M.E.X Magazine - Issue 02

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Founded, Edited & Published by: Adam Brooks > adam@m-briomusic.com Matt Brooks > matt@m-briomusic.com Associate Editor > Estelle Anderson

Contributors Yinka Awojobi > Ed Bird > Yvonne Brooks > Dominique Chanel > Andrew Kirk > Neechy > Nurisha Liggins > Jennifer Perry > Iyisha Rocke > Art Director > Adam Brooks Content Development > Matt Brooks Media Contact > media@ireadmex.com For advertising inquiries contact: e: adam@m-briomusic.com Click Here for the M.E.X Media Pack or view > http://ireadmex.com

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7 – A Word From The Editors 8 – New Music -Victizzle 10 – Yinka Awojobi – Each Sold Separately 12 – Neechy – U.S Gospel Update 14 – Remembering Bishop Wagner 17 – Manafest - Interview 20 – PJ Morton – Why Can’t I Sing About Love 22 – Coco Dupree – Inside The Shoot 27 – Featured Event - Souled Out 29 – Deeper With Tim Hughes 32 – Dominique McPherson - Breathe 34 – Our Interview With The Writer Of ‘Hosanna’ Sidney Mohede 42 – My First With Dwayne Tryumf 44 – The City Harmonic - Spotlight 47 – Dan Storey – Muzo Spot 52 – Nurisha Liggins – Enhancing Your Love Life 54 – Yvonne Brooks – On Purpose 56 – Andrew Kirk – Stand Now, Or Fight From The Shadows [One Generation To The Next] 59 – Ed Bird – Your Kingdom Come [God’s Big Society] 60 – Iyisha Rocke – The ‘C’ Factor [Detox Of The Unnecessary Purchase] 62 – Jennifer Perry – Bubbles 64 – Ni-Cola – This Is My Story [The Price Tag]

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M.E.X issue 2 is here. Firstly, for everyone who read M.E.X issue 1 and has subscribed... Thank you. We appreciate you and are over-joyed and excited at the fact that you like M.E.X. In issue 1 you will have seen the High Flight Society appeal. We’re happy to tell you that they reached their goal of reaching $5000 for their new EP... In fact they exceeded that goal. Guvna B is still going from strength-tostrength with his ‘Scrapbook’ Mix-Tape and has even ben confirmed as the support act for the approaching LZ7 tour. Our team is growing too... We now have Nurisha Liggins; a gifted and talented woman who has a lot to share and also Dominique McPherson; a young lady that in our opinion is running one the coolest website’s on the internet - www.dominiquechaneledition.com Also, we’d love to encourage you to subscribe to M.E.X. It’s totally free to subscribe and in the coming months there is going to be many, many free give-a-ways of great Christian music and other great products that you’ll only be able to win if you’re a subscriber. Another great benefit to subscribing is that you’ll get the latest news and information on M.E.X and also get to read it first... Before anyone else... If all of that appeals to you; you know what to do! We hope you enjoy issue 2 and find great articles and great music that will aid your walk with God. If you use social networks such as twitter and face book, be sure to follow the various writers and artist’s featured so you can stay updated and current with what they’re doing in-between magazine issues. Name: Matt Brooks Age: 23 facebook.com/mattjabrooks twitter.com/mattjabrooks

Name: Adam Brooks Age: 26with Adam: facebook.com/adambrux twitter.com/adambrux

Last week we had the privilege of being interviewed by the lovely Faith Jegede for Premier Gospel Radio’s ‘’What’s In Yours’ show. It will air on www.premiergospel.org.uk and on London DAB radio at 8:00pm on Saturday (26th February 2011) and repeat on Tuesday (1st March) so if you want to hear ‘What’s In Ours’ you know what to do! :-) Until next time,..... Adam & Matt - Editors, Founder & Publishers of M.E.X Magazine


‘Take You To The Future’ is the ‘warm-up’ single from the MOBO Award Winning Artist and Producer Victizzle. Released on the 7th February 2011 as a free download ‘Take You To The Future’ (Written and produced by Victizzle & Co-Produced by The Confectionery) is more about a concept than it is about a song. The concept of the song is based on moving forward in the UK music scene as a whole and not dwelling on the past but rather advancing to the things of the future i.e. ‘Take You To The Future’ is also an encouragement to fan’s and anyone who chooses to download to look forward to the future and go for their dreams and turn those dreams into realities.


This is the first release from Victizzle’s untitled sophomore album due later this year. It’s given his fan’s a lot to look forward too and has sparked a lot of interest about a new sound for UK Gospel, in particular, rap music. Victizzle’s ground-breraking debut album ‘In My World’ is available on iTunes.

Links http://www.twitter.com/victizzlemusic http://www.facebook.com/victizzlemusic http://www.youtube.com/victizzle



First off: that ‘Godfather’ thing wasn’t my idea. Blame the Brooks brothers for that one :-) (See M.E.X Issue 1) Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get on with the business of M.E.X Magazine issue 2.

Hello, and Step Up: My ‘Soapbox Moment’ Once every so often I’ll come at you with a ‘Soapbox moment’. What that is (and means) will become clear in a minute This time I give you: ‘Each Sold Separately...’ I’m sure you’ve seen the ads: people trying to convince you to buy something (for example, a scale-model replica car) by purchasing it in instalments. They start off with a key component, say the car frame, and over the coming weeks and months you buy little bits to build up the whole car. In some respects it reminds me of how I sometimes see us all: we bear the same message, but each group/ church/denomination/crew/theological perspective/ publication/movement/website/music style/individual conviction (insert your own definition here _______) somehow arrived at the conclusion that we need to present this gospel independent of each other. Now, don’t get me wrong: I totally get the need for a diverse body of people to present the gospel’s message from their individual perspectives. It’s essential for the world to see the inclusiveness of the gospel in the sheer variety of people that represent Christ through it. But when I see things like ‘this is a new project/magazine/TV or radio show, Facebook page (or whatever) set up to represent UK gospel’ it does make me wonder if

the people behind it actually took time to see if anything else was going on around them that lined up with what it is they were setting out to achieve. Why do you think I write for M.E.X Magazine? I publish UKGospel.com and the UKGospel.com blog. I’m on the radio 5 days a week. Strictly speaking I have enough platforms to share my thoughts without M.E.X Magazine. But I choose to. I don’t want to present the gospel separately. I want to present it in conjunction with other people, especially when what they do neatly dovetails with what I’m already doing. Partnership, in other words... Can I close this with an interesting suggestion? Perhaps when God calls you to set something up, chances are the vision might be better served by working in conjunction with a church/someone/organisation/broadcaster/manwoman, boy, girl, etc. You get the idea... In my case I could have quite happily set up a magazine. But m-brio was doing M.E.X Magazine. So - from my point of view anyway - I was happy to be a contributor to the furtherance of a wider cause. Together we’re stronger. PLUS: the message of unity in Christ’s body is demonstrated and reinforced in a very practical, public and highly inclusive way... Just a thought.

Contributor - Yinka Awojobi

Links http://www.twitter.com/ukgospel http://www.facebook.com/ukgospel http://www.UKGospel.com

Campaigns I’m Liking True Love Waits - Well done to the IDoNotConform.com team. Their multi-channel campaigns for this great Valentines alternative event is always cleverly executed: Facebook, Twitter, email marketing, artist partnerships and superb artwork... Random Play (a small - very small - sample of music I’m liking at the moment) Matthew Allen - ‘Soldier’ (BIG tune. Produced by the incredible talent that is G Kid!) Link > Junior Williams - ‘The Starting Line’ EP (the slickest RnB I’ve heard since ‘S.oL.’, the debut album from Leeds-based Sons of Light a few years ago) Link > Yolanda Brown - ‘ConFusion’ - Saxophone Jazz meets Afrobeat, fused into a seriously infectious slice of feel-good music. I play this on radio as often as I can! Link > Forever Christ - ‘Overcomers’ ft Junior Williams (Junior Williams pops up again as A Star and Lionel keep delivering quality via their Skyboy Records movement). Link > Monique - ‘Colourful’ - took me a while to warm to this song, but it’s become an essential tune. It’s gonna sound so good in the summer! You can hear this regularly on the Gospel Breakfast show on Premier Gospel (7-9am weekdays) - Nage and I play this on almost every show! :-) Link > Tryumf - ‘King Jesus’ ft G Bag and GEMS. What’s not to like? It’s Tryumf, so you know you’re gonna get scripture and great music in one excellent package. The lyrics were written back in 2008, and the track was released a few weeks ago. Plus the Jungle rhythm outro is the perfect cherry on top of a rather nice cake! Link >

Guvna B: ‘Scrapbook’ - with well over 10,000 downloads of an awesome 23-track selection, this was a project executed over several channels: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and more, taking in partnerships with www. ukgshop.com www.m-briomusic.com www. gospelcypher.com and - quite intelligently - www.guvnab.com (there’s a whole marketing lecture on this one, but I’ll save that for another time).

Marketing Tips If you’re an artist, don’t make your twitter account a ‘closed’ one. People won’t be able to follow or retweet your content easily. It happened to me last week. Someone tweeted me a link to their stuff. I liked the look of it, so I headed back to their Twitter page to find out more about them, only to find out I needed to request to follow. I didn’t bother... Don’t - I repeat: DO NOT - upload snippets of your music if you can help it. People are giving away ENTIRE ALBUMS for free and you’re offering PART of ONE song!! Don’t spam the media on Twitter: “Hey @ UKGospel check out *NEW MUSIC* from XYZArtist!! whatever.com” is a sure-fire way for you to get me to go out of my way to ignore you. It seems obvious, but start with a ‘hello’. At the very least, it’s only polite... Special Mentions Triple O - ‘The Overnight Garden’ In these days of free downloads coming at us from every angle, Triple O’s love-themed offering (it was released to coincide with Valentine’s) gives a glimpse of the future of music packaging and concept albums.

Victizzle - from where I’m standing Victizzle is on a mission to take church music out of church. Not always a popular choice, but one that needs to be done anyway. Plus his musical creative growth is there for all to see. Again, probably not the most comfortable of routes to take, but I’m willing to bet Not only do you get the tunes (with lyrics he remains quite satisfied as a creative as he scrolling on the track you’re listening to), you pushes himself and the definition of the gosalso get things sermons inspiringi.e.messages as This is the first release from of and the future pel genre... part of the same download.

Victizzle’s untitled sopho‘Take You To The Future’ more album due later this is also an encouragement Gospel Link/GL - Roger Moore is quietly morExpect to see more of that from more artists phing the Gospel Link/GL brand into someyear. It’s given his fan’s a in future to fan’s and anyone who thing new and visual forlot theto21st century. It’stoo and look forward chooses to download to quite a big ask, but he’shas pulling it off. Tune Breaker sparked a lot of inter-Premier Gospel look forward to thechart future I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say this est about a new sound for and and go for their dreams Congratulations has the potential to be a true, absolutely Gospel, in particular, rap and turn those dreams into Zoe Records: you mayUK have known the alphenomenal industry game-changer. realities. bum as the double-CD music. album ‘Supported by

the Master’, but that all changed when it was Fans win, artists win and most importantly rebranded for the US market into ‘The Victizzle’s firstBritish album ‘In My ThisUK is the firstscene release from for me, the gospel wins. Wins allare Coming’. round, basically. Link >

World’ is available on iTunes. Victizzle’s untitled sopho’Take You To The Future’ more album due later this It’s obviously a plan that worked as it’s now New Ye is the ‘warm-up’ single from year. It’s given his fan’s a up for FOUR nominations in this year’s Dove New Ye took to the stage at Central LonAwards: the MOBO Award Winning lot to look forward too and don’s Regent’s Hall for an amazing night for Artist and Producer Victizzle. has sparked lot of intertheir appearance at thea second ‘Premier Gos- ‘Bestscene Special ‘Take You To The Future’ is the UK music asEvent CD’, pel Presents Live’ event a few days est about a new sound forago. Presha J - ‘I’m Alive’ ft Leke this is aabig - ‘Best Song of the Year’ for the ‘warm-up’ single from- the whole and not Recorded dwell- Urban Released on the 7th FebruUK Gospel, in particular, rap tune. Simple as that. Link > Godheld’s ‘Wait on the Lord’ In a word:music. those guys are amazing! Pay good MOBO Award Winning Artist ing on theLola past but rather ary 2011 as a free download - ‘Best Recorded Rap or Hip-hop Song’ for Jay money to see them. You won’t regret it! andRobinson Producer- Junior Victizzle. advancingEss’ to ‘Too the things of (ft‘Take Junior is now based in GerYou The Future’ Many Fakes’ Tryumf andTo Victizzle) the future- i.e. many, but is in the UK on a regular basis, ‘Best Traditional Gospel Song’ for (Written andBeverley produced byPDesignsVictizzle’s first album ‘In My andReleased his debuton6-track ‘Prelude’ (plus bothe 7thEPFebruary Moore’s ‘Jesus Has Been Victizzle This Way&Before’ Co-ProducedAwesome by World’ available on iTunes.Say no videois and photography. nus2011 DVD) been a long time coming. ‘Take The YouIf To youThe haven’t got it, I promise you it’s still ashas a free download ‘Take Future’ more. The Confectionery) is more track ‘Tell You Who’ is a good one, with a picking up... You To The Future’ (Written is also an worth encouragement about a concept than it is rather tasty Hypertone remix thrown in for There’s still so much more I wanted to write, and produced by Victizzle & to fan’s and anyone who good measure. Link > about a song. The concept Random but I’m out of space (well, I was out of space Co-Produced by The Confec- chooses to download of the song is based on quite a while ago), and I’m way over deadline A quick mention of Victizzle’s ‘Take You tionery) is more about a contotolook forward to the moving forward in the UK(you’re reading this only by the grace of the thecept Future’ Victizzle and production outfit than it is about a song. future and and go for their Brooks brothers... LOL!) music scene as a whole and TheThe Confectionery put song out an concept of the is electronicdreams and turn those not dwelling on the past sounding ode to unity. Nice. I guess I’ll have to leave the rest until next based on moving forward in dreams into realities. but rather advancing to the

‘Lead me to the right waaaaaay...’ - those that know, know...





What’s up everybody? Man oh man! God is good. I hope you’re ready for another month of greatness within the faith based music community. There are so many amazing artists and talented musicians who are truly using the gifts that God has given them – for HIS glory, and God is showing himself mighty in their lives. I hope you’re ready, let’s go! Alright, let’s start with VaShawn Mitchell – I promise you, his song ‘NOBODY GREATER’ is THE most played song in my ipod right now, seriously. It’s a song that truly permeates my heart and spirit. NOBODY GREATER THAN YOU Jesus!! Well, obviously, the rest of the world is also in love with the song because VaShawn Mitchell has performed on everything from the Stellar Awards nominations concert - to some of the largest conferences around. He also received a Grammy nod! Go Jesus! Well, did you know that VaShawn Mitchell is also a much sought after songwriter? Yep, he has penned songs for artist’s like Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Smokie Norful, and Bishop Larry D. Trotter. Tyscot Records has decided to share some of his previous writing skills by putting out some of VaShawn’s earlier work like I’T’S ONLY A TEST’ and ‘MY WORSHIP IS FOR REAL’ – via the new cd/dvd called ‘MY SONGBOOK’. You gotta see this video with VaShawn Mitchell, Jessica Reedy and myself in California – too funny. WATCH HERE Alright, can we talk about all of the awards that have taken place so far this year! Now, clearly we understand that we don’t need an award to signify the gift that God has given us, but I’d say that it IS nice to be recognized or celebrated at times, right? Okay, so far, the Stellar Awards and the Grammy’s have taken place. There were a ton of amazing nominees, but…we understand that there can only be one winner. During the 2011 Stellar Awards (taped in January in Nashville, TN) – not only were there a ton of great performances from your fav’s – Forever Jones, Smokie Norful, Kathy Taylor, Kirk Franklin, and Deitrick Haddon, but…there were some amazing moments when the artists received their awards. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but…. Karen Clark Sheard took home the award for Albertina Walker’s Female Artist of the year, for her project ALL IN ONE which is also on her new label, Karew Records! Go Karen! Forever Jones, James Fortune & Fiyah, and Marvin Sapp also took home Stellar Awards. Check out my 2011 Stellar Awards Recap.



This is going to be an epic tour, I can feel it! In the next issue, we’re gonna talk about the upcoming Dove Awards. Tons of your favourite artist’s have been nominated, including Britt Nicole, Laura Story, Marvin Sapp, NeedToBreathe, and Forever Jones. . The Dove Awards will tape in Atlanta, Georgia this April.

HERE GOES: Best Gospel Performance ‘Grace’ by BeBe & CeCe Winans | ‘Still’ Best Gospel Song ‘It’s What I Do’ by Jerry Peters & Kirk Whalum, songwriters (Kirk Whalum & Lalah Hathaway) | ‘The Gospel According To Jazz Chapter III’ Best Rock or Rap Gospel Album ‘Hello Hurricane’ | Switchfoot - The band is currently in the studio working on its highly anticipated new album slated to release later this year. #excited! lol Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album ‘Love God. Love People.’ | Israel Houghton – Israel Houghton is currently on his Love Revolution Tour, which will visit at least 20 cities by the end of March. The tour will support Houghton’s critically acclaimed CD ‘Love God. Love People.’ I have been blessed to see him in concert – it’s a spiritual experience that I will never forget! Southern/Country/Bluegrass Gospel ‘The Reason’ | Diamond Rio - I thought that this was pretty cool, here is what guitarist Jimmy Olander had to say: “Grammy Award Winner...wow I’m stunned! After 20 plus years of making records and then, ‘here’s your first Grammy’ well that is an incredible honour. To celebrate I’m providing juice for both of my sons Valentine’s Day Parties at elementary school. Where I was once only Max and Tank Olander’s Dad...I am now Grammy Award Winning Max and Tank Olander’s Dad!

Okay, let’s talk Grammy’s (aired on February 13, 2011) – I was really excited to see so many people nominated for Grammy Awards this year. In general, as Christians, we always look at the Grammy’s as something that is for the secular world. I’m glad to see that more and more faith based talent is reaching main stream areas Alright, let’s talk about best-selling worship band HILLSONG UNITED. They recently released their 11th fulllength album and second ever studio recording entitled ‘AFTERMATH!’ This is the first new album from Hillsong UNITED in over two years and they are getting rave reviews! They’ll be on tour through the middle of March – packing out churches and stadiums everywhere. Yet again - #excited! K, moving on to TECHNOLOGY. It seems that more and more people are releasing songs digitally before the full project even comes out. Personally, I think that it’s a great idea. The world is changing, and we – YES “WE” lol – must change with it. There’s a few cool cats that are coming out this spring, one of them is Tony Frost – yep, get ready world, he’s got a sound like no other. Jessica Reedy is in the studio working on her project right now, but I’ll tell you more about that soon. There’s a TON of more good stuff that I’d love to share with you. So, if you get a chance, hang out with me on www.Neechy.com, Twitter.com/Neechy, and Facebook.com/NeechyTV, and I’ll be sure to hook you up with all the juicy-juice, kay? Until next time, God bless ya!

Traditional Gospel Album ‘Downtown Church’ | Patty Griffin Contemporary R&B Gospel Album ‘Still’ | BeBe & CeCe Winans – K, check this out. Sooo, BeBe & CeCe had a phenomenal year with their project STILL. Mary Mary is set to release their new project SOMETHING BIG on March 29th. Well, guess what? The two groups have decided to come together for the STILL SOMETHING BIG TOUR this April! Yep, it’s true!

Contributor - Neechy

Links http://www.twitter.com/Neechy http://www.facebook.com/NeechyTV http://www.Neechy.com




Bishop Norman L. Wagner is a man that changed our lives. As young children growing up as P.K’s (Pastor’s Kid’s) there were many things that we experienced and saw happen around us. One of the most profound things we remember of Bishop Wagner was his love and passion for God and serving God’s people no matter who they were. So much so that he even took the time to speak life into our parent’s and encourage them in their pastoring. Ever since then we have seen a transformation in the lives of our parents and our church.

Against incredible odds, in 1984, Bishop Wagner spearheaded a building project to house senior citizens in the Youngstown community; Calvary Towers were erected and today still stand as a monument to Bishop Wagner’s commitment to better living standards for the senior citizens of his hometown. Recognized for his positive influence and the significant contributions to the communities he serviced, Bishop Wagner has enjoyed visits to The White House by personal invitations from Presidents Ronald Reagan, and William Jefferson Clinton. Bishop Wagner was a true Apostolic father not because of denomination On National and Global fronts but because of the fruits of his minis- In 1978, Bishop Wagner created and try. He travelled the globe establish- served as Executive Producer of “The ing churches, assisting ministries and Power of Pentecost,” a television probringing the unsaved to Jesus. gram which went National in 1978 and International by 1985. That was a groundFor us, Bishop Wagner made church breaking achievement at the time and cool. He definitely made a relationby him doing that, he paved the way ship with God look WAY better than for many other pastor’s and speakers to living in the world. He was one of start television programs. the only preachers we would watch videos of as kids from beginning to In 1986, Bishop Wagner established end and not get bored. an international leadership conference, Pentecost In Perspective (PIP). The Everywhere he went, he made an conference was designed to develop impact and always directed people’s and equip leaders, as well as those in attention to Jesus. Never seeking to pursuit of leadership roles. This annual build a name for himself but rather conference has been heavily attended build the Kingdom of God. by thousands of Christian and Business Leaders from around the globe for over 1976 Bishop Wagner established two decades. a private school, Calvary Christian Academy, to meet the needs of fam- Bishop Wagner was presiding Prelate ilies who lacked access to quality and of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the cutting-edge education. In spite of World, Inc. (PAW) for two consecutive Youngstown’s struggling economy, terms (1998-2004) with over two thouthe school excelled and graduated sand churches under his auspices. many individuals who are now making their mark on the world; Executives, Bishop Wagner also founded and Professionals, Sports & Entertainpresided over the European Council of ment Figures, and Leaders including Nations (ECN) for over twenty years. Youngstown’s current Mayor, the ECN is a Christian organisation of church Honorable Jay Williams. leaders in Europe of varying ethnicities and languages. The ECN grew to over 40 churches under his leadership.


Musically, as a gifted singer, songwriter, and arranger, Bishop Norman L. Wagner along with his choir, received Stellar Nominations for songs, “Best For Last,” and “Excellent.” Additionally, he played a very significant role in the launch of now Multi-Grammy Award Winning Artist, Vicki Winans. His wise counsel and his integrity have earned him great respect and love among many internationally celebrated artists within the Entertainment Industry. Bishop Wagner was a husband, father, grand-father and man of God. When he died it had a global impact. It has been over a year since he exhaled and God inhaled. The impact of his death is still being felt and our prayers continue to be with his wife, children and extended family. There is so much more we would say about Bishop Wagner and the pivotal role he played in our lives from over 5000 miles away but we would literally be writing all day. Bishop Wagner, we love you and miss you. We are a part of the legacy you left and we will continue to strive to put what we learned from you into application. “Maximize the Moment, Optimize the opportunity, and leave nothing to chance” Bishop Norman L. Wagner... A King Among Princes



MANAFEST is a rapper with a difference. He fuse’s Rap with heavy rock to create a powerful sound that enables him to take his message all over the world and to all kinds of people. His music fuses genre’s which culminates in a unique and fresh sound. We’ve been interested in his music for a while and so when the opportunity came about to interview him, we jumped on it. How are you doing, what’s your week been like so far? It’s been good, just on a plane with my guitarist Josh to play some shows in Alberta We heard about the show in Alberta. Seemed like they really loved you out there. What’s a normal day in the life of Manafest like? When I’m at home I wake up eat some breakfast listen to some speaking; normally the KCM.org broadcast, open emails, book shows if were not playing them, and handling the business for Manafest Productions. If I’m on tour, similar start, but rock a show in the evening, sound check etc... How do you describe yourself as an artist and what has influenced you to be the artist you are today? I’m a rock/rap artist from Toronto Canada, I’ve been performing & writing music for over 10 years, my musical influences are P.O.D, Linkin Park and Three Days Grace, among many others. I quit my job 7 years ago to go on the road touring and never looked back. I work 10 hour days plus, and it’s not always what you know, but who you know. Those are some great bands and through listening to your music we can hear their influence. One thing that we’ve learned about you through your music is that you just love music. When did music become less of a hobby/something you did and more a ministry and a platform for you to change lives? When I was about 19 years old at a camp I got a vision in my mind of me performing/speaking to thousands, I didn’t understand it, but I was stoked. That’s a big vision. Did you ever struggle to believe it? I struggled with telling myself I can do this. That’s understandable. It would be a sad thing if you continued to struggle with that because we, and the whole world would be missing out on some great music with an even better message. Do you ever think about what you would be doing if you didn’t manage to overcome the doubts you had about whether you could do what you saw in the vision? I’d still be working my computer job with a Real Estate business on the side, and teaching at my church. How did you make the transition from working a normal job and going full time in music? Was it a hard choice to make?



I went from 5 days a week, to 4, to 3, to leave of absenc- it possible to live in the way He has called us to, pure and free, es and then finally took the leap of faith when I got signed living in abundance. with Tooth & Nail... It was a very hard choice, but you have to take risks in life, and I’m super stoked on the decision I Getting back to music... made even though it was very hard the first 3 years. What does ‘The Chase’ say about where you are in your life and which song do you think represents that best? We’re glad that you said it was a leap of faith. A lot of people don’t give their music ministries/career’s enough time simply because of a lack of faith. We know it’s not It says I’m still Chasing after the God given dream in my heart to be successful, inspire people, and to trade my life for somean easy thing to do but even so, there comes a time where you have to put faith into action and step out so thing bigger then me. God can progress and advance what you’re doing. We’ve seen people who have never reached their full God-given When people listen to your music, what are you hoping they are getting from it? potential all because of a lack of faith. To any artist’s out there know when your season is. Know when it’s time to leap out on faith. Don’t miss your season because of a lack of faith. Trust God to do what He said He will do. He can’t lie. Make provision for yourselves to be able to focus on your music ministry and have the impact on the world God created you to have! From the perspective of an artist, how have you found the Christian/Gospel music industry and what if anything would you change about it? I think it’s unfortunate that we have to call our music Christian, but that’s what we do as humans, we put things in boxes and create stereotypes.. Technically speaking there is no such thing as Christian/Gospel music, but there is music created by Christians, and music that has Christian/inspirational messages. I think calling music Christian makes people think that it’s only for Christians which is too bad. That’s something that we have been thinking about too. Surely the Gospel is the message and not the genre of music. Surely the character of the artist (along with their lyrics) and core values that they portray should be allowed to do the talking and shine the light and not just the fact that it is labelled as Christian or Gospel.

I want them to rock out, party, be inspired and feel the emotions of my music. We noticed that you’re doing very well in Japan. How did you get your music out there and establish such a strong following? E.M.I Japan has helped out huge promoting me, I’ve got great team out there. That’s awesome. That’s a massive door and just shows that there’s people all over the world who need to hear your message. What is it like performing in churches (to Christians) and then going into non-Christian environments and performing? Do you change your approach? Yes I change my approach in how I perform, what I say, as the age difference is the biggest thing. What’s next for you, what can people expect from you in 2011? Lots more music videos, touring, and a new killer live show with a band.

We’re looking forward to seeing you with a live band. That would be awesome! If you hit the UK on your way to Japan let Away from music (if you ever get away from it) what do us know. you do in your spare time? What’s your favourite film? Favourite album of all time? Favourite food? Dream car? Where do you see yourself as an artist, in 5 years time? which football team do you support? And finally, P.C or Superstar status baby Mac? Where can people find out more about you? I like to skateboard and go to the beach/read. Bourne series, Linkin Park Meteora, Pizza, Black Escalade, not a foot www.manafest.net & www.myspace.com/manafestca ball guy sorry.. :) BOTH We read in a past interview that you were saving yourself Any final words? for marriage. We know you’re married now but how old were you when you got married and what did you do to Dream Big, no limits- action fuels success!!! stay pure?

Check out Manafest on www.m-briomusic.com as a previ-

I got married at 24, and I made some decisions early in life ous Band of the week (BOTW) that I wasn’t willing to move on. When I really gave my life to Jesus I cut off a lot of crap including porn and never went back to it. My wife and I have set-up boundaries and principals that we live by to this day that keep us well grounded. WOW! That’s great and shows us all that purity is a state of mind and not just an absence of sexual immorality. We know that Jesus breaks chains and sets us free and makes





I truly believe that church tradition is too often confused with being The Word of God, when in fact, it’s a man made doctrine. Our churches have continued to pass down things that are not essentially Biblical. This happens sometimes, at no fault to the people teaching it or believing it. If something is said enough times, you will start to believe it, especially when it’s coming from someone that you respect. I’ve heard many explanations about secular and gospel music. Most of the explanations were usually regurgitations of what they had heard in their own personal lives. People hardly ever consider researching what they’ve heard. I’m guilty of this myself. However, at a certain point, I got frustrated with what I felt inside being in opposition to what I’d heard from others. For this reason, I had to research for myself. The subject of secular music has been overlooked so much that it has destroyed relationships, pushed people away from the church, even away from Jesus. As an artist, singer, producer, songwriter, and most of all a Christian, who has dealt with this for a long time, I felt it my duty to bring some clarity to this subject matter of secular music. This book is for the saved or non saved person, who is a writer, performer, musician, artist, producer or just a fan because you feel it is wrong to enjoy secular music. Maybe you’re not a fan because you feel it is wrong to enjoy secular music. If you want to know how God feels about this, then this book is for you.

MEX Says... As the never ending debate of the church against ‘secular’ music rages on, PJ Morton brings fresh, intelligent and engaging views that empower you to come to your own educated conclusions of this always controversial subject. In the next few issues of M.E.X Magazine, we’ll be sharing some of the best bits from the book with you, but if you can’t wait buy it now Here >

Links http://www.twitter.com/PJMorton http://www.facebook.com/thepjmorton http://whycantisingaboutlove.com



We love new music at M.E.X HQ so when we heard our friend Coco Dupree had something new in the pipeline we were VERY excitied. We first featurured her on www.m-briomusic.com with a Free download that has since been downloaded over 10’000 times and now shes back with a brand new single, ‘Take it Away’ and her ‘Fall and Rise Mix-Tape. Both are out in the following months so take our advice and watch this space. In the meantime, check out these EXCLUSIVE snaps from her latest photoshoot and look out for more in M.E.X Issue 3.





Links http://www.twitter.com/cocodupree1 http://www.facebook.com/cocodupree




Souled Out is a bi-monthly event of eclectic talent from the UK and international scene. The diverse genres include Soul, R&B, Hip Hop, Funk, Jazz, Reggae and Rock, all residing under the umbrella of Gospel/Contemporary Christian music. Souled Out was first launched back in February 2007 by Trevor A Williams, David McQueen and Madeline McQueen under Firstborn Media who’s aim was to create a platform for both up and coming artists as well as the established. Between 2007 and 2009, Souled Out has hosted some of UK’s finest artists such as Four Kornerz, The Company, Jahaziel, G Force, Clinton Jordan, Lurine Cato, Siani and Ryan Carty just to name a few alongside US artists Onitsha, LeJuene Thompson, Izzy, Leon Timbo, Christopher Lewis, Shai Norman, Keisha McFarland and Jessica Greene who were all accompanied by the talented Souled Out Band as this event has a strict no backing tracks allowed policy. After a year’s break due to career commitments by all parties, Souled Out has been brought back by popular demand by Trevor A Williams under his music company TAW Music UK. The ethos and vision are still the same, “... For artists to present a unique blend of inspiration and entertainment and to provide music for the soul.”


The re-launch takes place on Sunday 20th March 2011 at Stratford Circus with what is set up to be an amazing night. The line up consists of some of UK’s finest artists such as GMA 2010 “Best Group” Winners V9 Collective, Coco Dupree, Brenden Guyatt and Matthew Allen alongside one of America’s E.M.I Recording artists and Stellar Award Winners Myron Butler & Levi. The evenings proceedings will be hosted by the presenter of “The Urban Mix Up” on Premier Gospel Radio, Leah Logan. Souled Out has all the ingredients of a fantastic evening out. A great venue, wonderful people, beautiful atmosphere with inspirational musicians and artists providing “Music for your Soul”. For more information, press or if you are an artist that would like to be considered for future Souled Out Events, please contact TAW Music UK. Email: info@tawmusicuk.com Phone: 011 44 (0)7983613183



For their debut album ‘Airtight’, released back in July last year, Empire Nation teamed up with producer Paul Burton (Snow Patrol, Athlete) and “delivered a high quality, consistent sound that brings to mind a mix of Delirious?, Leeland, Simple Minds and occasional hints of Morrissey’s vocal tone (minus the angst!).”

Get the ‘Airtight’ single for Free Here > Buy the full ep on iTunes and Amazon Get a signed hard copy from their website - with a free poster Price: £7.99


Over the years Tim Hughes has become one of the UK’s most prominent worship leaders. Why? Because of ‘Hit’ songs, great shows (with awesome visuals and effects) or collaborations with other great worship leaders and songwriters? Or maybe, something deeper.

In this article we’ll take a look at what really inspires and moves him and find out how and why he is where he is today. Our first introduction to Tim was through his song ‘Here I Am To Worship’ which is a song that took the world by storm earning him multiple Dove Awards and the top spot with the CCLI for over 2 years and a song that is still one of worships biggest anthems 10+ years later. If you’ve listened to any of Tim’s albums or ever heard him live you’ll know that he has a heart for worship and that worship is something he’s truly passionate about. Having grown up the son of a Vicar in the Anglican church and really committing his life to God at a Soul Survivor conference in 1989 we can see that Tim’s love for God came first and his love for worship leading came out of a relationship with the God he worships. He also had the privilege of learning about the role of worship leading from another great worship leader and songwriter, Matt Redman while they both served as worship leaders at the Soul Survivor church in Watford. “The first time I ever came across Tim Hughes he was leading worship at a church youth group. My friend and pastor, Mike Pilavachi, who heads up Soul Survivor, said ‘this guy’s definitely got something.’ He was right. Tim has a real gift for leading worship, and an inspired way of writing songs for the saints to sing. But even more than this, I admire him for his humility, and passion for God. Someone recently said that the real test these days isn’t in the writing and producing of new and great music; the real test is in the Godliness of those who deliver it. Tim is a man most definitely running in the right direction. Behind these fresh new songs is a faithful heart.” Matt Redman Tim is very passionate about worship and seeing lives transformed by the power of a worshipful relationship with God which filters through even into our churches where we come to offer collective worship.


“These are the days to be daring, exuberant, and passionate in worship,” Hughes asserts. “These are not times for half-hearted, apathetic worship. The need is great, and the church has to rise up and take on board all who God is. I sometimes get so frustrated of being in churches where we just go through the motions. God is worthy of everything we can ever give him. These are the words of a man who is very aware of the awesomeness of God and desperate to see God honoured and revered within churches and see Him worshipped in spirit and truth. With that said though, for their to be a corporate/collective change, their first needs to be a personal change. “It should be common in our churches to see people weeping in worship, overwhelmed at the sheer mercy of God. It should be common to hear people singing at the tops of their voices, passionately expressing the love that God has lavished upon us. It should be common to see people dancing like lunatics, freely and with abandon, responding to God’s salvation. It should be common to see people rapt in silence, lost in wonder, completely transfixed at the transcendence of our God. We have an amazing God, and our worship should be real, honest, authentic, engaged, expressive, and wholehearted; we should be holding nothing back.” Tim’s desires can only come to fruition through us (the people) really diving into God and developing a relationship with Him that isn’t just superficial or liturgical but rather practical. A relationship that sees our love for God stretch further than how often we go to church or read our Bible’s to really allowing God to lead our lives and involving Him in every aspect of our lives and truly living a free, abundant, transformed and joyful life. Tim’s vision and desire is about so much more than the music, more than the song and more than the gig/concert. He desires to see a Church transformed. Only when we are transformed can we expect the lost and the broken to be transformed too. A big part of our role as Christians is to be a witness for Jesus and tell the world of His unfailing love. All of this is reflected in Tim’s song’s and his lifestyle. “As we read the Bible, we see so clearly God’s heart for the poor,” Hughes explains. “It ranks second only to idolatry as the most popular theme in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament, one in 10 verses relate to poverty, justice, or wealth. So if you take these themes out of the Bible, you’re left with a very, very thin book!” These themes have been a major part of Tim’s life from his childhood and have stayed with him all the way through his adult life. “My parents always had a sense of loving the poor and the marginalized,” he explains. “My dad’s a vicar, and I remember vividly as a kid every Christmas the church ran a lunch outreach for the elderly, the homeless, and those who just didn’t have families. I remember we’d peel potatoes and serve food and drinks to people. In one sense it kind of felt strange: ‘Why aren’t we home opening our presents?’ But the concept of an outward Christian faith really stuck with me.” This gave Tim a great foundation for becoming who he is today... A hands on Christian, who is not only socially aware, but socially responsible and takes it upon himself to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters in various parts of the world. For some, music is a means to fame or riches but for Tim it’s a means to God and a way to use his gifts in worship to God and also make a global impact. We know that the poor are dear to God and we should do all we can to help them. But being socially responsible and being the hands and feet of God on earth means so much more than just helping the poor. There’s a lost world out there and until we raise ourselves up and make a difference in our homes, places of education, workplaces and our communities people will continue to die without God. It’s time for us to reach out to people, being friendly and showing the genuine love of God by being visible and having a voice in all of our communities. “I was involved in a mission to London called Soul in the City. There I saw 10,000 young people come together to spend 10 days reaching out to the community. We picked up litter, painted old houses, organized sports for underprivileged kids, played late-night cafes and gigs for unbelievers. And when we gathered together to worship through song, there was an amazing depth to our worship. It felt like God was pleased with us because we weren’t just singing the songs— we were actually living a life of worship that was making a difference to those around us.”

M.E.X MAGAZINE | ISSUE 2 All of this let’s us know that Tim’s music has layers and depth. His songs are in worship to God, they empower and encourage the church and they impact the listener introducing them to more than a nice hook or a great guitar riff but music that changes lives. “Jesus said, ‘I will build my church,’ so that’s the focus of everything I do,” Hughes emphasizes, adding that such “building” doesn’t play out exclusively onstage at massive worship festivals around the world, either—in fact, quite the opposite. His role as worship director of his local congregation, Holy Trinity Brompton in London, gets top billing. “I’m involved with leading the worship on Sundays, training up other worship leaders, investing in and leading the musicians, and working with the leadership team to bring about change,” Hughes explains proudly. “Our vision at the church is the ‘re-evangelization of the world and the transformation of society’—it’s a big vision we’re working toward!” None of this takes away from the enjoyment of music. Songwriter’s often enjoy what they do and enjoy their gift. Even though the songs Tim writes aren’t self-serving there’s something even more special about that and how He’s able to write songs that will bless lives. “I’m passionate about writing songs that’ll be a blessing to the church, that’ll encourage the church to worship,” he notes. “New songs, new melodies, new lyrics that’ll inspire and fuel the church’s worship.” Besides songwriting and worship leading, Tim is a writer too having written 2 books ‘Passion For Your Name in’ 2003, in which he gives his advice on many issues, including worship leading and songwriting and ‘Holding Nothing Back’. A devotional on worship that takes readers through some of the themes of that album’s songs. Tim also founded worship school, ‘Worship Central’ along with friend and mentor Al Gordon with a vision to encounter God, equip the worshipper and empower the local church. Since launching in 2006, tens of thousands of people have attended training events on three continents, and hundreds of thousands have visited this website for practical resources. “Since launching in 2006, over 75,000 people have attended Worship Central events across the globe, from California to Hong Kong. These gatherings of worship leaders, musicians and worshippers have been amazing moments of encountering: people of all denominations, generations and nations joining as one in lifting high the name of Jesus.” The vision and mission of ‘Worship Central’ is clearly global and all about building the Kingdom and being a training resource for local churches around the world. “Our mission there is to encounter God, equip the worshipper, and empower the church,” Hughes reveals. “So everything we do aims to train people up to be a blessing in their local churches. And to do that I must first and foremost be committed and rooted in my local church.” Giving is a common thread in Tim’s life. Being a very in demand worship leader and songwriter, being active ,working with charities and of course his first ministry a husband and father is a lot for anyone to do. When we adopt giving as a lifestyle though we find time to give to the things of God and what Tim does with Worship Central is awesome. A resource for people to be encouraged, equipped and empowered to become worshippers and really get in tune with the heart of God and respond to His call on their life. One thing we’ve heard a lot of worship leaders talking about recently is the importance of writing theoretically and Biblically sound worship lyrics, that match up with the word and bring true praises to God while edifying the body of Christ and also lyrics that we can relate to our every day lives and experiences. “There are some different aspects of worship that I am trying to look into,” Tim explains. “One in particular is the theme of worship in lament. I’ve been thinking a lot about how many of the songs we sing in church are about how good God is; how faithful God is; how wonderful it is to know God. But when you read through the Psalms there are hundreds of references to life being hard and full of pain. There are questions like, ‘God, where are you?’ I tried to express some songs that look at that aspect of worship, that say, ‘God, You are good,’ but from a place that is hard, where there is pain.


Over the years Tim has managed to include these subjects into his songs well, with songs like ‘Everything’, ‘Consuming Fire’, Beautiful One, Here I Am To Worship’ ‘God Of Justice’, ‘Happy Day, ‘Dance’, ‘I Love The King’ and so many others. It’s amazing to think that so many great and well-known songs have come from Tim and that he’s still writing. The 21st March will see Tim release ‘Love Shine Through’ which is an eleven-track album that captures more than its fair share of revelation, devotion and emotion. Produced by Martin Smith - fresh from his near-two-decade run with Delirious? ‘Love Shine Through’ features collaborations with writers like Ben Cantelon, Nick Herbert, Nikki Fletcher, Keys Kraayenoord, Stu G and Martin Smith. Musicians included members of Rend Collective Experiment, Kim Walker-Smith (Jesus Culture), Marc James (Vineyard, Verra Cruz), Michael Guy Chislet (Hillsong United). Jerry Brown (Girls Aloud), David Grant and Fay Simpson on backing vocals, the Jesus House Gospel Choir and the keyboard genius of Josiah Sherman (The Listening). All in all, it’s quite a team. And quite an album. ‘It’s full of songs about belief, faith, rising up, taking a stand,’ explains Tim. Not for nothing, either. That sense of purpose comes out of Tim’s conviction that things are changing these days. Having spent his recent years helping lead Worship Central, travelling the world to resource and equip churches and their worship leaders, Tim has as good a view as any on the current state and coming waves within the modern worship movement. ‘I feel like we’re on the cusp of a fresh move with worship,’ he explains. ‘In some ways it feels like we’ve got a bit stale, maybe we’re in danger of settling on a formula in congregational worship. There’s been a great challenge of late for pursuing excellence in production, visuals, lights and a bigger use of creativity, which I love. My only fear is that we miss the raw, messy, spirit-led type of worship that leads people to engage with God.’ All that distils into an album that is both relevant to the wider church and truly personal. It deals in emotions as well as it deals in foundational truths like salvation, the goodness of God and the potential of the local church. Songs like ‘Counting On Your Name’ are classic examples: ‘It captures so much of what faith comes down to; that we’re nothing without God. We try to rely on so many things finances, health, friendship, love, sex, happiness whatever - but none of these physical things are eternal, only God is the one we can really depend on. To trust in His name is a scary thing, but the more I think about it, it’s the only option we have. I hope the song captures a sense of desperation, a rawness, a sense of it being all or nothing.’ ‘Love Shine Through’ does many things - just as the title is both a prayer for change and a statement of truth. Expect countless stories of inspiration and transformation once the album is released. Tim is on a mission and is showing no signs of stopping any time soon. When you’re driven by a deep and passionate love for God it drives you and fuels you too. From hearing what Tim has to say we can see that fire is well fueled and burning in his life. There’s no doubt about it, Tim’s whole life is about living a life of worship and that music is only a part of that. Tim Hughes is a passionate worshipper... Are you? Get practical tips on various aspects of worship on www.worshipcentral.org



Breathe. Everything was created with one breath. God breathed the breath of life into the nostrils of man, and the man became a living person. Breathe. To take air and then to release it again. To live, you must breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. A term used on a daily basis. Someone in danger is told to “Breathe in. Breathe out.” They are given these instructions in hope of them surviving. To possibly be taken down by death - with one breathe.. you are alive again. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ll be the first to admit that I can’t swim. Whenever I tell people this, they think it’s hilarious – especially being that I’m tall. But I seriously, cannot swim. I remember when I was in 8th grade; we had our class field trip at the end of the year. Everyone was in the pool having a good time. The pool was blocked off into two sections. One section went up to about five feet and the other section went up to about seven feet. In order to swim in the seven foot side, you had to swim from one end of the pool to the other. Of course, everyone wanted to go to the other side because there was a HUGE slide that looked super cool. So I decided to do the “swim test” because I really wanted to play on the slide. When it was time for me to swim to the other side of the pool, I got tired about midway and I began to sink! Oh my goodness, I thought that was going to be my last day on Earth! The only thing I remembered was the lifeguard jumping into the

pool to grab me out. How embarrassing was that? I was so happy that the lifeguard came because he saved me. When he finally took me out of the pool he kept telling me to breathe. In and out. Breathe. In and out… Breathe in the fresh air and then release. By doing that, I felt like I received life again. Thank you God… God gives each of us vision and purpose. I feel like in this season, the Kingdom of God has just been given fresh air. It’s as though God is hovering over the entire Earth and is taking out his hand and breathing his anointing all over the world. God is calling for his people to rise up and fulfill the vision and mission he has placed inside of them. I’m sure some of you may be reading this and you know that God has given you a vision for many years now, but you’re just not sure how it’s going to come to pass. As I’ve been walking in the will of God for my life, I’ve realised that God will not give you the entire vision up front. Sometimes he may just give you little bits and pieces. Could you imagine if God just gave us the entire vision upfront and all of the instructions right then and there? If God were to give us the entire vision upfront, there wouldn’t be any need for faith! Remember the story of Abraham?! God was like,

Contributor - Dominique McPherson

Links http://twitter.com/quechanel http://www.facebook.com/DominiqueChanelEdition http://dominiquechaneledition.com/

The breath of life. Sigh*.. Had to pause for a moment and take that one in. God wants to breathe life onto your vision and ministry. Whatever God has placed inside of you, he will allow it to come to pass if you just walk in his ways. In the Book of Ezekiel, God gives Ezekiel a vision where he is led by the Holy Spirit through a valley filled with bones. (Lord knows, Dominique would’ve passed out). But anyways! God tells Ezekiel to speak a prophetic word over the dry bones and tell them that he was going to breathe into them and make them live again. He says, “I will put breathe into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord” – Ezekiel 37:5. Ezekiel spoke this message, and before you know it.. the bones began to rattle and the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as a complete skeleton. Just as Ezekiel spoke life into these skeletons, we can breathe life into our visions! The concept of breathing is a powerful element. I pray that you ask God to breathe onto your vision and to allow him to guide your footsteps on your journey. In my Jonathan Nelson voice, “Breathe on us Lord…”

Okay okay, so maybe God didn’t use the word “homie”, but I reference everyone as homie. My Bishop says, “Do what you know, before you know more.” Take the manifestation of his vision in your life, step-by-step. If only we’d recognise what he was doing with our lives at this very moment. We’d trust that he knows our beginning from the end. It’s very important that as believers we see where God is taking us. Vision determines the direction of an individual and the next step they will take. As believers, we must exist and have our movement from vision. The word says that without a vision, people perish. Nothing greater than an individual to see himself or herself in a better place then where they are now. There is always a transition that needs to be embraced. Your journey to your next level begins with a vision.



For the last few months, there’s been a song that has been resonating within our hearts and that we’ve been playing while working away in the office. That song is ‘Hosanna’ (Be Lifted Higher) which was featured on Israel Houghton’s latest album ‘Love God... Love People’. We love the song so much that we interviewed Indonesian worship leader Sidney Mohede, (the writer of the song) to learn more about the song, his life and his other music endeavours. Sidney was born in Indonesia but spent a large amount of his childhood and early adult years in the Western world. Two very different and contrasting way’s of living that many don’t have the opportunity to experience. “Growing up in Indonesia was a great experience. I was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia until the age of 10 years old and spent my childhood like any normal kid. I climbed trees, flew kites and got into a lot of mischief. Then my parents got a divorce and my two sisters and I followed our mom to start a new life in the United States. This was back in the early 80’s. Needless to say, it was a tough transition growing up as a child from Indonesia living in Southern California. But I made it through alright. haha” Moving to a completely different part of the world is a lot for any child to take in. Experiencing the break down of family (as you know it) must also have been hard for the young Sidney. When any person gets taken out of their comfort zone it can be hard to re-adjust and settle in to a new life. “After we moved to America, I had a tough time growing up and became quite rebellious in Junior High and High School. By the time I was 16 I was getting into a lot of trouble, doing things that were destructive to others and myself. By 17, I knew I needed someone to rescue me, and since I’d been to church when I was younger, I made this simple prayer to God, ‘If You truly love me, like everyone says you do, then show me, because I need help.’ Not long after that, I was invited by a friend to come to a church (which I hadn’t attended for the past couple of years prior to that phone call).” It’s amazing that no matter what we do or where we go that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Even when we turn away from Him... He doesn’t turn away from us. What’s awesome is that even though Sidney wasn’t involved in an active relationship with God; because of an earlier Christian foundation; he knew what to do when there was nothing else to do.

“When I went to the church my friend invited me too, the preacher singled me out in the crowd and asked me to step forward. When I reached the front of the church, he put his microphone down, came towards me and hugged me tightly as he whispered, ‘My son, God loves you very much, and He wants you to come back.’ I could never forget that moment; it was the answer to my prayers. I gave my heart and life to Jesus and began the process of healing and a life of submission to His call. That was 21 years ago and I’m still walking in Grace and grateful for His rescue.” As a child Sidney started in music young which seems to be a common thread with musicians and singers all around the world. Yes, From a very young age i’ve always loved singing. I was a choir boy and did my solo parts in Latin during mass! I’m blessed with parents that listened to a lot of great music since I was very young. I was exposed to the music of the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and many others (which was quite uncommon in Indonesia in the 70’s). So I owe my parents for my knowledge of great music. Sidney is no longer a boy... He’s a man. A husband, father and pastor as well as a worship leader. These roles are a lot for any many to take on in life, especially with the time it takes to pastor as well as travelling the world with his music ministry. How does Sidney Mohede manage to do it all? “Haha, well I guess I don’t really compartmentalize these things as separate entities. For me, I’m a husband, father, pastor and worshipper who is living his life for Christ. So I don’t count them as ‘doing’ so much within a ministry. It’s just life for me. The things I do are not ‘jobs’, pastoring and worship leading are not ‘careers’, it’s just the abundant life that Jesus gave to me. We always teach our church that Christianity is not about ministry, for Jesus came to give us life, and life abundantly. So I’m fiercely passionate about my family and about the things that glorify our King, while having tons of fun doing it.” With all of these things on his plate we were interested to find out what a normal day in the life of Sidney Mohede is like and how he manages it all.

“Our church office is a regular 9 to 5, though I sometimes take time in the studio for all the projects I’m responsible for. So If I’m not travelling for ministries, you’ll find me in my office or studio writing articles, preparing sermons, catching up on the emails and networking, heading up meetings for the creative process for a live recording, studio recording, song writing, rehearsals, producing audio and video for our numerous projects, drinking lots of coffee and having crazy fun with friends whilst doing all of this.” Sidney explained “Then when I come home at night, I put on my cape and become the family superhero and have tons of laughs with them as well. I’m a firm believer of doing things with passion. Passion is not what you are ‘good’ at, passion is what you enjoy doing most. So no matter how busy or tired I get, at least I enjoy what I do.” Sidney is the kind of man that makes serving God look good. He describes it as fun and enjoyable and something he’s passionate about. That’s exactly how it should be for anyone living for God and it’s encouraging to know that in his life, a relationship with God is something he associates with passion, fun, excitement and positivity. So much fun that it’s hard to imagine him doing anything else. “I majored in Arts/Illustration in college, so if I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now, I think I’d be drawing comic books or something. Or open up my own coffee shop and drink coffee all day while listening to good music. Haha.” Thank God Sidney didn’t take up art or selling coffee. If he did we would possibly never heard the song that is taking the world by storm at the moment ‘Hosanna’.Sidney told us the story behind the song and where the inspiration came from. “We (our worship team, True Worshippers) were getting ready for our 2009 live recording ‘God Is Our Victory’ and I just knew that we were missing one more song. And this is the true story. Around 10 days before the live recording, I woke up in the morning, and took a shower. My wife had bought a brand new shampoo that day and as I was washing my hair, I got this melody and simple lyrics, ‘Hosanna in the highest, let our King be lifted up, hosanna…’ and I immediately grabbed a towel and dried my hands, took my mobile phone that was already in the bathroom and pressed record on the voice recorder. Once I recorded the song, I continued my shower. Later that day, during rehearsal for the ‘God Is Our Victory’ live recording, I let the team hear this new song, and as we sang it again and again, we just knew that this was a special song. On the night of the live recording, about 5000 people raised their hands & voice in unison singing ‘Hosanna’ and that chorus became the highlight of the record. So I guess I had to thank the brand new shampoo for the flash of inspiration! Haha. Joking aside, I think I was just fortunate to have my ‘antennae’ up at the right moment and the right frequency to catch that song from Heaven. Everything’s from Him and for Him. There’s great songs and then there’s special songs... Songs that become anthems and go all around the world. Even though Sidney knew the song was special, he would never have thought that it would have the impact on the world that it has had





“Hmmm, I knew from the start that ‘Hosanna’ was a special song. But truthfully, I had no idea that the song would impact so many lives in so many places around the world. It’s been translated and sung in India, Korea, Japan, The Netherlands, South Africa, America and Australia and many places, and almost every week I get emails or tweets from someone around the world saying they just sang it in church over the weekend, and that humbles me. The song goes to places I’ve never even been.”

I’ve published around 200 songs that I’ve written or cowritten, mainly in Bahasa Indonesia.

As a song-writer, it must be great to know that from your free praise to God a song come out of it that will inspire nations across the world to worship God.

This a lot to do anywhere; so to do it in a country where Christianity isn’t very popular and is still growing is an awesome achievement and also inspires anyone with a passion or vision to pursue the dreams and vision’s that God has given to them no matter how hard it looks.

“When I led worship at Israel Houghton’s Deeper Conference (Houston, Texas) in 2009, I introduced ‘Hosanna’ to the crowd and the presence of God just took over.” said Sidney. “After that, Israel asked if he could record the song for his next project. During his trip to Indonesia at the end of 2009, he wrote the second part of that song ‘Be lifted higher, Jesus You be lifted higher…’ and went to record it at Abbey Rd Studios in January 2010 for his ‘Love God. Love People’ album. At the GRAMMY’s recently, Israel won Best Gospel Pop/Contemporary Album and I was over the moon knowing that ‘Hosanna’ was in a GRAMMY winning album. God’s goodness is truly beyond measure.” It’s amazing how God opens doors for his children. From an inspirational shower to a song on a GRAMMY award winning album. Many people think that Sidney Mohede is a new name to worship music but what many don’t know is that he has written/co-written and published close to 200 songs in various recording productions and has been pushing Christian music in Indonesia for a very long time. For Indonesia and the surrounding countries, he’s a pioneer. “I came back to Indonesia in 1995 at the age of 22, wanting to live a life of purpose for God in this nation; especially in praise and worship. Since 1995, I’ve been involved, recorded and produced about 35 different albums, as the lead vocalist for a youth worship band called GMB (Giving My Best) which I resigned from in 2008, and with our church’s worship team called True Worshippers (we are preparing for our 2011’s live recording ‘FAVOR’ in June), as well as solo projects. During the last 16 years here in Indonesia,

Sidney went on to tell us about his next release ‘Louder Than Life’. “‘Louder Than Life’ a 22 track live recording solo album was recently released and I’m working on my first ever full English album right now, after many years of requests from friends all over the world. It’s a brand new challenge and I’m praying for His guidance for this project.”

“I think my biggest challenge so far as an artist is just trying to get all these ideas and inspirations in my head out and translate them to something tangible, like an album/ video project or a live production. Trying to find balance between idealistic projects and doing things for the corporate body (church). Especially in a nation that is not as exposed to modern Christianity as the western world, the challenge has always been how much can we push the ‘boundaries’ as far as taking what we do in worship/ productions outside of the way things have been done in churches.” Sidney is a very creative man and is using his gifts to advance the Kingdom of God. Being gifted and doing something something just because you have the ability isn’t always good enough though. There comes a time where God will call a person who He has already given everything they need to complete the job. Unfortunately, many people don’t accept the call or even know they’re called. “When I truly surrendered my life to Christ, I knew that I would be serving in worship/music, because it was my strength. But it wasn’t until I decided to go back to Indonesia that I realized the weight of the call. I left my family and friends and the comfortable life of living in America to serve God in a nation that I left when I was a little boy. Looking back it’s by His grace alone that I can be where I am today. He is faithful every step of the way.” Sidney is definitely called to Indonesia to impart and empower (as well as his ministry to the rest of the world). Indonesia is not a place that we associate with Christianity but it seems like there’s a lot going on there. There’s a



number of Churches there making a real difference and bringing Christ to the nation and on a big scale too. “With 237 million people, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. Though we are not an Islamic nation, Christianity is still a minority here. We’ve had our ‘religious disharmony’ in recent history, but it just fuels the spread of the Gospel as the churches continues to unite and preserve ‘Love’ as the higher law. As the body of Christ, our main goal is to have a greater impact and influence in the society, to build this generation for a greater future in our nation. God continues to change the conservative Christianity mentality as the churches begin to focus more on the community surrounding them, and not just in their own church buildings, and more focused on being a blessing rather than waiting to be blessed. It’s an exciting time for our nation and to be a church in this generation. Like our church, JPCC’s vision statement: ‘To build a generation of stars to influence the world with the message of Truth.” One of the ways they’re reaching out is through music. There’s so much great music coming out of Indonesia... One of whom we’ve featured on HYPERLINK “http://www.m-briomusic. com/”www.m-briomusic.com Fina Wowor & Rebirth.

“Christian music is still a very small percentage of the whole nation’s music. But we’ve always believed that as salt of the earth we can still make an impact even in small quantities. There are a lot of great worshippers and worship teams in our land: True Worshippers, Oxygen True Worshippers Youth, Sari Simorangkir,, Alvi Radjagukguk, Fina & the Rebirth and Life Tree are among some of the finest worship leaders and teams in our nation.” 2010 saw Sidney release his latest album ‘Louder Than Life’. We know that with many artist’s, when they release music it’s a reflection of where they’re at in their lives. We wanted to find out what ‘Louder Than Life’ says about where he is in life and which song he thinks represents that best. “‘Louder Than Life’ initially was just a celebration of 20 years of my ministry as a worship leader. What started as a simple idea became something that was quite elaborate and colossal in production. I took 22 of my ‘best’ songs from the last 16 years and we re-arranged the music with beautiful orchestra and acoustic sets with the help of many of the industry’s top musicians, singers, even rapper. It truly became a night of celebration of God’s grace in my life and my ministry. That live recording was a dream come true for me. There’s a song I wrote back in 1999 called ‘Slalu Bersa-


maku’ (‘Always With Me’) that summed up the whole record.” (translated to English): The deepest part of my heart You know And Your love is never far from my soul In times of troubles In times of victories I know that You are always with me After celebrating 20 years of ministry as a worship leader and doing so much in that period of time it’s encouraging to see that Sidney shows no signs of slowing down. In-fact he’s picking up the pace. 2011 will see him do even more. “Next up is my full English studio album, called ‘The Rescue’. I’m busy writing songs and just getting into the pre-production stage at the moment. Hoping I can finish the album by mid 2011. Also True Worshippers are doing another live recording in June 2011, and we’re getting ready for that project as well. I’ll try to update more as the year progresses through my website http://www.sidneymohede.com or through Twitter: http://twitter.com/sidmohede (@sidmohede)


After interviewing Sidney, he left us with these words... “Do keep Indonesia in your prayers, friends, and let’s keep building God’s divine Kingdom together. Be blessed and be a blessing and keep shining wherever you are!”

Links http://www.twitter.com/sidmohede http://www.facebook.com/sidneymohedepage http://wwwsidney-mohede.com




‘My First’ is a chance for an artist/band to share some of themselves in a new way letting fans and interested readers know about their life experiences... Notably their firsts.

First song remembered –

First performance –

I’m digging right far back into my memory bank...I think it’s ‘Streets of London’ I used to sing it in Primary School.

It was at Apricot Jam in Subterania 1998 – I had a live band and a lot of people came and spoke to me afterwards giving me good feedback.

First day at school –

First job –

WOW...I’m having flash backs...I remember going into the reception and feeling really scared. My first day in secondary school I remember thinking that I looked so cool because I had the latest Reebok sports bag.

This was my work experience in secondary school – cleaning cups and dishes at a catering company in Wimbledon. But my first paid job was in Mc Donalds on the front line at the tills. It was hell especially when one customer tricked me and I ended up giving him more money than I was supposed to and someone told me this guy does it all the time on newbies.

First CD – Before CD it was vinyl and I think the first vinyl I had was the Public Enemy Album.

First car –

First concert attended –

Silver Volkswagen Passat 1.8

My first concert was probably Tim Westwood at carnival and I saw Busta Rhymes live and people were nearly crushed when he did ‘Woo Haa’.

First holiday –

First song written I wrote a song called ‘Mr D-Dwayne’, it was a song about me and my life. It must have been about 8 years old.

Amazing Fact: I used to work for Lennox Lewis’ manager.

I went to Jamaica with my dad and brother when I was about 6 years old. First personal experience with God – It was when I had a dream that God was calling me and I ended up going to church and I got saved at a New Testament Church of God in Croydon in 1999.





The City Harmonic is what happens when you mix nostalgic hymns, brit-rock and that sing-at-thecampfire feeling. “You know, without audio I’d swear this crowd was at a seriously great hard rock show,” suggests the Bible camp’s video producer as he watches footage from a worship concert played by The City Harmonic the night before. The crowd pulses along to the band’s piano hook-laden “Manifesto” with hands and fists raised in worship while they swing back and forth like a hammer to its steady, driving beat. And even when the band puts down their instruments the crowd takes over, raucously singing again and again the chorus to a tune they have only just heard. Before long the band stand shoulder-to-shoulder with each other, and eye-to-eye with their audience, gathering whatever instruments they can find and leading the room in a rowdy, folk-tinged rendition of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” In the middle of the stomping, clapping and shouts of “comin’ for to

carry me home,” it’s clear that for the crowd, this moment isn’t only shared with God, but also each other. When listening to The City Harmonic, you instinctively turn up the volume and join the chorus as the music dynamically bounces from sparse intimacy to soaring celebration and back again. It’s a musical metaphor for the band that plays it—with their feet in the dirt and their eyes toward the heavens. It isn’t long before you find yourself singing along and not because you ought to, but because you want to. Like a spontaneous outbreak of “Hey Jude” around the campfire, you want in on the moment. And getting people in on the act—hearts pounding and feet moving—is at the core of what The City Harmonic is about.

Links http://www.thecityharmonic.com http://www.myspace.com/thecityharmonic http://www.facebook.com/thecityharmonic http://twitter.com/#!/thecityharmonic http://www.youtube.com/thecityharmonic



©2011 Avedis Zildjian Company

what t o n s ’ t I

you want to say.

u o y t a h w It’s


to Say.

Donavan Hepburn - Take That



Muzo Spot: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. You’re a very busy man so we appreciate this a lot.


Muzo Spot: What was your first experience of music?

Dan Storey: My first ever public performance I think was in our end of term music class concert in year seven. I was such a perfectionist even then; we started it wrong so I made everyone stop and start again! I played in church a couple of times but my first proper “gig” was at the age of fifteen playing Metallica covers in a band with my mates.

Dan Storey: My first experience would have been hearing my mum play guitar and listening to my parents’ progressive rock records at home and in the car.

Muzo Spot: What was your first real gig? The stand out gig that let you make a name for yourself or make you think you definitely wanted to pursue a career as a musician etc

Muzo Spot: How do you think that influenced you and your passion for music?

Dan Storey: I was about sixteen when I decided I wanted to take music really seriously but not because of a gig; I just knew it was what I wanted to do. There was a gig I’ll always remember though. I played in an originals band in my early twenties and I think up until then I’d been quite static as a performer. But this one night I remember really going for it and putting all my energy into the performance. It almost felt like it was the first time I had come “alive” onstage.

Dan Storey: It’s a pleasure!

Dan Storey: I always enjoyed listening to music but nothing ever fascinated me as much as seeing someone play an instrument. I always wanted to able be able to play a musical instrument myself; I had a ukulele at the age of three, a recorder at five and a monophonic keyboard at the age of six. I finally took up the guitar seriously when I was ten. Muzo Spot: How did your first opportunity to play your instrument publicly come about?

Muzo Spot: What was your first real gig? The stand out gig that let you make a name for yourself or make you think you definitely wanted to pursue a career as a musician etc Dan Storey: I was about sixteen when I decided I wanted to take music really seriously but not because of a gig; I just knew it was what I wanted to do. There was a gig I’ll always remember though. I played in an originals band in my early twenties and I think up until then I’d been quite static as a performer. But this one night I remember really going for it and putting all my energy into the performance. It almost felt like it was the first time I had come “alive” onstage. Muzo Spot: You came from a heavy rock background. How did you manage to adapt to other styles of music and did you have to change any of your gear to do that? Dan Storey: Adapting for me wasn’t too difficult. I mean, I’d grown up listening to a lot of different styles of music and when I was learning I always worked out songs by ear so I was used to hearing something and then trying to emulate it. So I had inadvertently trained myself to be able do that, whether it was metal, pop, gospel or country! I didn’t have to change any gear but I did get a swing gig once when I only had a couple of more rocky Ibanez guitars. I used that gig as an excuse to go out and buy a Fender Strat. I didn’t have to but we musicians love any excuse to go out and buy more gear! Muzo Spot: So, as a musician, your gear is just as important as your gift. What gear do you use and why do you use it? Dan Storey: At the moment for a lot of my gigs I use a very simple setup: Fender Strat, Peavey Classic 30 Amp and just 3 Boss pedals: DS1 Distortion, CS1 Compressor and DD3 Delay. If I need more options I’ll use these same pedals in line with my PODxt Live but I only use this for extra effects/patch changes rather than the amp sounds. For smaller gigs especially I like having a really simple setup – I mean what’s the point in taking up half the stage with a pedal board that is mostly redundant?! Aside from this I’ve not had the money to spend on the top of the range gear. But then I’ve had people compliment me on my sound when I’ve just been using an old, beaten up, solid state Peavey with a Strat and DS1. And I’m sure there’s guys out there with all the gear and no idea – as the saying goes. It just goes to show it’s not about what gear you have but how you use it that really counts. Muzo Spot: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. You’re a very busy man so we appreciate this a lot. Dan Storey: It’s a pleasure! Muzo Spot: What was your first experience of music? Dan Storey: My first experience would have been hearing my mum play guitar and listening to my parents’ progressive rock records at home and in the car. Muzo Spot: How do you think that influenced you and your passion for music? Dan Storey: I always enjoyed listening to music but nothing ever fascinated me as much as seeing someone play an instrument. I always wanted to able be able to play a musical instrument myself; I had a ukulele at the age of three, a recorder at five and a monophonic keyboard at the age of six. I finally took up the guitar seriously when I was ten. Muzo Spot: How did your first opportunity to play your instrument publicly come about? Dan Storey: My first ever public performance I think was in our end of term music class concert in year seven. I was such a perfectionist even then; we started it wrong so I made everyone stop and start again! I played in church a couple of times but my first proper “gig” was at the age of fifteen playing Metallica covers in a band with my mates.

Muzo Spot: Now you’ve worked with the biggest names in the industry. Aside from your ability to play, what else has been important to you getting called for gigs and referred on etc Dan Storey: Well being a good player accounts for only a small percentage of what being a professional musician is about. Punctuality and reliability is incredibly important, as is being able to get on well with other people and having a good attitude and work ethic. I believe that humility is really important too as you won’t get too far if you’re always trying to make a name for yourself at the expense of the artist you are working for. These days you also have to look the part – this I have learnt the hard way! Muzo Spot: Give us an example of how the way you look impacts your career. Dan Storey: Well I can think of at least one gig I didn’t get because I didn’t have the right image. Also there was another time where I didn’t get the gig because I wasn’t black but I guess there’s not a lot I can do about that haha! Muzo Spot: Aside from your faith, are there any basic character traits/principles you have applied to your life and would encourage others to, if they want a career as long lasting and successful as yours? Dan Storey: I believe in doing a good job and getting noticed for the right reasons. I don’t believe in hustling for gigs and I hate hearing about musicians trying to steal other people’s gigs. Integrity is of paramount importance to me. There may



be others who have made it further ahead by talking themselves into a gig and sometimes through exaggeration and deception but what will it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?! I don’t define success as getting the most high profile gigs, so whether I get these kind of gigs doesn’t matter so much to me. If I can make it through my musical career and retain my integrity – that to me is true success.

Muzo Spot: What advice would you give to a Christian musician wanting to work in the music industry?

Muzo Spot: You lead worship in your church? What’s that like?

Dan Storey: Three things:

Dan Storey: Man, I could write a dozen articles on that alone!! It’s been a great journey. You know I started off really just leading worship through the singing of songs but now I’ve come to a place where the songs are like a vehicle into the presence of God and when you’re there anything can happen – free/improvised singing, spontaneous songs, prayer/intercession, words of prophecy, loud exuberant praise, silent reverential praise, through it all God really works in our hearts. It’s scary because you can prepare as much as is possible but you’re still never sure what’s going to happen. But that’s what makes it amazing too!

1. Make sure you’re going where God has called you. 2. PLEASE don’t go for fame, fortune and success. I’ve seen this happen to others and the pursuit of such things bring them down. Jesus talks about the deceitfulness of riches – and that’s all it is. 3. Be aware of your identity as a servant. Just as we are all called to live our lives to bring glory to God, session musicians are there to make the artist look as good as possible – not to elevate themselves above the artist. To be a musician is to be a servant!

Muzo Spot: When you lead worship, what do you look for in the musicians that play with you? Dan Storey:I think the word journey is important. As far as I’m concerned you can be at any point on the road but you’ve got to be heading in the right direction. For me also, I like to work with younger musicians, guys that I can be a good influence and example to, both musically, personally and spiritually. I feel that’s part of my calling. Muzo Spot: You write songs and produce albums. Does being a musician help you as a songwriter/producer? Dan Storey: Without doubt. You know, there are some great songwriters and producers out there who you wouldn’t necessarily say are great musicians but for me it helps. It means you understand the chord structures in the song and the relationship between the melody and the chords. With the production side of things it means you understand exactly what each instrument is doing individually as well how they are interacting. It also helps with coming up with things like lead lines and BV harmonies because you’re relying not just on your ear but on your understanding of the harmony and musical arrangement Muzo Spot: You’ve achieved a lot in your musical career. What’s next on your list of achievements? Dan Storey: I want to finish my own album of worship songs this year. Muzo Spot: You work with Christian/Gospel artist’s and mainstream artists alike. What’s your take on the Christians working in the ‘secular’ music industry debate? Dan Storey: Haha – I had a feeling you’d ask me that! My answer is very simple: wherever God has called you – go! God will call some to full time church ministry but others to go and carry their light into the secular world. For me, it’s both. As soon as you start trying to say there’s one rule we all have to follow then you’ve gone back into religion! Our lives are based not on rules but on relationship and it’s all about listening to God and what He’s instructing each of us to do. I don’t think it gets more complicated than that! Muszo Spot: Is you approach to a Gospel/Christian gig different to a mainstream gig? If so why? (Are there any things you do differently to prepare etc) Dan Storey: In all honesty, sometimes I do approach things differently when I shouldn’t! What I mean is it’s easy to think that when you’re playing in church it’s God’s work and when you’re doing a regular gig it’s just about earning money. But I believe that if God has called his musicians to work in secular environments then there’s a greater purpose than just putting food on the table. But to me, that’s cool. It means there’s real value and meaning in what we do in the world. I definitely pray more before leading worship or playing in church but I don’t think that’s a good thing. Wow! This question has been a challenge to me as much as anybody reading!

Muzo Spot: What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had being a musician that’s also a Christian? Dan Storey: Well sure enough it’s a challenge being around certain people and finding yourself in the middle of certain conversations but the biggest challenge for me has been internal. We are called to shine, not to shrink back and become nothing; but at the same time we are to shine for God, not for ourselves. There’s a real fine line there, a real tension that can only be held by having a close walk with God. Muzo Spot: What do you do to maintain your relationship with God? Dan Storey: Well obviously I read my Bible and pray but I find that some of my profoundly intimate moments with God have come through writing worship songs. I guess writing causes me to focus in a really intense way, often on a thought or a concept that has not occurred to me before and leads me to worship with a real sense of amazement and wonder! Muzo Spot: Does your musical gift help you do that? Dan Storey: Sometimes, in fact quite a lot, but often I’ll just put down my instruments, switch off the stereo, sit in silence and listen. This has become fundamental in my relationship with the Lord Muzo Spot: Here’s the question we and any other musician reading this wants to know... Who’s your favourite musician? Dan Storey:I have many but my two favourite guitarists are Mark Knopfler and Steve Vai – a nice balance don’t you think?! Muzo Spot: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, but before you go; do you have any words of advice to any young musicians? Dan Storey: Yeah, I think there’s a tendency to think that everyone will be really impressed with pure chops. It’s true that many people will be, but the kind of people you want to notice you will be much more impressed with a strong, solid, mature performance with an occasional “sprinkle” of flair at the right moments Muzo Spot: Any final words/shout-outs? Ah too many to name but definitely Mum and Dad for inspiring, educating, investing, supporting and believing in me and making this all possible!

Links http://www.twitter.com/danguitarstorey http://www.whatsthestorey.com



“Living the Light!” Writer, Minstrel, Speaker, and now AUTHOR, Nurisha Liggins proudly releases her first devotional book entitled, “Living the LIGHT!”

Released for online purchase on March 1, 2011.

Pre-sale Orders are $10.00 USD Plus Shipping/Handling. All Pre-sale orders will be autographed and shipped March 1st.

~ 90-­‐Day Transforma0on Devo0onal ~ ~ Filled with Mo0va0ng, Inspiring, and Enlightening Tools That will Change your Life! ~ ~ Complete with Daily Exercises and Song Sugges0ons to keep you focused and help you succeed! ~



By Nurisha Liggins © GLOW Enterprises/ Publishing Happy February M.E.X. Magazine! February is usually the month that we celebrate LOVE, all over the world. I find it interesting how men and women receive and interpret love for themselves. Some find that cards, flowers, candy and stuffed animals send the right expression of love to/from a significant other. Others feel that an investment of time in the park, or dinner and a movie depict an accurate expression of one’s love. But whatever the “product” you choose to express your sentiments, they will mean absolutely nothing if you do not understand what love really is... and more importantly, what it isn’t. The book of 1st Corinthians describes in detail what love is, and what love isn’t. It is very unfortunate that we, who know that ‘God is Love’, don’t refer back to His instructions concerning how we are to love. We must remember that out of all of the commandments in the Bible, Jesus said that loving God and others is the greatest, and most important (Matthew 22:37-39). Without going into the depth of each scripture in 1st Corinthians Chapter 13, I would say that the simple, most important thing to remember about what love is... is what it is not: Selfishness. Selfishness is the opposite of LOVE. Love is an act of giving of one’s self for the purpose of benefiting another. Yes, that means personal preferences, discomforts, and even needs and desires are all sacrificed when love is being distributed properly. This sounds like a true sacrifice doesn’t it? That’s what love is. Love is a sacrifice. God gave us a commitment of love, through a perfect sacrifice. John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He “gave His only begotten Son...” Love is a commitment of long-term sacrifice. If you are not willing to sacrifice “you” for another, do not make a commitment to do so. Not even with words.

M.E.X MAGAZINE | ISSUE 2 All marriages that end in divorce do so because at least one in the relationship decides to choose their own needs and desires over the others’. Bottom line. Infidelity, poor management of finances, being tired of bad habits of the other... all result in choosing to satisfy what “self” needs to feel good about “self”. Love considers the other, always. Love requires long-suffering! 1 Corinthians 13:7 says that “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” This is proof that love is not a feeling. Love loves in spite of a feeling. We have been taught that love shouldn’t hurt. I have a different perspective. I believe that loving through hurt is proof of love. Hurt can test and measure the volume of love in a relationship. Don’t believe me? Ask Jesus to talk about his scars. Anything that is a sacrifice must hurt. Sacrifice kills flesh. Flesh is designed to feel good, and please itself. A true effort of love is to sacrifice the needs of the flesh to please itself, in exchange for the pleasure of another. If you do not have a strong enough desire to pleasure another using this definition, you are not prepared to make a commitment of “love.” The first divorce was filed in Heaven. The relationship between God and Lucifer was a love relationship gone bad. Remember, God is love. Everything that God created was made to multiply His love unto Himself. Angels worshipped Him in love. The Holy Spirit ministered to Him in love. Heaven was an eternal Love-Fest. When Lucifer made a prideful decision to deflect some of the love and attention God was receiving, divorce was the result. Lucifer allowed his uniqueness to defile his purpose. His purpose was to be an instrument of love for the Father. When he demanded his own way, selfishness disrupted the flow of Heaven (1 Corinthians 13:5). Over the years, I have learned that selfishness is the seed of all destruction. Couples, if your relationship is going to work, you must understand one thing... selfishness destroyed Heaven, it will easily destroy your marriage. Every act of personal priority is the root of selfishness. Every act of personal pleasure can have the root of selfishness. This is why it is important that you are compatible with your mate. Yes, love should love in spite of compatibility, but few on this side of Heaven can commit to operating in the true definition of love without it. Compatibility makes it easier to love, but it is not necessary to love. Love is an undying commitment to die... to self. Love is selfless. The ‘less of self’ that there is, the more that love has opportunity to grow. In April 1965, Jackie DeShannon, a female vocalist, made popular a song that says, “What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love. It’s the Only Thing That’s There’s Just Too Little Of...” The message is strongly accurate. So strong that many other famous artists recognized its strength and ac-


curacy and recorded their own version of this song. Where there is little love there is much pride, much selfishnesses. Where there is war there is no love. Where there is separation of religion, there is no love. Where there is greed, there is no love. Where there is no unity, there is no love. The reason why Jesus stated in Matthew that “loving thy neighbor” is the greatest commandment is because if love is honored as the priority, all other commandments will be honored as well. There would be no murder if love is the priority. There would be no theft if love is the priority. There will be no adultery if love is the priority. Love is the cure of all sin because all sin is the root of pride... selfishness! Love is medicine. Love is sin’s anecdote. Use as instructed. I encourage all readers, both singles and couples, to make a self assessment of the accuracy of your love life. Not your sex life, your LOVE life. Loving others is not an experience; it is a lifestyle! I recently posted on Twitter that “Love is a muscle. It requires strength training. It requires discomfort. It requires growth. And it requires off-days. :-)” Love never fails, but you mustn’t be discouraged when you make a mistake (an act of flesh). We are training and reconditioning our ‘Love Life’ to be one that pleases God, by loving His way. We have loved ‘our way’ our entire lives, so mistakes are inevitable. But (God’s) love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). Judge your heart motives and remain in the flow of God’s love at all times! I am learning that it is easy to love the lovable. A true test of love is loving the unlovable! Here’s an exercise for this month! Develop a LOVE Assignment. It could be your mate, friend or coworker. Write down a list of characteristics/habits that make it difficult for you to love that individual. Now write down a love response. Plan exactly how you can love that characteristic when it appears. This takes work. This takes planning. Flesh is quick to respond, so you must plan how to operate in love when you are prone to making flesh responses. Make every effort to love unlovable characteristics in all people you encounter. This exercise will help you to succeed on enhancing your own ‘Love Life’. Love... God’s way!

About the Writer... Nurisha Liggins is the author of “Living The Light!”, a 90-Day Transformational Devotional. If you have a question that you would like Nurisha to address in this column, please send it to AskNurisha@Gmail.com Visit www.NurishaLiggins.com. Make sure you follow her on Twitter! Screen Name: @iAmNurisha. Join her Facebook Fan Page at http://www.facebook.com/ pages/Nurisha-Liggins/157732600930577



I was born into the church, literally. On the night that I was born my father went to get the midwife, leaving my mother in full fledged labour with the pastors wife (who had never had a baby) keeping watch. I entered the world and my mother asked the pastors wife to see to me, instead she began praising God and prophesying and declaring “another one added to the Sunday school”. Okay so I’ve been in the church my entire life, so you would expect that from a very early age I knew my purpose and walked in a straight line towards it. Well you would be completely wrong. I grew up thinking that I was here on earth by chance and that the things that happened were completely random. I believed that there was a God but didn’t think that He was remotely interested in me. (Why would He be?) I had no idea that there was a purpose on my life or any one else’s for that matter. Yet I knew that things had purpose, I knew that people had purpose and a reason for

doing things or training to do a particular job or career. Yet in my experience Gods masterpiece of creation (human beings) had no specific purpose, apart from the very obvious, to be born, grow up, get married buy a house have children and then die. As I grew up I realised that I loved to laugh to make jokes and cheer people up. Christians however were supposed to be a serious and sober lot of people so surely there was something wrong with me that I needed to change. I had not yet heard a purpose message, nor realized that all the things about me that I wanted to change were actually a clue to my life purpose. Who I am is connected to my purpose. My purpose is encoded in my genes the same way the colour of my eyes, the shade of my skin and my eventual height are. However, unless we accept who we are, along with our innate gifts talents and abilities, we will remain incapable of identifying or fulfilling our purpose. Purpose is not restricted to Christians alone but every



Contributor - Yvonne Brooks

Links http://www.twitter.com/yvonnebrookstv http://www.facebook.com/yvonnebrookstv http://www.yvonnebrooks.tv

single individual that is born has a God given purpose built in to their lives. The main reason for God having humans here on earth is to give Him pleasure. The main way that we give Him pleasure is by living out our God given purpose.

Find out about your personality style and what it uniquely equips you to do, the career choices and much more. You can do your profile on line at www.yvonnebrooks.tv Along with your profile you should consider getting a mentor, to whom you make yourself accountable and who challenges you to grow.

My purpose quest (although I didn’t know that’s what it was) began when I attended a seminar called ‘From the Pew to Performance’. I was made aware that the power The expiry date on your purpose is the day you check of the church was sitting in the pews. You see many out of planet earth. So let’s get with God’s programme and of us think the church is the ‘pastor’ and ‘leaders’ but in give pleasure to Him. reality each member is a minister and has a specific and crucial role to play within the Kingdom. In fact the things that God has equipped ‘you’ to do, no-one else can do. Embrace yourself, who you are, as you are, warts and all. God wants to use you as you are. If you want to discover your purpose, your first act must be to ask God what your purpose is and to keep on asking until he reveals it to you. You can also find out more about your God given purpose discovering your personality style and what your strengths are.



Each generation is born into a world of sin, and sinful in nature, where challenges come in all shapes and sizes. While the challenges may change and look slightly different, one thing is for sure. Each generation’s purity and sole devotion to Jesus is at the front of a spiritual war, manifested in some physical expressions. There are many challenges I could pull out of this, but the one I want to really focus on is this: every generation has to grow up in the circumstances the previous generation lets in. Judges 2:10 “After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.” To take a nation you must take the next generation, other religions know it, other countries know it, yet the Body of Christ in general look down on or don’t even recognize that the younger generations have a huge role in turning our nations back to God. Judges 2:10 shows when one generation failed to raise the next they lost an entire generation, this turns nations. Lets not underestimate the power of the young people that are being raised up by God for such a time as this.

M.E.X MAGAZINE | ISSUE 2 Exodus 20:5-6 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. Exodus clearly states that our sins can impact the generations to come, but they will be even more impacted by our love and faithfulness to Gods commands.


God commands are a delight. It is an honour to serve an earthly King, so why is it a sacrifice to serve a heavenly King? If the Queen of England walked into a room then people would have to behave in a way that is acceptable around royalty, and obey the rules, yet with God we are not so mindful of Him and His commands. Yet He is the King of Kings, and the ruler over all nations, and one day He will return to establish His Kingdom on earth once again.

Genesis 18:19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.


Here we see that God chose Abraham not just for Himself and his generation but also for the next generation. To see his own household raised in the way they should go, and this then affected Gods promises for Abraham.

One simple example being in Revelation 19:7-8 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. 8 Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.

WHAT ARE WE STANDING FOR? It is critical that every generation recognizes how important it is for them to stand up against the moral decline of their nation, to stand against the immorality and Godless laws that are being pushed through governments as we speak. Yet while you read this article many are oblivious to the laws that are being presented that come directly against Gods best for us, and the laws and guidance He set out for us. We are all responsible for the next generation. I plead for everyone to start taking more of an interest in their nation, and what is happening both at the government levels and also the grassroot movements. These days we have to fight against the child sex trade, porn industry from movies and magazines to the Internet, poverty, the spreading of persecution around the world, this is generally a fatherless generation, the rise of abortion and the list could go on. We must start to stand up more for justice, in this land, stand up against those that would look to stand against Gods best for us and the future generations. Lets stand together as brothers and sisters in Christ to see Christ’s love reign across our land, lets turn this nation back to God and stop the slide from His principles. IMPACT OF NOT STANDING. Many blame this current young generation for a lot of the problems this world currently faces, but the truth is probably lying closer to the generations doing the blaming. You see what one generation allows the next generation will embrace, and it could very well be what causes them to stand or fall. Judges 2:10 shows us that one generation is massively impacted by what the previous generation does or does not do, how one generation grew up and didn’t pass on Gods principles to the next, this lead to Godless living and immorality in the next generation.

I truly believe that our actions here on earth not only affect us in this life time but also on the other side of eternity.

This passage says we will be given new clothes that reflect the righteous acts of the Saints. Our faithfulness to God and His plans and purposes in raising up the emerging generation will be reflected in these garments. FINAL CHALLENGE If we don’t stand up now unashamed for Christ, then we will end up fighting from the shadows or caving in completely, as Christians are sidelined, and Gods principles are ignored by a world that is growing harder and harder to live in with every passing day. We will leave behind a desperate life for the emerging generations, and give them a harder fight to stand in. There are amazing and un-ending possibilities when someone stands up and says “To You Jesus I surrender all of my life, and I’ll do whatever it is you ask of me”, when someone stands not just for themselves but also for their family, and for future generations. Lets see Christians all over the world standing together courageously, showing Gods love to the world, and generations to come, that desperately need His mercy and grace. Lets turn our nations back to the one True King. Andrew Kirk If you are interested in hearing more, seeing how you can support or even get involved please visit our website (www.Gnation2gnation.com) and feel free to email here: (info@Gnation2gnation.com)

CRY OUT TO JESUS. We must turn our nations back to Jesus, He is the answer and the only way back to the Father. Only He can save us. Psalm 112:1-2 1 Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands. 2 Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.

Contributor - Andrew Kirk

Links http://www.twitter.com/andydkirk http://www.Gnation2gnation.com



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Don’t you know you’re talking about a revolution Sounds like a whisper - (Tracy Chapman) This year, the coalition government announced its idea of a ‘Big Society’. The vision of the Big Society is that local people get more power over how things are run, they get to decide what services are needed and then take part in running them, and that social enterprises and charities are supported and given a bigger role to play in society. Lots of people are cynical, saying that the government is simply asking its subjects to start offering free labour to provide services that should be paid for by the state. And many Christians will be quietly thinking about the idea of civilians forming networks, providing services and contributing their time and skills, and going… ’Er, isn’t that what we kinda do already?’ And that’s the interesting thing you see…it’s not hard to trace the Christian influence on the development of the Big Society idea. From Philip Blond, former Anglican theologian, to Roman Catholic Iain Duncan Smith and evangelical Phillippa Stroud working together at the Centre for Social Justice, and now Lord Nat Wei, an evangelical in charge of actually making the Big Society idea turn into something real and tangible, Christians pop up all over the place. One of Lord Wei’s implementation ideas is to focus social networks around a small geographical area, such as a square mile – this is a reflection of an initiative started by the Evangelical Alliance called ‘Square Mile’, which encourages churches to serve those living in a square mile radius of their home. There’s no doubt churches already contribute hugely to their local communities. Faithworks is an organisation founded by Steve Chalke which aims to empower Christians to be at the heart of their communities, and to change public perception of Christianity. During election debates on the economy, Faithworks urged politicians to acknowledge the value of the Christian contribution to society, saying:


“Based on conservative estimates, Christian denominations contribute an estimated £486 million per year in economic value to England alone, with more than 369 000 volunteers working approximately 65 million volunteer hours per year.” So many churches are already living out the Big Society vision. But as Christians, we need to always make sure we’re putting God’s kingdom first. Yes, we are called by God to serve our neighbourhoods, throw ourselves into our communities, and be ‘big’ citizens. But it starts with ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ (Matthew 6:33) – if we pursue God and his kingdom first, then we will may well end up looking a lot like the Big Society, as many churches already do. But if we seek first the Big Society, there’s no guarantee we’ll find God along the way. We need to be more than just a volunteer army of willing hands, we need to be a spiritual army who listen to God first, seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with him (Micah 6:8). Music is often a mirror of society, reflecting the mood of the times, and Christian bands have the chance to provide the soundtrack to a kingdom way of living, something we’re passionate about as a band. We’ve recently written a song called ‘Revolution’ that says, ‘Sing it for the king, this is a revolution, stand to call, you’re a soldier now’: a song to encourage Christians everywhere to stand up and be counted in our communities, not just because we are conscientious citizens, but because we act as instruments for God’s love and power. If we keep seeking the kingdom, pretty soon people will be calling it ‘God’s Big Society’.

Contributor - Ed Bird

Links http://twitter.com/empirenation http://empirenation.net




If you’re anything like me when it comes to clothes, you see something and ‘need’ to have it. That prize possession. You know the one where your mind can’t rest until it’s yours. Before you’ve even made the decision to part with your hard earned cash you’ve planned the outfit and where you’re going to wear it to. But, after you finally invest in that ‘must-have’ item you realise that maybe you didn’t need it as bad as you thought you did. Note: This is not just a message for the ladies because men I know you spend just as hard as us woman do! I can’t tell you the amount of clothes in my wardrobe and shoes on my rack that are patiently waiting with their price tag for their opportunity to be showcased. But why is it that we feel the need for so many things, which in reality are quite simply unnecessary. Society aided by the media has left us with a longing for more than what we already have. We are constantly fed messages that are designed to make us feel dissatisfied. Having worked in marketing for the last three years I have learnt the skill of creating a desire in a person’s mind for a specific product or service. I have practiced and perfected how to make someone want what you have to offer even if it was something that never even crossed their mind… yet still I myself manage to fall into that psychology trap marked by a big red ‘SALE’ sign, leaving the house to purchase one specific item only to return with bags full of the unnecessary. It amazes me the amount of times I have to put myself in check asking the question ‘do I really need this?’ Interestingly the Bible teaches the principle of being content. ‘But godliness with contentment is great gain’ (1 Tim 6:7)… I wonder how many of us are hindering our gain by failing to be content with what we already have? Do not get me wrong, I do not believe being content means that you sit back and relax failing to strive for better or even purchase better things. However I do believe that many of us are obstructing our blessings as we fail to be content with what God has already blessed us with which in some cases can lead to greed. Many of the financial difficulties that we find ourselves are quite simply due to us being unsatisfied with what God has given us at a certain point in time, craving for more before it’s God’s time to give us more. Lets not forget ‘My God shall supply all your needs”. If there is something we don’t have, maybe, just maybe its not a need. But what does this all have to do with charity? Charity is all about thinking about others, whether this is in your giving or finding other ways to show love and compassion. I truly believe that if we put more thought into what others do not have or manage to live without this would stir up an emotion that would cause us to think twice about our spending habits.


Last year I spent a month volunteering in both Ghana and Morocco and was hit by the reality of a world without. I spent days without electricity, running water and the beloved internet and missed none of it. I felt renewed as I was stripped bare from things that had become part of my nature but in reality were nothing more than the ‘easy way of doing things’. After seeing young children fight in desperation over my unadorned second hand clothes and treasure, things that I would throw away without a second thought I returned with a new understanding of the meaning of necessity. My shopping habits changed as I felt to some extent a sense of guilt purchasing those items that were likely to remain unused or unworn. By thinking of those who truly were in need I learnt to be content and more than anything grateful for what I had and did not need. There are often times we may find ourselves blessed in abundance, a perfect opportunity to share our blessings with others. ‘A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed’ Prov 11:25. A few days ago I saw a flyer in my local area by a church entitled ‘Give and Take’ advertising a day where residents who found themselves with items that they no longer needed (or did not need in the first place!) could bring things along while others could literally take any item that they saw for free only offering a donation if they wanted to. A concept so simple yet so powerful. It costs nothing to give away something you have no need for but could mean everything to someone else in need. With this in mind, (and I’m speaking to myself as I say this) why not take the time to detox of the unnecessary purchase. Think about the things that you have stacked up in your closet (and this goes beyond just clothes) that you could live without and consider how those unnecessary items could be so necessary for someone else you may know. There are things that we need, things we like and things that are just unnecessary. I thank God that although there is so much I want, there is nothing I need… and on that note there’s a pair of shoes I need to return!

Contributor - Iyesha Rocke

Links http://twitter.com/MissRocke




Bubbles, I absolutely love bubbles, still at this age (19). I love the way they effortlessly glide through the air and just… burst when you least expect or want them to. I remember once visiting the Science Museum and an assistant demonstrating a special kind of substance that created bubbles that lasted for hours. The thing is, one of the most interesting things about a bubble is when it bursts. It’s that captivating moment that sends children sprinting desperately at birthday parties trying to pop as many bubbles as possible. If you read my introduction in last month’s M.E.X, you’d know that what I’m talking about is not the wonder of soap bubbles, but a metaphorical ‘bubble’ that as Christians, we can often form around ourselves. We can completely absorb ourselves in church, sermons, books, gospel music and Christian friends, until we rarely know a thing about what’s going on in the world, and it isn’t until we can try to evangelise to people with our Christian lingo and restricted happy-clappy view of the world, we realise that a lot of what we say can be completely irrelevant, if we lack knowledge of the culture we all live in. I was actually researching bubbles, and hoping that in my research i’d find there was something that passed through that flimsy sphere. Bubbles have a soapy outer surface and it seemed that practically anything that comes into contact with them causes them to burst, solid, liquid or gas. I thought if I could find a particular gas that is an exception to this, I could relate it to how we’re meant to be, but funnily enough, nothing exceeds the walls of a bubble. In fact, the most interesting thing is that the only thing that does pass through a bubble is light.


I believe we’re in a generation which gets caught up so easily in everything that surrounds us. It’s easy to forget who we are, and that our standards significantly differ from those around us. There’s a verse; 2 Corinthians 6:14 which reads, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” You see, it’s so easy to just put this down to relationships, and not dating non-believers, but the other day my Mum pointed out that this applies to our friendships too. In Biblical terms, two oxen would be yoked together, that is, attached with a wooden beam connecting them to one another. They’re forced to go to exactly the same places, at the same times, walking perfectly synchronised. I’m not saying we aren’t to have non-Christian friends, but we have to be careful who we’re walking with. I’m a huge fan of building each other up in fellowship, sticking together as one huge family, desperately seeking after holiness together. I love that I have a weekly cell group where I can meet with my sisters and talk about Christian stuff, yet if we’re just filling up on God and his amazing Word, blowing up the bubble, watching it grow larger and larger and just keeping it all to ourselves, it’ll be useless. Yes, the light we have will radiate through this bubble, it will pass through and cause people to show interest in how different we are. Yet, we all need to reach that moment, when we come into conversations with non-believers, we make contact, and like children running excitedly at a party, it is my prayer we will always be overwhelmed with an eagerness to see the bubbles burst.

It’s easy to read this and mistake me for being a low standard Christian who believes in coming and staying as you are. So as I embark on this journey to pursue a balance in being relevant yet royal, I thought I’d begin just where I believe God wants us to begin: pursuing holiness.

Contributor - Jennifer Perry

Links http://twitter.com/missjrperry http://alifecalledlove.tumblr.com/



THE PRICE TAG So I was not the average 20 year old; my life had started out quite strange. I grew up in the predominately Caucasian area of Sale on the outskirts of Greater Manchester with 3 siblings of which I was the third child. I loved school and I always wanted to be an actor from as far as I can remember. I remember a time when I had got through the 1st stage of an audition and then my mum had brought me to Granada studios to audition for the final stage for a programme called Children’s Ward, wow who remembers that show?

Featuring Ni-Cola


Speaking of mum she’s one of my biggest inspirations. Although she was a single parent you wouldn’t have guessed it by the way she was always so strong, she raised us all single handedly and sent us all to private school. When I became a Christian (aged 13) I started out on a journey that I wasn’t sure of but knew this was the right path to choose. When I was 18 I worked in America for a few months, and then lived in Sweden for just under a year to attend Bible school. This was an awesome time in my life, where I became totally committed to Jesus and decided to lay my life down for whatever He called me to do in this world. I had never struggled with knowing He had a plan for my life even though my father informed me that I was the result of a one night stand. Fortunately although he wanted to abort me, my mother went through with the pregnancy and that’s how my life began. It was a Monday evening and we were getting ready to go to one of my close friends parties. I had not long returned from Bible school so I was really excited to see all my friends. The week before mum didn’t seem herself and so we took her to hospital. The nurse said “everything will be ok and we’ll take care of her.” I had a shower that night before the party and noticed some red bruising on my legs like burst blood vessels. I came out of the shower and the phone rang. In the next 10 seconds I heard the loudest scream I had ever heard in my entire life and without any communication from my sister I knew what it meant. It was 7.40 pm or there about and the hospital had rang my brother to tell him my mum was dead. We called everyone we could and then raced to the hospital; my brother was in such a rush that we got pulled over the police. We got to the hospital and she was just lying there. She didn’t move, she didn’t say anything, we even prayed for several hours that God would raise her from the dead but nothing changed.


I could not believe what was happening to us. That beautiful woman who gave me life had just closed her eyes on this side of eternity and I didn’t know why. I questioned God. The days that followed were lonely, full of repeated stories, visiting the funeral home, all of us sleeping in one bed, long silences and deep breaths. As I walked into the church for the funeral to Kirk franklin’s ‘Mommas Song’, I couldn’t believe that it was true... All these people had turned up because she really had gone. Within a year of her passing I felt there was very little to live for and so i tried to commit suicide. I’d written a note to my family and took the tablets and longed to be with mum. Fortunately I was unsuccessful. I had tried to cope with my mum’s death but it had almost destroyed me. Through my grief I cried out to God I asked him to heal me. A friend had said Ni-Cola, why not write a song and I thought “Are you crazy!” but then I slowly put pen to paper and wrote my first single ‘Still Here’. Cutting a long story short, God spoke to me and said I know you’re hurting but will you do this for me. I want you to tell people about me, share your story with those who have lost also. They will make it because of you and even if you cry it’s OK. And so for the last 6 years I’ve ministered around the world, this beautiful Gospel. If mum hadn’t died would I still be a gospel artist? I don’t know, I doubt it. This experience has caused me great pain but I now use my story to help others who have faced similar challenges to know with Jesus we can always make it through. Jesus was on a cross murdered in broad daylight in front of His mother and a mass crowd. He endured all of that so that i might live. It’s because of Him why I sing.

Links http://www.ni-cola.com http://www.twitter.com/NiColamusic



Recording artist Ni-Cola kicks off 2011 with a bang, with the announcement of her forthcoming release. A brand new infectious praise and worship song. ‘Better Is One Day’, is a fusion of contemporary Gospel, with Rock, Jazz, and Soul influences. The track was co-written by Ni-Cola and Bolaji Olatoye, describing “the joyous journey of being in Gods presence and with Gods people” (Psalms 84). With production by none other than Marho Ovie-Bateren (Joel Brown) “Wait on the Lord-Satisfaction guaranteed EP”. This track is sure to get you praising God and will be celebrated amongst Gospel lovers in 2011.

The Manchester based singer/ songwriter, fuses Gospel with R&B, Jazz, Funky House. Ni-Cola’s songwriting is genuine, heartfelt, and gets to the root of the matter. Her strong Gospel influences include, CeCe Winans, Joanne Rosario and Israel Houghton, all of whom have hugely impacted her during her early years as a musician due to their vocal style, musicality, professionalism and infectious anointing. 2010 was an exciting year for NiCola. Having gone solo from her record company Ni-Cola has Set up umbrella company “Ni-Cola Ministries” (a not for profit organization); that seeks to spread the Gospel through music, mentor aspiring artists and young people, assist churches in accessing funding, and acts as a catalyst for growth in the kingdom. With well over 50 performances in 2010, the Manchester based singer was nominated for a Gospel Music award. Also having just returned


from her United States, “Back to school tour”. Her music is being played across the globe from the UK to the USA, and was even being played on New York’s top Gospel station! The Mancunian has ministered across the UK, Europe, the Caribbean and the USA, sharing the stage with artists such as Lieutenant Sitchie, Lisa McClendon, Israel Houghton and Chevelle Franklyn to name a few. Ni-Cola will be promoting her new single at her forthcoming shows. The single will be available exclusively on her website from 12am on the 24th February at www. ni-cola.com for 24 hrs as a free present (to celebrate her birthday) to all her fans and then for retail from iTunes on February 25th.

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