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Maximizing Productivity
Complete Tasks On Time By Maximizing The Time in A Day
— Aspen Jewkes, Opinion Editor
Maximizing productivity can be difficult at times, because we tend to veer off course when times get stressful, or we get lazy. It is very important to stay on track. Staying on track not only means with studies, but also one’s day to day life. “Finding how you can get yourself organized is key, because we are all over the place online and in the classroom,” Mandan High School Counselor Kaitlyn Nichols said. “I think each person really needs to find how they can get organized and get stuff done, in order to continue progressing throughout the school year.” Not only is it important to stay on schedule, but it is also important to get into a routine. Starting a routine can help people stay planned and organized, which in return can maximize one’s productivity. According to North Shore University, “starting a routine starts with deciding what needs to be in one’s routine, setting small goals, laying out a plan, being consistent with time, being prepared, making it fun and rewarding yourself.” Pushing off things that need to be done can create stress, and can keep one up late at night, which is not healthy. “I personally believe that kids should not put off school work until eleven, twelve, one or two in the morning, because they are not getting it done.” Nichols said. “I think getting up and trying to follow what your school day would look like is better for kids, and I have noticed that the kids that do that more are far more successful.” Putting off homework, chores, work and other day to day activities is only a lack of motivation. Motivation can be hard to have, but it is necessary in order to succeed in life. “I believe that basic needs have to be met in order to have motivation to get things done,” Nichols said. “Kids need to eat well, and they need to make sure they are getting enough rest, exercising and doing some self care.” Self care is one thing that can easily be forgotten about, but it is one of the most important things to do for oneself. By doing some self care, one is more likely to succeed, because they are taking care of themselves and allowing stress to escape. According to Perimeter Healthcare, “look for the things that make you feel alive and make dates with yourself, and when you commit to working out or doing something for yourself, keep the commitment you make to yourself.” By keeping commitments to oneself and planning ones days, it can be far easier to concentrate on the task that is in front of one, not twenty tasks at the same time. “Having a schedule really helps me focus on certain tasks without getting overwhelmed.” Nichols said. “I have three calendars that I use to stay organized, one for work, one for meetings and one for my life outside of work.” By staying organized and on top of one’s day to day life, the things such as school work will get done because of the time management that comes with building a schedule or a routine. “Sometimes it takes stepping back and taking things one at a time even if you are overwhelmed,” Nichols said. “Even turning in one or two assignments will lift some of the weight off of your shoulders and can increase your positivity, which is super important when you are using the time that you have to get your work done.” While it may be hard to get in the swing of things, it is really important to set a routine that works for each individual in order to make sure that one is maximizing the time that they have to stay on top of things. There are many factors that play into staying on track, and it is important to find the things that work for each individual. November 2020 15