In the Meantime Volume 4

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INSIDE 6th Grade Trip


The middle school j our nalists will be documenting our exper iences under quar antine. We will be inter viewing classmates, parents, teacher s and other member s of our community as well as shar ing thoughts on our own exper iences. Please enj oy these slices-of-life dur ing this weir d, challenging time.

Angelina Belin Per sonal: This week has been a good week under the circumstances that we are in. Online school hasn't gotten easier, but I have learned to manage my time. Quarantine has taught me that even if I think there is too much homework, it is doable because I just have to manage my time even though there is nothing to do. My dad and I have been running every day now since quarantine. I have seen a lot of new buildings and parks that I have never seen. I have also been able to think about things that I never thought about before. I would definitely recommend running if you just want to get out of your head, especially during everything that is happening. Keeping active during quarantine is very important for the human body. We all just have to pull through this and live our lives to the best. Teacher : "I am working on some embroidery," said Mrs.

Laura Rodriguez, a teacher at Miami Country Day School.

Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric or other materials with designs stitched in strands of thread or yarn using a needle. Mrs. Rodriguez finds embroidery to be a very relaxing thing to do. Mrs. Rodriguez so far has done embroidery of the words "LOVE" and has made two cats sitting next to each other with a heart in the middle. Mrs. Rodriguez said, "I am also working on the seventh-grade sketchbook." She has drawn some things about her book that she is reading in the sketchbook to use as an example for her students in seventh grade. Mrs. Rodriguez said, "I definitely took some time in school for granted and wish this could go back to normal." Student: "I have seen a lot more butterflies since quarantine," said Evelyn Kunde, a sixth-grader at Miami Country Day. Being in quarantine has at least one positive effect, according to Evelyn, which is that since everyone is staying at home and not flying anywhere, the

Broghan Muhlig Per sonal: Recently, I?ve been spending my time watching shows and movies. I am particularly interested in older and iconic movies. This is why I 12watch the movies Hook and finally gotPage around to Nacho Libre. I have been meaning to watch Hook for a while because of how much of an iconic movie I hear it is, and I wanted to watch Nacho Libre because it was recommended to me on the SuperMegaCast. Another reason why I wanted to watch these films, especially during this time, is because the most common way I hear them described is ?feel-good films.? I would agree with that statement. Nacho Libre was just a silly movie that felt nice, and Hook was a warm, heartwarming film. I really enjoyed watching this, and I really enjoyed these feelings. Other films I?ve been watching are films made in the ?anime? art style. Anime is basically Japanese cartoons. The movies I have watched are some of my favorite movies now. These movies have been A Silent Voice and Your Name. These films look so so beautiful and it really had me feeling what the characters were feeling. A Silent Voice was a film that had me on edge at all times. I will try not to spoil the film, but the story made me feel like I was about to cry, but I felt bad because I wasn?t crying. On the other side, Your Name was an incredible and interesting movie. Again, I don?t want to spoil

the film, but the film really took a turn which I could have never seen coming. I truly felt ?What is going to happen next? How will it continue?? I felt for these films and I haven?t felt so intrigued as I was in a long while. I am very glad quarantine gave me the opportunity to do so. Teacher : ?I?ve been really busy,? said Laura Rodriguez, 7th-grade English teacher. As she has said herself, she has been very busy during this quarantine. Recently, she has spent a lot more time making embroideries. Embroidery is an art people do where they make and decorate cloth or other materials of that sort with shapes made from thread. Mrs. Rodriquez also has been taking part in a recent activity that is very popular, called birthday parades. To summarize them, birthday parades are when you and a bunch of friends get in your cars and drive to the birthday person?s house, and you honk and scream ?happy birthday? out the windows. It has been a very popular method of giving birthday wishes, mainly because of the quarantine going on. Student: Sofia Cataldi is a 7th-grade student who has been spending most of her time with friends and playing games. Like many others, she misses being able to see her friends. But she has spent as much time as she can with them, especially through video games.

earth is "healing". For that reason, she said, she can see so much more life in her garden and in her backyard. "The thing that I miss the most is being able to go to school and interact with my friends and teachers," admitted Evelyn. Before quarantine, some people probably didn't want to go out or just didn't want to go to school, but now since everybody has to stay inside all day and never go out they would regret not going out. Teacher : "We now have a routine that we do everyday,?, said Ms. Helen Kunde, a parent of Evelyn Kunde and a teacher at Miami Country Day. Keeping healthy every day is good for the human body. It is good to keep discipline during quarantine so that when we go back to our regular lives not much has changed except for being able to go out. "After online school we go on a walk and she is friends but we keep our distance," said Helen Kunde. Ms. Kunde advises that is ?important to keep your distance from other people while you are out shopping, out on a walk, or out on a bike ride. Everybody needs to be safe during this time of crisis.?

When talking about what she has been saying to remain in contact, she said, ?I?ve been playing on the PlayStation a lot with them.? Sofia has been playing games like Rainbow Six Siege and Minecraft a lot recently. Whether it is hopping into a view rounds, or exploring a new world, she is doing it with her friends. Parent: Jamie and Micheal Mandel, who are parents of three MCDS middle schoolers, have a big focus on family during this quarantine. ?As a family, we have been using the pool and Jacuzzi outside,? they said. ?We?ve been doing 3D puzzles, and playing board games, and watching a lot of movies.? Another thing Mr. and Mrs. Mandel have been doing is cooking. A few things that say they made have been carrot raisin muffins, oatmeal raisin muffins, and puff pastry salmon. They also have been eating things like hamburgers and hotdogs. While doing all these things with their family, they have also been doing what they can to take care of themselves by being active. Mr. Mandel said, ?We have a little home gym, and we have a Peleton Machine and a heavy boxing bag, so we have been trying to exercise with that and also walking the dogs.? There are many things they can no longer do because we are in quarantine, and there are many different parts of life that everyone misses. Mrs. Mandel said that she misses being able to see her parents very much. Mr. Mandel, on the other hand, said that he really misses being able to go out to different restaurants to eat.

Ms. Seidel thinks that independent reading has been easiest for her class. Everyone can read if they are at school or not, so that has been the easiest thing for her class and students to adjust to.

Alex Pool Student: Online school has been difficult for everyone in the beginning. Eighth grader Gabriella Judge said that she now is used to it, but in the beginning online school was difficult for her, too. She said all the codes for the different classes were difficult to remember and get right. Also, wifi problems were something she had to deal with along with other people. Gabi adds that she isn't good with technology, so it took longer to adjust. The easiest classes for Gabi to adjust to are English and Civics because, as she explained, ?We are reading in class together on Zoom.? She adds, ?Also, Civics, because he shows us the Powerpoint like we do in class and we take notes.? The classes that can do similar stuff to before are the easiest to adjust to. Gabi adds, ?PE and Dance are very hard to adjust to because it is physical movement and it is strange to be doing jumping jacks in my living room!? In Gabi?s free time, she has been watching shows on Disney Plus that she watched when she was younger like Suite Life on Deck and Wizards of Waverly Place. Also, she has been using Netflix Party, a way to text through Netflix, with friends to watch movies. Gabi has also been doing a lot of homework. She thinks there is a lot more homework right now. Now that she is adjusted, she was able to catch up a little more and not feel so overwhelmed. The first thing Gabi wants to do when this is all over is see friends. It is difficult to stay 6 feet apart from friends, but, now, she can't even see them at all! Gabi wants to hug all her friends when she is able to leave and hang out with them! Teacher: English teacher Ms. Lindsy Seidel said that online school is a challenge, but it is an exciting challenge. She is used to seeing everyone everyday and she misses that. She has been very busy right now. She said that a big difference is that ?there have been far more emails, meetings, and sessions just because we can?t pop in and out of each other's classrooms.? She explained, ?If a student has a quick question, they can't pop in and ask. They have to send a message, wait for me to reply, and then respond.?

In Ms. Seidel's free time, she has been reading a lot. The books she reads are ones she wants to recommend to students. She just finished rereading Dear Martin by Nic Stone. She has also read Clean Getaway by Nic Stone, Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee, and other non-student books. Overall, most of the books she reads are the ones she would recommend to students, so lots of books her students pick. Dear Martin has been her favorite book she read. ?It?s not an easy read because the topic is difficult,? said Ms. Seidel. ?But it reads like I can hear students talking. It makes it easier for me to be in the book, because I hear my students talking to each other.? She has also been coloring and baking in her free time but not eating too much of what she is baking! When Ms. Seidel is able to leave quarantine, she wants to give hugs and see people that she hasn't been able to actually see! Personal: I have noticed that some classes have been easier to adjust to than others. Civics, English, and math have been the easiest for me. That is because those classes have changed the least through online school. Some parts of the classes listed above have changed as well. For example, in Civics, we just had a debate. It used to be in the classroom, but this time it was done online! It felt very different, especially having to talk to my computer. In my free time, I have been doing similar things to last week. I have been baking again; this time I baked chocolate chip muffins and sugar cookies. During this time, I want to become a better baker. I don?t usually bake cookies but I decided to try something new. The cookies turned out better than I expected and it is now something I want to bake more often. This week I have also gone on long walks with my family. Before quarantine, I didn't go on walks with my family very often. It is nice to spend this time going on walks. I always need some fresh air every day and that is good. Lastly, I have been catching up with homework. It is easy to fall behind with the amount of homework. On weekdays, I always try to do my homework during breaks between and

David Bejar Per sonal: As another week of quarantine passed, I have found myself deep in thought about online school. I have been quite stressed over homework and tests that normally wouldn?t worry me. It almost feels as if I have the mentality that online school isn?t important. Obviously online school is important, but I just feel I can?t excel in classes without actually being with the teacher. I don?t know why this is, maybe it?s the lack of interaction with a teacher. Or maybe it is that I just feel as if I?m just watching a video and I?m not really in class. Despite the fact that I?m feeling stressed, I have still been able to find joy. I?ve been playing lots of new video games with my brother which is fun. Basketball has really helped me through these times. I have been playing so much basketball more than I ever have and I am really enjoying it. Watching old basketball games and studying how the best of the best play is also beneficial to me. Student: Seventh grader Marcus Papunen has mixed feelings about online school, believing that online school fits his attention span better because of the

shorter classes. He also said due to him being near lots of things like his electronics, has caused him to struggle.

Like many other people, Marcus has been watching a lot of Netflix and YouTube. He recommends The Outsiders, and All American. Marcus enjoys All American because it is about a young man who has incredible football ability and has to manage his life at home and on the field. On Youtube Marcus has been watching The Nelk Boys. He commented ?I?ve watched every video The Nelk Boys have made!? Marcus enjoys them because of their audiasity and how they really focus on great content. Parent: Mrs. Allison Papunen, mother of Marcus, has started to cook and she said some of her favorite dishes she has made were pasta, shrimp fried rice, brisket, steak, salmon, and ravioli. ?I don?t mind online school,?

before school. I also use the weekends to catch up. Parent Mrs. Caryn Lubetsky, parent of three MCDS students and head of the Parents?Association, said that it is hard for the parents to adjust so quickly to an entirely new way of life. Her family was able to adapt well to all the new changes. She said the MCDS has done a great job with adapting like the online learning and spartans connect events. She adds that it really helps everyone feel like they are still in the MCDS community. Mrs. Lubetsky thinks that online school still lets students feel connected to each other. Also, all the students are getting a lot out of their classes and learning. She said that students still have the challenge of school work. A difficult part of online school is when students are working on homework or a project and have a question, they have to wait until later that day to ask or even wait until the next day. She adds that the teachers are still always there for them. Mrs. Lubetsky noticed that the hardest part is that students sit in front of their computer for so long during school, especially with the last test period after the school day. During this time, she is taking a lot of walks with her family, at day and night. In her free time, she is running and cooking. She likes to make lunch and dinner for her family, and learn new recipes. Her favorite things to make are cake and banana bread Mrs. Lubetsky didn't realize how much she would miss just walking around campus. Since she is president of the Parents Association, she is on campus a lot. ?Normally I would go walk from one meeting to another,? said Mrs. Lubetsky. ?I would always feel so rushed because it would take me so long and I would get stopped so much by people that ask me questions. It would always stress me out so much like ?Oh my gosh I am going to be late! I hope I wasn't rude.?? Now, she misses all that a lot. She said that walking across campus and seeing so many different faces, people asking her questions, and saying hello is what she misses the most. The first thing Mrs. Lubetsky wants to do when the lockdown is over is to see her parents. She hasnt had the chance because they are in a different house, and she can't see them. She wants her kids to see their grandparents and have them all see her parents.

explained Mrs. Papunen. ?I think there is a lot that the kids can get from it. I only worry about their socialization." M r s. Rodr iguez has been pr acticing her embroider y dur ing quar antine. Ver y impressive!

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scared of contracting the virus to the point that I have not left my house since the government declared the quarantine, and closed the schools.

Daniella Arango Student: Quarantine has made Isabella Possin learn a bunch of new things. Isabella has spent some of her time drawing, paddle boarding, and going out on her boat. Isabella loves art. She recently just tried pottery and is now making pots. Like most people, Isabella of course misses her friends and going to school, but she has found that she likes doing new things around the house like volleyball, going in the pool, and spending time with her family. Isabella really likes virtual school. She said, "I like it because I get more time of personal learning and some classes have improved a lot, like art." As a result of this situation, Isabella said, "We can adjust to anything, and that we should get out of our comfort zones." Per sonal: To be honest, this week of being in quarantine has been a bit harder than the other weeks. The weather has been cloudier and gloomier, and I have been staying in my room pretty much the whole day. Since I have been using my electronics more recently, I have found a lot of new videos. Some of the videos that I really enjoy are baking videos and craft videos. I also like watching reviews, basically creative things that people are doing during this time. My mom and I have been trying out new recipes every week, and they have been turning out really good. We are mostly trying to find healthy recipes that are replacing bad options, with good options. For example my mom and I have been trying monk fruit sweetener instead of sugar, and it tastes exactly the same except it is so much healthier for you. My cousin and I have been working out together on FaceTime, and it is so fun because it feels like we are together. I also walk my dogs with my dad at least once every day. Other than the days raining a lot, I have been enjoying quarantine so far. Parent: "Covid-19 has impacted pretty much every single aspect of my life, and everyone else's for that matter,? said Mr. Raul Galofre, parent of Isabella

Galofre from 8th grade. ?This is a situation that nobody really expected, and I think that it's the first time that we experienced something like this." ?No one has really experienced anything similar to this,? added Mr. Galofre, ?From having to stay at home, to not being able to go to work, to not traveling." Mr. Galofre says that there are a lot more questions than answers at this point, and that it is hard to know what will happen next. "It is hard to know what to expect,? said Mr. Galofre. ?It is hard to know when it is going to be over. It is difficult to know when this will all get back to normal." Mr. Galofre said, "The first few days with our kids not having to go to school, in a confined space, presented a new situation for us as everyone had to find their own space in a way. Having to work virtually is also a new situation. And not being able to visit friends, going out to have dinner with family, friends and loved ones has been quite challenging." Mr. Galofre said that he has learned that life can change dramatically at any given point. "Nothing is set in stone. Everything that you think that is standard or normal can change. Change is perhaps the only true constant thing that life has to offer." But of course there have been positive things. "One of the things that I think has been very valuable is truly appreciating what you have,? he said. ?You have to live for today and try to make the best out of any and all situations that might come your way." He also commented, "One really interesting thing that has happened is that my daughters have had a lot of interaction with her cousins and their grandparents. Also in our family, every morning we wake up and we do exercise together. That has been a lot of fun." Teacher : Spanish teacher Ms. Livia Minetti said, "COVID 19 has impacted my life because after watching the news, and seeing how many people got infected and died in such a short period of time, I feel very better.

Chloe Shapiro Per sonal: Quarantine has definitely changed my mood and how I feel every day. Some days I just don?t want to get out of bed, and other days I?m excited to start my school day. I have felt more lonely during quarantine, and that has affected my mood a lot. I don?t see my friends anymore on a day-to-day basis like I used to, so I definitely feel more lonely. Although, I also have felt more relaxed. Mentally, I am changing in a good way, which makes me feel good. I still yearn to go out and do something, but I know that staying inside is the best option. Student: Camila Ramirez, a sixth grade student, said this pandemic is just as bad as it sounds. She also said that she does not think that it is a good idea that some states are thinking about ?opening?because if they open the virus could easily be spread. Camila said that everyone should stay home, and everything should stay closed until things get

?I really want to enjoy my summer and have a great time,? said Camila. ?I hope this virus concludes by summertime.? She also said that she misses going to school and hasn?t been very fond of online school. Teacher : French teacher Lara Oehlert has been volunteering for a few different animal shelters. She said, ?I took in some foster kittens that were at the shelter, and I have been helping promote adoptions for the Broward Country Animal Shelter.? ?All of this craziness has been stressful,? she explained. ?It has been really easy to just look at the negative and all the problems but the more that I

"Not only that, but I do not let anybody walk into my house,? she added. ?I miss going to the school, talking to my friends, and enjoying my students. Miami Country Day School is my second home, I have been working there for eighteen years." Quarantine is affecting Ms. Minetti's family because she has to stay home, work from home, but she gets to spend more time with her family. "I think we were not used to spending all this time together.? she said. ?In a sense we have learned to be together 24/7. Before we were always running to go somewhere, or to do something. Now we are enjoying our time together, and doing more things together.? "On the other hand, living in this fear of contracting the virus, we have to disinfect the groceries, we open outside any box that we receive, and then we have to disinfect its contents; and even though we are very careful, the fear is always there. We constantly wash our hands, disinfect the house, wash everything constantly." In terms of teaching, Ms. Minetti is adjusting very well to virtual teaching. "At the beginning it felt strange just because it was new to us, but now I am already getting used to it," she said. "My classes are going really well with the help and patience from my wonderful students. I am so proud of the fact that they have welcomed the change bravely, that they have been very supportive, and that they are trying their best to succeed." An activity that Mrs. Minetti is doing during quarantine is working on her garden. Ms. Minetti has been replanting her orchids, which roots were already coming out of the pots because she never had the time before to replant them. Ms. Minetti has also been trimming her bougainvillea and adding nutrients to them to promote the growing of flowers. Unfortunately Ms. Minetti had to change all her roses because they died. Now Ms. Minetti is working on building some courage to visit Home Depot to buy more plants and soil. "I have learned not to give anything for granted,? she explained. I have learned how fragile our lives are. I have learned to enjoy life and disregard the small problems. I have learned to love more, to laugh more, and to enjoy and appreciate all the beautiful things life has granted me." have started to look for good news, I have noticed that there are lots of people who are doing hard work to help out, so I?m trying really hard to just stay happy and positive. Parent: Mrs. Georgia Carstensen, parent of sixth grader Maria Carstensen said, ?I worry a lot about what this pandemic means for the healthcare workers that are really there at the frontline, and also what it means to children and their education.? Mrs. Carstensen said that she is taking advantage of this time a lot. She said that she is doing lots of things that she usually never had time to do in her house, and she is also taking advantage to notice that staying home can be fun too!

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learn and be inspired but my homework is overwhelming and challenging. It has been a constant struggle to focus and get it done. I think mostly its because I?m sitting at my desk and in my chair looking at my screen for hours when I'm used to walking from class to class and being in new environments throughout the day. I'm doing the best I can.

Lucas Bacardi Shriftman Student:

He is making his parents' job much easier.

Sebastian Santos, a sixth-grader at Miami Country Day School, said he has learned that it is very important to spend time with your family and to always find time with the people you have in your life because you don't know when the next time you see them will be and you have to make every second count.


Sebastian learned how to cook. It is something he enjoys and wants to do it more often. He never knew that he liked cooking before this. He cooked pancakes and a cookie cake. They were both very easy to make. The recipes he found online made it very easy for him to cook the pancakes and cookie cake.

"My business is online recipes so I'm constantly looking at recipes, partly why I was trying new ones,? she said.

Sebastian had never done an online workout before and started to do them so he could still train at home. He is also riding his bike more often. To train for soccer, Sebastian is going to practice every week and is playing in his backyard with his goal. Sebastian has a daily routine. He wakes up, eats breakfast, goes to school, does his homework, has soccer practice, then has free time to either play X box, go swimming, play soccer, or watch Youtube. Sebastian is being very helpful around the house. He is washing the dishes and doing the laundry.

Serena Berra, parent of sixth grader Jake Berra, said she;s learned a lot of new recipes, including popovers. Mrs. Berra explained that she finds her recipes online.

She also learned that her son, Jake, is good at piano.

"I need flow,? she said. ?A certain amount of time to work, and focus" Though it is hard for Serena to work, she is thinking of it positively. She is thinking of it as growth, to be able to deal with big changes. Though she is working very hard she is still making time for family and eating lunch with Jake.

Although Coach O is not much of a reader, as he said, he is learning Spanish on Youtube. He is a visual learner, so it is easier for him to learn by watching instead of reading. He is learning Spanish so he can stay academically inclined.

Per sonal:

"I really have not done anything new, but these times have reinforced the fact that you are not guaranteed tomorrow. Life is unpredictable," said Coach O.

Serena's biggest change is having everyone home. It is harder for her to work and focus while everyone is home.

My quarantine continues to be challenging yet fun at the same time. Zoom school has been nice seeing my teachers and friends. I have been continuing to

Per sonal:

Getting food supplies is different in each of my households. At my mom?s house, we order online and disinfect the food before placing it inside. At my dad?s house, my dad goes every Tuesday to the grocery store with gloves, a mask, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. For us, our diet has improved now that we are doing less take out. We are cooking more together and using healthier and better ingredients since we cook from scratch. Student: Eighth grader Madeline Bram had a lot of concerns and thoughts of quarantine. ?The most stressful part of quarantine is not getting to go to all the places I want to be in with all my friends,? stated Madeline. ?The least stressful part of being in quarantine is that we get to sleep in a lot more than we did before.? A lot of people are having the stress and worry of having to maintain themselves and their families with food and supplies. Some families like to maintain those stresses and worries by having a routine to follow by when having to get the supplies necessary for them. Madeline explained how her family likes to order everything online and how it helps them from being at risk of going to

Teacher : P.E. teacher. Mr. Ochiel Swaby, said he has been really taking advantage of this quarantine and trying to get in a lot of exercises. He said he has been really lazy over the past few years. He has been doing one hundred push-ups a day. He is also watching a workout youtube video every day along with using dumbbell weights.

Maya Tafur Martinez The quarantine can be quite stressful, especially when having to think about how to get out of the house just for buying necessities like food without catching the virus itself. For me, the most stressful part of being in quarantine is staying indoors all day doing the same activities over and over again. I also find school a bit stressful since teachers give us more work. The easy part of staying indoors all-day long is being able to sleep and get more rest.

Teachers are also assigning more homework than usual, and I?m working on my time management and execution. I?ve also been going to extra help to maximize this last month of school.

grocery stores with other people.

?I think that oddly enough our diets are better than before,? she stated. ?Because we end up cooking together and finding good recipes online so we have more time to consider what we are going to eat.? Overall, Madeline and her family are a bit stressed about staying indoors all day long, but are enjoying the sleep and rest they get with it. They?re also using the best of technology by ordering food online and are maintaining themselves healthy by eating well and not risking themselves by going to grocery stores. Parent: Elizabeth Bram, mother of eighth grader Madeline, is having her own ups and downs of quarantine as a parent. Mrs. Bram stated that the most stressful part of being in quarantine is having to deal with time-consuming tasks that now must be done by themselves and having to loosen their expectations and standards of what is okay. S he continued by stating that the new normal means having to handle towels or clothing that pile up for days and must be done. She concluded by stating, ?The least stressful part is that we don?t have commuting deadlines - we are right where we need to be when we need to be is home!? Lastly, Mrs. Bram said her family?s diets have changed. ?Our diet has changed since we cannot go to the same restaurants we are used to, and ordering is more limited,? she explained. ?We cook more as both an activity

and a necessity. We have to think and plan more about what we are eating than previously and sometimes that leads to great decisions and sometimes that leads to cooking disasters, but overall we have fun.? Teacher : Mrs. Rodriguez, a middle school English and Social Studies teacher, had a lot to say about her encounters in quarantine. She said, ?I guess the most stressful parts of being in quarantine is having the feeling that I might run out of food or something and not be able to go to a grocery store without having contact with other people.? She continued by saying, ?Also not being able to physically see my parents is quite stressful, but the easy part of it is getting to wake up later and not having to wake up so early for school.? Mrs. Rodriguez explained that her family?s system for getting food is by ordering online, but if they run out of something and it?s an emergency, Mrs. Rodriguez will go to the Publix they live nearby and get what they need once a week. ?I think I?m eating better. We are eating better,? Mrs. Rodriguez concluded by saying that she and her family are now having better diets and how their cooking skills have developed.

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