016 63

Fashionable furniture pioneers Everywhere you look in McDonald and Hartshorne’s factory there is industrious activity happening - fabric being measured and cut, fabric being sewn, fabric being fitted to furniture frames and tapped into place.


hat makes this such a great working environment for our staff is that every job is different,” Keith Hartshorne says. “Everyone takes great pride in the quality of their workmanship and in resurrecting beautiful furniture from something that might have been thought fit only for the dump.” McDonald and Hartshorne specialises in reupholstering furniture whether it be antique or modern. “We bring back to new anything from lounge suites to easy chairs and dining chairs. We can also repolish any chipped timber, especially on the legs of chairs. Lately we’ve working on lots of wing chairs and the interesting thing is the fabrics people are selecting – some of it is quite unconventional and avant-garde so they can create a feature piece in a room.”

It’s to cater for this range of tastes that McDonald and Hartshorne has such an extensive range of sample fabrics in its showroom from renowned houses such as James Dunlop, Warwicks, Charles Parson, Textilia and Michael Woods. McDonald and Hartshorne Upholstery also makes new bed heads and ottomans to order at really fair prices. In addition, from its online store, it can obtain furniture from internationally respected manufacturers like Danske Mobler, McQue Design, Kovacs, Bos Design and David Shaw, with all pieces made from the best leathers, fabrics and timbers. Enquiries are welcomed at McDonald and Hartshorne’s reupholstery factory and fabric showroom at 430 St Asaph St by appointment – phone 371 7500. Or you can visit

“We bring back to new anything from lounge suites to easy chairs and dining chairs.”

03 343 0219

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The power of

FIRST IMPRESSIONS There are many factors to take into consideration when selling a property and it’s essential to get it right the first time, says Milena Bartlett, of Harcourts Four Seasons.



look at real estate as an art form – there are many things to think about in order to achieve the best possible result and it takes a lot of training and skill to offer a perfect combination of those aspects.” Choosing to take care of the entire process yourself isn’t always the best idea, she says. “Often people ‘have a go’ at selling by putting up a few photos on Trade Me, then wait for a buyer to come along. However, when a property is exposed to the market at the wrong price and with low quality photos, the damage can be huge. My theory is to do it once and do it right.” In this day and age, you get a small window of opportunity to make a good first impression to attract buyers. “I can’t stress enough the power of good photos and immaculate presentation. Staging can add thousands to the sale price and it really helps buyers visualise themselves living in the space.” Consulting your agent well in advance about the property improvements you plan to make prior to selling is also important. “An agent can help with advice on how to spend your money wisely. So, if you are thinking about selling in the near future, now is a good time to call me and discuss how to make the most of your budget when preparing your property for the market.”

2 new SUPERHOMES for Cashmere Rd


If you are considering buying or selling property anywhere in Christchurch please get in touch with me today!

Passion for Excellence Professional Approach Integrity

Metropol August 11, 2016 65

Feeling rosy

“What a lovely thing a rose is.” So said Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his sentiment is definitely echoed by Yvonne Frost and Alisa Thompson of Querky Style and Roses at Cust.



e have a superb range of beautiful roses available right now, including the old-fashioned rose varieties that are often hard to source.” The very names of these roses - Gallica, Moss, Centrifolia, Musk, Rugosa, China, Bourbon – evoke visions of bygone days. Some old-fashioned roses date back to the time of the Roman Empire and all the varieties are revered for their delicate beauty and wonderful fragrance. It’s fitting that Querky Style and Roses holds these types of roses because this business is not your typical nursery. Rather it is a unique destination – the ultimate stop for home and garden fashions. “In addition we have a very good selection of David Austin English roses, climbing roses, hybrid teas, floribundas and standards. It’s the opportune time to visit us and wander around to see the

A little bit of Africa...

various options. Now is the best time to plant your new roses so they will flower for this coming summer. It’s also a good time to plant rhododendrons, camellias, lilacs and magnolias – and we have lots of those too.” Querky Style and Roses is a veritable treasure trove for everything to do with roses and rose growing – from secateurs and pruning saws, to heavy-duty pruning gauntlets, sprays and fertilisers. There are also wine barrels and terracotta and ceramic pots for patio roses where space is limited. For enquiries phone 03 310 2325, visit and

New Season’s Roses Available Now

Showcasing stunning artwork & sculptures by African artists. Heidi Lange Silk screen Art Baliks which she creates in Kenya.The fabric is dyed & cut by hand in a Maasai village then sent to Nairobi for finishing.

Showroom open: 15 Byron street, Sydenham Mon-Fri:11am- 4:30pm P. 03 379 5421


03 421 8460 W: E:

66 August 11, 2016 Metropol

1771 Main Road, Cust

Ph 03 310 2325

Open Mon-Tue-Wed-Sun 10-4pm, Thur-Fri-Sat 9-5pm

Like us on Facebook

Industrial lighting By Kate Pierson

Studio 63 in gold leaf, with black steel frame and black aluminium shade and a chrome bulb case. Made in Italy. Available at Trenzseater.

You’ve been living on a deserted island if you haven’t noticed the influx of industrial lighting – it’s the crème of the home décor crop and is wooing style lovers left, right and centre.


n unequivocal home heart-throb, the key challenge is to find your own iteration of the industrial lighting theme that stands out from the rest. Fortunately, we’ve found the perfect ally in our friends at Trenzseater whose ranges have a certain je ne se quoi – the kind that makes our hearts pit-a-patter. Industrial lighting can be fixed or freestanding in your home – our personal favourite is the latter meaning you have flexibility if you want to mix things up in your space. A great visual companion to leather furniture, natural woods and pops of metallic – gold, silver, copper and bronze – industrial lighting can introduce edge and elegance into the home. Experience the options and experiment the possibilities by visiting Trenzseater at 121 Blenheim Road.


Metropol August 11, 2016 67

Excellence meets efficiency Third generation and independently owned and operated company Whittle, Knight and Boatwood Ltd has been committed to the same set of strong values since it was established in 1966.


or 50 years, the business has been providing a professional and genuine service across all aspects of real estate, including Sales, Property Management, Valuation and Commercial. Services are tailor-made to every client’s needs. “We work closely with our clients to make sure everyone is on the same page,” Director Ian Knight says. “And unlike some of the other companies, we don’t charge for the advertising and signage, so it’s a considerable saving to the vendors. There are also no other additional prices throughout the process, just one fee on confirmed sale. It’s the way we’ve always done things.” While Whittle, Knight and Boatwood Ltd also manages commercial properties, it has a solid residential property management division and offers

68 August 11, 2016 Metropol

a complete property management service. “We also pay for the advertising if you are renting out your property.” Manager of the Residential Property Management division Tania Ellis says your property can still be rented successfully in the current rental market. “Your property must be keenly priced and it will still rent. All you need is the right team to assist with that. We are very transparent with our pricing and are currently exceeding our renting levels from this time last year.” Tenant selection is of high importance to the team. “Quality of tenants is imperative, particularly in this market. Although everyone is keen to fill their property, it’s still essential to select the best possible tenants. I’m very confident in our team’s abilities to effectively rent and manage your property.”

“ “We are very transparent with our pricing and are currently exceeding our renting levels from this time last year.”



he 200 million year wait for a Wollemi Pine in New Zealand is now over – on Saturday 4 June, gardening icon Terra Viva helped Ambrosia Nurseries celebrate the reveal. Discovered in 1994 in Sydney’s Blue Mountains, the Wollemi Pine (Wollemia noblis) is one of the world’s oldest and rarest trees and is considered to be a major botanical find – akin to finding a dinosaur alive today. Previously, the Wollemi Pine was thought to be extinct with only fossil records remaining. In the wild, the Wollemi Pine is a majestic conifer that grows up to 40 metres high with a trunk diameter of over one metre. The unusual foliage has light apple green new tips in spring and early summer, which contrasts against the older dark green foliage. Another unique feature is its pattern of branching with the mature foliage having two ranks of leaves along the branches. Terra Viva is selling the beautiful Wollemi Pine on behalf of Ambrosia Nurseries.

Adrienne Moore (Friends of the Botanic Garden), Greg Kitson

Greg Kitson ( and Kristo Kukk (Terra Viva)

Lewis Black, Sophie Beaumont

Jacob Rados, Kristo Kukk


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Metropol August 11, 2016 69

The South Frame:

Making Places

Cymon Allfrey



dentified as playing a crucial role in creating a greener, better connected central city, the South Frame is set to be comprised of four large interconnected areas designed to create space for events, performances, public art and markets. Covering three blocks it links the Innovation and Health precincts and is bordered by St Asaph, Tuam, Manchester and Montreal Streets. With minimal thoroughfare traffic, the South Frame will see a network of laneways connecting the central spaces, designed to allow pedestrians and cyclists to move easily and

70 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Photos courtesy of Otakaro Limited

safely through the central city. Having recently been guided through the proposed space, walking from the hospital to the Vodafone building on the corner of Poplar and Tuam Streets, our chaperon spoke with passion of the future for these spaces. As we zigzagged our way through empty sections, demolition, car yards and new building sites, we could see the vision begin to unfold. It was both eye opening and exciting to gain an understanding of how these spaces will be utilised to facilitate a

different type of enjoyment between people and buildings than we currently have in our city. The laneways will not simply be used to move around the city or to connect us to more exciting spaces. They will also be full of life and colour, designed for Cantabrians, incorporating what makes us unique. Yes, we have had glimpses of laneway development pre-quakes, which illustrated the success and varied offering that can come from creating a safe and pleasant, pedestrian dedicated environment. However, this is a different concept for

As we zig-zagged our way through empty sections, demolition, car yards and new building sites, we could see the vision begin to unfold. Christchurch. One that will unite the central city and provide connection between old and new, as existing buildings and their service alleys become integral to the success of the space. The nature of this project, while emerging from our unique situation, isn’t unique to Christchurch. In Auckland, the City Council has put significant energy into trying to create spaces which shift the emphasis from car, to people. It’s about creating positive urban design environments which invite innovative thinking when it comes to adorning these spaces with boutiques, stores, restaurants, bars - spaces for social activities.

The 1995 America’s Cup was the catalyst behind the development of The Viaduct Basin in Auckland, which has since paved the way for development into Wynyard Quarter and the Britomart Development, which has transformed spaces previously not considered desirable into vibrant hubs. Consider Fort Street (connecting Queen Street with Britomart) where subtle changes to the streetscape, such as planting, inbuilt seating and paved footpaths, saw the emphasis shifted from a dingy thoroughfare, to an inviting pedestrian friendly area. The small laneways that already existed to service the commercial buildings have become,

by default, frontages for bars, shops and restaurants, allowing the buildings to engage with people. It is a living example of how an opportunity in an unlikely space has impacted positively on both the city and its people. The sides and backs of preexisting buildings have been adapted to create exciting development and a positive connection between people and buildings - creating space and a sense of place. Walking through Christchurch’s South Frame, it is evident the things that will create these special places are yet to come. To create ‘place’ we first need buildings and spaces, which will come from the development of projects that border this frame. The architects and building owners of these projects have a fantastic opportunity to be inventive around how they engage with people. In time, it will be an exciting journey through this part of the city. While the energy at the east end will be vastly different to that at the other, there is little doubt that at every corner there will be something unique; new and exciting offerings set to cater for all, ensuring this is a space for everyone. Set to bring a whole new energy to our city, the South Frame is going to be a fascinating development to watch. Get ready to embrace it.

Metropol August 11, 2016 71

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timeless luxury For 25 years Debbie Cavit has been sourcing sophisticated furniture, lighting and accessories from the best international designers from around the world. On a never ending quest to find new collections to keep Cavit’s offering on trend and diversified, Debbie travels to the USA and Europe twice a year to secure exclusive pieces for her three showrooms in Auckland, Christchurch and Arrowtown.

Hare by Muse. Part of an extensive range of bronze accessories and small furniture items, the Hare is a fabulous statement piece of enormous charm.

Internationally acclaimed designer Kelly Wearstler has just released a new collection of furniture, lighting, accessories and beautiful bed linen. Her interior design work is seen in the homes of A-List clientele from the film and music industries, as well as top celebrities, luxury hotels and grand residences from Beverly Hills to the Caribbean and around the world. With a signature style that juxtaposes raw with refined, melds colour, sophistication and spirited spontaneity, and seamlessly blends diverse periods of furniture under one roof. Kelly Wearstler has revolutionised the look, feel and meaning of modern American design. Now available exclusively from Cavit&Co.

McGuire leads the way in relaxed sophistication. Using the organic beauty of natural materials such as rawhide and the best rattan available in the world, McGuire brings timeless elegance, comfort and pieces that have been handcrafted by trained artisans.

The luxury of sleeping in Frette is beyond repute. Frette use only the finest, long fibre, pure Egyptian cotton and their beautiful bed linen is woven and embroidered on the world’s widest looms. Debbie orders new designs from Frette’s biannual collections especially for New Zealand clients.

Baxter Italian furniture continues to stun with its design edge created by designers of the highest calibre, including internationally acclaimed Paola Navone. Baxter leads the world in design innovation enhanced by their use of only the finest, full thickness, vat dyed steer hides.

Auckland 547a Parnell Road, Parnell 1052 | T +64 9 358 3771 | Christchurch 148 Victoria St, Christchurch 8013 | T +64 3 929 0013 Arrowtown 18 Buckingham St, Arrowtown 9302 | T +64 3 442 0128 | Email |

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Metropol August 11, 2016 73

Outdoor inspiration

“ We love the idea of creating our own private cinema with even the smallest backyard capable of rocking a home theatre made for the outdoors.

With spring on the horizon – the daffodils starting to show signs of life are the proof in the seasonal pudding – we put our thinking cap on about some outdoor inspiration for your very own backyard.


e love the idea of creating our own private cinema with even the smallest backyard capable of rocking a home theatre made for the outdoors. First and foremost you need dry conditions and a sheltered spot. If you’re prepared to brave the weather when it’s a little cold (not too cold of course!), make sure you’ve got a cave of blankets to burrow into. Depending on how adventurous you’d like to

BGLA is a small, award winning, landscape architecture and design practice based in Christchurch. Specialising in residential garden design, we aim to create landscapes that are beautiful, affordable and user friendly: they are the everyday extraordinary.

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be, invest in some hay bales and weather-resistant furniture and decorate the area with pops of light by stringing up fairy lights. Once you’ve created an ambient setting, set up your projector and borrow or buy a second-hand projector screen. If you’re feeling adventurous, build your own! All you need now is a classic film, some great company, salted popcorn and a slab of chocolate. Enjoy!


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All about strawberries quick to grow easy to look after great for pots & containers plant now and pick berries for Christmas

74 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Kitchen cachet By Majka Kaiser

The hub and heart of the modern home – the kitchen - may be the most expensive area to renovate but is the one guaranteed to enhance your day-to-day life and increase your home’s overall value.


ayout is key for a well functioning kitchen. Whatever the size of your kitchen it’s important to consider how you intend to use the space. Kitchen experts recommend the ‘golden triangle’ concept that connects the fridge, preparation area and sink to create the optimal working solution by minimising steps taken between these three key work areas. Create the perfect synergy between the kitchen and the interconnecting spaces by looking to your home’s architectural elements for guidance. Contemporary homes will suit a more minimal, streamlined style, while older character homes will be more at ease with more traditional fixtures and finishes. Take a detailed inventory of what you need and how often you need it to guide you in the type of

Considering Renovating?


storage that suits your needs. Using a combination of under-bench cabinets and overhead wall cabinets with drawers or doors, ensure all that you need is within easy reach of the preparation areas. Consider designing cabinets that can accommodate items needed on an occasional basis. Favour styles that reach all the way to the ceiling to create an illusion of height. Even if you can’t afford high-end materials, it’s surprising how the smallest details like faucets, drawer handles or a stunning splash back can elevate your kitchen and give the air of luxury and style.


Book your appointment today.

Metropol August 11, 2016 75

Classic Retro Mt Cook Camping Ground tableware available at Re Start Simply NZ Store.

Beautiful Bulbs

elli Molinari’ Italian ic vinegar is a great By Kate Pierson on on your salads, at, sh or as an Light up letters are all the rage for homes ent for your sauces. Available right from now. A bright point of difference and an Crowdedinteresting House conversation starter, we probably

don’t need to spell out all the wonderful perks of this designer décor, but we’re happy to.

Large range of planking tiles

Bring Dad along to paint a free mug at 4pm on Saturday 3rd September at Go Potty Ceramic Studio. (T’s & C’s apply)


nspired by the bright lights of Hollywood and Vegas, these beautiful bulbs are an innovative way to introduce some light into your life, and your abode, without breaking the bank. Available for purchase in motivating phrases or as individual pieces so you can make up your own mottos, enjoy creating your own wall of fame. Treat an empty wall as a blank canvass and hang your inspiring words, or use them as a feature on a sideboard, mantelpiece or coffee table.

availableof at TileMax. Large range planking tiles available at TileMax.

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Gorgeous range of vegan friendly nail polishes


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943 4932

“ Bright Ideas For Dark Spaces

By Majka Kaiser

While not every home is blessed with copious amounts of natural light there are plenty of clever decorating tricks to brighten your home and your mood.


pen up dark nooks and crannies with recessed lighting fixtures. LED lights are not only a more efficient and cost effective choice, but can be cleverly integrated into the design to enhance these architectural features. Add a strip of LED lighting around a floating ceiling or along base boards to give the illusion the room is afloat.

A lighter colour palette for walls, can make a world of difference to boosting a room’s bright factor.

Mirrors are an interior designer’s best friend when it comes to brightening spaces. Position them opposite or adjacent to windows and this will maximise the reflected natural light, or hang them strategically to create the optical illusion of greater depth. A lighter colour palette for walls, soft furnishings and furniture can make a world of difference to boosting a room’s bright factor. Weatherboard villas and character homes that have dark wooden paneling throughout will instantly lighten and brighten with a lick of paint. Floorboards can be white washed or brightened with lighter coloured rugs. Furniture that’s big on bulk can make any space feel oppressive and suck up the light. Swap out clunky pieces with ones that show a little leg and reveal more of the floor beneath. This gives the appearance that furniture is floating as opposed to being weighed down. Open shelving units can also lift a room and are a great alternative to dark, heavy cabinets.



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beautiful OUTDOOR Furniture

What do you do if you simply can’t find what you are looking for - if the product is either not good enough quality or too expensive?


Furniture comes in various colours and styles.

he answer, as far as The Crowded House Furniture Company was concerned, was to design, source and import it directly themselves from an overseas manufacturer. “The manufacturer we deal with builds the furniture to our specifications,” owner Jodi says. “That means the outdoor furniture we sell is appropriate for New Zealand conditions and the New Zealand way of life. Our outdoor chairs and lounger sets have generous proportions and are therefore really comfortable to relax in.” “We have outdoor furniture for every occasion from hanging egg chairs, dining tables and chairs and lounger sets to sun

loungers, bar sets and bar stools. We also have extra large waterproof storage boxes designed to take all those large cushions that often end up filling up your lounge and garage.” Made of UV resistant polyethylene rattan over solid powder aluminium frames, the outdoor furniture comes in various colours and styles. Buy off the website or call Jodi on 027 533 2298 to arrange a viewing. With warm weather in sight, stock levels high and prices low, it’s time to buy new outdoor furniture now! Visit to see the range.

Metropol August 11, 2016 79


A true visionary With the Billy Apple: GREAT BRITTEN! exhibition on at the Christchurch Art gallery (16 JulyNovember 2016), I thought it timely to mention the visionary engineer.


ohn Britten’s bikes are rare machines with only 10 ‘production’ V1000s constructed. Britten bikes featured many innovations, with carbon fibre body work; wheel rims; girder forks; swing arm systems; hand cast, 4 valve heads and engines; a frameless chassis; an under seat radiator; a rear shock located in the front of the engine, and digital data logging. John was a thought leader with motorcycle development. His idols were New Zealand inventors who pushed the boundaries and, looking back, his name now rests among the greatest of them. I recently caught up with Felicity Milburn, curator of the exhibition. “This was always an exhibition that we felt would interest a wide audience. Billy Apple is perhaps New Zealand’s most internationally recognised conceptual artist and a significant project by him always draws an audience. “The story of the Britten bike and its development fascinates people both here and internationally and that was borne from the moment we first started talking about the show. As well as our regular attendees, we’ve had many new visitors - and definitely far more motorcycle helmets in our bag check area than usual - so it’s clear that the show is connecting us with parts of our community we haven’t previously reached, which is terrific! “I’ve had many conversations with people talking about their memories of John Britten and their admiration for the bike. The response to public programmes we’ve run – which included a burnout event and a talk around the bike with

John Britten, 1995. Photo by Kerry Walker rider Andrew Stroud, owner Kevin Grant and members of the original Britten team – has been phenomenal. “It’s obvious that people hold Britten’s achievements in very high esteem and have a real fondness for the bike as a tangible part of the city’s history. We would never have chosen to have the show delayed by the earthquakes

“It’s obvious that people hold Britten’s achievements in very high esteem and have a real fondness for the bike as a tangible part of the city’s history.”

(it was originally scheduled for July 2011) but there’s no denying that the Britten story feels even more significant now.” I’m also lucky enough to be friends with Britten’s first manager, Hamish Lamont. Hamish points out that 20 years after John’s passing there have been significant events worldwide commemorating John’s achievements with the amazing Britten bikes, particularly the John Britten Tribute Sound of Thunder Motorcycle Racing Event held in Christchurch in February 2015. To look at a Britten bike up close at the Christchurch Art Gallery is a real opportunity to appreciate how stunning the design work was. These opportunities don’t often happen. Carpe Diem – seize the day, and see the exhibition.

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80 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Electric Elegance

By Nicholas Henare


four-cylinder engine with a very high output, it’s the sixth generation of the 7 series and a true flagship of the BMW range. With a generous helping of luxury, comfort and style, the 7 series has developed the 740e as a 100 percent electric vehicle with low emissions. Both the BMW 740e and the 740 Le xDrive are plug in variants of the 7 series and the features you’re looking for in a vehicle, with performance to boot. Automotive companies worldwide are scrambling to tackle the new technology of the ion lithium battery and the electric vehicle. Tesla and its S model have set the bar and this is BMW’s answer to it.

The new BMW 7 series is making its debut with the new BMW I technology. Automotive companies worldwide are looking at integrating electronic engines with fuel versions and this is BMW stepping forward with its prestige range.

With BMW’s track record on technology, I’ve got no doubt these vehicles have solid acceleration. Zero to 100 in 5.3 seconds on an electric vehicle is pretty impressive. The advances in electric and hybrid vehicles over the last two years have been nothing less than stunning. BMW’s latest offering is clearly another step in the right direction. The newer the car the more the developers have our every need met and refined. Ease of use and a positive impact on our fuel use costs is all about meeting consumer needs. It’s good to see BMW taking the initiative in its primary luxury range with an option that fits the bill.

With BMW’s track record on technology, I’ve got no doubt these vehicles have solid acceleration.

Metropol August 11, 2016 81

A NEW ERA Keistian Aquilina, Steven Grenfell, Lianne Dalziel

Kevin Stephens, Rey McCone, Jill Macdonald, Wendy McCone

Glenn Wallace, Peter Murphy

Pene Johnson, Julie Truscot

Steve Grenfell, Lindsay Welsh, Paul Morrison

Gary Williams, Danny Meehan


ounded in 1923, Blackwell Motors has had a long and proud history in Canterbury. Blackwells Holden is an iconic part of this history along with Blackwells Mazda. In 2011, the Canterbury Earthquakes forced a relocation of the two Cashel Street dealerships to Sockburn – in an amazing feat, this relocation was completed within two days. Fast forward five successful years, and Blackwells Motors is ringing in a new era. On Tuesday 2 August, the Blackwells Holden staff and extended network celebrated brand new premises on the corner of Moorhouse Avenue and Montreal Street. Facility features include the latest in eco-friendly technology, extensive native landscaping, advanced seismic engineering, a fully automated carwash facility, one of Canterbury’s largest workshop’s (30 bays), 100% LED lighting, multiple interactive LED screens, fast customer Wi-Fi in luxury lounges, and special dedicated delivery bays for that special delivery experience.

Photos by Sarah Jane Stringer - for copies email:


$28,990 + GST + ORC


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Cnr Moorhouse Ave and Montreal St. Christchurch. Phone 03 379 5500 82 August 11, 2016 Metropol




t’s an unequivocal fact that the Canterbury earthquakes wreaked havoc on the residential and commercial landscapes. Businesses in their prime were forced to think and act quickly to avoid losses, and continue the momentum earned through a great reputation, perseverance and a desirable product. This narrative is particularly relevant to Blackwells Mazda. Post-earthquakes, the auto icon found itself having to relocate to a new location in Sockburn. Having retained its loyal customer following through service excellence and an unparalleled range, Blackwells Mazda and its team was thrilled to celebrate a magnificent milestone on Wednesday 27 July. Marking the opening of its brand new premises on the corner of Moorhouse Avenue and Montreal Street, Blackwells Mazda is back – brighter, bolder and better than ever before with the new space offering new cars and servicing. Guests at the event enjoyed an evening led by MC Mark Hadlow with a presence from parent company Oakwood Motor Group.

Steve Grenfell (CEO), Nic Reyntjes

Kevin Greene, Simon Langer, Seth Ovens

John Marsh (Chairman Oakwood), Andrew Clearwater (Mazda CEO)

Judy Marsh, Rosaria Marsh, Jill Catton

Zivanah Keen, Daniel Andrew, Anne Ballingall

Jemma & Marcus van Klink

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

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Metropol August 11, 2016 83


Armstrong Prestige launched the E-class Mercedes recently and I was invited along to witness the magic.

for elegance By Nicholas Henare

The car monitors its surroundings and lets you leave the controls for a certain amount of time.


hile waiting for the reveal we experienced the show room and what Mercedes has on deck. Brands align together on the night and bottles of Veuve Clicquot and tickets to Evita are given away with much acclaim. The moment comes that we have all been waiting for – you see and feel the beauty immediately. The “oohs” and “ahhhs” reverberate around the room, the applause echoes throughout the grand space, and we start to explore. What instantly grabs me is the refinement of the dash and the large

LCD screen that replaces standard dial features. It’s very elegant and I’m surprised how well it goes with the interior. We are all used to dials, but I see this change as a sign of the future. The bonnet is elegant too with nice lines and curvature; a good shape. The E in ‘E –class’ originally stood for Einspritzmotor - German for fuel injection. This was a new feature when the model was first produced. Innovation is at the heart of the E-class’ evolution as autonomous driving has now arrived on the scene. That means it drives itself. I’m taking the vehicle out soon - I

must say I’m a little nervous. The car monitors its surroundings and lets you leave the controls for a certain amount of time. Mercedes is offering a big jump in technology and taking a leap ahead in the New Zealand market with a release before Tesla arrives with its autopilot model. Sitting in the driver’s seat is the only way to appreciate its leather and trim Mercedes has got it right with the interior and exterior. If you want to take it for a text drive, contact Jarred and his team at Armstrong Prestige. I’m sure you’ll be fascinated at how this performs.



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Go Further

A beautiful marriage: luxury automotive and fashion By Nicholas Henare

If you’re in Auckland 22-28 August you’re in for a treat. Mercedes-Benz New Zealand has just announced that it will enter into its third year as an Elite Partner of New Zealand Fashion Week, and will recognise Harman Grubiša as the 2016 ‘Mercedes-Benz Presents’ designer.


ercedes-Benz goes hand-in-hand with fashion. The luxury automotive and fashion worlds are star-crossed lovers when it comes to style and elegance. Over the course of more than two decades, Mercedes-Benz has supported fashion globally, and in turn, forged a decisive reputation for promoting young design talent. Harman Grubiša’s entrepreneurial success and timeless, classic design appeal has rendered it one of the nation’s most exciting new fashion

labels, and is one of the first New Zealand labels to be nominated for the International Woolmark Prize. The brand will present its 2017 Autumn/Winter collection as ‘Mercedes-Benz Presents Harman Grubiša’. In conjunction with Mercedes-Benz, this exclusive runway show will feature as the debut evening show at 2016 New Zealand Fashion Week. “We are both thrilled and humbled to have been invited into the global Mercedes-Benz family,” said Madeleine Harman of Harman Grubiša.

Harman Grubiša joins esteemed previous global recipients including designers such as Carolina Herrera, Derek Lam, Badgely Mischka, Dame Trelise Cooper and Kate Sylvester. In addition to the ‘Mercedes-Benz Presents’ runway show, Mercedes-Benz will support New Zealand Fashion Week as the event’s ‘official automotive partner’. The brand will provide a fleet of official event vehicles to transport VIP guests throughout Fashion Week in unrivalled Mercedes-Benz luxury.

One of NZ’s largest European vehicle selections 2009 Lamborghini Gallardo V10 Superleggera Now

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Lamborghini’s lightweight high performance model, Upgraded 5.0 V10 generating 523 Bhp, Carbon Fibre Interior, Sports Seating, Sills etc. Lightweight diffuser, Sports Exhaust, Brakes etc. Superleggera Alcantra Sports Seats with White detailing, NZ New, Factory CD/Stereo/SD Card with Reverse Camera, Black Sports Alloys, Carbon Rear Spoiler, Full Electrics etc. A very rare car NZ new like this, sensational to drive!

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Very good looking car in White with optional Glass Sunroof and Black Package Sports alloys, 6.2 Litre V8 RWD performance, Full Leather, Heated/Electric Seats, Mercedes Benz CD/Stereo/Bluetooth Phone, AMG Sports Exhausts and booster Seats, Full Electrics etc. Grade 4.5/5 car. Hard to buy like this at this price range!

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Years Metropol August 11, 2016 85

The perfect alchemy By Nicholas Henare

The original Touareg launched in all its glory in 2003, sold in the hundreds of thousands, and was a great alternative to BMW’s X5.


he current model gives the Porsche Cayenne a run for its money being lighter and with more room. To boot, it’s considerably more economical. In other words, you have style and performance that’s economic and understated. This is the perfect alchemy for conservative Canterbury. Its performance impressed me with 3.5 tonne of towing power. This fact, in tandem with its four wheel drive

86 August 11, 2016 Metropol

capacity, equates to a great time towing the boat to Akaroa and having a bit of fun off-road. I could see it as a good all-rounder if you were a farmer, and it’s not out of place as a fleet vehicle for the business man who has a touch of the weekend warrior in him. Taking the family on school holidays to Tekapo would be great as the room and boot space is exceptional. Yes, Volkswagen has optional ski racks available.

What I’ve come to love while experiencing the Volkswagen range is the brand’s dashboard interaction. With steering wheel navigation it’s easy to operate and iPhone interaction is a plus too. I’m pretty sure the Volkswagen designers had that in mind for the technologically-challenged among us. Seamless functionality and simple yet sophisticated design are right on the money. The key technology is also fun and makes accessing and exiting the vehicle simple. No fumbling with keys in the dark.

Seamless functionality and simple yet sophisticated design are right on the money.

The solid interior trim is elegant and able to handle work and family demands – an essential for my boys. With the Touareg starting at $91,900, you’re getting a great alternative to other comparisons in the market. As always, you can introduce bespoke accents to your vehicle as you see fit. Luxurious and powerful - it’s a combination that’s hard not to love. Flexibility is the cherry on top.

When the worlds of

Auto & Burlesque Collide

led her into drag racing out at Ruapuna Raceway. The guys didn’t even allow Bonita into the pits in the beginning. She had to park on the grass behind the start line. After a while of turning up, and beating them, she was eventually allowed into the pits. “I won a few trophies at the Pegasus Bay Drag Strip at Ruapuna over the years,

By Nicholas Henare

Danger by name, danger by nature.

Bonita Danger Doll - Belle 1 - Shutter Squeeze Photography

Bonita Muntz was born in 1981 but Bonita Danger Doll was born in 2015. Burlesque has grown and grown in Christchurch - try and get a ticket to the Buskers Burlesque Show and you’ll know what I’m talking about!


’ve met Bonita at several functions and one of her most famous acts the champagne martini glass routine “Diamonds & Pearls” - is her classic piece. Bonita had a full sized martini glass built, which is covered in over 19,000 rhinestones! But there’s more to Bonita than meets

the eye...Danger Zone So the “Danger” in Danger Doll came about through her love of motorsport and all things fast. Bonita’s interest in cars sparked at 17 – “my first car was a 1979 Mini Clubman”. From there she went onto Japanese import cars; her first was a GTX Mazda, 1800cc turbo 4x4, which then

The “Danger” in Danger Doll came about through her love of motorsport and all things fast. and also took home the Night Speed Drag Wars trophy in 2008 up in Meremere, Auckland.” Over the years Bonita has owned a Mini Clubman; GTX Mazda; Toyota MR2; Nissan G-TR R32; Mitsubishi Evo4 – RS; Nissan S15 Silvia and a BMW. “I learned to ride a dirt bike about seven years ago and I have a 200cc two stroke KTM dirt bike, which I love to get out on in the weekends with friends when I have a chance.” A teacher of Burlesque as well, Bonita’s burlesquercise dance fitness happens three times a week at Bonita’s Bombshell Burlesque Academy. “Teaching is wonderful, I love watching the growth of my students! It’s really rewarding and brings me a lot of joy to see how they progress over the weeks, gaining confidence in themselves and their abilities in a supportive and friendly environment.” Bonita has a mantra that she repeats to herself and also to her students: “Dream big, Shine bright, sparkle more, and don’t hold back!”


Owners Kevin and Maxine

The following services are available:

For all your VW, Audi and Skoda needs, come to the right people! 65 Disralie Street, Christchurch P: 03 365 3733 E:


full workshop service & parts

Servicing – Lube and Tune Fuel Injection Auto-electrical Transmission Servicing Brake Servicing

WOF repairs Suspension repairs Engine Reconditioning Pre Purchase appraisal Latest diagnostic equipment Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Email:

324-328 St Asaph Street, Christchurch

Ph 365 0531 Metropol August 11, 2016 87

Efficient auto

E PERTS The talented team at JT Automotive, with 60 years mechanics’ mileage between them, offer professionalism without breaking the budget.


e can do any car, any job, to a high quality standard,” says owner John Taylor. Also specialising in European cars such as BMW, Mercedes, Audi, VW and Land Rover, they importantly combine a full auto-electrical and mechanical service. As vehicles are now a combination of both, he says, you need to assess a problem from both angles. “We always give a full explanation of what needs to be fixed and why. If there are a few repairs to be done, we suggest

the urgent work be done first and give clients the option of having other work done later in accordance with their budget,” he says. “They can be assured the quote we give is accurate before commencing any job.” John advises not waiting till the warrant is due, but to have regular services every six months. “Especially during winter, it’s wise to check the most important things: the tyres, brakes, coolant and radiator.” The MTA approved business sources

only high quality genuine parts, or alternatively after-market parts - made in the same factory, just without the model’s branding. This saves on cost whilst ensuring the same quality. Clients can generally book in for a weekday service with only a day’s notice or three days notice for the popular Saturday and Sunday service. Offering courtesy cars, clients won’t be left without wheels. Look for the large red workshop at 477 Blenheim Road or phone 341 7675.

EXPERIENCED professionals...

Nicholas Henare Marketing is almost everything

Specialising in Volkswagen and Audi VAG Key Cutting & Coding available Modern, Clean Workshop

WOF & Full Mechanical Service & Repairs Authorised Warranty Repairer Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

400 Tuam Street Christchurch

88 August 11, 2016 Metropol

Phone 0275 723 469

Phone: 366 7755

Next Step Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008)







Metropol August 11, 2016 89



FLAXWOOD - North Canterbury


RETIRING OWNERS ARE MOVING TO MERIVALE YES, Flaxwood"s owners have recognised that now is the the time to move on and they have purchased their dream retirement home. Flaxwood is more than a home it is a lifestyle, a lifestyle they are going to miss. Flaxwood with its exible oor plan plus outbuildings can with minimum effort be utilised in ve or more bedrooms conguration. Set on 5.1h'a no expense has been spared implementing a creative landscape design, awash with colour and alive with birdsong amongst the bush, the lake, waterways and walkways . Multiple living and dining options, complimented by an extensive range of outdoor living spaces . Lots of garaging and off street parking, workshops, barn, studio, entertainment ,summerhouse, gazebo and jetty . A property of very special interest ,just 20 minutes north of the city . Inspect and expect to be impressed 90 August 11, 2016 Metropol


Bill Cornelius Licensee Salesperson 0274 344 234 Ofce 03 359 1899 Pip Nielsen Realty Ltd (REAA 2008)

Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd. Licensed REAA (2008)

VIEW, SUNSHINE & LOCATION! 44 Holliss Ave “As Is Where Is" section. 594 sqm land (more or less) with a slight elevation, capturing the sunshine and amazing views. This is your opportunity to build your dream home on the highly sought after Cashmere Hills. With the bonus of an inground fully fenced swimming pool. Various reports available.

Deadline Sale: Closes 6pm Wednesday 31st August 2016 (unless sold prior) Agent will be onsite: Sunday 14th August 12:00-12:30pm, Sunday 21st August 12:0012:30pm & Sunday 28th August 1:00-1:30pm. Private viewings available call Lindsay or Marilyn to arrange your time now.

A MASTERCLASS in quality and design

83 Kennedys Bush Road Halswell A STUNNING CONTEMPORARY FAMILY RESIDENCE WHERE QUALITY, DESIGN AND LOCATION ALL COME TOGETHER TO CREATE THE PERFECT LIVING ENVIRONMENT FOR YOUR NEXT HOME. Bathed in all day sun, this spacious home encompasses three distinct living areas, wrapped by substantial hardwood decks and beautiful landscaping for superb indoor/outdoor entertaining. No expense has been spared with a sumptuous gourmet kitchen, granite surfaces, butler’s pantry and Bosch appliances. Top quality carpet, tiles, engineered wooden floors and drapes from McKenzie & Willis complete the high end interior fit-out. Enjoy the sense of space with the 3.6m high feature vaulted ceilings, and then relax in the cosy separate lounge with inbuilt gas fire. Further to this there is a main family living area, separate dining, four generous sized bedrooms, including a master with walk in robe and high end ensuite, fully tiled main bathroom and separate toilet, significant storage and large double internal access garage. Constructed in 2014, post earthquake with Rockcote plaster system over AAC concrete panel and rib raft foundation. Situated amongst other quality homes in this most sought after of locations with the highly popular Halswell School only a minutes’ walk away. Also on your doorstep are restaurants, cafes, New World Supermarket, the recently completed library and pool complex and Kennedys bush reserve and dog park. Properties of this nature are truly unique in today's market place. View, embrace, enjoy and secure you future today!

We’ve tipped the real estate industry on its head.

$100+ million in residential sales

027 574 9251 03 366 5959

2/12 Penn Pl, Christchurch 8041 Send correspondence to: PO Box 118 Tai Tapu 7645

Metropol August 11, 2016 91

Take a moment. and make that moment a holiday.




per couple on your 2017 Canadian & Alaskan Masterpiece

Coach, Rail & Cruise Canadian & Alaskan Masterpiece

ALASKA Skagway Glacier Bay


18 nights/19 days





ALBERTA Inside Passage

Mount Robson

1 Jasper National Park

Sun Peaks 1


Columbia Icefield

Whistler 1 Victoria 2




1 Lake Louise 2 Banff National Park Yoho National Park





share twin from/to Vancouver return Departs 29 April 2017

Includes: • 12 day land tour including 2-day Rocky Mountaineer rail journey (SilverLeaf ) • 7 night Holland America Alaska cruise (Inside cabin) • Visit Columbia Icefield, Butchart Gardens, National Parks and Lake Louise • Many meals, an expert Tour Director, baggage handling and more! * Upgrades available: GoldLeaf aboard Rocky Mountaineer; Outside or Verandah cabins on Alaska cruise SCENIC HIGHLIGHTS: GLACIER NATIONAL PARK • BANFF NATIONAL PARK • SUNWAPTA PASS • JASPER NATIONAL PARK • BRITISH COLUMBIA’S GOLD RUSH & CARIBOO REGIONS • STRAIT OF GEORGIA • JUNEAU • SKAGWAY • KETCHIKAN • INSIDE PASSAGE CRUISE. 2 Lexington

The best holidays are created together. 76 STORES NATIONWIDE I HOT.CO.NZ

Addington 339 3440 | Barrington 331 7182 | Ferrymead 376 4022 | Hornby 344 3070 | Merivale 355 2200 | Northlands 352 4578 On Victoria 365 7687 | Rangiora 313 0288 | Riccarton 341 3900 | Shirley 385 0710 | Upper Riccarton 343 0869 Conditions: Valid for new bookings from 01 July 16 until 13 Sep 16. Price is based on twin share departing 29 Apr 2017, includes 19 day tour (SilverLeaf & Inside Cabin), taxes, cruise line non commissionable fare, government taxes, fees of $677 (varies seasonally from $663 - $679) and includes savings of $600 per person. Optional pre-paid gratuities for Tour Director and Driver are an additional $183 per person. A non-transferable non-refundable deposit of $250 per person/per tour is required within 7 days (or by 13/09/16; whichever comes first) to secure reservation. Full payment due 4-months prior to departure. Not combinable with any other offer except for Save $50pp Second Tour discount and/or Save 5% Repeat Traveller (Journeys Club) discount (standard conditions apply). All discounts are based on land-only portion of core tour on twin share price, not including extra night accommodations, extensions, taxes/fees, tips and supplements/reductions. Offer reliant on space availability. Offer can be withdrawn or amended at any time without notice. Full cancellation penalties will apply. Additional restrictions may apply. Airfares are additional for details and full terms and conditions please ask your House of Travel consultant for details.

92 August 11, 2016 Metropol

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