R o be rt L a D u k e Solo Exhibition
R o be rt L a D u k e Solo E xhibition
Meyer Gallery
225 Canyon Road Santa Fe, NM 87501 505.983.1434 800.779.7387 www.meyergalleries.com
Santa Fe, NM (August 4, 2021): Robert LaDuke’s narrative-style paintings blend imagery from the artist’s dreams, distant memories, and known reality. As a result, his idyllic depictions of American culture and westward travel are nostalgic and familiar, yet often surreal and unpredictable. The artist features his latest explorations of this theme for his Solo Exhibition opening on September 24th from 5-7pm. Artwork will be available in the gallery and online at meyergalleries.com. “For some paintings I’m creating places from different eras that look authentic but never really existed,” says LaDuke of his new work. “Others have structures that do exist, but not in the setting they are placed. They feel to me to be a little like the way I see places in my dreams. I swear I’ve been to these places but can’t quite place them.” Flattened perspectives, saturated colors and clean, sharp lines characterize LaDuke’s painting style, while his subject matter is transportation oriented with vintage automobiles, ships, trains and planes set against iconic backdrops from the American west. These resonating landscapes can be identified by familiar landmarks from national parks or southwest rock formations, yet are fabricated scenes from the artist’s imagination. LaDuke is fascinated by the 1930s-40s era cars and architecture as it reminds him of his childhood, but will also explore mid-century style themes in several new pieces. “I’m creating a past that looks somewhat convincing, but in reality never existed,” says LaDuke. “There’s something about building my own world that appeals to me.” Robert LaDuke lives and works in Huntington Beach, California. He attended the School of Art Institute of Chicago, a private university associated with the Art Institute of Chicago, where he received the Presidential Scholarship. He has been painting and exhibiting his work professionally for over 20 years.
De co
a cr y l i c
15 x 15
Shi proc k
a cr y l i c
15 x 15
Late Arrival
acr y lic 11.5 x 30.5
Felix a cr y l i c 15 x 15
Deliveries a cr y l i c
15 x 15
Autumn a c r yl i c
15 x 15
Cold Moon acrylic
23 x 24
Radio acrylic
15 x 15
Delivery acrylic
12 x 12
12 x 12
Bees acrylic 11 x 47
18 x 18
Betty acrylic
18 x 14
Zep Diner acrylic
11 x 22
Stardust acrylic
15 x 20
Adobe acrylic
11.25 x 21.50
Waiting acrylic
11.5 x 22
Rodeo acrylic
15 x 15
Packard acrylic
15 x 15
Robert L aDuke Solo e xhibition Price List Deco
acry l i c
Shi prock
acry l i c
Lat e Arri val
acr y l i c
11 . 5 x 3 0 . 5
Fel i x
acr y l i c
D el i veri es
acry l i c
Aut umn
acryl i c
Col d Moon
acryl i c
Radi o
acry l i c
Del i very
acry l i c
Price List G arage
acry l i c
$3,800 $8,500
acry l i c
11 x 4 7
acry l i c
Bet t y
acry l i c
Zep Di ner
acry l i c
11 x 2 2
St ardust
acry l i c
acryl i c
Wai t ng
acry l i c
11 . 5 x 2 2
acry l i c
acryl i c
11 . 2 5 x 2 1 . 5
Robert L aDuke Solo e xhibition
September 24, 2021 - October 7, 2021
Meyer Gallery
225 Canyon Road Santa Fe, NM 87501 505.983.1434 800.779.7387 www.meyergalleries.com