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Libertarians are High on Marijuana getting older and we'll have aches and pains, Marijuana is a relief with no side effects but it is illegal." Kile began his remarks by saying, ''I've been smoking marijuana everyday for twenty years, my kids turned me on to it." Kile , who doesn't smoke for medicinal purposes, proceeded to tell of the wonders marijuana has done for him. Noting that it is just a positive affectation to his overall state of being, he argued for legalization not only on the grounds that marijuana can be an effective medication, but because it is completely harmless to those who use it in a social setting. "Why do they want to throw people in jail for something that makes you smile and get hungry," he asked, Kile, however, didn't think that the same personal choice should exist for people who want to use other, more serious drugs, On more than one occa· sion he derided supposedly "harder"
HE LIBERTARIAN PARTY has once again proven itself to be a grand political joke. The latest example of the LP's buffoonery took place on October 28 in the Modern Languages Building, with the present.,'1tion "Medical Marijuana," sponsored by the Ann Arbor Libertarian League . The event began with a defense of the Libertarian Party by alleged libertarian Richard Clark. Clark attempted to legitimize the Libertarian Party's continued existence by referring to the success that socialists - an equally radical group in the eyes of most Americans - attained in gaining political power in the twenties and thirties, and continue to wield today Clark failed to note , however, that this success was not achieved through the work of the Socialist Party; rather, it was tlmmgh the effective infIltration of the Democrati c Party, thus negating his argumen t promoting an ineffectual minor party, Unfortunately, this type of haphazard reasoning was just a prelude to the night's festivities, After his ever-inspiring remarks , Clark introduced Chuck Rile and Bill Barrett, two members of United Marijuana Smokers of Michigan . Kile and Barrett defended the right to use marijuana on the grounds that it is medicinally beneficial to many people who suffer from affiictions such as glaucoma and cancer. Barrett, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, related how his condition has been positively affected by the use of marijuana, He stated that his multiple sclerosis worsened as a result of the use of prescription drugs . As a result, Barrett turned to an alternative medication: marijuana. What resulted was a dramatic reduction in the pain he experienced and, not surprisingly, an overall mellowing of his personality, Barrett concluded his remarks by babbling, "It is very important that we legalize marijuana because we're all
drugs, such as cocaine, heroine, and even alcohol as a plague to society, Kile never appeared to notice the hypocrisy in this statement. Instead , he argued t hat marijuana was not "one of those drugs " and therefore should be protected because it is harmless . While many of Kile 's and Barrett's claims about marijuana are undoubtedly true , their apGive me pot, or proach to the give me death topic oflegalization is incredibly flawed, They have failed to recognize that in order for a real change in drug laws to occur, legalization cannot be argued on th~..basis that drugs are good for peoJ5le,' Rather, a new mentality has to be promulgated
conceding that the majority of drug use in this colmtry is detrimental, but that its use is a personal choice that people must be able to decide for themselves. When the government can tell you that you can't smoke this or inject that, then the day is not too far off when they can tell you a particular food is too high in fat or cholesterol for you to eat. By making drugs a scapegoat, people effectively have said, "No, I'm not mature enough to handle my own actions and the responsibilites that follow , I need someone to watch over me ," The government has been all to happy to be this watchdog, and what has resulted is that every aspect of our lives is now filed , recorded, and regulated by the federal government. By conceding that such a paternalistic mentality is positive and needed , the people of the United States have voluntarily agreed to give
Corporate Recruiters Test for Drugs company, and also explains when the tests are administered (e,g, during the pre-employment stage , at random , s YOU GO ABOUT LOOKING when there is probable cause, etc ) for your first job out of college, Finally the Registry describes the comfinal exams may not be the panies' policies regarding a positive test. only tests you have to pass, Many comThis last bit of information can be panies throughout the country are now the most important, since requiring that new employmany companies refuse to ees submit to drug testing On-Campus Recruiters Which hire prospective employees before they can start work. Require Employee Drug Testing who test positive for drug use. For the convenience of all Moreover, many companies job-searching students who \!erck & Company, Inc, Prudential Financial Servi ces will not give applicants an have dabbled in illicit subSalomon Brothers EDS Corporation opportunity to retest if the stances, a computer bulletin \Ierrill Lynch MCI results of their first tests are board , entitled "The Great \let life Consulting Abbott Laboratories positive, U senet Piss Test Registry, " Procter & Gamble \!organ Stanley While some job-seekers has been created to inform Lehman Brothers may not mre about drug tests users and abusers about comsince they have nothing to panies requiring drug tests , hide , several scientific studies suggest Armond, can be contacted bye-mail at The Registry, which was compiled from that drug tests are often inaccurate, In "jgd@dixie,com," the personal experiences of job appli· fact, certain common, perfectly legal The Registry itself identifies the cants, gives itemized information about type of test required (e,g, urine test, the testing procedures required by each See DRUG TESTS, Page 5 blood test, breathalyzer, etc.) for each company on the list. Interested students can obtain a personal copy of the Registry by accessing the Usenet group "miscjobs ,misc" from a Unix or MTS account. Consultants at any campus computing center can help with this process if necessary, The publisher of the Registry, JOM De
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o SERPENT'S TOOTH Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker called the University's request for an additional $15 million in state funding a "modest increase" If the University does indeed receive this "modest increase," would it be possible to reduce tuition by a "miniscule amount" of $500 or so?
I ilL \lICHIG .\\ RE\ IE\\· \
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The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan ·Printed on 100% Hemp Paper.'
"What do students in the School of Art really do and why ... ?" Here at the Review, we have often wondered the same thing and have failed to come up with a good answer, but we are sure that it involves Birkenstocks and huge portfolio cases.
To the sororities . who tried to bribe their way into the Mud Bowl on Homecoming Weekend You remembered two out of t1m~e . You forgot about rock and roll.
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Unsigned edrtorials represent the opinion 01 the editorial board. Signed articles and cartoons represent the opinions 01 the author and not necessari~ those of the Review. The opinions presented in this publication are nOt necessarily those of the advertisers or the University 01 Michigan. We welcome letters and articles and encourage comments about the journal and issues discussed in rt. We also accept cash, check, and money orders. If you're reading this, you've got too much time on your hands, loser.
'The National Women's Rights Orga nizing Coalition brags in one of their flyers that they disrupted a neo-N azi rally in Auburn, New York, and sent three Nazi thugs to the hospital. What does that say about those women, that they can beat up a bunch of Na zi "thugs?"
Please address all subscription inquiries to: Circulation Director c/o the Michigan Review. All advertising inquiries should be dkected to: Advertising Director c/o the Mchigan Review. EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS OFFICES: SUITE ONE 911 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-1265
Considering the fact that large numbers of Canadians come to the United States for medical care because of Canada's socialized medical care system, we want to know what would happen if the UB. adopted such a system Would we have to go to Tijua n a for medical care?
TEL (3 13) 662-1909 FAX (313) 936-2505
The _Mlchigan_ Rev lew@um.cc.umich.edu Copyright © 1993, by The Michigan Review, Inc. All rights reserved.
The November 1st issue of the Daily provides us with our nomination for understatement of the year in the sports category. After the recent loss to Wisconsin, coach Gary Moeller said, "We're not a good football team right now."
Nomination for overstatement of the year: In response to the deaths of actor River Phoenix and director Federico Fellini, the Daily blared a front page headline reading, "Millions mourn as film icons pass away." , ,,
The words we live by
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The Mchigan Review is an independent. week~ studentrun journal at the Universrty of Michigan. We nerther solicrt nor accept monetary donations from the University of Michigan, and we have no respect for anyone that does. The MSA Judicial process sucks. Contributions to the Mch.9an Review are tax-{leductible under Section 501 (c)(3) -orihe Internal Revenue Code. We also have no respect for the IRS, or anyone else who steals your money. The Review is not affiliated wrth any polrtical party: b~ nwe were, we would probably side wrth the Abolrtionists
The U.S. Senate voted last week to apologize to native Hawaiians for the UB. invasion a century ago. What's next? An apology to fonnAr ~azis for the invasion of Ckrmany ?
If so, Join The Michigan Review. Come to one of our weekly meetings on the third floor of the Michigan League, Sundays at 7 PM, or call 662-1909. •
EDITOR-AT-LARGE: Tony Ghecea EDITORS EMERITI : Adam DeVore, John J. Miller, Jefl Muir
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EDITORIAL STAFF: Benjamin Bolger, scon Bra~, Rachel Cardone, John Darroose, Joe Epstein, Frank Grabowski, Gene Krass, Terry Lorber, Jordan Milner, Carolyn Milroy, Crusty M.Jncher, Yawar Murad, Jason Pasatta, Tom Paska. Ben Pergament. Scott Powell, Matt Rechtien, Jeff SI. Mikiosi, S~ Sternfeld, TS Taylor, Perry Thompson, Aric Tosqui, Matt Wilk, Jon Winick, Tony Woodlief. Yoda
It's a sad day when the second worst trampling by Wisconsin students in Madison last Saturday occurred after
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CIRCULA TION DIRECTOR: Eric Larson SYSTEMS ANALYST: Mitch Rohde MTS COORDINA TOR: James Elek DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Andrew Brown 1- -- ·- ---·· -- _.. .-.-.- ... - - -.. ----.. - -. -
See if this strikes you as odd. Under the windows on University Buses is the following sign: Please K~ep All Body Parts Out of Window.
Are you in favor of:
MUSIC EDITORS: Chris Peters, Drew Peters COPY EDITOR: Chauncey H~chcock
Spotted in the November issue of Between the Lines, Ann Arbor's homosexual paper: an ad promoting the appeanmce of Jon Vincent, "star of adul t male erotica", at the Nectarine Ballroom. RUDlor has it that Duderstadt's new task force on Bylaw 14.06 will be first in line for the show.
Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, College Edit£on , gives the following defmition of marijuana: "A narcotic obtained from [the hemp plant's] dried leaves and flowers , smoked in cigarettes by addicts." We wonder who wrote that, Nancy "Just Say No" Reagan?
'The first sentence of an article in that same issue of the U-Record reads:
SPECIAL ISSUE EDITOR: Andrew Bockelman EDITOR-lN-CHIEF: Tracy Robinson PUBLISHER: Aaron Steelman EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Jay D. McNeill CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Eddie Arner, Nate Jamison, James A. Roberts II, Brian Schelke
According to the Detroit News, Robert , Reich tried in a recent interview to deflect attention from his diminutive stature, saying that "My real handicap is that I am an economist. " No, Bob, your real handicap is that you are a socialist.
In a recent Michigan Daily opinion piece , the author tried to explain the Blue Jays recent world championship ,:'unong his explanations was, "[Mlaybe there is some legitimacy to Canad a's socialist ways." If that was true, why didn't American teams dominate the NHL during the Carter administration?
According to The Ul!lversity Record , a large number of people trying to call UM's Employee Benefits Office hotline have been inadvertantly reaching a Pennsylvania company that sells carwash equipment. In a related development, people who have trying to· call the Fascist Censorship League have been reaching Catherine MacKinnon's office.
November 3, 1993
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November 3,1993
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M*A*'S*H* 4077th Revisited BY JAY
do it. Let's go fly fishing instead, I can take you under my wing so you don't go to D,O,D, and teach you how to tie a fly," I said sharply, "Leave me alone, old man, I need this drink " After a few moments of silence, I re-thought the situ,ation. Then I said,
School goes on, And on, And on. And on and on and on, I remember my freshman year, Dad, when everyone told me that college life and academics would get easier as time passed , They lied , I'm so busy right now I hardly have time to write you this letter, On the other hand, it's a nice way to procrastinate , I have no motivation to study this year , Dad, None , After almost sixteen and a half years of formal preparation for "the real world," all ofit is getting a little stale, It's hard to care anymore, I have to bury I my face in my pillow . every night just to keep from screaming' College towns sure have changed since you went to school. The City of Ann Arbor has perhaps more police per capita than any other city in the United States, I mean these Dear Dad. I'm drunk. So is the dog that bit Radar. MP 's are everywhere. So much so that I'm even afraid "No , I'll have another drink when I to drive home from the bar completely want to have one, not when I need to ," dnmk! What is the world coming to? l( As I got up to leave, all of the editors driving drunk is against the law, how stood watching and smiling, knowing am I supposed to get any place? that everything would be okay, To reasSpeaking of bars and getting drunk, sure them even ll!ore, I spouted, "You you sure had it easy, Dad, I had to wait can load me down with finance problems , You can make me memorize the until my ~enior year before I could federal tax code. You can force me to legally get wasted, 'That's right, For three whole years the only thing I had take classes taught by Marxist econoto drown my sorrows in was a bunch mists , but you cannot break the spirit grape nehi, I tell you, Dad, the moment of a McNeill , My voice shall be heard I hU1led 21 was probably the happiest from the wilderness , and I shall be delivered from this fetid and festering moment of my life, I've been getting tanked almost every day, sewer " Some of my friends are concerned Potter looked at the rest of the about this trend, One night, a few of my editors and said, "I think he's getting the hang of this place," Laughs rang out fellow Reviewites came to my favorite spot at Rosie's and told me how conin the background, cerned they were getting about my haOur football team sure has changed, Dad, We suck now. Last week we lost to bitual drinking, I responded by orderWisconsin, of all teams, Our star runing another beer, A senior editor, ning back, Tyrone Wheatley, couldn't Sherman Potter, looked at me with his grandpa-like eyes and said, "Jay, don't play so we actually lost to the Badgers for the first time in twelve years, I'm J~.J),.M~eiU i.s o..seai.oc in business . .- blaming all of this on Henry Blake, a adminutration and an executive graduate assistant on the football ..ream's medical st:.aff.B1ake was respon.ediu>r of the ~Vi~w.
sible for wrapping Wheatley's injured ankle during the previous week against Illinois, and the idiot wrapped the wrong one, As a result, Tyrone is done for the season and we might not win any more games . I'm so ticked that I feel like taking my shotgun and shooting out Blake's front porch lights every Christmas Eve, We'll see, At least we didn't lose to Iowa, Billy Taylor, the Hawkeye's star running back, couldn't play because someone shot off his right leg in a hunting accident the week before the game . Boy, was that ever Kim Lucky, 'The campus environment around here is a little disenchanting, Dad; people are always telling me what to do, One of them, Preacher Mulcahy, likes to spend each spring and each fall yelling at passing students in the Diag about God, He's quite a character, I've heard dozens of rumors about him including that he cut open someone's throat and punched some kid in the mouth, Some priest. The College RepublicaI1s,-le'l1a by Frank Burns, are a little whacked, too, Last week they sponsored a lecture by war hero General "Iron Guts" Kelley After listening to them chant their slogan, "God, Country, Family." a couple of thousand times, Kelley suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack Who could blame him? Margaret Hoolihan, a feminist la w professor, is a real treat Even though she wants to ban all pornography and
says that all sex is rape, last year she married some male whore named Donald Penobscot, Apparently her deeply held beliefs are "living, breathing" beliefs, But she's nothing compared to Max Klinger, a bureaucrat for the LGMBPO. That stands for the Lesbian I Gay Male / Bisexual Programming Office in case you didn't know. You pay for it, Dad, Klinger spends most of his days protesting the ROTC for its discrimination against gays and demanding to be let into the military :'ly, how times have changed. In sum , dear father , I am pretty much disgusted with everyone here , Everyone except a nice fellow in my finance class named Radar O'Reilly, He does his thing, I do mine, He leaves me alone, I leave him alone , We are mutual lovers of freedom . I can respect that See you on 'Thanksgiving, Your loving son,
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p.s. Can
send me an order of Adam's libs some time soon? 'TIlanks.
P ,P ,S, Don't forget the cole slaw. l\R
Join the Michigan Review! We are looking for students interested in writing, graphiCS, photography, and advertising. Come to one of our weekly staff meetings on Sundays at 7 p.m. on the third floor of the Michigan Lea~e, or call 662-1909 for more information. . f -·' , I . ; l
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• Mama's Spinach Pit • • Dod's Lasagne • • Spaghetti • • Roost Turkey • • Old Fashioned Meatloaf· FREE Apple Pie or Cheesecake with dinner , and this coupon. Coupon good 5 - 8 pm only. (bpi" uOOtJ1J
ANN ARBOR. MI ·'6'-3355
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November 3, 1993-
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U-M's Drug Treatment
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Proposal Is Flawed .
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R. CY BRIEFER, THE DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Michigan's Health Services, recently proposed the creation of a schoolbased insurance program for alcohol and substance abuse. This program would be financed by a new annual $15 per student fee appearing as a line-item on tuition bills, which would raise a total of $450,OO~$500,000. This money, however, would allow the hiring of only two new staffers - one substance abuse educator and one substance abuse counselor. The remainder of the funds would go to providing the proposed drug treatment. Alcohol and drug abuse is a problem on campus, but the proposed program would offer addicted students little more than what is already available. The proposal claims that anti-drug action should involve "a significantly enhanced educational effort." While some education is already available through the Peer Education Programs from University Health Services, there is insufficient reason to think that increased availability of education would significantly affect the · long-held attitudes of students on this subject. The next steps in the proposed plan would be counseling and treatment. U-M Counseling Services would provide outpatient group therapy; serious abuse cases would be referred to Chelsea Arbor Outpatient Services for outpatient or residential therapy. This is the increased effort that nearly $500,000 would provide: The small number of students who would need and use the drug abuse therapy would be funded by the vast majority of students who would not need it. This proposal touts itself as a novel approach dubbed "school-based insurance." In reality, it is simply one more form of socialized medicine, and students don't need it. By the proposal's own estimates, "approximately 12% of our students have no insurance coverage." This may be true, but how many of that 12 pen-ent w0u.ld need and utilize the proposed insurance? Even if 10 percent of the uninsured would need treatment and 50 percent of those would seek treatment at U-M, only 0.6 percent of all students would receive treatment funded by 100 percent of their peers. Briefer apparently recognizes the problem of few students needing the treatment, and counters by arguing that the coverage would help all students, insured or not. The proposal would not notify parents of the abuse problem , because parental notification is supposedly a major obstacle to students seeking treatment. This proposal, therefore, would allow parents to pay regular insurance premiums - an.d in most cases the new $15 fee - and receive, in return, the privilege of ignorance of their child's suostance abuse problem. The parents, of course, need to be informed of such a problem if they are to be of any help to the student in recovering, Briefer also argues that students who purchase their own insurance policies at college would need the proposed coverage. TIlls is true because most policies do not cover "pre-existing conditions," and substance abuse is almost always categorized as such by insurance agents. This is a quandary that would affect an even smaller percentage of students than uninsured students. Moreover, the problem of "pre-existing conditions" should be addressed by students and their insurance companiesJ not through the implementation of a supplemental insurance program funded by all, but utilized by a select few . Furthermore, every student already p~ys an $82.50 per semester health services fee which is hidden under the tuition heading. That amounts to approximately three million dollars in student-based revenue..per semester. Yet, somehow, this is not enoUgh to deal with drug abuse, Considering the fact that a large number of students never use University Health Services, one must conclude that much of this money goes to supporting the U-M bureaucracy. The proposed $15 fee would likely be used in much the same manner. Couldn't a portion of the current health services fee be diverted to fund the proposal if the U-M and students believe the program is truly necessary? The proposed school-based insurance program for alcohol and drug abuse is potentially useful and would definitely be an improvement over the U-M's penal drug and alcohol use policy. As the proposal CUlTently reads, however, it would be a waste of money if implemented. The aspects of socialized medicine, lack of parental notification, and potential for increased bureaucracy need to be addressed and corrected. The U-M shoUld look to cutting bureaucracy before reaching even deeper into students' pocketbooka.Mt
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o FROM OUR READERS Francisco to Washington, D.C. The Journey of Hope is organized To the Editor: by PUSH (People Understanding the I was very impressed with th'e Severely Handicapped) - a non-profit opinion piece written by Rachel Cardone organization serving people with ("Free Speech Is a Right, Even For disabilities. PUSH was founded by Pi Fascists") in the 10/20/93 issue ofthe Kappa Phi Fraternity over fifteen years Review. While I have to contend that agp~and has now raised over three unfortunately the Review spouts knee--:" . million dollars for charity. The Universi~y of Michigan chapter of Pi jerk right-wing invective as much as Kappa Phi has been a key to PUSH's tlle Daily spouts knee-jerk left-wing continued success by sponsoring annual invective, Ms. Cardone's editorial was fundraising events, including a Scaffold very well written and did not succumb Sit on the Diag and meal sacrifices, to nonsense. That I agree with her along with volunteerism at Arm Arbor's views is irrelevant; what, she says is High Point Learning Center. Donations merely common sense. The piece was a are used to build recreational facilities brea th of fresh air - a pleasure to read. for disabled children and to support I would be very disappointed if she empathy awareness programs. were to write some typical Review piece The Journey of Hope is PUSH's in the future, for example, a review of most successful awareness campaign some tortuously long and boring book and fundraiser. This year, the trip will on conservative economic theory (do r~se over $275,000 through team you guys actually read those?), or maybe member fundraising and corporate some asinine piece of ignorance that I sponsorships. On the road, the team find too often in your pages, filled with will average around 75 miles a day and nam~alling and liberal-baiting. I'd will stop in 62 cities to spread the word much rather read the Rel>iew than the about understanding the needs of the Daily's editorials, no question, but only disabled . if people like Ms. Cardone continue to I have recently decided to donate write clear, insightful pieces. Nice job. my summer to this cause by joining the Journey of Hope team. In order to Andrew Schafer qualify, I must raise $4,000. I am LSA Senior making a personal appeal to the University of Michigan community to help support my effort. If you are To the Editor: interested in making a tax deductible donation to PUSH on my behalf, please This summer I will be participating feel free to call me at (313) 994-9560 or in a special event. I have taken on the challenge of bicycling coast to coast on send your donation to: Barry Stem, do the 62-day "Journey of Hope" to raise Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity; 903 Lincoln awareness and financial support for Street; Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Thank you for your interest and support. people with disabilities. On June 14, 1994, I will be joining a group of 59 Barry Stem student m~m~rs of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and .c ycling from San President, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity
A Fine Article
Reader Bikes for Charity
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November 3, 1993
o GET REAL ., II""
Time Keeps on Slippin' BY ToNY GHECEA
THINK I FINALLY FIGURED out why I like the Dennison building so much. I used to think it was because I had physics lab there; I enjoyed the course and had a friendly (and more important, dependable) lab partner. If I didn't have time to finish a lab, Keith would always fudge the work for me. Not that I was a poor student, but I tend to take courses that challenge me - a "fatal attraction" for aspiring academics who care about grades. Keith, after all, couldn't take my exams for me. And a C- in any field is sufficient to kill my desire, however great, to study it again. I've had numerous opportunities to visit Dennison since then. Each time I've found my favor for the place more perplexing. It's obvious that physics labs bear no relation to my habitational joy, for I've long since consigned my physics books (and with them any chanre of taking future physics courses) to a dusty box in the corner of my parenta' basement. For a while I thought it might simply be the aura of the phY!lics department, a preternatural glow of particles too small for the eye to see but just big enough to oscillate the soul to some harmonic tune. But this was English major fluff Not very likely . I'm still not absolutely sure why I like Dennison. But I think it has something to do with a comment my English 392 pipfessor made one day in class. He noted that all the clocks in Dennison never seem to work. (The one in our room had read 5:36 for about a month. ) The class, he suggested, had taken on a timeless air, one in which all that determined our state of existence were the dictates of our minds. Since we convened to study Renaissance literature, perhaps we traveled back to the English Renaissance for three hours every week - certainly the perfect way to read literature in context. Whatever the reason, I find it funny that I should like a place where the clocks don't nm. I guess it might have something to do with physics after all. Maybe relativity doesn't hold sway in Dennison. Maybe Dennison is an island in time and space, a place where weary Einsteins can rest their unkempt heads. Maybe Dennison just needs a new wiring system. Who knows? I used to wish I could make time stop. At the very least I wished to go back in time to fix things I'd broken, Tony Ghecea is a senior'in English: and editor-at-large of the Review.
expend in pursuing the most trivial of change choices I'd made, do certain junk time, garbage time, trash time matters, is, for all practical intents,and things differently, or not at all. all the names we have for lost time, yet If I could go back, I would do things we haven't a single word for found time. purposes, lost to us forever. We can buy time, of course , but even more efficiently, and.squeeze more time I woke up one morning three years that phrase implies that we lose someago to see my roommate staring down out of every moment of my past. Each thing else. In the end, one doesn't find at me from the top of our bunk-bed . second bereft of my former claim would time, or reclaim it. One simply uses it, With a bewildered smile on his face , he free itseIf for use in my present. This infusion of recycled time would provide loses it, and moves on. told me something I might not have I cannot support the law of physics an extra cushion against the heavy believed had I been in some other place, weight of deadlines ("time to spare"), at some other point in time than during which states that mass and energy are always conserved (in and give me a muchfall term , final exams, of my freshman college year. He said that during the needed break ("time to spite of my admittedly night he had been awakened by a catch my breath"). odd favor for the home But there has alof the physics depart- . strangely formal voice uttering a phrase ment), because I know which he could barely decipher. The ways been a glitch in better. In the tiny voice was mine, and the phrase, as best my program. What he could tell, was this: "Time is of the would I do with that sparks offriction begat utmost importance. " time when I got it? The by the energy we waste I had apparently been giving a lecon a multitude offruitonly answer I can honture during my sleep about the virtues less endeavors, we lose estly give is not much. of using time effectively. Tliis phrase, more mass, energy, and That, of course, is the he deduced, had been my concluding time than we could ever honest answer. Yet honstatement. What does all this have to hope to conserve. The esty, however ironisay about me? I really don't know . But essence of entropy is not that the encally, can sometimes obscure the truth. it clearly scared the heck out of my ergy we waste remains in the universe, I wouldn't do much with extra time roommate. And during the seriousness albeit in a manner somewhat more disbecause I would do too much with it. In offinal exams, one could hardly ask for addition to taking 12 credits this term persed; it is that the energy ~,biGh we better comic relief.m lose in the form. of waste; the time we (nine of which are above 400-Ievel), I put in 12 hours per week fit. a library job, a good bit of time with the Review, Continued from Page 1 and countless hours doing reading, working. Employees are terminated substances can cause otherwise innowriting, and homework (and helping whenever they test positive for drugs. cent people to test positive for drugs. friends do theirs). I go to football games, • MCI - Expect only a pre-€mFor example, Vicks respiratory inhaler, basketball games, parties, work-outs, ployment urine test. ibuprofen, and poppyseed bagels can lectures, movies, and concerts. • Abbot Laboratories - Expect respe€tively trigger a positive result in What would I do with recycled time? urine tests prior to employment and at tests for amphetamines, marijuana, and Where would it go? Would an extra 60 any subsequent time when the comcocaine. seconds to drink my morning coffee pany has probable cause . Abbot Labs The Registry also provides addimake a better start to my day? I don't offers drug treatment or termination tional information about invasive comthink so. I hardly adhere to my day after the first positive test. pany policies as the information beplanner as it is. Recruiting new min• Morgan Stanley - Expect a comes available. For example, utes to my daily grind would do me no pre-employment urine test with no Halliburton Geo-physical Services regood; whatever time I got from the deal provision for retesting. serves the right to search employees' would come earmarked for a preset • Lehman Brothers - Expect a homes and to terminate employees for part of my life. It would disappear into pre-€mployment urine test. Results of misuse of over-th~ounter drugs. "If my regimen so quickly I would scarcely the drug tests are not disclosed to appliyou take more than the recommended know it existed. Better to leave old cants. Retesting is not an option. Also, dose [of SudafedJ, you will be termiminutes where they were to begin with. all employees must sign a statement nated," states the footnote regarding There's a Murphy's Law that says a pledging not to use illegal substances. Halliburton. job will expand to fit the time you allot • Merck Pharmaceuticals Coincidentally, many companies it. If that's the context with which we Expect a blood and urine test prior to which are interviewing students at the have to work, then it doesn't matter employment. You may be tested at later University of Michigan as part of the whether you have an hour or a day to do times if there is probable cause. on~pus recruiting program are also ajob. You'll do it either way. But in no • Salomon Brothers - Onlyexlisted in The Registry. Twenty of the event will you have any time to spare. pect a pre-€mployment urine test. 147 scheduled interview sessions are I used to wish I could make time • Merrill Lynch - Only expect a with companies that are known to restop, but I can't. And I guess I'm glad pre--employment urine test. quire drug testing. These companies that's the case. With all the time I give • Met Life - Once again, just include: it now, my watch is spoiled enough. expect a pre-€mployment urine test . • Prudential Financial Services • Procter & Gamble - Expect a - Expect a pre-employment urine test. When I think about all the time I pre-employment urine test, with no However, Prudential will not disclose waste pursuing fruitless projects and provision for retesting. the results. dispatching little annoyances, I can't None of the companies visiting the • Electronic Data Systems Coravoid feeling a bit ashamed. For every U-M are on. tl\e Registry's "good list" of poration - Expect a pre-employment key I lose, comb I misplace, or umbrella companies which have publicly critiI leave at Angell Hall, far too much ti.nle . urine test followed by a randomly adcized employee drug testing. m ministered drug test after you start ticks offmy personal clock. Down time,
... .- ... "'~ ..- -- -" ~ ."~..~~- " ..- "" ".~..........". ..........."" .- -""""""... ~ --,' ~~~~~~~
November 3,1993
Let the Government Do Its> Job ARlc TOSQUI
risks which could arise if pilots, bus This limiting of rights in society's interest is nothing new. The governdrivers, etc., smoke a joint before going to work. These risks must be qualitament enacted speed limit laws to proHOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DIE tively perceived and considered by anytect everyone on the roads. There is an each year from tobacco-related established drinking age that protects one who seeks to make a.reasoned deciillnesses. Even more suffer from children from the dangers of alcohol. sion on marijuana legalization. alcohol-related tragedies, such as The Food and Drug Administration There are three reasons why the dnmk driving and cirrhosis of the liver. attempts to prevent dangerous We read about these catastrophes in 'il products from finding their way the newspapers and witness statistics 1 into our marketplace. The govon the news. These problems are a ernment has acted in these and result of the abuse of products that are many other areas to protect the harmful to individuals and society. needs of society. Now there is lobbying for the legalPart of the government's inization of another harmful substance: terest in balancing individual marijuana. Proponents of legalizing rights with societal needs inmarijuana claim that individuals have volves scientific and rational reathe right as long as they do not harm soning. Congress doesn't just inothers, to expose themselves to harmvent problems, it acknowledges ful substances. Furthermore, they claim what it fmds from fact. It then that the government has no right to takes that knowledge and passes inte:tfere with these liberties. One good reason why too much pot is bad for you. legislation for the good of the I think, however, that one must nation. This is what we elect our repregovernment should be against indiweigh individual rights against socisentatives to do. What point is there in vidual rights in this realm, including etal needs If that is not the case, then forcing them in the case of mariadverse health effects caused by smokwhy have a government at all? Our juana to legalize something they ing marijuana (such as pulmonary disgovernment exists not simply to prerationally know would cause many ease and over-intoxication), the possiserve our freedoms, but also limits them problems? bility of a gateway (where users move so that individual freedoms do not enFinally, the government must asfrom soft drugs to harder ones), and croach upon the freedoms of others. A civilized government thus balances ! sess the risks involved in any action. In general problems with legalization rights against societal needs in order to balancing interests, the government Mmijuana is not physically, but protect those established liberties must step in to prevent the harms which psychologically addictive. As with any psychological addiction, when a person a given course of action might inflict Anc TOSqll! IS aJunior til politIcal SCIupon society. Wllen evaluating the varienjoys something, he will continue to encc and comm ZlTHcation and a staff ous arguments concerning the legaluse it to the point of compulsion. Aclentcl' for the Review ization of marijuana, one sees many cording to Lee 1. Dogoloff, ex-Director of the American Council for Drug Education, when a user inhales marijuana smoke, and finds pleasure, he will continue to smoke to gain more enjoyment Aside from addiction, other general health problems arise from marijuana use. In 1990, the Hofstra Law Review noted that "[i)n moderate doses the substance can cause short lapses of OkOY'd Oldl attention and slightly impaired memory 0;1 "A1 "\I h do la' I yOU 1. Did and motor functioning. Heavy users have been known to become socially sV~~ro;lheree:~re2 2 au gO ""n to'k cor ndl Y'. I withdrawn and depersonalized and Y hoI" a I hou'o, of.otO thing mar dr:,e for I "'ere I f these 19 have experienced distortion of the . d yOV for1" . II. n' 0 he D' .' "per H 'fie do any 001 . ,~r I .9A senses. Furthermore, marijuana smoke 1 Did yO le NOyov con ",I toO cQVdIIIOn'inger"d contains more cancer-causing agents of ill II ',Iholdlng rlenced li,I' on than is found in tobacco smoke." THi" I pO' 1parks I eed elpe m erlO ond ge ",0,,0 'fie 0 I. ,n,lrV 0 or 0;1" Studies in other countries have te sOO Br SeD parD horocter I J57A d Drive, shown that sanctions seem to modify rs mm IO C fall i'!pe513f57 ,1,100 Id 5v OC rIO II King WO kl behavior, whereas greater availability dorcers, r~rme 16. cad' 6300 I parks I UbreD results in increased use. More simply, ,ei'! pe o,ec 100' ovn vr b 9 ,or If yOV re KIOglil3A poro~ ,n yO when you regulate dangerous behav1110 un' 1 ASO breD lO OH svm mer Par 0 ior, you have a better chance of keeping r 'iOu lu rO , it in check than when you set it free like 10 Health risks to society aren't the only problems that would be caused by legalization. The idea that marijuana will open a gateway to other "hard" drugs within the areas of both individual conswnption and the dmg consumer market is also a major concem.
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Scientists and psychologists have studied the notion of a gateway drug. This hypothetical substance increases the propensity for users of "soft drugs" (like marijuana) to move to "harder" drugs (cocaine or heroine) due to the "better high" such drugs will offer them over time. Users will wish to find increased pleasure, and using harder drugs will achieve this. Marijuana legalization will not only act as a gateway for increased and wider-ranging dmg use, but also for the legalization of "harder" drugs. Proponents oflegalizing drugs like cocaine and heroin tend to begin by advocating the legalization of marijuana. After they reach this end, proponents will then concentrate on the legalization of other, more addictive illegal substances. Apart from these problems lie inherent dilemmas with legalization itself How would one go about making marijuana legal? Would there be an age limit? Surely no one would want children to be able to obtain the drug. Alcohol and tobacco use, however, empili,<;:aliy prove that the goal of keeping younger people away from substances that their elders may use legally is next to impossible The potency of marijuana would have to be regulated, as it is for alcohol The tetrahydrocannabinol (THe) concentration of different types of marijuana varies between three percent and ten percent TIle problem here is that if the concentration is low, users face an increased chance of pulmonary complications. If the concentration is too high, they nm the risk of over-intoxication. Other problems would mise concerning taxes and price of legalized marijuana. What would be the price for the drug, and how much tax would be levied on it? Suppliers would be forced to set plices based on arbitrary government tax controls. This would introduce competition into the legal drug arena. With competition in the drug marketplace, organized Clime and the black market would not be far behind With potency limits, these groups would f:tll the void and provide what the government failed to give If proponents of marijuana legalization claim that alcohol and tobacco are worse than marijuana, and yet still i legal, they are barking up the wrong tree. That is not the argument at hand The lesser of two evils is still an evil Malijuana legalization sends the wrong message to other countries and to our youth It is tlle wrong message to i send to nations which have signed treaSee MARIJUANA, Page 7
November 3, 1993
Get Government Off Our Backs BY BEN PERGAMENT
has proven that smoking marijuana cannot keep you out of the White House, perhaps it is time that society took another look at the forbidden herb. In recent years, the calls for the legalization of marijuana have become increasingly strident. The effort to decriminalize marijuana is being canied out tlu路ough grass-roots campaigning CIS well as by national organizations such as the National Organization for Refonn of Marijuana Laws (NORMLI With the legalization movement gaining so much momentum, it is high time that we cast aside the narrow-minded preconceptions of the past. and begin to consider legalization as the most sensible way to deal with our marijuana "problem." One of the strongest argtlllents in support of the legalization of marijuana (also kno\vn, in its non-ingestible uses, as hemp) has its roots in the Constitution. This argument, as slUmllCuized by Arthur Hellman in his book The PrIce We Pay, states that "sanctions against malijucma should be repealed because society lws no warra.nt to interfere with the libert:,: of the individual" The Founding Fathers jealously guarded their liberties after having fought a war \0 gain them The Father of our country George Washington, for example, grew hemp at Ivlolmt Vernon 11108e who are opposed to the legalization of marijuana argue that the govemment does in fact have the light to limit personal fi'eedoms in the name of society's safety But tile trut}l is that Enz PClgamcllt IS CLJuIlIOr In Englzsh and u staffll'ntcr for the Review
the only harm done by marijuana is bition? The utter failure of Prohibition turn marijuana into a veritable Paninflicted on the user of his own free will. in the 1920s should have taught dora's box, opening up innocent citiTo say that society needs to fear the America this lesson. zens to the dangers of every sort of actions of individuals who are under As Dr, Gold points out in his book, drug, legal and otherwise. the influence of marijuana is some"prohibition failed to stop people from Marijuana is not, however, a "gateway" drug. Recent studies have shown what hypocritical, as society seems to drinking; it simply drove the liquor that the most common first addiction is have no problem dealing with individuindustry into the hands of organized als when they are under the influence crime" This black market scenario apcigarette smoking, The interesting thing is, most smokers don't turn into of alcohol. It is amazing the manner in plies fairly well to the current mariusers of crack cocaine. If cigarette smokwhich we as a society have decided that juana situation. When the government ing doesn't offer a "gateway" to other, one mind-altering substance is acceptof the 1920s finally realized that their able, while another is not. efforts to enforce an unenforceable law harder dnlgs - as its status as the .Many who support our current were getting them nowhere, tiley M1led , most common first addicition would suggest - why should we have anymarijuana laws are quick to point to to legalization. This pro\ided more efthing more to fear from maIijuana than statistics which reveal the health hazfective regulation as well as a tremenfrom cigarettes in this vein? ards of marijuana use. They appardous source of tax revenues. One can only wonder how long it will be before The legalization of marijuana is ently labor under the impression that not something that we have w fear. In marijuana poses equivalent or greater America is blessed with an administrafact, it is the most sensible answer to a health risks than something legal and tion that has the insight to realize that problem that society has made very deadly like cigarettes. However, the the legalization of marijuana could prolittle progress toward solving. We need people who preach against marijuana vide the same benefits. Anti-legalization forces have realto stop regarding marijuana as a of use while puffmg on their Marlboros narcotic bogey-man that is to be feared. ized that their arguments are weak need to take another look at their staSociety stands to benefit grea tly if we tistics. In his 1989 study, Marijuana and have recently come up with the argument of a "gateway" drug. This can open up our minds, and realize that I Volume I of A Comprehensiue Series we are wasting enomlOUS amounts of for Chmciansl, Dr. Mark S Gold adhypothetical drug would supposedly time and money defending ourselves nlits tilat "marijuana and tobacco smoke turn users of soft drugs like marijuana from a plant that poses no real threat to are chemically similar," and that "the on to harder substances such as cocaine '15Ur national well-being.m effects of marijuana smoking parallel and heroin In this respect, it would those seen in tobacco smoking" These revelations come fi-om a doctor writing a book which attempts to condemn malijuana use. A biased study, howI ever, can be useful even if only to provide argtlllents to COlmter. It would seem that prohibitionist forces desire our omniscient government to be more protective than necessary .-'ill intrusive government is one of the traits from which the people who founded this country were trying to escape If marijuana is not any more harmful than cigarettes, and ifit only i poses a threat to those who choose tD use it, then why do we need such prolli- i I
Continued from page 6
ties with the U S denouncing drugs For children, it is the wrong message because it would imply that society C;111 nOl1ualize a bad habit, rather than fixing it. It would also increase the extreme social pressures which children face to "do" drugs It would mean telling om- kids the same excuse we use for alcohol, "just because I drink, doesn't mean you can. Proponents of the legalization of malijuana will say that when mariJuana use was banned in 1931. Congress didnt take incii\'iduallights into acconnt I say that the:> dilln't take into account the horrors found ill CUlTent health reports either I say they didn't account for the possibilities which le-
galiza bon possesses for populalizing other drugs tlla t are killing Americans I do believe that Congress looked at the individual's claim when it banned the use of marijuana. Doing so, Congress weighed societal interest against individual desire and struck a balance, thus providing for our national welfare This is not an argument against decriminalization or against individual lights. The point is that the government has an obligation to balance societal interests against individual rights. I'm not telling :;ou not to smoke mariand I'm not imposing my morals on you. Smoke it uyou want, but let tile govenuuent continue to do its job. Keep marijuana illegal m
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November 3, 1993
HE WORD "HEMP" IS thrown around haphazardly, and its legal status in this country is hotly debated, especially here at the University of Michigan. Many people, however, are still curious about this strange plant called hemp and how it is used in our lives, including its usage as a drug. These uses historically include more than just recreational drug consumption. Botanically speaking, hemp (Cannabis sativa), is a member of the mulberry family. It is an annual plant grown from seed in temperate climate zones. Hemp plant height is dependent upon how the plants are cultivated. 'They can reach a maximum height of approximately 16 feet, but are typically much shorter. Hemp plants grow best in sandy soil and require an average monthly rainfall of about 2.5 inches throughout the growing season. Hemp is generally harvested soon after maturity, which is indicated by the full blossoms of the female plants and the shedding pollen of the male plants. Hemp originated in central Asia, and its cultivation was recorded as early as 2800 B.C. in China. Hemp use spread throughout most of Europe during the Middle Ages. In the New World, hemp was first planted in Chile during the 1500s. A century later, hemp was introduced in North America. Hemp was traditionally grown for its strong fiber, which is used for cordage to make cables, ropes, and strings. 'This fiber was largely replaced by stronger synthetic fibers, but hemp cord is still commonly found in many lessBrian &Iuifke is a senior in cellular and molecular biology and a contributing editor of the Review. He is allergic to marijuana..
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developed countries and even some industrialized nations. Recently, the hemp plant has been advocated as an alternative source for paper in nations where the lumber supply is relatively scarce. 'The seed of the hemp plant is composed of approximately 30 percent oil, which is useful for making paints, varnishes, soaps, and even cooking oil. The primary commercial use of hemp seed has been as caged-bird feed, and it has also been used to make food (such as porridge) for human consumption. Of course, the most infamous utilization of hemp has been its use as an illicit drug. 'The hemp plant is the source of the cannabis drugs marijuana and hashish. The active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), resides in all parts of the male and female plants but is most concentrated in the resin contained in the flowering tops of the female. Hashish, the more powerful form of the drug, is made by collecting resin, marijuana is composed of dried and crushed flowers and leaves. Marijuana was first mentioned in a Chinese text dating back to 2700 B. C. Long used either as a sedative or a pain-killer, marijuana takes effect when THC binds to specific receptors in the brain, triggering numerous euphoric, psychoactive effects. Scientific investigation of marijuana has been active since 1964, when THC was identified as the active ingredient in marijuana and was produced synthetically in the laboratory by Raphael Mechoulam. Most of the research has involved examination of the long-term and short-term effects of re.creational marijuana use on the body. Short-term physical effects include dryness of the mouth and throat, acceleration of the heartbeat, increased appetite, and muscular incoordination. Acute intoxications may cause halluci-
Write the Review at Suite One, 911 N. University Avenue, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1265 -orSend us an e-mail message on MTS at 4he_Michigan_Review@um.cc.umich.a:lu
nations, anxiety, and extreme variability of mood, although this is often dependent on both the user and type of marijuana used. Long-term use of marijuana does not result in physical dependence, nor does the user suffer withdrawal symptoms, but chronic use may provoke psychological dependence. Psychological effects, however, are variable and are still disputed within the scientific community. Recently, marijuana and THC have been found to have several therapeutic applications. The abnormally high internal eye pressure that is characteristic of glauooma can be lowered by THC. Marijuana has also received national attention as being able to alleviate the nausea and vomiting suffered by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and AIDS treatments. Marijuana has also shown pr6Diise in neuroscientific research. Unlike co-
caine, marijuana triggers specific receptors in the brain. Hence it has enormous value in helping us understand these receptors and the roles they play. According to the December 18, 1992 issue of Science, "the identity and structure of a natural brain molecule that binds to the marijuana receptor," called anandamide, has been discovered by William Devane and Raphael Mechoulam of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Hence, marijuana can be used to gather information about "an entirely new neurochemical system" (since the THe in it mimics the binding of the anandamide to the receptor), as well as how these brain receptors "change during drug dependence." In this sense, marijuana holds promise as a way for science to learn more about the functioning of the brain and how better to treat drug addiction. The issues surrounding marijuana are complicated - socially, politically, and scientifically. Ai!, science continues to investigate hemp and marijuana, perhaps we as a society will be able to clear up the complexities and ambiguities surrounding hemp.m
FACTS ABOUT HEMP • The two drugs obtained from the hemp plant are marijuana and hashish, which can be taken orally or through inhalation. These drugs produce a feeling of intoxication, confusion, well-being, and distortion of reality. Overdoses may sometimes cause hallucinations. • In terms of lasting physical effects and hazards of use, cannabis drugs are not dangerous. Long-term use is known only to produce psychological dependence. At worst, an overdose may induce paranOia. Some research suggests that extended use of marijuana may cause chronic lung cancer. • Marijuana is being used medically to control the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients, to reduce eye pressure in glaucoma patients, and to develop methods for treating drug abuse. Evidence suggests that the fatty acids contained in the hemp plant can be used to fortify the human immune system . • Hemp extracts can be used in lieu of petroleum in numerous manufacturing processes, and also as a source of paper, clothing fibers, dynamite, plastiC products, and non-toxic oils and varnishes. • George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were both hemp growers. In fact, the Constitution of the United States is written on hemp paper, and the soldiers at Valley Forge wore clothes made from the hemp plant. • Hemp is grown in all 50 states, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico. In fact, hemp is the biggest cash crop in the state of California. Hemp is also claimed to be the easiest of all plants to grow, since it requres no cultivation effort and grows in poor-quality soils such as sand.
November 3, 1993.
High Times Eqitor Fights For Hemp ~'
MR: So our drug laws are enforced extraterrestrially, so to speak?
N OCTOBER 29, 1993, TS Taylor of the Review interviewed Steven Hagar, the editoT'-inchief of High Times magazine since 1988. Hagar, who holds a masters de· gree injoumalism from the University of Illinois, has written two books, Art After Midnight: The East Village Scene, and Hip Hop: The History of Rap Music, Breakdancing. and Graffiti. Hagar is also the founder of the Freedom Fight. ers, a national pro-marijuana organi· zation with over 2,000 members. Hagar is a rPgular guest of11.01101' at Ann Arbor;s own Hash Bash .
HAGAR: I think the opposition has all the resources. It's not possible to put forth a candidate for r-elegalization on the national level The candidate would just be destroyed , if not murdered. We need local campaigns to get the drug warrior out of Congress. Once a few of those people are voted out of office by anti-prohibitionist forces, the other members of Congress are going to get nervous. Them maybe we'll start to see some people in Congress with enough courage to step forward and actually be in favor of relegalization.
MR: That would be medicinal use?
HAGAR: No , those are people who smoke it recreationally. They smoke HAGAR: We actually forced the more than seven marijuana cigarettes criminalization of hemp on India where a day. it had been totally a part of their society for ten thousand years. And, of course , MR: In this country wouldn't the FDA still these laws are not obeyed. The people have to approve it? think it's ridiculous. Bangladesh, you know what that HAGAR: No! Does the FDA need to word means? Bang is marijuana , La approve apples or approve bananas? means land, deslt means people. So, the We're talking about something that's name of Bangladesh is land of the maribeen a part of society for ten thousand juana people. years. Why do you need FDA approval The US installed a prohibition MR: That's a pretty strong statement. for something that's been around for against this plant and helped eradicate it, and it wasn't long before HAGAR: Well, I think political assasthe country experienced severe flooding and environ· , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . sination is a way of life in this country if anything threatens the corporations mental catastrophe. that run this country. If anyone' came Basically, what the US along who did threaten them, [the cangovernment is doing is perdidate) would be killed. petuating a holocaust on a species of plant that happens MR: Are we flushing brains down the drain, to be one of the most produc. that is, intelligent people who could otherwise tive and important plants in be productive? the history of mankind. We never would have had a HA GAR: You mean because they smoke shipping industry without it. Every ship was rigged with •...ma.rijuana? We have millions of people hempen sails , and hempen who smoke it everyday and have happy, rope; the lignum that sealed productive lives. Our goverriment has the boards of the ship came , encouraged the use of extremely de· from the plant and the lamp~ structive drugs. were fueled with hemp seed You know the most abused drug in America is probably sugar! That's a oil; the clothes t hat the sailors wore were made out of stimulant and we basically force feed it the plant. to children from the day they are born It was probably the first It causes lots of problems obesity, hyplant cultivated in the peractivity, all kinds offood and eating Sumarian valley, which was disorders . We are basically an obese Steven Hagar, Editor of High Times the flrst modem civilization. country because of a simple drug ten tho1.lsand years? If there were a sugar. There are areas showing some signs medical problem associated with it, we'd MR: So how do we get from this plant being the bedrock of civilization to it being the supknow about it. There is no major health of improvement. One is medical marijuana. We have a Surgeon General who posed scourge of the earth? problem associated with marijuana and there never has been. Judge Francis is in favor of it; sick people need the medicine. They don't need a synthetic HAGAR: There is an incredible propaYoung wrote in his summary of NORML form of marijuana that costs $400 a vs. DEA (1988) that "marijuana is the ganda and disinformation campaign . week. 'They need good, cheap marijuana. Meanwhile, the real history of the plant. safest therapeutically active substance has just "disappeared." The American known to man, safer than most foods So let's take care of.th~ .siS~J,.;~ople . ,.. ", .. ....: people simply have no idea as to how we consume and that the prohibition of MR: Would Hillary support medicinal mariignorant they have become about what it was absurd." Young could only say this plant really represents. this because he was retiring, but he juana with her Health Plan? told the truth. Of course, the DEA still HAGAR: No, Hillary's not going to get refuses to accept Young's decision. MR: Could anyone push the FDA into testing behind that with the health plan. But the drug for safety? the Surgeon General is behind it. MR: Where in the chemical cornucopia does Hagar: There have been two long term hemp belong? MR: Will we see you in Ann Arbor for Hash health studies - one done in Jamaica Bash? . and one in Costa Rica. They discovered HAGAR: I don't know. Where's alcohol positioned? Where's tobacco positioned? that people who smoke marijuana live HAGAR: I'll be there. Ml longer than those who don't, and people There's no positioning with them. who smoke marijuana have fewer diseases and disorders and less stress than MR: What is the weakest link to push on for people who don't. relegalization? .1
MR: What is the current status of marijuana relegalization ? HAGAR: If you think that marijuana relegalization is around the corner, you're wrong. What is happening. though, is that hemp is being legalized around the world. It's been legalized in England. France, and Australia, and Germany will probably have it legalized soon. And, I think, that within five years, we're looking at the entire world growing hemp for industrial and commercia l purposes , with only the Unit.ed States holding out. I think gradually, as the economics of hemp begin to play a major role in the world again, that American Big Business, which runs the US government and most of the world is going to have to start looking at legalizing hemp. The arguments against hemp and marijuana are a smoke screen to protect the profits of these corporations.
MR: What about the "stepping stone" drug argument? HAGAR: The first addiction, the first drug of most hard drug addicts (and I'm talking about heroin addicts ), is cigarettes. So if there is a "stepping stone," it starts with cigarett,es. Alcohol is usually the second drug addiction. Marijuana is not physically addictive; it might be psychologically addictive, but so is food.
MR: Did the other countries of the world follow the lead 01 the US in criminalizing marijuana? HAGAR: We created the whole campaign against the plant. You can't get United States foreign aid unless you have a plan to eradicate the plant.
Unless it's illegal in your country, you can't get a dime from the United States government.
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Chivalry 'Must Be Destroyed phobic," however, convincingly demonexample of this is the comparison of male and female slogans. '!he woman's strate feminism's extremely narrow foslogan is "My Body, My Choice," while cus. Women making such claims have the man's slogan is "A Man's G:>t to Do not considered what a commitment What A Man's G:>t to Do!" means to men, namely a mortgage and Farrell's second chapter is entitled a lifetime commitment to supporting a wife and children. "Stage I to Stage II: How Successful Men Freed Women (But Forgot to Free Farrell convincingly demonstrates Themselves)." In this chapter, Farrell that Stage I gender roles made men begins to explain where feminism has into the disposable sex. He begins with a discussion of the "death professions" gone wrong and why he thinks a "men's movement" is needed now. He debunks which are almost completely male. the historical notion of a patriarchy which kept " -~" .. '~:: :"'~...::"'~'- :. -., ~:;:-.:..~"'."~':...:... ~-:.. .....:.::--.- - ~,-~~:::;?~", . . ~. "- c""_~:~ women powerless by ~~~ c~ , .;'\ ,' _f- ' . 1'...... '-"~~~" ......,"'= . . . . .... demonstrating how both ~-:--' ~ ()~,T sexes were confined to roles in order to survive. He shows that the female role has changed to allow the woman choices, while the male role has remained that of fulltime worker who is expected to provide for a family. Farrell demonstrates this with a number of studies and an examination of the institutions of man-iage, religion, and work. Farrell also addresses the profound an. " : ~"'6I!"'T \\W'~~\~\:'I\~'-::'''~,pt "'~,',~
harden double standards and move women into the role of children that T IS OFTEN SAID THAT ONLY need to be protected. Farrell attacks Nixon oould go to China. It would be the pending Violence Against Women equally true to say that only Dr. Act (VAWAl and the recent date rape WIll'TtlJl Farrell oould write The Myth of hysteria as two examples of this. Farrell Mare Power and expect to receive a fair argues that the Violence Against hearing. With both impressive academic Women Act is unconstitutional under and professional credentials, in addithe Fourteenth Amendment. He also tion to his status as the only three-time shows that men are more often the victims of every category of violent crime, including rape, if prison statisThe Myth of Male Power tics are taken into consideration. Warren Farrell, Ph. D. The "date rape crisis" has been engineered by feminists like Catherine Simon and Schuster 1993 MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin, who Hardcover, 446 pages are trying to convince women that at $23.00 best they are survivors of a horrible ordeal whenever they have sex. Farrell male member of the board of the Naconvincingly shows that the date rape tional Organization of Women, Farrell crisis and most sexual harassment cases is a difficult target for feminists .. evolve because women are not expected Farrell's major premise in Myth is to take responsibility for their actions, that American gender roles are curwhile men are expected to take responrently in transition due to changed prisibility for their own actions and orities. He describes this post-WWII women's reactions. He also thinks that paradigm shift as a movement from these are too fraught with nuance to be Stage I relationships which focused on adequately handled by our court syssurvival to Stage relationships which tem. Farrell asserts that our society has focus on fulfillment. Farrell writes, "In Stage I, a woman called it 'love' if she reached the point where men have refound a man who was a good provider sponsibilities and women have rights, and the dating process is the best exand protector; he called it 'love' if she was beautiful and could take care of a ample of this paradox. Men are exger in current "Youvecomea , Iongway, baby, "he sal. 'd fi displayed . . db pected to take the financial risks of home and children. Love meant a divienurusm an y temdantoY "Up yours, you patriarchal misogynist," she replied. sion oflabor which led to a division of women unconnec dates and the emotional risks ofinitiatmale and female interests. In Stage II, Twenty-four of the twenty-five worst ing dates and sexual contact. They can the movement. He states that, "Women love meant common interests and combecame angry at men in part because professions are over 90 percent male be held criminally liable when initiatmon values. Love's definition is in tranthey compared themselves to the sucand the one exception - professional ing such contact badly or at the wrong sition." This tl'ansition of marriage from cessful heterosexual white male- not of dancing - made the list due to low pay, time. While men have those responsirole mates to soul mates is still a goal bilities, women are supposed to have the plight of the black and native Amerilow job security, and high injury rate. for most because the male role has not the right to enjoy a date without moncan man, or to the ostracism of the gay The death professions are mostly jobs changed. Perhaps the most poignant man, or the invisibility of the poor man." that pay well, but carry high risks. Men etary, emotional, or sexual consequences. Farrell adds that women are Farrell acknowledges that divorce, distake these jobs because they must supparate earnings, and perceived disport a family and so they accept the sending terribly mixed messages reEddie Arner is a senior in English and crimination contributed to this anger. risks. garding what they want. political science and a contributing ediClaims that men are "commitmentFrom the death professions, Farrell Farrell goes on to berate the govtor of the Review. ernment for exacerbating the problems moves on to discuss military service and the number of men who have died between men and women. The governin war throughout history. He oorrectly ment has tried to become a substitute Continued from Page 1 identifies the male-onlydraft as the husband and father tlu-ough the creation of the welfare state and has failed most unconstitutional law in the United up basic freedoms in a manner that to realize that it is their presentation miserably at bot~, he explains. furStates. The male role has always inwould offend the founding fathers rather than their message that is cluded protecting women to the point of ther, as the pending VAWA shows, the Bill Barrett said, "It's our fault flawed. Liberty is a value that most giving up their own life in that defense. government and the courts have generthat we've let pot smokers be impris. Americans still appreciate, but it really failed to take into account the male That outdated notion is at the core of oned." In this case he is correct; howquires proper political packaging. One viewpoint on numerous problems. the chivalric code, and, as a result, men ever, the approach he has taken to cannot just say that the IRS should be comprise an overwhelming percentage The Myth of Male Power is one of reverse this mentality is misguided and abolished tomorrow or that all schools of the military. No country requires the most important books written in will not lead to any progress in the war need to be privatized without giving women to serve in combat; however, it this century. Its only weaknesses are against prohibition. Drug use is a right, proper explanation and moral reasonis a rarely exercised option in many Farrell's heavy reliance on his training regardless of whether it is harmful or ing and, at the same time, expect people countries. This is but one of the double and his as a psychologist for arguments to support these ideas. Freedom is worth positive. standards existing in our society which tendency to overemphasize socializaAlthough the Libertarian Party was fighting for, but not if you don't really must change before true equality can tion to the exclusion of free will. These once a true defender of freedom, it is want to win. The J-ibertarian Party be achieved. are, however, minor problems which do giving up that title in hopesofbecomneeds to realize that this is pre<:l.sely Unfortunately, Farrell notes that little ~ detract from this bOok's force ing mainstream. The party has failed what they are doing. giving up. )It . ~ ~ ~ " ~ ; ~, 1-. III III • ~ a,. t !If " • ~ ~ i ti ., " • ~~ ~ ~ ~ • ,much of cunentfeminism. is trying"~ ,·arut ~ediaey.lrR
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Cool Bands Visit The Area ful gliillpse at some of the most beauti-
ANS OF BANDS LIKE BARE Naked Ladies, Trip Shakespeare , or even even AIm Arbor fa ves of old, Southgoing Zak , might enJoy the sounds of TriangleVision. The AJm Arbor trio have a cassette available locally that featlU't~S four uppity unconventional pop numbenl . After retuming from a New York r~:co;ding session with They Might Be Giants drummer Bria n Doherty at the knob s , the band will do tileir tiling at the Blind Pig on November 12 opening for the Verve Pipe .
ful songs of the Celtic tradition like "Song for Ireland" and "My Youngest Son Came Home Today." Inspiring the likes of Sinead 0 ' Connor and current hitmakers The Cranben-ies , Mary Black's melodies are a must-he ar and h er perfon11ance a must see . VYlille on the topic of Celtic music, it
Mary Black , former member of DeDannan and one of Ireland's most popular vocalists., will make a rare appearance (her first in Ann Arbor) at Rackham AuditoritWl on Monday, November 8th For those unfamiliar with Black's work, the Collected album provides a power-
Don Caballero likes trees, should be noted that the Ark, that lovely wooden club on South Main, hosts many talented Scottish and Irish musicians. Country blues , bluegrass, and ethnic
artists frequently perform there as well The Battlefield Band bring their brand of progressive Celtic music to the club on Thursday, November 11 while Irish singer/songwriter Andy Irwin e performs on November 30. Irwine has been called Ireland 's Woody Guthrie. Tickets are ten bones . Noise. Huh? NOISE' With their debut, For Respect , available on Touch and Go Records , Pittsburgh's Don Caballero have been getting a good deal of attention with their instrum en tal (that's right - no singer! ) brand of Steve Albini- produced noise The Don , as they are affectionately called, have been drawing Slint, bitch Magnet, and Jesus Lizard comparisons. As if that were'nt enough, drummer Damon Che is said to resemble Andre the Giant. Don Caballero , Rodan , and Vine Yard will be opening up for Amphetamine Reptile recording artists The Cows on November 13 at the Michigan Union Ballroom . That's right, our very own Union will be putting on a hip gig! Show up, you sucker. m
Melodic Nihilists And Their Artistic GenOCide BY FRA."IK GRABOWSKI
F "CHAOS" ISN'T AN APPROpriate word for labeling Barkmarket, then n o word can effectively describe these melodic nihilists At best, they could be c311ed a modest combination of Mr. Blwgle's finest intention s lininus the whiteboy funk I, an d Dinosau r Jr Barkmarket makes stream-of-consciousne ss , artsy--punk gectar n oise . Yes, their music is heavy, but only heavy in the sense of its mass alone. Gimmick gives listeners a loud, dense ticket Ulto a realm of absurdity and sheer morbidity. If you care to contest my perspective, then simply listen to "Gatherer," or "Hack It Off'. Barkmarket should be appreciated for their mastery of the absurd - if anything at all. If a nightmare of artistic genocide is your cup of tea , this might be a good place for you ro start Who knows? You may even like their music as well.
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HE N SOULSIDE DEcided to call it quits in 19 90 , so ended another ch apter to the Dischord "Son of Fugazi" production line. I can't say tilat I was all too upset upon hearing this news. They were good , but certainly not great. Everything must come to an end, but to end at the proper time - now that is virtuous. Like the mighty phoenix, the ba nd has once again risen from the ashes of Soulside, adopting a new name, and, unfortunately, the same sound. Don't misunderstand. Girls Against Boys are a respectable band They combine all the qualities that Ian MacKaye and company would be proud of, such as aggression, ten,'r-sion, pulsating rhythms, among others; yet, they lack one essential quality reckless abandon. Girls Against Boys just have too much control. In the post-plIDk gerrre, the creed that all bands should categorically abide by is to "perform dangerously." For some unsightly reason, Girls Against Boys diverges from this rule . But is it for the better? Venus Lw;ure No.1 Baby , produced by Ted Nicely of Fugazi fame, exudes a certain energy up to a point, but often runs into a brick wall . Granted, it harbors on corrosive tendencies, although never verging on that explosive debau.hery which seems to be the harbinger of true grit in this genre . My impression of Girls Against Boys is that of a valiant effort, but one which amounts to nothing more than an UJltimely counterfeit. Inasmuch as a reconun,endation is concerned, allow the following to suffice. For those who enjoyed their days on Dischord, Girls Against Boys may not be a bad purchase Outside of a new bass player (Eli Janney yes, the guy who is the record engineer), Girls Against Boys is a carbon copy of their reposed alter egos exhibiting all the potential they once possessed as Soulside. But, if style and raw instinct are your requirements, I suggest something more in the range of Fugazi or For Love Not Lisa.
The members of Barkmarket are (L-R) David Sardy, John Nowlin, and Rock Savage. r ;
Girls Against Boys Needs to Get Dangerous
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