2 minute read


I, do hereby agree that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Additionally, I do hereby acknowledge that should I become a scholarship recipient, I am fully responsible for attendance of all classes. Scholarship is held by the individual and not the member company and is not transferable. Scholarship is valid only for the designation series being offered in the spring of 2023 . I acknowledge that if I do not complete the designation within the time specified, payment must be made to reimburse The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. for the tuition within 60 days of the Enrollment expiration date.





Scholarship Recipient Authorization Form

The applicant has applied for an Education Scholarship through The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. The authorized signature below serves as acknowledgement that the individual applying has completed and submitted all paper work necessary to be considered as a possible scholarship recipient. This also serves as authorization from the APPLICANT’S supervisor/manager, that if the applicant is selected as a Scholarship recipient, they shall allow the time necessary to attend classes selected by recipient.

Authorized Signature of Regional/District/Portfolio Manager

Supervisor’s Title

Applicant’s Signature

Applicant’s Title


Date www.gcnkaa.org/education

This form must be completed by the applicant and his/her supervisor as part of the scholarship packet.

Please refer to the spring Designation Course Schedule for complete class information.

GCNKAA does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, national origin, sex, religion, color, handicap or familial status.

Date returned

For office use only

Authorized signature

Platinum Sponsor ($20,000)

Gold Sponsor ($10,000)

Silver Sponsor ($5,000)


To become a Champion For Outreach, please contact Rebecca McLean, Megan Lawhon, Jeff March. Rebecca@gcnkaa.org - megan@plkcommunities.com - jmarch@brgapartments.com

Dear Friends,

Presenting Sponsor

Finish Line Sponsor

Our Committee

Jordann Morgan - Chair

Kellie Jones

Michael Wilke

Corey Peterson

Theresa Hallett

Sarah Brewer

We are very excited to announce that the Apartment Association Outreach’s eleventh annual 5k 4 Rent Run/Walk event will take place on April 29, 2023 at 9am at Friendship Park, 1101 Riverside Drive, in Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. Please support this event and help Outreach raise money for Rental Assistance. Rental Assistance is provided to responsible and qualified recipients through our long-standing partnership with Freestore Foodbank in Ohio, CAIN, Churches Active in Northside, Jewish Family Service and Santa Maria Community Services.

Gold Sponsor - $1,000

Company Logo on 5k 4 Rent Shirts

Company Logo on AAO Website & Sponsor Banner

Company Logo on AAO Facebook Page

GCNKAA Newsletter Recognition

Includes Brunch & Beverages

Bronze Sponsor - $350

Company Logo on Sponsor Banner & Brunch Table

GCNKAA Newsletter Recognition

Includes Brunch & Beverages

Christina Rivera

Nichole Murphy

Susan Peck

Rebecca McLean

Silver Sponsor - $500

Company Logo on 5k 4 Rent Shirts

Company Logo on AAO Website & Sponsor Banner

GCNKAA Newsletter Recognition Includes Brunch & Beverages

Name: _____________________ Company Name: _______________________ Email: _______________________________ Phone: _______________


______Gold $1,000

______Silver $500

______Bronze $350

CHECK PAYMENT- Amount Enclosed: $____________ Checks payable to “The AAO” Please mail your donations to: The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. - 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236

Credit Card Payment

Name on Card:____________________ Card Number: _________________________________

Exp Date: _______________ Security Code: _______________ Zip Code: _________________

All donations made to The Apartment Association OUTREACH, Inc. are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact Susan Peck with questions at 513.407.8612 or susan@gcnkaa.org.

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