Brand Guidelines Example

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contents 01 02 03 04 05 06 Brand Pillars Color Guidelines Typography Design Elements Online Marketing Print Materials
Creating designs that reflect, inspire, and elevate our clients.
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Brand Pillars


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Brand Concept

We believe in intentional design. It has the ability to overcome adversity and transcend all discrepancies. In the end, great design brings us together.

For this reason, the Vetter Design Co brand was created to be simple, yet powerful. A breath of fresh air where all are welcome and everyone can have a new start.

The simplicity and lack of color was designed so that client work is able to take the lead.

We aim to cheer on and support our clients. It is our priority to make their work shine. The Vetter Design Co brand is a palette cleanse allowing viewers to experience our client’s work with no distractions.

The brand is also compromised of negative space and curved patterns. These curves and paths represent the support and unity Vetter Design offers to our clients.

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Vetter Design Co. Brand Story


Vetter Design Co is a creative studio committed to launching business owners into their destiny.














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Primary Logo

The primary logo was created with geometric type and curved lines. These elements give the logo a sense of movement and fluidity that set it apart from otherwise flat and stagnant logos.

Size + Spacing

The logo should never appear smaller than 1 inch wide. It must also always be given a boundary of 25% of it’s width to maintain proper spacing.

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Brand Guidelines VETTER DESIGN 6 1 in. .25 in. .25 in. .25 in. .25 in.


When unable to use the primary logo, there is an alternative to choose instead. The option is a logotype with the words “Vetter Design Co”.

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Text placed in the bottom right of the logo.
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Color Guidelines


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Brand Colors

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Black Hex: #1a1a1c Medium Grey Hex: #c7cdd7 Dark Grey Hex: #8f969c Light Grey Hex: #e5e6ea


Best for text and occasionally dark backgrounds.

Best for backgrounds and accent shapes.

Best for text.

Best for accent shapes + patterns.

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Brand Guidelines VETTER DESIGN 14

Hanno is a minimalist Mid Century Modern sans serif font that has a tall X-height and is extremely geometric.

About Usage

Hanno is meant to be used only for big bold headlines on posters, websites, and marketing materials.

VETTER DESIGN Brand Guidelines 15 HANNO
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Gotham is a geometric sans-serif typeface family. It was created for professional use and is very large. It includes a wide variety of versions.

Gotham is the primary type for the brand. It should be used for headings, quotes, and body text. It is easy to read and works well for large paragraphs.

Brand Guidelines VETTER DESIGN 16
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Gotham About Usage
VETTER DESIGN Brand Guidelines 17 four

Design Elements


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It is encouraged to incorporate additional design elements into marketing materials. These elements must be consistent, cohesive, modern, and clean.

Brand Elements Include:

+ Curved grey or white lines

+ Gradients using brand colors

+ Circles

+ Text on a path

+ Type behind or around subjects in photos

These elements should never fully cover photos. They can wrap over or through images as long as they do not cover the subject’s face. Paths should have a maximum of 4 lines within them. Distance between lines should be consistent.

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Text on a path and in a circle

Half circle overlapping photo

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Photography should consist of ample negative space and be void of too much detail or clutter. Greys, whites, and blacks are the main colors that should be seen.

Photo Attributes:

+ interesting angles

+ nothing corporate

+ comfortable and creative

+ relaxed posing

+ non distracting backgrounds

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Online Marketing


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Client Avatar: Jackie

CEO Of Super Foods Company

When creating marketing content, it is vital to remember who you’re creating it for. Speak directly to this audience using their language and capturing their attention.

Dreams, Goals, Values

+Bring her healthy food model to 10 U.S. cities

+Values community participation

+Values personal health and self care

+High standards for all parts of business

+Be listed on Forbes 30 under 30

+Transparent and authentic leadership style


+Age 28-40

+CEO and founder of business

+Has 5-50 employees


+Not reaching their “destiny” or potential

+Their product not making a difference

VETTER DESIGN Brand Guidelines 25

Sources Of Information

+ Follows NY Times and Forbes

+ Goes to wine bars with friends

+ Takes leadership/self development classes

+ Attends holistic retreats (such as Journey)

Challenges, Pain Points

+ Outgrown original branding

+ Too busy to strategize social media

+ Too busy to audit effectiveness of website

+ Struggles attracting the right users for product

+ Pumping out content quickly that isn’t cohesive

+ Differentiating from competitors

+ Effectively showcasing their vision

Objections To Branding Services

+ Too expensive

+ New branding feels like a luxury not necessity

+ Believes their product speaks for itself

+ Want to hit certain mile mark in business before investing in branding

Loves People Determined

Brand Guidelines VETTER DESIGN 26
Friendly Optimistic Dreamer

Before Transformation

Jackie lives in an exciting yet chaotic world. She is fearless and has jumped head on into pursuing her dream of building a nationally recognized super food product line. She bounces from meeting to meeting advocating for her desired reality.

Among all the hustle, marketing has become a second priority. She knows it is important so she makes it happen, but it’s not the high standard that she desires for her business.

She feels alone in marketing which leads to anxiety, frustration, and overwhelm when she looks at her different platforms. Her website and social platforms don’t look cohesive.

The passion and potential she feels behind her product line are not showing on these platforms. It makes her sad to see that her energy isn’t accurately being represented to the world yet she has no idea how to get her message across.

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After Transformation

The first and most important matter of business is that Vetter Design Co listens to Jackie. We make her feel seen and we validate that her dream is worthy of success. We repeat her goals and passions back to let her know we listen and care. We are a partner and a cheerleader so she does not feel alone.

We transform Jackie’s chaotic marketing into one cohesive story. We give her tools that are easy to use and save her time.

We build her a brand that increases her confidence and allows her to walk into investor meetings feeling amazing about her product line. Her website and social media are unified and interesting.

Customers are more engaged with the brand and are sharing her products more online. Overall, Jackie is proud of her business and her stress level has dissipated. Along with this, her sales have increased and she is hitting her goals quicker than she even expected!

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Social Media

Profile Look + Feel

+negative space

+white/grey backgrounds

+use only 1-2 typography templates

+showcase client work on simple backgrounds

+space out different types of content (ex. don’t have two portrait photos next to each other)

Carousel providing helpful info

Showcasing client work on mockup

Professional photo with reel hook

Content Pillars


+ Reels

+ Fun behind the scenes

+ Painting videos

+ Micah’s day to day life

+ Event behind the scenes


+ Branding + murals stats

+ Design process

+ Industry news

+ Entrepreneur tips

+ Q+A on stories


+ Showcase client stories

+ Feature other business owners

+ Collaborations

+ Shout outs

+ My personal story


+ Before/afters

+ Share personal growth/challenges

+ Moodboards

+ Client branding work

+ Client success stories

Brand Guidelines VETTER DESIGN 30


Social media carousels should inform viewers and contain relevant information to Vetter Design Co’s target client. They should follow either of the two formats

Title can go right h ere.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad

Title can go right h ere.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut

VETTER DESIGN Brand Guidelines 31 Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet , Loremipsum dolor sit amet, improve your website. 3 THINGS Y OU CAN DO T O
example title goes right h ere


Social media carousels should inform viewers and contain relevant information to Vetter Design Co’s target client. They should follow either of the two formats


+ Edgy/creative hooks

+ Fun transitions

+ Relevant info for audience

+ Original voice overs

+ Soul, Hip Hop, R&B music

+ White/clean backgrounds

+ Creative angles

+ Use of lines/circles


+ Basic industry hooks

+ Cheesy audio

+ Lip syncing

+ Dancing

+ Cluttered backgrounds

Cheap design is EXPENSIVE

1. Example uses a creative hook

2. White or grey text

3. “In-app” sans serif font

Brand Guidelines VETTER DESIGN 32

Brand Voice

Vetter Design Co loves people. We are excited to be apart of our client’s journey. We are selfless and serve others. Everything we do is to elevate our clients. We promote their services, we tell their stories, we partner with them, we help them change the world.

VETTER DESIGN Brand Guidelines 33
empowering confident positive

Keep In Mind

Vetter Design Co is confident. We are thought leaders and professionals that business owners look to for advice. With that power, we never tear others down. Our position is a gift that we use to help leverage others to have opportunities as well. We never complain about being misunderstood by clients, having too much work, or working on a project we might not love. Positivity is key.

Brand Guidelines VETTER DESIGN 34
edgy witty f r i e n d ly encouraging optimistic funky bold
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Print Materials


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Swiss Design

Swiss Design is a type of graphic design characterized by minimalism, a block layout, sans serif typefaces, and the use of a grid.

VETTER DESIGN Brand Guidelines 37

Tips To Remember

+ negative space

+ left aligned text

+ clear type hierarchy

+ use a grid for organization

Empowering businesses owners to lead the life of their dreams.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
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