2014 Annual Report

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Annual t r o Rep BE A


Playmakers Call the shots. Make an impact. Leave a legacy.

The photos in this Annual Report feature some of the players on our 2013-14 and 2014-15 Girls Varsity Basketball Teams.

Table of Contents

Year in Review | Volunteer Leadership | Philanthropic Giving | Moving Forward Congratulations again to the 2013-14 Girls Varsity Basketball Team for winning the Class 3A State Championship.

Year in Review

A Message from the Head of School The 2013-14 school year is certainly a highlight of my 29 years at Miami Country Day. From the initial birthday party to the April 5th celebration, our 75th Anniversary year holds many dear memories. A historical timeline was created and is permanently installed in the Alumni Boardroom, the original school bell was dedicated, our All-School Community Service Day impacted the greater Miami community, $1 million in Annual Giving were raised, the 1938 Society and 7500 Club were created, and so much more. In the Then & Now book published in honor of the 75th, I shared a quote by Henry David Thoreau: “The meeting of two eternities, the past and future…is precisely the present moment.” I am grateful to have been present for the special moment in the school’s history. When Miami Country Day School for boys opened in 1938 with nine students, I’m sure founders L.B. Sommers and C.W. “Doc” Abele had no idea they would be creating history. No doubt if they were alive today, they would be very proud, and perhaps astonished at what their creation has become. Many individuals and families have made Miami Country Day the school it is today. One such individual that will be missed is John C. “Jack” DuBois, who passed away in July. We are thankful Jack was with us on several occasions during the anniversary year, including Homecoming and the April 5th celebration. A special thank you to former faculty and Heads of School who joined us to celebrate: Ken Harris, the school’s 2nd Headmaster and wife Shirley; fourth Headmaster, Bill Creeden and his wife, Debbie; and, Dr. Jack Knapp, the school’s fifth headmaster. People often think of the Head of School as the school’s leader. However, we recognized another group of leaders during the 75th for providing so much of what our students enjoy today. The 1938 Society recognizes the leadership of those benefactors whose

cumulative monetary gifts or irrevocable gifts to Miami Country Day School have reached $1 million or more. The inaugural class includes: C.W. Doc Abele, the Chaplin and Jove Families, Michael J. and Katherine E. Franco, The Garner Foundation, Roger Koch, the MCDS Parents’ Association, and Stanley and Dorothy Whitman. The Garner Foundation, a 1938 Society inaugural member, is not about the foundation as much as it is about the Garner family. There has been a member of the Garner family involved in Country Day for over 60 years. It’s impossible to walk across our campus and not see the impact the Garner family has made. There is hardly a building on campus they have not been a part of either by sharing their time and energy in planning or through generous financial support. The Garners are a wonderful expression of what it means to be philanthropic, and they continue to be very involved in the school, giving generously and joyfully. As we begin 2015, I look forward to recognizing their generous commitment of time and resources as we name the southern half of the campus the Garner Campus. The 2014 Annual Report acknowledges those who continue this philanthropic tradition. From the companies and individuals that support capital needs to the graduates who graciously give back to their alma mater, we thank each and every one of you for being playmakers. Your continued support is essential for Miami Country Day to sustain its mission of educating the whole child as we seek to serve every student, every day. With gratitude,

Dr. John Davies


Playmaker Profile Anne Paulk By Christian A. Martell, Director of Auxiliary Programs & Corporate Operations Being asked to interview a President of any board is quite an intimidating request, especially when that person has held the position since 2002 and managed to make major changes in an organization. Anne Paulk is just that person. Anne spends most of the summer months in the mountains of North Carolina. The day of our interview for this article, I fully expected to sit down somewhere, ask her a few questions and be on my way. In a true testiment of her caring nature, Anne wanted to make sure I saw the best of what her summer hometown had to offer by taking me on a small hike. It was there, overlooking the place where North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee meet, that the following conversation took place. Q: What is your connection to MCDS? A: My family has been involved with the school for a long time. My brothers went to Country Day when it was an all-boys boarding school. My uncle went to Country Day in the ‘50s. My sister Janice was one of the first women to serve on the Board at MCDS. We have always been supporters of education and of Miami Country Day in particular.


Q: How did you become President? A: After being on the Board a few years, I chaired the search committee for the Head of School that brought Dr. Knapp to MCDS. When Dr. Knapp left the school for personal reasons and Dr. Davies was hired, I was approached by the Board leadership shortly after to be President. When my brothers said they would support me if I took it on, I agreed. I originally thought I would serve for four or five years, but I knew I had to stay in the position longer because we were in the middle of the [Securing the Future] campaign. I leave now knowing the school is in a great position, and in need of some new leadership to elevate it to the next level.

A: Private independent schools’ tuition is so beyond a middle class family’s reach at this point that you need to have the financial aid and the endowment behind it to make an independent school education accessible. That’s a board chair’s biggest challenge: making sure Miami Country Day remains a viable and attractive option for as many families as possible?

Q: What was your greatest challenge while serving as President?

Q: What will you do with all of your new found time now that you’re no longer President?

A: I am definitely looking forward to spending more time here in the mountains, but I am also very excited about continuing to chair the Financial Aid Policy Committee of the Board. It is an area that interests me greatly. I think it’s important that the school be diverse in every way possible. That is what America is going to look like, what it does look like, so our graduates need to be exposed to a crosssection of people if they are to be successful when they leave us.

President’s Scorecard



Anne becomes President of the Board of Trustees.

Securing the Future Campaign, the largest campaign in the school’s history, is launched.


Securing the Future Campaign reaches $10M goal.


Maintenance building and Town Athletic Club property purchased.



Dedication of the Nathan Hurst ‘89 Ampitheater.

Trustee Scholarship for Breakthrough Miami Scholars is established.

6 Major Construction Projects Aquatics Center Business Office Katherine E. Franco Center for Learning Resources Koch Family Athletic Center Complex Leonie’s Garden Nathan Hurst ‘89 Amphitheater 5

Buildings and Grounds John “Bud” Farrey, B&G Committee Chair As you look around the Miami Country Day School campus, you realize there are many changes that take place each year to our facilities and grounds. The year 2014 was no exception for our continued change and improvement to our campus. Miami Country Day School was fortunate to have the opportunity to purchase the Spectrum Behavioral Systems property to the north of our current campus in 2014. This facility will add over 12,000 square feet of classroom space and additional land for future development of the school’s programs. We are currently working with Zyscovich Architects to develop the plans to renovate this new property as classroom space for Upper and Middle School students. Our Athletic Steering Committee requested a renovation of our current Girls’ and Boys’ Athletic Locker Rooms during 2014. These renovations were accomplished during the summer months, providing new shower rooms, dressing tables, lighting, and flooring as well as refurbished lockers and fresh paint. This renovation project was accomplished under the supervision of Mr. Mike Caban


and his staff. Our athletes and our visiting teams have a much more welcoming locker room space now. Miami Country Day School continues to improve on security and safety each year. In 2014 additional security cameras were installed in all parts of our campus, and the school made the commitment to hire additional security staff and off-duty Miami Shores Police Officers in an effort to continue to provide a safer and more secure environment without feeling like a fortress. The summer of 2014 provided Miami Country Day with the challenge of correcting several issues with the Aqua Flow Paver System on 107th Street. After a year of researching and identifying the problems that led to the instability of the pavers, we were able to undertake the task of removing all pavers from 107th street to correct the situation. This project took 12 weeks to complete, and the street was ready for the start of the school year. Miami Country Day hired Coastal Construction Company in May to provide pre-construction services for the development of both the new Campus Parking Garage and the Center for the Arts. These services include working on the design of construction documents for the facilities with our architects and developing budgets and timelines for the construction of both facilities. We anticipate breaking ground on our new facilities in January 2015.

Development Sean Clancy, Development Committee Chair To be involved with Miami Country Day for 23 years, and to participate in the celebration of the school’s 75th Anniversary, gives me so much pride as a trustee and alumni parent. Our school community had so much to celebrate this past year, and we will have many more things to celebrate moving forward. My focus as Chair of the Development Committee is to raise funds to contribute to the school’s operating budget with gifts to annual giving and capital projects. The school’s mission is supported by a combination of tuition dollars, gifts, and endowment. Thank you to each and every individual, family, company, and foundation that supported Country Day during the 2013-14 school year.

Annual Giving Results

400 400000



600 600000



800 800000




for the past five years

200 200000








Annual Giving is the foundation of every independent school, and I am so appreciative of everyone who contributed this past year to set a record of securing over $1 million in annual support! A fitting accomplishment during the 75th Anniversary. With a young alumni group, 1981 being the first 12th grade graduates, participation and growth in the area of alumni support increased again this year from $48,280 to $76,130. That is significant. Thank you, alumni, for recognizing and honoring Country Day with your gifts. The Alumni program continues to expand and the celebration of the school’s 75th Anniversary had a positive impact on this focus. In recognition of the school’s 75th Anniversary, criteria and a selection process were established by the Alumni Association to recognize distinguished alumni, and these awards were presented at graduation and will be presented on alternate years to honor an alumnus or alumna. Congratulations to the 2014 honorees: Kim Juanico, Class of 2002, recipient of The L.B. Sommers Award for Distinguished Community Service and Kevin J. King, Class of 1995, recipient of the C.W. “Doc” Abele Alumni Award for Distinguished Service to the School.

that 80% of every gift made in support of the Center for the Arts will be used for construction costs, 10% of every gift will fund building endowment to maintain operations of the facility, and, 10% of every gift will fund program endowment for the Center for the Arts. As the 2013-14 school year came to a close, over $3 million had been pledged to The Campaign for the Arts. Efforts continue and you will learn more as we reach out to the community to raise $16.5 million so we can open the doors of our new Center for the Arts in August 2016. A special thank you to Gerald W. Moore ’68, and his family for leading the way, and to the Board of Trustees, and other individuals and families who are recognized in this report for their pledges and gifts made to this effort as of June 30, 2014. Lastly, as Dr. Davies referenced in his letter, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution in April 2014 to create The 1938 Society for the purpose of recognizing donors for lifetime giving at or exceeding $1 million in gifts. The inaugural class of six was announced and recognized in honor of the school’s 75th Anniversary on Saturday, April 5, 2014. This important group provides valuable endowment dollars for the future as well as dollars that make an impact every year.

Continuing to follow up on the feasibility study conducted in 2012, the planning and leadership phase of a capital campaign was underway during the 2013-14 school year to raise funds to build a Center for the Arts. A board-approved resolution designates


Finance Sol Alan Saad, Finance Committee Chair The school continues to be financially strong, driven by robust enrollment growth and gains in charitable giving and auxiliary programs, complemented by controlled expenditures against budget. Enrollment for the school year 2013-2014 was 1,154, an increase of 57 students, or 5% over the prior year. Net tuition revenue was $25.1 million, up $2.1 million, or 8.9% over the previous year, primarily from the enrollment increase. The Annual Fund raised $1.0 million, an increase of $194,000, or 23.5% over the previous year. The school recorded a net surplus of $1.6 million, or 5.5% of our total $28.8 million operating budget. Investments in school facilities this past year totaled $4.0 million, with the Spectrum property (contingent property located at 11061 NE 6th Avenue)

acquisition at $2.8 million being financed with debt. School administration is acutely aware of the burden that tuition places on our families. The school is committed to moderating tuition increases by providing financial aid and controlling school costs as part of our ongoing efforts to avoid pricing the school out of reach for families who are currently members of the school community and for those that would like to join us. The enrollment strength and charitable giving has allowed the school to limit the tuition rate increase to 4.75% for the past four years. Our strategic plan includes growth in non-tuition revenue, auxiliary programs, and gifts, to mitigate tuition rate increases. In anticipation of the planned 2015 Center for the Arts and Parking Deck construction

REVENUES Student tuition and fees Less: Financial aid grants Net tuition and fees Annual Fund Contributions Auxiliary programs Student activities Other revenue Other restricted contributions TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE AND SUPPORT

$28,569,715 ($3,493,773) $25,075,942 $1,021,760 $1,885,097 $622,111 $84,282 $105,107 $28,794,299

EXPENSES Instructional Student Activities Auxiliary programs Lunch program General and administrative Plant operations Fundraising TOTAL EXPENSES CHANGE IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES

INVESTMENT ASSETS Endowment Assets Operating Cash Reserves PPRRSM Cash Reserve TOTAL INVESTMENTS MANAGED 8

as of 6-30-14 $4,058,410 $1,728,956 $600,000 $6,387,366

$10,610,724 $1,914,396 $1,514,993 $815,017 $5,299,049 $6,299,512 $769,400 $27,223,091 $1,252,612 as of 6-30-13 $3,445,275 $1,423,597 $300,000 $5,168,872

projects, the school procured long-term tax exempt bonds of up to $28.5 million, which will be repaid from capital contributions and school operations. The school conducted an extensive RFP process, managed by our independent financial advisor to obtain the most competitive financing terms. The School plans to close on the bonds at the end of January 2015. This past year, the school’s investment manager took over active management of $2 million in operating cash reserves. Additionally the investment assets under management grew by $1.2 million from planned reserve building and endowed campaign gifts. Total endowment and operating investments under management at 6-30-14 were $6.4 million. Our investment advisor is managing both our

long-term endowment assets and shorter term operating cash reserves in accordance with the school’s conservative investment management Policy. The school’s endowment assets will continue to grow with 20% of new capital campaign gifts earmarked for endowment and an annual $250,000 goal to pay back Boarddesignated endowment funds previously used to fund capital improvements. The school’s strategic financial plan prioritizes the pay back of internally borrowed funds. This past year’s strong financial results allowed the school to pay down $1.9 million in internal debt and add $300,000 to our facility repairs reserve account (PPRRSM reserve) to fund future major building and facility repairs. Goals for the upcoming year include managing the cash flow on the planned $25

million in construction projects and financing, continued focus on cost containment to ensure funding increases for faculty compensation and professional development opportunities and new school programs, growing our summer programs as profit centers to provide tuition relief, and continuous process improvements to better serve the school community. Thank you to the many committed members of the school’s Finance Committee that generously volunteer their time and talents and the school’s Business Office for their commitment to ensuring the financial sustainability of our school.


FY14 Revenues by Category Auxiliary Programs $1,885,097 6% Capital Campaign $3,241,835 10% Annual Fund $1,021,760 3% Net Tuition $25,075,942 78%

Investments $176,576 1%

Student Activities & Other $811,500 2%


FY14 Expenses by Category Plant Costs $4,851,237 14%

Personnel Costs $17,024,348 49%

Food Service $1,133,076 3% Capital Additions $3,993,797 12% Other $4,214,430 12% Financial Aid $3,493,773 10%


Playmaker Profile

Aspiring to Do Better and Be Better

Christopher Bellows Appointed New President of the Board of Trustees By Christian A. Martell, Director of Auxiliary Programs & Corporate Operations The heat was almost bearable on that summer day when Christopher Bellows, newly appointed President of the Board of Trustees, trekked across the golf course to make the first of many early morning meetings at the Business Office. By the time we sat down to chat, he had already been briefed on the challenges facing the 107th Street renovation, summer programs, fundraising, facilities, and a list of other items too long to name here. But, rather than seeming overwhelmed by the information, he looked confident and ready, ready to give back to a place that has given him so much.

A Sense of Altruism For Chris, a native of Miami Shores, MCDS was always “the school in the backyard” that his dad was involved with. Chris’s father, Pete Bellows, was a founding member of the Board of Trustees and was essential in the school’s decision to add an Upper School. “The connection had always been with my dad,” said Chris, a graduate of Miami Edison High School. “When my dad passed away in 2009, I stepped up my involvement.” Already a member of the Board at the time, Chris took on more responsibilities and threw himself into committee work. He also increased his attendance at school functions and sporting events. “I came to appreciate more the work and the passion of the people – the people you never hear about, ever read about, all the people that are here all day long, including those that don’t even work here and are volunteers, but believe in the mission of the school and want to do everything possible to provide the best possible environment for the students,” he said. It was at that point, that Chris thought, “I can do better. I can be better.” Now, Chris shares these stories with his colleagues at Holland and Knight, where he has worked for the past 30 years on one of most well-regarded appellate teams in the state of Florida, whenever they complain about not getting a raise or promotion.

“I tell them about these faculty members and others like them, who are not getting paid to be [at games or events], but are there working hard, because they care about carrying out the mission of the school and making this a better place for the students,” he said. “It is this altruistic character in the school, in the way that it commits itself to the students, that makes it easy to say yes when they ask you to do something.”

and is committed to recreating a similar environment at Board meetings for those with different perspectives and opinions.

A Commitment to Others

Chris has already committed 12 years to the school as a trustee. Of the 34 current Board members, only seven have served for longer.

In a classic blue blazer, khakis, and striped tie, Chris looked the part of an honors graduate of Sewanee: The University of the South and magna cum laude graduate of the University of Miami School of Law and member of its Law Review. What did not come across as readily is his long-term commitment to increasing educational opportunities for students from under-resourced areas in Miami. In 1994, Chris co-founded the Right Trak program with former NFL player Lawrence Wright and Lawrence’s high school counselor to help inner-city students get the most out of life. Some of Chris’s students would go on to enroll and graduate from MCDS, including Chris Polite ’02 and Roy Brown ’12. “Bellows is someone who has spent the majority of his adult life committing himself to serving others, and his willingness to do so has been of great benefit to a number of people, especially our youth,” said Polite. Chris Polite is imbedded in the fabric of Miami Country Day as a coach, a Lower School teaching assistant, and Summer Programs Coordinator. “What’s special about Bellows’ giving is that he does it for the right reasons and never expects anything in return. He is constantly pushing people to find their light and more times than not is able to guide them towards it.”

“I really do care about all of the people on the Board,” he said. “Many of them I have known for a very long time, others I will get to know in time. They are smart people, good people, committing their time to the school.”

Ready to Serve

“[Serving as President] wasn’t anything that I ever imagined, thought about, or aspired to,” Chris said. He still recalls the shock from being asked by Anne Paulk, the former President of the Board and current Chair of the Financial Aid Policy Committee, joking that he thought she might be asking him to step off the Board since he had served for so long. Anne, however, appreciated Chris’s “legal insight” and the “social consciousness of Miami’s bigger picture” that he brought to the Board. “Our school is a better place due to his direct efforts,” she said. Dr. John Davies describes Chris as “a powerful role model to students and adults alike,” who genuinely reflects the core values of Miami Country Day School. “I don’t know if I’m really the right person, but I’ll do whatever the school needs me to do,” Chris said.

Chris’s commitment to giving those of all backgrounds an opportunity to thrive and succeed is one of the things he will prioritize as President. “To the extent that it is possible, diversity is what I want to have on the Board and in anything the school is involved in,” he said. “I think that will make for a better school.” Chris recognized how MCDS has been like a “sanctuary,” a “safe place,” for him and the students he has mentored over the years,


Other 2013-2014 Highlights The 75th Anniversary time capsule was buried near Primary Hall on May 6th.

First ever Speed Innovation night held in the Katherine E. Franco Center for Learning Resources

The school’s original victory bell was dedicated August 18th.

#MCDSserves The Miami Country Day School community came together for a day of service on February 8th.

The April 5th Celebration brought a great cast of characters together.


? w o n k u o y d i D

The K-5 chess team of Justin Kleidermacher ‘21, Elliot Starkman ‘21, Grant Giovannetti ‘21, Filippo Sbroggio ‘21, and James Srebnick ‘21 won the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP at the 2014 Florida State Scholastic Chess Championship. The K-12 chess team of David Gonzalez ‘15, Pascal Dafinis ‘15, Julian Schultz ‘14, Joseph Aming ‘20, and Matthew Cohen ‘14 placed 4th in the state.

Philanthropy is about giving from a

generosity of spirit. Philanthropy directed towards Miami Country Day results when people feel strongly about its mission and feel a deep sense of connection to the institution.

Playmaker Profiles

Tom & Julie Pronesti

Founding Deans of the 7500 Club

– Dr. John Davies It was a cool night at the home of Steven and Claudia Brod when the conversation over hand-rolled sushi shifted from a successful Annual Giving year to the school’s upcoming 75th anniversary. Development Committee Chair Sean Clancy, then Middle School Chairs Thomas and Julie Pronesti, and members of the Development Office looked around them at that year’s Palm Society event and wondered how the attendees could step up their giving efforts in a 75th year. It was then that the 7500 Club first took root in the minds of the Pronesti’s, the group’s Founding Deans. They hoped to attract at least ten members to the newlycreated donor group by the end of the school’s 75th anniversary year. “Lucky for us, the 7500 Club was received by the school community with open arms. People were excited to join, and the more people that joined, the more exciting it became,” Julie said. Members of the community stepped up and increased their gift from the previous year – some more than doubling their giving – in order to join and show their passion for Miami Country Day. The fiscal year ended with a total of 50 founding members in the 7500 Club and over $475,000 raised for Annual Giving, the most money raised by any one club in the history of the school. Now in our 76th year as a school, the 7500 Club continues to be the driving force behind the Annual Giving program, as it simultaneously celebrates the first 75 years of the school’s founding and prepares us for success in the next 75 years. “Our goal for 2015 is to have 75 members in the 7500 Club,” Tom Pronesti said, “75 members would raise over $500,000, which is more than the total Annual Giving goal was when we first got involved a few years ago!” Leading by example, the Pronesti’s have already renewed their Annual Giving commitment, and are looking forward to another great year for the 7500 Club. 13

Volunteer Leadership



EXECUTIVE BOARD Anne Paulk, President Howard Premer, First Vice President James W. Moore ’65, Second Vice President John F. “Bud” Farrey, Treasurer Matthew Whitman Lazenby, Secretary Debi Beasley, Assistant Secretary Christopher Bellows, President-Elect

CHAIR Howard Premer

MEMBERS Isaac Arguetty Evan Berger Melanie Ink Broeker Wayne Chaplin Michael Chavies Sean Clancy Karleen Halliwell Javier Holtz Terry Jove Fredric Karlton Kevin J. King ’95 Gerald W. Moore ’68 Matthias Nixdorf Mark C. Piper Sol Alan Saad Lawrence M. Stanfill, D.D.S. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Richard S. Banick Barbara North Burton Edwin B. Cole Michael J. Franco † J. Michael Garner Elizabeth “Betty” Hach Osmond C. Howe, Jr. Stanley F. Whitman Dr. John Davies, Head of School Marilyn Thomas, P.A. President Jami Beasley Watkins ’01, Alumni President

MEMBER Vanessa Abramowitz Marty Andreas ’52 G.J. Bakker Claudia Brod Paul Chaplin Jonathan Chariff Larry Colin Alex Dombrowsky ’92 David Desmond Robert Finvarb Dan Gold Peter Gold Stephanie Gold Jared Goldberg Craig Green ’93 Robert Greenberg Sean Grosman Randolph Gumenick Daniel Holtz Kobi Karp Benny Klepach Achilles Kontoyiannis Brian Levy Michael Liebowitz Paula Lowenstein Boano Elisa Lucchi ’98 Adam Malamed Irene Mandel Bruce Matheson ’61 Ivan Mendoza ’94 Brian McCarthy ’95 Glenna Milberg Pablo Ortiz Terry Piper Jason Port Julie Pronesti Michael Rosenberg Leigh Rothschild Neil Sazant Michael Sher Jason Starkman James Tate ’81 Jerry Tillis Lance Tinkler ’01 Mark Walker Rodney Walters Olive Watson Marilyn Thomas, P.A. President Jami Beasley Watkins ’01, Alumni President Herta Holly, Miami Shores Mayor Alberto Pozzi, Miami Shores Country Club Dr. Terry Piper, Barry University EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS John Davies, Head of School Gary Butts, COO Sheryl Piper, Director of Development Nora Pardave, Alumni Director & Assistant Director of Development Buzzy Tabatchnick, Director of Leadership Gifts


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Jami Beasley Watkins ’01, President Lance Tinkler ’01, Vice President Alex Avayu ’97, Secretary/Treasurer Claudia Figueredo ’90, Special Events & Projects Chair Brian McCarthy ’95, Alumni Development Chair Kevin J. King ’95, Past President Ivan Mendoza ’94, Alumni Officer Brenton Raymond ’06, Alumni Officer ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS John Camp ’73 Ware Cornell ’65 Bruce Matheson ’62 Gerald W. Moore ’68 James W. Moore ’65 Carl Whitmer ’71

PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Marilyn Thomas, President Jessica Rodriguez, President Elect Tracey Borrow, Vice President Allison Feldman, Secretary AJ Leoni, Treasurer Lisi Port, Lower School Rep. Perri Pollak, Middle School Rep. Virginia Brown, Upper School Rep. Honey Revitz, Learning Resources Rep. Julie Saad, College Rep. Debi Beasley, Alumni Rep. Stacey Levy, Alumni Rep. Wendy Russakoff, Historian Kelly Gold, By-Laws Tamara Feola, Past President Welcome Back Faculty/Staff Luncheon Tracey Borrow & Jessica Rodriguez Fundraising Lisi Port, Jessica Rodriguez, Wendy Russakoff, and Allison Feldman Family BBQ Virginia Brown & Debi Beasley Holiday Bazaar Perri Pollak, Lisi Port, AJ Leoni, Stacey Levy, Rochelle Finvarb, Jen Sazant, Virginia Brown and Juliette Surnamer Art Smart Caryn Lubetsky & Jackie Malamed Parent Outreach Elizabeth Vainder, Greta Walker and Holly Giovannetti Uniform Exchange Julie Saad, Lillian Cohen, and Karise Claramone Spring Luncheon Perri Pollak, Wendy Russakoff, and Lisi Port Parent Ambassadors AJ Leoni Athletic Boosters Rossanne Gross, Jacque Ivory, AJ Leoni, and Carmen Vivas


The 7500 CLUB CHAIRS Thomas & Julie Pronesti LOWER SCHOOL CHAIRS Cary & Caryn Lubetsky MIDDLE SCHOOL CHAIRS Thomas & Julie Pronesti UPPER SCHOOL CHAIRS Gabriel & Paula Boano INTERNATIONAL CHAIRS Pablo & Carmen Vivas NEW PARENT CHAIRS Larry & Laura Colin Jeff & Gigi Jeffries Jarret & Rossanne Gross GRANDPARENT CHAIRS Jerry & Judy Tilis INTERNATIONAL GRADE CAPTAINS Patricio and Adriana Wills Alejandro Espinal Edward and Irene Mandel Antonio and Marta Arbulu Ivette Perez Michael and Federika Vazquez Eduardo and Gabriela Marquez Pierre and Heidi Charalambides FACULTY & STAFF CAPTAINS Denise Wilson, Lower School Lucy Pekoc, Middle School Carroll Kelly, Upper School Kelly John, Staff ALUMNI CHAIR Brian McCarthy ‘95 DEVELOPMENT CHAIR Sean Clancy LOWER SCHOOL GRADE CAPTAINS PreK 3 Marcel and Alex Van Gemerden JK Steven and Claudia Brod Heidi and Pierre Charalambides SK Kevin J. ‘95 and Tricia A. King 1st Grade Tabitha Charles ‘85 Jeff and Gigi Jeffries Federika and Michael Vazquez Valerie Rivera-Giraud

5th Grade Craig ‘93 and Nancy ‘93 Green Adam and Wendy Russakoff Charly and Lorie McDonald Kelly Gold MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADE CAPTAINS James and Alex Bergman Jack and Karleen Halliwell Adam and Wendy Russakoff Larry and Vanessa Abramowitz Drew and Karen Dillworth Richard and Lynn Freeman Pierre and Heidi Charalambides Preety Arggarwal Andrew and Michelle Burger Sam Luby and Katherina Weibel Wendy Smith Adriana Wills Preety Arggarwal Jarret and Rossanne Gross Richard and Ivonn Goihmann Thomas and Julie Pronesti Jay and Joni Meiselmann UPPER SCHOOL GRADE CAPTAINS 9th Grade Larry and Vanessa Abramowitz Tabitha Charles ‘85 David and Wendy Smith Ivette Perez Drew and Karen Dillworth Jim and Shellie Fulford 10th Grade Larry and Laura Colin Alan and Ruth Zelcer Jarret and Rossanne Gross Karen Stauber Marta Arbulu 11th Grade Armand and Danielle Touboul John and Staci Kanter Mark and Greta Walker Sol and Julie Saad Ivette Perez Philippe Giraud and Valerie Rivera-Giraud Anthony and Jeanny Lei Larry and Nicole Groll Kevin Space and Beth Berryman 12th Grade Bob and Debi Beasley Pablo and Carmen Vivas Carnie and Moi Mattisonn Daniel and Karen Stauber

2nd Grade Craig ‘93 and Nancy ‘93 Green David and Irena Bozdogan Dara and David Clarke Steven and Elizabeth Vainder 3rd Grade Robert and Melissa Netkin Tracey Borrow 4th Grade Jerry Tilis Jeff and Gigi Jeffries Cary and Caryn Lubetsky James and Alex Bergman


Philanthropic Giving


The following benefactors cumulative monetary or irrevocable gifts to the school have reached $1 million or more. C.W. “Doc” Abele Chaplin and Jove Families Roger Koch Miami Country Day School Parents’ Association The Garner Foundation, Inc. Stanley Whitman


The following gifts were made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.


Armando Simosa and Maria Fiorello Roger Koch

LEADERSHIP CIRCLE $10,000+ GJ and Joyce Bakker Felipe and Monica Bautista Paul and Marie-France Bloch Miguel and Rosangel Cabrera Larry and Laura Colin David and Lisa Desmond Mark Fisher and Eloah Ramos Fisher Jared and Michelle Goldberg Julio and Miranda Iglesias Kobi and Nancy Karp Roger Koch Edward and Kinga Lampert Michael and Lara Liebowitz

Panos and Ioanna Marinopoulos Armando Simosa and Maria Fiorello George Perez and Brooke Soffer Jason and Diana Starkman Sunshine School Uniforms The Garner Foundation, Inc The Lampert Foundation Valerio Toyos and Janet Pomares-Toyos Toyos Enterprises Mark and Greta Walker

THE 7500 CLUB $7,500+

Leonard ‘62 and Jayne Abess GJ and Joyce Bakker Felipe and Monica Bautista Chris Bellows Paul and Marie-France Bloch John and Tracee Brunetti Stephen Brunetti The Brunetti Foundation Miguel and Rosangel Cabrera Pierre and Heidi Charalambides Larry and Laura Colin Dennis Cote Steve and Karina Delonga David and Lisa Desmond Epicure Market Maya Ezratti Family Philanthropic Fund Bud and Maria Farrey Mark Fisher and Eloah Fisher Jim and Shellie Fulford Jared and Michelle Goldberg Eric and Laura Gould Robby and Nadia Greenberg Daniel and Toni Holtz

ICV Management Corp. Julio and Miranda Iglesias Fred and Terry Jove Daniel Julien and Angela Penttinen Julien Kobi and Nancy Karp Dan and Suzy Katz Kevin J. King ‘95 and Tricia A. King Kobi Karp Architecture and Interior Design Roger Koch Edward and Kinga Lampert Matthew and Kristin Lazenby Michael and Lara Liebowitz Panos and Ioanna Marinopoulos Mark and Greta Walker Foundation Gerald W. Moore ‘68 & Victoria Fernans Moore ‘74 James Moore ‘65 and Kathryn Kassner Matthias and Conny Nixdorf Gerardo Pantin and Rosanna Pantin Escudero Anne Paulk George Perez and Brooke Soffer Tom and Julie Pronesti Jesus Quintero and Liliana Malave Pascal and Lailla Raffy Thomas ‘68 and Renee Rodgers Neil and Jennifer Sazant Armando Simosa and Maria Fiorello Jason and Diana Starkman Sunshine School Uniforms Bruce and Meryl Tabatchnick Jimmy ‘81 and Janie Tate Technology Innovators Inc. The Garner Foundation, Inc. The Lampert Foundation The Sol Taplin Charitable Foundation The Thomas E. Rodgers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Valerio Toyos and Janet Pomares-Toyos Toyos Enterprises The Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry Thelma Venema Mark and Greta Walker Graham Walsh and Candace Maher-Walsh Pato and Adriana Wills Antonio and Astrid Yammine


Leonard ‘62 and Jayne Abess Leandro and Ana Antonaccio GJ and Joyce Bakker Felipe and Monica Bautista Chris Bellows Fred Berens Evan and Tiffany Berger Nikhil and Bojana Bhardwaj Paul and Marie-France Bloch John and Tracee Brunetti Stephen Brunetti Miguel and Rosangel Cabrera Ernie and Ana Cambo Pierre and Heidi Charalambides Jonathan and Jackie Chariff Larry and Laura Colin Dennis Cote William Dean and Stacy Roskin Steven and Karina Delonga David and Lisa Desmond Magnus and Nakary Eriksson Maya Ezratti Bud and Maria Farrey Armando Simosa and Maria Fiorello Mark Fisher and Eloah Ramos Fisher


Jim and Shellie Fulford Jonathan Weinberg and Carlota Goeters Daniel and Stephanie Gold Jared and Michelle Goldberg Eric and Laura Gould Robby and Nadia Greenberg Jack and Karleen Halliwell Daniel and Toni Holtz Julio and Miranda Iglesias Fred and Terry Jove Daniel Julien and Angela Penttinen Julien Kobi and Nancy Karp Dan and Suzy Katz Kevin J. King ‘95 and Tricia A. King Roger Koch Lee and Vanessa Krelstein Edward and Kinga Lampert Matthew and Kristin Lazenby Michael and Lara Liebowitz George Lindemann Graham Walsh and Candace Maher-Walsh Jesus Quintero and Liliana Malave Panos and Ioanna Marinopoulos Gerald W. Moore ‘68 & Victoria Fernans Moore ‘74 James Moore ‘65 and Kathryn Kassner Matthias and Conny Nixdorf Gerardo Pantin and Rosanna Pantin Escudero Anne Paulk George Perez and Brooke Soffer Valerio Toyos and Janet Pomares-Toyos Tom and Julie Pronesti Jesus Quintero and Liliana Malave Pascal and Lailla Raffy Thomas ‘68 and Renee Rodgers William Dean and Stacy Roskin Armando Simosa and Maria Fiorello Jason and Diana Starkman Bruce and Meryl Tabatchnick Jimmy ‘81 and Janie Tate The Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry Thelma Venema Mark and Greta Walker Graham Walsh and Candace Maher-Walsh Jean Ross and Rodney Walters Jonathan Weinberg and Carlota Goeters Pato and Adriana Wills Antonio and Astrid Yammine


144 Street LLC Leonard ‘62 and Jayne Abess Larry and Vanessa Abramowitz Matt and Lisa Allen Marty ‘52 and Leesa Andreas Leandro and Ana Antonaccio Archer Properties Francisco Arocha and Maria Guedez-Arocha GJ and Joyce Bakker Felipe and Monica Bautista Merrill Lynch Ali and Batoul Bazzi Bob and Debi Beasley Chris Bellows Nirat Beohar and Abha Shrivastava Beohar Fred Berens James and Alexandra Bergman Jim and Serena Berra Nikhil and Bojana Bhardwaj Paul and Marie-France Bloch Gabriel and Paula Boano

John and Tracee Brunetti Stephen Brunetti The Brunetti Foundation BTIG Miguel and Rosangel Cabrera Ernie and Ana Cambo Pierre and Heidi Charalambides Jonathan and Jackie Chariff Sean Clancy and Dina Cellini Larry and Laura Colin Dennis Cote CPF Investment Group Chris Day and Asya Pashenko

Adrian De Wilde and Clara Castano-Gonzalez

John and Roxanne Davies William Dean and Stacy Roskin Steve and Karina Delonga David and Lisa Desmond Manuel ‘91 and Stephanie Diaz Drew and Karen Dillworth Paul Dunbar and Loyce Archer-Dunbar Jay and Joan Eichel Epicure Market Magnus and Nakary Eriksson Maya Ezratti Family Philanthropic Fund Bud and Maria Farrey Farrey’s Wholesale Hardware Company, Inc. Justyn and Allison Feldman Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Robert and Rochelle Finvarb Ronny ‘89 and Laura Finvarb Mark Fisher and Eloah Ramos Stefano Frittella and Alexandra Carcelli Jim and Shellie Fulford Mark and Holly Giovannetti Daniel and Stephanie Gold Jared and Michelle Goldberg James and Monica Goldsmith Camilo and Fernanda Gomes Eric Gould and Laura Paresky-Gould Craig ‘93 and Nancy ‘93 Green Robby and Nadia Greenberg Betty Hach Jack and Karleen Halliwell Abel and Fana Holtz Daniel and Toni Holtz Javier and Andria Holtz Eric and Nicole Horstmeyer ICV Management Corp. Julio and Miranda Iglesias Jeff and Gigi Jeffries Fred and Terry Jove Daniel Julien and Angela Penttinen Julien Kobi and Nancy Karp Gary and Joann Katcher Dan and Suzy Katz Kevin J. King ‘95 and Tricia A. King Benny and Juliette Klepach Kobi Karp Architecture and Interior Design Roger Koch Howard and Stephanie Krass Piotr Krasuski and Anna Poniecka Lee and Vanessa Krelstein Edward and Kinga Lampert Matthew and Kristin Lazenby Barry and Jeannie Lewin Michael and Lara Liebowitz George Lindemann Maria Alejandra Lopez Contreras Sam Luby and Katharina Weibel

Richard and Isabell Lydecker Adam and Jackie Malamed Sebastian Malo and Maria Alvarez Malo Panos and Ioanna Marinopoulos Mark and Greta Walker Foundation Carnie and Moi Matisonn Michael and Diane Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc. Gerald W. Moore ‘68 & Victoria Fernans Moore ‘74 James W. Moore ‘65 and Kathryn M. Kassner Network Media Group Inc. Matthias and Conny Nixdorf Robert and Jane Palmisano Gerardo Pantin and Rosanna Pantin Escudero Samuel and Nicole Papu Anne Paulk Alexandre and Carolina Perez George Perez and Brooke Soffer Apostolos and Alicia Peristeris Jarrett Perlow ‘97 Philip & Rita Rosen 2009 AKS Trust Mark and Sheryl Piper Jason and Lisi Port Isaac Possin and Michelle Finvarb Possin ‘95 Howard and Ilene Premer Tom and Julie Pronesti Jesus Quintero and Liliana Malave Pascal and Lailla Raffy Izak H. Rappaport ‘07 Brenton Raymond ‘06 Steven ‘92 and Elizabeth Resnick Glenn and Anne Roberts Craig Robins Thomas ‘68 and Renee Rodgers Michael and Stephanie Rosen Aleks Rosenberg and Alix Harper Michael and Diane Rosenberg Jorge Sada Solano Kal Saffran Saffran Family Foundation Inc. Jon Sale and Jayne Weintraub Sale Neil and Jennifer Sazant James S. Schainuck ‘75 James and Elizabeth Schechter Alexander Schoch Michael and Heather Sher Ryan ‘96 and Nirvana ‘95 Sherman Armando Simosa and Maria Fiorello David and Wendy Smith Anonymous Rasciel and Maria Socarras Sol Taplin Charitable Foundation Solon-Andreas Foundation Scott and Jessica Srebnick Lawrence and Carol Stanfill Jason and Diana Starkman Howard and Joelle Steinberg Matthew and Natalia Storm Pedro Suarez and Emma Rahn de Suarez Sunshine School Uniforms Bruce and Meryl Tabatchnick Martin and Cricket Taplin Jimmy ‘81 and Janie Tate Technology Innovators Inc. The Garner Foundation, Inc. The Lampert Foundation The Leonard L. Abess and Bertha U. Abess Foundation The Miami Foundation The Thomas E. Rodgers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Michael and Marilyn Thomas


Jerry and Judith Tilis Valerio Toyos and Janet Pomares-Toyos Toyos Enterprises The Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry UBS Financial Services Eric Valladares and Lisa Marie Szekely Marco Vedeo and Antonella Fiorentino Thelma Venema Mark and Greta Walker Graham Walsh and Candace Maher-Walsh Jean Ross and Rodney Walters Alan and Traci Waserstein Jonathan Weinberg and Carlota Goeters Mark and Liliana White Pato and Adriana Wills Antonio and Astrid Yammine

FOUNDER’S CIRCLE $1,500+ 144 Street LLC Leonard ‘62 and Jayne Abess Larry and Vanessa Abramowitz David and Gisela Alexander Matt and Lisa Allen Igor and Angelika Anapolsky Marty ‘52 and Leesa Andreas


Leandro and Ana Antonaccio Vincent and Paulina Apice Archer Properties Francisco Arocha and Maria Guedez-Arocha Daniel and Joanne Aronson GJ and Joyce Bakker Felipe and Monica Bautista Merrill Lynch Mariano Barreto and Bianca Baldini Robert and Tania Bassan Ali and Batoul Bazzi Bob and Debi Beasley Eric Bedenbaugh and Sandra Cortes Adam and Ruth Behlman Chris Bellows Nirat Beohar and Abha Shrivastava Beohar Fred Berens James and Alexandra Bergman Jim and Serena Berra Nikhil and Bojana Bhardwaj Paul and Marie-France Bloch Gabriel and Paula Boano Luis Bosch and Fadia Bassi John and Tracee Brunetti Stephen Brunetti

The Brunetti Foundation BTIG Pablo Buttice and Carolina Rainer Miguel and Rosangel Cabrera Ernie and Ana Cambo Pierre and Heidi Charalambides Jonathan and Jackie Chariff Tabitha Charles ‘85 and Jerome Charles Sean Clancy and Dina Cellini Albert and Karise Claramonte David and Dara Clarke Howard and Alison Cohen Jeffrey and Tracy Cohen Seth Cohen and Aline Grotti-Cohen Larry and Laura Colin Dennis Cote CPF Investment Group John and Roxanne Davies Jessica Davis ‘99 and David Goldstein Chris Day and Asya Pashenko Adrian De Wilde and Clara Castano-Gonzalez Inigo de Zabala and Eva Dalda William Dean and Stacy Roskin Olympia DeCastro ‘99 and Gustavo Hernandez Steve and Karina Delonga David and Lisa Desmond Manuel ‘91 and Stephanie Diaz Drew and Karen Dillworth Alexander Dombrowsky ‘92 and Anna Blackman Donna Newman Photography Albert Douer Paul Dunbar and Loyce Archer-Dunbar Jay and Joan Eichel Leonardo Emperador and Patricia Bastidas Epicure Market Magnus and Nakary Eriksson Salvador and Maricer Escalon Maya Ezratti Family Philanthropic Fund Bud and Maria Farrey Farrey’s Wholesale Hardware Company, Inc. Justyn and Allison Feldman Alfie and Tamara Feola Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Robert and Rochelle Finvarb Ronny ‘89 and Laura Finvarb Michael and Lana Fischer Mark Fisher and Eloah Ramos Raymond ‘93 and Cheryl Floyd Stefano Frittella and Alexandra Carcelli Jim and Shellie Fulford Harry Benitah and Leslie Gelrubin-Benitah Mark and Holly Giovannetti Raj and Juliana Gohill Richard and Ivonn Goihman Daniel and Stephanie Gold Jared and Michelle Goldberg James and Monica Goldsmith Camilo and Fernanda Gomes Debbie Goodman Howard and Stella Gostfrand Eric Gould and Laura Paresky-Gould Arthur and Carole Green Craig ‘93 and Nancy ‘93 Green Robby and Nadia Greenberg Sean and Candace Grosman GZI Real Estate Sales & Marketing LLC Betty Hach Jack and Karleen Halliwell Chris and Holly Hansen Kenneth B. Harris ‘76

Abel and Fana Holtz Daniel and Toni Holtz Javier and Andria Holtz Eric and Nicole Horstmeyer ICV Management Corp. Julio and Miranda Iglesias Innovae Group, LLC. Kent and Katja Janzon Jeff and Gigi Jeffries Fred and Terry Jove Daniel Julien and Angela Penttinen Julien Ann Justiz Sanjay ‘87 and Vicky Kamlani John and Staci Kanter Kobi and Nancy Karp Neisen ‘69 and Ana Kasdin Gary and Joann Katcher Dan and Suzy Katz Kevin J. King ‘95 and Tricia A. King Benny and Juliette Klepach Kobi Karp Architecture and Interior Design Roger Koch Evgeny Komogortsev and Yuliana Komogortseva Howard and Stephanie Krass Piotr Krasuski and Anna Poniecka Lee and Vanessa Krelstein Guy and Selin Kurlandski Alexey Labzin and Olga Zueva Edward and Kinga Lampert David and Melissa Lazarus Matthew and Kristin Lazenby Barry and Jeannie Lewin Rashard Lewis and Giovanni Fortes Michael and Lara Liebowitz George Lindemann Maria Lizama Jason and Marni Loeb Maria Alejandra Lopez Contreras Flavia Lowenstein Sam Luby and Katharina Weibel Richard and Isabell Lydecker Leonidas Macedo and Suzane Macedo Adam and Jackie Malamed Sebastian Malo and Maria Alvarez Malo Edward and Irene Mandel Panos and Ioanna Marinopoulos Mark and Greta Walker Foundation Bruce Matheson ‘61 Carnie and Moi Matisonn Ross McBride and Trisha Paterson-McBride Brian ‘95 and MJ McCarthy Ian McGaffic and Donna Newman Michael McMillan and Carol Cassis-McMillan Jay and Joni Meiselman Ivan Mendoza ‘94 Gunther and Nicola Meyer Michael and Diane Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc. Michael and Glenna Milberg Mitsos Inc. Gerald W. Moore ‘68 & Victoria Fernans Moore ‘74 James W. Moore ‘65 and Kathryn M. Kassner Marks and Oksana Moskvina Mark and Sandhya Murphy Robert and Melissa Netkin Network Media Group Inc. Matthias and Conny Nixdorf Robert and Jane Palmisano Gerardo Pantin and Rosanna Pantin Escudero Samuel and Nicole Papu

Darren and Vanessa Patz Anne Paulk Alexandre and Carolina Perez George Perez and Brooke Soffer Apostolos and Alicia Peristeris Jarrett Perlow ‘97 Philip & Rita Rosen 2009 AKS Trust Mark and Sheryl Piper Eric and Jonina Pitchman Jason and Lisi Port Isaac Possin and Michelle Finvarb Possin ‘95 Howard and Ilene Premer Tom and Julie Pronesti Jesus Quintero and Liliana Malave Pascal and Lailla Raffy Izak H. Rappaport ‘07 Jon Rappaport and Marsha Soffer Brenton Raymond ‘06 Steven ‘92 and Elizabeth Resnick Glenn and Anne Roberts Craig Robins Thomas ‘68 and Renee Rodgers Michael and Stephanie Rosen Aleks Rosenberg and Alix Harper Michael and Diane Rosenberg Tony Roye and Carolina Frangie Sol and Julie Saad Jorge Sada Solano Kal Saffran Saffran Family Foundation Inc. Jon Sale and Jayne Weintraub Sale Jesus Sardinero and Renata de Weert Neil and Jennifer Sazant James S. Schainuck ‘75 James and Elizabeth Schechter Jessica Schnaider Alexander Schoch Rony Seikaly Dion and Cathy Sena Michael and Heather Sher Ryan ‘96 and Nirvana ‘95 Sherman Daniel and Jacky Shiff Armando Simosa and Maria Fiorello Alberto and Lydia Slezynger David and Wendy Smith Anonymous Rasciel and Maria Socarras Sol Taplin Charitable Foundation Solon-Andreas Foundation Suzanne Spiliotis Scott and Jessica Srebnick Lawrence and Carol Stanfill Jason and Diana Starkman Cliff and Janet Stein Howard and Joelle Steinberg Stellar Health Properties, LLC Elliot Stone and Bonnie Sockel-Stone Matthew and Natalia Storm Pedro Suarez and Emma Rahn de Suarez Sunshine School Uniforms Bruce and Meryl Tabatchnick Martin and Cricket Taplin Jimmy ‘81 and Janie Tate Evelyn Teamkin Technology Innovators Inc. The Garner Foundation, Inc The Lampert Foundation The Leonard L. Abess and Bertha U. Abess Foundation The Miami Foundation The Shepard Broad Foundation, Inc.

The Thomas E. Rodgers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Michael and Marilyn Thomas Jerry and Judith Tilis Total Trade, LLC Valerio Toyos and Janet Pomares-Toyos Toyos Enterprises Anthony Tripodo The Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry UBS Financial Services Eric Valladares and Lisa Marie Szekely Marcel and Alexandra van Gemerden Alvaro and Luby Vazquez Marco Vedeo and Antonella Fiorentino Thelma Venema Pablo and Carmen Vivas Jose Luis Waingarten and Elizabeth Laduzinski Mark and Greta Walker Michael and Kim Walker Graham Walsh and Candace Maher-Walsh Jean Ross and Rodney Walters Alan and Traci Waserstein Jonathan Weinberg and Carlota Goeters Mark and Liliana White Pato and Adriana Wills Bill and Juliet Wolk Antonio and Astrid Yammine


Daniel Abeckjerr Robert Ader and Elizabeth Hitt Jose Alvarez Gago and Paula Meneses Perez Bo Andersen and Nikki Huyer Antonio and Marta Arbulu Juan G. Arcila and Marcela Orrego Luis and Gabriela Arriola Assurant Avionics Sales Corporation Paul Basile and Kristi Kassebaum Mario and Stacy Behr Paul and Sandrine Bensabat Chad Berkshire and Sylvia Flores-Berkshire Dan Bernstein and Laura Stuzin Evgeni Bogorad and Anzhela Shmakova Michael and Heather Boucher Douglas Broeker and Melanie Ink Broeker Luca and Suzanne Bronzi Alexander and Ekatarina Brosda Tim and Virginia Brown Alex Bruckstein and Natalie Slimak Andrew and Michele Burger Mark and Melisse Burstein Gary and Peggy Butts Joseph Cartolano and Angela Alvero Jorge and Ximena Castro Chaf Enterprises, Inc. Jay and Jayanthi Chandar Tabitha Charles ‘85 and Jerome Charles Michael Chavies and Pamela Pride-Chavies Il Young and Ana Choi Doug and Peg Clifton Fernando and Kimberly Crespo Yaniv and Rachel Dagan Jessica Davis ‘99 and David Goldstein Timothy Davis and Karin Stirk-Davis Kasseem and Alicia Dean Olympia DeCastro ‘99 and Gustavo Hernandez Carolina Diaz Manuel ‘91 and Stephanie Diaz Constantin and Silke Dietrich Alexander Dombrowsky ‘92 and Anna Blackman Nicholas Dorn ‘95


Filippo Bovio and Mary Teresa Doud Martin Elortegui Antonio and Ana Lorena Espinosa de los Monteros Philippe and Sylvie Fatien Elmer and Marina Figueroa David Filler and Catherine Rodriguez-Filler Ronny ‘89 and Laura Finvarb Todd and Alice Florin Raymond Floyd ‘93 and Cheryl Zimmermann Sanford and Mayra Freedman Stuart and Sherri Friedman Juliette Fulton Brian and Robin Gale William Galvis Stephen Goldin and Debby Bussel Jose M. Gonzalez and Maria Diaz Alexander Alejo and Olga Gonzalez-Alejo Philippe and Natacha Goureau Graham Holdings Matching Gifts Program Craig ‘93 and Nancy ‘93 Green Mark and Debbie Greenberg Alan and Marilyn Greenfield Alan ‘97 and Staci Greenfield Jason Grey Massimo Guarini and Christina Schoelzel Jeff and Valentina Gutchess Hands On Learning Kenny Harris ‘76 David Hart Philip A. Hart George and Gabriela Heisel Christopher and Jacqueline Ivory Tarmo and Mamie Joeveer Craig Johnson and Maggie Prieto-Johnson Sanjay ‘87 and Vicky Kamlani Jeffrey and Julie Kane Neisen ‘69 and Ana Kasdin Yair and Susan Kassab Maria Khamsi Jack Knapp Lala Lapas LLC Peter and Nancy Lash Law Offices of Cartolano & Alvero, P.A. Fontana Lawrence Michael and Donna Lenaghan Todd and A.J. Leoni Frederic and Kareen Levacher Luca Lionello and Antonella Tosti Alan and Lisa Lips David and Beth Long Sergio and Silvia Lopez de Mesa Douglas Mann and Kerry Daly Marieugenia Marcano Alexander Marino and Jeanella Isea Jerry ‘62 and Patricia Markowitz Eduardo and Gabriela Marquez Steven Mathes Bruce Matheson ‘61 Simone Mayer and Mayda Perez Francesco Mazza and Maria De Maio MCC Medical Claims Consultants LLC Brian ‘95 and MJ McCarthy Barry and Toba Meiselman Sergio and Gloria Mejia Alan and Laura Mendelson Ivan Mendoza ‘94 KJ Wickum and Peggy Meyer Michael and Glenna Milberg Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants, Inc. Multigogy LLC Gregory and Helena Nelson


New Generation Preschool Corp. Alan and Lori Nieder Carlos Nino James and Catherine Norris Lonnie and Dara Ogulnick Jose Antonio and Maria Olivera Jo Ann O’Neill Antonio Ortega and Teresa Amorin-Ortega Peabody Energy Matching Gifts and Dollars for Doers Programs Patrick Penkwitt and Michelle Naves Ivette Perez Jorge and Lilian Perez Joseph Piroso and Susan Tiffany PRT Capital LLC Daniel Raiffe ‘04 Helen Rees Steven ‘92 and Elizabeth Resnick Luis and Ilana Rodan Domingo and Ingrid Rodriguez Ron and Jessica Rodriguez Fred and Cynthia Rosenberg Andy Rosenblum The Miami Shores Rotary Foundation Adam and Wendy Russakoff Abbie Salt Graziano Sbroggio Joe and Angela Schechter Bernard and Michelle Segall Juan and Rita Serralles Jared Shapiro and Erica Korman Michael and Barbara Sherman Permender Singh and Neetu Saini Anonymous Snow Caps Erwin and Carolina Sredni Mel and Geen Stier Lili Stransky Marwan Tabbara and Mona Shehab Stanley and Joni Tate Tate Enterprises The Law Offices of Jason P. Grey Peter and Denise Torres Armand and Danielle Touboul Rhett and Stephanie Traband Glen Turf Mike and Kim van der Leegte Emilio and Deborah Vega Patricia Vega Mayra Velez Ramon Villamayor and Diana Echezarreta Vulture Property Investments LLC Olive Watson and Joanna Grover-Watson Robert Watson and Joanne James Sam Luby and Katharina Weibel Wells Fargo Ralph and Andrea Wheaton Ed Williams Howard “Coco” Willingham ‘65

CORNERSTONE CLUB UP TO $499 Yann and Ruth Abily Jon and Abra Adrabi David Agai ‘04 Sanjay and Preety Aggarwal Ignacio Aiza Bigio ‘14 Steven Alfandary ‘14 Terry Alfonso CeCe Allen ‘11 Marnie Allen AllianceBernstein Global Wealth

Management Daniel Alonso and Ana Maria Ochoa Roy Altman ‘00 Audy and Marie Alvarez Dagmar Alvarez Jerry Aming and Elizabeth Flocker-Aming Dennis and Barbara Amoils Marlee Andre ‘14 Bernard and Nicole Ankonina Stuart and Virginia Arey Tia Ariton ‘14 Kimberly Arredondo Samuel and Isora Arriaga Art Cinema Inc. Helbert Asprilla Nick Athanassiadis and Karen Davis Carlos and Margarita Avalos Alejandro Avayu ‘97 Azucar Ice Cream, LLC Johannes and Deniz Badrutt Fred Baisden ‘57 Richard and Margaret Banick John and Peggy Barbick Stacy Barron ‘04 Anne Barrow Sid and Karen Bass David Batcheller ‘07 Anne Beasley ‘14 Mary Beasley ‘08 Armando Bedenbaugh-Cortes ‘14 Cleve and Cindy Bell Leon and Lana Bell Martin Bell ‘02 Juan Carlos Sistos and Yadira Belmonte Jim and Laurie Benedek Thomas and Gladys Benedek David ‘98 and Angela Benjamin Jeremy ‘90 and April Benson Harrison Berger ‘14 Julien Bergier and Carolina Calderon-Bergier Sandra Berkowitz Jeffrey and Michele Berlowitz Shaun Berman ‘14 Steve and Dalia Berman David and Maria Bernard Natalie Bernard ‘04 Audrey Bernstein Jesse and Sandra Bernstein Roman and Olga Bespalenko Jorge Betancourt and Melisa Mercia Leon and Andrea Bibas Blue Ranger Capital LLC Ricardo Blum and Adriana Sandoval Mateo Bolivar ‘14 Rogina Bolt Laylah Borchers Ralph Borchers Brett and Tracey Borrow Scott and Vanessa Brennan Marc and Diane Breslow Daniel Bronish Mallory Brown ‘14 Francesca Bruno Edward and Kristine Buchler Joan Burstein Ann Bussel Jesus and Pamela Cabarcos Marian and Carmen Calfa Brad Cameron and Sumaya Haddadin Heloisa Campos Brittany Castellanos ‘14

Sherry Castellanos Peter and Laura Cayon Arjun Chandar ‘09 Steve Charles and Briana Lee Martin and Egda Chirinos Sandra Chiszar Byung Ho and Ok Ran Choi Frank and Daria Cirisano Cole Clancy Columbia Clancy ‘11 Conor Clancy ‘04 Karen Cleland Henry Clements ‘14 Dan and Lilian Cohen James and Diane Cohen Lena Cohen ‘14 Matthew Cohen ‘14 Samuel Cohen ‘14 Blake Colongo ‘14 Roxana Colongo Stan and Candee Comstock Mari Conea Michelle Cordero Rosie Corrales Andrew Craven and Francesca Ippolito-Craven Jon Cross and Jen Karetnick Ulysses and Luz Stella Cross Nancy Crowell Kevin Cudlipp ‘04 Jimmy Cudzilo Gary Culbertson J. Joseph and Barbara Curran Christopher D’Angelo Harrison Davies ‘09 Paul De Angelis Lourdes de la Huerta Julio DeAracama Dennis and Debra DeGori Gerardo Delfin Alejandro Granado and Rosana Delgado Kent ‘55 and Mimi Dixon DMA Property Investment Group, Inc. Michael and Carolyn Dorn Ilana Douer Seinjet ‘14 Manny Dovales ‘93 Mario and Nina Dubovoy Yiannis and Veronica Dumas Yunier Duran Douglas Eaton and Molly Osendorf Noujan and Paule Ebrahimi Ariel Edwards Jack and Laurie Ehrenfeld Ralph and Amanda Ellison Rhett ‘81 and Louisa Everett Michael Fallik Manny and Maria Fente Michael Fente ‘14 Ivon Fernandez Brian and Judy Fifer Mark Fifer ‘05 Claudia Figueredo ‘90 Sean Fine ‘04 Michael and Renee Finny Gina Fleites ‘14 Jennifer Frehling Robert and Nancy Frehling Annette Fulton Jeffrey Furlong ‘04 Christie Gales Dana and Amy Gallup Maddie Gallup ‘14

William Galvis Sheika Ganthier Edward and Carrie Garazi Ricardo Garcia and Theresa Bradman Eduardo Garcia Flores and Sibila Menecier Mandi Gavcovich ‘14 Duff and Cindy Gelman Ellen Gelman ‘14 Rowena Gerber Steven and Leslie Gettis Carlos and Tanira Giacian Aaron Gillego Jaime Giraldo and Liliana Alzate Philippe Giraud and Valerie Rivera-Giraud Alax and Wendi Gittler Todd and Kim Glaser Thomas and Susan Glick Taylor Goggin ‘14 Justin Golden ‘14 Andy Gomez ‘14 Oscar Goncalves and Caterina Badiello Aurelio and Carmen Gonzalez Fabian Gonzalez and Mariana Garcia Juan Gonzalez and April Vogel Ricardo Gonzalez ‘14 Gozen Yogurt Florida Andrea Graham ‘98 Andrew Greenberg ‘04 David and Melissa Greenberg Monte and Andi Greenberg Alyson Greenfield ‘93 and Bill Giovannucci Christopher Greenfield ‘00 Ben and Jacqui Grosman Jarret and Rossanne Gross Francisco Guardia and Claudia Jimenez Eid Habib and Ria Maxwell Charles Haisch and Jean Yang-Haisch Nicole Halpryn ‘14 Andrew Hanson ‘14 Ken Harkness ‘76 and Barbara Shapter Ken and Shirley Harris Julia Hauque ‘14 Christopher and Tanya Hayes Cirilo Hernandez and Martha Padron Andrea Herskowich ‘14 Martin Hertz and Connie Christensen Hertz Taima Hervas-Jones Simon Hoffman ‘14 Lenora Holmes Roger and Brenda Holsing Timothy Houser Monica Howard ‘14 Michael Hutsko and Carroll Kelly Evan Iaslovits ‘14 Cameron Ivory ‘14 Vivek ‘90 and Neha Iyengar Pamela Jarvis Carlos Guerra and Linda Jarvis-Guerra Bradley Jean-Baptiste ‘11 Enovena Jean-Francois Kelly John Jessicca Jones Kim Jordan Linda Kaany Lawrence Kamm and Helen Rogers Matt Kanter ‘14 Benjamin and Elena Kaplan Jeffrey and Betsy Kaplan Spencer Karnes Jordan Karp ‘14 Eric Kasdin ‘06


Alaine Kass Isaac Kassab ‘14 Olivia Katcher ‘14 L. Robert Kay ‘60 Susan Kelley Michele Kelly Ruth Kettaneh John King ‘90 Paul and Amanda Kleidermacher John Griffin and Jenny Knight Amy Knohl Brandon Kochen ‘07 Jenna Kochen ‘05 Allan and Ursula Koltun Karen Konen Peter Konen and Marisol Sardina Ted and Lydia Korff Alec Koss ‘14 David and Elena Koss Kayla Kotalik ‘14 George and Nicole Kovacs Garrett Kramer ‘14 Scott and Eileen Kramer Beatrice Krasnow Hunter Kravitz ‘14 Howard and Susan Kreger Marc and Mihoko Kremer John Krussaniotakis Ernesto and Helen Kunde Leigh Kurk Sandy and Joanne Labaton Cristian LaCapra ‘96 and Gianni LaCapra Luis Lacau and Mercedes Villalta Carol Ann Lafferty ‘81 Jasmine Lake Mohammad Ishaq and Debbie Lee Anthony and Jeanny Lei Alex and Marta Leiter Kristina Leiter ‘14 Luis Leiter Leslie Jose Zigel, PLC Jonathan Levy ‘04 Sam and Ann Lewis Sandi Lewis Steven ‘84 and Michelle Lewis Nicholas and Susanna Linfield Lorenzo Lionello ‘14 Margarita Lloyd-Godsk Toni Lockhart Claudia Londono Edward and Kristina Long Jack Long ‘09 Marbella Longsworth Susana Lopez Hatcher Charles Lovett Cary and Caryn Lubetsky Walter and Nina Lucchi Grace Lumbreras ‘14 Vanessa MacAdam Donald and Monica Mackenzie Gioanna Macropulos ‘14 Stephen and Margaret Mahoney Andrew Malcolm and Vanessa Cabrera Francesco Marcacci and Lissette Marsicobetre Francesta Marcelin Robert and Anne Marcovich Hector Marine and Monica Cerra de Marine Mark Tinkler Landscape Architecture Bernardino and Kemella Marques Emil Martayan ‘14 Roy and Iris Martayan Christian Martell


Alicia Mathó Kiana Matisonn ‘14 David ‘85 and Susan May Mino Mazza ‘14 Luigi Mazza ‘14 Charly and Lorie McDonald Joe and Mary Ann McKay Russell Mofsky and Kristen McLean Meaghan McNulty Jose Mellado and Ania Cabrerizo Leo and Elvia Milanes Kevin Millan Pablo Minces and Karina Palladino Barbara Mink Danielle Minott ‘14 Mikhail Kuznetsov and Daria Mitchell Ryan ‘01 and Cynthia Mitchell ‘02 Eileen Mondazze John Montgomery ‘54 Brenda Mora Antonio Moura and Claudia Estrada Monique Moyer ‘99 Gordon and Yvonne Moyer Maria Murawka Ibis Nasello Jason and Vannessa Nevader Niang Jacqueline Monica Nishi Rene Nodarse Francisco and Lizzette Novaton Mike and Deborah Nunez Morella Nunez de Caceres Nunez Family Trust Claire O’Coin One Point Investments Mike and Fran Oppedisano Rose Oppedisano Jose Oronoz and Fabiola Garcia-Oronoz Alex Orr ‘77 and Hila de Saussure Winona Paez ‘14 Phelana Pang ‘93 Julio and Nora Pardave Eloy Paredes and Trina Krispin Brandon Parizo ‘14 Bryan and Michele Parizo Ernest and Nancy Parizo Aimone and Terri Pasqualin Tejas Patel ‘01 Madison Pathman ‘14 James Paulk ‘90 and Jenn DiFrancesco Jamie Payer and Gail Jansen Ines Pearson Kanesha Petit-Phar ‘14 Kevin and Betty Petit-Phar Walter and Danielle Pineda Anonymous Maggie Piper ‘10 Richard Piper Linda Pogue Christopher Polite ‘02 Julian Popiloff ‘14 Teddy Pornprinya ‘14 Tony Pornprinya and Ally Chan Alex and Leyla Portela Blake Premer ‘04 Courtney Premer ‘06 Mike Preston and Lucy Pekoc Progress and Unrelated Things, LLC Callie Pumo ‘14 Juan Quintero and Margarita Santa Jose and Ketty Ramirez Julio Ramos and Patricia Mond

Ramsingh and Pakshi Ramsooksingh Rishi Ramsooksingh ‘03 Alexa Randolph ‘14 Pedro and Marialejandra Rangel Victor and Paula Ratner Alex Rega ‘14 Gavi and Hanni ‘01 Ress Norman and Jean Reust Joshua Rivas ‘14 Denise Rivera Pascal and Jill Robert Jonathan Roberts ‘14 Gerald and Joan Robins Rogers, Kamm & Shea David and Kristi Romanik Ibrahim and Feiga Rosell Chelsea Rosen ‘14 Renee Rosenberg Jordan and Eilene Rosenblum Fredlyn Rosenfeld Carlos Rusconi and Roseli Machado Nicholas Ruskowski and Michelle Farina John Russell and Yvonne Black-Russell Theresa Sabbag Edward and Alecia Sachs John Salt ‘08 Myriam Sanchez John and Gisela Santiago Juan Santos and Ana Villegas Tagir Saydkhuzhin Justin and Nushin Sayfie Patricia Sbroggio Sam Schechter ‘14 Mark and Sorela Schultz Adam Seif ‘14 Michaella Sena ‘14 Don and Jennifer Senerath Charles and Jennifer Sennett Andrea Serrano ‘14 Vero Serrano ‘14 Arden and Meribeth Shank Rand and Lisa Shapiro Tyler Sherwood ‘14 Livia Silla Alicia Silva Carlos and Candida Silva Lawrence and Jennifer Silverman Joel and Carrie Simmonds Daniel Sirlin and Vaida Harvey Andrew Sisisky ‘04 Cheryl Skalberg Obie and Eileen Smith Marra Smith Adam Snitzer and Gayle Pomerantz Snow Caps Maurice and Linda Soriano Steven Soriano ‘14 Alberto Soto and Josephine Podesta-Soto Bianca Soto-Podesta ‘14 Christopher and Lisa Spence Jane Spinney Daniel and Karen Stauber Jake Stauber ‘14 Aliyah Stephen ‘14 Anthony Stevens ‘14 Jamael Stewart Kristin Stickels James ‘87 and Carrie Stobs Martha Stobs Daniela Stransky ‘14 Steven Strober Erik and Carolina Stromeyer

Marija Surev Glen and Juliet Surnamer Tom Sverkounos and Marisol Martinez Ferro Ochiel Swaby Ian and Tiffany Tabatchnick Marina Tabbara ‘14 Marwan Tabbara and Mona Shehab Anthony and Lindsey Tanona Andrew and April Taylor Drew Taylor ‘14 B.J. Teltsher ‘93 The New York Community Trust Chris Thixton ‘14 Jane Tiffin Michael and Helen Tilis Lance Tinkler ‘01 Bernard and Muriel Touret Tracy Towle Humphrey ‘96 and Jeff Humphrey Frank Priest and Sophia Tranoris Transmetal Trading, LLC Jordan Turchin ‘04 Jim and Janine Turk Scott Turk and Danielle Rosen-Turk Leona and Sharone Tzalik Steven and Elizabeth Vainder Maria Valenzuela-Williams Var Research, Inc. Tania Vargas Michael ‘85 and Frederika Vazquez Viviana Velez ‘14 Alex Villaquiran ‘14 Pablo Vivas ‘14 Herbert Gladstone and Carol Vogel Rebecca Walter William and Alba Ward Matthew and Jami ‘01 Watkins Jeffrey and Patricia Watson Jay Weaver and Marta Lavandier Richard and Mary Weden David ‘86 and Geraldine Weinstein Bonnie Weintraub ‘06 CJ Weiss ‘14 Donald and Kyllene Weiss Mark and Tobi Weiss Roy Werner Jon Wesley Kenneth Westlake Elizabeth Whittington John and Kim Wicker Marva Wiley Roger and Ruth Williams Scott and Dawn Williamson Christopher and Denise Wilson Charles Winters George Witherington ‘98 Murray and Cynthia Woodburn Ilan Zahori and Miri Bitton Zahori Igor and Natalia Zelenko Austin Zifferblatt ‘14 Leslie and Natalie Zigel Stefano Zurleni and Cristina Nicolich


Marty ‘52 and Leesa Andreas John Montgomery ‘54 Kent ‘55 and Mimi Dixon Fred Baisden ‘57 L. Robert Kay ‘60 Bruce Matheson ‘61 Leonard ‘62 and Jayne Abess Jerry ‘62 and Patricia Markowitz James Moore ‘65 and Kathryn Kassner


Howard “Coco” Willingham ‘65 Gerald W. Moore ‘68 & Victoria Fernans Moore ‘74 Thomas ‘68 and Renee Rodgers Neisen ‘69 and Ana Kasdin James Schainuck ‘75 Anonymous Ken Harkness ‘76 and Barbara Shapter Kenny Harris ‘76 Alex Orr ‘77 and Hila de Saussure Rhett ‘81 and Louisa Everett Carol Ann Lafferty ‘81 Jimmy ‘81 and Janie Tate Steven ‘84 and Michelle Lewis Tabitha Charles ‘85 and Jerome Charles David ‘85 and Susan May Michael ‘85 and Frederika Vazquez David ‘86 and Geraldine Weinstein Sanjay ‘87 and Vicky Kamlani James ‘87 and Carrie Stobs Ronny ‘89 and Laura Finvarb Jeremy ‘90 and April Benson Claudia Figueredo ‘90 Vivek ‘90 and Neha Iyengar John King ‘90 James Paulk ‘90 and Jenn DiFrancesco Manuel ‘91 and Stephanie Diaz Alexander Dombrowsky ‘92 and Anna Blackman Steven ‘92 and Elizabeth Resnick Manny Dovales ‘93 Raymond Floyd ‘93 and Cheryl Zimmermann Craig ‘93 and Nancy ‘93 Green Alyson Greenfield ‘93 and Bill Giovannucci Phelana Pang ‘93 B.J. Teltsher ‘93 Ivan Mendoza ‘94 Nicholas Dorn ‘95 Kevin J. King ‘95 & Tricia A. King Brian ‘95 and MJ McCarthy Isaac and Michelle Finvarb Possin ‘95 Ryan ‘96 and Nirvana ‘95 Sherman Cristian LaCapra ‘96 and Gianni LaCapra Tracy Towle Humphrey ‘96 and Jeff Humphrey Alejandro Avayu ‘97 Alan ‘97 and Staci Greenfield Jarrett Perlow ‘97 David ‘98 and Angela Benjamin Andrea Graham ‘98 George Witherington ‘98 Jessica Davis ‘99 and David Goldstein Olympia DeCastro ‘99 and Gustavo Hernandez Monique Moyer ‘99 Roy Altman ‘00 Christopher Greenfield ‘00 Ryan ‘01 and Cynthia ‘02 Mitchell Tejas Patel ‘01 Gavi and Hanni ‘01 Ress Lance Tinkler ‘01 Matthew and Jami Watkins ‘01 Martin Bell ‘02 Christopher Polite ‘02 Rishi Ramsooksingh ‘03 David Agai ‘04 Stacy Barron ‘04 Natalie Bernard ‘04 Conor Clancy ‘04 Kevin Cudlipp ‘04 Sean Fine ‘04 Jeffrey Furlong ‘04 Andrew Greenberg ‘04 Jonathan Levy ‘04 Blake Premer ‘04 Daniel Raiffe ‘04


Andrew Sisisky ‘04 Jordan Turchin ‘04 Mark Fifer ‘05 Jenna Kochen ‘05 Eric Kasdin ‘06 Courtney Premer ‘06 Brenton Raymond ‘06 Bonnie Weintraub ‘06 David Batcheller ‘07 Brandon Kochen ‘07 Anonymous Izak Rappaport ‘07 Mary Beasley ‘08 John Salt ‘08 Arjun Chandar ‘09 Harrison Davies ‘09 Jack Long ‘09 Maggie Piper ‘10 CeCe Allen ‘11 Columbia Clancy ‘11 Bradley Jean-Baptiste ‘11 Ignacio Aiza Bigio ‘14 Steven Alfandary ‘14 Marlee Andre ‘14 Tia Ariton ‘14 Anne Beasley ‘14 Armando Bedenbaugh-Cortes ‘14 Harrison Berger ‘14 Shaun Berman ‘14 Mateo Bolivar ‘14 Mallory Brown ‘14 Brittany Castellanos ‘14 Henry Clements ‘14 Lena Cohen ‘14 Matthew Cohen ‘14 Samuel Cohen ‘14 Blake Colongo ‘14 Ilana Douer Seinjet ‘14 Michael Fente ‘14 Gina Fleites ‘14 Maddie Gallup ‘14 Mandi Gavcovich ‘14 Ellen Gelman ‘14 Justin Golden ‘14 Andy Gomez ‘14 Ricardo Gonzalez ‘14 Nicole Halpryn ‘14 Andrew Hanson ‘14 Julia Hauque ‘14 Andrea Herskowich ‘14 Simon Hoffman ‘14 Monica Howard ‘14 Evan Iaslovits ‘14 Cameron Ivory ‘14 Matt Kanter ‘14 Isaac Kassab ‘14 Olivia Katcher ‘14 Alec Koss ‘14 Kayla Kotalik ‘14 Garrett Kramer ‘14 Hunter Kravitz ‘14 Kristina Leiter ‘14 Lorenzo Lionello ‘14 Grace Lumbreras ‘14 Gioanna Macropulos ‘14 Emil Martayan ‘14 Kiana Matisonn ‘14 Mino Mazza ‘14 Luigi Mazza ‘14 Danielle Minott ‘14 Winona Paez ‘14 Brandon Parizo ‘14 Madison Pathman ‘14

Kanesha Petit-Phar ‘14 Julian Popiloff ‘14 Teddy Pornprinya ‘14 Callie Pumo ‘14 Alexa Randolph ‘14 Alex Rega ‘14 Joshua Rivas ‘14 Jonathan Roberts ‘14 Chelsea Rosen ‘14 Sam Schechter ‘14 Adam Seif ‘14 Michaella Sena ‘14 Andrea Serrano ‘14 Vero Serrano ‘14 Tyler Sherwood ‘14 Steven Soriano ‘14 Bianca Soto-Podesta ‘14 Jake Stauber ‘14 Aliyah Stephen ‘14 Anthony Stevens ‘14 Daniela Stransky ‘14 Marina Tabbara ‘14 Drew Taylor ‘14 Chris Thixton ‘14 Viviana Velez ‘14 Alex Villaquiran ‘14 Pablo Vivas ‘14 CJ Weiss ‘14 Austin Zifferblatt ‘14


Thomas and Gladys Benedek Sandra Berkowitz Audrey Bernstein John and Tracee Brunetti Edward and Kristine Buchler Joan Burstein Ann Bussel Sandra Chiszar Byung Ho and Ok Ran Choi Doug and Peg Clifton J. Joseph and Barbara Curran Jay and Joan Eichel Robert and Nancy Frehling Aurelio and Carmen Gonzalez Arthur and Carole Green Alan and Marilyn Greenfield Ben and Jacqui Grosman Abel and Fana Holtz Pamela Jarvis Ann Justiz Lawrence Kamm and Helen Rogers Alaine Kass Ruth Kettaneh Karen Konen Luis Leiter Sam and Ann Lewis Barry and Toba Meiselman James and Catherine Norris Mike and Deborah Nunez Claire O’Coin Robert and Jane Palmisano Ernie and Nancy Parizo Linda Pogue Mike Preston and Lucy Pekoc Norman and Jean Reust Gerald and Joan Robins Thomas ‘68 and Renee Rodgers Ibrahim and Feiga Rosell Michael and Diane Rosenberg Renee Rosenberg Jordan and Eilene Rosenblum Rand and Lisa Shapiro

Martha Stobs Martin and Cricket Taplin Stanley and Joni Tate Evelyn Teamkin Jerry and Judith Tilis The Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry Alvaro and Luby Vazquez Thelma Venema Herbert Gladstone and Carol Vogel Roy Werner Ed Williams


Yann and Ruth Abily Jon and Abra Adrabi David and Gisela Alexander Terry Alfonso Marnie Allen Daniel and Joanne Aronson Kimberly Arredondo Carlos and Margarita Avalos John and Peggy Barbick Anne Barrow David Batcheller ‘07 Jesse and Sandra Bernstein Rogina Bolt Laylah Borchers Scott and Vanessa Brennan Daniel Bronish Francesca Bruno Gary and Peggy Butts Peter and Laura Cayon Steve Charles and Briana Lee Tabitha Charles ‘85 and Jerome Charles Martin and Egda Chirinos Frank and Daria Cirisano Cole Clancy Karen Cleland Roxana Colongo Stan and Candee Comstock Nancy Crowell Jimmy Cudzilo Gary Culbertson Christopher D’Angelo John and Roxanne Davies Paul De Angelis Lourdes de la Huerta Julio DeAracama Michael and Carolyn Dorn Noujan and Paule Ebrahimi Jack and Laurie Ehrenfeld Michael Fallik Mark Fifer ‘05 Michael and Renee Finny Todd and Alice Florin Jim and Shellie Fulford Annette Fulton Juliette Fulton Christie Gales Dana and Amy Gallup Sheika Ganthier Rowena Gerber Aaron Gillego Jaime Giraldo and Liliana Alzate Thomas and Susan Glick Juan Gonzalez and April Vogel David and Melissa Greenberg Alan and Marilyn Greenfield Christopher and Tanya Hayes Roger and Brenda Holsing Michael Hutsko and Carroll Kelly Carlos Guerra and Linda Jarvis-Guerra Kelly John

Jessicca Jones Kim Jordan Linda Kaany Jeffrey and Betsy Kaplan Spencer Karnes Jenny Knight Peter Konen and Marisol Sardina Ernesto and Helen Kunde Leigh Kurk Sandy and Joanne Labaton Jasmine Lake Mohammad Ishaq and Debbie Lee Sandi Lewis Nicholas and Susanna Linfield Claudia Londono David and Beth Long Edward and Kristina Long Marbella Longsworth Susana Lopez Hatcher Charles Lovett Walter and Nina Lucchi Vanessa MacAdam Stephen and Margaret Mahoney Andrew Malcolm and Vanessa Cabrera Douglas Mann and Kerry Daly Francesta Marcelin Christian A. Martell Steven Mathes Alicia Mathó Eid Habib and Ria Maxwell Leo and Elvia Milanes Barbara Mink Russell Mofsky and Kristen McLean Eileen Mondazze Brenda Mora Monique Moyer ‘99 Gordon and Yvonne Moyer Maria Murawka Ibis Nasello Jacqueline Niang Jo Ann O’Neill Mike and Fran Oppedisano Rose Oppedisano Jose Oronoz and Fabiola Garcia-Oronoz Julio and Nora Pardave Bryan and Michele Parizo Aimone and Terri Pasqualin Ines Pearson Mike Preston and Lucy Pekoc Walter and Danielle Pineda Mark and Sheryl Piper Eric and Jonina Pitchman Denise Rivera Pascal and Jill Robert David and Kristi Romanik Fred and Cynthia Rosenberg Fredlyn Rosenfeld Theresa Sabbag Edward and Alecia Sachs Myriam Sanchez Ricardo Blum and Adriana Sandoval Mark and Sorela Schultz Charles and Jennifer Sennett Arden and Meribeth Shank Livia Silla Alicia Silva Carlos and Candida Silva Cheryl Skalberg Obie and Eileen Smith Marra Smith Jane Spinney Kristin Stickels Steven Strober


Marija Surev Tom Sverkounos and Marisol Martinez Ferro Ochiel Swaby Bruce and Meryl Tabatchnick Anthony and Lindsey Tanona B.J. Teltsher ‘93 Jane Tiffin Frank Priest and Sophia Tranoris Glen Turf Maria Valenzuela-Williams Tania Vargas Rebecca Walter William and Alba Ward Jeffrey and Patricia Watson Kenneth Westlake Elizabeth Whittington John and Kim Wicker Christopher and Denise Wilson Charles Winters Murray and Cynthia Woodburn


SECURING THE FUTURE CAMPAIGN Bob and Debi Beasley Robert and Christine Caporale Frank and Emily Eismont Sean and Candace Grosman Mark and JoAnn Hildebrandt Fredric Karlton John and Darla Karlton Samuel and Nicole Papu Abbie Salt Robert and Susan Shor Michael and Marilyn Thomas CAMPAIGN FOR THE ARTS [as of 12/31/14] Larry and Vanessa Abramowitz David and Gisela Alexander Marty ‘52 and Leesa Andreas Anonymous Anonymous Lin Arison Kimberly Arredondo Alejandro Avayu ‘97 GJ and Joyce Bakker Felipe and Monica Bautista Bob and Debi Beasley Chris Bellows Harry Benitah and Leslie Gelrubin-Benitah David ‘98 and Angela Benjamin Evan and Tiffany Berger David C. Bloom Gary Bressler Terri Broce Steven and Claudia Brod Douglas Broeker and Melanie Ink Broeker Gary and Peggy Butts Wayne and Arlene Chaplin Paul and Karen Chaplin Harvey and Roberta Chaplin Pierre and Heidi Charalambides Tabitha Charles ‘85 and Jerome Charles Michael Chavies and Pamela Pride-Chavies Sean Clancy and Dina Cellini Larry and Laura Colin Roxana Colongo Jimmy Cudzilo and Mark Rubinas John and Roxanne Davies Steve and Karina Delonga Alexander Dombrowsky ‘92 and Anna Blackman


Bud and Maria Farrey Justyn and Allison Feldman Claudia Figueredo ‘90 Robert and Rochelle Finvarb Salomon Finvarb Richard and Helen Finvarb Todd and Alice Florin Stefano Frittella and Alexandra Carcelli Jim and Shellie Fulford Jared and Michelle Goldberg Catherine Greene John Griffin and Jenny Knight Betty Hach Jack and Karleen Halliwell Javier and Andria Holtz Phillip Hudson and Sandra Kaufmann Fred and Terry Jove Kobi and Nancy Karp John and Conchita King Kevin J. King ‘95 and Tricia A. King John King ‘90 Benny and Juliette Klepach Richard Lee Krelstein Jr. Matthew and Kristin Lazenby Sandi Lewis David and Beth Long Adam and Jackie Malamed Christian A. Martell Brian ‘95 and MJ McCarthy Ivan Mendoza ‘94 Spencer and Amelia Merinoff Miami Country Day School Parents’ Association Libby and Jack Mitten Gerald W. Moore ‘68 and Victoria Fernans Moore ‘74 James Moore ‘65 and Kathryn Kassner Matthias and Conny Nixdorf Jo Ann O’Neill Julio and Nora Pardave Anne Paulk George Perez and Brooke Soffer Jarrett B. Perlow ‘97 and Joshua E. Adrian Jeffrey and Sharon Perlow Mark and Sheryl Piper Eric and Jonina Pitchman Isaac Possin and Michelle Finvarb Possin ‘95 Howard and Ilene Premer Thomas and Julie Pronesti Brenton Raymond ‘06 Michael and Diane Rosenberg Fredlyn Rosenfeld Sol and Julie Saad Lawrence and Carol Stanfill Courtney Perlow Stern ‘00 Bruce and Meryl Tabatchnick The Garner Foundation Thomas E. Rodgers, Jr. ‘68 Lance Tinkler ‘01 Valerio Toyos and Janet Pomares-Toyos Glen Turf Thelma Venema


CPF Investment Group CAMPUS LIGHTING Roger Koch COMMUNITY LEARNING PARTNERSHIP Mark and Greta Walker Foundation Mark and Greta Walker JOSEPH PAUL CERAMI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND James S. Schainuck ‘75 CHESS PROGRAM Jason & Diana Starkman Epicure Gourmet Market & Deli FACULTY ENDOWMENT Michael and Marilyn Thomas FINE ARTS Stacy Barron ‘04 Izak Rappaport ‘07 Jon Rappaport and Marsha Soffer LIBRARY Felipe and Monica Bautista TECHNOLOGY Marty ‘52 and Leesa Andreas Solon-Andreas Foundation UPPER SCHOOL Daniel and Joanne Aronson James and Monica Goldsmith Alan ‘97 and Staci Greenfield


AllianceBernstein Global Wealth Management Merrill Lynch Graham Holdings Matching Gifts Program Peabody Energy Matching Gifts and Dollars for Doers Programs UBS Financial Services Wells Fargo


Ernesto and Ana Cambo Wayne and Arlene Chaplin Jeffrey and Tracy Cohen Louise Delaplaine Steven and Karina Delonga David and Lisa Desmond Epicure Market Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC Jeff and Gigi Jeffries Four Season Hotel Miami Mark and Holly Giovannetti Jeff and Gigi Jeffries George Perez and Brooke Soffer Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. Jason and Diana Starkman Robin Straus Furlong


TEACHERS Kent ‘55 and Mimi Dixon

ABESS CENTER for ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Leonard ‘62 and Jayne Abess The Leonard L. Abess and Bertha U. Abess Foundation

MARNIE ALLEN Jay and Jayanthi Chandar

ATHLETICS Fred Berens Ernie and Ana Cambo Sean Clancy and Dina Cellini

MARK FIFER ‘05 Brian Fifer and Judy Mathia-Fifer CARROLL KELLY

DR. JOHN DAVIES Harrison C. Davies ‘09

Jon Rappaport and Marsha Soffer Izak H. Rappaport ‘07 BRYAN PARIZO Manuel Dovales ‘93 SANDI LEWIS Natalie Bernard ‘04 Jon Rappaport and Marsha Soffer Izak H. Rappaport ‘07 NINA LUCCHI Harrison C. Davies ‘09 MARISOL SARDINA Courtney Premer ‘06 MARK PIPER Joe and Mary Ann McKay NATALIA SOCARRAS ‘21 Rasciel and Maria Socarras


MR. CHARLES DASCAL Fredlyn Rosenfeld MR. NICHOLAS LINFIELD Fredlyn Rosenfeld MS. PAMELA LOCKER Fredlyn Rosenfeld


Alexander Alejo and Olga Gonzalez-Alejo Jose Alvarez Gago and Paula Meneses Perez Bernard and Nicole Ankonina Juan Arcila and Marcela Orrego Francisco Hernandez and Gladys Arellano Luis Suarez Gomez and Sandra Marcela Arroyave Carlos and Telma Avian GJ and Joyce Bakker Mariano Barreto and Bianca Baldini Francisco Jose Baro Prado Leonardo Emperador and Patricia Bastidas Paul and Camille Battista Felipe and Monica Bautista Beth Becker Helio and Graziella Beltrao Harry Benitah and Leslie Gelrubin-Benitah Paul and Sandrine Bensabat Nirat Beohar and Abha Shrivastava Beohar Julien Bergier and Carolina Calderon-Bergier James and Alexandra Bergman Jim and Serena Berra Myriam Berrahil Nikhil and Bojana Bhardwaj David and Irena Bozdogan Ione Brasil de Macedo Steven and Claudia Brod Lawrence and Laura Burkhalter Stephen Goldin and Debby Bussel Brad Cameron and Sumaya Haddadin Adrian De Wilde and Clara Castano-Gonzalez

Marcelo Cataldi and Ana Lucia Tavares Tabitha Charles ‘85 and Jerome Charles Albert and Karise Claramonte David and Dara Clarke James and Diane Cohen Jeffrey and Tracy Cohen John and Heidi Cooper Matt and Lyndsey Cooper David Della Morte and Ludovica Coratti Fernando and Kimberly Crespo Carlos Cuevas and Jimena Lardies Timothy Davis and Karin Stirk-Davis

William Dean and Stacy Roskin Alejandro Granado and Rosana Delgado Steven and Karina Delonga Baris Deniz and Anna Soggiu Carolina Diaz Michael Diaz and Hilda Piloto Constantin and Silke Dietrich Yiannis and Veronica Dumas Douglas Eaton and Molly Osendorf Ralph and Amanda Ellison Salvador and Maricer Escalon Philippe and Sylvie Fatien Ivon Fernandez David Filler and Catherine Rodriguez-Filler Mark Fisher and Eloah Ramos Rashard Lewis and Giovanni Fortes Rafael Fuentes and Ann Justiz Marcelo Kohen and Paula Furfaro Brian Nunez ‘01 and Jennifer Gimeno Mark and Holly Giovannetti GIS Power Services Corp. Todd and Kim Glaser Raj and Juliana Gohill Jared and Michelle Goldberg Diego Villegas and Laura Gomez Craig ‘93 and Nancy ‘93 Green Green Baron Company, Ltd Robby and Nadia Greenberg Sam and Claudia Grossman Charles Haisch and Jean Yang-Haisch Jack and Karleen Halliwell Bernd and Angelica Hasenbichler George and Gabriela Heisel Daniel and Toni Holtz Sagiv and Inbal Horovitz Phillip Hudson and Sandra Kaufmann Julio and Miranda Iglesias Sergio Jachtchenco and Angelique Suarez Robert Watson and Joanne James James Payer and Gail Jansen Kent and Katja Janzon Jeff and Gigi Jeffries Craig Johnson and Maggie Prieto-Johnson Peter and Ekaterina Kambolin Benjamin and Elena Kaplan Kevin J. ‘95 and Tricia A. King George and Nicole Kovacs Howard and Stephanie Krass Piotr Krasuski and Anna Poniecka Howard and Susan Kreger Lee and Vanessa Krelstein Guy and Selin Kurlandski Mikhail Kuznetsov and Daria Mitchell Edward and Kinga Lampert David and Melissa Lazarus Maria Alejandra Lopez Contreras Cary and Caryn Lubetsky Richard and Isabell Lydecker Graham Walsh and Candace Maher-Walsh Adam and Jackie Malamed Edward and Irene Mandel Panos and Ioanna Marinopoulos Bernardino and Kemella Marques Meaghan McNulty Gunther and Nicola Meyer Joel and Andrea Minski Enrique Molina and Adriana Montiel Cesar Mondragon and Tatiana Quintero Mark and Sandhya Murphy Greg Muzii and Beverly Gurney-Muzii Patrick Penkwitt and Michelle Naves

Gregory and Helena Nelson Juan Arcila and Marcela Orrego Gerardo Pantin and Rosanna Pantin Escudero Bryan and Michele Parizo Darren and Vanessa Patz Ruben Pena and Lilly Rodríguez Alexandre and Carolina Perez Jason and April Pizzo Jason and Lisi Port Isaac and Michelle ‘95 Possin Pedro Suarez and Emma Rahn de Suarez Jack and Dawn Rattner Luis and Ilana Rodan Michel and Erika Rodriguez Ron and Jessica Rodriguez Michael and Stephanie Rosen Adam and Wendy Russakoff Sebastian Santos Graziano Sbroggio Don and Jennifer Senerath Ryan ‘96 and Nirvana ‘95 Sherman Daniel and Jacky Shiff Carlos and Candida Silva Permender Singh and Neetu Saini Abraham and Michelle Smilowitz Rasciel and Maria Socarras Anton Stenin and Olga Stenina Matthew and Natalia Storm Glen and Juliet Surnamer Eric Valladares and Lisa Marie Szekely Jerry and Judith Tilis Lele Toole-Tracy ‘81 and Dwight Tracy Valerio Toyos and Janet Pomares-Toyos Sharone and Leona Tzalik Steven and Elizabeth Vainder Eric Valladares and Lisa Marie Szekely Xiomara Vargas Paulo and Paula Vasques Emilio and Deborah Vega Rodrigo and Emilie Veloso Patrizia Verduci Christine Welstead Scott and Dawn Williamson Jason and Suzanne Witrock Bill and Juliet Wolk Greg and Wendy Wyka


Moving Forward

Campaign for the The Center for the Arts The highest priority identified by the school’s current Strategic Plan is to raise money to build a Center for the Arts. The arts are not an extracurricular for our students. A Center for the Arts will provide the venue and environment that speaks to our Mission. Future plans may include a new gym, cafeteria, or science center, but currently, our number one priority is building a Center for the Arts, which will benefit all of our students from PK-3 – 12th grade. Current design documents provide for a 35,000 square foot Center for the Arts to include a 650-seat auditorium. A lobby, exhibit spaces, a dance studio, a ceramics patio, and much more are included and can be identified on the floor plans and list of naming opportunities included with this packet.

The Campus Parking Garage When we build the Center for the Arts, we are eliminating parking spaces in the North Lot, so we must replace them. Parking is currently a challenge, so this new garage will be helpful to allow more parent and student parking. The parking garage will have 350 parking spaces. In addition, Miami-Dade County requires a garage to address campus parking and traffic issues, and they would not grant the school a permit for building a Center for the Arts without a campus garage.

The Architects Zyscovich is an integrated master planning, architecture, and interior design firm with offices in Miami, West Palm Beach, Orlando, New York City, and Bogotá, Colombia. Since 1977, the firm has focused on making People Places—positively impacting the lives of people with their award-winning designs throughout the country and around the world. The Zyscovich Education Studio consists of over 40 highly-trained professionals who focus exclusively on the design of award-winning public, private, and charter schools. Notably, the group served as the studio for our school’s Katherine E. Franco Center for Learning Resources. As educators adopt a new paradigm of education for the 21st Century, Zyscovich Architects is committed to the creation of educational facility design that supports and enhances these efforts. Their designs are focused on the creation of a “culture of inquiry” and lifelong learners.


The Timeline The goal is to break ground on the parking garage in late January/early February 2015. If started at this time, the garage can be open by August 2015. The plan is to break ground on the Center for the Arts at the same time for the most effective cost, logistics, and timeline purposes. It is anticipated that Center for the Arts would be open for the 2016–17 school year.

Construction, Financing, & Campaign Center for the Arts Construction Costs $17,700,000 Parking Garage Construction Costs $5,800,000 Total Construction Costs $23,500,000 Endowment Funds $3,000,000 Total Funding $26,500,000 ($6,000,000) Tax Exempt Financing for Garage ($4,000,000) Tax Exempt Financing for Center for the Arts $16,500,000 Campaign Gifts

Ways to Give Miami Country Day School is a qualified 501(c)3 organization and gifts are deductible for income tax purposes as provided by law.


Annual Giving is a yearly appeal for donations to support the current operations of the school, including the academic and cocurricular program, faculty development, technology and the library.

Honorary Trustee $25,000+ Leadership Club $10,000+ 7500 Club $7,500+ Benefactor’s Club $5,000+ Palm Society $2,500+ Founder’s Circle $1,500+ Director’s Club $500+ Cornerstone Club


SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Acknowledged Scholarship Funds $100,000


MCDS also accepts donations of needed goods and services rather than money, which are accepted by the school based on its gift acceptance policy.


Some companies match their employees philanthropic giving. All matching companies are acknowledged in this report under their gift level and under the matching gifts category.


Gifts made in honor of students, friends, and alumni of Miami Country Day School. Memorial gifts below the minimum named gift amount will be designated for either the C.W. Doc Abele General Scholarship Fund or the L.B. Sommers General Faculty Endowment Fund.


John C. “Jack” DuBois Scholarship The John C. DuBois Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 by the Garner Family Foundation and the Alumni Association to honor Mr. Jack DuBois. Mr. DuBois has been a part of the Country Day Family for over 50 years as a teacher, coach, administrator, and Alumni Director.


Joseph Paul Cerami Memorial Fund The Joseph Paul Cerami memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 in memory of Joseph Paul Cerami ‘75 (1960-1992), by his family, friends, and classmates. This fund provided for its first full four-year scholarship in 1998-99.

Recognizing the need to increase endowment for the security of Miami Country Day’s future, endowed funds have been established to address general operations, scholarship, faculty, buildings, and programs. All endowed funds are accepted at the school’s discretion based on an endowment policy established by the Board of Trustees.

Named Funds for General Purposes $50,000 Named Funds for Designated Purposes $100,000



Endowed Teaching Chairs were established in 2004 to recognize and honor exceptional faculty members and to provide funding for their professional development pursuits. Recipients must have at least eighty percent of their employment responsibilities as teaching and have taught at Miami Country Day School for no less than three years. The term of an Endowed Chair is three academic years with a funding of up to $3,000 for professional development in total over a three-year period.

L.B. Sommers General Faculty Endowment Fund

MCDS accepts gifts of stock. Gifts are transferred electronically or by endorsing the back of the certificate or using stock power.

Named Faculty Professional Growth Funds $100,000


Named Distinguished Teacher or Department Chair $250,000

There are a variety of ways to include the school in one’s estate and financial planning, including wills and bequests, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts.

C.W. Doc Abele General Scholarship Fund Bequest received in 1982 from the estate of co-founder, C.W. “Doc” Abele to fund an endowed scholarship program. MCDS is the sole beneficiary of the net income of this trust held by a third party.

Through the support of Michael J. Franco† and his wife, Katherine†, the Birthday Book program provides new books for the library every year. As a special way to remember a child’s birthday, a new book that includes a commemorative plate bearing the child’s name is presented and read to the child’s library class and reserved in the library for years to come.

Capital gifts provide for building needs the school Named Building cannot pay for out of tuition funds. These gifts or Plant Operations Funds $250,000 are generally paid out over a three- to five-year period.


Named Scholarship Funds $250,000

Named Endowment Fund for Teaching Excellence $1,000,000

North Dade Medical Foundation Endowment Fund A $500,000 gift was made in 2004 to establish a permanent endowment fund to grow over time and generate earnings to be used to provide financial aid for students from the northern part of Miami-Dade County who have demonstrated financial need and are making satisfactory academic progress. The Starr Foundation A $100,000 gift was made in 1990, and the interest earned contributes to the general scholarship fund.


MCDS also accepts gifts to specific programs as outlined in our Gift Acceptance Policy.

Miami Country Day School is grateful for the commitment and support of the donors whose names appear in this publication. We are pleased to recognize the individuals listed within their respective affiliation categories. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list of Annual Giving gifts received July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, and Campaign for the Arts gifts as of December 31, 2014. We sincerely regret any errors.

Be a Playmaker

Join our 2014–2015 Annual Giving Team of Givers

I am a/an: Alumnus/a





Alumni Parent

Friend Business/Foundation

YES! I wish to make a gift of:

$ ___________________




Honorary Trustee............................................................($25,000 and up)

Mailing Address: _____________________________________

7500 Club .....................................................................($7,500 to $9,999)

City: ______________________ State: _____ Zip: ___________

Leadership Club.........................................................($10,000 to $24,999) Benefactor’s Club...........................................................($5,000 to $7,499) Palm Society..................................................................($2,500 to $4,999)


Founder’s Circle ............................................................($1,500 to $2,499)

E-mail: ____________________________________________

Cornerstone Club.................................................................... ($1 to $499)

Director’s Club ................................................................($500 to $1,499)

Please mail or return this form to the address below. Checks should be made out to Miami Country Day School or MCDS. For credit card gifts, please give in person or online. Miami Country Day School Attn: Development Office 601 NE 107 Street Miami, FL 33161

Help your donation go further. Go online today. Go to www.miamicountryday.org/GiveNow. Miami Country Day School accepts gifts of cash, stock, bonds, and other securities. Please make your check payable to Miami Country Day School. You may honor your pledge with cash, check, American Express, Visa, or MasterCard. Your gift is tax-deductible as provided in IRS regulations. To make a gift of stock, please call the Development Office at 305.779.7205.

Thank you for your gift!


601 Northeast 107 Street Miami, FL 33161

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