make new contacts. discover cutting-edge solutions. take advantage of the latest trends
With over 900 of the world’s leading manufacturing and supply chain solution providers under one roof, you can see firsthand what the future holds – and find the tools you need to shockproof your operations and move your business forward. From hands-on demonstrations to 150 educational seminars and four exciting keynote speeches, attending ProMat is your unrivaled opportunity in 2023 to find solutions, connect with your peers and leading solution-providers and learn the latest trends and technologies that can help you touch the future of supply chain success.
• Discover new ways to reduce operating costs & increase efficiency
• Find ideas for streamlining and automating your operations
• Build strong business relationships with your peers and suppliers from around the world
• See the latest equipment and tech solutions, in person, in-action
• Participate in thought-provoking keynotes and more than 150 educational seminars on emerging trends and technologies
Monday | March 20, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday | March 21, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday | March 22, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday | March 23, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
As the speed of manufacturing and logistics operations continues to accelerate, your company’s future success depends on today’s forwardthinking decisions. On March 20-23, supply chain professionals from across the world will have an incredible opportunity to connect, learn, share and get a front-row seat to where our world is headed. So whatever solutions you need to move your business – and your career –forward, you’ll find them all at ProMat 2023.
The StartUp Pavilion is a specialized area on the ProMat show floor where companies showcase emerging supply chain tech and innovation.
There’s no substitute for meeting face-to-face and watching equipment and technology operate in real time. ProMat 2023 gives you the chance to do both. ProMat brings the manufacturing and supply chain industry’s most influential thoughtleaders and next-generation solutions together under one roof to create the ideal environment for learning, networking and problem-solving.
The future of the manufacturing and supply chain industry starts at ProMat. It’s where the brightest minds in the industry come together. In an industry that’s constantly evolving, you have to stay ahead of the curve, which is why ProMat brings together all the products, services, and know-how you need to compete in the world we now live in.
In addition to free attendance, ProMat 2023 offers all the resources you need to get your management’s approval to come to Chicago in March. Visit promatshow.com/approval to find proposal writing tips and budgeting strategies. After all, the connections, education and solution-sourcing at ProMat could positively impact your business for years to come.
ProMat is an international event with manufacturing and supply chain professionals attending from the United States and across the globe. To accommodate our international visitors, we offer special interpreting services, meeting rooms and matchmaking tools to help you take full advantage of a global economy.
ProMat gives you a preview of what lies ahead in the manufacturing and supply chain industries. Whether it’s a new product or technology, a new process, ESG, or a regulation that’s going to impact the way you do business, you’ll learn about it here. With a comprehensive educational program of keynotes and show floor educational seminars led by industry experts and leading authorities, ProMat 2023 offers you the insight and information you need to tackle today’s challenges – and prepare for what the future holds.
Never before have materials handling dealers had access to such a broad line of quality equipment from a single manufacturer. Whether your customers need standard products or custom solutions, Presto ECOA Lifts is the place to turn.
For product details, catalogs, and price lists contact your Presto ECOA representative or visit PrestoLifts.com
As you are reading this month’s edition, many of you are most likely planning to attend ProMat 2023 at the end of the month. I know I am eagerly looking forward to catching up with industry colleagues, suppliers, OEMs, and distributors. It is my assumption that attendance will be at record levels as was with MODEX 2022 where that show saw a 20% increase in attendance to its 2018 show.
I know attendees will be looking forward to seeing the latest technologies in the material handling and supply chain industry, including automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence. As labor shortage continues to be a trend with our industry’s target customers such as warehouses, fulfillment centers, etc., these warehousing companies are looking to automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence to not only attract and retain a younger generation but also to fill the voids of said shortage of labor in warehousing facilities.
Now you are thinking, okay, we know this, ‘So what does this have to do with your Aftermarket column topic, Chris?’ Well, the labor shortage is not only affecting your customers and prospective customers' facilities, it has been a hot topic within dealerships and continues to remain as such. The competition for talent is no longer just a topic about your service technician workforce. In addition to service technicians, the competition for parts professionals, sales staff, office personnel, and management continues to be fierce. As an MHEDA business trend for 2023 states: ‘Members are competing for talent across industries and must be aware of current compensation levels, benefits, and flexible working opportunities in order to address recruitment and retention challenges.’ The ability to attract, recruit, and retain talent will have an impact on the success of your entire operation.
Many dealers that have been on the growth trajectory the past few years often share with me the same conundrum; their service growth is still limited by the lack of technicians available to hire within the industry. The math is simple; you cannot increase your service revenue if you are
unable to increase your service capacity to attract new customers and get more equipment signed up for service agreements if you are not staffed with an adequate amount of service technicians. As many of the Baby Boomer generation of skilled technicians retiring from the workforce, dealers and independent service providers continue to face a shortage of technicians and they will have to continue to find ways to attract the younger generation to this profession.
Our industry has recognized this trend for several years now, in fact, a while back MHEDA partnered with the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) to create the Certified Forklift Technician (CFT) program. I believe this will continue to aid in the effort to close the gap on the shortage of technicians in our industry. I also think the younger generations (Millennials and Gen Z) have not been exposed to this profession or skill set when they were in high school, as previous generations were, with courses such as automotive class. If high school students are not exposed to skilled trades, such as being a technician in high school, how are they going to know that this career path exists when they graduate? Furthermore, with this skilled trade being in such high demand, how can we educate the students that may be interested knowing that there is a career path waiting for them that does not require years and years of college, not to mention the skyrocketing tuition costs that come with going to college? I firmly believe high schools should get back to having these courses as an option for students to explore this career path, rather than just solely deploying a ‘one-size fits all’ mentality of only preparing these students for college.
The competition for the existing pool of skilled service technicians remains fierce in our industry. Increased compensation levels as a tactic to recruit and attract service technicians lead to increased service labor rates that are then passed on to the end customer; which in turn can also have an impact on your profitability depending on what your market can tolerate for service labor rates.
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At EPS, we’re absolutely committed to delivering the best quality reman engines and parts available anywhere. We also strive to make it easy for you to get what you need as quickly as possible, so you can get back to work. That’s why we provide so many “extras” that are all part of the deal when you do business with us.
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A department within dealerships that is near and dear to me in my current role is the Parts Department. I continue to hear from dealers that they are also having trouble filling the labor gap in finding experienced parts professionals. Parts Departments are also seeing their older, experienced and skilled generation of parts professionals retire from the workforce. The talent pool of parts professionals within our industry that are equipped with an established knowledge of ITA truck and carriage classifications, most common parts, understand the various model and serial numbers for major OEMs, and have part numbers memorized in their heads, is shrinking as well.
In addition to having technical parts knowledge and experience, successful parts professionals have strong customer service and sales skills with abilities to work effectively and efficiently over the phone, by email and at the parts counter. Dealers will need to continue to invest in their training efforts to develop the next generation of skilled parts professionals, while also investing in technologies that make the research or lookup of parts easier, managing inventory more efficiently, and the transaction of a parts sale seamless. Technologies such as an intuitive ERP business system and the ability to for online parts sales (e-commerce) will also help close the labor gap within the parts departments, allowing your skilled parts professionals to work more effectively and profitably.
At a recent industry event, a presenter said the following that resonated as it relates to the Parts Department, “Your customer will wait for a part; however, they will not wait for a response.” As you are looking to recruit, attract, and retain talent within your operation, I feel that is a very important concept to consider when you hire and train your staff and invest in technologies to optimize your operations.
I look forward to expanding on this topic in future articles.
Chris Aiello is the Business Development Manager at TVH Parts Co. He has been in the equipment business for 16-plus years as a service manager, quality assurance manager, and business development manager.
Mezzanine Deck from DACS is the ideal sub-flooring material for mezzanines, catwalks and overhead aisle ways - available with a bright white paint finish or a galvanized finish on the underside
sits flush with the top of the beam, creating a smooth flat surface for product to slide on & off easily.
•Sizes available to fit any standard rack
•Can also be used attached to the floor for elevated bottom-level storage.
•Stronger and less expensive than wood or wire
•Perfect for use in cantilever rack
I spend hours on a daily basis reading and listening to information regarding the equipment industries, rental industries, and the economy in general. Summing up all that has transpired and presented to me by various sources since the beginning of the year have provided me with enough to write a book about. But don’t worry, we will cover the major points in this month’s contribution to MHW.
I decided on the Winner/Looser title after attending an online seminar presented by Nomi Prins via Rouge Economics. I really enjoy her almost daily emails and find them quite useful. In an event, Nomi started the presentation by stating that every time Congress passes a major spending bill both private and public companies will EITHER fall on the “WINNER” side or the “LOSER” side because of the changes in our laws or plans contained in the spending bill. Kind of makes sense. Nomi then went through a few examples, and it even made more sense.
For example. As EV products increase the demand for the materials to produce batteries increases as do the prices for these materials. WINNER – Mining companies as well as EV parts suppliers. LOOSER- Car or vehicle manufacturers will have to increase the price of their products as well as lose future parts and service business.
I also read an article in the European rental magazine and find that OEMs in Europe are selling more and more products direct to rental companies and end users. In another publication, I see that the demand for EV products is in high demand. Selling direct means dealers are being transformed into service providers, who are going to lose work because EVs require less maintenance and are made up of fewer parts. What do dealers do with their current fleets and how will the valuation of those units impact dealer sustainability and solvency?
Another comment in the EU publication noted that there is a buying frenzy in terms of OEMs. If this takes place you have to believe that the consolidation of dealers is close behind.
You get the drift…..The demand and requirements of conversion to EV are creating both “WINNERS AND LOSERS”, which can generate benefits if dealers plan to put themselves on the W side. Dealers with access to capital can do this. Hedge funds will jump on the bandwagon to assist as they have been with related industries.
This consolidation may already be in the works. I work in Chicago and in the rental business and within the last five years the major public rental companies have bought out privately owned dealers and rental companies to the point where there are only a couple of independent rental companies in the market. As they say on TV….”What’s in your wallet?
Some good news on the manufacturing front. The growth of annual reshoring and foreign direct job announcements increased from 6000/ year in 2010 to 350,000 /year in 2022. Who will be the W or L regarding this change? All I know is after seeing the internal operation of the Tesla plant in Texas I did not see a lot of people or lift trucks moving materials through the process. Robots were doing most of the work. How will your company plan for this opportunity? Material handling dealers benefited from the expansion of distribution centers to bring completed products closer to end users. Do your products and services supplied on the distribution side carry over to the manufacturing side? Are OEMs addressing this opportunity to help you understand this new revised market? You have to assume that EVs will be a big part of the manufacturing question as well.
I also listened in to the Davos meeting last week. They had Jamie Dimon from JP Morgan Chase on and asked him about his comments regarding a recession in the offing. He replied, “As CEO of JP Morgan Chase I have a responsibility to plan for any and every event they can think of". A recession. Expansion. Interest rates. Inflation. Deflation. The length of the rate hikes. China coming back into the world economy. Energy costs. Customer exposure and so on. In short, do not stick to one program
without having an “out” if you need it. Dimon said they are reviewing their risks three years out.
Speaking of China, what happens this year in China will impact the war on inflation and the number of rate hikes. If China’s consumption rebounds, it could drive prices considerably higher. And the L could be manufacturers and distributors who find another round of price hikes to deal with.
So where do material handling dealers fit into this crazy economic maze? Probably on the W side in some cases and the L side in terms of EV and solvency issues. What you can probably count on is the inflation battle will be longer with interest rates higher for some time, especially if China steps up economic activity.
As part of your thought process, I would get a handle on what your company is worth. What you can do to improve that value. How
Bottom Line continued you can blend in with the EV dynamo. How you can add value to current customers. How you can add value and provide needed services to manufacturers. And one last off-the-wall consideration is whether you have any children interested in the material handling business.
I ask about the children because I work on a number of M&A projects and find that a wellrun profitable business isn’t being passed down to the next generation. When I ask “why?”, I am told they are not interested. Unfortunately, I find this to be the case 80% of the time. Drives me nuts.
Garry Bartecki is a CPA MBA with GB Financial Services LLC and a Wholesaler columnist since August 1993. E-mail editorial@ mhwmag.com to contact Garry.
The Ecopoint charger from Ecotec is a full featured industrial battery charger available in 2 models for 8 hr. and 10 hr. recharge. The standard ECO-250 control offers data management normally found only in much more expensive chargers.
For pallet jacks, consider the fully automatic STC taper charger. Plugs into any 120V outlet for convenience and portability.
For the ultimate in efficiency and flexibility, consider the Access high frequency charger. Models are available for both conventional and opportunity charging.
This new series explores the consequences of failing to recognize that maintaining and advancing computer technology is dependent upon raising the education and skill levels of more Americans. The widespread illusion that your electronic device provides all the data or answers you will ever need is causing many to question the value of obtaining a good education, when, in fact, it is human intelligence that produces technological innovation. If education falters, so eventually will technology.
Claudia Chacon’s two boys attend Fairfax High School in Los Angeles. While they get good grades in English and math on their report cards, she was chagrined to learn that neither of them met grade-level standards in these subjects on California’s state-wide achievement tests. She is worried that their report cards inflate what they actually have learned. Claudia thinks that her sons aren’t fully prepared for college or any other type of post-secondary learning. Rather than equipping them for the future are they in fact being given a ticket to nowhere?
The Los Angeles Times compared districtwide spring 2022 grades in the city with the results of California’s Smarted Balanced test scores. These findings were reported in a December 22, 2022, article:
• 73% of 11th-graders received grades of A, B, or C in math; only 19% tested at grade level.
• 79% of 8th-graders received grades of A. B, or C in math; only 23% tested at grade level.
• 85% of 6th-graders received grades of A, B, or C in English; only 40% tested at grade level.
• 82% of 7th-graders received grades of A. B. or C in English, and only 43% tested at grade level.
It appears that report card grades are a smokescreen hiding serious gaps in student learning skills and knowledge. Los Angeles it not an outlier; grade inflation is rampant throughout the United States. Social promotion or advancing students by age rather than through achieving
appropriate grade-level academic attainment has become common in U.S. elementary and secondary schools.
What does this mean for the overall state of education across America? Our public and private schools are central to developing the critical education mass need to support the skill demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Forty years ago, President Ronald Reagan’s administration produced a report entitled “The Nation at Risk.” It warned that U.S. schooling was producing “a rising tide of mediocrity.” Has anything really changed?
Since 1990 the U.S. Department of Education has conducted the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) commonly called the Nation’s Report Card. It tests 4th, 8th, and 12th grade students in core academic subjects at 13,600 public and private schools in all 50 states. From 1990 to 2022 most student test scores have been flat or rising very slowly. In reading and math, only 33 to 37 percent of U.S. students are at or above their appropriate grade level. This means that about 66 percent of students are not meeting grade-level standards in reading and math. This was true even before COVID-19 closed most schools across the nation. The 2022 NAEP testing of 4th and 8th graders in reading and math showed scores declined in both subjects at both grade levels. A Stanford University report estimated that learning losses could lower current students’ income over their lifetime by as much as 6 percent.
All of these test results indicate that a significant proportion of U.S. students are not equipped for success in any type of postsecondary education including certificate or apprenticeship programs, and 2- or 4-year college degrees. Annually about 67 percent of high school graduates enroll in these programs However, only about 33 percent graduate.
Our colleges and universities are facing a demographic decline in the number of students at
the traditional age for beginning college studies. Therefore, the competition to enroll and retain students has become more intense especially because federal funding is linked to enrollment in credit-earning courses. For the past 40 years, most colleges and universities offered remedial reading, writing, and math programs to help poorly prepared students gain the skill levels needed for the successful completion of collegecredit courses. As federal funding does not cover remedial courses, some institutions have curtailed or eliminated them which means that such students are now immediately enrolled in credit courses.
Our informal survey of college professors across the country indicates that many of these students are failing in entry-level courses. Often college administrators are pressuring professors to pass the students with a D-grade so they continue to pursue studies at that institution. Also, courses are being dumbed down due to skill deficiencies.
The degrading of educational standards at the K-12 and post-secondary levels is having
profound consequences. Employers in many types of industries are reporting that finding people with the skills needed to fill their vacant jobs is their greatest problem. At the same time, there is a significant number of people aged 18 to 65 who are not employed or seeking employment. Often in localities where the unemployment level is high, there is an elevated level of criminal activity. Better education of students and training in the workplace is not a total solution to these issues. However, people with poor educational preparation or no opportunity to be retrained with the skills needed for new technologies often give up hope for a better future.
In his seminal book, Future Shock, Allen Toffler warned us about this problem. He predicted that the hardest part of adapting to major technological change will be a societal acceptance of the need for higher educational standards. We have now reached that crossroads.
What does the Guggenheim Museum (a classic modern art museum in NYC housed in a building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) have in common with sales success? They recommend that you start at the top.
The building is one big circular ramp. You take an elevator to the top floor and casually walk down eight inspiring floors. It’s the same in sales. Why start at the bottom and fight your way up through people who can’t decide, and who’ll use their one ounce of power to make your life miserable? Take the elevator and start at the top, man. Don’t walk uphill!
Where do you start? How high up the ladder do you dare go when making an initial approach to a prospect? The rule is…The higher you start, the more success you’re likely to meet.
Getting there properly can be tricky. If you just ask for the president, the owner, the boss, or the fearless leader, you may get through, but it will pay you to prepare before making a call to the CEO, especially if the prospect represents an important sale to you.
Here is a four-step plan for contacting and scoring a CEO appointment:
1. Get ready before you start. You only have one shot at it, make it your best one
• Have a written game plan. Target 1 to 10 companies and define in writing what you want to accomplish and what it will take to get what you want.
• Be totally prepared to sell before you make the call. Have everything (sales pitch, concept, samples, daily planner) prepared, and in front of you before you make the first call.
• Identify the leader (by name) and get as much information and as many characteristics as you can. Make calls to underlings, associates and associations to get pertinent information before you make the big call.
2. Use the right tactics when getting to and getting through
• If you get the president’s secretary, get her name and use it.
• Be polite, but firm.
• Be professional.
• Persist you can’t take the first no or rebuff.
• Get his name You can try “how do you spell his last name?” but it’s embarrassing to hear JONES.
• If they won’t put you through the first time…
o Get his extension number
o Get the best time to call
o Find out when he usually arrives
o Find out when he takes lunch
o Find out who sets his calendar
o Find out if he leaves the building at lunch
o Find out when he leaves for the day
An example: You call; the secretary says, “Mr. Jones is on vacation.” You say, “Wow, that’s great, Sally, where did he go?”
• Get anything personal you can (golf, sales meeting time, staff meeting time, important new product) and refer to it subtly when you get him or her on the phone.
• Make sure the person closest to the boss likes you.
• Take a chance on humor. Try this line: I know you actually run the company, but could I speak to the person who thinks they do?
3. When you get him or her on the phone, shoot quickly
• Have your opening line.
• Get right to the point.
• Make it compelling (the best Power Question and statement of your life).
• Ask for no more than 5 minutes (offer to be thrown out if you go past 5).
• Have 5 comebacks if you are initially rebuffed.
Notes about the CEO and the process…
• CEOs are hard to get to, harder to appoint, and easiest to sell.
• If the CEO is interested, he or she will take you by the hand and introduce you to the team member (underling) who will actually do the deal.
• The CEO always knows where to send you to get the job done.
• If they try to pawn you off without seeing you, it means you have not delivered a powerful enough message and he’s not interested. The solution? Fix it. Keep trying until you get an appointment.
• If you start lower than the top, there is danger. No matter how powerful someone says they are or appears to be, they usually have to ask someone else for final approval EXCEPT THE CEO. They usually just ask their secretary or administrative assistant if they liked you. Get the picture? The benefits are obvious…
• The leader is always the decider.
• The CEO may not be directly involved in purchasing what you’re selling, but his or her introduction after a brief “interest generating” meeting can be the difference between the sale and no sale.
• The power of being introduced by the CEO down to the decision-maker is as real as you would hope it is. Beware of the handoff: If the boss tries to hand you off too early (before the proposed five-minute meeting), don’t accept it. Say “I appreciate your wanting to delegate, but the reason I wanted to meet with you personally is that this will impact your
business significantly. I’d like five minutes to show you the highlights and get your reaction before I talk with anyone else in your firm. I know your time is valuable if I take more than 5 minutes, you can throw me out.”
4. Make your five-minute meeting the best you ever had
• Have a proposal in writing.
• Have notes on everything you want to cover.
• Have a list of anticipated questions and answers.
• Have samples or something to demonstrate.
• Have credibility builders your best letter, something in print.
• Be early.
• Look as sharp as you’ve ever looked.
• Be knowledgeable and have answers in terms of how it works for the buyer.
• Be memorable. The thing that sets you apart, the thing that gets remembered is the thing that leads to the sale.
• Deliver You have one chance. Don’t blow it by not following through.
It’s the most challenging, rewarding fun you can have in sales!
The secret of Top-Down Selling is the 4.5 R’s…
• Be resourceful
• Be ready (prepared)
• Be relentless
• Be remembered
There is a 4.5 “R” Risk it.
It’s the only way to make it happen. Go for it.
Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of twelve best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His real-world ideas and content are also available as online courses at www.GitomerLearningAcademy.com.
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP) established in 1968, celebrates its 55th anniversary. In the early years, FSIP designed and manufactured aviation electronics for aircraft and runways. Today, they are recognized for electronic manufacturing, remanufacturing, electrification design, and being a distribution channel offering solutions for battery equipment. The products offered serve numerous markets including material handling, golf cars, ATVs/ UTVs, mining, boating, cleaning, go-karting, ground support equipment, and more.
Solutions has been acquired by GNCO, Inc. effective January 1, 2023. We are excited to be part of its future growth story. This acquisition will make us a stronger, more diversified company geographically and strengthens our OEM partnerships" says Matt Adams, President at GNCO, Inc. FMH will remain under local management and committed to its vendors, suppliers, and customers within Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. "After forty-four (44) years as a forklift distributor, John Faulkner has sold the majority of the FMH Assets to GNCO, Inc., based in Cleveland, Ohio. Faulkner became a
Clark Dealer at the very young age of 27 and was the first Doosan dealer in America. Faulkner also represented Crown, CAT, Mitsubishi, Jungheinrich, Big Joe, Sellick, Kalmar, Donkey, and HELI Forklifts. in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and West Texas. Faulkner says ..."The sell to GNCO, Inc. was the best move for the FMH employees, vendors, and his family".
Faulkner became the largest HELI Distribution Agent in the world in 2022. He will continue the distribution of HELI products under the name Industrial Forklifts, Inc. The HELI business is currently relocating to Phoenix, AZ. "
Jungheinrich AG (“Jungheinrich”) has signed a share purchase agreement with Merit Capital Partners, MFG Partners, and the management of Storage Solutions for the acquisition of 100% of the share capital in the Indiana-based Storage Solutions group. The total consideration agreed under the share purchase agreement consists of a purchase price of approximately USD 375 million (which is subject to customary closing adjustments) and a flexible, performancebased component in the mid to high singledigit percentage range of the purchase price which can be achieved by the retained Storage Solutions management over three years following completion of the transaction. The acquisition will be financed with available cash and debt with limited leverage impact.
Monday, March 20, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Enjoy an afternoon of professional development and networking with women who work in our industry
MHEDA has a number of networking opportunities for YOU!
Stop by the MHEDA booth, grab a Member ribbon and then learn about the latest business resources available.
MHEDA Members Only: Enjoy an adult beverage with your MHEDA colleagues! Join us on Tuesday, March 21st from 4:30 pm6:00 pm at McCormick Place South Thank you reception sponsor UNEX RSVP required
Need a place to meet off the show floor? MHEDA has a conference room available exclusively for Members Reserve your timeslot today
The KION Group is expanding its hydrogen propulsion range. The global intralogistics group will soon develop and produce its own fuel cell systems for its industrial trucks. The company is going to invest more than €11 million in this technology. The KION Group plans to launch its own 24 V fuel cell system for warehouse equipment to the market in spring 2023. Completion of the fuel cell portfolio is expected to follow in the coming years.
Doosan Infracore has changed its name to Develon, company directors announced in a media event at World of Concrete last month. Doosan staff began working to find a new brand name to replace Doosan following the August 2021 sale of Doosan Infracore to HD Hyundai, formerly Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings Co. The name Develon was chosen to convey the company’s drive to “develop onward” to bring innovative solutions to the construction equipment industry through technological transformation and the development of exceptional equipment and services
Maintenance free Li-ion batteries increase safety and efficiency with a lower total cost than lead acid.
High-frequency chargers with CAN communication, voltage detection and multiple outputs enable fast charging with lower utility costs.
As part of the Wiese USA family of companies, Atlantic Lift Truck (ALT) is expanding its Wholesale Division with the creation of a Western States Wholesale Territory. After 45 years in the industry, founder and past ALT CEO/President, Glenn Baer will be developing the new territory. According to Glenn, “I’m having too much fun to retire, and I want to keep my brain active. What better way to have fun than to help forklift dealers of all sizes increase their Used Equipment revenue and Gross Profit!”
Barcoding, Inc., announced its acquisition of FRED Automation, Inc., an automated guided vehicle (AGV) company. This acquisition represents continued expansion and investment in industrial automation for Barcoding, Inc. FRED Automation was spun out of ASI Technologies, Inc. in April 2021. ASI is an electric wheel drive designer and manufacturer and developed its first prototype FRED AGV in 2017.
The Professional Fork Wear Gauge measures the thickness of the forks, is simple to use and lets the user know how much life remains in the fork. It gives accurate results in seconds.
The Professional Chain Wear Gauge is a tool that accurately measures leaf chain and roller chain wear and indicates the percentage of elongation so you know when it’s time to replace your leaf chain safely.
For further details and to buy online please visit
Toyota Material Handling (TMH) announced the promotion of Bill Byrd and Dan Kossow to director-level positions as part of a new strategic vision for the company’s organizational structure to further support and enhance operations and collaboration between corporate sales teams and its renowned nationwide TMH dealer network.
Big Joe Forklifts has announced the addition of Kurt Spyke who will serve as the Strategic Products Manager: New Products. Spyke joins the Big Joe team to build early engagement and customer experiences with new products. Pyke comes to Big Joe with nearly 20 years of experience across the material handling industry. With a focus on new products, Spyke will build and develop relationships throughout Big Joe’s multichannel distribution network to enhance customer engagement, adoption, and experiences in relation to new equipment releases and new market opportunities for the company.
Chris Jeong was recently named the new chief executive officer (CEO) at Doosan Infracore North America. He succeeds Mr. Edward Song, the previous CEO, who was promoted to global sales head of Hyundai Doosan Infracore in Korea. Chris Jeong was named CEO, succeeding Edward Song, who was promoted to global sales head of Hyundai Doosan Infracore in Korea.
Tompkins Solutions just announced that Billy Carter has joined the company as vice president of sales. In this role, Carter will be responsible for delivering systemic solutions to help clients overcome their complex supply chain challenges. Carter has more than two decades of industrial engineering and logistics experience, with a proven track record of developing and implementing supply chain solutions for e-commerce fulfillment and retail distribution operations.
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Th is one-of-a-k i nd wa s ju s t wha t t h e customer ordere d !
Si ng le e n d fift h whee l , front automotiv e or all w heel steer i n g capab i l i t i es O u r equ i pment i s of heavy du ty, a l l welde d steel c onstruct i o n ca p ab l e o f wit h stan d i n g t h e roug h est p u n is h ment
O u r heavy-duty tran sp orter s c ome eq u i p ped w i t h mai n te n a n ce free batte r y an d c harge r, pe n dant c o n tro l , electrome ch a n i c a l d r i ve and steer w it h laser s ca n b u m p ers as an o p t i o n We ca n b u i l d to your s peci fic atio n s or ask a b o u t o u r standar d mo d e l s
Some materia l han d l i ng jobs are s o un iq u e that o n ly c ustom i zed spe c ialty trai l ers c an be used effi ci entl y We c an design and bui l d a n y size or c apa c ity from t h e "groun d u p " the exa c t tra i ler to fit yo u r spe c ia l n eed s
Give u s yo u r spec s , chances are w e b uilt a s i mi l ar un i t befor e an d wit h m i nor mod i ficat i ons , g et you w hat you n ee d
Ca n do u ble or even tr i p l e your forklift's ca p acit y Plu s they are extremely maneuvera b l e
O ur p ate n te d PH I LL I P S A uto-D u mp B u c ket wi l l i n crea s e effi ci e n cy a nd red uc e the c o s t of h a nd l i n g almo s t a n y loose i n dus tr i a l mater i a l Our b u c kets are a vaila b le from 1/2 - 20 c u bic yar d s All operat i on s are han d led by t h e c ranema n . It c an n ot be d um p ed i n mi d -a i r or d u mpe d a ccid enta ll y
AGV ’s are c apable of f u lly automat i c o p erati o n a n d are d esi g ned to meet yo u r spec ifi catio n s O ur AGV ’s c an automat ic al l y p i ck u p from a nd deliver loads to m u lt i ple l o c ations C apa ci ties from 1 -20 0 ton s
Par t of the I ndu s tr i a l Sales Group of I r win Car and E q uipment
All PH I LLIPS C harg i ng A ttachments h av e ava il ab l e qu ic k di sc onne c t h ydraul i c c oup l i n gs bo l ted to the apro n Hea t resi s ta n t mo d i fi cat i ons are do n e to a n y model of fork l ift for your safe t y
T: 7 2 4-86
F : 7 2 4-86 4 - 8 90 9
Em a il : Da v e F elt at df e lt@ir w inc a r.c o m
The Women In Trucking Association (WIT) recently announced Jennifer Hedrick, CAE, as the incoming president and chief executive officer (CEO) of the association. She will work closely with WIT’s board of directors and staff to oversee initiatives that support WIT’s mission to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments and minimize obstacles faced by them. She assumes the role of Ellen Voie, CAE, who has been president and CEO since she founded WIT in 2007.
Eagle Mark 4 has announced that Mike Tozzi has been named President, effective immediately. Being an energetic leader, Tozzi brings years of sales, business development, and operations experience to the position. Tozzi formerly was the acting Operations Manager at GNCO Inc., the parent corporation of multiple material handling companies across the U.S., responsible for overseeing Eagle Mark 4, Wilson Barrett, Towlift Rental, Warehouse Systems, and Trackmobile Departments.
Data provided by SalesLeads
IMI SalesLeads announced the January 2023 results for the newly planned capital project spending report for the Industrial Manufacturing industry. The Firm tracks North American planned industrial capital project activity; including facility expansions, new plant construction, and significant equipment modernization projects. Research confirms 130 new projects in January as compared to 177 in December 2022 in the Industrial Manufacturing sector.
NUNAVUT: A mining company is planning to invest $483 million in the construction of a processing facility in KITIKMEOT, NU. Construction is expected to begin in 2023, with completion slated for 2025.
NORTH CAROLINA: A pharmaceutical company is planning to invest $450 million for the expansion of its processing facility in DURHAM, NC. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Completion is slated for 2027.
The following are selected highlights on new Industrial Manufacturing industry construction news.
Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Type
• Manufacturing/Production Facilities - 111 New Projects
• Distribution and Industrial Warehouse - 69 New Projects
Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Scope/Activity
• New Construction - 36 New Projects
• Expansion - 51 New Projects
• Renovations/Equipment Upgrades - 53 New Projects
• Plant Closings - 13 New Projects
Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Location (Top 10 States)
• Georgia - 10
• Indiana - 8
• Wisconsin - 8
• Florida - 7
• Alabama - 6
Largest Planned Project
• New York - 14
• Texas - 8
• California - 7
• Michigan - 7
• South Carolina - 6
During the month of January, our research team identified 14 new Industrial Manufacturing facility construction projects with an estimated value of $100 million or more.
The largest project is owned by General Motors, who is planning to invest $795 million for the renovation and equipment upgrades on their manufacturing facilities in FLINT, MI, and BAY CITY, MI. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
TEXAS: EV mfr. is planning to invest $770 million for the expansion of their manufacturing facility in AUSTIN, TX by 1.4 million sf. Construction will occur in four phases, with the completion of the first phase slated for early 2024.
WEST VIRGINIA: An energy storage technology company is planning to invest $760 million in the construction of a battery manufacturing facility in WEIRTON, WV. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Completion is slated for 2024.
GEORGIA: A specialty contractor is planning to invest $420 million in the construction of a manufacturing facility in LOCUST GROVE, GA. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Completion is slated for 2025.
TENNESSEE: Automotive mfr. is planning to invest $250 million for the expansion of its manufacturing facility in DECHERD, TN. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
KENTUCKY: Steel products mfr. is planning to invest $244 million for the expansion, renovation, and equipment upgrades on their manufacturing facility in GHENT, KY. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
GEORGIA: Automotive component mfr. is planning to invest $205 million for the construction of a manufacturing facility at 4822 Hwy 301 S. in STATESBORO, GA. They have recently received approval for the project. Completion is slated for Fall 2024.
TENNESSEE: Tire mfr. is planning to invest $174 million for a 600,000 SF expansion and equipment upgrades at their manufacturing and distribution facility in DAYTON, TN. They have recently received approval for the project.
INDIANA: Material handling equipment mfr. is planning to invest $130 million for the construction of a manufacturing and office facility in NOBLESVILLE, IN. They have recently received approval for the project. They will relocate their headquarter operations upon completion.
Since 1959, SalesLeads, based out of Jacksonville, FL has been providing Industrial Project Reports on companies that are planning significant capital investments in their industrial facilities throughout North America
See more new products online at www.MHWmag.com
Felling Trailers, Inc. adds the Low Pro Heavy Duty (LP HD) models to its deck-over tagline. Wideset heavy construction equipment like mid-size crawler excavators and dozers can be challenging for any seasoned equipment hauler. The equipment is typically oversized, particularly heavy, and unique in shape (length, height, and width). The LP HD has been designed and engineered for transporting heavy (near 50-60K load capacities) wideset loads, like excavators, dozers, and other construction equipment.
One user interface for all devices in the warehouse from Picavi
Picavi will be highlighting their software at ProMat 2023: One of the main topics at booth S3459 is the user interface of the pick-by-vision specialist. Independent of the higher-level system, users can operate this not only on smart glasses but also on many other devices if required. To increase productivity and minimize errors, more and more companies are supporting their warehouse staff with wearables, for example in picking or returns management
Kivnon will showcase the latest addition to its AGV portfolio at ProMat 2023, its Forklift Pallet Stacker. Kivnon AGVs/AMRs are heavyduty vehicles that improve safety and process efficiency. The new Forklift Pallet Stacker automatically transports stack pallets, handling
loads of up to 2,645 lb, and is ideal for any pallet storage application for internal logistics or warehousing. It can move both forwards and backward and comes equipped with lifting forks to move loads vertically (up to 1.5 meters) and horizontally at speeds between 0.08 and 1 m/s.
Big Joe has launched the J2-192 Joey Order Picker which is a versatile, safe, and productive machine; uniquely designed for order-picking operations. Available through Big Joe dealers, the J2-192 performs like no other order-picking machine on the market and expands the company’s J2 offering to reach higher heights than ever before. The primary innovation of this new Big Joe machine is that it supports both forks forward and forks trailing operator stances that can be changed on the fly while maintaining consistent steering orientation.
A new era in safety technology will be revealed at ProMAT 2023 by AME. AME has long proclaimed that safety and efficiency should not be opposed and has provided products and services that move sites toward proactive safety and enhanced productivity. The next evolution in this concept, “Amesphere” enable everybody to create a safer space through technology. Visit AME at ProMAT 2023, which runs from March 20-23 in Chicago.
See more new products online at www.MHWmag.com
JLG Industries, Inc. now offers Bi-Energy technology on its X770AJ and X1000AJ compact crawler boom lifts, reducing these machines’ noise and exhaust emissions. The innovative system equips these JLG® machines with two (2) fullsized, independent power sources, combining an emissions-free lithium-ion battery pack with a dependable diesel engine to allow operators to work indoors and outside with one machine.
The new HTH-1400 Hanging Tire Handler from LiftWise® is a highcapacity machine for handling, controlling, and maneuvering tires for reliable installation, removal, or maintenance. With a capacity to lift tires weighing up to 1,400 pounds, the HTH1400 is fully adjustable to handle tires between 30 and 53 inches and diameter, and up to 19 inches in width. The unique design of the HTH-1400 allows a tire to be easily and precisely positioned by a single operator, maximizing productivity and efficiency for any application.
EnerSys® announced that its 24-Hour Quick Ship Program for its Motive Power portfolio now includes the most popular IRONCLAD
Deserthog® flooded battery models. With a 24-hour turnaround in shipment from receipt of the purchase order, the EnerSys Quick Ship program will improve the Company’s customer service through enhanced delivery capabilities, streamlined product processing procedures, and faster order fulfillment.
HUBTEX has given its FluX electric multidirectional counterbalance forklift truck an update. The latest generation for load capacities of up to 3 tons is making its debut at LogiMAT 2023. Visitors will be able to see the new central drivers’ position, which provides a higher-up all-around visibility compared to its predecessor. Additionally, the patented 360° HX steering has been added to the compact three-wheel running gear for the first time, ensuring smooth changes in direction from longitudinal to transverse travel.
Rice Lake presents the iDimension Plus XL static dimensioning system, the standard for weighing and measurement solutions for efficiency in material processing. The iDimension Plus XL can automatically measure parcel dimensions in less than 0.2 seconds and features an adjustable scan zone to increase output without special handling requirements.
For a direct link to these websites, visit www.MHWmag.com and click on the corresponding display ad under the category you are browsing.
➤ Allied Products
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➤ Container Storage
➤ Controls & Information Handling Systems
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➤ Customer Fabricators
➤ Drug Testing Compliance
➤ Dock Equipment
➤ Drum Handlers
➤ Electrical/Electronic Controls
➤ Engines
➤ Finance Companies
➤ Fluid Power Equipment
➤ Insurance Companies
➤ Inventory & Production Control Systems
➤ Inventory And Bar Coding
➤ Lift Tables
➤ LP Gas Distributors
• Pallet Truck Modifications
• Turret Mast Attachment
• Mechanical Attachments
• Special Design Request and Much Much More...
➤ Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment
➤ Non-Powered Floor Equipment & Access.
➤ Other
➤ Overhead Lifting Equipment & Access.
➤ Packing And Equipment
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• Original LIFT-OUT design cuts installation costs in half!
• Fully welded sleeves to hold and capture rails.
• Posts available as Inlines, Corners, or Ends in 18”, 26” and 42” heights.
• Rails available in 2’ – 10’ in 1’ increments.
• Durable steel protection.
• Designed for quick and easy release, but can be bolted together if desired.
• Stronger than typical handrail.
• Top Rail is 42” high and MEETS OSHA FALL PROTECTION if used on a mezzanine.
• Modular hand rail protects employees from entering unsafe areas.
• Easy installation, simply assemble and anchor down.
• Stocked in 4’, 6’, and 8’ sections.
• 42” tall standard.
• Available in 12”, 18”, and 24” with 4¼”, 5½”, and 8¼” clear opening.
• ¼” material.
• Four mounting holes.
• Accepts ½” anchors, which are available upon request.
• Rack protection creates a visible guide through aisles and saves thousands in damage.
• Available in 36”, 42”, and 48” in either single or double ends.
• Curved end has an 8” I.D. and is 8” and 12” tall.
• Choose floor angle thickness of ½”, 3/8”, or ¼”.
• Two products in one! Keeps flue space clear and prevents damage to walls behind rack.
• Available in 42”, 45” (42” with 3” overhang), 48”, and 51” (48” with 3” overhang).
• Easy installation and creates reinforcement for the rack.
• Flush mount hardware included.
• Protects against unwanted visitors, insects, birds, and debris from entering the work area while allowing air to flow through. 48” tall.
• High visibility, breathable fabric.
• Easy operation, requiring just 3 lbs. of pull force to extend the fabric barrier.
• Accommodates doors from 8’ – 16’.
• Stop fork trucks from driving or backing off the dock. 42” tall.
• Available in 8’ – 9’ and 10’ – 12’ sizes.
• Includes two 5” steel posts with 12” x 12” baseplates with gussets for strength.
• Reinforced cross bar for strength behind panels.
Adjustable kickplate and rubber feet
• Choose from 60”, 65”, 72”, 96”, or 120” clear opening.
• Easily pivots to up or down position – requires only 10 - 20 lbs. of lift force.
• Ships mostly assembled – minor assembly required upon receiving. Simply anchor to the mezzanine floor.
• Adjustable kickplate and rubber feet.
• 6 self-closing arms that operate independently.
• As the pallet is unloaded the top arms close, creating a safety barrier.
• 6’ or 8’ width.
• Includes 8’ tall rack frames and height limiter.
Create a real stopping point for pallets! Stops pallets from entering the flue spaces!
•Fits 2.75” deep and 4.75” tall beams.
•Secures waterfall edge wire deck in place.
•Easy installation – slides directly over rack.
•Available in flush mount or with a 3” overhang.
• Reduce damage to your controls.
• Protect any control box mounted to a building column – fan switches, thermostats, and light switches.
• Mounts in minutes with 8 pre-drilled mounting holes. Simply Tek screw to your column and you’re done!
• Available to fit 10” or 12” columns.
• Steel bollards protect a variety of facility assets.
• Surface mount to concrete or direct bury.
• Economy 4½” O.D., Yellow or Red, 5½” O.D. Yellow only, 24”, 36”, or 42” tall.
• Standard 4½” O.D. 42” tall, Yellow with welded top, available with welded eyelet.
• Direct Bury 5½”, 6½”, and 8½” O.D., 84” tall, yellow.
• Square Bollard 4” square tube. 42” tall with painted steel cap.
• Prevent damage to building support columns or mezzanine columns.
• Impact rating: 8,000 lbs. at 5 M.P.H.
• Available in Short, Slim, and Standard. Standard is 42” tall, 24” wide for 6”, 8”, 9”, 10”, and 12”. Yellow is standard, but red, lime green, and orange are available.
• White reflective band standard on lime green and orange.
3” Overhang 2” x 2” SpacingDiscover the latest solutions to move your business forward as industry-leading innovators showcase their latest manufacturing, distribution and supply chain equipment and systems at ProMat 2023, March 20-23, at McCormick Place in Chicago.
ProMat is the place where manufacturing and supply chain professionals help build the future of supply chains to discover that trend or technology that will take their supply chain to the next level of success.
Only at ProMat can you:
experience the latest innovations from more than 1000 solution providers
get to know the latest ideas that boost productivity in four keynotes and in more than 100 seminars
build strong business partnerships with suppliers from all over the world
see practical demonstrations of the latest technologies and innovations
ProMat 2023 is the only trade show where you can personally see the best solutions and innovations that the industry has to offer in action and where you will meet the leading suppliers in person. There is no additional charge to attend exhibitions and conference sessions.
Whatever solutions you need to succeed, from manufacturing innovation to inspiration for your supply chain, you’ll find it all at ProMat. Come and see what’s new and what the future holds for your supply chain operations.
MHI is committed to providing a safe, productive and welcoming environment for all ProMat visitors as well as MHI staff. MHI expects all participants to help ensure a positive experience for everyone. Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated during any portion of the ProMat event. All participants including, but not limited to, attendees, exhibitors, support staff, speakers, presenters, facilitators, MHI staff members, board members past and present, service providers and all others are expected to
abide by this Code of Conduct. This Policy applies to all aspects of the ProMat event, including exhibits, special events, and sessions.
All attendees must register to attend the ProMat. Qualified Attendee Registration is offered at no cost. All exhibitors must register their booth staff.
MHI has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin or any other protected class. If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, MHI asks that you report it via e-mail at customerservice@promatshow.com so that we can take the appropriate action.
No person may interfere with the activities of an exhibitor at ProMat, including exhibit booths, product demonstrations, educational sessions and meetings. Behavior, in particular, that is insulting, rude, distracting or disruptive is forbidden.
Solicitation or promotion of products and services to attendees or exhibitors from nonexhibitors is strictly prohibited.
In addition to the above, Unacceptable Behavior is further defined as:
Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech or actions of any kind.
Verbal abuse of any exhibitor, attendee or other participant or MHI team member. Examples of verbal abuse include, but are not
limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, race, religion, national origin, regarding competitors or other exhibitor products, inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or in presentations, or threatening or stalking any attendee, supplier, speaker, presenter, facilitator, MHI staff member, service provider or other show participant.
Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to gender, sexual orientation, age, race, religion, disability or other personal characteristics, including those protected by law.
Unwelcome attention or deliberate stalking or intimidation of any participant.
Real or implied threat of physical, professional or financial damage or harm.
Inappropriate disruption of an exhibit, product demonstrations, educational or networking sessions, meetings or sessions or other events organized by MHI throughout the event. All participants must comply with the instructions of the moderator and any MHI staff member.
Photographing, video or audio recording of exhibits, product demonstrations, sessions, slides, oral or poster presentations without presenter/ author’s permission.
Presentations, postings and messages should not contain promotional materials, special offers, job offers or solicitation for services unless you are the session host or supplier. MHI reserves the right to remove such messages and potentially ban sources of those solicitations.
Failure to stop unacceptable behavior when requested by a fellow participant or MHI staff member.
Sharing your ProMat credentials with other individuals.
Derogatory social media or app posts against a competitor
MHI reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the event without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, and MHI reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting or trade show, digitally or in person. Inappropriate action could also result in future restrictions on attendance at MHI events or possible termination of MHI membership or positions on boards/committees.
Confidential product information may be shared in exhibitor booths, product demonstrations and in meetings. Participants agree not to use or disclose at any time any confidential information of any exhibitor or their affiliated groups, unless expressly authorized in writing and/or required by law. Taking photos, videos or capturing images of any product or booth display without consent of the exhibitors is forbidden.
By attending ProMat 2023, you agree to abide by and engage in conduct that is beneficial to the health and safety of the event and all persons attending. I will take necessary precautions while at the event including, but not limited to, adhering to all state and local regulations and following the guidance of the CDC. I agree to not attend any ProMat event if I feel ill, had recent exposure to a COVID-19 case or have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
While MHI and the McCormick Place work to implement new and enhanced procedures to safeguard all participants, the is not intended or implied in any way to be a guarantee against possible exposure to COVID-19 or any other infectious diseases during attendance at the event.
By attending ProMat, you agree to voluntarily assume all risk related to exposure and agree to not hold MHI or any of their affiliates including partners and sponsors, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, or sponsored venues liable for illness.
The 2” x 5’ Battery sling has been designed to safely facilitate removal and installation of a forklift battery.
2-ply polyester sling webbing
Vinyl coated hooks
Standard Hooks facing outward for easy 1 person use
Standard 12″ lifting round ring with protector pads for wear and tear
Working load limit: 5,000lbs
MONDAY, MARCH 20 | 8:45 AM
Join this panel of AWESOME women as they share their journey through supply chain challenges they have faced, how they continue to break down barriers, use their voice to advocate for themselves and others, and develop strong networks. During this keynote moderated by AWESOME CEO Michelle Dilley, these leaders will share their vision for the future.
One of TIME magazine’s most influential people in the world, José Andrés has captured the imagination of a nation, not only as one of the most popular chefs in America, but with his dynamic personality and diverse humanitarian projects aimed at making the world a better place. He is the founder of World Central Kitchen (WCK), a nonprofit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters as well as the Ukraine war.
Join him as he shares his inspiring story of, and the logistics behind, making the world a better place one meal at a time.
This is your opportunity to be the first to have access to this new report on the trends and digital technologies that are transforming supply chains. Deloitte will join MHI CEO John Paxton in presenting the report findings. They will be joined by a panel of manufacturing and supply chain thought leaders to discuss the real-world significance of the report findings.
Maybe you know him as the director of iconic films such as Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind, Rush, and, most recently, We Feed People, and Thirteen Lives. Maybe you first saw him as Opie on The Andy Griffith Show or Richie
Cunningham on Happy Days. Or maybe his voice will forever be stuck in your head as the narrator in Arrested Development.
Whatever springs to mind when you hear his name, you’re surely familiar with the career of Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard. Whether in front of or behind the camera, Howard has been a part of many of the most significant projects in every decade since the 1960s.
MONDAY, MARCH 20 | 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Powered by MHI, WERC and MHEDA
Join your peers for an afternoon of education, discussion and networking for women in our industry. Separate fee and registration required.Visit promatshow. com/women to learn more.
MONDAY, MARCH 20 | 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Network and connect with other young professionals in the material handling and supply chain industry. Pre-registration is not required to attend, just wear your ProMat 2023 badge.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 | 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Join us for an evening of recognition, networking and fun at MHI Industry Night at ProMat. This event will feature the naming of the 2023 MHI Innovation Award winners as well as laughs from comedian Nate Bargatze. Bargatze was featured as one of Esquire’s “Best New Comedians” by Jim Gaffigan, one of Marc Maron’s “Comedians to Watch” in Rolling Stone, one of Variety’s “10 Comics to Watch” and as #1 on Vulture’s “50 Comedians You Should Know.” He has two Netflix specials, The Greatest Average American and The Tennessee Kid, as well as a weekly podcast called Nateland.
Robotics & Automation Solution Center
Information Technology (IT) Solution Center
Knowledge Center
Fullfill- ment & Delivery Solution Center
Manufacturing & Assembly Solution Center
Tickets to this event are $50 and include beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres. The door prize for this event will be a chance to win a trip of a lifetime vacation. Value: $30,000.
See official rules at promatshow.com/rules
Current as of 1/11/2023. To find the latest floorplan, visit promatshow.com
Maintenance free Li-ion batteries increase safety and efficiency with a lower total cost than lead acid.
High-frequency chargers with CAN communication, voltage detection and multiple outputs enable fast charging with lower utility costs.