JOURNAL 3: TUTORIAL: A#er comple+ng the weekly quiz, In this week’s tutorial we completed 4 site visits. The sites we explored all had common features in terms of their structures. CHAPTER 3 -‐ CHING READINGS
Soldier beams are supported with horizontal wales that are braced with diagonal steel rankers bearing on foo+ngs (Ching)
JOURNAL 3: Site Visit 1: Ormond Pavilion & Theology Centre • Substructure coated with waterproofing sheets. • Steel tray for concrete slab shaping. To create a change for forces of compression and tension • Can+lever beam with columns suppor+ng it. – Weight is supported on one primary beam • Concrete finishing was done with +mber pressured on it
Site Visit 2: Queen’s College • Wall is a structure (3 sides) • Using exis+ng building as support • Box guUer present
Site Visit 3: MSLE Building • Roof supported by exis+ng structure • Steel Frame • Constraints: Subsidizing at different levels • Buildings created ad different heights Site Visit 4: Eastern Precinct Student Centre • Can+lever Structure • One Primary Beam, with secondary beams running across • Steel Frame