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Find Your Aura
Find Your Aura and Its Meaning
— Nathan Stramer, General Reporter

If you could describe yourself in a color, what would it be? A dark, angry and hateful color? Maybe a bright, lively, goofy color? This color you would describe yourself as is called an aura. It’s a color that matches up with your personality and the Good understanding of the physical world, passionate and unapologetic Works very well with other people, has an alone side, easy to make friends with way you live your life. The internet has many aura quizzes. Most of them use colors to describe different qualities. One example of the colors that can be seen is orange. A person who has an orange aura is described as lively, optimistic until something changes, good with friendships and adventurous. Blue Green For people who want to figure out their color, it is as easy as taking a quiz. Different quizzes from different websites may have different answers. The QR code at the bottom of the page has a quiz from Buzzfeed. According to Allie Flinn on mindbodygreen, an aura is an unseen spiritual energy field. The world of spirituality has many Highly skilled in public things, can get on a stage and make anyone look their way Radiates love and the ability to be gentle, caring and always willing to help dynamics and can offer information about the world and the people in it. Some people have a very strong aura, and others barely have one at all. There are a couple layers to someone’s aura, also This is just a few of the many aura colors. known as bodies or planes. If your color is not listed, Google is a good The first is the physical aura plane, this one is the aura that information source.represents physical well being. The second is the emotional aura plane, this one directly correlates to emotions and changes with them. The third is the mental aura plane, this one appeals to thoughts, reasoning, and logic. The fourth is the astral body aura plane, this one has to do with love and spiritual health. The fifth is the etheric aura plane; this one represents the body’s blueprint, and physical abilities. Using these five planes Jimmy Hendricks, can really help a person determine their aura. a real Jack-of-alltrades with auras, he was described Disclaimer: as all in one with After clicking personality. “I’m done”, scroll down for your results. to take the aura test Photo by See-ming Lee from Creative Commons Feature November 2020 09