Pages 52-68

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A special Leca

Mixed in the soil or as a draining layer or humidity preservation layer for hanging gardens, flower pots and plants in vases. Filling up of surfaces for the cultivation of vase plants. Arrangement of flower pots. Hydroculture.

AgriLeca is the Italian-made expanded clay designed specifically by Laterlite for flower-growing, horticulture and gardening which uses top quality and selected raw materials to obtain, besides the renowned advantages offered by Leca, also a very low salinity release.

Natural AgriLeca does not contain organic substances, does not decompose, and is rot-free and parasite-free.

Easy to use AgriLeca can be kept for an unlimited time, without ever changing. Supplied in bags it is easy to use, store, carry and dose.

Practical AgriLeca is produced in two different grain sizes, 3รท8 and 8รท15; it is supplied pumped with tank trucks, loose in dumpers or in 50 liter plastic bags (20 bags per m3 , in pallets of 65 bags. Dry weight approx. 440 Kg/m3 (22 Kg/bag) for sizes 3รท8 and approx. 380 Kg/m3 (19 Kg/bag) for size 8รท15.

Specific pH Its pH is between 6 and 7.


Hanging gardens 1 2 3 4 5 6

Flower pots, vases and plants in general

Cultivation soil. Filtering substrate in non-woven fabric. Draining layer in AgriLeca. Water-proof membrane. Structure. Cultivation soil mixed with AgriLeca.


AGRILECA METHODS OF USE VASE PLANTS AgriLeca, in peat substrates limits excessive water retention, enhances drainage and increases the porosity for the air, an essential factor for the proper growth of roots and plants; a humid but not wet soil limits the formation of rotten roots and parasite fungus. AgriLeca does not release any salinity and does not change the pH factor of the mixture, thanks to its low buffer power. AgriLeca does not turn yellow, does not pack down, doesn’t change or decompose in time or due to humidity; it’s aesthetically nice to see. The quantities for the AgriLeca mixture with peat or the already prepared peat substrate, must be chosen by the flower-grower according to the plant, the peat, the irrigation times used in the greenhouse. Generally it ranges from 20% (1 part of AgriLeca every 4 of peat) to 40% (2 parts of AgriLeca every 3 parts of peat).

HANGING GARDENS AgriLeca is the right product for creating lightened draining layers for plants and hanging gardens. In the mixtures with the cultivation soil, it assures lightness to the structure and a water and air reserve for the plants. AgriLeca is perfect for filling flower pots and boxes. It can be supplied with dumper trucks or tank trucks equipped for vertical pumping up to 30 m or horizontal up to 80÷100 m.

FLOWER POT ARRANGEMENT AgriLeca has a pleasant aesthetical appearance, and has become a must for plants cultivated in vases. The brownish round (not spherical) granules are a natural finishing for flower pots and flower arrangements.

BOX FILLING AgriLeca is used to fill boxes and assures a constant temperature, drainage, humidity level and no maintenance, especially when the roots stick out of the vase.

PLANTS IN GREEHOUSE CONTAINERS The soil in the containers is subject in time to pressing due to its weight and the water. Adding AgriLeca significantly and permanently improves its porosity features for air and drainage, thus avoiding the suffocation of the roots and enhancing the overall result. Furthermore, the soil, with 20-30% of AgriLeca, reduces the excessive weight of the containers, yet assuring the necessary stability. AgriLeca is also useful when moving plants from the container to the customer’s garden. A layer of AgriLeca on the bottom of the hole assures drainage and the right level of humidity so the plants take root better.

HYDROCULTURE AgriLeca is the ideal substrate for hydro-culture. The minimum level of salinity released assures the inertia of the substrate, primary condition for the proper operation of the system. It is also lightweight and easy to handle, it has moderate water retention and excellent porosity for air. The shape and the different sizes of the grains are such as to “bound” well and assure a good support to plants, even tall and heavy ones.

TECHNICAL FEATURES Sizes Density Kg/m3 approx. Fire reaction Packaging

3÷8 8÷15 440 380 Euroclass A1 (Incombustible) Wood pallets with 65 bags 50 litres/ each equal to 3.25 m3 of product

Ask for Safety Sheet See “General warnings” on page 67.

SPECIFICATIONS Draining layer for hanging gardens, plant and flower boxes, made of “AgriLeca” expanded clay with a controlled pH between 6 and 7, sizes... (3-8 o 8-15), density between 380 and 440 Kg/m3, laid in the thickness of cm ... (min. cm 8), supplied in bags or loose delivered with dumper truck or tank truck equipped for vertical pumping.




Pumpable with standard concrete pumps

Covering screeds suitable for receiving waterproof membranes. Lightening of foundations not sensitive to humidity.

Supplied in concrete mixers, ReoLeca makes the layin of flat roofs and foundations very quick, even in the case of restoration works, thanks to its great workability and casting properties it offers very high yields (over 1500 m2 day).

Warning Lightening of foundations for floorings not sensitive to humidity.

Lightweight Thanks to the lightness of the Leca aggregate, ReoLeca reduces the loads on the underlying structures.

Insulating The ReoLeca layers (λ = 0.18 W/mK) actively contribute to thermal insulation.

Easy to use ReoLeca does not call for particular casting equipment or specialized personnel.

Fluid consistency Even though it behaves as a normal hyper-fluid concrete, it can be used to create “natural” slopes of approx. 4%.

Economic The finishing topping is not necessary for the casting of bituminous membranes, all to the advantage of a rapid layin and lowering in costs. The smoothing out is achieved with the simple passing of a steel rule over the surface of the grout as soon as it is pumped. It is workable 12÷24 hours (according to the season) after casting.

Does not develop toxic gases No problem with flames during the casting of the waterproof membranes on the excellent surface finishing of ReoLeca. Natural and environment-friendly It is made of Leca, it does not pollute cement mixing plants, the drains and the sewers are not clogged.


Double-layer foundations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Flat covering

Waterproof floor or membrane. Lecamix screed. ReoLeca lightening layer. Floor. Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier. Damp proof barrier. Aerator.



REOLECA METHODS OF USE PREPARING THE SURFACE The surface must not have any cracks and inconsistent parts. It should have good compressive and tensile strength, no dust, paint, waxes, oils, rust and plaster residues. The installations (electric and sanitary) must be adequately protected and spaced out one from the other. Considering the fluidity of ReoLeca it is necessary to close the empty spaces between the outer structures of the casting and the cavities of the installations.

PREPARING THE MIXTURE ReoLeca is supplied packaged directly from concrete mixing plants using concrete mixers and cast on site with concrete pumps. ReoLeca is pumpable thanks to the addition of an aerating admixture in the preparation. Among the products available on the market, the best is ReoLeca C (available at request).

APPLICATION ReoLeca is cast using the standard techniques: marks to determine the exact height, casting and leveling. It is a good idea to separate the ReoLeca screed from outer walls and/or pillars with a strip. We suggest arranging expansion joints as for ordinary screeds.

FINISHING In case of slopes on flat coverings, apply the waterproof membranes directly on ReoLeca. For floorings foundations it is necessary to use a finishing topping that can be made up of 4÷5 cm of mortar for tiling. For glued floorings, the thickness of the topping must be of at least 5 cm. The finishing topping can be made with premixed material of the Lecamix Line to decrease the weight of the foundations and limit shrinkage and cracking problems.

TECHNICAL FEATURES Dry density Fresh density Application time Application temperature Workability Average compressive strength at 28 days Dry thermal conductivity Fire reaction Suggested thickness

approx. 800 Kg/m3 approx. 1000 Kg/m3 60÷90 minutes from + 5 °C to + 35 °C 12÷24 hours after casting 2.5 N/mm2 (25 Kg/cm2) 0.18 (W/mK) Euroclass A1 (Incombustible) ≥ 5 cm

Ask for Safety Sheet

WARNINGS • Not suitable for slopes over 4%. • For floorings sensitive to humidity it is necessary to separate the foundation of ReoLeca from the upper finishing layers with a proper waterproof membrane to be also applied on the outer walls. • The fresh screed must be protected against fast drying especially during summer months. • Do not apply with temperatures lower than + 5 °C or higher than + 35 °C. • See “General warnings” on page 67.

SPECIFICATIONS Slope and thermal insulating layer suitable for the direct gluing of waterproof membranes made of “ReoLeca”, lightweight pumpable concrete with cement, Leca and specific admixtures to allow for pumping with standard concrete pumps. Laid (with mix. 4% slope) and leveled out to a thickness of cm… The cement shall be of type 32.5 (42.5), dosed at about 3.5 tons/m3 of concrete yielded. The concrete cast on site at 28 days shall have a density of approx. 800 Kg/m3 and a compressive strength of at least 25 Kg/cm2.




“Compliant” with standards

The use of a lightened structural concrete, besides solving specific problems, is also an advantage in many other cases such as: - In restoration works, besides for floors, for all other castings (pillars, bearing walls, beams, slabs, staircases, etc.) that need to be lighter not to weigh on pre-existing structures and foundations. - Structures where the weight is the most important component in relation to the operating loads (for example in bridges with long bays, in roof tiles and large pre-fabricated panels, in surfaces with large clear spans etc...). In these cases in fact the use of a lightweight concrete allows for the realization of slender structures with smaller sections and hence less concrete and reinforcements. The constructions are aesthetically more beautiful and even cheaper. - Constructions in seismic areas. The action of earthquakes is proportional to the mass of the structures involved: making structures lighter means reducing stress. - Structures on soils with poor carrying capacity. In these cases the reduction of weight allows for the reduction in foundation costs, or, with the same weight, to create bigger structures. - Pre-fabricated structures where a lightweight and long-lasting concrete (1/3 of the weight less compared to an ordinary concrete), thermal insulation (thermal conductivity less than 1/3 of an ordinary concrete) and fire resistance is technically necessary or economically advantageous.

The Ministerial Decree 9/1/1996 (with relating technical instructions) defines structural lightweight concrete as “a concrete aggregate with a closed structure obtained by replacing all or in part the ordinary aggregate with a lightweight artificial aggregate, made up of expanded clay or schists. It has a mass at 28 days between 1.400 and 2.000 Kg/m3. The characteristic compressive strength at 28 days must be lower than 15 N/mm2”.

Lightweight Leca structural lightweight concretes allow for a reduction in weight compared to traditional concrete from approx. 500 up to 1.000 Kg less per m3.

Resistant It is possible to use Leca, Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte to prepare lightened structural concretes with compressive strength from 15 to 65 - 70 N/mm2.

Top performances Tensile, flexible and pull-out strength and dimensional stability (shrinkage and creep) of Leca concrete are comparable to those of traditional concretes of the same class.

Long-lasting Recent studies have demonstrated that the resistance against penetration of corrosion agents (CO2 and Chlorides) in Leca structural concrete is higher than traditional concrete.

Fire resistant By exploiting the fire-proof property of Leca, all Leca structural concretes easily obtain the fire resistance certification.



Stolmen Bridge – Norway

Large structures

Structural screeds castings

Floors in corrugated iron sheeing

Not supported structures Platform for oil-chemical plant in Nigeria - Genoa

Constructions in seismic areas

Pre-fabricated structures

1 2 3 4

Leca structural concrete. Reinforcement or weldmesh. Floor or existing structure to reinforce. Continuous or dotted metal connectors for slabs acting compositely with the structure. 5 Lecamix screed. 6 Elastic mat for impact sound insulation and/or damp proof barrier. 7 Traditional concrete.

Beams, bearing structures and curtain walls – multi-floor building in Brescia

LECA STRUCTURAL CONCRETE METHODS OF USE PREPARING THE MIXTURE Leca structural concrete is prepared by concrete mixing plants or prefabrication plants. For traditional casting (gutter or bucket casting) there are no special requirements. For casting of the material with pumps it is necessary to bear in mind that the Leca aggregate when dry is able to absorb part of the water of the mixture. This means the pump could get blocked. To avoid these problems just pre-saturate the aggregate before preparing the mixture or fluidifying the mixture in compliance with the same technical instructions followed for SCC concrete (selfcompacting) filler and viscosity admixtures. Contact the Laterlite Technical Assistance office.

TECHNICAL FEATURES Leca structural concrete Dry density Kg/m3 approx. Type of Leca Fresh density Kg/m3 Dry thermal conductivity (UNI 10351) W/mK Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days N/mm2 Average compressive strength at 28 days N/mm2 E (elastic modulus) N/mm2

1.500 Leca approx. 1.650

1.600 Leca Structural approx. 1.750



approx. 15

approx. 25

approx. 20 approx. 30 approx. 10.000 approx. 15.000

Reference formula for 1 m3 of concrete Cement I 42.5 400 Kg Leca 3-8 270 Kg Leca Structural 0-15 Sand 0-3 mm 760 Kg Superfluidifier 4.5 Kg Water 180 litres Water/cement ratio 0.45

400 Kg 590 Kg 600 Kg 5.0 Kg 160 litres 0.40

High performance Leca structural concrete Dry density Kg/m3 approx. Type of Leca Fresh density Kg/m3 Dry thermal conductivity (UNI 10351) W/mK Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days N/mm2 Average compressive strength at 28 days N/mm2 E (elastic modulus) N/mm2

1.700 1.800 Leca Structural Leca Terrecotte approx. 1.850 approx. 1.950 0.63


approx. 30

approx. 40

approx. 35 approx. 45 approx. 20.000 approx. 25.000

Reference formula for 1 m3 of concrete Cement I 52.5 400 Kg Leca Structural 0-15 480 Kg Leca Terrecotte 0-6 Leca Terrecotte 6-12 Sand 0-3 mm 780 Kg Superfluidifier 6.0 Kg Water 180 litres Water/cement ratio 0.45

425 Kg 390 Kg 290 Kg 600 Kg 6.5 Kg 215 litres 0.51

LECA CONCRETE DIAGRAM Averange performsnce

The graph shows, in the “reference density-compressive strength” section, the various possibilities for realizing lightweight structural concretes with Leca. For the laws in force (Ministerial Decree 9/1/1996 and relating technical instructions) the density field is fixed between 1.400 and 2.000 Kg/m3 and the resistance field between 15 and 50 N/mm2. Normal Leca (green areas) is optimal for the preparation of structural concrete at concrete mixing plants, which give priority to lightness rather than resistance. Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte (yellow and blue area) are the ideal aggregate for making mixtures for concretes with high and very high performances destined, besides to concrete mixing plants, also to the prefabrication sector, saving, between 500 and 800 Kg/m3 on the weight of the structure, compared to a traditional concrete casting.

Co2 penetration

Indicative density Kg/m3

Traditional Concrete

DURABILITY OF LECA STRUCTURAL CONCRETES Results of ENCO srl research (Ponzano Ven. - TV)

WARNINGS • The mixing recipes of Leca Structural Concrete with dry density 1600 and1800 Kg/m3 were optimized in the ENCO Laboratories. The complete results are available at Laterlite Technical Assistance. • The technical features indicated are just a reference. The performance onsite of concrete also depends on the preparation, transportation and casting phases. • See “General warnings” on page 67.

Time √days Cl penetration

At the end of the testing campaign, performed at ENCO Laboratories, on structural lightweight concretes with Leca Structural and Leca Terrecotte, “the results concerning the penetration of CO2 and chloride in lightweight concretes were particularly positive (and in a certain way surprising because it is not mentioned in technical literature), compared to those found for an ordinary concrete with the same mechanical resistance, with the same quantity of cement and water/cement ratio. The lower penetration of CO2 could hypothetically be linked to the higher basicity of the Leca lightweight aggregate compared to ordinary aggregates. Similarly, the low penetration of chloride could depend on the beneficial pozzolana activity of the lightweight aggregate, which slows down the spreading of chloride through the plate block towards the reinforcement components” (in the graphs on the fight the comparison between an ordinary concrete and a concrete prepared with Leca Terrecotte).

Traditional Concrete

Time √days

SPECIFICATIONS Structural lightweight concrete made of expanded clay (Leca - Leca Structural - Leca Terrecotte), natural aggregates, cement type … and admixtures. Reference density of concrete at 28 days… ((from 1.400 up to 2.000 Kg/m3). Average compressive strength at 28 days determined on areas prepared on job site … (from 15 to 50 N/mm2).




LecaService for the safety on the construction site

For over 25 years LecaService has offered a service of casting on site its products to guarantee the maximum quality to the designer and construction company and the fulfillment of the foreseen technical performances.

LecaService is able to supply detailed safety plans, including the safety sheets of the installed products. The equipment used complies with the regulations in force.

LecaService for professionals

LecaService, after the casting of the materials, also offers a postsales service that also includes residual humidity tests on the foundations and sound tests with the most appropriate equipment and in cooperation with Laterlite Laboratories located in the productive plants or with external professionals.

LecaService works along with designers to identify the best solutions and the construction details, without neglecting the practical aspects, especially when it is necessary to work in particular conditions or city centers. LecaService can assure consulting activities, even integrated with the companies of the sector, with which it cooperates as in the case of soundproofing applications and the restoration/reinforcement of old floors.

LecaService for companies LecaService offers companies the possibility of having ready-touse products supply with supplied operators under the control of technicians, for a turn-key service. The economic offer is made only after verifying the real conditions of the site to assure a “final and correct� price.



Post-sales assistance

LECASERVICE READY-TO-USE PRODUCT SUPPLY LECA, LECAPIÙ, AGRILECA • Supply with pumping even at long distances. • Lightweight foundations for floorings sensitive to humidity (wood, linoleum, tiles, etc.). • Lightened slopes on flat coverings. • Foundations or fillings, even very thick, lightweight and insulating for restorations. • Adjustment of existing structures with fire prevention standards. • Insulations against ground for industrial buildings. • Hanging gardens.

LECACEM Premixed material for insulating and lightening layers with low residual humidity. • Lightweight foundations for floorings also sensitive to humidity (wood, linoleum, tiles, etc.). • Draining layers for self-locking floorings suitable for vehicles. • Practicable insulations for lofts. • Fillings on concrete and wood floors. • Ballasting of sheaths. • Foundations with low water contents on wood floors or structures in contact with stucco floors or with frescos.

LECAMIX FAST/FORTE Lightweight and insulating premixed materials for foundations suitable for the gluing of floorings even sensitive to humidity. Lecamix Fast, fast drying material. • Lightweight single-layer screed (even fast drying) suitable for the gluing of wood floorings or floorings sensitive to humidity. • Lightweight finishing screeds for the casting of glued floors in: homes, offices, hospitals, public buildings, gyms, etc. • Lightweight finishing screeds, even single-layer, for large surfaces, suitable for the gluing of floorings.

LECAMIX FACILE Lightweight and insulating premixed material for the screeds of ceramic floorings and roofs. • Lightweight finishing screeds, even single-layer, suitable for the gluing of outside ceramic floorings. • Layers of lightweight concrete for the creation of slopes on flat roofs. Possible to directly glue the sheath. • Lightweight and insulating screeds for roofs and pitched roofs suitable for the direct gluing of sheaths.

MASSETTOMIX PARIS Premixed fiber-reinforced with controlled shrinkage for screeds with high thermal conductivity for floor heating or cooling systems. • Screeds with high thermal conductivity for floor heating/cooling systems. • Leca, Lecapiù (mixed with cement grout or mixed) or Lecacem insulating layers for the leveling of the installations.

LECA CLS 1400 E 1600 Structural lightweight concrete for slabs acting compositely with the structure in the restoration of old floors and new structures in corrugated sheeting. • Structural reinforcements on old wood floors • I-beams and concrete through connection to the existing structure and additional Leca CLS casting with weldmesh. • Floors in new structures with corrugated sheets.

CASTING EQUIPMENT: LECAMIX CONTINUOUS MIXERS LECAMIX CONTINUOUS MIXERS To guarantee the quality of the foundations, respect the drying times and to assure the proper result, once must not only to choose the materials very carefully but also correctly carry out the mixing and casting operations in order to minimise the risk of possible errors, for this reason we wish equipment for the casting of the foundations such as Lecamix continuous mixers assuring: • reliability of the result with the automatic control of water; • constant quality of the mixture in the most difficult situations; • working comfort thanks to continuous production; • high daily output (L100 over 2 m3/hour); • easier transportation of the material and handling on site. A flowmeter automatically controls (after checking the consistency of the mixture) the quantity of water necessary without having to adjust it by hand this reducing to a minimum the risk of mistakes. By constantly feeding the hopper, the premixed material is mixed and distributed continuously directly on to the ground with an output per hour of over 2 m3 (L100). It’s the best solution for working quickly and guaranteeing best results for the foundations.

ADVANTAGES Safety and quality Thanks to the continuous measuring of the water in the mixture, we assure consistency and quality thus eliminating, possible operator mistakes, or the operator just has to feed the hopper with the premixed bags. Productivity The power of the motor and the special mixers allow for high continuous productivity with hourly yield of approx. 2.0-2.2 m3/h (version L100) and approx. 1.1-1.3 m3/h (version L50), certainly higher than the traditional tank concrete mixers or horizontal axis mixers. Versatility Thanks to its limited weight (90 kg for L50 and 120 kg for L100), they can be disassembled in three parts (motor, hopper and mixing chamber) to make transportation and positioning easier. They are powered with standard voltages (220 V), particularly important in small restoration works. Economic solution With a lower financial commitment (about 20 times less) compared to the expensive pumping stations and closer (especially the L50) to the horizontal axis mixers.

TECHNICAL FEATURES Load Start-up Electricity connection Water connection Height of material outlet mouth Hopper capacity Length Width Height Total weight

Lecamix L100 2,0 - 2,2 m3/h 220 V - 2.2 KW 220 V - 16A 3/4” 570 mm 100 litres 1.980 mm 610 mm 1.000 mm 120 Kg approx.

Lecamix L50 1,1 - 1,3 m3/h 220 V - 2.2 KW 220 V - 16A 3/4” 440 mm approx. 45 + 15 litres 1.515 mm 455 mm 910 mm 90 Kg approx.

WARNINGS • For more detailed information and specifications on the correct consistency of the mixture, the areas and methods of use, and the warnings please refer to the pages of each product in this Catalogue. • The user is responsible for establishing the correct quantity of mixing water for each single product also in relation to the existing conditions and foreseen use. • For any further information on the use, the user’s manual, the maintenance and the spare parts please contact the Laterlite Technical Assistance.


CE MARK ON LECA PRODUCTS The EC mark is necessary to comply with the provisions laid down by the European Directive on Construction Products 89/106/CEE 1988. The objective is to harmonize the existing national legislations, establish the essential safety requirements and make sure that the construction products comply with the features foreseen for the constructions and the works they are designed for. The EC mark indicates that the product complies with all the provisions of the Directive. The EC mark for expanded clay The EC mark for expanded clay is compulsory in compliance with the UNI EN 13055-1 standard that acknowledges (in Italian) the European standard EN 13055-1 thus becoming a national Italian regulation. This European standard refers to lightweight aggregates for concrete and mortar and along with annex ZA it acknowledges the standards specifying the features but not the limit values to declare. The compulsory features according to the Standard are the “grain size”, the “loose bulk density” and the “composition/content”. For use in cement aggregates with a structural function, the Italian law (Ministerial Notice no. n. 16 of 15/10/96) imposes the “shape of the grains” (not crushed) and the threshold for “water absorption” (<10% if γ>500 Kg/m3 and <15% if γ<500 Kg/m3). If there are no specific requirements, this standard allows for the use of the option “No Determined Performance” (NPD) in the information that accompanies the EC mark. Laterlite, on the date of issue of this General Catalogue, associates the NPD option with the “grain size”, the “loose bulk density” and the “composition/content” features. The EC conformity declaration may be achieved through a “2+ system” (intervention of a certified body) or a “4 system” (self-certified document); Laterlite, pending the approval of a new reference law in Italy, adopts, on the date of issue of this General Catalogue, a 4 system. From June 1, 2004 Leca, Lecapiù and Sabbia Leca bear the EC mark. The EC mark for screeds The EC mark for screeds is compulsory in compliance with the UNI EN 13813 standard that acknowledges (in Italian) the European standard EN 13813 thus becoming a national Italian regulation in line with the requirements and the regulations of the European Directive on Construction Products 89/106/CEE 1988. This European standard specifies the requirements for the materials of screeds (layer of material that will directly receive the final flooring) to use in the construction of indoor floorings except for structural screeds (structural concrete), that is those that contribute to the bearing capacity of the structure and foundations (layer that supports the screed). The conditions for EC marking and the essential requirements to declare for screeds are indicated in annex ZA; particularly the compulsory harmonized features are the “Release of corrosive substances” (type of binder), “Compressive strength” and “flexible strength”. Laterlite screeds also indicate the particular features such as “Fire resistance” (incombustible) and “Thermal Resistance” (thermal conductivity coeff.), essential requirements for the uses that contribute to the global thermal resistance in construction works. The conformity certification system is type “4”, a self-certified document. Starting from August 1, 2004, LecaMix Fast and LecaMix Facile are EC marked. The EC marking of LecaMix Forte and MassettoMix PaRis products will be undertaken in the future since they have a specific formula that is not yet included in the categories indicated in the current UNI EN 13813 standard. The EC mark of construction mortar The EC mark for construction mortar is compulsory in compliance with the UNI EN 9982 Standard that acknowledges (in Italian) the European standard EN 998-2 thus becoming a national Italian regulation in line with the provisions and the regulations of the European Directive on Construction Products 89/106/CEE 1988. This European standard specifies the requirements for construction mortar produced in the factory (filling, connection and fixing) for use in walls, columns, and wall partitions (for example outdoor and indoor walls, bearing and non-bearing structures for construction works and civil engineering) defining two categories according to the concept:: construction mortar with guaranteed performance (whose properties result from the declared performance) and construction mortar with a specific composition (whose properties result from the declared proportion of the components). LecaMur belongs to the category of mortar with a mixed composition and hence the EC marking conditions and the essential requirements to declare are indicated in the ZA annex; particularly the compulsory harmonized features are the “Proportion of components – in volume”. Laterlite mortar also indicates the particular features such as “Fire resistance” (incombustible) and “Thermal Resistance” (thermal conductivity coeff.), essential requirements for the use that contribute to the global thermal resistance in construction works. The conformity certification system is type “4”, a self-certified document. LecaMur was EC marked starting from February 1, 2005. 63

CONVENTIONS AND MEETINGS CONVENTIONS FOR PROFESSIONALS During the year Laterlite organizes a series of conventions distributed all over the national territory, often in cooperation with professional Groups, local Associations of Professionals or public and private Bodies that work in the civil, industrial construction or territory protection sectors. At the moment Laterlite offers six different programs: • Lightweight and insulating solutions for restoration works and integrated systems for the restoration and consolidation of existing surfaces. • Foundations and screeds: designing and installation. • Sound insulation in construction works: criteria for the selection of solutions compliant with Law 447/95 for partition walls and floors. • Structural lightweight concretes: research and development in large engineering works, prefabricated constructions and restoration works. • Lightened interventions in the geotechnical, road and soil protection fields: applications of Leca. • Lecablocco Certified Quality: designing new construction solutions. To organize a meeting or ask for information contact us at our Milan offices or via email at

MEETINGS AND ROUND TABLES FOR DESIGNERS AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATORS Laterlite organizes meetings and round tables with Technical Studios, Public Bodies, such as Local Technical Offices or Bodies in charge of public housing, Architecture and Engineering Studios. The meetings can be held at the organizer’s premises or in other places. The topics discussed are decided together according to the particular requirements and are always based on the specific Laterlite areas of interest (screeds and lightening layers, vertical and horizontal sound insulation, structural lightweight concrete, geotechnical and road applications, …). To organize a meeting or request information contact us at our Milan offices or via email at

MEETINGS AND ROUND TABLES FOR INSTALLERS (CERAMIC, PARQUET INSTALLERS, ETC.) The technical choices made during the designing phase, particularly as regards the formation of screeds and foundations, are frequently made by the people who lay the foundations and the final coating. Today more than ever before, foundations must meet the requirements of thermal and sound insulation, protection against fire, shrinkage compensation and limited curing times. Laterlite meetings for installers aim to face all these issues with reference to the construction site, the laying of the materials and their interaction (lightening layers, screeds, glues and finishing). Special attention is given to the parquet chapter and its laying techniques, from humidity tests to the quality of wood. To organize a meeting or request information contact us at our Milan offices or via email at


TECHNICAL TRAINING BASIC TRAINING COURSES FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL RETAILERS The one-day course is held at Laterlite productive units. The objective of the course is to give the participants the technical information and know-how of Leca, Lecapiù fields of application and of the premixed lightweight materials for screeds, foundations and concretes. The topics include the determination of relative humidity in screeds and foundations, the intervention systems on existing floors, fire protection and impact sound insulation. The course shall include theoretical lessons in class and practical lessons in the Laterlite laboratory. For information and subscriptions contact the Laterlite Marketing Service by phone 0525 4198 or via email at or directly contact out agent.

SPECIALIZATION COURSES FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS RETAILERS The one-day course is held at Laterlite productive units, and is reserved to Specialized retailers. The objective is to examine specific technical issues. With the help of Laterlite Technicians and external consultants, the Specialized retailers will be updated on the standards, for example, sound insulation and fire protection, as well as on the solutions that comply with the technical specifications required. Furthermore, the results of researches carried out on any of the materials will be explained to the retailers, such as the studies on structural lightweight concrete carried out by Enco. For information and subscriptions contact the Laterlite Marketing Service by phone 0525 4198 or via email at or directly contact out agent.

“LECA STAND” MEETINGS AT THE RETAILER’S PREMISES FOR COMPANIES AND INSTALLERS This initiative foresees the presence of qualified technicians for an entire day with Laterlite Specialized retailers. The initiative stems from the awareness that the job commitments of construction operators, technicians, craftsmen and installers are difficult to manage. The “Leca Stand” initiative gives everybody the opportunity to dedicate, during the most appropriate moment of the day, 15 minutes or more for discussing both technical and operational problems. Furthermore the idea of setting up a stand in our most important point of sales enables us to be present everywhere throughout the national territory. For information on the planned initiatives or for organizing a stand in your point of sales contact the Laterlite Marketing Service by phone 0525 4198 or via email at or directly contact out agent.


INFORMATION AND GENERAL WARNINGS FOUNDATIONS RESIDUAL HUMIDITY AND SPECIFIC WEIGHT The water in foundations is not quantifiable only with the percentage in weight of humidity: it is necessary to know the specific weight and the thickness of the layer. Figures obtained from tests carried out in an official laboratory with the assistance of CNR technicians (Institute for Research on Wood) (certificates available on request) show that at the same thickness, the water contained in a traditional foundation with residual humidity 2% in weight is higher than the quantity contained in a Lecamix Fast screed which reached 3%.

Measuring the humidity ICarbide hygrometer

On site humidity test.

Among the most commonly used instruments to measure residual humidity in foundations the most reliable is certainly the carbide hygrometer (see photo on side) because it is based on the reaction of calcium carbide with water, which develops acetylene; the pressure of this gas is measured with a specific instrument and this helps calculate the real content of free water (humidity) in the foundation. We speak about free water and not total water: if the foundation were let to dry in a laboratory furnace at 110 °C the water inside would be higher than the one calculated with the carbide hygrometer. In fact the furnace is used to determine a value that is the sum of free water and of the water chemically linked to the various components: this is not harmful for the foundations because in operating conditions, it cannot be “freed” hence it must not be taken into account. Refer to the instruction booklet of the device for further information. Standard hygrometers with electric conductivity can only give a general indication on Lecamix screeds; hence use carbide hygrometers that give exactly the percentage in weight of the humidity (UNI 10329). For further information refer to the Laterlite publication “Foundations: design, execution and Leca solutions” published by Laterlite (6th ed.).


1 Floor 2 LECAMIX screed. 3 Wood floor (or other type).

Table1. Maximum impact sound insulation levels (L’nw) according to Ministerial Decree D.M. 5-12-97. Type of building L’nw dB Residential, hotels 63 Hospitals, clinics, schools 58 Offices, religious/shopping centers 55

Table 2. Minimum thickness of screeds (in cm) on elastic mat (in mm). Thickness of the Thickness of the elastic layer screed 3÷6 6 7÷12 7 12÷20 8 66

In certain cases, the Fire Prevention Standards determine that a horizontal structure must be protected against the risk of fire from above (for example floors above which there are libraries, theaters or heating plants). Also in other types of constructions there could be similar requirements; for example in old people’s homes created in restored existing buildings, the wooden floors must be protected against the risk of fire, even from above. In Italy there aren’t ovens suitable to test the Fire Resistance of a floor or slab, with fire on the upper side. Hence, it is not possible to carry out tests that exactly reflect the situation in which the structure would find itself in case of fire. To solve this problem we can imagine protecting the structure on the fire side with a layer of material that, tested as an unloaded vertical wall, produces a certain saved of protection from fire, that is for a certain period of time, it guarantees that the extrados of the bearing structure (on which the protective layer leans) does not heat up too much (remember that the I of the REI code indicates the thermal insulation level in case of normalized fire). A Lecamix screed, 8 cm thick, tested in an officially authorized laboratory, obtained a Fire resistance level of 120.

SOUND INSULATION The Ministerial Decree 5/12/97 of 1998 sets forth the sound requirements of the buildings; it also indicates the maximum impact sound level. This value must not exceed 63 dB ( L’nw Index), see Table 1. In these conditions a floor, without foundation, transfers sound in relation to its weight per square meter. Heavier floors transfer less noise than lighter ones. For floors between 200 and 350 Kg/m2 the noise transferred by a normalized machine can be calculated at 83÷75 dB (indication taken from UNI EN 12354-2). To reach the legal requirements, maintaining a safety margin for lateral loss, it is necessary to drop this value by 23÷15 dB ( DLw Index). Laterlite supplies on request the sound certificates of the Foundation System carried out at the Galileo Ferraris Institute in Turin on single-layer and double-layer foundations (see page 35). For further information contact Technical Assistance. Keep in mind that foundations that lay on elastic mats are subject to higher stress levels compared to those directly laid on the floor. Hence increase the thickness as indicated in Table 2.

STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETES STANDARDS Leca concretes stem from the 30 years of experience of Laterlite in the field of structural lightened concretes and comply with the Italian reference regulations: Ministerial Decree 9-1-96 “Technical regulations for the calculation, execution and testing in reinforced cement structures” and the relating ”Instructions for application” issued by the Ministry for Public Works and published in the Official Gazette of 26-11-96. The “Instructions” define lightweight concrete as ”a closed structure obtained by replacing all or in part the ordinary aggregate with a lightweight artificial aggregate, made up of expanded clay or schists”. Hence, other lightening materials for concrete do not comply with the Standard. Furthermore, the “Instructions” also state that: “This concrete has a mass at 28 days between 1.400 and 2.000 Kg/m3” and “The characteristic compressive strength Rck at 28 days must be lower than 15 N/mm2”. For further information refer to the publication “Structural lightweight concrete” published by Laterlite.

GENERAL WARNINGS • For more technical information (Technical Sheets, Safety Sheets, Certificates and other) check the site • For more information on foundations we suggest reading the manual: Foundations: design and execution” published by Laterlite (6th ed.). • For more detailed information on concrete we suggest reading the manual Structural lightweight concrete” published by Laterlite. • All the values of “Compressive strength” refer to cubes prepared on job site, with the water quantities indicated in the “Modalities of use”, prepared, cured and tested according to the UNI standards in force. • The castings (Lecamix, Leca CLS) must be protected against excessive drying in summer. Pay special attention to castings on old surfaces or with high absorption levels to avoid the quick dehydration of the mixture with consequent fast cracking. • In the restoration of castings (screeds and concrete) we suggest adding metal reinforcements (grids or metal sections) to avoid detachments. • Laterlite products are designed for professional use only. • The indications and the instructions based on our best experience and know-how are just a reference. The user has to establish whether the product is suitable or not for the foreseen use. The user is fully responsible for the use of the product. Laterlite reserves the right to change the package and quantity without prior notice. • The technical information in this catalogue replaces the previous information.

Leca is a registered trademark of Laterlite spa - Š Laterlite - All rights reserved – Partial reproduction is prohibited - I.P. Revision 01/2008 - Valid from 30/09/08 - Replaces and cancels all previous ones

Technical assistance 20149 Milan - via Correggio, 3 - Italy Tel. +39 02 48011962 - Fax +39 02 48012242

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