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Expanded clay and premixed products From the earth to fire, this is how Leca is created. Is a natural, lightweight and insulating aggregate. “Light Expanded Clay Aggregate” consists of clay granules burned at 1200 °C, with thousands of internal air-cavities closed in a hard and resistant shell. The Leca product evolved to Lecapiù, the only water-repellent expanded clay, the base component of the entire range of lightweight and insulating pre-mixed products for screeds, foundations and structural concrete. Is produced exclusively by Laterlite in Italy with patented technologies, over 40 years of experience, 30 million cubic meters produced, and 500 million square meters of material supplied. From January 1, 2002 Laterlite and Buzzi Unicem joined integrating activities regarding in the sector of expanded clay and lightweight premixed materials. Laterlite operates with the Leca and Termolite brands.



TECHNICAL GLOSSARY Definition of foundations and lightweight concrete

8 16

LECA Leca, Leca Secco, Leca crushed, Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte

LECAPIÙ Water-proof Leca expanded clay


LECACEM CLASSIC Premixed concrete for lightening structures and isolating


LECAMIX FAST Premixed concrete for fast dry screeds


LECAMIX FORTE Premixed concrete for single layer screeds and foundations





Premixed concrete for screeds, foundations and roofs

Certified solutions for lightweight foundations

36 40

MASSETTOMIX PARIS Premixed fiber-reinforced material with high thermal conductivity

LECA CLS 1400 E 1400Ri Premixed lightweight structural concrete


LECA CLS 1600 Premixed high resistance structural concrete


LECAMUR Thermall insulating mortar for walls


SABBIA LECA Lightweight aggregate for fire resistant plastering


BITUMLECA Cold bituminous aggregate for road repairs


AGRILECA Expanded clay for gardens


REOLECA Pumpable grout for foundations and roofs


LECA STRUCTURAL CONCRETE Prepared in concrete mixing plants or for prefabrication


LECASERVICE Casting on site service


CASTING EQUIPMENT Lecamix continuous mixers

Edition 2006 © Laterlite - All rights reserved The reproduction, even partial, is forbidden. For updates that should become effective during the year, please visit the site or refer to the Technical Sheets. For further information contact Laterlite Technical Assistance (tel. 02 48011962).




CONVENTIONS AND TRAINING for designers, retailers and Industries




A) Single-layer screed for the direct laying of the flooring.

The group of layers between the floor and the finishing flooring that aim to divide the loads transferred from the flooring to the bearing structure, level out irregularities of the raw structure, cover and protect piping, contribute to thermally and acoustically isulate various living quarters. According to the function and the thickness, the foundation can be SINGLE-LAYER or MULTI-LAYER.

Thickness between 5 and 10 cm.

SCREED Layer, between 5 and 10 cm thick, on which the flooring is laid. Hence it has to comply with all the requirements that make it appropriate for this (porpose for example: a flat surface suitable for gluing, with no bleeding, cavities or cracks, with the required moisture content). It could be a “finishing” layer, hence be supported by a lightened/insulating/compensation layer. If the screed is the only layer between the floor and the flooring it is called singlelayer foundation. Currently it is often defined as “ topping” or “load distribution layer”. (drawing A)

B) Multi-layer foundation Made up of: • isolating/ lightening layer; • damp proof barrier and/or noise isolation layer; • finishing screed.


Overall thickness over 10 cm.

If the thickness exceeds 9-10 cm the foundation is generally multi-layer because under the screed, the remaining thickness is made with one or more layers that are defined INSULATING and/or LIGHTENING and/or COMPENSATION layer, according to the purpose they were designed for: to isulate, lighten or recover thickness (drawing B). The screed must be chosen according to the type of flooring to lay. The other layers must be chosen according to the design, the type of floor and the flooring (photo 1).

IMPACT SOUND INSULATION LAYER Elastic mat able to absorb the vibrations transferred to the flooring by punctual impacts in the floor. These noises travel through materials and the harder the material the more the noise travels. That’s why it is necessary to put an elastic “mat”, generally made of polyethylene foam mesh, cork or mineral wool. In single-layer foundations the impact sound insulation layer must be put under the screed. In multilayer foundations it is generally between the screed and the isolation and/or lightening and/or compensation where all the installations were laid. This solution is called a “floating floor”. As for the thickness of the screed, this must be considered very carefully because it is laid on an absorbing layer (see Table 2 page 66). Sometimes the impact sound insulation layer can also act as a dump proof (photo 2)

DAMP-PROOF A water-proof and damp-proof layer that prevents both the absorption of water from the screed in case of very dry supports, and the humidity from rising from the wet underlying layers up to the flooring. It is used to protect the layers of the flooring sensitive to humidity (eg. wood flooring). It could be created using bituminous membranes, polyethylene PVC or aluminum sheets. In singlelayer foundations the damp proof barrier must be put under the screed. In multi-layer foundations, it is generally laid between the screed and the lightened layer where all the installations have been laid.







LIGHTWEIGHT AND INSULATING GROUT Cement aggregate generally with an open structure made up of lightweight aggregates for foundations and roof insulating layers, light fillings and backfills. The mass can vary between 600 and 900/1000 Kg/m3 with a mechanical resistance from 25 to 100 Kg/cm2. They cannot be reinforced (poor adherence between iron and concrete), they are used for lightening layers or thermal insulation, for drainage layers or lightweight fillings to be produced on site or for the production of lightweight and insulating materials (counter-flues, Exclay blocks, fireplaces, barbecues, etc.). Lightweight grout with a density between 800 and 900/1000 Kg/m3 is also used as a lightening layer in prefabricated “sandwich” panels.

NON-STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE Cement aggregate with a closed structure with density between 900/1000 and 1400 Kg/m3; average compressive strength at 28 days from 100 to 150 Kg/cm2. This type of concrete is used in non-reinforced concrete structures, where the reduction of the weight is important and that have to withstand moderate stress. It is also used in materials, such as single-block flues, where thermal insulation, mechanical resistance and fire resistance are important factors. The lightweight pre-mixed Lecamix screeds are an example of non-structural Leca concrete with a closed structure.

STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE “Cement aggregate with a closed structure obtained by replacing all or in part the ordinary aggregate with an artificial lightweight aggregate, made up of expanded clay or schists (as per Ministerial Decree 9/1/1996 and relating technical instructions). This concrete is characterized by a mass at 28 days between 1400 and 2000 Kg/m3. Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days must not be lower than 15 N/mm2 (150 Kg/cm2)”. (photo 3)

The EC mark is necessary to comply with the requirements laid down by the European Directive on Building Products 89/106/CEE of 1988. The objective is to harmonize the existing national legislations, establish the essential safety requirements and assure that the building products comply with the required characteristics for the construction works for wich will be used. The EC mark indicates that the product is compliant with the requirements of the Directive. Expanded clay The European standard relating to lightweight aggregates for concrete and mortar is UNI EN 13055-1 along with annex ZA which makes the standard “harmonized” and specifies its characteristics, but does not limit the values to declare. Starting from June 1, 2004 Leca, Lecapiù and Sabbia Leca bear the EC mark. Screeds The EC mark on screeds are mandatory in compliance with standard UNI EN 13813 from August 1, 2004. Mortar The EC mark on screeds are mandatory in compliance with standard UNI EN 998-2. Starting from February 1, 2005 LecaMur bears the EC mark. For the summer 2006 the EC mark will be extended to expanded clay as loose product for thermal isolation and for bituminous mixtures.

MINISTERIAL DECREE MAY 10, 2004 The health Ministerial Decree of May 10 2004, as acknowledgement of the European Directive 2003/53/CE, establishes that cement and mixtures containing cement cannot be marketed after having been mixed with water, with a concentration of over 2 ppm (parts per million) of water-soluble hexavalent chromium. Starting from January 17, 2005 the packaging of all products containing cement must show the information relating to the packaging date, preservation conditions and the preservation period which must be at least 6 months.




λ (lambda)

Thermal conductivity (UNI 10351)

Flow of heat transmitted through a structure wall of the same material with thickness of 1 m, per m2 of surface under steady andsamble conditions with a difference of 1 degree Kelvin between the two opposite and parallel sides of the material considered.

K (U)

Transmittance (UNI EN ISO 6946)

Flow conditions through Flow of of heat heat transmitted transmitted from from one one fluid fluid to to another another under under steady steady state and stable conditions through a one meter of2 aofstructure divided theK difference in temperature of theof the two fluids. wall square structure per m surface area andbyper level difference in temperature two fluids. Particularly it isofthe flow of heat transmitted surface to the surface In particular it is the flow heat transmitted from one from roomone to the outside (or outer another room) 2 (or room)athrough one square of surface the difference through wall structure per mmeter of surface area divided and perby K level differenceinintemperature temperatureofofthe the room temperature of that oforthe room. room. room and and the thatoutside of the outside temperature, thatadjacent of the adjacent




W/ m2K

Resistance to fire

Formula, followed by a number in minutes, that indicates the time a material subject to a controlle fire can guaranted Resistance, Air-tightness and Insulation.

Reaction to fire

Definition of level of participation to a fire. It is defined a materials in alphanumerical classes A1 (incombustible), A2, B, C, D, E, F.


Average compressive strength

Average value of results obtained by finding the compressive strength breking point of a given number of samples.

N/mm2 (Kg/cm2)


Characteristic compressive strength

Compressive strength value exceeded by at least 95% of the samples subjected to the compressive strength test.

N/mm2 (Kg/cm2)



A logarithmic unit of measurement of the noise level that expresses the magnitude between the noise pressure and a reference pressure.

Numero puro


Impact sound insulation

Index of the reduction of the impact sound pressure of the flooring. dB 7


ADVANTAGES Lightweight Leca is a lightweight aggregate that thanks to its cellular structure closed in a hard shell optimizes the weight/resistance ratio.

Thermal insulation Leca insulatas and does not deteriorate in time. It can be used in the creation of permanent thermal insulation works.

Fire resistant Leca is "Euroclass A1", according to the Fire Prevention Standards. Baked at 1200 째C it is practically indestructable even in disastrous fire. It is used as a raw material for fire-proof or refractory products as it is classified as absolutely incombustible.

Compressive strength Thanks to its outer compact and resistant shell, Leca has a great compressive strength. Leca granules stick together with a low dose of cement, forming lightweight grout which is great for supporting the loads used on foundations and non-structural construction components (floors, partition walls, supports).

Sound isolation The cellular and porous Leca structure contributes to assure good noise absorption. Leca can be used for sound and noise insulating works.

Excellent workability Leca mixes well with cement and is easily mixed in normal cement mixers. Leca materials can be nailed and sawed.

Unchangeable and resistant in time Leca does not contain organic materials or byproducts. It does not rot, nor does it deteriorate in time, not even under extreme temperature or humidity conditions. It has a high resistance against acids and solvents and maintains its features unchanged in time. It does not break nor absorbe water under freezing temperatures. Basically it is an eternal material.

Natural and environmentally-friendly Leca does not contain, nor releases silica, fibrous substances, Radon gas or other harmful materials, not even in the e vent of fire. It is a natural and environmentally-friendly product.

Eco-biocompatible Leca is certified by ANAB-ICEA for Bio-architecture.



EXCLAY: THE FIELDS OF USE FOR FOUNDATIONS, COVERINGS, BA FOUNDATIONS AND FLOORINGS Leca is widely used in civil constructions for lightened and insulating foundations. Thanks to its low specific weight the Leca layer allons the creation of layers for the positioning of the installations (electric, sanitary) even with high thickness, yet keeping the loads on the structures limited. Thanks to the air-filled cavities inside the Leca granules, it is also possible to obtain excellent thermal insulating values (the table shows the trend of the thermal resistance, in m2K/W, according to the thickness of mixed Leca of the bag: mixed Leca 3-8 and 5 cm of Lecamix). For the floor laying, a finishing screed should be made using lightweight products of the Lecamix line or sand and cement.

1 2 3 4 5

Flooring. Lecamix screed. Lightweight and insulating Leca layer. Floor. Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier.

1 2 3 4 5

Soil. Water-proof layer. Insulating Leca layer. Foundation or industrial flooring. Floor heating system.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Waterproof membrane. Lecamix screed. Leca lightweight and/or insulation layer. Floor. Damp proof barrier. Aerator.

FOUNDATIONS AGAINST SOIL It is necessary to put an insulating layer under the flooring laid on the ground to limit the heat dispersion towards the soil. In civil, industrial and zoo-technical constructions, Leca can be used to create thermal insulating layers against the ground even where floor heating coils will be used or to insulate refrigeration cells with natural ventilations (the table shows the trend of the thermal resistance, in m2K/W, according to the thickness of the layer of Leca 8-12 mixed with cement grout). To limit heat dispersion towards the soil, it is convenient to double the thickness of Leca near outer walls (approx. 2 m).

FLAT ROOFS AND SLOPE CONSTRUCTION ON ROOFS To create packages of lightweight, safe and insulating roofs, Leca assures the necessary insulating power (the table shows the trend of the thermal resistance, in m2K/W, according to the thickness of Leca mixed with cement grout, of the covering package formed by: isolation with Leca mixed with cement grout and 5 cm of Lecamix) combined with a high thermal inertia, essential factors for living comfortably both during the summer and winter. It is lightweight, hence the ideal material for making layers, even thick ones, without weighing too much on the structures. It allows for the creation of slopes for the drainage of rain water and of ballasting of waterproof surfaces. With Leca, mixed with cement, it is possible to create pitched roofs. The solution is safe and long-lasting especially when roof tiles are used. With the appropriate finishing it is also possible to lay water-proof membranes.

LOFTS In lofts Leca,can be used to create a long-lasting insulation layer resistant against rodents or birds. Even with high thickness levels Leca, is a lightweight solution with an excellent thermal inertia. According to the use, it is used loose if the loft is not serviceable, mixed with cement grout or protected with wood-cement sheets if it can be inspected or mixed with a bit of cement and covered with a finishing screed for serviceable lofts. 1 Lecamix screed. 2 Leca lightweight and/or insulation layer. 3 Floor.


ACKFILLS, ROAD EMBANKMENTS, CONCRETE AND OTHER ITEMS BACKFILLS During the construction of new buildings and more often during the restoration of old buildings it is necessary to use backfills with a long-lasting, lightweight and incombustible material: for example, above old structures, vaults, hollow tiles. Leca is great for these applications and even as a filling material under combustible structures (wooden staircases) to enhance its resistance against fire or to create safety barriers around tanks both in and out of service. 1 2 3 4

Lecamix screed. Leca lightweight and/or insulation layer. Structure. Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or dampred barrier.

1 2 3 4 5

Planting soil. Filtering substrate in non-woven fabric. Leca drainage layer. Water-proof membrane. Structure.

1 2 3 4 5

Road surface. Leca road embankment. Mixed granule layer. Supporting wall. Leca drainage infill.

LANDSCAPING AND HANGING GARDENS Leca is used as a drainage layer in gardens on flat coverings (underground garages or hanging gardens, flower boxes). Leca and Agrileca are used in the soil substrate layer and in the drainage layer to create hanging gardens with or without water reservoirs for extensive or intensive substrates or hydrated substrates.

GEOTECNICAL APPLICATIONS AND ROADS Thanks to its light weight and resistance (high internal friction angle) Leca is used as a “lightweight gravel� to create road embankments, lightened foundations, backfills behind bearing walls and panel walls, stabilization of sides and infills in tunnels and underground cavities, and in all geotechnical applications. Leca and Leca Structural allow for the preparation of bituminous mixtures for sound-proof road surfaces with high adherence.

LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE CASTING Leca can be used to create grout for lightened insulating layers, with high fire resistance features for flat coverings, lofts, foundations against ground and backfills. Leca Structural and Exclay Terrecotte (special aggregates for concrete) can be used to create lightweight structural concrete for slabs acting compositely with the structure, in the restoration of floors and casting of structures on site or prefabricated with a limited weight. 1 Leca concrete. 2 Frame.

OTHER PRODUCTS Leca (a lightweight, isolating, fire resistant material) is the raw material for many prefabricated components. Lecablocks, prefabricated panels, fume stacks, fireplaces and barbecues are all well-known products.


METHODS OF USE AND OTHER METHODS OF USE PREPARING THE SURFACE The floor or supporting surface must not have any cracks or inconsistent parts, they must have effective compressive and tensile strength, no dust, paint, waxes, oils, rust and plastering residues. The installations (electric, sanitary) laid on the surface must be adequately protected and spaced out one from the other.

APPLICATIONS Loose Leca To better exploit its insulating features, Leca must be laid loose and then simply leveled out. This can be done where there are no big slopes, on flat coverings and in lofts. Leca is laid and leveled out to the desired thickness. It can be left with a free surface (for example in unserviceable lofts) or covered with thin blocks or with wood-cement sheets (serviceable lofts).

Leca mixed with cement grout This is a technique generally performed by specialized technicians, used to tie together the superficial granules of a layer of loose Leca. Hence, the surface is wormable for the future finishing works (toppings, screeds, etc.). The loose Leca layer, laid in the desired thickness, is sprayed on top with cement grout (cement and water mixture). The cement grout can be made more or less fluid by changing the water/cement ratio. Normally the ratio used is 0.8-1. According to the fluidity, the cement grout penetrates more or less into the Leca layer. A finishing layer is necessary.

Mixed Leca – single-grain grout This is frequently used when there is a need for mechanical resistance combined with lightness and thermal isolation (insulating layers of foundations, lightweight infills and similar). In grout, the adherence between iron and concrete is very limited, hence it cannot be reinforced. It can be made with any cement mixer, the most common formulation is: • 1 m3 (20 bags) of Leca in the desired grain size; • 150 Kg of cement type 32.5; • 80÷90 litres of clean water (less if the Leca is already wet).

In practice: Pour 3 bags (150 litres) of Leca in the mixer and 10 litres of water. Then add 1 bag of cement (25 Kg) and 5 litres of water. For insulating foundations, do not add any sand nor use higher cement quantities. The mixture would weigh more and would be less insulating. A finishing layer is necessary.

FINISING LAYER 3 bags of Leca

cem ento

1 bag of cement 25 Kg 12

10 litres of water

5 litres of water

To lay floorings or waterproof membranes on Leca mixed with cement grout of mixed Leca, first create a finishing screed with pre-mixed Lecamix, or sand and cement, that adjusts the surface and distributes the loads. For ceramic floors laid “wet” (not glued) the screed is made up of the same laying bed as the tiles. The thickness of the finishing layer ranges from 3 cm for sheaths to 5 cm for house floorings.



Average Resistance N/mm2

Average Resistance values

LIGHTWEIGHT STRUCTURAL CONCRETE Leca, Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte (special aggregates for concrete) can be used to make lightweight structural concretes with specific weights from 1400 up to 2000 Kg/m3 as foreseen by the regulations in force (Ministerial Decree 09-01-96 and relating technical instructions and UNI 7548) with resistance values up to 60N/mm2. This concrete allows for significant load reductions while still assuring high resistance levels. Therefore they are particularly suitable for restoration works. They are also available pre-mixed (see from page 40 to 45) or prepared by cement mixing plants (see from page 56 to 59).

OTHER TYPES OF LECA CRUSHED LECA The Leca production also includes the delivery of crushed material in gradings 0-2, 0-4 and 2-4. This typology is ideal as anaggregate for fireplace mixtures, furnaces and fume stacks. Crushed Leca can also be used as fine component in all the lightweight concrete mixtures (for eg. lightweigth blocks) and wherever a fine, lightweight and insulating material is required.

DRY LECA Leca is generally delivered with variable humidity levels; it is possible to request a dry material (humidity approx. 1%) in all the available commercial gradings. Dry Leca for its lightness and fire reaction properties is the ideal material for preparing lightweight prepackaged or pre-mixed mortars, refractory mixtures with resin binders or bitumen. It is ideal as a dry layer for the laying of dry floorings and wherever a lightweight and insulating material is required for applications that do not call for any humidity.

LECA STRUCTURAL AND LECA TERRECOTTE With special production cycles and clays, from the rotating furnaces that produce Leca it is also possible to produce two other “types of Leca�: Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte. These materials are characterized by a lower level of expansion compared to traditional materials with a less expanded inner core and a thicker and harder outer shell. Thanks to this different granule structure Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte have a higher specific weight and a significantly higher compressive strength. Hence, they are particularly suitable as aggregates for structural lightened concrete (with compressive strengths from 25 up to 60 N/mm2); furthermore, witen loose, mixed with cement grout or mixed Leca it is ideal for foundations, road embankments or against bearing structures and for any structure that calls for a lightweight and draining material with high strength.

Impilative density kg/m3 Premix

Trend of the average compressive strength according to density, for structural lightweight concrete with the different types of Leca (Leca, Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte).

EXCLAY: TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND DELIVERY MODALIT TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Leca Name * Density approx. Kg/m3 ** Compressive strength of granules (UNI EN 13055-1) N/mm2 ** Dry thermal conductivity W/mK Fire reaction

Granular 0-2 700 4.5 -

2-3 480

4.5 -

2-3 460

3-8 360


Crushed 8 - 12 300

2.5 1.5 1.0 0.10 0.09 0.09 Euroclass A1 (Incombustibile)

8 - 20 290 0.7 0.08

5 - 15 700 4.5 Euroclass A1 (Incombustible)

0 - 15 730 6.0

Granular 0-6 950 12

FRT 2 - 4 350

Euroclass A1 (Incombustible)

Granular 0-5 770

Leca Terrecotte Name * Density approx. Kg/m3 ** Compressive strength of granules UNI EN 13055-1) N/mm2 ** Fire reaction

FRT 0 - 2 600

Granular 0-2 630

Leca Structural Name * Density approx. Kg/m3 ** Compressive strength of granules (UNI EN 13055-1) N/mm2 ** Fire reaction

Crushed 8 - 20 330

2.5 1.5 0.7 0.10 0.09 0.08 Euroclass A1 (Incombustible)

Dry Leca Name * Density approx. Kg/m3 ** Compressive strength of granules (UNI EN 13055-1) N/mm2 ** Dry thermal conductivity W/mK Fire reaction

3-8 380

6 - 12 800 7.0 Euroclass A1 (Incombustible)

0 - 12 900 7.5

* “Name” does not refer to the diameter in mm of the granules of Leca but it is a commercial indication. ** The densities and the resistance values indicated are just a reference and average values on the yearly production controls of every Productive Unit with a ± 15% margin as per the UNI standard. For more detailed and updated information, request the product sheets of each productive unit. Refer to the “General warnings” on page 66.

FRT 0 - 2 580

FRT 2 - 4 310

Euroclass A1 (Incombustible)

TIES DELIVERY METHODS IN BAGS Leca and Dry Leca are delivered in 50 litre plastic bags (20 bags/m3) on disposable pallets of: • 30 bags (1.5 m3) each for grain size 0-2. • 60 bags (3.0 m3) each for grain size 2-3. • 75 bags (3.75 m3) each for grain size 3-8, 8-12. • 75 bags (3.75 m3) or 80 bags (4 m3) each for grain size 8-20. Leca 3-8, 8-12 and 8-20 are also available on pallets of 35, 50 or 65 bags on request.

LOOSE Leca, Dry Leca, Crushed Leca, Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte are delivered with a dumper (hydraulic) with loads of up to 65 m3 according to the type and size. Different grain sizes mixed together can be supplied at request.

PUMPED Loose with tank trucks equipped to pump the material up to 30 m high or horizontally up to 80÷100 m, or in silos. The loads can be up to 60 m3.

IN BIG BAG Leca, Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte are delivered (at request) in big bags of approx. 2, 1.5 and 1 m3.

PUMPED WITH “LECA CPP” TECHNOLOGY The “CPP” technology (Continuous Pneumatic Pumping) allows for the pumping on site of loose Leca mixed with cement. The necessary equipment is easy to transport, and allows for the uploading of the cement grout directly from the mixer truck and of Leca directly from the truck. The average productivity depends on the type of application and can be around 120 m3/days (equal to about 2 trucks per day) with quantities of cement to be calculated according to the use (suggested value 250 Kg per m3 of Leca).

SPECIFICATIONS LOOSE LECA Thermal and/or lightened layer made up of “Leca”, type …, laid and compressed, including leveling. Finished thickness cm ...

LECA MIXED WITH CEMENT GROUT Thermal insulation and/or lightened layer made up of “Leca”, type 3-8, 8-12 or 8-20, laid and compressed and afterwards mixed with cement grout in the upper part with cement grout 32.5 (a/c 0.8 - 1, with average cement consumption of about 12-15 Kg per m2), including leveling. Finished thickness cm ...

MIXED LECA Thermal insulating and/or lightened layer made up of “Leca””, type 3-8 o 8-12, mixed with cement type 32.5 calculated as 1.5 tons of cement for every m3 of Leca. Laid, compressed and flattened up to a thickness of cm ...

STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE Structural lightweight concrete made up of expanded clay (Leca, - Leca Structural - Leca Terrecotte), natural aggregates, cement type … and admixtures. Dry density of concrete at 28 days. … (from 1400 up to 2000 Kg/m3). Average compressive strength at 28 days determined on cubes prepared on job site … (from 15 to 50 N/mm2).




Lecapiù can be used for all kinds of works just like traditional Leca and especially where low humidity contents are needed. The grain size 0÷4 is particularly suitable for the dry casting of wood floors.

Lecapiù does not keep humidity. The soaking ratio after 30 minutes of soaking is approx. 1% (UNI EN 13055-1)

Pumpable Lecapiù can be pumped at certain heights with special tank trucks, or with traditional foundation pumps already mixed with cement.

Lightweight The mass is about 570 Kg/m3 for Lecapiù 0÷4, approx. 360 Kg/m3 for Lecapiù 3÷8 and approx. 300 Kg/m3 for Lecapiù 8÷12.

Practical Lecapiù is packed in 50 litre bags. It mixes well with cement and is easily mixed in standard cement mixers.

Lightened layers of two-layer foundations and foundations against ground

Foundations of dry flooring and lightened layers of single-layer screeds

Fillings and thick insulating layers

Drainage and thick supports for roofs

Thermal insulating material Thanks to its internal structure, Lecapiù has low thermal conductivity levels. It is ideal in the creation of long-lasting thermal insulation works.

Resistant Thanks to the compact and resistant outer shell Lecapiù has a good compressive strength. With a low cement dose it is possible to make lightweight grout, ideal for supporting the loads on foundations.

Incombustible Lecapiù has a fire reaction class Euroclass A1 (incombustible): the best warranty against fire.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Wood or ceramic flooring. Lecamix screed. Lightening/insulating/drainage layer in Lecapiù. Floor or existing structure. Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier. Protecting layer in non-woven fabric. Waterproof membrane. Slope layer.


LECAPIÙ FIELD OF USE DRY LAYING Besides being used in the same way as Leca, loose Lecapiù, particularly type 0÷4, is excellent and specific for the dry foundations of wood flooring. In fact, Lecapiù is laid on the laying surface in the desired thickness (approx. 5÷15 cm), it is leveled, compressed and then covered with sheets (plywood, wood-cement, plasterboard). The wood flooring is laid on this surface. The final result is a clean flooring, fast to lay that does not need any water. Hence there is no humidity problem. Make sure no humidity rises from the laying surface, otherwise, use an adequate water-proofing system.

MIXED WITH CEMENT GROUT Laying procedure It is used for insulating layers and to lighten foundations, especially for big construction works. Allowing to best benefit from the insulating features of loose Lecapiù that can be pumped at certain heights with special tank trucks. After laying loose Lecapiù at the desired thickness it is sprayed with cement grout which fixes the grains of the upper surface together. Generally it is laid by specialized operators. The installations (electric and sanitary) must be adequately protected and spaced out one from the other.

MIXED It’s the most common system for lightening surfaces and insulating layers. It can be mixed with any mixer using: 1 m3 (20 bags) of Lecapiù; 150 Kg of cement type 32.5; 50÷60 litres of water. In practise on uses: • 3 bags of Lecapiù (150 litres); • a bag of cement (Kg 25); • 10 litres of water. For insulating foundations, do not add sand and do not use higher cement quantities. The mixture would weigh more and would be less insulating.

Preparing the mixture • Put Lecapiù and cement in the mixer and gradually add water. • Mix until the individual grains are covered with a bright cement grout film (if it is opaque looking or dusty add more water). Too much water will make the grains look washed out and brownish. In this case add a bit more cement to reach the effect described above.

TECHNICAL FEATURES Type 0÷4 3÷8 8÷20 Density approx. Kg/m3 570 360 300 Compressive strength of granules (UNI EN 13055-1) N/mm2 3.5 1.5 1.0 Dry thermal conductivity W/mK 0.09 0.09 Fire reaction Euroclass A1 (Incombustible) Packaging Type 0÷4 in 50 litre/each bag on wood pallets of 50 bags equal to m3 2.5 (at request 30 bag: m3 1.5); 3÷8 and 8÷12 loose and in 50 litre bags on wood pallets of 75 bags equal to m3 3.75 (at request 35 bags: m3 1.75) Request Safety Sheet

WARNING • Do not wet the laying surface. • Do not wet the Lecapiù layer after casting. • If there are no specific protections, cover the metal tubes with sand and cement mortar. • If there is humidity coming up from the layers below Lecapiù and you plan on using floorings sensitive to humidity, we suggest putting a damp proof barrier between the Lecapiù and the structure below. • Do not apply with temperatures lower than + 5 °C or higher than + 35 °C. • See “General warnings” on page 67.


Laying procedure


Lay the mixture to the desired thickness and gently level it out. In summer, to prevent the mixture from drying too much cover it for the first 2-3 days. For better drying results wait one week before laying other layers (for more information see page 66).

Thermal insulating and/or lightened layer made up of “Lecapiù” expanded clay, water-repellent type 3-8 or 8-12, (humidity absorption approx. 1% at 30’ according to UNI EN 13055-1), laid and compressed and afterwards sprayed on the upper part with cement grout 32.5 in average quantity of approx. 12-15 Kg per m2, including leveling out after spraying. Finished thickness cm ...

FINISHING LAYER The lightened layers in Leca mixed with cement grout or mixed Lecapiù need a finishing layer: from the traditional sand to selfleveling layers. The finishing screed can be made with Lecamix Fast or Forte, for faster drying times, lighter foundations and less shrinkage and cracking problems.

MIXED LECAPIÙ Thermal insulating and/or lightened layer made up of “Lecapiù” expanded clay, type water-repellent 0-4, 3-8 or 812, humidity absorption approx. 1% at 30’ according to UNI EN 13055-1) laid and compressed and afterwards sprayed on the upper part with cement grout 32.5 calculated as 1.5 tons of cement for every m3 of Lecapiù. Laid, compressed and flattened up. Finished thickness cm …



ADVANTAGES Fast drying


After only 7 days, the residual humidity content of the Lecacem layer (5 cm), not yet covered by the screed, is 3% lower in weight. Excellent if used together with fast screeds.

It is a lighter layer with effective compressive strength (25 Kg/cm2) that makes it the ideal material for heavy applications.


Its low dry thermal conductivity ratio (0.16 W/mK) means effective insulation, hence, energy saving.

Lecacem is packed in bags (50 litres) and must be mixed with water (maximum 3 litres per bag). For optimal mixtures we suggest using mixers with metering screw (even continuous).

Lightweight It is light both in the package, a bag weighs about 25 Kg, and on site since its density is about 600 Kg/m3: two parameters requested and appreciated by the worker (maximum workability, minimum effort in any situation) and by the designer (limited permanent loads, lighter structures).



Thermal insulator Incombustible Made of Leca and cement binders, it has a fire reaction class Euroclass A1 (incombustible): the best guarantee against fire.

Pumpable It can be pumped with the standard pneumatic pumps used for foundations.

Environment-friendly The pre-mixed Lecacem is certified by ANAB-ICEA.

1 2 3 Thick filling of arches - Vigevano Castle

1) Lecamix screed 2) Elastic mat and damp proof barrier 3) Lightening/insulating layer in Lecacem

FIELDS OF USE Lightening-insulating foundations layers for all types of flooring (particularly suitable for wood). Thermal insulating layers on flat roofs. Light drainage layers with efficient compressive strength (for example for self-locking garage floorings).

Not suitable for: Layers with thickness lower than 5 cm. Direct gluing of floorings (finishing screed needed).

Multi-layer foundations

Thick lightening layers

Thermal insulating layer

Drainage on roofs suitable for vehicles

Insulating layer for heated flooring - Hokey 1 - Torino 2006

1 Wood or ceramic floor. 2 Lecamix screed. 3 Lightening/insulating layer in Lecacem. 4 Floor or bearing structure. 5 Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier. 6 Filtering substrate in non-woven fabric. 7 Water-proof membrane. 8 Self-locking flooring. 9 Sand laying surface. 10 Surface water collection channel.

Vault filling - Former San Giovanni Community Center - Florence

LECACEM: PREMIXED TO LIGHT METHODS OF USE PREPARING THE SURFACE The laying surface must not have any cracks and inconsistent parts. It should have a good compressive and tensile strength, no dust, paint, waxes, oils, rust and plaster residues. The installations (electric and sanitary) must be adequately protected and spaced out one from the other.

PREPARING THE MIXTURE Lecacem does not require any other materials and can be easily prepared with standard mixers. The entire content (and not only a part) of the bag must be mixed, first dry and then with a maximum 3 litres of clean water, for at least 3-4 minutes. The Leca grains must be covered by the cement paste (bright grey colour): if the Leca grains look separated from the binder, there is too much water. It has to be reduced in the next mixture. Lecacem can be pumped with the standard pneumatic pumps used for foundations; in this case put more water in the mixture. For a great mixture with excellent productivity, about 2 -2.2 m3/hour (40-44 bags/hour) we suggest using a continuous Lecamix mixer (see photo on left).

APPLICATION After the preparation of the level points or strips, lay the mixture in the desired thickness, properly compress it and level it out.

FINISHING LAYER The finishing screed can be made with Lecamix to reduce the weight of the foundations, limit the problems of cracking and reduce drying times. Traditional solutions can also be used, hence the screed to lay on the Lecacem layer can be made up by 4÷5 cm of mortar for ceramic tile laying or for glued floorings, of a 5 cm or self-leveling screed according to the indications of the producer.

WARNING • Do not add water to already mixed Lecacem. • Do not wet the laying surface. • Do not wet the Lecacem layer after laying. • If there are no specific protections, cover the metal tubes with sand and cement mortar. • If there is humidity coming up from the layers below Lecacem and floorings sensitive to humidity will be laid, we suggest putting a damp proof barrier between Lecacem and the structure below. • Do not apply with temperatures below + 5 °C or higher than + 35 °C. • See “General warnings” on page 67.

EN AND INSULATE TECHNICAL FEATURES Density in bag Real density Application time Application temperature Treadable Average compressive strength at 28 days Dry thermal conductivity Fire reaction Reduction of impact sounds Suggested thickness Consumption Packaging

Preservation conditions and duration (as per Min. decree 10/05/04)

about 500 Kg/m3 about 600 Kg/m3 60 minutes from + 5 °C to + 35 °C 24 hours after casting about 2.5 N/mm2 (25 Kg/cm2) 0.16 W/mK Euroclase A1 (Incombustible) request certification ≥ 5 cm 0.2 bags/m2 for 1 cm thickness Wood pallets with 60 bags, 50 litres/each bag equal to 3 m3 of loose product (at request 30 bags: m3 1.5) in original packages, in a covered and dry place with no ventilation. Maximum six months from packing date.


Ask for Safety Sheet

thickness cm Drying times of Lecacem in optimal conditions according to the thickness of the layer. The days needed to reach 3% in weight humidity in the laboratory (20°C and 55% R.H.) are indicated above.

RESIDUAL HUMIDITY AND SPECIFIC WEIGHT OF SCREEDS The water in foundations is not quantifiable only with the percentage in weight of humidity: it is necessary to know the specific weight and the thickness of the layer. Figures obtained from tests carried out in an official laboratory with the assistance of CNR technicians (Institute for Research on Wood) show that at the same thickness, the water contained in a traditional foundation with residual humidity 2% in weight is higher than the quantity contained in a lightweight layer which reached 3%. For example, one square meter of foundation, 7 cm thick, with a humidity level of 2% in weight, contains only 0.84 litre of water if made up of Lecacem (density 600 Kg/m3) and 2.8 litre of water if made up of traditional materials (sand and cement, density 2000 Kg/m3). Standard hygrometers with electric conductivity can only give a general indication. We suggest using carbide hygrometers which give exactly the percentage in weight of the humidity (UNI 10329).

SEPCIFICATIONS Thermal and/or lightened layer made of pre-mixed “Lecacem”, with water-repellent expanded clay (humidity absorption approx. 1% at 30’ according to UNI EN 13055-1), and specific binders. Real density about Kg/m3, average compressive strength about 25 Kg/cm2. Supplied in bags, mixed with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions, laid, pressed and leveled to a thickness of cm ... 21


Thermal insulator

Lecamix Fast is a premixed material that does not require the addition of aggregates with particular grain sizes. With the right quantity of water the screed will dry in no time at all.

The thermal dry conductivity ratio (0,31 W/mK) of Lecamix Fast is one fourth of the traditional sand and cement.


Lecamix Fast foresees a specific admixture in its formulation to compensate for shrinkage; this must not eliminate all the normal procedures for eliminating breaks and/or cracks.

Lecamix Fast laid with a thickness of 5 cm, at + 20°C and 55% of relative humidity, reaches residual humidity values of 3% in weight after 7 days. Good drying times up to 10 cm of thickness.

Light Lecamix Fast on site has a density of about 1150 Kg/m3: 5 cm of thickness weigh only 57 Kg/m2 (100 Kg/m2 if in sand/cement).

Practical Thanks to the light Lecapiù aggregate, Lecamix Fast reduces times and handling costs on the construction site and laying procedures are easier. The working times and methods are those the traditional screeds. For an optimal mixture we suggest using the continuous Lecamix mixer. It is particularly suitable for restorations.

Resistant Lecamix Fast withstands 150 Kg/cm2 compression: ideal for every type of flooring.


Compensated shrinkage

Acoustic insulator The certificates for impact sound insulation of the Laterlite Foundations System are available (see page 35).

Fire resistance level REI 120 A Lecamix screed, 8 cm thick, gives a structures a 120 fire resistance level against the risk of fire originating from above (request certification).

Incombustible Leca and mineral binders have a fire reaction “Euroclass A1fl”.

Pumpable It can be pumped with the standard pneumatic pumps used for foundations.

Environment-friendly The pre-mixed Lecamix Fast is certified by ANAB-ICEA for BioArchitecture


1 2 3 Screed for flooring suitable for vehicles - Automobile dealership in Milan

1) Lecamix Fast screed 2) Elastic mat and damp proof barrier 3) Lightening/insulating layer in Lecacem

FIELDS OF USE Single-layer lightened foundations. Multi-layer finishing screeds for foundations. Suitable for all types of flooring, even sensitive to humidity.

Not suitable for: Fresh laying of ceramic tiles, etc. For thickness lower than 5 cm see “Warnings ”.

Single-layer foundation

1 2 3 4 5

multi-layer foundation

Wood or ceramic floor. Lecamix Fast screed. Lightening/insulating layer in Lecapiù or Lecacem. Floor. Elastic layer for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier.

RESIDUAL HUMIDITY AND SPECIFIC WEIGHT OF SCREEDS The water in the foundation is not quantifiable with the percentage in weight of humidity: it is necessary to also know the specific weight and thickness of the screed. Figures obtained from tests carried out in an official laboratory with the assistance of CNR technicians (Institute for Research on Wood) show that at the same thickness, the water contained in a traditional screed with residual humidity 2% in weight is higher than the quantity contained in a Lecamix Fast screed which reached 3%. Standard hygrometers with electric conductivity can only give a general indication on Lecamix Fast. We suggest using carbide hygrometers which give exactly the percentage in weight of the humidity (UNI 10329).

LECAMIX FAST: FAST DRYING PREM METHODS OF USE PREPARING THE SURFACE The floor or the lightening surface must not have any cracks and inconsistent parts. It should have good compressive and tensile strength, no dust, paint, waxes, oils, rust and plaster residues. The installations (electric and sanitary) must be adequately protected and spaced out one from the other. We suggest creating the lightening layer with products with a low humidity value (Lecapiù or Lecacem).

PREPARING THE MIXTURE We suggest using mixers with metering screw. • Put one or more bags into the mixer (about 60% of the rated capacity of the mixer). • Add 3.5÷4 litres of water for every bag in the mixer with metering screw; 3.8÷4.2 litres for tank concrete mixers. • Mix for at least 3 minutes until the mixture seems “pasty-plastic”. The water quantities indicated above are based on experience. Higher quantities may extend drying times; lower quantities may cause “burning” to the screed. The operator must carefully control the consistency of the mixture and other features, for example in summer it might be a good idea to put a bit more water. Do not make mixing times long. The use of traditional pumps for foundations calls for a higher quantity of water for the mixture. For a perfect mixture with high productivity of 2 – 2.2 m3/hour (57÷63 bags/hour) we suggest using the continuous Lecamix mixer (see upper left photo).

APPLICATION AND FINISHING • Lecamix Fast is laid using the standard foundation techniques: lateral boards and/or marks to determine the exact height, laying of mixture and pressing, leveling out and then float finishing by hand or with an appropriate mechanical device. • It is a good idea to separate the Lecamix Fast screed from outer walls and/or pillars with a strip, 0.5 cm thick, as high as the thickness of the screed plus the floor. • Use a light mesh if the thickness above the installations (electric, sanitary) is lower than 5 cm. • We suggest arranging expansion joints for areas no bigger than 5x5= 25 m2, that is when the ratio length/width exceeds 3 and with irregular surfaces (L-shape and/or similar).

WARNINGS • Press Lecamix Fast well when it is being laid. • Lecamix Fast must not be mixed by hand. Do not add other inert materials, cement, lime, gypsum, admixtures. • The freshly laid screed must not be wet and must be protected against excessive drying especially during hot months and/or with strong ventilation. • An excessive use of the mechanical trowel may make drying times longer • If there is risk of humidity rising from the layer under the Lecamix Fast and floorings sensitive to humidity will be laid, we suggest putting a damp proof barrier between Lecamix Fast and the underlying layer. • If an elastic mat is laid for impact sound insulation we suggest increasing the thickness of the screed according to the elastic mat (for information see page 66). • If the thickness of the adherent screed is between 3.5 and 5 cm keep in mind factors such as the use of a light reinforced mesh and the use of latexes that assure gripping to the underlying material (contact Laterlite Technical Assistance). • Do not apply with temperatures lower than + 5 °C or higher than + 35 °C. • See “General warnings” on page 67.

MIXED SCREED TECHNICAL FEATURES Density in bag Real density Application time Application temperature Workability Average compressive strength at 28 days Dry thermal conductivity Fire reaction Fire resistance Reduction of impact sound Suggested thickness Consumption Packaging

about 1100 Kg/m3 about 1150 Kg/m3 60 minutes from + 5 °C to + 35 °C 24 hours after casting 15 N/mm2 (150 Kg/cm2) 0,31 W/mK Euroclass A1fl (Incombustible) class REI 120 (thickness 8 cm)

request certification 5 ÷ 10 cm* 0.3 bags/m2 for 1 cm thickness Wood pallets with 40 bags 35 litres/each bag equal to 1.4 m3 of loose product (at request 25 bags: m3 0.875) Preservation conditions in original packages, in and duration covered and dry place with (as per Min. decree 10/05/04) no ventilation. Maximum six months from packing date.


Ask for Safety Sheet. * see Section “Acoustic insulation” on page 66.

thickness cm Drying times of Lecamix Fast in optimal conditions according to the thickness of the screed. The days needed to reach 3% in humidity weight in the laboratory (20°C and 55% R.H.) are indicated.

IMPACT SOUND INSULATION (DECREE 5/12/97) Laterlite supplies on request the sound certificates of the Foundation System performed at the Galileo Ferraris Institute in Turin on single-layer and double-layer foundations (see page 35). For further information see the section “Acoustic Insulation” on page 66.

SPECIFICATIONS Screed suitable for the laying of glued floorings (even sensitive to humidity) made up of premixed “Lecamix Fast” with waterrepellent expanded clay (humidity absorption approx. 1% at 30’ secondo UNI EN 13055-1) according to UNI EN 130551), and specific binders and admixtures. Real density about 1150 Kg/m3. Drying properties: 3% residual humidity in about 7 days from casting for a thickness of 5 cm. The screed must be removed from the surrounding structures with elastic materials with a minimum thickness of 0.5 cm and with a thickness no lower than 5 cm if directly laid on the floor and 6 cm if laid on elastic mats (acoustic, thermal insulation etc. with a thickness between 3 and 6 mm). Supplied in bags, mixed with water according o the manufacturer’s instructions, laid, pressed and leveled to a thickness of cm ... 25


ADVANTAGES Lightweight

Thermal insulator

Real weight approx. 1000 Kg/m3, half of the traditional mixture with sand and water; 5 cm of thickness weigh only 50 Kg/m2.

The thermal dry conductivity ratio (0.25 W/mK) means good energy saving.


Acoustic insulator

Lecamix Strong laid at a thickness of 5 cm, at + 20°C and 55% of relative humidity, reaches residual humidity values of 3% in weight after about 35 days from the casting.

The certificates for impact sound insulation of the Laterlite Foundations System are available (see page 35).

Low shrinkage value Thanks to its specific formula it allows for the creation of large surfaces without the use of meshes and/or joints.

A Lecamix screed, 8 cm thick, gives the structure a 120 fire resistance level against the risk of fire originating from above (request certification).



Thanks to the light Lecapiù aggregate, Lecamix Strong reduces times and handling costs on the construction site and laying procedures are easier (just add water). The working times and modalities are those of traditional screeds. It is particularly suitable for restorations. For an optimal mixture with high productivity we suggest using the continuous Lecamix mixer.

Leca and mineral binders have a fire reaction class “Euroclass A1fl”.


Ideal for single-layer screeds. The flooring can be glued directly on the dry Lecamix Strong surface.

Lecamix Strong withstands 150 Kg/cm2 compression: ideal value for every type of flooring.


Fire resistance level REI 120

Pumpable It can be pumped with the standard pneumatic pumps used for foundations.



1 2 3 Single-layer foundation - Shopping centre in Peschiera del Garda

1) Lecamix Strong screed 2) Elastic mat and damp proof barrier 3) Lightening/insulating layer in Lecacem

FIELDS OF USE Single-layer lightened foundations. Multi-layer finishing screed for foundations. Finishing screed or under-sheath slope screeds in flat roofs.

Not suitable for: Outdoor screeds that are not water-proof or exposed to humidity. Fresh laying of screeds, etc. For thickness lower than 5 cm see “Warnings ”.

Finishing screed – Vigevano castle Single-layer foundation 1 2 3 4 5

Multi-layer foundation

Wood or ceramic floor. Lecamix Strong screed. Lightening/insulating layer in Lecapiù or Lecacem. Floor. Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier.

FIRE RESISTANCE The Fire Prevention regulations establish the need to protect certain types of horizontal structures against the risk of fire coming from above (for example wood floors above which there are libraries, museums and theatres; or in heating plants or old people’s homes). 8 cm of a Lecamix screed assure a REI 120 Fire Resistance class on any type of structure (ask for certification). With this new certificate, Lecamix if the first pre-mixed screed with a REI 120 certificate.

1 Floor. 2 LECAMIX STRONG screed, 8 cm thick. 3 Wood floor (or other type).

LECAMIX FORTE: FOR SINGLE-LA METHODS OF USE PREPARING THE SURFACE The floor or the lightening surface must not have any cracks and inconsistent parts. It should have good compressive and tensile strength, no dust, paint, waxes, oils, rust and plaster residues. The installations (electric and sanitary) must be adequately protected and spaced out one from the other. We suggest creating the lightening layer with products with a low humidity value (Lecapiù or Lecacem).

PREPARING THE MIXTURE Tank concrete mixer • Put one or more bags into the mixer; • Do not load for more than 60% of the rated capacity of the mixer (for example, 4 bags in a 250 litre cement mixer); • Add 6.5 litres of clean water for every bag; • Mix for at least 3 minutes making the cement mixer operate with the rotation axis almost horizontal and adjust the consistency of the grout, by adding, after the 6.5 litres per bag, about 1 litre of water per bag and continue mixing for at least 3÷4 minutes. Reach a “wet soil” consistency.

Mixers with metering screw • Put one or more bags into the mixer. • Add 6 litres of clean water for every bag. • Mix for at least 2-3 minutes, adjust the consistency of the grout by adding, after the 6 litres per bag, about 1 litre of water per bag. Reach a “wet soil” consistency. For an optimal mixture with high productivity levels, approx. 2 2,2 m3/hour (55÷60 bags/hour) we suggest using the continuous Lecamix mixer (see upper left photo). Higher quantities may extend drying times; lower quantities may cause “burning” to the screed. The operator must carefully control the consistency of the mixture and other features, for example in summer it might be a good idea to put a bit more water. Do not make mixing times long. The use of traditional pumps for foundations calls for a higher quantity of water for the mixture.

APPLICATION AND FINISHING • Lecamix Forte is laid using the standard foundation techniques: lateral boards and/or marks to determine the exact height, laying of mixture and pressing, leveling out and then float finishing by hand or with an appropriate machine with rotating disk • It is a good idea to separate the Lecamix Fast screed, from outer walls and/or pillars with a strip, 0.5 cm thick, as high as the thickness of the screed plus the floor. • Use a light mesh if the thickness above the installations (electric, sanitary) is lower than 5 cm. • We suggest arranging expansion joints when the ratio length/width of the area exceeds 3 and with irregular surfaces (L-shape and/or similar). The size of the areas must not exceed 100 m2. Lecamix Forte screeds are very compact; hence the absorption of water contained in the adhesives in watery dispersion is slow. Therefore, according to the type of wood and the size of the surfaces, we suggest using vinyl glues with limited quantities of water, or better glues not containing water (for example bio-components).

AYER SCREEDS AND FOUNDATIONS TECHNICAL FEATURES Density in bag Real density Application time Application temperature Workability Average compressive strength at 28 days Dry thermal conductivity Fire reaction Fire resistance class Impact sound insulation Suggested thickness Consumption Packaging

about 800 Kg/m3 about 1000 Kg/m3 60 minutes from + 5 °C to + 35 °C 24 hours after casting 15 N/mm2 (150 Kg/cm2) 0.25 W/mK Euroclass A1fl (Incombustible) REI 120 (thickness 8 cm)

request certification 5 ÷ 10 cm* 0.3 bags/m2 for 1 cm thickness Wood pallets with 55 bags 36.4 litres/each bag equal to 2 m3 of loose product (at request 30 bags: m3 1.1) Preservation conditions in original packages, in and duration covered and dry place with (as per Min. decree 10/05/04) no ventilation. Maximum six months from packing date.


Ask for Safety Sheet. * see Section “Acoustic insulation” on page 66.


thickness cm Drying times of Lecamix Forte, compared to the traditional sand-cement mixture, in optimal conditions according to the thickness of the screed. The days needed to reach 3% in humidity weight in the laboratory (20°C and 55% R.H.) are indicated.

RESIDUAL HUMIDITY AND SPECIFIC WEIGHT OF SCREEDS The water in the foundation is not quantifiable with the percentage in weight of humidity: it is also necessary to know the specific weight and thickness of the screed. At the same thickness, the water contained in a traditional screed with residual humidity 2% in weight is higher than the quantity contained in a Lecamix Forte screed which reached 3% (for more information see page 66).

IMPACT SOUND INSULATION (DECREE 5/12/97) Laterlite supplies on request the sound certificates of the Foundation System performed at the Galileo Ferraris Institute in Turin on single-layer and double-layer foundations (see page 35). For further information see the section “Acoustic Insulation” on page 66.

• Press Lecamix Forte well when it is being laid. • Lecamix Forte must not be mixed by hand. Do not add other inert materials, cement, lime, gypsum, admixtures. • The freshly laid screed must not be wet and must be protected against excessive drying especially during hot months and/or with strong ventilation. • An excessive use of the mechanical trowel may make drying times longer • If there is risk of humidity rising from the layer under Lecamix Forte and floorings sensitive to humidity will be laid, we suggest putting a damp proof barrier between Lecamix Forte and the underlying layer • If an elastic mat is laid for impact sound insulation we suggest increasing the thickness of the screed according to the elastic mat (for information see page 66). • If the thickness of the adherent screed is between 3.5 and 5 cm keep in mind factors such as the use of a light reinforced mesh and the use of latexes that assure gripping to the underlying material (contact Laterlite Technical Assistance). • Do not apply with temperatures lower than + 5 °C or higher than + 35 °C. • See “General warnings” on page 67.

SPECIFICATIONS Screed suitable for the laying of glued floorings (even sensitive to humidity) made up of premixed “Lecamix Forte” with waterrepellent expanded clay (humidity absorption approx. 1% at 30’ according to UNI EN 13055-1), and specific binders and admixtures. Drying properties: 3% residual humidity in about 35 days from casting for thickness of 5 cm. Real density about 1000 Kg/m3. The screed must be removed from the surrounding structures with elastic materials with a minimum thickness of 0.5 cm and with a thickness no lower than 5 cm if directly laid on the floor and 6 cm if laid on elastic mats (acoustic, thermal insulation etc. with a thickness between 3 and 6 mm). Supplied in bags, mixed with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions, laid, pressed and leveled to a thickness of cm ... 29




Screed suitable both for indoors and outdoors, for the laying of glued or “fresh” ceramics and for creating flat and pitched roofs even with gluing of waterproof membranes.

Since it’s a pre-mixed material there is no need for dosing on the construction site.


Leca and mineral binders have a fire reaction class “Euroclass A1fl”.

Real mass approx. 950 Kg/m3, 5 cm of thickness weigh only 47 Kg/m2.

Fire resistance level REI 120

Economic Ideal for single-layer screeds. Water-proof surfaces, ceramic floorings or other types of flooring can be directly laid on Lecamix Facile.

Thermal insulator The thermal dry conductivity ratio is 0.24 W/mK. Lecamix Facile also enhances impact sound insulation.

Incombustible A Lecamix screed, 8 cm thick, gives the structures a 120 fire resistance level against the risk of fire originating from above (request certification).

Practical In bags of 36.4 litres equal to approx. 27 Kg, add water and nothing else. For an optimal mixture we suggest using mixers with metering screw (even continuous mixers).

Pumpable It can be pumped with the standard pneumatic pumps used for foundations.





3 Screed for glueing or “fresh on fresh” laying

1) Lecamix Facile screed 2) Elastic mat and damp proof barrier 3) Lightening/insulating layer in Leca mixed with cement grout

FIELDS OF USE Lightweight screed, insulating layer under roof tiles, for slopes and roofs. Single-layer or finishing screed for floorings not sensitive to humidity, glued down or laid with “fresh on fresh” technique. Insulating-lightened layers for foundations in difficult construction work conditions for subsequent applications (plastering, boarding, etc.)

Not suitable for: For thickness lower than 5 cm. Laying of floorings sensitive to humidity (type of wood, etc).

Single-layer foundation

Double-layer foundation Pitched roof screed - Fortezza Priamar in Savona

Pitched roof

Restoration of slopes on roofs

Flat roofe

Screeds in usable lofts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Flooring, roof or water-proof membrane according to cases. Lecamix Facile screed. Lightening/insulating layer in Leca, Lecapiù or Lecacem. Floor or bearing structure (wood or corrugated sheet). Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier. 6 Weldmesh. Aerator. Slope screed on flat roof for the laying of a waterproof membrane

LECAMIX FACILE: FOR SCREEDS METHODS OF USE PREPARING THE SURFACE The floor or the lightening surface must not have any cracks and inconsistent parts. It should have good compressive and tensile strength, no dust, paint, waxes, oils, rust and plaster residues. The installations (electric and sanitary) must be adequately protected and spaced out one from the other.

PREPARING THE MIXTURE Generally, all cement mixers are suitable for mixing Lecamix Facile. As for all the premixed materials, it is better to use “forced” mixers (with metering screw or similar) because they guarantee a better mixture. • Put one or more whole bags into the mixer (do not exceed 60% of the rated capacity of the mixer). • The quantity of water needed in the mixture must be calculated according to the field and modality of use. We suggest using 7.5 ÷ 8.5 litres of clean water for every bag. The use of pumps for foundations calls for larger water quantities. • Mix well for 2-3 minutes until the material is well-blended, until you can make a ball when pressed in the hand (“wet mud” consistency) making the tank concrete mixer operate with the rotation axis almost horizontal. For an optimal mixture with high productivity levels, approx. 2 - 2.2 m3/hour (55÷60 bags/hour) we suggest using the continuous Lecamix mixer. The water quantities indicated above are based on experience, if lower quantities are used the screed may be at risk of “burning”. The operator must carefully control the consistency of the mixture and other features, for example in summer it might be a good idea to put a bit more water. Do not make mixing times long. The use of traditional pumps for foundations calls for a higher quantity of water for the mixture.

APPLICATION AND FINISHING • It is laid using the standard foundation techniques: lateral boards and/or marks to determine the exact height, laying of mixture and pressing, leveling out and then float finishing when needed. • For foundations for floorings, it is a good idea to separate the Lecamix Facile screed, from outer walls and/or pillars with a strip, 0.5 cm thick, as high as the thickness of the screed plus the floor. • We suggest arranging expansion joints for areas of 5x5= 25 m2, when the ratio length/width of the area exceeds 3 and with irregular surfaces (L-shape and/or similar).

WARNINGS • Press Lecamix Facile well when it is being laid, especially in the case of “fresh on fresh” laying. • In the case of “fresh on fresh” laying we suggest not exceeding 10 cm of thickness and following the standard operating modality. • Do not mix Lecamix Facile by hand. Do not add other inert materials, cement, lime, gypsum, admixtures. • The freshly laid screed must not be protected against excessive drying especially during hot months and/or with strong ventilation. • If an elastic mat is laid for impact sound insulation we suggest increasing the thickness of the screed according to the elastic mat (for information see page 66). • Do not apply with temperatures lower than + 5 °C or higher than + 35 °C • See “General warnings” on page 67.

S, FOUNDATIONS AND ROOFS TECHNICAL FEATURES Density in bag Real density Application time Application temperature Practicability Average compressive strength at 28 days Dry thermal conductivity Fire reaction Fire resistance Impact sound insulation Suggested thickness Consumption Packaging

about 750 Kg/m3 about 950 Kg/m3 60 minutes from + 5 °C to + 35 °C 24 hours after casting 9 N/mm2 (90 Kg/cm2) 0.24 W/mK Euroclass A1fl (Incombustible) REI 120 (thickness 8 cm)

request certification ≥ 5 cm* approx. 0.33bags/m2 for 1cm thickness Wood pallets with 55 bags 36.4 litres/each bag equal to 2 m3 of loose product (at request 30 bags: m3 1.1) Preservation conditions in original packages, in and duration covered and dry place with (as per Min. decree 10/05/04) no ventilation. Maximum six months from date packing.

Ask for Safety Sheet.

transmittance W/m2K

* see Section “Acoustic insulation” on page 66.

thickness cm Flat or pitched roof 2 Trend of transmittance K (W/m K), according to the thickness of Leca mixed with cement grout, for a covering application including: floor (Rt = 0,40 m2K/W), insulation with Leca mixed with cement grout and 5 cm of Lecamix Facile (Rt liminari = 0,14 m2K/W – thermal resistance between the material and air).

“FRESH ON FRESH” CASTING “Fresh on fresh” casting is well-known in the construction sector for casting ceramic floors: it is laid starting from lateral strips to determine the exact height, laying and pressing the mixture and leveling it out. At this point the surface is lightly covered with cement. After it is moist the ceramic tiles are laid after being wet. When the casting operation is completed the tiles are “”patted” down with an appropriate instrument. It is ideal for absorbing ceramics, whereas for those with low absorption properties, there are specific products available now on the market, whereas for non-absorbing ceramic tiles it is preferable to use glue laying.

IMPACT SOUND INSULATION (DECREE 5/12/97) Laterlite supplies at request the sound certificates of the Foundation System performed at the Galileo Ferraris Institute in Turin on single-layer and double-layer foundations (see page 35). For further information see the section “Acoustic Insulation” on page 66.

SPECIFICATIONS Screed suitable for the laying of floorings, or water-proof membranes, made of premixed “Lecamix Facile” with water-repellent expanded clay (humidity absorption approx. 1% at 30’ according to UNI EN 130551), and specific binders and admixtures. Real density about 950 Kg/m3. The screed must be removed from the surrounding structures with elastic materials with a minimum thickness of 0.5 cm and with a thickness no lower than 5 cm if directly laid on the floor and 6 cm if laid on elastic mats (acoustic, thermal isolation etc. with a thickness between 3 and 6 mm). Supplied in bags, mixed with water according o the manufacturer’s instructions, laid, pressed and leveled to a thickness of cm ... 33

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