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Watermelon Babies Are Real
April Fools 2021 Woman Gives Birth To Watermelon
— Ariana González, The Extrovert
In the city of Lyon, France, a woman has given birth to a watermelon. Odette Cordonnier, who is 31 years old, reports As the weeks passed, Cordonnier was still at the hospital. having eaten a watermelon seed 9 months prior only to Even after 25 weeks of being at the hospital, the doctors had not experience morning sickness a couple of weeks later. managed to figure out what was in Cordonnier’s womb. “I woke up one morning feeling incredibly sick,” Mrs. “They performed what seemed like thousands of tests on her,” Cordonnier said. “I asked my husband to take me to the doctor Mr. Cordonnier said. “Even after all of that, they found absolutely because something just did not feel right.” nothing. Once they were at On February 27th, the doctor’s office, 2021, Cordonnier they were informed went into labor. that Cordonnier was The doctors pregnant. Cordonnier were incredibly and her husband had concerned as to been wanting a child for how the birth would years. go considering she “I was beyond excited was not birthing a because I have always child. Surprisingly, wanted to be a father,” the birth process Mr. Cordonnier said. went well, but the As the weeks went by, result surprised everything seemed to be everyone. going perfectly for the “It was a couple and their child watermelon,” Mr. who was on the way, Cordonnier said. until they went to the “My wife gave birth doctor’s to find out the to a watermelon sex of the baby. that weighed 22 “While the doctor Photo by Nursing Schools Near Me from Creative Commons pounds.” was performing What surprised the ultrasound, In the picture above, Odette Cordonnier is shown 4 months into her Cordonnier the most, they found that pregnancy with “Jeanette.” besides the fact that my baby had not she had just birthed been developing,” a watermelon that Cordonnier said. “Instead, it was round, like a ball.” weighed 22 pounds, was that she found herself caring about the Doctor Émile Auclair reports not having seen anything like it in watermelon. his entire 40 year long career. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but I can not help it,” Mrs. “It was mindblowing because the baby was just round, Cordonnier said. “I honestly care about this watermelon as if it shaped like a sphere,” Auclair said. “There were no hands, no was my child.” feet, nothing. We immediately took blood samples from Mrs. She actually the watermelon so much that not only did she keep Cordonnier to run tests and figure out what was wrong with her it, she also named it. child.” “She named it Jeanette, after her mother,” Mr. Cordonnier said. The results of the blood tests showed that Cordonnier was not “I honestly did not know what to do at first, but now I realize that pregnant with a child, however, the tests could not figure out since I love my wife to death, I have to come to terms with the what was inside the womb. Because of this, Cordonnier had to fact that I now have a watermelon child.” stay at the hospital so the doctors could keep running more tests Since the birth of “Jeanette,” the Cordonniers have become the and keep a close watch on her pregnancy. talk of Lyon, as they are seen everywhere carrying a watermelon “I was terrified,” Mrs. Cordonnier said. “I felt like a lab rat the in a stroller. entire time and I could not believe that there was some unknown “A lot of people may say it is dumb or simply outrageous, but I object inside my body.” quite frankly do not care,” said Cordonnier. “I love my child, and