1 minute read
...to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association’s annual Trade Show on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at Sharonville Convention Center. As always, the Trade Show is free to attend with free parking. Free food returns this year from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm! A cash bar and other food concessions are available. So come find out what your Associate Members have to offer your company. And be sure to hang around throughout the show for more than $2500 in Grand Prize Drawings beginning at 5:15 pm and ending with the big drawing at 7:30 pm. Watch for details.
This year, we have six seminars to choose from. For complete details on these seminars, see page 3 of this insert. All seminars are eligible for Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for CAM, CAPS, CAMT and NALP.