A L G O R I T H M I C S K E T C H B O O K Matthew Greenwood 2014
“Scales� Week ones algorithmic sketchbook activity invovled the creation of a scale like model using curves, lofts, move commands and sequence moves in grasshopper. The ability to create one form and quickly generate different versions. The great advantage in using rhino is that even at the end when all the forms had been created I could still go back and change the inital shape and all the rest would update.
Criticism on Presentation of work. In order to more clearly present my models from now on I will avoid using a dark background such as this. In doing so my journals will look much more consistant and visually appealing.
‘Shell Shelter’ This shelter idea was the algorithmic task for week 2. I chose it to display here as I really suprised myself with ow fast I was able to create it.
Structure 1 This was my first outcome with the week 3 task. I imagine it to be a standing structure with shade and room to stand underneath.
Structure 2 My second attempt at the week 3 task produced an object that looked more like a sculpture than play equipment or a shelter.
“CACTUS” The idea of this weeks algorithmic sketch was to arrange objects on a lofted surface. After that I created a base for the object using lofts and intersects.
“BIOTHING EXPERIMENTATION” This is my extrapolation of the biothing task. We were asked to recreate the biothing and take it further. I lofted different curves and added intersects to create a frame. My intention was to create something that may appear like a habitable structure.