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JOURNAL 2: A01 CONSTRUCTS & CHAPTER 2 •  Family: Things found in your room •  Chair •  Bed Frame •  Lamp •  Fan •  Spoon •  Cup •  Bo9le •  Desk •  Window Shah, S. n.d.. Structure -­‐ Types of Structures -­‐ Defini3on & Classifica3on. [online] Available at: h9p://www.enggpedia.com/civil-­‐engineering-­‐ encyclopedia/dicIonary/structural-­‐engineering/ 334-­‐structure-­‐types-­‐of-­‐structures [Accessed: 13 Aug 2013]. Slideshare.net. 2011. Types of structures. [online] Available at: h9p://www.slideshare.net/ jgc.tecnologia/types-­‐of-­‐structures [Accessed: 13 Aug 2013].

TUTORIAL: In the tutorial we a9empted to create a standing tower made of thin wooden beams.


We did this by creaIng a triangular base with columns supporIng the level above creaIng a compressed structure. From the readings and lecture we know that this is a Truss structure. With a truss structure the angled beams create compression while the horizontal beams at the bo9om are prone to tension.

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