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Across the Board
A Message From The President
By Tonya Petersen, President
Hello GCNKAA Members!
It is always exciting as March approaches bringing renewal and thoughts of warmer weather! As Cincinnatians, we are all too familiar with on-again, offagain spring and we will see what each day this month holds: will it be warm and spring like...or cold with winter dragging on? I’m in favor of the renewal so bring on the spring!
As we closed out February, what an outstanding line-up of events we concluded! Our committee meetings are in full swing; chairs and members are planning the year and focused on meeting KPIs; the Certified Apartment Leasing Professional (CALP) was offered; and our highly-anticipated State of the Industry General Membership Meeting had our largest attendance of ALL the years that the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) has hosted the amazing Dave Lockard with CBRE. Absolutely remarkable!
One new addition that I am over the moon for is our newly added 2024 Prestige Awards committee. Thankfully when asked, Jordann Morgan with Fath Properties and Todd Hignite with Hearth

This section contains articles and information concerning the Board of Directors and Association policies.
Kentucky multifamily companies and associate members. We will launch category submission requests soon so be prepared to submit and make your peers and company shine! I cannot wait for this exclusive night in April 2024!

March brings our Finance Forum scheduled for Friday, March 3 and a great amount of legislative push with our Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK) Day on the Hill on March 9 in Frankfort, Kentucky, and the National Apartment Association (NAA) Advocate Conference in Washington DC. Our industry is in unprecedented times and the participation and passion our members produce both locally and nationally is exemplary. Be sure to review the Legislative Update from Pat Crowley to stay current with the issues on which we are focusing.
Our final hot topic for March is the GCNKAA Trade Show on Tuesday, March 14! Join us to Get Your Game On with our six education seminars, leadership forums, and the all-out amazing trade show floor to network and grow your business. Don’t miss this amazing day of growing minds and expanding your business. In sports, its either you win or lose….be sure to be winning in 2023 with Sports Night GCNKAA Trade Show!
I look forward to another exceptional year, record breaking attendance, and enhanced participation from our membership. Isn’t great to be a part of multi-family? How lucky we are to support one another and show our community what a great benefit we