Hotelbau journal 09 en

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Journal for the Hotel Industry – Gastronomy – Tourism in the Alpe-Adria Region |

Future Market Croatia

The new Top Destination xxx

Special | Hotelbau-Journal | Edition 09 | December 2004 | Copies 20,000 | Michaeler & Partner

Spedizione in a.p. - 70% - DCI Bolzano - Taxe percue - Economy/C - I.R.

Aichner Clodi A/C photo: © Moreno Maggi


HOSPITALITY Hotel Interiors by Selva:

We don't just pamper your guests. We do the same with you.

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Croatia offers its visitors dreamy islands, idyllic bays and crystal clear waters. It stretches along the Adriatic from the Istria peninsula to the entrance to Kotor’s Montenegrin bay. On a coastal strip of 1,800 km and

signing of the Stability Pact with the

SPA to the highest levels, and also

approx. 1,200 islands, this country

European Union. Their next hope is

convention centres. In this way they

has developed into a new touristic

to begin negotiations on EU mem-

are able to offer a unique holiday

destination in the Mediterranean. It


adventure to their guests. All seven

is especially charming, because in

Within the next few years numer-

projects are realised with the partici-

addition to unspoilt nature, famous

ous Hotel & Resorts will develop

pation of Michaeler & Partner.

sites and historic cities, it is also

along this wonderful coast, and will

considerably more economical when

characterize the touristic market in

compared with other destinations in

a sustainable way. In this special

Mediterranean. Croatia has record-

edition we will introduce you to 7

ed booming touristic development

projects, one of which has already

over the past few years, whereby

been implemented. The other six are

this source of income provides a lot

still in their starting phases. In part,

of revenue to the Croatian economy.

these projects consist of Resorts,

The change in government, which

which have the same bed capacity

took place four years ago, led to it

of a small village and which also

to today becoming one of Europe’s

offer apartments, villas, leisure in-

top destinations. Particularly impor-

frastructure, shops, restaurants and

tant towards this development was

much more, in addition to hotels

the admission to the WTO and the

with infrastructures like Wellness &

Enjoy reading!

Otmar Michaeler

3 | Special Marienbad



6 Falkensteiner Hoteli Borik - A top-class 4-star Resort 10 The Falkensteiner Club Funimation Dalmatien.Zadar 24 The Falkensteiner Hotel Adriana Select

34 Novi Thalasso & SPA Resort - Kvarner Bay

Imprint A production of

Via Isarco 1, I-39040 Varna Tel. +39 0472 978 140 Fax +39 0472 978 141


Editor: Dr. Otmar Michaeler Registration at the Provincial Court Bolzano on 12.02.02 Responsible for the content: Willy Vontavon Graphic design: Brixmedia srl Lay-out & DTP typesetting: Heidi Oberhauser Italian translation: Studio Bonetti, Bolzano English translation: Elvira Schmid, Terento Cover picture: Falkensteiner Club Funimation Dalmatien.Zadar Print: Athesia Druck srl Editor credits: Iris Costazza of Michaeler & Partner

40 46 52 56 58


The Punta Skala Resort - Along the Punta Skala Riviera The Skiper Resort - Istria The Draghonera Resort - Brioni Riviera - Istria Hotel Park Punat - Krk Island Camping Pila - Krk Island

60 Future Market Croatia

Erika Kusstatscher of Michaeler & Partner is responsible for the Hotelbau Journal.

5 | Special Croatia

Services in the area of “Consulting & Project Management” Feasibility study, project development, project management for the “Falkensteiner Hoteli Borik” project. Services in the area of “Planning & Engineering” Master planning, overall project management with regard to general planning, execution planning, submission planning, local construction processing and invoicing for the “Falkensteiner Hoteli Borik” project.

Technical review Falkensteiner Hoteli Borik Project 4 Realization: from 2001 to 2004 4 Building contractor: Hoteli Borik d.d. 4 New areas: Reconstruction and renovation of several hotel complexes, pool facility, infrastructure 4 Classification: 4-star 4 Homepage:

Special Croatia | 6

Falkensteiner Hoteli Borik

A top-class 4-star Resort Tourism has always been one of the most important economic sectors in Croatia. The change of government and the associated road to European has led to positive development of this renowned holiday destination, which is why the Falkensteiner Business Group decided to invest into this booming region.

The already restructured and newly

Funimation. The 3* Hotels Puntami-

conceived Borik Resort with its 100

ka and Hotel Donat and the 2* Hotel

acres (40 ha) is located in the vicin-

Zadar are to be further restructured

ity of Zadar on the Dalmatian coast

and extended in the near future.

and offers its guests a varied offer for the most individual of holiday

Not only does the Borik Resort dis-

needs. The dreamily positioned

pose of a spacious, cared-for and

hotel facility has been extensively

directly accessible beach section

restructured from 2001 to 2004. It

with fine sand, but also of a park-

consists of the already finished 4*

like garden facility with lawns and

Hotel Adriana and the Club Hotel

a little pine forest for short and re-

7 | Special Croatia


Parquet floors • Carpets • Fabrics • Accessories

TAPIMOS AUSTRIA Textilproduktions- und HandelsgesellschaftmbH St. Peterstraße 5a, A - 9020 Klagenfurt Phone: +43 (0)463 382120, Fax +43 (0)463 382219 e-mail:

Special Croatia | 8

Park facility with pool Adriana Hotel

laxing walks, which offers wonder-

nected under the name of Funima-

nishing planning of all public areas

ful views of the bay and the beach

tion Hotel. The first building phase

and of the four suites in the Funima-

promenade. Another highlight is

took place in the autumn of 2001

tion Hotel by the RaBe Interior De-

the excellent and unique pool area:

and early in the summer of 2002

sign company from Bressanone.

on approx. 700 m water area the

when they were converted from 2*

guests can enjoy bubble benches,

quality into international 4* hotels.

Jacuzzis, relaxation grotto, wild wa-

Vorreiter, a Munich planning office,

ter track and a separate children’s

was responsible for the redevelop-

pool. The Wellness and Thalasso

ment and design of the hotel rooms

Centre is still in the realizing phase.

in both hotels. The second con-

A comprehensive offer on approx.

struction stage was finished in the

1,500 m 2 will make a stay in the

summer of 2004 and covered the

Borik Hotel facility even more at-

conceptual and architectonic plan-

tractive, especially during low sea-

ning of extensions and the comple-


tion of outdoor and pool facilities

The Adriana Hotel and the hotels

by the Ralf Dejaco Architects Office

Novipark and Barbara are now con-

from Bressanone, as well as the fur-


Via Castelliere, 1 I - 39042 Bressanone Phone: +39 0472 977200 e-mail:

9 | Special Croatia

The Falkensteiner Funimation Club Dalmatien.Zadar Special Croatia | 10

This club facility was created

in modern style and also contains

through the combination of the No-

small shops, which offer souvenirs,

vipark and the Barbara Hotel and is

swim wear and a lot more. The

equipped with everything needed in

splendid pool area which consist

order to provide families with chil-

of several pools and Jacuzzis and

dren with an exciting yet relaxing

many other extras, is surrounded by

holiday. A newly conceived, gener-

the two buildings and the connec-

ously glazed connection tract con-

tion tract. Generous equipment with

nects the tasteful white buildings

lawns and parasols, tasty drinks at

hotel projects of the special kind

11 | Special Croatia

Your One-Stop Vendor for Hotels and Private Households! Various carpet f loors, high-quality axminster carpets, PVC and parquet f loors, curtain and furniture fabrics, complete decorations, upholstered furniture like sofas, leather armchairs, etc. – seating Projects implemented in cooperation with the Michaeler & Partner Team: Falkensteiner Hotel Lido Ehrenburgerhof, Dream Hotel ...liebes Rot-Flüh in Haldensee, Falkensteiner Hotel Hubertus in Katschberg, AVITA Thermal Hotel Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Falkensteiner Club Funimation Dalmatia in Zadar, Falkensteiner Grand SPA Hotel Marienbad, Falkensteiner Hotel Am Schottenfeld in Vienna, Falkensteiner Club Funimation in Katschberg.


Monika Kruselburger GmbH A-6020 Innsbruck • Schützenstraße 46e • Phone 0043-(0)512-266999 • Fax DW 22 •

Tvrtka HANDLING d.o.o. Ob Nasipu 34 2342 RUSE, SLO Tel: ++386 2 66 88 591 E-Mail:

Vam pruza Kvalitetnu pripremu vode u Vasim bazenima sa naplavnom ili pjescanom filtracijom prema DIN normama OD IDEJE DO KLJUCA

Special Croatia | 12

Hotel hall with reception

the outdoor bar and direct access

bad weather. The Thalasso Centre

to the well-tended beach section

is still in its realizing phase and is

round off the pleasure of sunbath-

expected to enrich the wellness of-


fer with an area of approx. 1,500 m 2. Furthermore it is to consider-

In addition, the ground floor in

ably increase the attraction of the

the Barbara Hotel also holds an

hotel facility during low seasons.

indoor pool with relaxation area

Selected animation and entertain-

and a small fitness centre, which

ment programmes offer the op-

provide a sporty compensation in

portunity for active enjoyment.

vicolo Castelliere, 3 I - 39042 Bressanone Phone: +39 0472 200423 e-mail:

13 | Special Croatia


Special Croatia | 14

The outdoor stage with a stair-like

interesting excursions. The lovingly

ranean atmosphere, which eas-

rostrum, integrated in the pool area

designed children’s restaurant is

ily manages the bridging between

offers interesting shows, but thanks

further proof of the great attention

family hotel and excellent design

to its positioning, also caters for

that is given to kids in the Funima-

with a love for details. The entrance

an incomparable atmosphere in the

tion Hotel. Positioned adjacent and

hall is an adventure in itself. The


in good view of the ordinary dining

hall is characterized by an impos-

room, everything in this restaurant

ing mosaic floor from local natural

Of course children play a special

is tailored towards kids. The “Af-

stone in black and beige. Tuned to

role in the Funimation Club Hotel.

rica� design theme stretches con-

the floor are the wall designs from

Besides a comprehensive frame-

sequently through the entirely re-

rough natural stone walls and mag-

work and care programme, they

markable room. It is equipped with

nificent bamboo coatings; a mate-

can play, read or watch movies in

group tables, which are not only

rial which consequently stretches

the spaciously arranged children

funny to look at, because of their

through the entire hotel facility and

area. For this purpose, a gigantic

surface in fur design, but which

leaves an incomparable impression.

jumping castle, a small cinema and

also promote the inter-mingling of

The reception for example, is cov-

a cosy cuddle corner were estab-

children. Especially designed, tex-

ered in thick bamboo canes and the

lished for children. All-round care

tile wall covers with funny steppe

sealing of hall and connection tract

by professionals is offered in the

animals in comic design round off

is also decorated with bamboo in

children area, so parents can un-

the picture.

an interesting way. In connection

hesitatingly leave their off-spring for

with light objects made from rice

a few hours and relax themselves,

The Funimation Club Hotel also

paper, seating corners made from

or participate in one of the many

offers a well-tended and Mediter-

dark wickerwork with bright covers

Tramontana Bar

15 | Special Croatia

Gebr端der Wehle Special Croatia | 16

Carpenter and Cabinet-Maker A-6123 Terfens, Auweg 44 Tel. 0043/5224/68337 Fax 0043/5224/68337-10 Email:

Dining room

and extravagant accessories like

which matches the dark wickerwork

here , the many intimate seating

tree roots, this provides an idyllic

furniture with bright covers, the

corners offer an opportunity to

mix between natural elegance and

niche-providing airy fabrics in the

retreat. From there you reach the

ethno style. This impression also

side seating corners and the bar

spacious terrace with a beautiful

continues in the Cigar Bar and in

in dark wooden tones. This quiet

view of the pool area, the garden

the Tramontana Bar. The latter is

and relaxing atmosphere sprays

and the open sea and the large ho-

also furnished with an imposing

an almost Caribbean flair and in-

tel hall with many inviting seats. All

mosaic floor, while the Cigar Bar is

vites one to linger. The Tramontana

the restaurants in the Funimation

furnished with a dark wooden floor,

Bar is somewhat livelier, but also

Club Hotel are grouped around a

17 | Special Croatia

Family Suite

spacious greened inner courtyard,

prevail, while the other areas are

easygoing and friendly atmosphere,

which is also used for food serv-

painted in green tones and com-

where every guest can find a seat

ices and which convinces by way

bined with bright wood types. The

to suit his taste. The central buffet

of a well thought-out design. The

furthest corner in the restaurant fa-

area is not only incredibly spacious,

restaurants are arranged in front

cility is even designed with Japa-

but is also designed in a very in-

of and behind the large buffet area

nese Zen tones. All restaurants are

viting way through fresh and fruity

and vary in size and interior design.

however designed with local materi-

colours, original decorations and

In one part rather warm tones, dark

als like natural stone floors, make

graphic refinements. Well thought-

wood and rough natural stone walls

favourable use of fabrics for room

out island creation and room zoning

and impressive large tailored lights

design and are characterized by an

make the buffet an individual ad-

Special Croatia | 18

Living area with kitchenette in the Luxury Suite

venture, which is accompanied by culinary and optical impressions.

The Luxury Suites in the Funimation Club Hotel In addition to the spacious family rooms, which have an inviting impression thanks to dark yellow and ochre walls, bright couches and tailored side furniture made from bright, rough wood in archaic shapes, the Funimation Hotel also offers the absolute highlight of four penthouse-luxury-class suites in


the attic storey. These suites are somewhat different in design and thereby unique and provide a top class holiday adventure. The spatial programme of each suite consists of two bedrooms with a bathroom each, a dressing area, an inviting

Light-flooded bathroom

entrance area, a spacious living room with well equipped kitchen

19 | Special Croatia

area, a spacious dining area and a visitor’s toilet. Two suites respectively are arranged at the opposite end of the long building and dispose of an enormous terrace with small pool and a sensational view of the sea and the old town. A small wellness area with sauna, Hamam Bath and massage area, which can booked upon request, has furthermore been assigned to one of the suites. All four suites are furnished in a noble way and looked after to the smallest detail. All rooms are furnished with parquet floor in dark tones throughout, which matches the tailored furnishing in material and colour. Dark precious woods provide an interesting contrast to bright walls and upholstered furniture. The design of the build-in furniture and furniture drafts follows the principle of clear lines in combination with thriftily used graphic ornamental millings. All bedrooms are furnished with stylish four-poster beds and gain individuality through varied details and through a selected colour concept with regard to

Special Croatia | 20

Luxury Suite bedroom

21 | Special Croatia

fabric accessories, which stretches through the respective suite and provides the highlight through coloured walls and tuned abstract paintings. The high quality of furniture design and materials used also continues to the equipment of the bathrooms. Freely placed bathtubs and first-class washstands are supplemented with tailored glass doors and precious wall tiles with an unusual pattern. All in all, the four suites offer a holiday of the special and unforgettable kind, which appeals to all senses.

Special Croatia | 22

Construction partners Further reference projects with our construction partners can be found at

Spacious pool area

Project: Falkensteiner Club Funimation Dalmatien.Zadar 4 Planning phase 1: Vorreiter Architects 4 Planning phase 2: Dr. Arch. Ralf Dejaco 4 Interieur Design: RA.BE 4 Feasibility study, Master planning, overall project management with regard to general planning, execution planning, submission planning, local construction processing, invoicing, project development and management: Michaeler & Partner 4 Fabrics: Home 4 Planning and delivery of lighting appliances: Lichtatelier Walter & Georg 4 Heating, air conditioning, sanitary, ventilation: Instalomont Maurer 4 Electro installation: Mrdjen d.o.o. 4 Carpentry: Wimmer Schreinerei 4 Seating: Arredonet Srl 4 Carpentry: Gebr端der Wehle 4 Carpet floors: Tapimos Austria 4 Kitchen, equipment: FHE Franke 4 Pipework: Handling do.o.

23 | Special Croatia

Special Croatia | 24

The Falkensteiner Hotel Adriana Select While the Funimation Club Hotel is

long and tasteful old building with

primarily tailored for families with

two floors, whereby the ground

children, the Adriana Hotel is pri-

floor holds a reception and lobby,

marily tailored for couples travel-

a bar and dining rooms. The old

ling without kids and for business-

building was extended on both

men. The building consists of a

sides with a modern and time-

25 | Special Croatia


Special Croatia | 26

less new building of three levels;

The interior architectonic design

the harmonic overall impression is

is characterized by a Mediterra-

underlined by the inner courtyard-

nean and at the sane time, elegant

like garden facility - which resulted

line, which meets the demands

from the restructuring - with a qui-

of the target group. Floors from

et pool, spacious breakfast terrace

local natural stones underline the

and a wonderful view of the sea.

overall impression. An excellent

The side wings hold hotel rooms,

mix of dark and exotic materi-

a tasteful gourmet restaurant and

als like coco veneer and sisal,

a selected wine presentation.

and bright forest woods like ol-

vicolo Castelliere, 3 I - 39042 Bressanone Phone: +39 0472 200423 e-mail:

27 | Special Croatia


ive ash-tree in combination with stylish upholstered seats and formally reserved and consequently designed tailored furnishings, of-

instalomont maurer d.o.o. Bana Josipa Jelacica 1 40000 Cakovec Croatia fax: 0038540395706 tel: 0038540395077 INSTALLATIONS HEATING VENTILATION SANITATION AIR CONDITIONING

Special Croatia | 28

fer an overall impression, which combines elegance and lightness and leaves the demanding guest without any unfulfilled wishes. The light-flooded and spacious rooms on the ground floor provide an intimate atmosphere, thanks to clever zoning with light, textile partitions and canopies, which at the same time offer a splendid view of the

Suite with separate living and bedroom

garden and the sea. Thanks to

the splendid view, offer a special

their clever division, the rooms in

bathing adventure. The materi-

the Adriana Hotel leave the im-

als in the remaining rooms are

pression of small suites. Through

represented by light wood and

the arrangement of beautiful look-

abstractly patterned fabrics in

ing, moveable partition elements,

warm tones, which provide the

the room is divided into spacious

room with Mediterranean flair.

dressing, living and sleeping ar-

The original panelling in the area

eas and also a bathroom, which

of the spacious seating corner is

is connected to the bedroom by

provided with small light niches,

a large glass wall. An elegant

which provide an idyllic atmos-

washstand made from glass with

phere - in particular at night time.

an elegant basin, the shower and

All rooms dispose of a fully glazed

the bath-tub in connection with

facade with a balcony to enjoy the

Via Castelliere, 1 I - 39042 Bressanone Phone: +39 0472 977200 e-mail:

29 | Special Croatia

Sleeping area

Special Croatia | 30


splendid view of the sea and the

luxurious expansion of the exist-

park facility.

ing room layout and lay the path to a 5* Adriana Hotel. A special

In addition to the rooms on the

core feature of the Adriana Se-

ground floor, one of the two side

lect Hotel is the inner courtyard-

wings is to be converted into a

like quiet park. Despite the direct

conference and seminar area in

access to the beach, it offers a

the near future. The historic build-

lot of peace and relaxation for its

ing section is to be brought up

guests. A pool, which is provided

to the newest state through basic

with neck showers, completes this

redevelopment and is to shine in a

harmonic picture. The unique high

new gleam. Spaciously arranged

Croatian pines protect the sun-

suites in the attic may represent a

bathers from unwanted looks and

31 | Special Croatia

GRAÐEVINSKI OBRT vl. Ilija Ivančić Obrt je u toku svoje dugogodišnje prakse izveo mnoge radove na izgradnji i rekonstrukciji stambenih, poslovnih i industrijskih objekata te objekata pod zaštitom spomenika kulture.Izvodimo rekonstrukcije hotela, uređenja okoliša te izgradnju zabavnih sadržaja.

- izvodimo armiranobetonske i betonske radove - izrada fasada i štukaturni radovi - izrada cementnih estriha - završni radovi u graditeljstvu

Jamčimo vrhunsku kvalitetu izvedenih radova i pouzdane rokove izgradnje. UPRAVA: Pirovec Gornji 30, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska TEL/FAX: +385 1 4637 055 E-mail:

E L E K T R O G R U PA "MRDEN" d.o.o. Poduzece ´ za proizvodnju, gradevinarstvo unutarnju i vanjsku trgovinu d.o.o. 10000 Zagreb, Brozova 30 tel./fax. 36 68 197, 36 48 532 Maticni broj: 3556042 ^

Special Croatia | 32

Construction partners Further reference projects with our construction partners can be found at

Spacious pool facility

the busy beach life. The entire

in all price classes are part of the

Borik hotel facility provides the

target group in the Hoteli Borik

right offer for all guests. Families,


couples or singles of all ages and

Fine - Dining - Restaurant

Project: Falkensteiner Hotel Adriana Select 4 Planning: Dr. Arch. Ralf Dejaco 4 Interieur Design: RA.BE 4 Feasibility study, Master planning, overall project management with regard to general planning, execution planning, submission planning, local construction processing, invoicing, project development and management: Michaeler & Partner 4 Fabrics: Home 4 Planning and delivery of lighting appliances: Lichtatelier Walter & Georg 4 Heating, air conditioning, sanitary, ventilation: Instalomont Maurer 4 Electro installation: Mrdjen d.o.o. 4 Carpentry: Wimmer Schreinerei 4 Seating: Arredonet Srl 4 Carpentry: Gebr端der Wehle 4 Delivery Safe/Minibar: Kreuzer GmbH 4 Carpet floors: Tapimos Austria 4 Kitchen, equipment: FHE Franke 4 Pipework: Handling do.o. 4 Construction works pool Adriana: G.O. Ivancic

33 | Special Croatia


Thalasso & SPA Resort Kvarner Bay From a touristic point of view Novi Vinodolski is a destination suitable for a season comprehensive hotel product. For this reason, the “Novi Thalasso & SPA Resort” will be developed as an all-year holiday resort for sportily active and enjoyable recovery, based upon a Thalasso & SPA concept connected to the sea. The aim is to establish the resort in a medium to highly segmented market.

Services in the area of “Consulting & Project Management” Resort concept study and feasibility study for the „Novi - Thalasso & SPA Resort” Services in the area of “Planning & Engineering” Master planning for the „Novi - Thalasso & SPA Resort”

Special Croatia | 34

from the heart of the old town at

bining different product components

the sea shore to the church and the

allow for the offering of tailor-made

tower on the hill.

tourism products to a demanding international clientele with different

Basic Idea

motives of stay.

The “Novi Thalasso & SPA Resort�

As the resort covers a large area,

shall become the market leader of

clear zoning is essential to make

all regional tourism products.

the resort pleasant to its guests.

The project shall be positioned as

This does also include the neces-

the role model for the development

sity to keep the resort free from car

of a unique multi-purpose resort in

traffic. This does not only provide

Novi Vinodolski is a picturesque

the heart of Kvarner Bay. Each con-

calmness, but is also a useful tool

town with an old tradition in the

ceptual cornerstone has to assume

in preventing accidents, which is a

tourism sector southern Rijeka on

regional leadership with regard to

security feature that will be highly

the Kvarner Bay, which consists of

profile and contents.

appreciated by parents with children

an older, compacter district on the

Furthermore, the choice of products

or elderly people. Therefore, the

hill and a newer district at the coast.

offered will allow the creation of a

main entrance that is the gateway

The latter disposes of a harbour, a

unique combination providing the

to all the facilities of the resort has

beach promenade, hotels and nu-

guests with unforgettable experi-

to be laid out as a welcome area. At

merous villas. Thanks to the mild

ences during each stay. This will

this place the central reception for

climate and the good touristic offer,

encourage them to return to the

the apartment village will be located.

Novi Vinodolski received the official

resort again as different motives of

Arriving guests can leave their car

status of sea bath and health resort

stay are covered.

in a secure environment and will be

back in 1906. Characteristic for this

Each component has its own clear

assisted in getting to their point of

town are the white facades and red

profile and positioning. Furthermore,

interest. Those guests who prefer

chimneys of the houses, which rise

the numerous possibilities of com-

not to go by foot within the resort

Existing main building

35 | Special Croatia

can rent a type of electro car upon request. All facilities with a high flux of nonresident guests (e.g. filling station,


discotheque, Fast Food Restaurant)


should be positioned along the road or close to the main entrance to minimize undesirable interference





between resident and non-resident


All- Suite-

Lifestyle Hotel





Piazza: Gastronomy & Shops

The heart of the resort will be the new main building that will be cen-

Sports & Entertainment

trally located directly on the sea front. It should be well understood

Conventions & Meetings

that “main building” in this context does not mean the erection of a

Thalasso & SPA

huge complex similar to a multistorey shopping-mall. In fact the structure of the main building should

up to 120 m 2 as well as the Fine

unique holiday experience may be it

reflect the village style that has to

Dining Restaurant will be located

in peak season or for a short break

be typical for the whole resort.

at one of the most prominent sites

during the off-season. Architecture

within the whole resort. The basic

and interior design must reflect this


idea is to position both hotels as

spirit in an unrivalled manner. The

The 4* Lifestyle Hotel with 220 spa-

the places to go within the Kvarner

locations have to ensure, that the

cious rooms and the 5 star All-Suite

Bay for an upscale lifestyle orien-

guest’s expectations in regard to

Hotel with 85 exclusive suites with

tated clientele that is looking for a

quietness, privacy and exclusivity are fulfilled.

The Novi Thalasso & SPA Resort will enjoy the following main USP (unique selling propositions): Unique multi-purpose resort facility of Croatia with a true „village“ character


Catering for upscale expectations


Unique and clearly positioned lodging facilities


Best Thalasso & SPA product in Region


Sports, leisure, culinary delights


Spacious green area

Apartment Village In addition to the 276 existing apartments, 60 additional apartments (85 m2 net living space) shall be added to the Apartment Village. Both the existing units and the new ones are laid out according to international 4 star standards providing at least three rooms, kitchen, bathroom and balcony or terrace with sea view.


Traffic free zone

To create added-value new leisure

Breathtaking sea views and magnificent coastal strips

facilities will be added in order to


make the Apartment Village more


attractive and to differentiate it from

Immediate vicinity to Krk airport Only 1,5 hours drive from Zagreb

competitors. Furthermore guests

More than 40 mill. inhabitants within 8 hours drive

can enjoy the full range of infra-


structures and services offered in

Special Croatia | 36

Existing main building and new apartments

the entire resort, thus making the

of the entire resort in becoming the

• Cardio / Fitness area

holiday experience a unique one.

leading multi-purpose holiday resort

• Beauty area with cosmetic cabins

The facilities to be added within the

in Kvarner Bay.

• Anti-Aging Centre and health/

Thalasso and SPA Centre

• Solarium

garden area of the Apartment Vil-

The Thalasso and SPA Centre is

• Pool area with diverse pools and

lage with several outdoor pools in-

designated to become one of the

cluding baby pool, fun pool, water

conceptual highlights of the entire

slides and water attractions

resort. Thalasso treatments do bring

The comprehensive offer of the

• Ample lie-down spaces

about considerable health benefits

above Thalasso & SPA Centre ap-

• Pool-side multi-purpose themed

and the respective facilities make

plies to men and women of all age

the entire resort even more attrac-

groups. Furthermore, it is of high

Apartment Village are as follows: • Outdoor family pool area in the

restaurant • Pool-side indoor and outdoor play

medical care

spacious relaxation areas

tive during off-season.

areas for children • In the garden area of the Apart-

Located in the new main building,

ment Village children’s play ground,

the floor levels need to be optimally

beach volley ball court and multi-

arranged (certain treatment areas

purpose sports field

with sea view, with outside areas for

• Mini Market for daily consumer needs • Outdoor relaxation pool area for

open air treatments). Furthermore, fresh sea water can be continuously pumped into the treatment rooms.

guests looking for tranquillity and ample lie down spaces

Laid out in a Mediterranean SPA style, a comprehensive choice of facilities will

Deluxe Villas

be available on the various floor levels

At a later stage, an area with Deluxe

and sections:

Villas shall be developed within the

• Thalasso treatment area

resort. This will also provide a strong

• Massage area with physiotherapy

contribution to the role model idea

• Sauna area with several sauna types

37 | Special Croatia

Apartment on two floors

interest throughout the whole year

with the wide range of infrastructures

• night club and discotheque

not only for individuals but also for

and services available in the resort.

• water sports activities centre and

groups (e.g. sports groups like ten-

go-kart park

nis, football, swimming, basketball,

Piazza: Gastronomy and Shops

volley ball, skiing, etc.). It can be

Adjacent to the new main building

expected that the Thalasso & SPA

a Piazza will be the meeting place

Centre will be a major tool in creat-

within the resort. A variety of shops,

ing demand for the resort especially

restaurants and bars will allow the

in off-season periods during spring

apartment and hotel guests to enjoy

and autumn.

genuine hospitality and to conven-


iently cater for their daily needs.

Convention Centre At a later stage a Convention Centre

The facility comprises of the follow-

shall be developed within the resort.


Currently the gastronomy area of the

• Two themed restaurants with spa-

4 star lifestyle hotel is designed in a

cious terrace

special way, so that it can also be

• Piazza pub with terrace as point of

used for conventions. The future

communication for sundowners and

Convention Centre will be designated


to become the place to go within

• Choice of shops, e. g. clothing, sou-

the Kvarner Bay for conventions,

venirs, tobacco and newspapers,

meetings and incentives. Provid-

bicycle rental and excursions

ing state-of-the art equipment and professional handling of any kind of

Other Facilities

event it will cater to the needs not

The following facilities are further

only of business professionals but


will also allow the creation of unique

• tennis academy and golf driving

incentive experiences in combination

Special Croatia | 38



Children’s room Apartment

Novi Resort


1 2 3 4

Resort Reception Parking 4* Lifestyle Hotel 5* All-Suite-Hotel

5 6 7 8 9 9

9 10 11 12 13

Deluxe Villas 4* Apartment Village Piazza Fast Food Thalasso & Spa Convention Meeting

Theatre Relaxation Pool Family Pool Tennis Academy Discotheque

1 6 2









39 | Special Croatia

„The Punta Skala Resort“ Along the Punta Skala RIVIERA - Dalmatia

Services in the area of “Consulting & Project Management” Resort concept study and feasibility study for the project „The Punta Skala Resort“ Services in the area of “Planning & Engineering” Master planning concept and development for the project „The Punta Skala Resort“

Special Croatia ||40 40

The Punta Skala Resort in the North of Zadar City is located on a site of approx 217 acres (88 ha). Currently, this ground is declared as a touristic area; further detailed development plan regulations are described below. On part of the site, on approx. 62 acres (25 ha,) a first-class holiday resort to be realised in several construction phases, will be developed during the 1st construction phase. The result of the development will be a first-class holiday resort with various hotels, a golf course, villas and apartments and all the necessary infrastructure like wellness, shopping centre, restaurants and cafés, night club and a small marina. Basic Idea

Hotel at the spit of land, villas and

The terrain will be developed via the

apartments will be built to the left of

current main road. A resort recep-

the sea in a prime location. To the

tion will be placed directly at the en-

right of the main access road, which

trance area. To the left of the main

will be implemented as a beautiful

access road, a „Village“ in Dalmatian

two-lane avenue with sidewalks,

style with diverse shops, shopping

separated by green strips, a Sen-

centre, service suppliers, cafés,

ior’s Residence with the necessary

restaurants, a night club and a 4*

infrastructure will be built.

Family SPA Hotel are to be built. Along the main road in the direc-

The existing apartment facility will

tion of the 4* Active and Wellness

be entirely redeveloped, in order

Partial view of the existing facility

41 | Special Croatia

The choice of product components will offer unique adventures to the guests

to be commercialized as a 5 star Vacation Club facility. Each apartment facility will dispose of several

• “Village” in Dalmatian style with diverse shops, gastronomy, leisure and service offers

communal pools. The concept of

• Sports and leisure facilities

vacation hotel apartments further

• Attractive promenades with shops,

includes the use of the hotel infra-

“The Punta Skala Resort” will enjoy

structure and its services.

the following main USP (unique sell-

Below the Vacation Club, beside

ing propositions):

bars and restaurants at the sea

Hotels The Active & Wellness Hotel will

the apartments and the Senior‘s Residence, a central underground

Product Components

achieve positioning and image build-

car park for approx. 1,000 cars is

„The Punta Skala Resort‘s“ main

ing within its segment in Dalmatia.

foreseen. At a later stage, a golf ho-

product components are:

Thanks to its size, it will be capable

tel and further golf villas are planned

• 4* Active & Wellness Hotel with

of reaching international popular-

on the adjacent golf course area. A

250 rooms and conference area,

ity and thereby contribute further

total of approximately 2,500 beds

as well as Wellness & SPA Centre

to image building and significantly

will be realised on the peninsula.

with main emphasis on Thalasso,

increase the popularity of the entire

inclusive of spacious indoor and

region. Besides hotel architecture

outdoor areas.

and interior design , the positioning

The Punta Skala Resort is to establish itself as the leading Active & Wellness Resort in Dalmatia

• 4* Family SPA Hotel with 210 fam-

as an Active & Wellness Hotel also

ily-friendly rooms and appropriate

includes the Wellness Centre with


2,400 m2 indoor area as an integral

• Several apartment facilities with a

Each product component will assume regional leadership


total of 390 units • 36 high-quality villas with their own pool directly at the sea

Basically, within the entire „The Punta Skala Resort“ we will find the following: • Activity and sports • Wellness, Thalasso and health • Gastronomy and shopping • Conventions and seminars where others spend their holidays


The Family SPA Hotel also corre-


sponds to an international 4* standard and is based upon the following offer components:






Active & Well-

Family SPA Hotel


ness Hotel


• Children are the stars • Wellbeing for the entire family • Fun and action for the kids • Wellness for the parents

Village: Gastronomy & Shops Sports & Golf Conventions Wellness & SPA

Special Croatia | 42

• All-year resort for a demanding family holiday Besides hotel architecture and interior design, the positioning as a Family Hotel also includes the family-oriented Wellness Centre as an

integral component: with a 650 m2

sibilities are also planned for here.

be conceived with a variable and

indoor adventure world for kids and

The treatment area will dispose of

extendable system if necessary. A

youths, as well as a varied outdoor

its own “Junior SPA” for kids and

spacious community pool for each

play and fun area. For various age

youths, where treatments suitable

40 apartments is to be planned for

groups we provide BabyClub, Kids­

for various ages will be offered.

all apartment facilities.

Apartment Facility

Deluxe Villas

Sunny and quiet high-quality apart-

The high-quality, luxurious villas will

The 2,000 m large indoor Wellness

ments with private, relatively closed-

be implemented on spacious plots

& SPA area of this hotel will dispose

off open spaces with a sea view and

directly at the sea in the “Villas I”

of similar offer components as the

spacious terraces and roof terraces

and “Villas II” zones.

Active & Wellness Hotel’s Wellness

in a modernly interpreted Dalmatian

The two types of villas with 200

& SPA area. However, organization,

stone house style are planned for

m 2 and 300 m 2 of living and floor

structure, size and design of the sin-

the apartment facilities (4 different

space shall each dispose of a pri-

gle areas will be tuned especially to

apartment types with 40 m , 60 m ,

vate pool and relatively closed-off

the needs of families. This applies

80 m2 and 120 m2 net living space).

open areas, sea view and spacious

to the pool area in particular. A chil-

Construction and furnishing qual-

terraces / roof terraces. Upon re-

dren’s area with several pools, slides

ity have to meet an international

quest and for a fee, the villa tenants

and water and game attractions will

4* standard. Quantity and type of

can also make use of hotel services

be built. The outdoor area too, will

apartments shall deviate from an

like housekeeping or room service.

be arranged into a spacious chil-

urban high-quality concept and

Such a resort with full and high-

dren‘s area and a separate adult‘s

bear in mind the structures deriv-

quality offers and services, offering

area. Of course spacious lie-down

ing from the mix of utilization. The

a maximum of privacy and variation

and garden areas with playing pos-

individual apartment types should

in offers in a first-class holiday des-

Club, TeensClub and FamilyClub with care and entertainment. 2



tination, is unique in Dalmatia and underlines the high quality of the „The Punta Skala Resort“ will enjoy the following main USP (unique selling propositions): Unique multi-purpose resort facility in Dalmatia with a true “village” character

entire “The Punta Skala Resort” in an image-building way.



In a central resort location, a Dal-


matian style Village with Piazza

Unique and clearly positioned lodging facilities

character, which will become the

Catering for upscale expectations


Varied wellness options


meeting point of the Resort, will be realized. The Piazza will dispose of

Sports. Leisure, culinary delights

a spacious gastronomy area with

Spacious green areas

terraces. Planned are a Dalmatian


Own peninsula with oasis character

restaurant, a Salad-Noodles-Pizza


restaurant and an ice-cream par-

Own golf course

lour/cafeteria/bar/pub. Away from


the Village, in the Villa area, a Fine-


Dining Restaurant, and in the Marina

Vicinity to Zadar airport

area a high-quality fish restaurant

Breathtaking sea view and magnificent coastal strip


Only 2.5 hours drive from Zagreb


More than 90 mill. inhabitants within 10 hours drive

and a cocktail bar/nightclub are planned. Furthermore, in addition to a MiniMarket with food and daily-needs

43 | Special Croatia

products, various shops and tobac-

one bike station and a Sports Bar

successful samples from interna-

conist and newsagent are planned.

with terrace. Furthermore, a Marina

tional hotel groups. The intention

The service providers in the Village

and an 18-hole championship golf

is, that the planning and building of

comprise a bank/exchange office,

course are planned. The golf course

the infrastructure be implemented

hairdresser, travel and excursions

will be developed in parallel to the

by a single corporation, which will

agent, rent a car and a games room.

Resort and the opening is planned

also take over the following ad-

An Amphitheatre for events will be

for the end of the 1st construction

ministration with invoicing for the

built at the sea in the Marina area.

phase in spring 2007.

individual proprietors. This administrative corporation can further offer

Sports Facilities

Resort Commercialisation and Administration

and implement security, gardening,

The Nautic Sports & Activity Centre holds a DiveBar with terrace

Although professional commer-

ditional service.

and offices for the sailing, surfing

cialisation of property in a vacation

A comprehensive service of this kind

and diving schools, a classroom, a

club system seems to be the most

can guarantee the feeling of being

first-aid station and sports equip-

profitable from an economic point of

on holidays for buyers of property

ment rental. With regard to sports

view, due to the current market situ-

from the very beginning, with the

facilities, the Resort will dispose of

ation a mixture between property

option of further services such as

6 tennis courts (2 of which can be

and vacation club system seems

renting out the acquired grounds

covered if needed), 2 multi-function

to make the most sense. This fact

or buildings, car rental service, bus

pitches, 2 beach volleyball courts,

is also underlined by current and

shuttle and similar. Since buyers

Special Croatia | 44

maintenance and so on as an ad-





9 3





Punta Skala 1 Resort Administration 2 Family-SPA-Hotel 3 Sports Facilities 4 Village & Marina 5 Golf course expansion

6 7 8 9 10

Apartments Vacation Club Active & Wellness Hotel Apartment Village Senior’s Residence Deluxe Villas

of holiday properties usually have little or no knowledge of the local construction sector, planning and implementation works can be offered by a local on-site partner. In addition to individual planning, villas are also offered ready to hand over. Due to the large number of sites, sample types can be offered in accordance with the planned architectural development.

45 | Special Croatia

„The Skiper Resort” Istria

Services in the area of “Consulting & Project Management” Resort concept study and feasibility study for the project „The Skiper Resort“ Services in the area of “Planning & Engineering” Master planning concept and area lay-out for the project „The Skiper Resort“

Existing “Residencja Skiper”

Special Croatia | 46

The completely newly built apartment and villas facility “Rezidencija Skiper” was opened in 2002 and is located in the holiday village Alberi in the outer north-west of the Istrian peninsula close to the Slovenian border. The region is renowned as being one of Istria’s most favourably located regions with many forests and scenic small parks. Umag, on of Istria’s most renowned tourism destinations is approx. 10 km from the resort.






First Class Hotel

Apartment Village

Piazza: Gastronomy & Shops Golf & Sport Convention & Meetings Wellness & SPA

The ground comprises of approx.

units with living spaces of between

116,000 m , and is located directly

35 m and 88 m .


at the sea on a coastal plateau and


multi-purpose small pitch, beach volleyball court)


• Apartments (Completed in 2005)

• Children’s playground

stretches out to the east and west.

Below the existing three apartment

• Freshwater pool with pool bar

The sea-side main components of

buildings, seven new buildings with

• Mini Market

the facility are located to the north,

a total of 61 units and living spaces

• A bathing platform of 3,600 m2 at

the car parks and sports facilities to

of between 83 m and 129 m were

the south. 54,000 m are currently 2

developed with apartments and vil-




sea level • Skiper Restaurant with approx. 40 indoor seats and a small ice-

• Villas (Completed in 2005)

las. In a second development phase

In an specially favourable location

cream parlour with 20 seats, which

a touristic expansion of approx.

within the facility, at the plateau fall-

offers a terrace and an attractive

62,000 m and a 27-hole champi-

ing steeply to the sea, six individu-

and wide view of the sea up to

onship golf course on an area of

ally placed and very spacious two-

Slovenia and Trieste.

approx. 217 acres (88 ha) are now

floor villas with approx. 140 m of


net living space and own swimming

Directly to the west of the existing

pool are located. The combination

facility, the extension area (approx.

of size and furnishing quality and

62,000 m2) for future product com-

direct sea view provide the villas

ponents like hotel, villas, convention

with a USP (Unique Selling Proposi-

centre, wellness centre and Marina,

tion), unique to Istria.

is located.


“Residencija Skiper” Existing Facilities Product Components


The facility of the existing “Reziden-

• Car park, leisure and sports facili-

cija Skiper” currently covers an area

ties, gastronomy, other facilities

of approx. 54,000 m and comprises 2

the following product components: • Apartments (Completed in 2002) Three U-shaped buildings hold 180

Future Development of “The Skiper Resort”

The “Rezidencija Skiper” further offers:

Basic Idea

• Guarded car park

“The Skiper Resort” is to become

• sports facilities (four tennis courts,

Istria’s first “real” international First-

47 | Special Croatia

Class Resort. Since it will be newly built, it can interpret modern business needs in a conceptual and architectonic timely manner. Other resorts or hotels, arising from modernized and rebuilt facilities,

The unique positioning and distinctive-

The Skiper Resort will become the “really” international First-Class-Resort in Istria and offers the best mix between:

could not always be implemented optimally and be architectonically convincing, due to given construction related structures. Therefore, “The Skiper Resort” assumes a leading role within the region and leads Istria into a new phase in the


upon the fact, that it is the destination in Istria, which can be reached relatively easy by important source markets and which offers a “true” all-round offer, which sets the benchmark in Istria.

Hotel Apartements and Villas Wellness and Sports Golf and Marina Seminar and Convention Culinary Delights and Shopping

development of touristic products: away from transformation, towards

ness of the “Skiper Resort” is based

After completion of the entire resort, the first really new and innovative resort, which comprises of a homogenous (interior) architectonic modern and appealing complete offer, and which makes a stay attractive during all seasons and

Each product component will assume regional leadership

makes people want to return again, will

The choice of product components offers a unique opportunity to the guests.

Skiper Resort Hotel - Activity, Wellness & Golf

have been realised in Istria.

The focal point of the expansion is the international 4* First-Class Activity, Well-

Special Croatia | 48

ness & Entertainment Hotel with 150 rooms and suites, which will offer a unique view of Trieste Bay. The adjacent generous Wellness Centre with outdoor and indoor areas provides direct access to the hotel and is at the disposal of all “Skiper Resort” guests. The hotel will be conceived in a way in which all rooms offer direct or side views of the sea, and it will also hold a restaurant and bar for hotel guests.

Wellness & SPA Centre Amongst others, the following facilities are planned for the indoor Wellness &

• Indoor pools with lie-down spaces di-

• Fitness area with main focus on cardio

SPA area on a net area of approx. 2,600

rectly connected to the outdoor pools

and stamina training; in addition sepa-

m: 2

• Wellness reception, lounge with vital bar • Day cloakroom with shower and WC

• Sauna area with various sauna types and steam baths • Treatments (beauty, massage, baths, shop)

rate gymnastic room • Medical Centre (personal coaching, check, prevention, cosmetic surgery) A sauna area with outdoor sauna,

Restaurant Skiper

49 | Special Croatia

Living area Villas

cold dip basin, hot Jacuzzi and lie-

sibly directly connected to the hotel, it

The villas will be sold and will used by

down area are planned for the outdoor

will dispose of a large dividable room,

the new owners for private purposes.

Wellness & SPA area. Furthermore,

additional smaller seminar rooms, foyer

Upon request and for a fee, the villa ten-

several outdoor pools for adults and

areas and the necessary side rooms.

ants can also make use of hotel serv-

children as well as lie-down spaces are

ices like housekeeping or room service.

planned. A pool bar with 30 seats is

Deluxe Villas

also planned.

In line with the existing villas, plots of

of Facility Management (safety service,

The owners will contribute to the costs

approx. 500 m each shall be devel-

care of outdoor facilities, maintenance,

Convention Centre

oped with 36 similarly luxurious villas

supply and disposal, invoicing) in terms

Another important component for suc-

with approx. 200 m of floor space

of allocated charges.

cessful positioning is represented by

each and their own private pool, as well

the convention centre. It will be con-

as relatively closed-off open spaces,


ceived in such a way so as to provide

sea view and spacious terraces.

In a further construction phase, a Medi-

the most modern and best equipped

Such a resort with s complete and

terranean Piazza is to be developed

facility of its type in Istria for events of

high-quality offer, offering a maximum

in the “Skiper Resort”. It shall provide

up to 250 people. In addition to the

of privacy and variation of offers in a

the entire Resort with a central meet-

Croatian domestic market, Italy will be

first-class holiday destination, is unique

ing point, and will be regarded as the

a main source market for conventions,

in Istria and underlines the high quality

natural centre.

seminars and incentives.

of the entire “The Skiper Resort” in an

The Piazza will dispose of a spa-

Being an individual building, but pos-

image-building way.

cious gastronomy area. Planned are


Special Croatia | 50


a Salad-Pizza-Noodles Restaurant,

Marina, which will dispose of boat

an ice-cream parlour/cafeteria with

berths and the necessary infrastruc-

cocktail bar/pub and a discotheque/

ture and service facilities. Above the

nightclub. Further planned are vari-

Marina, a Seafood Restaurant with a

ous shops and boutiques, souvenir

view over the sea and of the cliffs will

shops, arts and crafts shop (paint-

provide the gastronomic highlight.

ings, pots, sculptures, ceramics) and a Mini Market with food, tobacco and

Golf Course


To the south of the existing tennis

The service offers on the Piazza com-

courts and therefore only 100 metres

prise rent a car, bicycle rental, cash

from the main entrance to the “Skiper

dispenser / exchange office, hairdress-

Resort”, an area of approx. 217 acres

er, excursions agent. Further planned

(88 ha) will be converted into a 27-hole

are a KidsClub and a playroom.

championship golf course, which will be the first of its type in Istria. The

Other Facilities

facility, whose natural composition

“The Skiper Resort” will further dispose

allows for differences in altitude of al-

of facilities like car park, leisure and

most 50 m, will dispose of attractive

sports facilities and gastronomy out-

fairways, a club house, driving range

lets. The existing “Restaurant Skiper”

and a putting green.

will remain one of the gastronomic highlights with Fine-Dining concept

into future. In a second construction phase, the natural bay will be converted into the

51 | Special Croatia

„The Draghonera Resort“ Brioni Riviera - Istria

Services in the area of “Consulting & Project Management” Resort concept study and feasibility study for the „The Draghonera Resort” Services in the area of “Planning & Engineering” Area lay-out for the „The Draghonera Resort”

Special Croatia | 52

The project location is positioned on the West coast of the Istria peninsula opposite Brioni Island (national park and Tito’s ancient summer residence). Pula, Istrias capital, is 10 km from the Resort. The project location is part of the community of Vodnjan. The area to be developed comprises of 92 acres (37.4 ha). The zoning plan bears in mind the realisation of variedly structured touristic urbanisation, which is compatible with the landscape and shall be established at the higher quality end. For this reason, an architectural competition with 8 participants will take place in spring 2005. A total of approximately 3,000 beds will be realised on the peninsula.

Basic Idea

shall be emphasised on one hand

Taking possible construction phases

and distinctiveness shall be strived

into consideration, the facility was

for on the other. The hotel shall be-

divided into individual units/zones,

come a business example in Croatia

The most important offer components

whereby the single units vary with

and achieve positioning and image

of the 4* Family Hotel include:

regard to development type and

building as one of the leading resort

• 120 Standard Family Rooms with

density. With regard to infrastruc-

hotels in the country.

ture, connection to the existing wa-

The most important offer compo-

ter supply, the electrical system and

nents of the hotel include:

the telephone system, as well as to

• 140 double rooms with a net area

the wastewater treatment plant is planned. Furthermore, the zoning plan includes an internal transport

of 40 m

• Conference Centre for up to 1,000 people

a net area of 40 m2 • 30 Deluxe Family Suites with a net area of 55 m2 • Large children’s playing area on several floors, inclusive of climb-


ing wall

• 72 suites with a net area of up to

• Wellness & SPA area, inclusive

200 m2

and development concept.

• Typical example entrance with re-

The entire architectural concept and

• Fine dining restaurant with two ad-

“Junior SPA” on 1,750 m indoor, with infrastructure for families

ception and lobby with sea view the design implementation have to be based upon traditional elements and in typical architecture for Istria’s land-

Town Houses & Rural Houses

ditional private dining rooms • Extra breakfast and conference

Expected from the architects is the planning of sunny, quiet high-qual-


scape. With regard to scale, shape

• Luxurious indoor Wellness & SPA

ity apartments with private, relatively

and size of buildings and the choice

area on 3,200 m , inclusive of 2

closed-off open spaces with a sea

of materials, it is to provide the entire

luxury SPA suites and medical cen-

view and spacious terraces and roof

resort with a unique character, which

tre with cosmetic surgery

terraces in a modernly interpreted

still remains, however, typical for this


Istrian stone house style, whilst bear-

• Own Beach Club

landscape. The fenced-in terrain will be developed via the current main road, which will be implemented as a beautiful two-lane avenue with sidewalks, separated by green strips, which will run along the sea in a northerly and THE

southerly direction.


Product Components An important factor for the entire resort’s image and brand building will



4* Family


be the international brand name for


Resort - Hotel

SPA - Hotel


the 5-star plus hotel, whose quality and standards will be applicable to the entire Draghonera Resort.

Hotels In terms of quality, the Resort Hotel has to meet an international 5-starplus standard. With regard to design, elements typical for the region

Village Village: Gastronomy & Shops Sports & Leisure Convention & Entertainment Wellness & SPA

53 | Special Croatia

5 1



ing in mind the rest of the structures

• Separate kitchen

yet to be built. Quantity and type of

• 2 – 4 bedrooms with a bathroom

apartments are to deviate from an urban high-quality concept.

each • In some, separate guest area with own entrance, bathroom and

The “Town Houses & Rural Houses”


(total of 478 units) have to meet an

• Terrace and own outdoor pool

international 4* or 5* standard and

• 2 car parking spaces for each

be implemented with a net area of


up to 150 m2. Furthermore, several

• Gastronomy: Restaurants, bars, pubs, café, ice-cream parlour, tavern and beach bar at the southern transition to the beach (total of 12 units) • Amphitheatre for events • Shopping centre with supermarket and three factory outlet stores • Shopping: Daily needs and luxury needs, clothing, souvenirs, bakery,

outdoor pool facilities with infrastruc-


ture are part of the concept.

The Village shall be convincing by

• Services: Bank, doctor, travel

way of density and a mix of func-

agency, self-service laundry, rent

Villas South & North

tions. The area is to enrich the entire

a car, hairdresser, property dealing

The villas (total of 67 units) are lo-

resort and be rounded off in the offer.

office, etc.

cated at the most northern and

The Village is to become the centre

most southern ends of the resort

of the entire resort. A total of 15,000

and have to meet an international

m2 of floor space can be built upon.

5* standard. Furthermore, they shall

The Village is attached to the Ma-


be implemented with the following

rina and therefore offers access to,

The harbour, surrounded by a pedes-


and a view of the sea, as well as a

trian promenade, shall provide the

• 150 – 350 m2 of floor space

land-sided area. The mix of utilisation

anchorage for resort guests’ boats

• Spacious living and dining area

plans for the following elements:

or inhabitants only. The planned

Special Croatia | 54

magazines, cigarettes

• Church with bell tower as the resort’s symbol and outlook post

6 4




The Draghonera Resort 1 5* Resort Hotel 2 4* Family SPA Hotel 3 4* Town Houses 4 5* Rural Houses

5 Villas North 6 Villas South 7 Village 8 Marina 9 Aquatic Sports & Nautic Centre

harbour capacity shall not exceed 50 – 60 boats with a length of 4 to 10 m, and two docks for tourist boats (arriving from Fazna, Pula and Brioni).

Water Sports & Activity Centre Infrastructures and services for water sports activities like sailing, surfing and diving and the respective rental services and Dive Bar are established at the southern end of the resort.

Sports Facilities Inland, along the main access road, diverse sports facilities will be established. This includes approx. 12 tennis courts, 2 soccer pitches, 2 multifunction pitches, 2 beach volleyball courts, archery, bicycle rental, skate track/halfpipe, golf driving range with putting green and 3-hole exercise facility and a Sports Bar.

55 | Special Croatia

Hotel Park Punat


Krk Island

Project Description

tracts in a later construction phase.

The existing Punat Park Hotel is cur-

Furthermore, an additional floor is to

rently being operated as a 3* hotel

be added to the existing hotel and

and has been integrated into the

the remaining rooms, which have not

adjacent annex in 2002. The hotel

been modified, are to be brought up

currently has 87 rooms and the an-

to 4* standard.

nex has 183 rooms. After completion of this measure, the Services in the area of “Consulting & Project Management” Feasibility study for the project „Hotel Park Punat“ Services in the area of “Planning & Engineering” Master planning for the project „Hotel Park Punat“

Special Croatia | 56

The intention now is to extend the

entire project will have a total of 325

3* hotel by way of comprehensive

rooms. Within the framework of the

investment and convert it into an in-

rebuilding in 2006, the hotel develop-

ternational 4* standard. The planning

ment and the internal functions will

intends to connect the two existing

also be changed completely. The de-

buildings, the hotel and the annex,

velopment will take place across the

with a multi-storeyed building sec-

northern section between the two

tion and further extend the room

existing buildings, where the hotel

entrance will be. Across an attractive

An attractive park will limit the pool

lobby with reception, offices, lobby

areas with baby’s pool, children’s

bar with panoramic café terrace,

playground, barbeque area, lawn

from where the guests will be spread

and terrace area, from the beach

out into the individual areas, rooms


Basic Data after Completion: Number of rooms


m gross floor area

or suites with a wonderful sea view


will be arranged across this planned

In a further construction phase, the

development area. The basement

construction of two adjacent build-

m enclosed space

floor with a newly conceived restau-

ings with attractive rooms facing the

rant, which also includes spacious

park or the sea is planned. Further-

m2 water area indoor/outdoor pool

terraces and free areas, can also be

more, at a later stage, a spacious

reached from the lobby area.

convention and seminar area is

m site

planned in the access area.

A generous central buffet, and a

approx. 30.000


approx. 100.000 approx. 500


approx. 45.000

Underground parking spaces

new highly modern large kitchen with

In regard to parking spaces, a new

delivery below ground are planned.

underground car park is planned for

Parking spaces above ground


On the same level, a spacious and

the first construction phase in the

attractive wellness area with indoor

new access area. Another under-

Bus parking spaces above ground

and outdoor pool which is connect-

ground car park with direct access to

able in summer time is also planned.

the main building is planned for the

From there, the sauna facility, beauty

second construction phase. Small

department and numerous treatment

shops along the beach promenade

rooms as well as a cardio fitness

and a public café – restaurant, round

room will be developed through a

off this attractive hotel project.

38 3

wellness reception.

57 | Special Croatia

Camping Pila Krk Island Croatia is a country, which has developed a strong camping product. The camp site is a popular touristic product and is suitable for all target groups, mainly because of the preserved nature, the clean sea, the pleasant climate and the excellent localities. Through comprehensive investments, the Pila Camping on Krk Island is set to reach an international 4* standard by 2007.


7 3






Services in the area of “Consulting & Project Management” Feasibility study for the project „Camping Pila“ Services in the area of “Planning & Engineering” Master planning for the project „Camping Pila“

Special Croatia | 58

Camping Pila 1 Reception 2 Grill, Pizzeria 3 Beach Bar, Restaurant 4 Pools 5 Theater 6 Wellness 7 Mini Market 8 Bungalows

Modern camping nowadays is not

Younger, more attractive pensioners

only related to nature, but modern

have become regulars at camp sites

campers also consider quality and

and the camper’s spending power is

comfort to be more and more impor-

increasing continuously. Another im-

tant. Not only the trend towards pri-

portant factor in the layout of camping

vate bathing spaces is a development

sites is the increasing trend towards

of the future camp site but also the

health. People are staying active for

frame programme such as animation

a longer period of time. The interest

and excursions are a clear develop-

in recreation and sports is increasing

ment of modern campers.

continuously and recreation repre-

sents one of the major demands of a

1,500 visitors on an area of 86,000

housekeeping room complete the of-

holiday. Values like enjoyment, health

m . Due to various service offers for

fer and the attraction for guests. With

and harmony are central factors in

food & beverage and for leisure ac-

regard to the conception of sanitary

deciding the holiday destination.

tivities, Pila is already a popular des-

facilities, special attention is given

This is the reason why the layout of

tination for campers. The camp site

to size, design and architecture. In

a camping site, the recognition of its

holds a total of 230 plots, which are

addition to the planned solar system

character and the insertion into na-

however, not very clearly divided.

for warm water treatment, ecologic


ture are also very important. The most

use of rain water is also considered.

important components with regard to

Future Project

Concerning water areas, an outdoor

the planning of a camp site are the

Investment and changes are neces-

pool with separate children’s pool and

significance of its character, the per-

sary, in order to change the existing

some attractions are planned. At the

sonalising of the camp site, wellness

structure into a 4* category with the

same time, a children’s playground

as a form of specific recreation and

same capacity. The corresponding

will be developed. The so-called hor-

the aim of convincing pensioners of

project intends renewals in all areas.

ticultural garden architecture finally in-

a camp site holiday during the low

A clear division of plots is crucial and

tends the realisation of several islands


the individual units shall be fenced-in

and green areas as single plots.

with green areas and stone and conc-

Existing Facility

rete walls. Furthermore, the construc-

The Pila Camping was opened on

tion of 50 bungalows in coastal ar-

Krk Island in the seventies. Alongside

chitecture in a system of small villas,

many small family camp sites, it is one

with two separate bedrooms, living

of the four major textile camp sites.

room and own terrace, is planned.

Pila is located in the village centre and

Every bungalow is to be located on

a comparative advantage is provided

the ground floor and dispose of a pri-

by scale and location.

vate car park or a separate car park in close vicinity.

Currently, the camp site is classified

A new entrance and reception area

as 3* standard and has a capacity of

with internet room, library, dining and

59 | Special Croatia

“The gods wanted to crown their creation and on the last day they turned tears, stars and the sea breeze into the isles of Kornati� George Bernard Shaw

Special Croatia | 60

Future Market Croatia Croatia is special, not only because of its clean blue sea, but also thanks to the various cultures, which have alternated throughout this country over the course of thousands of years. Nowhere else in the Mediterranean are there so many islands, so many bays, nor sun-flooded rocky riffs like in Croatia. Four National parks and five Nature parks underline the beauty of the Adriatic coast. Natural wonders and cultural treasures are numerous and provide this holiday region with its unique flair.

Those, who visit Croatia for the first

with all its incisions amounts to ap-

in contract awarding and in the distri-

time, will be surprised by the variety

prox. 1,800 km. 4,000 km of coastline

bution of funds. Another problem is

of the country and by the beauty and

from the more than 1,200 islands can

the continuously increasing balance

the hospitality offered. Completely dif-

be added to this.

of trade deficit. As a result of the war,

ferent types of landscape meet up in

Croatia’s population amounts to 90

Croatia has to import more goods for

Croatia. What is very distant in other

percent Croatians and 10 percent

reconstruction than it can export, since

countries is very close in Croatia: sea,

Serbs, Italians, Hungarians, Albanians

domestic companies can not keep up

karst, foresty mountains and fertile

and Slovenians. With the new con-

with production. There is an economic

plains. Even though the Adriatic is

stitutional amendment in 2002, the

differential within Croatia. While the

the tourists’ main target, the inland

minority’s rights were strengthened.

region of Istria and the area around

region is also extremely scenic. Croatia

Despite the improved economic situ-

the capital Zagreb in North Croatia are

is one of Europe’s smallest countries,

ation, Croatia remains an emigrant

better-off economically due to indus-

nevertheless, it offers a lot variety on


trial accumulation and raw product de-

limited terrain, that other countries can

posits, other areas are still experienc-

only dream of. And all this is only a

The Croatian Boom

ing an economic slow down. Foreign

few hours drive from the centre of Eu-

Croatia is one of the strongest grow-

investors increasingly develop interest

rope. The sea on the Croatian coast is

ing countries in Europe. In 2003, the

in this efflorescent country. About ten

one of the clearest in the world. The

increase in GDP reached a consider-

billion dollars of foreign capital have

countries’ beauty is not only natural,

able five percent, a further increase

been invested since 1993. Behind

but they also do everything possi-

of four percent is expected for 2004.

Hungary and the Czech Republic,

ble to keep it this way. Croatia is an

The positive economic development

Croatia is in third place with regard to

extremely interesting and qualitative

of the last few years continues and

the transition countries. With around

touristic destination.

Croatia is on its way to private indus-

25% of invested capital since 1993,

try. In general however, privatization is

Austria was able to position itself as a

The Country

taking place too slowly. The country

large investor ahead of Germany and

Croatia’s coast measures approx.

has to fight various problems resulting

the USA. Hereby, the building and

528 km as the crow flies. However,

from its socialist past. One of these

construction industry, financial serv-

the actual length of the coastal strip

problems is the missing transparency

ices and tourism provide the main

61 | Special Croatia

Skiper Resort

the country every year and are therefore the number one Croatian holiday makers. 7.2 million foreign guests Novi Thalasso & SPA Resort

Draghonera Resort

Hotel Park Punat Camping Pila

visited Croatia in 2004. As a result, the touristic year of 2004 is valued as being the most successful for Croatia. This means 6 percent more visitors than on the previous year. Croatia is a destination for summer and sun tourism, whereby tourism concentrates on the period from April to September. Croatian tourism mainly occurs at

Punta Skala Resort Hoteli Borik

the coastal destinations and in areas close to the coast. Unlike other Mediterranean destinations, Croatia has no sand beaches. However, it offers a varied coast and one of the most attractive island worlds in the entire Mediterranean.

markets. Austria’s foreign trade even

crease in investments of 5.5 percent.

goes so far as to mention Croatia as

Croatia was elected a top destination

an “expanded domestic market”.

by Conde Nast Traveller. According

For Croatia itself, tourism provides the

to the results of the survey, Croatia

number one economic sector. About

reaches an excellent seventh place

21% of GDP is gained from this in-

in the ranking of Europe’s top touristic

dustry. 13.8 percent of all employees

destinations. Just like Italy, this country

in Croatia are employed in the tour-

profits from the trend towards holidays

ism industry and touristic investment

by car or train and is developing itself

amounts to 670 mill. US$, or 10.6 per-

into a trend destination thanks to its

cent of total investment in the Croatian

easy accessibility. Furthermore, com-

economy. For the next ten years, the

pared with its neighbouring countries,

World Travel and Tourism Council

Croatia is more reasonable and there-

expects a yearly increase in employ-

fore gains special popularity with fami-

ment of 3.3 percent and a yearly in-

lies. Almost two million Germans visit

Pool technology at the highest level for crystal-clear, hygienically faultless bathing water

ProWellness srl•Riva di Sotto 33•I-39050 S. Paolo (BZ) Phone 0471 637 512•Fax 0471 637 649••

Special Croatia | 62

S au n a

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design is a must

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M ichaeler & P artner

Michaeler & Partner – Projects & People in Tourism Due to the company’s international success and increasing demand, Michaeler & Partner are taking up two new business fields under their holding brand “Project & People in Tourism”, which has been carried out by their partner company Hotelplan & Partner up to date. As of February 1st, the core activities will be divided into the present „Consulting & Project Management“ and the two new business fields „Planning & Engineering“ and „Real Estate & Development“. The company‘s biggest competency lies in the area of planning and project management for touristic objects. In the process of this management process, an investment volume of 75 to 100 million Euros is looked after each year.

The company, founded by Otmar Michaeler in 1995, has in a reference list in the meantime of more than 300 clients - reaching far beyond the borders. The years of experience in the single core areas, the com-

Project Development & Project Management

Master Planning & Resort Development

Real Estate Development

Feasibility Studies & Project Analysis

General Planning

Real Estate Commercialization

Hotel & Tourism Consulting

Construction Processing

Touristic Property Development

petent employees and the integral and flexible company philosophy and management are the source of the company’s success. Currently approx. 40 people are employed with Michaeler & Partner at the various branches in Varna/Bressanone (I),

Wellness & SPA Consulting

Vienna (A), Villach (A), Zadar (HR), Zagreb (HR) and Prague (CZ).The

development is fundamental for

which makes this business field more

company‘s activities embrace the

investors. Tourism Project Manage-

and more important. Realistic facts

entire Alpe-Adria region with a main

ment covers the whole spectrum

and figures make the feasibility and

emphasis on the Italian, Austrian,

from coordinational and organisa-

limitations of a planned construc-

Croatian and Czech markets.

tional structure, to cost and sched-

tion project clear to banks and in-

ule management, to correspondence

vestors, and also analyze possible

Consulting & Project Management

with all partners involved in the build-


The company‘s biggest competency

ing process.

In the area of Hotel & Tourism

lies in the business field of Tourism

Consulting, Michaeler & Partner

Project Development & Project

Another focal point is the draw-

have extensive experience in the

Management. Within the frame-

ing up of feasibility studies and

obtaining of funds and in the ac-

work of new constructions, expan-

project analyses. Due to the bank’s

quisition of investors and operators

sions or the restructuring of a busi-

new financing criteria all investments

for large touristic projects. Another

ness, professional tourism project

have to be fundamentally analysed,

important area is efficient financial

Special Croatia | 64

controlling. By drawing up an an-

strategies together with tourism as-

integral touristic hotel and resort

nual budget and by acquiring a con-

sociations or communities, which

development in an international

trolling system, the individual cost

then determine further procedures

network at the highest level. The

areas are continuously monitored

for a destination.

service spectrum of general plan-

and fast reaction is made possible,

The area of Wellness & SPA Con-

ning includes urban development,

since it is the final results only, which

sulting covers all services, in or-

draft planning and conception, ap-

make further investments possible.

der to offer wellness at the highest

proval planning, implementation and

A competent team ensures optimal


detail planning, house engineering

positioning of a product on the mar-

planning, detailed tenderings and

ket, and in addition delivers strategic

Planning & Engineering

performance awarding, and dealing

marketing concepts.

Due to their functional and architec-

with official approval procedures. In

Another interesting activity is the

tural demands, touristic facilities, in

cooperation with international de-

management of touristic infrastruc-

particular, vary with regard to con-

signers, Michaeler & Partner are

tures or co operations in the hotel

structional, technical, economical

responsible for a functional and ar-

and tourism sector. Within this area

and design requirements, and vari-

chitecturally innovative product.

we are talking about the drawing

ous experts are necessary in order

Continuous quality controls in the

up of budgets with cost controlling,

to achieve an optimal result. This

area of construction processing

liquidity planning, controlling and im-

begins with the master planning of

carried out by local builders, the

plementation of all marketing and

a touristic object, whereby the basic

management, the senior manage-

administrative tasks, the search for

idea of an investment is presented in

ment and the project management

employees and detailed reports to

an outlined form with consideration

and the final invoicing process pro-

the contract awarder.

to the future construction phase, and

tect against building mistakes and

Michaeler & Partner are already ex-

initial structural engineering values

processing errors. Meetings, which

perienced in destination manage-

are compiled. Due to their interna-

take place on a regular basis in order

ment, in particular with regard to the

tional experience Michaeler & Partner

to discuss the project, and precisely

compilation of future developmental

assume complete responsibility for

scheduled building plans, further reduce the risk of overrunning both time schedules and building costs.

The management of Michaeler & Partner Real Estate & Development In future, another focal point will be Real Estate & Development. The business area ranges from the acquisition of grounds, to the distribution of holiday properties, to touristic property development activities. In Dr. Otmar Michaeler

addition to professional competence Dr. Ivo Pezzei

Dipl. Ing. Thomas Oberhofer

in all areas of holiday properties, the company also ensures a high level of safety and trust for their clients. Excellent contacts and the global touristic knowledge allow for optimal care from the word go right through to the realisation of a business, which is advantageous to all

Dr. Thomas Schartel

parties involved. Andreas Knapp

Ing. Herbert Kusternigg

Herwig Oberrauner

65 | Special Croatia

M ichaeler & P artner

Michaeler & Partner CEE A Consulting Company in Expansion

Dr. Thomas Schartel


be seen in the introduction and implementation of controlling instruments. Hereby, a supplementing inclusion of elements from cost accounting is made possible due to the valuable expertise in the bank industry. Even The growth of the leading touristic

national and international hotels on

though this area is not very strong in

consulting company continues to

their way to success.

the hotel industry yet, its importance

gain momentum. Michaeler & Part-

The entire spectrum of touristic serv-

will increase in future when it comes

ner is expanding in Vienna (A) and in

ices will be offered at the same high

to assessing, which operating areas

Zagreb (HR).

standard through the existing know-

are profitable and which are not, and

Through this strategic new orienta-

how stemming from the headquarters

when respective measures should be

tion and through taking on the two

in Varna.

taken accordingly.

new business field “Planning & Engi-

Touristic project development and

Of late, increased demand for pro-

neering” and “Real Estate & Develop-

implementation represents a core

fessional management of shares

ment”, Michaeler & Partner now cover

competency, whereby the experience

from institutional investors will also

the entire Alpe-Adria region in terms

gained in successfully implemented

be satisfied by the implementation

of touristic consulting. This was also

large projects on the domestic and for-

of management, which can result in

the reason for the establishment of

eign markets will be brought in. From

comprehensive business management

“Michaeler & Partner CEE“ (Central

conception through to implementation

operations in various forms.

European East), which will start its op-

and acceptance, end-to-end project

Of course, all traditional consulting

erations at the beginning in February

management, aimed particularly at

services, such as the drawing up of

with an office in Vienna and a further

professional construction companies,

feasibility studies, the evaluation of po-

office in Zagreb. The central and east

will be assumed together with propo-

tential and quality analyses and the

European region will, in particular, be

nents, financiers and operators. The

assessment and continuous operative

covered by Michaeler & Partner CEE.

detailed planning process is also im-

support of hotels will continue to be

To manage this company we were

plemented in a professional and com-


able to engage Dr. Thomas Schartel.

petent way, based upon international

Who has had many years of experi-

empirical values accumulated over the

Contact Michaeler & Partner CEE

ence in tourism and recently worked in

years. Resort development and hotel

Dr. Thomas Schartel

the area of financing and management

conception provide the core fields of

Gonzagagasse 4

as head of the board of the S-Tourism

this business field.

1010 Vienna (A)

Fund, where he assisted numerous

Another main area of responsibility can

Phone: +43 664 5008310

Special Croatia | 66

RASTIMO ZAJEDNO ˇ KADA SE IDEJE POCNU RAZVIJATI, sˇire se i horizonti: nove perspektive, koje kao vodec´a financijska grupa regije Alpe-Jadran zˇelimo podijeliti s Vama. Razvijajte se zajedno s nama i nasˇom mrezˇom poslovanja koja obuhvac´a visˇe zemalja. I promijenite s nama granice iz prosˇlosti u moguc´nosti za buduc´nost.











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