Top 5 Internet Marketing Tools Every Marketer Needs /michaelkyle/top-5-internet-marketing-tools-every-marketer-needs/ Michael Kyle Every internet marketer will need to have a lot of marketing tools at their disposal. Not only are these tools and sites time savers and helpful to your business, but you can take advantage of them most often for free. If you’ve been building a business online you know the importance of having free to low cost marketing tools available to you. 1. Google
2. Photobucket
3. Mass Planner
4. Jing
5. Screencast-o-matic These are just a few of the free and low cost tools that every internet marketer must have in their arsenal. You will also get great use out of these tools for a blog post such as this one. I used Jing for the image captures and Photobucket for storing the images. I hope you got some value from this post and take advantage of these tools. Please comment, like and share so others can find these useful tools too.
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