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MHS’s Hardest Classes
How to Survive Mandan High School’s Hardest Classes
— Leah Emineth, General Reporter
Mandan High School offers a plethora of classes ranging from broadcasting to welding. Some of these classes can be particularly challenging, but having a bit of insight on some of these classes before going into them can be very helpful. Latin is one of the more challenging classes at Mandan. “I decided to stay in Latin all four years because I love the Roman culture and the history behind the language that helped form the English language.”, Senior Olivia Obrigewitch said, a four year Latin student. Learning another language has challenges, but Latin is especially hard for many people because Latin does not have a set word order. “The most difficult part about Latin is definitely translating because there is no set word order so you are always looking at endings to see what nouns go with what adjectives.” AP Chemistry is another historically hard class at Mandan. “AP Chemistry is hard because you have to learn and retain a lot of information, and it can be really overwhelming.” Junior Ashton Boehm said. AP chemistry has a lot of intense course work that can be very difficult especially with the hybrid schedule. “One thing I wish I would have known is that AP Chemistry is not a class that you can succeed in by yourself,” Boehm said. “Chemistry teacher Dewitt Mack and my classmates provide much needed help and encouragement.” A lot of these classes come with loads of homework, and the content is overall more advanced. A lot of people struggle with classes like Latin and AP Chemistry due to the hard material and the class takes a lot of dedication. “ My best advice for someone interested in taking AP Chemistry is to be prepared to work hard, it is not an easy class, so be prepared to have to study for countless hours. It is a great class if you are looking for a challenge.” Boehm said. Keeping in mind that these classes are very advanced, it is important to remember that these classes are not a good fit for everyone. Many people taking these classes plan on using the information and content learned in the class in their career.
Photo by Aspen Jewkes

Photo submitted by Livia Obrigewitch
Pictured above left is the Latin IV book used at Mandan High School to translate terms and to learn the culture of Ancient Rome. Pictured above right are bottles of chemicals that are frequently used in AP Chemistry labs.