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AVID’s Senior Recognition Wall
AVID Students Shed Light On The Class Of 2021 By Spreading Positivity With The Senior Recognition Wall The Senior Recognition Wall
— Kelsie Hildebrand, Editor-in-Chief
AVID is a class that helps students prepare for college life and life after graduation. Starting in seventh grade, students are recommended by teachers to be enrolled in AVID. This year an AVID student, Senior Ashleigh Tuttle, had an outstanding idea that would showcase the 2021 senior class because of the many things being taken from them this year and last year. “We decided to shift our focus from what things we can do as a class to what things we can do for our school and community,” AVID teacher Megan Schaff said. “The big idea and the one that we wanted to start with was the senior recognition wall.” There have been students with positive and gracious responses, but others may be confused as to what the senior recognition wall is. As of right now, the wall will feature twelve students each week for a week with questions about one’s high school career, what one is missing out on this year due to COVID-19 and what one is looking forward to. “With the senior recognition wall, students' timeliness in getting responses back is key,” Schaff said. “If anybody wants to participate now that they have seen it and intentionally said no, students can absolutely participate by contacting me or one of their classmates in AVID.” The senior recognition wall is meant to bring positivity to the seniors and the school during this school year when there are not as many chances to show Mandan pride. This is a chance for seniors to share their voice and take back their Mandan pride. “I realized we have lost more than the seniors last year, because they were able to have a homecoming and go to school with all their classmates for a majority of the year,” Tuttle said. On the other hand, AVID is a class that helps its students with everyday skills to implement ideas just like the senior recognition wall. AVID class may have an unappealing reputation and stigma, but it holds a high expectation for its students as far as academic work and educates its students on the future and what it has to offer. “Before I was in AVID, I was planning to drop out when I turned 16 and get my GED, but being in that class made me realize how important high school is,” Tuttle said. “Because of it, I am going to college next year when I never had that plan originally.” Schaff expresses that she would love to bring back the AVID club with the intention for its students to support one another. Depending on the purpose of the club, it could be extended to the whole student body. “All it would take would be for some of our students interested in doing something with an idea,” Schaff said. “If you have an idea or want to get something started, let your elective teacher know and let's run with it.”
The wall features six new A students and six new B students every week.

Pictured from left to right are seniors Elizabeth Felderman, Aspen Jewkes and Kelsie Hildebrand during the first week.
The senior recognition wall is located on the first floor by the elevator.
Seniors can contact Mrs. Schaff or an AVID student for more information.