Virtual Environments Week 7

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Module 3 - Fabrication Matthew Greenwood

Student Number: 641211 Semester 1/2011 Group: 4


Panelling, Unrolling and Numbering in Rhino

Over the last few weeks I found that my rhino model had very limited connection to my original pattern concept. After the feedback from the Module 2 presentations I decided to take a look at my earlier models and bring forward some elements into my current designs. I looked at my first model, and tried the implement the ideas of repetition, scaling and the play on light that the triangular shapes offered. The scaling in my current model manifest itself within the cut out sections within certain panels. At the back (the edge closet to the user) these cut outs are small and towards the front these cut outs become progressively larger. I also implemented a triangular 3D pattern to the surface of the model, this harkened back to the triangular and edgier form of my original model. To easily flatten and assemble my model, I grouped certain clusters of panels and separated each of these groups with different colours. I also labeled these pieces so once printed I knew exactly which part corresponded to what section of the model.


Tabs & Grasshopper

I used the grasshopper plug in to create neat tabs for my model, the neatness of the tabs is very important as I had considered allowing them to be visible on the exterior of the model to further create a different texture to the surface. I found the grasshopper plugin to be very helpful and quite straightforward to use however I imagine create a rule/recipe from scratch would be quite challenging.


Templates and Paper Testing

I have been working on the model at home manually cutting out the panels as I need them. In previous models I had been using 110gsm paper which I knew right from the start would be far to flimsy for my final model to be crafter from. Knowing this I purchased a small amount of 200gsm paper to create a few sections from, this is a lot stiffer but I could still consider going for an even heavier paper/card.


Partial Model Making

The model making process for the 2D portions of my panelling is quite straightforward and I enjoy crafting these pieces. I used small pegs to hold the tabs together while the glue dried. Originally I had been using a glue stick however I found that the glue was not strong enough so I experimented with other alternatives, using tape which was unsightly and super glue at one stage which soaked through and stained parts of my paper. Finally I settled on PVA craft glue. Letting the glue semi dry on a separate piece of cardboard before using a skewer to apply it to my model tabs. I found this was the strongest adhesive and the most practical. The 3D panels of my model proved to be more challenging however they worked and I will just have to be patient when creating my final model.


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