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An event booklet will also be provided to all participants with detailed and highly beneficial information on all of our participating companies. As an associate member, you may either submit a full color, half page ad to include or send a brief paragraph about your company. See more details under Important Deadlines below.
For Our Property Owners And Management Companies
: This is your opportunity to conduct multiple meetings with multiple vendors in one morning, allowing you to easily expand your network of suppliers. Once you register to participate, you will receive an Information Statement Form complete with an A-to-Z listing of the products and services our associate members provide to the multifamily housing industry. Simply complete the information and select the top 10 to 15 products or services you are looking to invest in for 2023 and 2024 and submit to michele@ gcnkaa.org. We will then schedule meetings with companies that provide the products and services you are most interested in.
Important Deadlines
• April 11: Registration ends for Property Owners and Management Companies.

• April 11: Early Bird registration ends for Associate Members.
• April 17: Deadline to register for this event AND have your company information included in the event booklet.
• April 17: Deadline to submit either one 1/2 page ad (7.5” wide x 4.8” tall) OR a brief paragraph about your prducts or services, including contact information and website. This will be used in the event booklet distributed to all pre-registered attendees prior to the event. Ads should be press-quality pdf or high resolution jpg files sized correctly. Ad OR paragraph should be emailed directly to michele@gcnkaa.org.
• April 18: GCNKAA to email Meeting Request Form to Associate Members
• April 21: Deadline to return your Meeting Request Form (will be sent April 18).
• May 5: Meeting Schedule and Event Booklet emailed to all attendees
All The Details
The 2023 Business Exchange is Tuesday, May 9 at Oasis Conference Center in Loveland, Ohio, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. There is no cost for property owners and management companies to participate. The cost per associate member is $195 per person through April 11. After April 11, the price increases to $225 per person. To register, click here.

For more details and how to get the most out of your participation, click here.