. Volume 13. Number 4
October. 26, 1994
The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan
Women Can Stop Rape, Too BY
HIS WEEK MARKS THE Tenth Annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week, hosted by UM's Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC). The mission of the week, and SAPAC in general. is to stimulate ccnwnatian about sexual crimes on campus, improve awareness, try to focus on all aspects of sexual violations, and, most importantly, encourage students to volunteer and support their organization. Two annual events are the Speakout, held this year on Wednesday, October 26, from 7-10 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ballroom, and Friends Helping Friends: Brown Bag Lunch, held on Friday, October 28, at noon in the Women'. Studies Lounge, 234 West Engineering. At the speakout, victims of sexual assault will tell their stories to the public, hoping to arouae support while inc:reasing the public's awareness of the impact of sexual abuse. At the Friends seminar, friends of survivors are invited to partake in a forum and release feelings of guilt and anger. Among other events, SAPAC is sponsoring a aelf defense workshop for women only. Thoughts of the Bacchae and newly em}>9wered women indoctrinated into an "I Hate Men" club pervade the mind. But Joyce Wright, Educational Director of SAPAC, provided a rational explanation for the decision not to include men. She explained that women are the victims in the majority of sexual assault cases - one out of every three women will be a victim. of sexual assault, as opposed to one of 6very ten men. Wright further explained that these workshope provide an environment where women can feel aecure. !fmen want to have a workshop, they can - all they have to do i.e ask. SAPAC, a U-M funded organiza-
From Suite
The Diag Policy: the University's latest, greatest. statist nightmare.
victims of sexual assaults. At times SAPAC can hinder its own cause with its frequent feminist male-bashing. Yet, in light of the serial rapist still at large in our community and the volume ofnoctuma1students at the UM, one should overlook orientation and political biases, and see the benefit of SAPAC's cause. Realistically, SAPAC can strive all they want to eradicate sex crimes, and most likely, they will not succeed. Yet, their contribution to the efforts to stop assault and violence against both men and women cannot be overlooked. Looking at the semcee this organization provides to the U-M community, one realizes that their deeds supercede their political stance. And for those cynics who disagree, who claim that the politics of an organization determine their legitimacy, get out there, join it, and change it. Ml
tion, run by students and facilitated ciea and indoctrinated with the idea by a staffofprofessionals, has a crew that men were the root of all evil. of over 300 volunteers who sponsor a Despite the bad press men will recrisis line, peer counseling, host workceive this week., not all men are evil. shope for any university orga- ...,---------,-., nization that wants its services, and provides information about sexual assault free of charge to any University student. In coordination with the Department of Public Safety, they sponsor both Safewalk and Northwalk. These two organizations are "lY~ ~' student-run escort services ~~~ for students who moose not to walk alone at night. They pr0vide these programs in the hopes to counter the reality of rape that is all too real to X&" ., several tbausands of students, SAPAC IDrtIdIthe word on IUUllIIIIIUt especi.a1ly in recent months. But the reality is that all men are not During orientation, we were lambasted. with SAPAC'sliberal tendenrap.istB; in filet, a few men are ~ I
Radical Literature at U-M the library unique in the fact that its collection is very regional in nature.
gan is known for many things: diversity, student activism, sports and the quintessential leftist professor. But one of the most overlooked aspects of the university is its library system, the Labadie Collection in particular. Located on the seventh floor of the sraduate library, the Labadie Collection is one of the oldest collections of radical history in the United States and possibly the world. 'lbpics such as communism, socialism, anarchism, and the labor movement are represented in the collection. The Labadie Collection speciallies in anarchist material, however, and this is where Charles Joseph Antoine Labadie enters. Labadie's Michigan roots make .
Sex. Sex, Sex
1 1Sex, Sex, Sex Sex In America: not what you learn from beer commercials and music videos.
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The collection contains multitudes of information on early Michigan radicals, including pictures, bumper stickers, and leaflets. It might seem. coincidental that because Labadie was from Michigan, there is much information on radical politics of the area; the Midwest was a rather progressive area at the time, however, and many radical politicians, especially those involved in the labor movement, started their activism here. Though Labadie seemed to stress the Michigan group of radicals, materials from. all over the world are kept on file. It should also be noted that the collection contains large amounts of 1800s and early 1900s media; this makes the collection special bec8use early radical political history is particularlyrare.
Music Reviews
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See LABADIE, page 8
SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE! Welcome to the 1994 election laue d the AIchIgan RtwhIwN In8kIe, you will find Interviews with UbertariM candldat. Jon Coon and Emily SIIvattt and Repubbn CIIIdiddt John SchIll; pro-John EngIa' II1d po-Howard WoIpe . . . .; Ind. Revtew Forum on wheIher or nat voting Is worthwhile. EnIoYI
Samiam, Ween and Come, oh my! These guys are not frat boys.
As of 1987, when the Labad:i.e Collection was last catalogued, the library cOntained over 10,000 books, 7,000 periodicals, 20,000 pamphlets and over 100 feet of vertical file on everything from civil liberties to the American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. There are also tape recordings, films, speeches, debates, songs and various serials on microfilm. It is important to remember that much of the collection is not listed in the lmiversitYs MIRLYN system, and inquiries should be directed to the · Special Collections Libraries on the seventh floor of the Graduate Library. Edward C. Weber, Head of the Labadie Collection, stresses that the nature of the collection is the representation of all ideas, from far left to
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o SERPENT'S TOOTH" On Sunday morning, the traditionally liberal Detroit Free Prus officially endorsed Republican John Engler for Governor ofMiclrlgan. .Also on Sunday morning, Hell froze over and several. pigs were seen flying south on the Lodge freeway.
I IIi-, i\lICHH iAN R~: VH·. \\' The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan "F1ght the State, not Its wars:
do not allow their members to wear religious jewelery. Anyone else remember the fraternity guide's statement: "Conformity is not a part of brotherhood1" . Madonna's new album Bedtime Storia hit stores yesterday. The album
Sega released its Beavis and Butthead video game last week. In a related story, White House staffer George Stephanopoulos cancelled all his appointments for the week.. Recently in the Michigan Daily: "Recycle the Daily, this paper was once a tree." Now it's a rag. Inspired by the quality of shows produced this season, Saturday Night Live has officially changed its name to Saturday Night Lingering.
An opinion piece in the Fraternity system's newspaper, The Fonun, revealed tllat certain fraternity and sorority houses, in order to eliminate differences among house members,
is supposedly more "innocent" than her last release, Erotica. Some of the new album's cuts include: "Little Red Riding Whore," "Goldilocks Does the 'lbree Bears," and "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. With No Pants." Saddam Hussein blasted the Clinton Administration's foreign policy for being biased. "Haiti got Jimmy Carter," cried Hussein, "We want .funmy Carter too!" The Eagles and Crosby, Stills, and Nash had to cancel concerts recently because of Glenn Freys colon troubles and David Crosbys liver disease. The Rolling Stones, however, did not cancel any concerts despite the fact that Keith Richards has been clinically
In exchange for a contribution of $25 or more you will receive a one year subscription to The Michigan
: I I I
October 26, 1994
dead for over eight years. A new book. In Search of Dracula, contends that Dracula was a neglected and emotionally troubled child, which may explain his violent tendencies. He'll be on Geraldo next week with fellow victim of neglect Darth Vader. House Minority Whip Newt Gingrich revealed his plan, Contract with America, last week. Unfortunately, a recent survey found most Americans wouldn't sign anything written by a man named Newt. Last Thursday's USA Today quotes President Clinton as saying tllat he's "not smart enough" to help his daughter Chelsea with her homework. .Apparently, Chelsea is studying foreign policy and economics. After spending a night with Tonya Harding, Lorena Bobbitt, and Hillary Clinton, a man woke to find his knees broken, his penis severed, and his health insurance premium raised .... ,-
The Michigan Review's
TOP TEN LIST The Michigan Review is proud to present a list of the top ten things overheard at the Clinton White House last week: 10. No, Mr. Espy, you can't keep tllat either. Now go on and get! 9. Why no, Miss Myers. I've never
MUSIC EDITOR: Drew Petin ASSISTANT EDIlOAS: Gene KfIII. DNn Bakopoulot copy EDITORS: ChrII B....u, Mohan Krishnan ClRCULA T10H DIRECTOR: Erik SchnUlWln
STAFF: Jonathan Canedo, Chrll c.n.cdIlo, Crusty GoIda'Iberg. Jeremy .......... CIrrIe HeICmIn, MIrcUI JaynM, BenJamin Kepple, Chris MacKechnle, Dave Newberry, WI! HeHI, Briln O'Keefe, Arm. PInJwanI, Amber PeWl, Rodeen RIhbIr. MIlt RechtIen, MeghIn RoekJe, Stu Sandler. MItt Savage. Matthew Straua, u.. Wagner, Juon Wantudt EDn'OIR EMEROUS: TfICY RobInIon PUBLISHER EMERITUS: bron StIeInwI ThlI.fcIigMI RevIew Is an ildependent, ti-weektf ... din run jlumIIllthe lJIWefIiIy ~ MchIgan. We neIher ddt nor accept monetaIy donaIIorw from tie Universly ~ Mctigan. and have no respect b anyone that does. CordIuIion8 toile IJIchigIn RevIew are tax-<leducSable IIIdIr SecIIon 501 (c)(3) ~ the r.m.I FIeYenu& Code. We hive no reaped for the IRS (or any OCher IIIegiIIrMIe depIfIrneft ~ the tedefaI govemmett. It! w" a 88COIld. fIey are lllIIgiIinata) or tor peopIa who aduatf'" we • need a gawrmlIIt. The ReWetril ~ aIIiated wlh &IPf poIIcaI party or trit'ersIy poIIcaJ group.
UnsIgned edbIIIs repcesent !he opilIon ~ the edIorIaI ' board. Ergo.1Iey are uneqti.tocabtf conect You ' neeciI'I &IIeInpt 10 disprcwe the logic that went Into ther Iormalioo, for you cannot $9led articles and cartoons repmenC the opIIions ~ fle auIhor and ~ necessartj tIDe ~ lie RevIew. The opinions preeetted In this pubI-
~Mt ~ necessarIy"'~!he ~ or~ lie
Univerdy ~ MichIgan. We welcome IetIeIs and ar1IcIes and encourage COI,I,18i1Is abW the jooolIJ.
PII.- address II ~ inqIDs b: PubIsher, rio !he AtchigIIn RfwIetr. All advertisilg inquiries should be chdtd to: Publisher rio the MchigMI Review.
had a Turkish bath before.
Review, which includes 14 bi-weekly issues as well as the Review's 1995 Summer Orientation Issue. Your subscription will keep you posted on the state of leftist a~ivists at Michigan, the continuing erosion of traditional academic standards, and the politicization of the classroom.
EdIorIII And BueIneeI omce.: SUIlII One 111 H. UnIYII'IIty Avenue
8. Look out everyone I Reno's in heatl
Am Arbof, MI 48108-1265
7. I'm sorry, Mr. Quayle, but Chelsea can't come out and play right now.
Tel (313) 112-1801 Fax (313) 131-2505 c.,.wtto , .... '" n.1II:IIIgIn ...... N. AlIItiI'* - -
6. It's chicken nugget night! It's chicken nugget nightl 5. It's Perot. He's breathing heavy on the line again.
: Please Send My Subscription To:
I Nwne.. _____________________________________ I I I I I Address: ---------------------------- I I I I City: State: Zip: _ __ I I I I I Pie. . make cheek or money order payable to: I The Michigan Review, 911 N. University, Suitel I Ann Arbor, MI 48109 IL ________________________ I
4. Hillary, if! catch you hitting on TIpper again, I swear I'll tell Al. 3. Al, check this out. If you hit the
'c' button on the controller, Beavis says, "'Ihis sucks." 2. Bill, we're not in Arkansas anymore. Get your hands off of Socks.
1. Hey everyone! Hill.ary's coming. Look busy.
!tam ~ JIbout .. tkc c.c:.m~ wnt.t CC'OSOUAi<:IO. Wash~ DC .!CXQO, 1bc Com~on tr..:- BK~ ~ lIS, Wns~
October 26,1994
The Rise of::Positive Rights" BYJAMDA.Ro~n
s THE 1994 MIDTERM elections draw closer, candidatea from aC2'088 the political spectrum present their IOlutions to the problema of the day. '!hey di.ecusa i.asues ranging from crime tn the environment, from education to the budget. 1'hough this may appear tn be an invigorating in democracy, the participants are oblivioWl to a fundamental problem concerning modem American governance. Once a land ofindividualliberty, America has embraced the notion of ~tive rights." 'This ie the idea that there are rights other than those of the individual. These "rights" generally emanate from the collective that ie, from government. Ignored by mainstream politicians, this political phenomenon has brought dieastroWl consequences for the individual, as well as the principle of liberty. The principle of individ~ 1iberty ie a of the philosophy known a. natural law. First articulated by seventeenth and eighteenth century philosophers such as John Locke, natural law aeaerte, simply speaking, that the rights of the individual are inherently present in man's na11ll'e. Man did not a:-eate these rightB or bestow them on himaelf; rather, man discovered their existence through the deductions of reason. In 1776, the Founding Fathers declared America's independence baaed in large part upon the philosophy ofnaturallaw. 11leyaccepted the doctrine's primary aesertion that all individual8 pOSse88 rights that are inherent in nature. 'This ie the intellectual premise behind Thomas Jefferson's famous statement in the Declaration of Independence, that all men -are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit ofhappine88.'" To ensure order and -domestic tranquillity," the Founding Fathers did advocate the establishment of the state, albeit a minimali8t one. They knew that individual liberty could thrive only under a government limited in its powers, for a powerful state will conflict with the rights of the individual. It ie this principle ofUmited government that Jefferson addreaees in hi8 First Inaugural Addree8, when he endoraes a "wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from iJVuring one another,
Jamu A. Robem, II
u a junior in
poIiti«&llJCience and ~ eclitx>r of the Review.
which them othe:nriae free to regulate their own punruits of induetzy and improvement." 'Though one may effectively argue that the mere presence of the 8tate ie itself a violation of natural law and an ~ ment of individual rights, the agenda of the Founding Fathers was a radical departure from the status quo as well as a strong commitment to liberty. Despite its extensive influence in the founding ofthie nation, the aaaertion that unequivocal individual libwes do indeed exist is absent in the modem American political debate. Individual rights are now secondary, while "positive rights" take precedence. According to this modem notion of rights, the collective, represented by the government, is the proper mean tn promote well-being, rather than the independent free actions of individuals. As Edward H Crane and William A Ni8kanen of the Cato Institute write, the "contemporary concept [of rights] would seem to be that people have rights to food, housing, education, and now medical care - even at the expense of the liberty and property of others - and that the role of government is to provide those 'rights.'" 'Illie quotation alludes to the outcome oftbe twentieth century collectivist pbiloeophy: Such thought will translate into the policies of government, and this is exactly what has 0CCUJTed. The inevitable result ofthie has been the continued growth of the state and, consequently, the diminishing of individual liberty. Perhaps the most prominent example of']>ositive rights" as exemplified in public policy deals with the "entitlement" programs of the federal government. Often the center of debate surrounding federal budgetary issues, these programs mandate that certain people are "entitled" to government money and aid if they meet specific qualifimtions required by law. Food stamps and family aS8istance are jWlt two of a myriad of entitlement programs at the national level. Characteri8tic of the twentieth century American welfare 8tate, entitlement programs exemplify the acceptance of"positive rights" over individual liberties. Implemented in large part; during the New Deal of the 19308 and later during the Great Society of the 19608, these programs gain funding from the mandatory taxation of those who live in America. Thus, entitlement programs result in the redistribution of income from one individual to another, establishing that individuals must financially support other members of society regardless
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of choice. This "right" to collect the own property - both fundamental money of other individuals extends parte of the Bill of Rights and the beyond the scope of limited governFounding Father'8 view of a free eociment as defined by Jefl'el"8On and the ety under limited government. Founding Fathers. It is an infringeThe philosophy that the road tn ment upon one's right to keep and use happine88 is a collectivist one, paved one's property. with "positive rights," has indeed . A eeoond example of "positive prompted the expansion of the state, aa the aforementioned exainplee ilrights" concerns gun control. Proponents ofthie legislation often claim lustrate. '!he results of this are twothat one haa a "right to collective fold. First, many Americans are now security." ThWl, government must dependent upon the government for exercise control over weapons. their own welfare, hindering their What gun control proponents fail own efforts at The to realize - or tn accept - is that the current welfare state in this nation right to keep and bear arms is a funadequately demonstrates this phedamental aspect of a free society. For nomenon. More importantly, however, freedom to exist, one must have the ie the troubling consequence for indiability to protect life, liberty, and propvidual1iberty, for the growth of goverty from not only other individuals, ernment inevitably limits it. but from the government itsell': One Perhaps the reason why modem may contend that some type of police politicians ignore this trend toward force is consistent with the Founding statism is that the American people Father's plan of limited government have accepted its presence. During to ensure "domestic tranquillity." Gun the eighteenth century, the Founding control policies, however, effectively Fathers were committed to the principle of liberty. It is time that Ameriabolish the right to own a weapon. The "positive right" to "collective Becans of the 19908 dedimte themselves curity" UDdermines the right to keep to the principle8 of the Founding Faand bear arms as well as the right to_._~thers. Ml
549 E. Unlvereit}'
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October 26, 1994
Scrap the Diag Policy
ACH SPRING, THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIVERSI'lY OF Michigan tzies to prohibit the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) from using the Diag for Hash Bash, an annual rally in support of the legalization of marijuana. The most recent attempt to squelch NORMIls right to free speech is the Policy for Sdleduled Use of'lhe University of Michigan Designated Outdoor Common Areas, otherwise known as the Diag Policy. The original Diag Policy went into effect in January 1998, and placed eevere restrictions on everyone who wanted to hold an eVent on the Diag or the North Campus Common Area. A new, unofficial draft was recently released by the University. Instead ofrevising the original policy, the policy should be BCftpped entirely, removing all barriers to free speech and free expression on campus. 'Ihe original policy claimed that the restrictions placed on free speech were ')wt intmlded to impinge on the rights ofmem.bers of the University rommunity to expres8 their beliefs and voice their greivances. Rather, the procedures and restrictions outlined in this policy are intended to protect and advance the health, safety, and total environment of the campus community." The end result of the policy, however, impinges on the rights of those groups, such as NORML, that the U-M deems as detrimental. The U-M, specifically the Viee-. President fur Student AffiUrs, is the sole judge of an event's potential harm to the campua oommunity. The policy al80 places an undue amount of restrictions on any events that are granted permits. For example, any group wishing to hold a rally or similar event must be an officially recognized. student, faculty, staff, 'o r Regentally 0l'gIlI1ized group; they must not schedule an event on a designated University HE IDEA OF A COLLEGE FOCYrBALL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Dey, such. asMLK Dey, exam days, etc.; and, they must have sufficient funds has been intensely debated by sports writers and fans over the last few on deposit with the Student Organization Account Service to rover costa, such years. '!he argument exists because NCAA football, unlike most other as clean-up and eecurity, that may be incmTed. This cost is determined by the sports, has no toumam.ent to determine number one; it is determined by a poll U-M. Additionally, the group holding the event is held responsible for all of sportBwriters. Advocates of a.natioDaI championship claim that a tournament attendees and participants. would ~te more revenue fur athletic departments, generate more excitement during the post-eeason, and leave one undisputed team as number one. 'Iheae restrictions discourage many groups from even applying for a permit, Unfortunately, proponents of a post-eeason tournament do not realize the since the criteria are difficult, if not impossible, to meet. This is the negative impacts that this would have on the game of rollege football. ~dministnltion's main weapon in fighting NORML. In order to be granted a permit, NORML must be recognized as a student group by MSA. Once One problem with playing a post-eeason tournament would be the small number of schools participating. 'Ihe tournament would consist of either 8 or 16 recognized, they must have sufficient funds in their account to cover "costs," teams chosen by the NCAA selection rommittee, which is 20 fewer than the which are determined by the administration, who can then silence any group teams that now participate in post-eeason bowl games. The only remedy for the simply by requiring an excessive amount of money for security and clean-up. problem would be to schedule m!Jltiple games during a week, which would not Interestingly, both the original Diag policy and the most recent draft; of the only be physically exhausting, but also would require extensive traveling revised policy claim that '"this policy does not supersede Regents Ordinances, between the game sites. 'lhese game sites would have to be at the current bowl the Michipn Constitution or laws, or the Constitution of the United States." sites because a tournament would simply not be feasible without their support.; Yet this is exactly what it does. It renders the First Amendment to the United and, because these sites are spread across the country, travelling would States Constitution null and void by placing stringent and arbitrary restrictions on any group wishing to hold any type of event. seriously conflict with classes and finals. With only sixteen teams competing in the tournament, the same teams As a public institution, the U-M is subject to the same laws and regulations would most likely play year after year, which would inevitably ruin interest for as the government; thus, they cannot restrict free speech. Any group wishing a great number of fans of schools, espedally those in smaller ronferences, who to use the Diag or any other area of the campus to hold a rally or other event would no longer have a bowl to look forward to at the end of the season.. In fact, e.houJ.d be able to do so without having to meet the restrictions set down by the the revenue from the games would be much less than those of the bowl games U-M under the guise of protecting the health and safety of the University because there would be fewer games and schools rompeting. On top of that, the environment. Ynder the policy, sound amplification is limited to one hour per selection of the last six: teams would create anger among fans, day, between noon and 1 p.m.; sales and solicitation of sales is prohibited; and sportswriterswriters, and coaches whose teams were left out. . aigns and bannera may oo1y be placed in designated locations. 1heae reetri.dions In fact, controversy would intensify because teams that can now qualifY to have little to do with protecting the health and safety of the students; rather, win the title in the AP poll would no longer be allowed to participate in an NCAA they are attempts by the administration to control the speech and actions of sanctioned tournament. For example, Auburn, currently under probation, is individuals and groupe. 'Ihoee fimrlliar with the U-M's Statement of Students ranked fourth in the AP poll and is poised to be a contender for the title. Rights and Responsibilities and the Drug and Alcohol Policy know that the Obviously, under an NCAA-nm tournament, Auburn and other top-quality acbninietzation is fond. oftelling students what is best for them. 'Ihe Diag Policy teams now under probation would no longer be eligible for the national is simply another manifestation of the oontinuing insult to the inte1ligen.ce and championship. judgement of the student body. Lastly, the national championship is rarely awarded to the "wrong' team. By implementing the Diag Policy, the U-M hopes to eliminate events, such Few would disagree that Florida State was the best team. in the country last as Hash Bash, that they consider "embarassing'" or "damaging" to the reputation year or that Alabama was the year before. The only major problem 00CUl'8 when oftbe University. What they have done, however, is to abridge the rights of the there is a tie and ifthat poses a serious problem to the sports writers, fims, and students and to further their already poor reputation ofbeing a place where the coaches, then they can always hold another vote. Constitution is conveniently ignored and where free speech really means The new national crown would only continue til be buried under a new and apeeeh with which the administration agrees. In an attempt to raise the etandarda and reputation of the U-M, the administration has made the ' more cynical controversy and would ultimately sour fans to the game's integrity. It is the parades and the bowl games' own flair that make the whole situation ""one by tnunpling on the rights of students. Their first step towards bowl experience meanjngful and fim. Don't take away our parades -let us keep improving the reputation ofthe U-M should be to elimjnate the misguided Diag our roses. Mt -Eric LartlOn Policy. Ml
Keep the Bowls
octOber 26, 1994
o INTERVIEW: EMILY SALVETTE Wor king to ,~bolish the Code N OCTOBER 20, MOHAN KriMTu:m of the Review inter-
tnms out to be violent, meaning damaging to property or person, is covered
under the laws of the State ofMichigan. It seems rather redundant to me for the University to say, "we have to have our own laws, and we have to have our own policy about these issues." I think they are oven-eacting to a problem that cannot be solved by law ... you understand what I mean when I say this is a victimless crime, because you don't hurt anybody. And, the University passing a regulation that says students can't drink on campus is not going to stop a student from drinking. You cannot set policy which i.natills values; values come from individuals, and a community of indi~ viduals, and it's not going to come from the University.
Salvette U Mlnrn1l{l for &went of the UniverlJity of Michitfan on the Libertarian Party ticIcet. She etJ17U!d both her bachelon and mas~1'IJ clegrea
the UM and u currently on the Board ofGovernon for the Henderson HOUM. M•. SaWetJe ~ the Liberlo.rian Party candidate for mayor in 1993 and u currently VU:e-Chair oftAe Libertarian Party of Michigan.,
MR: At a CIIdcIIeI tor regent, whit do you thtnk iI the place ~ edrniniltrdon In INdent ICtMIeIInd atr.n? SALVETI'E: I think that the administration baa an obligation as an insti-
tution to provide an environment where people can learn, and where they provide the best environment for people to learn about a lot ofdifferent things in a lot of different ways. In that 8ellJe, it i.e like a business. 'Th.e obligation of a business owner who produces wheels i.e to provide good wheela, but that doeen*t necesaarily mean that he has to worry about whether they drive too fiutt cr whether they have a blue au- or a red au-. And I guess that's how I see the administration too. What students choose to do, in terms of the groups that they fonn, the aasoci.ationa that they form, and the ways that they participate in non-academic life, is pretty mum the students' business, and I think the administration should respect the competence oftbe atu.dents who come to a ~ lUlivei'aity like this to make those choice. for themselves. Organization should be a sort of marketoriented thing. that the students run and the students belong to and the students organized themselves. Of course, I'm a libertarian; I don't want to see tax money go towards these organizations either, just like I don't want tax money to go to the University in general. In that sense they should be funded voluntarily and funded through private sources.
from them "I'm going to do what you want me to do. You tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." Well, that's majority rule, and we all know what majority rule is: three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. And what we need are leaders
MR: Do you feel1hIt 1 lot ~ the deci8ionI the u-M 1nIkII .... paIIIicaIIy orIeI.-t rIIher thin In the belt IntnIt ~ the 1ludent8? Why?
SALVE'I"I'E: Oh, abeolutely. lOOper-cent. I think because we increasingly have become a society that is dependent on other powers, rather than individual powers. We look to institutions to tell us what to do, where to be, and what to pay. We always want somebody to take care of us, which means that all of the interest groups start lining up because they want to lobby the legislators to get their share of the pie. We've belkanjUlCi this whole society, and decided that there is a group in lAnsing and a group in Washington and a group in the Ann Arbor City Council and a group up in the Regents' Office who are going to dole out the resources. So, obviously, if you'l-e one of the people,doling out the resources, you're listening to the p0litical groups who are lobbying, and you don't have the flexibility to be able to look at a situation, say at extending benefits to the partners of a lesbian professor, for example; you can't just look at that and say, "this is the best woman in the whole country, for our department, but to get her we need to offer benefits to her partner. So let's do it, 80 we can have the best." Well, you can't do that when you've got the religious right, who would absolutely have a cow, if they found out that was going on.
MR: What do you think Ibout the 1Ub- · . . . . . . poIciII lilt . . c:orNng . . . In ..... now, and do you .... ttMrt the lKvenfty ilin effIc:Itve paIct orgIIlizIItioro. or iI thIt bitter left to the ~
MR: When you become 1 A8gent you wII be I*t~"~ per .. How do you fMI you CM stop thi8 when you're reaponlible for getting liIItefoodlng, lind for pendering to .... groupt?
SALVE'I'I'E: Well, in a sense, I think that there are laws in the State of Michigan that govern almost all behavior that could be considered violent behavior as an outgrowth of substance abuse, such as drinking and driving, or drinking and getting in a fight in a bar. Whatever behavior
SALVE'n'E: We have a tendency to elect leaders, and we want to hear
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who have .a strong, firm, philosophical and principled basis on which they make decisions ... and that's what I feel I wou1d bring to the regents. When _ ..MR: How do you feel1hIt ycNIlIwoIveInn these issues come up, I have no politi.'" In Henderaon HouN and your time .. 1 cal axe to grind. But I've got a Libel'ttudeIt here wodd effect you' ~ tarian Party behind me that supports and vIewI. 1 Regent? me 100 percent. I don't have to pander SALVETrE: Well, I think I would to any elements of the Libertarian have a unique perspective because Party because we're not that big, I'm a recent graduate, and I went whereas the Republicans and Demoback to the university as a "returning crats [are]. You heard about the Restudent. " I was older and I could appublicans who had to sign the pledge preciate more what I was seeing before they got the nominations for and what I was going through. When their office, didn't you? Well, I don't you'l-e ,oung, you take it at faoe value know all the details of it, but apparently there was a 'caucus in the Rethe fact that you have to stand in line over here and you have to go get publican party that required candipermission to do this over here ... and dates for Regent to sign a statement follow all tb.eee rules and regulations, saying they support family values, or whereas returning I could look at them basically, not any kind of support for with a different perspective and say, any alternative lifestyle, meaning why is that rule there, why is that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, on cam· policy there? Why is it 80 difficult to be pus. 'Th.ey had enough power in their a student here? Why do you have to caucus to be able to make that stick, stand in so many lines? Why is it 80 and the two Republicans candidates hard to find housing? I think my acdid sign the statement. I think that, especially in an educational environtivities on Henderson House Board, and on Univetsity rLMichigan Alumni ment, political infighting and nitpickCouncil Board, that I was on previing and just politicizing issues in genously, give me an advantage because eral is out ofplace, and is detrimental I know a lot of alumni, and I've talked to the University. to a lot of alumni, and I understand MR: Do you think people take the Ubert8r. what their concerns are too. And I lin P..ty..touliy? don't know that it's an experience that anyone else can bring. It shows a lot about what this university means SALVETI'E: I think they are now. I to me ... I mean we just are a Michithink the work of Jon Coon has been gan fiunily, and I know it sotmds trite, a reIIl.8limble accomplishment, and it is all his, I mean, he put this organibut it is really true. I grew up in Ann Arbor, and chose to come back. We zation together, and I am very proud really love this university. Mt to be affiliated with him, and in the party that he was attracted to and
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chose to run on. And I think we are getting more recognition now. I will tell you this: to go back into our previous campaigns, for example when I ran for mayor in 1993, I think that personally I got respect, and that I was always treated with respect, however I do think there are people wh> just are not ready for change, although a ' lot of people agreed with me, and a lot ofpeople who agreed with me didn't vote for me. I think that's part rLthe third party problem that has always been around, and it is part of the very structure of our political system that we have now. But, the time is right. People are looking for alternatives now. More people are independent voters now than there ever were in the past.
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October 26, 1994
Less Government, More Freedom N OCTOBER 20, STU Sandler of the Review interviewed John Schall, the Republican C01ll17'e11aonal candidate for the 13th dUtrict. SchoJl grew up in Livonia and attended the Univemty of MichiBan. After 1'f!ICf'!iving a de8rw in public policy from HanJfJl"d:lI John F. Kermedy School ofGovemment, he entered tIM field of public HnJice.
MR: WMtlnlplred you 10 chIIIenge BIH Ford tor hIIlMtln Congreea, â&#x20AC;˘ teet he ha occupiId IInce you were 4 yen old? SCHALL: I think Bill Ford represented an old style liberal agenda that just doesn't work for the 1990s. Not only did I think he W881epleeenting an agenda that wasn't right for America, it was all the more ga11ing that this was my representative from home. Afbr the 1992 presidential eJ.eo. tion, a lot of people encouraged me to challenge Bill Ford, thinking that as a fiscal cxmaervative rd appeal to the district on economic mattera, and also as a penon who bad to deal with labor on a dally baeia in a year and a half running the.Departm.ent ofLabar that I was the best person really to repre&en.t the diverse int.erest8 oftile people of the 13th district. MR: Thn ha been rumor that you were queItioned by I Ford poUlter In I prellml-
nery poll - whit 111he Itory behind that?
SCHALL: Yeah, interesting story that has a~ally never happened before in the history of congressional elections. Bill Ford had no intention of retiring, 80 I announced against him in September. In Derember 1993, Ford was doing a telephone poll about the race - very unusual for a SO year incumbent tn be polling 11 months in advance. Out of 580.000 people who Jive in the 13th district, who does Bill Ford's offioe call? Me, whidl has never happened before. I told them who it was and they didn't care. They went through the rest ofthe 25 minute poll. MR: How will your _periencII help you .w your Col'-II 110". cInIct If elected? SCHALL: In a couple of ways. As a self-tmployed. and small business penon, I know how government can impose undue burden on small businesses in our community. The other part ofit is I did have lOme tremendous opportunities to serve at a rela_ tively young age. I was 28 when I was on the White House staff handling the domestic problema we mce for the 1990s. and. as Chief of Staff for the Labor Department,'-howwe
can make government respond to the needs of the people in our community. I saw up close and personal what government can do. but more importantly what government can't do. There are too many aspects of our Jives - personal, business and professional - where government intrusion just doesn't belong. And so my background tells me where tn get government out of the way, but there are also those roles where government should playa partner in managing the changing economy. It's about making government work for people in the community.
MR: One of 1he moat Important ...... to I college Itudent Ia employment. Whit prounuM can you oft.- to 8tudenta In tennI of â&#x20AC;˘ growing lob market? SCHALL: It's an important questi9n. The rapidly changing American economy of the 1990s is fundamentally different from what we have seen in the rest ofthis century. It used. to be in our previous generations. you would graduate from high school or college, enter the work force. and stay with the same company, often with the very same job, for 30 years until you retired.. Today, students graduating from the University of Michigan will have, on average, seven to ten different jobs in three tn four different careers before they retire. So there are a couple of things we will have tn do differently. One, we have to make it clear where the jobs of the future are. In the year 2000. we'll actually have a shortage in this country; shortage among the people who have the necessary skills in the high-tech, high-ekilledjobs of the future. So we have tn prepare college students much better. The other part of the problem concerns those without a college degree. When you look at the American people, 25 percent have college degrees and that's terrific, but the spine. the backbone of this country are the 75 percent of the people who don't have a college degree. What we have to do is provide a much better link between the high school euniculum and the sort of skills you need when you get into the work force. MR: A1Dp priority of the 104th eongr.. II to debIte thII country'l t.nh care system. What Ia your opinion on the MIn of heeIth CII'8?
SCHALL: What should we do about health cme? Well, what we should not
do is move every American into lOme , govemment-run health care system. ,'Bill Clinton is exaCflywrong-abOut
that. He has begun with a mistaken premise that we have to rebuild from gro~ro on up. One hundred percent of the system isn't broken. For 85 percent of the people, the system works fine; in fact it's the best health care system anywhere in the world. So I say let's build on its strengths and bring coverage to the 15 percent of the population that's not receiving coverage right now. We have to reform a system that is losing billions of dollars a year. That money could be used to provide real cme tn real people. 'That's the difference between me and my opponent who doesn't believe' the system needs tn be corrected. We have to get back to a nation of personal responsibility. Once people realize that their money is paying for health care, they will use it much more wisely and you will see costs come down.
MR: Crime Ia en Important IaIue on the American agenda. What Is your position on the crime laue?
of the students who are there to learn. I want to protect the rights of the students, the rights of the parents who just want to send their kids to school. and the institution itself. Who is Lynn Rivers protecting when she votes against legislation like that? MR: In 1he peat you have stated that you went the federal government to be held accountable for programs It mandat.. on the ..... and IocaIIeveil. What pI'OPCUa woUd you IUggIIt to Implement these policies?
SCHALL: Congress should pass a law that no more unfunded mandates will be enacted without that funding coming from the federal government. What you see is a liberal Democratic Congre88 run amok. In the 42 years the liberal Democratic Congress has had control over the institution, they have bankrupt the institution and the American government. They still pa88 laws but require those of us at the local level - the state governments, the local governments. and local businesses - to pay for it. I think it's outrageous and it has to end. So I have signed on the dotted line very clearly about this. No more unfunded federal mandates.
SCHALL: I want a zero-tolerance approach to crime where criminalJJ serve their mandatory sente:noes':''We are still seeing too many hard-core mmina)s not serve the sentences they justly received through the system. They serve on the average 31 percent MR: Why should one vote for John SchaU oftboee sentenoes. '!hey are sentenced tor Congreea? to ten years and they are out on our streets in two years, committing the SCHALL: Because of my commitment, experience and message. I want same crime. Look at it - 70 percent of all violent crimes in this country are tn bring all of that tn the people of the committed by 8 percent of the crimi13th district. I have gone tn over 10,000 nals. Keep them in prison tn serve the households and not 80 much talked as full sentences they received. and it listened to the concerns these people have. Listening to what they need. I will take a huge bite out of crime. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , have the experience tn know how to take the needs of the people and get the programs implemented tn these needs. I have a simple, commonsense conservative me88&ge. Less spending, less taxes.1ess government, .and more freedom. Government is too big and it simply spends too much money. There are tremendous differences We must reduce the size of govern~eenmeandmyul~o~ ponent on crime. I want zero-.tolerment. We have to get it out of areas ance and she wants to coddle the where it doesn't have a role. That's criminals. I say we have tn place the what this election comes down tn. My +.. of the victims' of" ~..-. cnmlD81s ...... Do., opponent's tax-and-epend big govrigh.Uit to protect the law abiding citizens of ernment approach ve1'8U8 my beliefin this country more than we protect the smaller government. My opponent criminals. I'll give you an example, believes that Washington and the govthe governor just signed a very imporernment is the answer. I believe that tant. piece of legislation. If you are the answer is the American people. found with gunS in school you are Strong people, strong business, stzoog expelled. My ultra-liberal opponent defense. I will put policies in place to actually voted. against this, one of ensure these stay strong. Mt only a haDdful oflegislators tn do 80. r think. that's a mistake. We have got to protect the rlghts Ofthe'99peroent
There are too many aspects of our lives ... where government intrusion just doesn't belong.
Fight Th~$tate
OCtOber 26, 1994
A Limited, Responsible Government O N OCTOBER 18, NATE Jam.ison of the Review interviewed U.S. Senate candid4te Jon Coon.A member of the Michigan National Guard for ei8ht years, he is a member of the Libertarian Party.
you begin to see the real purpose of COON: We have taken the wrong that document. It was really written approach when it comes to protection for the people of this country. In the of the environment. Every time you final analysis, we are the ones who entrust something of such an imporcan always look. to that document and tant nature to a bureaucracy, you end make our own determination as to up with problems. What we have now is the specter of the EPA and -~--~ the Department of Natural Re8o\U'Ce8 (DNR) at the state level harassing people for doing things that were never harmful in the first place. The better way to protect the environment is to trust good, common sense tort law, but we don't have that right now. The reason we don't have it right now is because we entrusted it to the bureaucratic solution. You need good pr0perty rights law and that will protect the environment for the simple reason that everybody under a good property righta system of law has a right to breathe clean air on where our government has gone and. their property; they have a right to whether they have overstepped their clean water. It is a simple property bounds or not; that is the real value of right, and if we had tort law that the Constitution. Everyone shoJ.Jld-ensured that, there would be no need. for agencies like the EPA; it would all have a copy of and be familiar with be handled through the court syBtem. the United States Constitution. '1ben, we dm.'t have to ask. what is the proper role of government; we can look. at the MR: Whit 18 your ItInce on Ieall:raIlo.1 of drup? Constitution and understand what the POpei' role is. Fer those who would COON: It is not so much whether we suggest that things have changed in want to legalize drugs or not. '!here the last 200 years, and that thingB are are two things at work here. Number different, and the Constitution should one is a Constitutional issue. '!he fednot apply any more, I would simply eral government does not have the state that although we have color authority, nor does the state governtelevisions and 747s that our Founders ment. The Founders of our country could not have envisioned, human were certainly not in the business of behavior has not changed at all. 'Ihere restricting what people did on their is still greed out there; there is still corruption out there. Human nature own time. George Washington was a hemp fiumer. 'Ibe bottnm line is, numis basically the same as it was when ber one, it is not right, and number that document was written. Our . two, it is not working. Does that mean Founders understood that, and that I want to turn everyone's children is what is more important than anyinto dope users? Of course not. '!here thing else, and that was the purpose are solutions that work and solutions behind most of the checks and balthat don't worlt. We have had a war on ance. they wrote into the Constitudrugs for a 1ong, long, long time and it tion, because they knew what would is simply not working. '!here are bethappen in the event of unchecked, ter ways to do it. unreined government power. '!he proper role of government is described MR: In yow campeign litlntwe, you bilk in the Constitution for anyone who about MYenII . . . In which the governcares to read it. IMI'It IhcUd not be Involved. WhIt, then, do you . . . . the proper role tor goverNI*d? MR: Your campaign conIista of r-,
MR: Vow opinion Is cwrtntIy If1tI-WI8bqton, Ind In IOIM""~ How doll tM LbnIrIIn PIny plan to capIilia. on ...1
COON: Well, it's very easy for us to capitalize on it. We've been espousing a belief in limited government and the two concepts of freedom and responsibility together for a long time. We've bea:me, quite .frankly, the number one political alternative in the country. We've got a twenty-tb.ree year track record that people can check, 116 Libertarians serving in public office around the country as high up as the state legislatures. We are the number one option when it comea time to capitalize on the disgust with what people are seeing today. They're looking for options and we're the number ODe alternative.
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lIB: A prInwy focuI fA yea been ... ownerehlp. Do you ...... 181ft ImpoItIIlt . . .fer natpeape, . . ~ 1hey mIst4 not be gun ownn?
COON: Absolutely. The Second .Amendment to the United States Constitution is a very, very important component, not just in the Bill of Rights, but it is an important component in the whole concept of limited government by and for the people. Our founders were very adamant about placing checks and balances within the system, and this is one of the moat important cbec:b there is. It is the final check on the growth of government tyranny. It was placed there, quite simply, to make certain that the people oftha United States would always tetain the ability to defend themselves from their own government ifneceeauy. Whether you think that is 80mething that is going to be neceuary in the immediate future is beside the point. It was put there as a very important safeguard to make certain that the people would never find themeelvea unable to reM a tyrannicaj ~t, aDd that is a very critical check in the system and it needs to remain there, whether you own a firea.nn or not. MR: You Il1o pllCe I . . empe.iI on property rtghta. For ......... you . . . thai tM EnvfroI......... ProtIctIan f9AttJY (EPA) IhouId reII*t the fifth AmIndment. Why
i ..
COON: '!he proper role for government is outlined in the Constitution of the United States, which was put there for anyone to read. '!he Constitution was written to desaibe the role of government, but when government ~~~f:li~.~~ti9,J;l ~ ~lt4m
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trying to gain recognition _ty, believing that " people know about the Ubertarlan PIrty Ind what It II8nda for, 1hey would be Inclined to vote for you. HIv. you rllChed large numbers fA people? COON: Yea, we have. In the begin"
, ~'oPl1fPJlfPO./~f~: tq,~ct,~ '
numbers of people who would be motivated to help with the campaign and that has definitely oreurred. We have large numbers of volunteers now who are out there really pushing this because they do understand what the Libertarian message is and what this party is all about. We have developed the army, and we are at work right now, trying to make sure that by November 8, everyone knows who I am and everybody understands what I stand for. Name recognition is going up statewide daily, and on November 8, I will have the same name recognition power as the other two candidates. The people of this state will have as much of an understanding of what I stand for as they do the other two candidates, ifnot more, because it is hard to figure out what those candidates stand for sometimes.
MR: If you •• eJected, how do plan to accompIIIh anything. call1dlring you would IIreIy be the any Lbr1Irtan In W....IatDn? COON: Being the new min.cHity leader will help. Ifl am elected. I become the new minority leader in the United Statee Senate. I don't know what Bob Dole would do, but I am sure he could figure it out. Getting things done does not neoessari1y depend upon the traditional way things have been done in the past. What I intend to do is to go there as the only candidate in this race who can take a me88age larger than himself '!hat message is that you no longer have to be a Republican or a Democrat to be elected in this country, and if those two parties will not provide us with responsible candidates who will vote in a responsible manner and give us a responsible government, then we will start electing people who will. If you take that message to Washington. then you will cause dumge jUlt by virtue of the fact that you have been elected. '!hat is something neither the Democrat nor the Republican can do. It is not news if another Democrat or Republican is elected; it is not a message; it is nothing. If you send me, you send somebody who can take a message larger than himself, that is what we need. MR: If you . . not elected, do you plan to run IgIIn and continue yolI' ftght for 111mIted amt.rnm.nt? COON: I am in this for the long haul, but as far as my specific plans, that will have to wait until I see what happena. As of right now, I plan to run a reelection campaign in the year 2000, which would be the expiration of my F ~~~.~.' . J r t~·· ,,· " .l'·
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October 26, 1994
John Engler: ,The Smart Choice BY KEvIN CosTELLO
Tax Cute
VOTE FOR INCUMBENT governor John Engler has nothing tn do with party affiliation; it has to do with being amart. Just look. at the govemots record; the statistics speak for themselves:
FiaeaI Responalbillty When Governor Engler assumed office, he inherited a $1.8 billion budget deficit 'lbday, Michigan bas a budget sUIplus of $300 million, standing among the nation's top three states in the size of its B11l'plus budget fund. JobGrowtb. Michigan's unemployment rate is at a 15-year low of 5.4 percent, well below the national average. Since 1991, nearly half a million new jobs have been a-eated. One out of every seven jobs created under the Clinton Administl1ltion were in Michipn
John Engler has cut taxes 11 times while in office, including: -$1 billion property tax cut in 1994. -personal inrome tax reduction from 4.6 percent to 4.4 percent. -Single Business Tax was dropped from 2.35 percent to 2.30 percent. -Alternative Profits Taxes were cut from. 4 percent to 2 percent for small business. -The threshold filing fur small busi ness tax returns was increased first to $100,000, then to $250,000. In addition, attempts to repeal the Capital Acquisition Deduction, which would have :raised taxes on businesses by $500 million, were defeated.
that provide free immunizations against childhood diseases. Engler has signed into law Michigan's most comprehensive reform. of the medical liability system cutting the excessive cost of premiums, reducing the practice of defensive medicine, and improving access to medical services. The Department of Social Services is moving ahead to implement the Governor's "Healthy Kids" Program which will allocate more than $50 million to provide health insurance to more than 90,000 at-risk. clilldren CUlTently without coverage. Michigan now has more than 50 locations where women can get either free or low cost breast and cervical cancer screening and follow up services. Since the spring of 1992, nearly 10,000 low income women have benefited from this program.
Contract" which requires those receiving benefits to either work, get new job skills, or volunteer with 60 percent participating at least 20 hours a week:. Further, 23.2 percent of AFDC recipients in Michigan work. The national average is 8 percent. Michigan leads the nation in encouraging AFDC recipients to work. The Earned Income Tax Credit is a federal tax credit that further expands the available income for working low income families aimed at making work pay. Working welfare parents will soon be able to receive advance credit on a monthly basis.
Environment With the sale of the Accident Fund, Governor Engler has signed into law a $40 million endowment fund that will be used to upgrade and maintain Education Michigan's state parks. A second law Michigan's education funding inappropriates $20 million for the Civilcreased 4.7 percent while national Crime ian Conservation CoIpS Endowment funding decreased 4 percent Between The rate of violent crime in Michigan Fund. Engler has also elevated 1990 and 1995, school spending will Bustne. Opportunity is fulling. '!he number ofviolent mmes Michigan's Office of the Great Lakes have increased 171 percent over the Michigan leade the nation in new such as murder and robbery fell 7.7 to cabinet level status. 1990 level. '!hat's $5 billion more than percent. Crime rates have fallen in business growth with 90 percent Governor Engler signed into law in 1990. four of the five major metropolitan _.a package of bills fully implementing growth in business incorporations. Michigan also has the most far.areas in M i c h i g a n . , , 路 -~ the Federal Clean Air Act Amendreaching law in the nation allowing 'Th.ia is because Michigan's business Engler has halted the practice of ments in Michigan. Additionally, the the creation of Charter Schools, that climate is more attl'active than ever. one priaoner per oell. By double-btmkDepartment of Natural Resources has allow outside entities, such as teachWith employment at an all time high, ing prisoners, he created 3,000 new asked the U.S. Environmental Proers, school districts, community colbusinesses booming, and consumer beds over the past three years. '!be tection Agency to re-designate the leges or universities, to open competconfidence up, Michigan'a growth p0cumulative savings in operating costs Detroit area as an attainment area ing schools within a school district. tential offers expanding opportuniare $261 million. In addition, an estifor ozone. If approved, the Detroit John Engler has also signed bills ties for all. All of this haa happened mated $336 million in new prison area will become the nation's largest which provide greater financial acunder John Engler. construction costs were avert.ed. John metropolitan area that complies with countability in schools by limiting All ofthis bas also happened with Engler has called fur the abolition of the ozone standard. teacher strikes, health insurance the aid of 11 tax cuts, aome of which parole with the implementation of mandates, and returning control badt have become models forth.e rest ofth.e A Smart Choice truth in -sentencing. Judges will be to parents and school boards. nation. 'lhis proves that in order tn be Almost every aspect of the state of required to hand down specific senprosperous and fiscally responsible, Michigan has improved under Govertences. No more sentences of one to Health Care the government doee not need to keep nor John Engler. '!he staunch oppositen years with the offenders back in With $50 million in new tobacco revraising your taxea. tion coming from such groups as the the community after a couple of enues, the Engler .Administration has Michigan Education Association months, and no more time offfor good made the largest increase in public Kevin CMtello u a ..mior in political (MEA) or the United Auto Workers behavior. health funding in Michigan's history. IICience and a ltaff writer for the Re(UAW) only proves that these groups Engler has also signed Governor Michigan is one of only two states view. have become so centralized and pow, , legislation criminaHzing stalking beerful that they are out of touch with havior in an effort to protect victims the rest of the state. Engler's oppoofharassment and put an end to stalknent, Howard Wolpe, is content on ing. Michigan now bas the strongest preaching that Michigan is in trouble. anti-sta)kin~ laws in the nation. If you look. at the facts, youll see that that is simply not true. Even citizens Welfare from other states offer testimony of John Engler is a nationally recogWe have added to our already extensive this. For instance, Michigan's popunized leader on wel.f8re reform, which beer selection many new mico-brewed lation since 1990 has increased by is why he was named the Co-Chair beers for your sampling pleasure. 183,000. During the entire decade of for the National Governor's Associathe 1980s, .Michigan's population intion Task Force on Welfare Reform.. creased by only 33,000. His ideas are belng considered for the U.S. Newa and World Report bas national welfare reform. plan. ranked Michigan's economic recovery In Michigan, the governor has the 10th strongest in the nation - no eliminated General Assistance payother industrial state ranked in the ments for 82,000 single adults who top 20. Why fix something that is not were able to work. broken? Continue this prosperity. Michigan has a 73 percent volunVote.for John Engler for governor. )It taryparticipation rate in its "Social
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The Clear BY RoBIN EvANS
ICHIGAN HAS A shortsighted governor. We have a governor whose idea of a jobs program is giving taxpayers' money to train corporate executives, whoee idea of compassion is forcibly evicting patients from mental health clinics, and whose idea of improving public education is creating a $1 billion shortfall in school funding. We have a governor whose policies are divisive, and who ba.ebee teachers and workers rather than building aJJiances to solve problems. Michigan needs a governor with a clear strategy for dealing with the moat pre8IIing problem.e of our people. We need a governor who will fight for all people. DOt simply the favored few. We need a governor who will build a better Michigan, and a more future for all of us. Howard Wolpe, the Democratic Gubema1mial candidate, can offer the leadership, experience and vision we need to put Michigan back on the right track. From the Kalarnzoo City Commission to the Michigan State House of Representatives to the United States Congres8, Howard Wolpe has worlIed to solve Midligan's tough problems. As Michigan's next governor, some ofhis priorities will be: StreDl(theniDc public edueation As a former teacher, Howard Wolpe believes we must empower our acbools to meet the demands of a global economy and to promote educational excellence for all Michigan students. We must help teachers customize learning for each student and keep pace with tec:bnological ad~. We mUBt directly linkjob preparation with reeljobe by expanding apprentice pro- . grams and enhancing our vocational education system. We must work to keep the coste of a college education affordable by holding down tuition increaaeB, and by reopening the Michigan Education Trust program..
Creating good paying lobe and economic eeeur:lty Michigan now ranks 49th among the 50 states in the formation of new bueine88. To combat this, we should help our state universities and private companies to expand their research in areas relevant to the economy-and to develop 8Ul"er ways
Robin ElJ(JM U co-daairperBon of the ~ DemocT'flt..
October 26, 1994
to translate new ideas in their laboratories into new products built in Michigan. We should create education and training programs that will provide an educated, eki.1led, creative work force and help us become more competitive in the world market.
Proteetlng and the environment Protection of the environment and m.anagement of our natural resources need not be in conflict with job creation. We must encourage partnerships among business, labor and environmental groups to work. for such goals as pollution prevention, energy conservation and resource planningto enhance both our long-term economic prosperity and our environment. We must protect the Great Lakes and end the storage ofradioactive wute along the shore"B of our fresh water 8Upply.
Howard Wolpe
Taxpayel'8 Union for saving billions of dollars in wasteful government spending. As governor, he will order penormance audits of every state agency to determine areas of overlap, inefficiencyand waste. He will also initiate campaign finance refann legislation to reduce the dependence of candidates upon apecial interest contributions in order to increase public confidence in the electoral system. On election day, Michigan voters have a choice: hope and new opportu-
nity, or continued failure and frustration. Howard Wolpe has the experience necessary to bring the state together, to promote educational excellence in schools, to create a skilled workforce and high. wage jaba, and to ensure that our neighborhoods are free of violence and crime. As governor, Howard Wolpe will fight for all people - young or old, rich or poor. The clear choice is Howard Wolpe. Vote for Howard. Wolpe on November 8th.~
Makl" Michigan safe again Michigan needs a governor who has zero tolerance for crime. By reserving prison apace for the most serious and violent offenders, we can make better use of alternatives to incarceration to tum around non-violent offendel'8. We need to get serious about domestic violence-we must expand treatment and shelter options and educate those who enforce domestic violence laws. We need to protect the rights ofhlUlten and sportsmen to own and use firearms. At the same time, we need to keep guns out oftbe hands of criminals, out oftbe banda of children, and out of our schools.
Making government work Michigan needs a state government that is more effective, more responsive, and more cost effective for taxpayel'8. While in Congress, Howard Wolpe W88 recognized by the National
Wanted: Interns for Lansing office of GOP State Representative Greg Kaza. Unpaid, Call517~73--0615
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11 Different Salads 3 Different Types of Fresh Melon 4 Types of Freshly Baked Bread 20 Different Meat En~es 9 Different Desserts A Wide Assorbnent of Vegetables Daily S\'l'dl..'l1 l il)l1SI..', i\lidliglln's iI..',lding Buffl't Rl'st,llll\lnt, pHl'!"'" ,1I1l)f till' ,1bO\' l' to its l'111plu}'l'l'S - f)LL:S... $ Scheduling that is flexible enough to meet your needs $ Excellent beginning wages $ Paid training $ Has positions for both experienced and inexperienced people $ Vacations, bonuses, and other benefits Apply Anytime or Call Terry For Your Personal Interview 2771 Oak VaIley Drive
741-1135 .~>~,
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October 26, 1994
Why You<Should Vote BY
T"S THAT TIME OF YEAR again: Election Season. A time when Btitf conservatives kiss babiea and wear flannel shirts, trying to look down-to-earth; a time when dreamy-eyed liberals drive tanks and pound fists on podiums, trying to look tough; a time when accuaations are hurled through the air, to the delight of a drooling throng of reporters. Yea. no better time than November to rome to the conclusion that politics suck. Face it, in most years, this one being no exception, the major party candidates just aren't that good. And this recent mediocrity allows a plethora of cynical psuedo-intellectuals to spew forth their stance: Don't vote. Everywhere you go you hear them. They bemoan the existence of government on the extreme right and whine about the inactivity of government on the leA. Yau hear from anarchist8 who want to do away with govDean BalopouIo. ta1u a coin with him to tM votUyJ booth..jU8l in C<He.
Unfortunately, Americans beertarian, Independent, Worker's lieve that they are a powerless group. Party, or Natural Law. Hedt, write-in Overwhelmed by the vast bureauyourself as governor. But don't throw cracy, corrupt special interests, and away the symbol of your power as a general ineptitude of big government, citizen. The cold hard fact is that you many would rather function in their have no right to bitch about someown private realms and shun the votthing when you're sitting on your duff ing booths come November. As a socicome Election Day. ety, many ofus no longer believe that The right to vote is a treawe have any power. Why? Because sure for many people whose lives maybe if we acknowledge the fact have been marred by oppression. that we, as individuals, can make a Blacks in South Africa, Eastern difference, we would to take upon Europeans, and others who spent ourselves the responsibility that decades under totalitarian rule comea with that power. It means we'd now stand in line fur hoUJ'B to cast have to start caring and thinking betheir ballots. Some risk their lives fore we start criticizing. for the simple, symbolic act of Granted, the state of the Americasting a ballot and shaping the can government is bleak. But the picdestiny of their nation. Are we ture will only grow bleaker if.America Americans so apathetic and cynical stops caring, if we throw out one of the that we take our precious gift; for fundamental rights we hold as free granted? Imagine if we had no voting Americans: the right to vote. rights; tb.e same people who now urge In a society where government is non-participation would be crying out . beginning to trample more and more for the right of suffrage. If nothing on our civillibertiee, how can we be 80 else, vote because you can. Vote befoolish as to voluntarily give up such cause you are blessed enough to live a precious right? Go out there, my in a country where you can make a little ones. Go out there and vote. Ml amall difference. ..... ....
ernment altogether, and from communists who want to force an unrealistic, flufthead philosophy onto a free society. Consequently, these pess:iInistic "intellectuals" urge the public to turn their backs on politics and sit out the second Tuesday of November. Ie this stance effective? Simply put, no. Politicians love an apathetic conBtituency, and the more cynics that can convince people lib you and me that we can't make a difference, the Ie s s p e 0 pie which our elected officials have to answer to. Basically, the bottom line is this: How can you complain and degrade a political system if you refuse to be in'VOlwd? How can you teD. the nation's leaden they are a doing a bad job if you did nothing to stop them from aslWDing office? You don't have to support a major candidate; vote Lib-
••• BY
And Why You Shouldn't
ORE PEOPLE VOTED IN 1992 than in 1988. Vote, vote, vote, let your voice be heard. That's right, YOU, the insignificant little individual reading this paper right now actually has a "'voice" that somehow stands out among 250,000,000 others. Or 80 the voters' rights advocate. would want you to believe. The reality is that there is no one worth voting for, and people should just say no. Republican or Democrat? Liberal or conservative? I am etill waiting for 8Omeone to ask me if I'm. or libertarian. Maybe ifl was old enough to vote fur Rm Paul in 1988 or Lyndon LaRouche in 1992 I would care. My point i. that there actually exist alternatives to the two major parties, and that a whopping 5 percent of voten have discovered them. Everyone else has been terminally duped into believing that a two-party system is actually worth tzying to maintain through the easier and easier
Gene Kra.. heu voted for Gene Simrnon.. ofKISS a.t a write-in candidate from hUjunicr laWn IIIlulent c0uncil to the 1992 pretlidential elections. ... . .. .. . . ..... ... . - . - . . .. ... .. ,. ~-
process of voting. Let's examjne the candidates this year. John Engler or Howard Wolpe for governor? I don't think 80. One is an ultra-conservative who conceals his reactionary social views behind sound economic jargon. The other is a classic tax-anHpend liberal who actually accepted $50,000 to teach one course at U-M and $54,000 for one course at Western. Which one is which? Who cares? What about the senatorial race? Spence Abraham and Bob Carr. Another conservatiVe Republican, another liberal Democrat. What have either of these two people done fur you to deserve to be in a national office? Yeah, YOU, the reader of this paper. But wait. someone else has joined the party. Libertarian Jon Coon is challenging Abraham and Carr with one of the biggest campaigns the libertarians have mounted to date. So maybe, just maybe, he will receive 5 percent of the popular vote. Besides, any libertarian-minded person running for public office, I truly hate to admit, is a walking contradiction. "Vote for me," he says, "and I'll decrease the size of government. " How, by wiping out his own position? Sony, Jon. ~
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Okay, you think, the federal government is out of touch vith the average citizen. What about city or state government? Well, I am from. Massamusette, 80 I can't tell you much about the loaU candidates, except that most of them are young and probably hope to reach that perk-and-pork-infested
with the common citizen, the citizens simply ignore them. Politicians do not merit the attention of those for whom they do nothing. Ordinary people are getting along just fine without getting involved, and they would be getting along even better if they could keep the 30 percent of their salaries that currently go to waste. Uh-oh. am I still trashing the amdjdates? Baclt to voting. As long as there's a government, there will be people who vote. If almost everyone who currently votes quits right now, the percentages, in terms of place on the political spectrum, of the remaining voten will probably not change. So election results would stay the same. Moreover, those who end up voting will have a stronger voice, if that really matters. And what about write-in candidates? Are they even valid? Or is that national level. Besides, are two or a symbolic gesture signifying that evthree stop signs and parking spaces ery individual has a "voice,,? If Eddie really worth public offices to regulate Vedder edges out Bill Clinton in 1996, them? would he be allowed to hold the office? Enough trashing the candidates. .All in all, I am not convinced as to why .After all, there's no cure fur trichinoei.s. I should "rock" any vote. Besides, As for voting itself, why bother? I aren't all elections fixed anyways? have finally realized why 80 many No? How do you know? Do they count people do not cme about politics. Since each ballot on television right before so~ypoliti~are . outDftouch " . .. . . ' ' .' " . ,' ~ ~I
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October 26, 1994
Sex, Seger, and ,Little Debbie Snacks BY
Oh sure, Americans are having sex, but not in record numbers. They're having the pretty normal, two people in love kind of sex these days. For example, the study finds that 71 percent of Americans have hadjust one sex partner in a year, 53 percent have had one in the last five years, and 94 percent of manied people remained fhlthfullast year. And married people apparently have better sex and more of it. Finally, kinky sexual practices appeal to a small minority of Americans. What does it mean? It means I've been lled to. It means we've been lied to. It means everything I leamed about sex as a kid, all of which came from MTV, USA's "Up All Night," movies, and the big kids across the street, is wrong. People who have sex are usually in love. Some of them are actually manied! Can you believe it? Ifyou can't, I understand. 'Ihis is shattering to my frail psyche as well. I've been under the illusion that when I turn twenty-{)ne, I'll be in a smoky bar, Bob Seger's "Night Moves" playing softly on the radio, and a cheap beer in my hand, when suddenly rd be surrounded by women, singing and dancing a catchy beer jingle. I saw it on 'IV all the time when I was a kid. I just assumed it would happen tome. For Pete's sake, I remember what I learned on MTV. I (being a geeky sort of lad) would be walking
I feel like I should whisper the
wcrd. (no doubt the effect ofmy midwestern Catholic adlool cbildhood) When people 88y sex, I still giggle. I find it amusing. Apparently. American.slike sex. They don't giggle about it, either. They study it. And this time they really studied it. A recent study done by reaearchen at the University of Chicago is being called the most accurate sex study ever. "Sex: in Amerial- aaked ~1 pages worth of queaUQD8 to CJYW SOOO Amelican.s and came up with the condusive study that graced the cover of most major news magazines thia month. My first reaction was ei.m.ple: "They asked people this stu.ft1? .Are you kidding me?! People answered this stutrr' (Giggle, giggle, giggle.) So, I admit it. I'm no -aexpert.- Butin my undying quest to present my fellow studente with the truth about life in America, I undertook the endeavor of delving into the research, in order for you to know what's going on behind the bedroom doors of America. The answer is pretty much nothing. 'Ibis should disappoint those on the extreme right and those on the left as well. The Religious Right doean't have as much conuption to condemn as it would like.1he Goohead Left. can't turn the private lives of Americans into political rallying cries.
UlIUfUlU,路 garkJ PIr.moun l Parks IS holdln~ auditions to cast the up coming 1995 show season al Paramount s Kings Island In CinCin nati . OhiO ! 1995 wlll/ulure conlempora ry dance and musI c revues , costume chaucter shows. rO\' 1118 bands, \'oc.1 sroups and a co medlc / lmprovI5I 1I0n;allclor program featurtng popular St", Trtk* aliens Wt nted txpertenced sinsers, dancers. actors. costume char acter performers, Instrumentahs ts. technicians .nd variety performers of .lItvpul Fo r more i nlorm.ltion write or cdl: humount 's Kings lshnd 6300 King s Isla",d Drive Ki ng s Island, Ohio 45034
home from school, when a bus full of private school girls would pull up and invite me in. They'd loosen my tie, muse up my hair, and shed their plaid skirts ,in favor of scanty undergarments. It happened all the time in Whitesnake videos, I guess I figured it would happen 1ike that to me. But it seems teen-agers aren't like that. In met, the October 17th issue of NewtIeeA reports that "Vll'gi.n. geek has gone to Vll'gin Chk." 'Ihat means it's actually okay not to have sex? What a relief OfOOUl"8e, Americans ~d always known that. 'The media bombards us with sexual images, but we choose to continue in our "etraight-laced, being-in-Iove, and naked as jaybirds" marriages. We choose to link sex and love. A million dollar survey told us that, but I think we oould've figured it out by ourselves. I mean how many of us really believe we are going to enoounter wamen named Babette <r men named Duke who are going to undress immediately upon hearing a cheesy seventies guitar rift? Yet sex is still a hot issue. We still like to read about it and watch,jt. -
on TV. We watch the soap opera sex lives of society's half-wits on syndicated talk shows. Well watch an ad pulsed with sexual images. But in our own peraonallives, the Sex In America study shows that we are relatively tame beasts. So you,ll still get bombarded with sexual images and sexual politics. 'The folks on the Right will tell you what is sexually acceptable and what is not. The folks on the Left will tum sexual orientation into a political issue. They'll still try to knock down your bedroom door and peep inside. And they'll be disappointed. They don't seem to have the need to bring their political windbags in the bedrooms anymore. Because there isn't too much going on, just some traditional hankypanky, if anything at all. So the next time you're at home by yourself on Saturday night, watching MTV, and eating Little Debbie Snack Cakes, don't shower yourself with self loathing and pity. Everybody isn't outdoing it. But if a school bus ofprivate schQol girls stops by, rd slip in a Whitesnake CD and let them m, just to be safe. Ml
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October 26, 1994
Halloween,,:!Vlichigan Style BY
year I am calling for all students to
H, HALLOWEEN, THE holiday second only to Christmas in terma of childhood anticipation. I used to try ~ myooetume several times a week all through 0ctober. (fin not sure why I was always a ghost.) Inevitably, there were other ghosts out in the neighborhood and I'd usually end up with the wrong fiunily. 'Thankfully. they were always very nioe people who mana.ged to find my real parents by 1lumksgiving. Still, there was no bigger joy than trampling acroea1awne manicured by bored suburban fathers. and claiming the prize that could be bad simply by yelling "Trick. or Treatl" I miss thoee day&. Think about it, wouldn't a few pound8 of candy help during those late night study BeSsions? Wouldn't it be fun to assume another identity fur a night and roam Ann Arbor in search ofWack.y Wafen, Mr. Goodban, and Smarties? Sure it would, you'd love itl So this
Detm BalwpouJc. doa not need a (08tume; he is already ttear:y Iooli11lJ.
revisit their cbiJdhood for a night and go trick.-<>~treating across campus. (Just don't be a ghost; 111 get lost again.)
To help you out this year, I've developed the first "Statement of Students' Rights and Responsibilities Pertaining to HalloweenActivities." It contains a plethora of helpful Halloween hints that I hope to soon have officially adopted by the Board of Regents. ('Illey like codes anyway.) I recommend you start the evening by visiting some of the fine Greek organizations. I'd only go to the fraternity houses though; IlOI'Ority girls are known for turning tricks. Next, venture down East Univeraity and stop by East Quad where they'll treat you to free body- piercing. Be careful though, many East Quadders will look fmmy. Don't laugh at them. 'lhoee lU'en't costumes. Upon leaving East Quad, stop by the Dairy Mart down the road. If you are dressed as your favorite Michigan athlete you'll get free ice beer for you
and your friends. After sucking down your free beer, wander through the arch and into the Diag. '!here you'll see a lot of people dressed up as bums. Wait a minute, they are bums. Son-y. It will be tempting to stop by the Law Quad because ofits eery Gothic structure, perfect for a Halloween romp. But I would stay out of the Law Reading Room. Noisemaken are not welcome 80 don't even think about shouting "Trickor-treatl" No one even breathes in there. I suggest you head over to the Union, home of several student groups that regularly participate in campus trick.-<>r-treating. I'd avoid a few of the groups though. Don't waste your time at the MBA offices, where AATU director Pattrioe Maurer will be perpetually trick-Ol'-treating in hopes of reinstating the MSA's policy of free handouts to the AATU. Of they can pay their bills in · Butterfingers,
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employment with city ~ - being an anarchiBt. - i8 ama. . . Yet the ItDr1 ... better: ~dM wu ft:red tram hiI job fOr puttiDal IIJWdd.It ..ytnp CBl hill maiL AftAr • larae pubUc outcry ~ IHad., whldllnc:luded 1aeal wip lib .I.L. HwUon. the Detroit Water Board nm.tated Labadie. When Labadie dieclln UW, he had alrudy cbultecl hia wR co1Jeo. tion of radical political puapbemalia to the U-M. 'Ihe U:~ty Wi..murin aDd JohDI HoPJdm 'VDiwnity tried to acquire the c:oJleO. tion, but Labadie .aa • .tatmch Nicbtpnder aod made wre that hi8 c:oDedion had. pennanent place in hia bame .tate. 'n.e coIlecdoD . t in the attie ortbe U-M library until Emma Goldman r8di8OlMJr'ed it in 1924. The Labadie Collection continued to grow; it atill receive.' radical political perioclkal. to thiI date. (Even the Mit!1aipn RaMuI iI
Pattrice may be on to something.) Also avoid the offioes of the College Democrats. '!hey follow Clintonian economiC8 and will take nearly forty percent of your candy as taxes. Leave the Union and head over to the Fleming Adm.i.nistzation building where you can pick. up your Halloween bulletins: "'The Code ofProper Candy Eating," "The Diag Policy for Goblins and Ghouls," and the Multicultural Affain Department's list of "500 Banned Offensive Halloween Costumes." Exit the Fleming Building and head down Maynard to the Student Publications building. '!here, the edi.. torial staff of the Michigan Daily will seize your candy and redistribute it equally, like good communists. E~oy your Halloween and be sure to be a part of my historic campaign to bring trick-<>r-treating into the univenity realm. If you really want to be scared this Halloween, get on one of the Univenity busses and head north to see the scariest freaks of all: THE ENGINEERSI! (Just Kidding fellas, relax.) Happy Halloween. Mi
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an:h1ved there.) While Midligan may DOt_to houM IIUUl1 radicall of aDJ utore; Oharlea JOMph Antoine Labadie ~ecl W. theory WION h7 m-k.
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October 26", 1994
Defending:a Free Society BY AARON STEELMAN
s THOMAS SOWELL A conservative. or is he a libertarian? '!his is a questicm often raised among th08e on the political right. And not surprisingly both libertarians and c:xm.aervativee like to lay daim. to Dr. Sowell a8 being one of their own. But which group is coITeCt? 'Th.e
I. Reality Optlon.1? Thomas Sowell Hoover Institution Press Paperback, 1993, 192 pages $14.95 answer to thia question is ultimately unimportant, for Sowell is one of the moat lucid thinken on the American political 1IC8Ile. Trained Il8 an economist, Sowell has ventured into many of the social sciences. He has contributed greatly to modern political theory with BUch boob Il8 Knowl芦lBe and Decision. and A Conflict otVisioM. and added sanity to the debate on affirmative action and race relations with Ethnic AmericG. Civil R;"IaU. and the recently relea8ed Race and Culture. Sowell is one of the moat important interdisciplinary scholars ofbia time. But perhaps the forum in which Sowell has actually had his greatest impact is through his work as a columnist. With hi8 column in Forbes and his nationally syndicated newspaper columns. Sowell reaches literally millions of people each week., allowing him the opportunity to offer commentary on important current issues to the intelligent layman. In I. Reality OptioTUlI? eightyfive of Sowell'. best columns have been ooDected. '!be columns have been grouped by topic. dividing the book into seven chapters: "The Social Scene." "'!he Economic Scene." "'!he Political Scene." etc. In addition to the first atmm chapters. ~ readers of Sowelf. columna will recognize Part VIII, entitled "Random 'Th.oughts"; Sowell has taken a number of columna in hi. "Random 'lhoughts" aeriea and chosen the best items from tbeee columns. The reader is treated to such 路Sowellisms" as: "No matter how disastroualy some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: 'But what would you replace it wi1h?' When you put out a fire, what do )lOU replace it with?'" Or. "'Whenever people refer to me Il8 aomeone 'who happens to be black,' I wonder if they realize that both ofmy parent. were bladt. If! had
turned out to be Scandinavian or Chinese. people would have wondered what the hell was going an." Or. "What is history but the story of how politicians have squandered the blood and treasure of the human race." Among the better essays included in I. Reality Optional? is. "What is 'Conservatism.... In this essay, Sowell sheds light on how ludicrous the conventional political spectrum is. For years anybody who has seemed sympathetic to the market economy. believed in the supremacy of the individual. and distrusted government. regardless to what degree or for what reasons they held such beliefs, has been generically labeled "conservative." Yet, clearly the description conservative cannot be applied monolithically to people of varying stripes who hold these core beliefs. Can the philosophy of a Milton Friedman really be so similar to the pbiloeophy (if you can call it that) of a Pat Buchanan that only one word need describe them both, that word being conservative. Obviously a careful examination of the two men'. ideologies would yield a definitive "no." Yet. in modem political discourse. Milton Friedman. whose views are largely libertarian. is defined. ideologically. no differently than the necfiiadst, nativist Buchanan Sowell has an explanation for this. "Todays political vision has the left in the center and everyone else defined by how they relate to the left. As one who thinks that most of what the left says and does is nonsense. I find myselflabeled 'conservative' - even though the only time I want to hun back the clock is when we go off daylight saving time in the fall." One of the most important battles that libertarians have lost in the twentieth century, and there have been many. has to do with the aforementioned statement of Sowell's. Libertarians, in fear ofbeing confused with the left, have lost the ability to unashamedly call themselves '1iberala." as they were able to at the tum of the century. While this battle may appear ineignificant, one's rhetoric is very important in the area of public policy. By being able to call someone who belie'Ye8 in the power of the market and the sovereignty of the individual consenrative. the left has at.tained a very powerful tool. 'Th.e majority of the American electorate is repul.eed by the id~ c1a Jesee Helms. and well they should be. Yet because of the left's effective slandering of libertarians, claBSicalliberals are hard pressed to differentiate themselves from conservatives. BUm as Helms, to
the American public. ' needs to change. While it is true that ideas. and not labels. are important. ideas can only be effective when they are expressed effectively. CUJTently. libertarian ideas are often dismissed in public policy debate as being "extreme rightwing." Is an agenda that calls for the
EcOIIOIIIiIt 1'honI Sowell cutting of taxes and regulations in addition to the legalization of drugs. prostitution, and other victimless crimea really right-wing? Clearly iUs not. But neither is it lefli-wing. while it encompasses views that are now considered rightwing as well as many views that are considered left;....wing. is a philosophy that cannot be defined using the usual leftr-right paradigm. And until this paradigm changes it is unlikely that libertarians will be winning many important policy battles. Bill Buckley once stated. "All that is good is not embodied in the law; and all that is evil is not proscribed by the law. A well-disciplined society needs few laws; but it needs strong mores." Whether Buckley really meant that when he said it. or whether he was merely paying lip service to the libertarian principles he held in his youth is questionable. What cannot be questioned, however. is the validity ofhis statement. No CWTent public policy problem illustrates Buckley's point more than the ,CWTent laws against narcotic ownership and distribution. Clearly. drug use can have very negative effects on one's personal wellbeing and should, by and large, be avoided. Yet. is it neceaaary or prudent for the government to mandate whether one should be able to possess or use drugs? ', Sowell believes not. In his essay. "Drug Addicts and Busybody Addicts." Sowell questions the effectiveness of drug prohibition, stating. "Nothing would put organiud crime out ofbllsiness filster than ending the illegality of drugs. No one
should kid himself that laws against drugs are stopping drug usage. [T]his charade is not worth the money. the lives or the corruption. What do we lose by getting rid of these laws tb8t are a mockery anyway?" In addition to questioning the effectiveness of drug prohibition, Sowell cogently comments on the mentality ofthoee who wish to nm other people's lives, such as prohibitionists. He states. "The morally anointed. whether liberals or conservatives. will never give up their attempts to tell other people what to do - and to get the government to impose their beliefs on others." Sowell is undoubtedly speaking for millions of Americans who believe that while bourgeouis values are a necessary component to a healthy and prosperous aociety and should be encouraged, that under no circumstance should they be mandated from Washington. One would be remiaa not to mention at ~ one ofthe fifteen oolum.ns included in the chapter, "'!be Racial Scene." included in this volume. for Dr. Sowell has produced some of the ".--b&Jt; wcrl: to date on race related questions. In the essay. "Stereotypes Versus the Market." Sowell proves the fallaciousness of the argument that the market is inherently racist. and indeed he argues that the only economic system capable of producing equality of opportunity is 1o.is8ez faire capitalism; that it is under collectivized systems. which don't reward effort and productivity. that racism is most likely to rear its ugly head. He states, "Fortunately. the marketplace puts a price on incorrect; generalizations. as it does on all sorts of other incorrect assumptions behind economic decisions. Even the most racist owner of a profemonal basket.ball team ~uld not refuse to hire blacks, unless he were willing to face bankruptcy - and thereby cease to be a baskethall owner. 'lheoretica.lly. racists could simply absorb the loeees created by their own discriminatiOn. Empirically. it is very hard to find people who are willing to lose hard cash, in order to dis<riminate. Racista may prefer their own group to others, but they prefer themselves most of all." For those not acquainted with 'lhomas Sowell's work. I. Reality 0ptWnal? would be an excellent place to start. While the book doesn't convey the depth and richness of his thought that Marxism and Knowledge and DuisioTUI do, the volume contains well-reasoned, highly readable essays on topics important to all those who value a free society. Ml "\::..,
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October 26. 1994
Sex, Lies and Chainsaws? BY IAN GoLDENBERG
Mauacre as erotica? Yes, if you are arwsed by power tools.
Ifthia is the case, don't despair. Be tzue to your feelings and tum to page 217 of TM EncyclopÂŤJio. of Unuaual Sez Pra.ctice8. But before you go about staging a fuke castration with a worlt-
Encyclopdls 01 Unu,ual Sex Practice, Brenda love Barricade Books Softcover, 334 pgs. ing chajnsaw or electric sander, be sure to obtain your partn~s consent, and then hire a good lawyer, as the legality of this practice may vary in the more conservative Southern states. Faulty technique can't be used as a defense at the insanity hearing, as a drawing is provided on page 218. Ian Goldmberg ;.. tIM Review's latut Ea.t Quad C01T"e8pondent.
I can't be S\n"e, but the ane holding the cb.ain.eaw in the picture resembles Hillary Clinton. No practice is too sick. or unusual to be excluded from this book. Abduction and abstinence, weddings and slavery, all the way to zoophilia - it is all here. Pictures are provided for only the more shocking entries. 'lbe drawing of the different versions of herm.aphrodeity made me stop to check that I was anatomically correct. Warnings are often listed at the ends of some descriptions, and with good reason. People stupid enough to try some of these things might not realize that fooling around on an airplane wing during a flight could cause injury, especially if the sexual tbrillseeker falls 30,000 feet. Really, everything is included. Mysophilia (the attraction to foul-em.elling underwear) is illustrated in words and with a drawing of some idiot with a pair of panties on her mce. A picture is worth a thousand words. The author is kind enough to alert us to the dangers of STDs. With this, we enter into the wonderful world of entomopbilia, arousal from insects,
including but not limited to bee stings
you know where. I now know that animals can transmit STDs to humans by animals. Here's a real see-
Don' 1ry this It home, folks. nario drawn from. a warning: Im a 8ine an ophidicist (ever hear that word before now?) going to a hospital for salmonella poisoning, which she contmcted from doing something immoral
with a snake. Bestiality is covered with a new twist, in that animals don't necessarily have to still be alive (necrobestiaJism). Love's views on abortion seem bizarre when read in the context of the rest of the book. She puts the words "right to life" in quotes, hinting that maybe this movement is undeserving of the respect she accords to entomophiliacs. While the author tried to create a serious work on a frivolous topic, she still would not be able to convince the majority of Americans that people who do these things are not freaks. While she daim.s not to endorse any of these activities, she does mention on the back. cover that she is a skydiver and a licensed pilot. Draw your own conclusions. At no point did she moralize about any of these activities, which is too bad. I was kind of curious about how many dates should take place before tourniquets or electric sanders should be used. Maybe I should call home and ask. nus article was long. Were you aroused by the passage of time it took you to read it? YO),l maybe a chronophiliac.)It
Puppet Masters On the Silver Screen BY MOHAN KRISHNAN
LIENS HAVE INVADED the earth, a .population barely aware of the assault succumbs easily, and the fate ofthe world is left in the hands ofSeaet Service agents. Between the blasting and the predictions of the future world, a potent statement about our weaknesses as
The Puppet Masters Based on the 00Y8I by Robert A. HeInlein Drected by stuart Orme
humans unravels. Such is the tale woven in the science fiction classic, T~ Puppet Manen, by Robert A Heinlein. Stuart Orme's new movie, based on the book, is a powerful conversion of that stay to the silver 8tfteIl. Readers of the novel will reoognjp, that the plot is the same, within reasonable elements, but the theme is much different. The movie opens in a small town near Des Moines, Iowa, where a UFO lande. Reporters go to the scene and broadcast the news of an extraterrestrial spaceship having land:ed on
Earth, but an hour later return and state that it is only a hoax. Enter a governent intelligence agency headed by Andrew Nivens, or simply the "Old Man. .. It is an agency with no name or identity. It is not even supposed to exist. Together, a NASA scientist under the pSeudonym Mary, an agent called Sam (the Old Man's eon), and the Old Man himaelfinvesti.gate the scene. They find that the earth is being invaded by a race of slug-like creatures that can control the minds and bodies of any creature they touch. 'Ihese creatures hide under their victims' clothes, and remain hidden by MIDmngout~b~d~dmKruncÂ
ing their own landing. '!he heroes finally discover the location of the alien'8 hive, and learn that this is no alien race, but rather a single creature that can send out its "pert.s," the sluga, out alone. 'lbe agents then infect everyone who has been captured by the alien with encephalitis, killing the sluga but not their hosts. People who have read the book and expect everything to be identical will be disappointed by the slew of changes in the movie. The director, however, shows meticulous care to
detail in the movie, decorating fiNery comer of every scene perfectly, and every plot change he makes is carefully thought out. He melds perfect effect8 into the plot, making the alien's technology seem believable and lifelike. The action i8 incredible; the stunts and fights are some of the best to be seen outside of a Van Damme or Schwartzeneggar movie. None of the actors in the movie overshadow the story, but they all manage to convey their parts with sincerity and emotion. Characters grow and change much in the movie, considering it is just under two houn long. 'The overall effect of this "every word counts" standard is that the movie is seamless and, despite the crazy plot, fairly believable. '!he audience comes out of the theatre looking at each other's backs suspiciously. nus all seems to be an attempt by Onne to make a film that is his own, even though it is billed as "Robert A Heinlein's TM Puppet Mcurten." The heart of the novel is missing from. the movie, as is the theme generated by it. Heinlein published the novel in 1951, and was predicting earth as it would be in 2017, but the movie 0ccurs in the present. You will not see
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Heinlein's air cars in this movie, nor will you see energy weapons, space stations, or limb replacement. 'lhough Onne's version is easier to believe, he loses Heinlein's powerful statement that technology is leading to a weaker society. While the movie ends in celebration, the novel ends with the grim fact that humans must voyage to Saturn's moon, TItan, home of the alien, in order to purge the rest of it. Even when victcry is certain, the truth is that victory cannot be complete; one character comments, "We have to learn to live with this holTOr the way we had to learn to live with the atom bomb." Meanwhile, Onne's movie gets lost in the gunshots, explosions and car chases, and furgets the honifying aspects of the war he is depicting. Nonetheless, this movie is not marketed on the concept that bang equals bucks. Rather, it is an adaptation of a book by a grand master of science fiction into a movie that can be enjoyed by enough people to make it suocesaful. It has enough different elements, from drama to action to digital effects to keep anyone happy and to keep it from. being classified as just another sci-fi movie or written off as a cult-classic to be. m
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October 26, 1994
Co-ed Rock Bands are Keen BY
OU ARE ALL USED TO IT. You plop down your ten or fi.fteen dollan for a ticket to some show, go to the venue when the doors open to get more band for your buck., and, 10 and behold, the openers suck.
Well, Saturday, November 5 will be a night when this is definitely not the case. "How is this?" you ask. Sugar, Velocity Girl and Magnapop will be playing at St. Andrew's in Detroit. Co-ed rocken Magnapop will open the night with their fast-driving guitars (courtesy of Ruthie Morris) and laid-back pop melodies (courtesy of Linda Hopper). Magnapop currently supports their album Hot BoxinB (produced by none other than Bob Mould) on Priority Records, the follow-up to the selftitled debut which featmed BODle pr0duction by fellow Athens rocker Michael Stipe. Most fasdnating about Magnapop is Ruthie's ability to avoid rod. Rod:uD:wannabe Juliana Hatfield even wrote the song, "'Ruthless, about Rutbie's It
ability to do things that she can't Can't Stop Smiling" Sarah and gui(play guitar, write songs, etc.). Also taristJvocalist .Archie Moore create the unique to Magnapop is Linda's apultimate pop-love song with vocal inpealing, somewhat undentated meloterplay that, while unused on dies that are neither boring nor overlyea.r-ehattering. Next up is the quintessence of girl pop, Velocity Girl. Aside from the notoriously bad production of their debut full length on Sub Pop Records, entitled Copacetic, v 0 ca li st Ib ab e Sarah Shannon still managed to shine through on pop masterpieces like "Crazy Town" and the I droning, noisy "A Chang." This Is about llllOI1IIIf-.Iootng II bIndI get, 10 enfoy. Their most recent full-length Copacetic, is on much of JSimpaticol ,Simpaticol is more pleasing to the Velocity Girl's brand of inoffenear in both sounds and songs. · On "I sive pop is much more focused. and'''"
interesting now. '!heir unprecedented five-album deal with Sub Pop promises even more pop delights. 'The night ends with God's gift; to rock and roll, Sugar. .After the renowned influence of Httsker Du, the acclaim of his solo albums, and the past sales of Sugar, Bob Mould has a lot to live up to. But never fear, Sugars third album and second full-length, Fire Under: Easy Listening, is a predictably excellent album, complete with thidt and juicy guitars and hooks galore. Highlights include the fint non-Bob Sugar song, "Company Book." Written and sung by bassist David Barbe, who also plays with Buzz Hungry, the additional writing may be a good sign for those who complain of Sugar's linearity. Live they are anything but, since Bob ft-equently swaps the mic with David, picks up th~ acoustic here and there, and all out rocks the rest of the time.
Sugar, Velocity Girl and Magnapop play Saturday, November 5 at St. Andrew's. Doors open at 9 P.M. You are a fool if you don't go.Ml
Samiam, Ween, and Come C
to find more "pop-punk" bands out there and, for the most part, cOming up with junk, it's good to find Samjam. Never heard of them? Not surprisingly, the five ,--------, piece band hails from. Samiam Berkeley, California Clumsy where they have a Atlantic strong history with L - -_ _ _- ' the Bay Area punk scene. Memben have been in such bands Redd Kross, Masten of Reality and The Mr. T Experience while their albums have been produced by the likes of ex- Bad Religion guitarist/Epitaph Records owner Brett Gurewitz and Armand John Petri (Goo Goo Dolls). Clum.", produced by Lou Giordano (Sugar, Httsker Do.), lives up to their past while expanding on the better parts of bands like All and Seaweed. While Bamiam shows that they can whip up pop-punk tunes as fast as the next guy, they probe past the tbree-minute pop song into more powerful melodies and more lyrical
Drew Pete,.. u a wng-l&aired hippie freo,It,. We 8ti1llove him, dupite his appearance.
depth than most of the radio-friendly punk out there. Get a load of these guys and you'll wonder why you ever bought that Offspring record.
EEN CONTINUES TO 00 whatever they want on their fourth album, Chocolate and Cheese. Compared to their previous albums, C&C has taken Ween's oddities to greater extremes while they seem to get in touch with their Ween more normal sides. Chocolate and Although the Cheese busty packaging Elektra shows their penchant for the offensive, many of the tracks' lyrics are not that vire, and a good portion of the melodies are even poppy. I hate to say it but the instrumental entitled "A Tear for Eddie" that is actually ... uh ... pretty! But 1ims will not be disappointed; the Ween brothers still spit out their nasty blend of disco and lounge music, and yes, they still use the Casio drum machine. "Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)" is as tasteless as it sounds, and they are hip with the times with "'Ihe mv song." All in all, Ween is a truly tasty treat.
OME CONTINUES TO SPEW out their ugly, rootsy rock on their second full-length Don't Ask Don't TeU. The anti-pop, unfeminine melodies ofvocalistJguitarist 'lhalia Zedek are a shock. to the system at first, but II
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Zedek's fonner band, Live Skull) and bassist Sean O'Brien moved from Athens, Georgia to Boston. There they hooked up with Zedek and guitarist Chris Brokaw (ex-Codeine), who had been jamming at the time. Although they deny any big blues influence, Come has the depressing grooves of the blues laCed with a nasty vocal style, thus they are on Matador and not something more commercial. Regardless of influenoe, Dorft AM Don't Tell is mellow and magnificent.
Come open8 up for Dinosaur Jr. Friday, Non.e guys look like frat bop, don't they? vember 4 at State after the eerie and dramatic music Theatre in Detroit. Samiam plays takes hold, Come gets you to wallow Friday, October 28 at St. AndreW.. in their unhappy .---------, The Toadies open. Dean and Gene and lethargic Come Ween will rip up the stage Saturworld. Don't Ask day October 29 at St. Andrew8in Come came Don't Tell Detroit. Motoeaster opens up. )It together when Matador drummer Arthur '---_ _ _ _---.J Johnson (whose former band, Barbacue Killen had opened up for
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