Michigan Chronicle 10.12.21

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Apple’s First Developer Academy in the U.S. Welcomes Inaugural Class in Detroit Roots. A3

Michigan Chronicle

Vol. 85 – No. 6 | October 13-19, 2021

Powered by Real Times Media | michiganchronicle.com


Why Detroit Needs a New Mayor

By Herb Strather

Rationale of why I selected Mike Duggan - the right person for the time In 2013, everyone knew we needed good municipal management, and Mike Duggan was the ideal candidate. He got the DMC Hospital system back on track financially. Therefore, I reached out in hopes of influencing him into running for Mayor; He agreed. So, I gave him a campaign office in Tower Center on Grand River and Greenfield and donated the maximum legal contribution. I also lobbied Herb Strather at a number of churches on his behalf and made a strong case as to why we needed to elect “Mike for Mayor.” Make no mistake, this cost me a few friends and even more colleagues and I am NOT apologizing for fighting hard for Mike’s Mayorship. It was the right thing to do at the time. The city is now bustling with new construction in targeted communities and lots of new millenniums. However, the impact on African American Detroiters is far more devastating with more than $320,000,000 in equity loss from illegal property tax foreclosures during the last 8 years and NO plans by Duggan to restore the losses. Times have changed dramatically Fiscal matters are more under control, but not for African American families. In general, Black people face a deplorable state of epic proportions. Our population is more than 75% African American making us the largest concentration of Black people in North America, yet we own less than 15% of gross business economy in the city. Other nationalities are thriving as a result of Black consumerism. Black people primary businesses are hair salons, soul food restaurants, and manual car washes while holding less than 1% of gas stations, grocery stores, liquor stores and 10% of Dispensaries. Furthermore, Black people do not realize or do not care about the dispositional economic impact happening in front of their very own eyes. We must retire Mike Duggan because… Duggan’s administration knowingly and illegally foreclosed on tens of thousands of lower-income African American homeowners for non-payment of property taxes which they were legally not required to pay and Mike knew it. About 16,000 of these homes were acquired at Wayne County Tax Auctions by “New Detroiters” and others from around the world, making a huge $300 Million dollar profit to Wayne County & Detroit.


MAYOR? page A2

WHAT’S INSIDE SENIORcare Michigan Chronicle

Caring for the Next Phase of Life

By Sherri Kolade

Black Community Helping Yourself Help Your Loved One

Parenting Your Parents How To Help Your Elder Parent Age Gracefully

Our Best Shot

The Importance of Vaccines for Older Adults

SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Why Black Women Are More at Risk of Dying From Breast Cancer

Roots. A3

“We may not know the total outcome,” he said, adding that for those hesitant in the African American community need to do some more soul searching and looking into getting vaccinated. “We can’t get sucked into the nonsense.”

With her vaccine card in hand, Westland resident Lena Nichols, 88, waited her turn for her first booster shot against COVID-19 recently.

According to the Mayo Clinic, long COVID is having symptoms persist for months, which can damage the lungs, heart and brain, leading to long-term health problems.

On Thursday, October 7, at Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, 29066 Eton St., Nichols was one of the dozens of people who lined up for their vaccine – either as first or second-timers or to receive their booster.

Detroit resident Iesha Paul, 29, told the Michigan Chronicle that she wants to avoid long COVID and she might consider getting a booster shot if it becomes available to her. Presently, booster shots are available to people 65 years and older or for those with health problems.

A booster dose of a vaccine is an additional dose that is used to “boost” the immune response to a specific virus. It’s not unusual to need a booster vaccine and we have had boosters for many viruses. For those who received the two-shot Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, it’s recommended some people get a booster dose at least six months after the second shot. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the six months in between your second dose and booster is needed to make the booster shot more effective. Nichols, who received a booster along with her 68-year-old daughter, told the Michigan Chronicle that she wants to stay healthy, especially since she lives alone. “I didn’t want to have to get the virus and figure out [what’s next],” Nichols said, adding that she received her first shot of the Moderna vaccine in January, and the second one in February. “I believe in the science,” she said. Nichols, also a member of Gethsemane, was vaccinated through the church’s weekly vaccine drive on Thursdays from noon to 4 p.m. in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Iesha Paul Pastor John Edward Duckworth told the Michigan Chronicle that the clinic has been running periodically since the summer in collaboration with the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity. He said that he is now, for the most part, dealing with the hesitant crowd. “People getting it now were the ‘wait and see’ crowd,” he said, adding that he had to sit and pray with a lot of people before they took the shot. Some he even went with them as they received the vaccine. “A lot of young people... [I] worked on them.” Duckworth said that his elderly mother recently received her booster shot and a lot of people who are now getting vaccinated have suffered from symptoms of long COVID.

“Overall, I am in pretty good health. However, I do live with an autoimmune condition. While it doesn’t severely impact my day-to-day, I am on medication to manage it,” she said. “I’m interested in getting the booster because it’s clear that I can’t trust a lot of other people to get vaccinated...At this point, it’s mutated so much that the thought of contracting the virus, vaccinated or not, scares me. I do plan to get the booster shot before the end of the year.” Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, an infectious disease specialist in Ann Arbor, told the Michigan Chronicle that although most people with COVID-19 get better within weeks of illness, some people experience post-COVID conditions. “Post-COVID conditions are a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems people can experience four or more weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID19. Even people who did not have COVID19 symptoms in the days or weeks after


3.0 page A2

Is Seeking Asylum Becoming a Black Issue? By Megan Kirk

Alzheimer’s and the


Pandemic 3.0 Expert, Residents Talk Booster Shots, Long COVID Symptoms

The United States is a melting pot of cultures, ethnicities and ideologies. Seen as a mecca for many in underdeveloped countries, America is believed to be a place where individuals can live free of the political tyranny seen in many parts of the world. Pew Research estimates more than 40 million people currently residing in the states were born abroad. According to the U.S. Department of State, the government anticipates receiving more than 300,000 asylum requests by the end of 2021. Recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Haiti are threatening to possibly surpass that number. Contextually, a refugee is anyone born outside of the United States and its territo-

in 2002 after 9/11 ries who has exhappened. We perienced perse[myself and sibcution or “has a lings] were fortuwell-founded fear nate enough to of persecution” come without parbased on their ents through a prorace, religion, nagram called Unactionality, membercompanied Minors. ship in a particuThere’s two in the lar social group, United States, one including sexual in Grand Rapids,” orientation and the said Diba MohamLGBT community, madullah, who is and personal polita native-born Afical views. Asylum ghani. can be granted to Diba Mohammadullah refugees who are either already Afghanistan has always been in America after fleeing for the a country wracked by war. Servaforementioned reasons or indi- ing as America’s longest war, the viduals who appear at U.S. ports recently-ended U.S. War in Afof entry like the borders between ghanistan was fueled by the Talneighboring countries and the iban takeover of the middle eastUnited States. ern country and terrorist attacks “I came to America as a refugee in the same system back

in America, including the tragedy of September 11, 2001. As the

country continued to go through a political tug-of-war, its citizens became casualties of the 20-year struggle. In 2019, amid a controversial presidency and administration, Donald Trump made the executive decision to call off Peace Talks and in 2020, though some troops had already begun to be pulled out of the country, the official withdrawal announcement came from the U.S. Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller. Assuming office in January 2021, President Joe Biden declared a full military withdrawal by September 2021. Causing an outcry from thousands of Afghan natives, the airport at the country’s capital was immediately flooded with individuals fleeing from the Taliban’s

See ASYLUM page A2

Page A-2 • michiganchronicle.com • October 13-19, 2021

Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper

SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989

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CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: newsdesk@michronicle.com

New Mayor? From page A-1

Michigan Supreme Court in Rafaeli vs. Oakland County ruled this year that local governments cannot keep profits from tax foreclosures and must return the excess proceeds to the former homeowners. This case is making its way through the Court of Appeals to determine if compensation should be retroactive. The administration has received more than $800 Million from the feds. How much will go toward restoring lost equity owed to those that have suffered under this Administration as opposed to funding the paving of bike lanes for residents in Duggan’s targeted communities? Anthony Adams believe, we should restore ownership to Detroiters that have lost homes under these circumstances. He would start by allocating some of the American Rescue Funds to restore illegally loss ownership, he believes in a preference on all Detroit Land bank Homes to those impacted. Duggan gives preferential treatment to people he identifies with most. For example, Russell Woods between Dexter and Broad Street receives funding, while streets between Dexter and Linwood does not. (Thank God for GM recent $50M grant for 48206). Grandmont – Rosedale was another targeted area. Funding stopped in the center of the community at Asbury Park instead of Grand River. Same with 48221 – funding stops in Bagley and does not extend west of Wyoming. Anthony Adams, believes we can easily develop the adjacent areas where African Americans and other disadvantaged citizens live Block by Block (contiguous) without scattered sites that will not amount to wide-scale or distinguishable redevelopment. Anthony Adams believes redevelopment efforts should be linked together and not intentionally focused on new groups at the expense of native Detroiters who have lived here, paid their taxes and labored here their entire lives. Duggan sold and financed

Asylum From page A-1 control. Official numbers from the Pentagon report roughly 65,000 Afghans have been evacuated by the United States. America has also put into place a plan to resettle Afghans with Congress approving $6.3 billion dollars in emergency assistance to help with the efforts. For some, America’s investment in the war makes the country and its assets worth the cause. “Billions of dollars have been spent on Afghanistan, so I think Americans see it as more relevant. Afghanistan has been at war for decades. I personally think it has a lot to do with the region. The reason Afghanistan is so valuable is because the mountains carry gold or diamonds or ruby’s so someone always has their hand in that pot,” said Mohammadullah. Across the world from Afghanistan, similarly, Haitians are facing a unique set of difficulties in politics as well as the environment. The country’s president was assassinated in July 2021 causing an immediate domino effect in the country’s already weak political system. Additionally, Haiti continues to suffer the economic hardship caused by a 2010 earth-

the majority of downtown to one person. Dan Gilbert is Duggan’s main man and close friends states they are related. He now owns the majority of downtown Detroit with billions in public financing by the DEGC AND Opportunity Zone Funds slated for Detroit neighborhoods and Detroit Public Schools funds. Never in history has this happened to any city in America be it predominantly black or white. Because good people, practices and policies would not allow such a thing to occur. The question becomes whether or not Detroiters will actually endorse this practice by reelecting Duggan. Adam would not allow any person or entity to receive more than 10% of a public funding pot period! Black Lives Matter, Black Wealth Matters, Black Homeownership Matters, and most importantly, the Next Generation of young Detroiters Matter! Therefore, by definition Black Political Leadership matter. I have been blessed with a wonderful family and more than 55 Godchildren. I am fighting “The Good Fight” for their future, for your children and grandchildren’s future, and for the future of every young person we know, care for, and love. It takes a village. Collectively, we are the village! The question is whether we will stand together to protect their future. In summary, what we need in times like these is a fundamental shift in municipal management, and quantifiable answerability. We need someone that is a part of our communities’ landscape that will tell it like it is and honestly talk to us about our shortcomings while providing tools, resources, and equal opportunity for correction! We have an obligation to “Level the Playing Field!” I cannot help but to wonder how many future Dan Gilberts would be possible if Anthony Adams was Mayor. Am I a fool to write this story? Duggan is a well-funded, vengeful, political strategist aligning himself with local pastors, distributing funds to their projects or naming streets after them and taking photo ops surrounded by misinformed African Americans. Some of my

quake which killed more than 250,000 and causing the country’s financial structure to crumble. Labeled the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti and its people have long since suffered the ramifications of a broken system. A 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the country in August, leading to a mass exodus, landing many Haitians right at America’s doorstep. Now, thousands of Haitians are lining Texas borders for a chance at the American Dream. Though many migrated to South American countries like Brazil and Chile, restrictive immigration policies and COVID protocols have caused these country’s borders to remain closed. Making the journey through South America to Mexico and ultimately, to the Texas border is likened to a modern-day Underground Railroad, similarly being met with whips and horse-drawn men. With no plan in place for Haitian refugees, those seeking asylum have already started the process of being returned to their native land. “The U.S. government showed a total disregard for the right to seek asylum when it sent agents on horseback with reins flailing to control and deter this largely Black migrant population,” said Alison Parker,


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well-intended colleagues think I am foolish to write such a story exposing Duggan - After all, he has control over millions of dollars that can certainly help complete high-profile projects that have been sitting far too long on Detroit’s busiest streets. However, as a community and Youth Advocate (being President Elect of the Detroit Association of Realtors and having built 150 Optimist Clubs). I cannot look at the Duggan’s political glitter and say nothing about 1/3rd of a billion in losses suffered by my people. Hell, I would rather die first than not fight the Good Fight for my community and little kids like me. So, I do not care about political backlash. I declare I am a child of God and he did not create me to be foolish or fearful Let me admit that I am not the only person that feels like its Time for a Change ng of Guard is an absolute necessity. Interestingly, there were 4 African Americans on Duggan’s Executive Committee in 2013, a brilliant young Harvard Graduate as campaign manager, a well-known pastor with a church on Woodward, a prominent contractor on E. Jefferson, and me, a real estate developer & Coach. Out of us 4 former supporters, Duggan might get one dishearteningly vote. Simply put, we know too much and will NOT knowingly contribute to the demise of our own community! We have the Power! This election is about whether or not we have the will power and commitment to take back our city, regain respect and level the playing field ensuring that African Americans who loss their homes are restored. communities are simultaneously redeveloped; no one’s relative or any person can take the majority pot of public funds and entitlements. We owe this to the next generations just as our parents demonstrated for us. Yes, Duggan has a boatload of campaign funds from all the major companies in & outside of Detroit, but they cannot vote – WE can! In the words of our beloved civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Support and vote for Adam.

U.S. managing director at Human Rights Watch. “This violent treatment of Haitians at the border is just the latest example of racially discriminatory, abusive and illegal U.S. border policies that are returning people to harm and humanitarian disaster.” Organizations like Freedom House in Detroit works to aid refugees through the asylum process and provides a safe haven until legalization and citizenship is finalized in Michigan. Though the organization is in place, for refugees, Freedom House is a safe house that must be found along their way. The organization does work with other entities with like-minded principles and wants to help refugees seek safety. “To find Freedom House is another journey. That’s one of the aspects… [they] may have found or gotten their way into the United States, they would have to take the steps to find Freedom House, whether through referral, word of mouth, partner organization, faith-based groups or any organization that works with immigrants and refugees,” said Deborah Drennan, CEO for Freedom House. As the country gets set to allow thousands of Afghan refugees to migrate to the states while Haitians are whipped at the Texas border, many are wondering why America has a different approach for Haitians seeking the chance at a better life. “The Haitians who have arrived at the southern border in Texas have faced economic deprivation, environmental disasters, a pandemic and so much more. So, fighting for their survival and future, the bravery they undertook, the dangerous journey to come to the United States. Why wouldn’t we see that enough to say these are the strength of character,” said Drennan.

Though both minority groups have suffered both politically and economically, America plans to provide resettlement to thousands of Afghan refugees while Haitians seeking asylum are met with adverse consequences to seeking protection. The treatment raises the question of America’s longstanding battle with Black bodies. “Speaking for myself, I think that it has always been a challenge, in this country for sure, but I think the fear of newcomers in general; anybody that looks different, anyone that has cultural differences that may seem odd or strange, I think certain mediums have highlighted that in how we portray Haitians and Middle Eastern people in movies. It has been ingrained that they are evil people and that is obviously not the case nor how Freedom House would treat its clients,” said Drennan. Financially, asylum seekers enter the United States with little to no money. It could be one individual or a full family. Unable to work while seeking asylum, financial support is critical to help them through the process. “Legally, asylum-seekers cannot earn an income during the process,” said Drennan. “The application is 12 pages but can look like a ream of paper once you have all the evidentiary support. It could take four months and that’s being generous, then 365 days from the date the application is received by the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) then, the work clock starts ticking when they can apply for work authorization. In America, life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness are all but guaranteed, making it a desirable place for starting a better life. However, for those of African ancestry, will these guarantees ever include them?


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they were infected can have post-COVID conditions,” she said. “These conditions can present as different types and combinations of health problems for different lengths of time.” Bagdasarian said that people commonly report experiencing different combinations of some symptoms including: ■ Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath ■ Tiredness or fatigue ■ Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental activities (also known as post-exertional malaise) ■ Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”) ■ Cough ■ Chest or stomach pain ■ Headache. “Some people who had severe illness with COVID-19 experience multiorgan effects or autoimmune conditions over a longer time with symptoms lasting weeks or months after COVID-19 illness. Multiorgan effects can affect many, if not all, body systems, including heart, lung, kidney, skin and brain functions,” she added. She also said that it’s important to get the vaccine, especially this Fall. Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan recently spoke about the city offering booster shots at all cityrun vaccination sites, following FDA approval. Fully vaccinated individuals may receive the booster shot if they completed their Pfizer vaccine series at least six months prior. At this time, the booster is available only for residents who re-

ceived the Pfizer vaccine. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are still awaiting approval. “According to the CDC, unvaccinated people are 11 times more likely to die from COVID than vaccinated ones and the Delta variant likely will be here in full force by November,” said Mayor Duggan. “I can’t recommend strongly enough that anyone who can get the booster, go to one of our vaccination sites and get it as soon as possible so you can be protected and stay safe.” Pfizer booster shots are strongly encouraged and available now for the following groups: ■ Detroit residents 65 years and older ■ Detroit residents 18 through 64 years of age who are at high risk of severe COVID-19 due to underlying health conditions ■ Individuals 18 or older living or working in Detroit whose occupation puts them at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure. Booster shots will be available at all City of Detroit vaccination sites including all 10 walk-in centers, as well as home visits. Appointments are encouraged for all vaccination sites, call 313230-0505 or schedule an appointment online at www.vaccinatedetroit. com. Walk-ins are welcome. Bring a vaccination card to the appointment. Third shots are also available at all sites for all immunocompromised residents after 28 days following completion of their two-dose series of Pfizer and Moderna. Anyone unsure should consult with their medical provider.


| October 13-19, 2021



Cultivating Opportunity: A Chance for Growth By Jerome Crawford and Myles Baker (Wolverine Bar Association)

In the realm of legalized marijuana programs now in Michigan, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) falls under an umbrella term of art coined “social equity,” which, in sum, means fairly distributing resources and opportunities to level the playing field, particularly for those disproportionately impacted by the failed “War on Drugs.” Now, in a world where cannabis is becoming legalized in many states across the country, including Michigan, those who were negatively affected by the criminalization of cannabis, find it difficult to benefit from the legalization of cannabis. The Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA), Michigan’s cannabis regulator, is working to increase DEI in the cannabis industry through implementation of its Social Equity Program. According to the MRA, the Program’s intention is “to promote and encourage participation in the marijuana industry by people from communities that have been disproportionately impacted by marijuana prohibition and enforcement and to positively impact those communities.” Pursuant to the MRA Social Equity Program, qualifying individuals can receive fee reductions toward the cost of application and licensing fees. These fee reductions help lower the barriers to entry and allow more individuals to participate in the Michigan adult-use cannabis industry. The MRA outlines specific criteria where qualifying individuals must meet one of the following to receive the associated benefits: • Residency in a disproportionately impacted community for at least 5 cumulative years within the past 10 years = 25 percent fee reduction; • Conviction of a marijuana related offense; • Misdemeanor convictions = 25 percent fee reduction • Felony convictions = 40 percent fee reduction • Registration as a primary caregiver under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) for at least 2 years between 2008 and 2017 = 10 percent fee reduction. Although these programs do not completely eliminate the socio-economic barriers to participate in the cannabis industry, this program is a step in the right direction. Similarly, the establishment of Michigan’s Clean Slate Laws will also assist individuals in moving forward with application after a drug-related conviction. Under the Clean Slate Laws, a person convicted of one or more misdemeanor or local ordinance marijuana crimes can petition the court to set aside convictions. As it pertains to cannabis, if the conviction was based on activity that would not have been a crime after the 2018 voter-passed initiative to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Michigan, conviction can be expunged. The Clean Slate Laws also seek to implement an automatic process for expunging some drug related misdemeanors after 7 years, and certain nonviolent drug felonies after 10 years. Automatic expunge-


Danielle Drake adorns her natural crown.

By Megan Kirk

Local Detroit Nurse Survives

ancer C &


As October ushers in Breast Cancer Awareness Month, fighters, survivors and supporters proudly display pink ribbons to show solidarity. For one local Detroiter, a second bout with cancer was only made worse with the pandemic. Through faith, family and strength, this survivor was able to beat the odds and live to advocate for others. Danielle Drake was just 13-years-old when she was first diagnosed with cancer. As a child, Drake was active in cheer, track and other extracurricular activities. The seemingly healthy child noticed an eggsized lump on the side of her neck. Then, shifts occurred in eating habits and sleep patterns. “I was also having really bad night sweats. Initially, my parents thought it was because I was so busy but really, I was actively dying,” said Drake. After a trip to the doctor, tests would reveal the young teen was about to endure the fight of a lifetime. The diagnosis was Stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The severity of Drake’s case warranted a house call. “That night the doctor showed up to our door with X-rays,” said Drake.

See CANCER & COVID page B-2

Why Black Women Are More at Risk of Dying From Breast Cancer (StatePoint) Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. Yet, according to a recently released report, Black women in the United States face a perfect storm of issues spanning across every aspect of the health care system and society at-large that are causing them to die about 40% more often from breast cancer than white women. Indeed, in some metropolitan areas, the gap can be as high as 74% Why is this happening? As the report, “Closing the Breast Cancer Gap: A Roadmap to Save Lives of Black Women in America,” by breast cancer leader Susan G. Komen highlights, despite advances in science and increased access to early detection nationally, Black women face the combined effects of racial, gender, ethnic and other forms of bias while navigating systems and institutional structures in which entrenched inequities remain the status quo. This experience is felt by Black women nationwide, regardless of their income, education or insurance status. For example, one Black health care professional who participated in a focus group for the

report noted that her own experience is poor when she goes for treatment without her “white coat.” “I was ignored until the doctor came into the room and started asking me very specific questions. The way I answered made the doctor stop and ask my background. I asked, ‘why does it matter?’ She said, ‘Do you work in the health care field?’ I said, ‘More or less.’... She stopped, and she said, ‘Oh, so what's your title?’ I said, ‘It’s Dr.,’ and within 30 minutes I was upstairs in a room. If I get treated this way, then what do other people go through? I really felt like I was just another Black face, until they understood that this Black face came with a level of influence and authority.” These issues are exacerbated by the socioeconomic impacts of segregation, unfair employment practices and racist policies like redlining that still divide many metropolitan areas today. For example, many Black women face difficulties finding high-quality cancer care located near them. In the report, one Dallas-area health care provider recounted how a 65-year-old woman walked about 10 miles in the July heat to get


Page A-4 • michiganchronicle.com •

October 13-19, 2021

Ford Men of Courage Celebrates 6th Annual Detroit Leadership Forum By Andre Ash

Breast Cancer From page A-3

The sixth annual Ford Men of Courage Detroit Leadership Forum returned to engage and inspire men through panel discussions and storytelling. The sixhour event was held at the Charles H. Wright Museum, Friday. The forum hosted Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrest, author Jason Wilson, attorney and CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers, and a host of other distinguish men as leaders in their profession and community. The Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of the automotive company, continues to shine through its Men of Courage program is an initiative that is grassroots and is focused on changing the narrative about African American men. Launched in Detroit in 2015, MOC has expanded into an essential part of Ford Fund’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The program is designed to build and strengthen communities by advancing the narrative of black men through storytelling, education programs, and forums for community conversations. Justin Kimpson is the national manager of Ford Motor Company Fund’s Men of Courage program. He also serves as senior director of the Ford Resource & Engagement Center where he oversees operations, program management, partnership development and food mobile distribution. Kimpson brings more than 15 years of diverse experience in the fields of philanthropy, education, and

Cancer & COVID From page A-3

As a child, the emotional trauma caused by the Stage 4 diagnosis was a tough course to navigate. However, it helped Drake discover the power of prayer. “This was groundbreaking in my faith as far as totally surrendering to God. It was scary,” said Drake. “The things that have happened on this journey are things you would expect to see in a movie.” In adulthood, the personal journey with cancer motivated Drake to obtain a Master’s degree in nursing. Wanting to provide the same level of care she received during her initial diagnosis, Drake was unaware she would again be on the receiving end. In October 2020, Drake was diagnosed with Stage 2 Metaplastic Breast Cancer after noticing a lump in her breast. Due to her initial cancer diagnosis, Drake’s attentive nature towards her body and overall health led her to do regular exams. “What was a pivotal moment for my journey with breast cancer, [was that] I was dealing with a cyst in my right breast since June [2020] and I

to her screening mammogram. By the time she got to the hospital she was dehydrated and had to go to the emergency room to get fluids before her screening. And those who rely on Medicaid or similar insurance are often turned away once they arrive or are forced to wait hours to see someone. workforce development. “We’ve traveled the country hosting intergenerational summits where African-American men have vision boards and really plot and strategize on solutions to improve their communities”, said Kimpson. “It’s all about focusing on and shifting that narrative. Too many times you’ve seen the media display negative images of black men. We’re more than just those negative images.” The forum was an opportunity for young men and veteran men to learn and empower each other and to carry the torch of being change-agents in their fields and community. Currently, the Ford Fund’s Men of Courage program is spearing its annual Metro Area Barbershop Challenge. This initiative invites barbershop owners to submit innovative community proposals designed to stimulate positive social economic mobility in their community. Three finalists compete over a monthslong period by developing community engagement programming for adults and youth.

“Its really monumental for our business as a whole,” said DeWayne Greathouse, owner of Greathouse Barber and Beauty salon, one of the top finalists for the ‘Barbershop Challenge’. “We plan to use the proceeds to conduct several community events that will reach the troubled youth and we’re excited to make our fingerprint on the community in connection to our business.” This is very exciting,” said Markuan Tigney of Sheaves and Shaves, another finalist in the ‘Barbershop Challenge’. “I’m looking forward to giving back to my community. It’s just a great jumpstart and incentive to get more people involved. Following the Detroit Leadership Forum, Ford Motor Company unveiled its new “Men of Change” exhibit at the Charles H. Wright Museum. This exhibition uses bold, contemporary visual art, fresh literary excerpts, and vibrant stories to highlight revolutionary African American men in all aspects of their life and careers.

would often do exams on myself because of my past medical history,” said Drake. The aggressive form of breast cancer is rare, accounting for less than five percent of breast cancer cases. Originally told the mass was a cyst and undergoing draining efforts, the cyst returned in a matter of days. “When people hear ‘Stage 2’ they automatically diminish the seriousness of something as life threatening as cancer,” said Drake. In addition to chemo treatments, the nurse also underwent a double mastectomy, removing both breasts. For this round of cancer and treatment, the emotional toll was rooted in the essence of life and womanhood. “I’m older now. I’m more accountable. I’m a woman. I’m parting with things they make me such in the physical realm of being a woman,” said Drake. A common occurrence in cancer treatment, hair loss has its own emotional effects. For women in particular, losing hair, in addition to other femininities, can lower self-esteem. For Drake, the opposite occurred. “As a woman, I can honestly say going through this made me feel even finer than I was. My hair, that was part of my pride as a woman,” said Drake. “Now, I feel fine, I feel regal, I feel

empowered. I feel fearless.” A cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments strip the body of its immune system making a common cold lethal. COVID and its effects can render cancer patients unable to fight the virus. In January 2021, in the midst of chemotherapy treatments, Drake also contracted COVID-19. “Around that time, I had just had chemo. Chemo takes its toll on the body. It’s to the point that you’re crippled. You don’t eat, you can barely think. You can’t even sleep because you’re worried about what’s to come,” said Drake. “With COVID, I already felt bad, but I felt worse.” Now she has a clean bill of health: Drake’s breast cancer is in remission and there have been no noted long-term effects of COVID. Drake also received implants to restore her breasts. A two-time cancer warrior and COVID survivor, Drake now plans to give back in any way she can. Encouraging others in the fight, Drake believes it is important to enrich the mind, body and soul with scripture and believe in the power of prayer. “People look at the battle and automatically see defeat, but forget to grant themselves the authority to have faith in spite of, regardless of what doctors say,” says Drake. “You defeat the odds.”

These transportation and insurance issues are just a few of the barriers tragically impacting Black women today. Whether it’s substandard care, the availability and affordability of diagnostics and follow-up care, unfair public policies, insurance practices and implicit bias and racism, the report authors stress that Black women are dying more than white women because our systems are failing them at every step in their breast cancer journey. Leveraging the insights and solutions recommended in the report, Komen is launching a new initiative called Stand for H.E.R. – a Health Equity Revolution, to take specific action in each of the 10 U.S. metropolitan areas where disparities are the greatest. Made possible by funding from Robert Smith and the Fund II Foundation, this initiative will include several specific interventions to improve the quality of care and to overcome obstacles and bias, including connecting women to care through culturally competent patient navigators. The hope is that by launching this initiative, other organizations and community stakeholders will join with Komen to address the long-ignored issues that continue to marginalize the Black community.

Opportunity From page A-3 ment has not yet been implemented but should be implemented sometime in 2022 or 2023. It will take state endorsed programs, such as the MRA Social Equity Program and Clean Slate Laws, as well as action on the behalf of private employers acting pursuant to their state mandated Social Equity Plans, to continue to right the wrongs of the “War on Drugs.” Jerome Crawford is the director of legal operations and social equity for Pleasantrees, and along with Myles Baker, director of legal & regulatory compliance, together they incorporate and adopt DEI standards for Pleasantrees Social Equity Plan.




| October 13-19, 2021



Goldman Sachs and Loop Financial Two large financial firms are teaming up to provide classes geared towards the educational and career development of Black women in STEM and related fields. Loop Capital Markets, founded in 1997, is a full-service investment bank, brokerage and advisory firm helping link corporations, government and institutions with capital. Now, one of the largest privately-held investment banks in the country is partnering with Goldman Sachs to help bridge the gaps in racial equity. Together, both companies will combine to create market fund share class offerings for the clients of the Black-led financial firm, Loop Capital Markets, which is also the largest minority- or women-owned investment banking firm in the world. To further their cause, Loop Capital and Goldman Sachs will use some of the revenue generated from the classes to invest in other causes that also aid in growing racial equity. Internet giant Google also made a $500 million investment and provided assistance in developing the fund in its beginning stages. Google has been active in addressing racial inequalities. The investment with Loop Capital and Goldman Sachs adds onto the more than $320 million the internet conglomerate has already committed to organizations working to address racial inequities. “We are delighted to have partnered with Goldman Sachs and Google on this important initiative. This launch creates a partnership for corporations to use the cash on their balance sheets to further opportunities for Black women and have a real, lasting impact on communities far and wide,” says Kourtney Gibson, president of Loop Capital Markets. For many companies, racial equity and diversity have been hot button issues during recent years. With the continually growing wealth gap, African American women, yet topping the class in entrepreneurship, are steadily left behind in the greater economic makeup of the country. The coronavirus pandemic helped to shine a light on growing disparities for minorities, especially Black women. Together, Loop Capital and Goldman Sachs, alongside Google, are making strides to positively impact Black women in STEM. “We’re proud to be at the forefront of incorporating responsible investing into the money market fund ecosystem, translating our racial equity commitments into lasting and meaningful change. This share class, distributed by Loop Capital, will create economic opportunity within diverse communities and promote educational and career development for Black women in STEM,” says Juan Rajlin, corporate treasurer for Alphabet and Google. “We hope to inspire other corporations to invest in these types of opportunities to make a positive impact.” The share classes will be distributed by Loop, but will be offered as a part of the Goldman Sachs Financial Square Government Fund and the Goldman Sachs Financial Square Treasury Instruments Fund. With the help of these classes, the partnership hopes to further the interest and careers of

See STEM page A6

Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, MSU President Samuel Stanley and an Apple Academy student talk on Thursday, October 7 in Detroit. Photo provided by Apple

Apple’s First Developer Academy in the U.S. Welcomes Inaugural Class in Detroit By Sherri Kolade Apple Developer Academy in Detroit, the first of its kind in the United States, welcomed its inaugural cohort of about 104 students on Monday, October 4, at First National Building downtown. The academy opened this month in a newly redesigned space in the city as part of Apple’s $100 million Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI). Last June, Apple announced REJI in the wake of protests around the world following the killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and countless others. The initiative builds on Apple’s work to advance racial equity in education, the economy and the criminal justice system and is led by Apple’s Vice President of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives, Lisa Jackson. A few Apple Developer Academies exist worldwide; presently, locations are in Brazil, Italy and Indonesia. Here in the U.S., Michigan State University (MSU) is hosting the Apple Developer Academy. Located in the First National Building, the Academy welcomes students in-person to an environment created specifically to facilitate collaboration and engagement. The Gilbert Family Foundation contributed a gift to MSU to provide the space, and the foundation will support the Detroit Apple Developer Academy’s efforts as it grows and evolves. The more than 100 students in the first cohort come from all over Metro Detroit, and range in ages from 18 to 60 years old. The




ing close to 1,000 students annually through the full 10-month Academy program and a shorter four-week Foundation course. The academy curriculum is designed to ensure graduates have the full suite of skills to find and create jobs in the iOS app economy. This includes coding fundamentals, design, marketing and more. The iOS app economy supports over 2.1 million jobs across all 50 states and continues to provide new economic opportunities for developers and their teams, according to a press release. On Thursday, October 8, a tour was held at the Academy where local and statewide leaders were in attendance including Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, Michigan State University President Samuel Stanley, Apple Racial Equity and Justice Initiative Project Lead Alisha Johnson, and Gordon Shukwit, the director of the Apple Developer Academy. “We believe apps for everyone should be designed by everyone, and that all aspiring developers and entrepreneurs should have the opportunity to be a part of the thriving app economy,” said Jackson. “Detroit has an incredible entrepreneurial spirit, powered by creativity and inclusion, and we’re thrilled to welcome this inaugural class of creators as we start classes at the Apple Developer Academy, the first of its kind in the U.S. Through the power of technology and innovation, we are proud to be helping prepare these innovators for new opportunities.” After the tour, Gilchrist told the Michigan Chronicle that the state of Michigan is “proud” to see this equity and technology-driven collaboration come together through investments.

He also said that Apple making its first U.S. developer academy in Detroit speaks volumes. “It says a lot about Apple and a lot about Detroit,” he said. “It says that Apple is committed to make sure this type of technology experience ... [is] here in Detroit – a place that is boundless when it comes to potential.” He added that Detroit has always been a “launching pad for people with ideas” and the Academy classes will train a new set of people. “Folks participating in this will be the best evangelists and storytellers,” he said of further promoting technology. Apple Academy student Paul Campbell (a senior at Renaissance High School) told the Michigan Chronicle that he attends school in the morning and his Apple Academy classes in the afternoon—his dedication is just that strong. “I leave the school at 12:15 and come here,” Campbell said, adding that he wants to be a developer one day. “The drive to come here is of course to pursue my dream and make people happy in the future. Games make me happy and smile, relaxed, in a world of my own. I want that same feeling to be transferred to other people. And that feeling of confidence that I did that.” “Our goal is to create new pathways and new opportunities for a diverse group of 21st-century tech leaders, and we’re proud to be working with Apple to bring this vision to life,” said Sarah Gretter, Michigan State University’s associate director and lead of the Detroit

See ACADEMY page A6

Detroit’s Painting with a Twist to Reopen Under New Owners By Megan Kirk

Mother/Daughter Patrice (left) and Ashley (right) Thornton.

Painting with a Twist began in 2007 when two women wanted to make a difference in their community during Hurricane Katrina. With humble beginnings, the franchise has grown to more than 300 locations across the country. In Detroit, a local mother-daughter duo has become the newest owners of a Painting with a Twist franchise in downtown Detroit. Purchasing the building from its previous owner, Donna Lewis, in April 2021, Patrice and Ashley Thornton wanted to enter into business for themselves while also building an avenue of wealth for their family. “We have always talked about owning some type of family business and coming together to create generational wealth. Both her and I have painted at Painting with a Twist numerous times prior to us purchasing the studio, we’ve had birthday parties there. When I received an email stating the Detroit location was for sale, I took that information to my mother and presented the opportunity and we both thought it was something we were very interested in,” says daughter Ashley. Though the pair are not professionally trained artists, they wanted to be a part of Detroit’s continued resurgence. Choosing to enhance their natural knack for event planning, the two embarked on a journey to becoming business owners.

“We are not artists, but we do like to plan events. That’s what she [Ashley] does for her job now. I dabbled in event planning with friends helping to do baby showers and whatnot,” says Patrice. “Basically, that’s what Painting with a Twist is; it’s a painting and sip event.” Wanting to add their own personal touch to the studio, the duo used the first months of ownership to renovate the space. In addition, the two brushed up on the skills needed to run the painting studio. Patrons will be able to take part in a more intimate-style setting as the space was minimized. “We’ve done tons and tons of research. We walked to the Small Business Association, trying to figure out the best way to get funding, talking to current and previous franchisees. We wanted to hear from franchisees who were no longer doing it and wanted to know why,” says Patrice. “The studio itself needed to be renovated. We decided we wanted to scale it down a little bit.” Detroit’s onward movement into a sound economic future has been, in large part, thanks to the small business community. Through entrepreneurship, Detroit has been able to reclaim its economic prowess thrusting more minorities into small business ownership and continuing to grow the economic mobility in the city. “I was raised in Detroit, grew up in Detroit



Page A-6 • michiganchronicle.com • October 13-19, 2021

PPP Loans, Fraud and Reborrowing By Megan Kirk Across Michigan, residents are being convicted of defrauding the state through the Paycheck Protection Program. PPP loans were announced and enacted by the federal government during the coronavirus pandemic to offer small business owners a much-needed financial boost. However, some business owners have taken advantage of the program and must now pay up.

Apple Academy students get to work on projects and getting to know their classmates through group assignments in Detroit. Photo provided by Apple

Academy From page A-5

Apple Developer Academy. “I’m inspired by our first class of students, and can’t wait to see where this journey takes them — whether it’s starting

Painting With A Twist From page A-5 and now I see Detroit as being this vibrant city. I’ve been able to witness the comeback. When I was a teenager, we didn’t go downtown and walk around. It wasn’t vibrant,” says Ashley. “Being a part of that is important to me and it’s something that was the icing on the cake. To be able to be a part of the community and the city that I was raised in, and to be a part of bringing that community and city back together.” While Detroit is known for its iconic nightlife as well as its homegrown sports teams, the city is also a place for growing families to indulge in their


From page A-5 Black women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. “This launch with Google demonstrates our shared commitment to both partner with organizations like Loop Capital that are led by Black women and to create commercial solutions to advance racial equity,” says Margaret Anadu, global head of sustainability and impact for Goldman Sachs Asset Management. “Rooted in our belief that diversity is foundational to success, this partnership will create opportunities for young Black women pursuing careers in STEM and related fields, aligning directly with our One Million Black Women initiative.” In 2021, Goldman Sachs, in re-

a new business, creating a new app or developing marketable new skills.” Enrollment is available at no cost, and students are not required to have any previous coding experience. Students in this year’s class bring a breadth of personal, professional and academic experience to the program. neighborhood. For owners Patrice and Ashley, providing the community an alternative to its usual hustle and bustle is another reason the women wanted to infuse themselves into the fabric of downtown Detroit. “I think that there needs to be something else down there that’s more family-friendly and that the folks that live down there, the actual residents, can just walk out and go do something on a Saturday. I’m glad to be a part of that growth,” says Patrice. “Having other things besides sports and nightlife are important.” The studio is located at 1420 Washington Blvd, Detroit, and is now accepting clients for their painting experience. sponse to the financial impact of the pandemic on communities of color, launched an initiative geared towards investing in Black women to help create economic opportunities for them. The One Million Black Women initiative commits to an investment of $10 billion as direct investment capital as well as $100 million in philanthropic capital over the next ten years to help combat gender and racial biases for Black women. As an added feature of the partnership, Loop Capital Markets and Goldman Sachs will donate yearly from the net revenue earned from the share class offerings to additionally provide funding for organizations who are creating opportunities for Black women. Scholarship recipients will also be provided with access to comprehensive training, networking opportunities, career coaching and mentoring.

The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan created for small businesses to pay employees and take necessary steps to keep businesses afloat during the onslaught of the pandemic. Created by the U.S. Small Business Administration, more than $800 billion has been dispersed to small businesses across the country. For Michiganders, Oakland and Wayne counties had more loans than all other counties across the state. Small businesses in need were able to apply and were approved under some of the best terms -- a forgivable loan if owners submitted documents outlining fund usage. However, some small business owners received funds and have been convicted of defrauding the United States government. “The SBA takes fraud seriously and all complaints are investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The complaints are managed by SBA’s Office of the Inspector General, which, as you will note, provides independent, objective oversight of SBA programs and the agency as a whole,” said Andrea Roebker, regional communications director for the SBA. In May 2021, the U.S. Attorney General established the COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force to help combat and deter applicants from falsifying documents and unlawfully receiving PPP funds. In Michigan, several PPP fraud cases have been reported and filed, some have already faced convictions. Despite this, small businesses are still in need of assistance as they continue to combat the financial effects of the pandemic. Institutions like Huntington Bank remain committed to helping small business owners through one of the most troubling of times. “We haven’t seen a lot of fraud cases of PPP lending other than some of the big stuff. Like some of the big firms that got millions in the beginning and they weren’t supposed to get that,” said Christi Narayanan, president and CEO of the Opportunity Resource Fund, which provides loans including small business loans. “Clearly that hurts small businesses because they didn’t get what they should have.” Although funds are intended for busi-

ness purposes, some applicants may have used some of the funds for personal use throughout the pandemic. In this case, recipients of the funds will be forced to pay back the loan, but it will not count as fraud. “We do have two borrowers who did take out PPP loans and didn’t use it for the intended purpose,” says Narayanan. “What happens there is the government does not consider that fraud. They just say ‘okay, well you have to pay it back,’ it’s no longer forgiven.” For those who have to pay any misused funds, payments must be made to the lending institution. From there, the institution must repay the federal government. Recipients will have to pay an additional percentage on the funds. “That means those funds would be returned to Opp Fund as the lender and then we would have to pay it back on your behalf,” says Narayanan. “You would have to pay the funds back to the originating PPP lender, you would have five years to pay it back at one percent interest and we would send the money back to the SBA.” Small business owners who may need to reborrow in the future may not face any penalties as long as payments are not defaulted on. Defaulted payments could result in a negative effect on the borrower’s credit. “It shouldn’t impact them at all [with the ability to reborrow]. That’s the crazy thing. If you don’t pay it back, there’s a big black mark on your credit and we will have to report that to the credit bureaus on that particular borrower. As long as you pay the loan back or use it for what it was intended for and have that portion forgiven, it should not impact your ability to borrow in the future,” says Narayanan. Businesses who have taken advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program may already start seeing loan forgiveness measures in place. Recently, the U.S Small Business Administration announced it had reached its one millionth PPP loan forgiveness application for those who received $150,000 and less. “We are committed to delivering against the promise of forgiveness for our eligible PPP borrowers. Our innovative direct forgiveness portal is helping our PPP borrowers get back to doing what they do best, creating jobs and powering our nation’s economy,” says SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman. “With over one million application submissions, our direct forgiveness portal has already given so many of our smallest businesses the ability to apply for forgiveness quickly and smoothly and move forward with their rebuilding and recovery. I encourage those eligible PPP borrowers who have yet to apply to visit SBA.gov or contact their lender today.”


October 13-19, 2021 • michiganchronicle.com • Page A-7


THE DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY’S MISSION IS TO: n Demonstrate leadership in wildlife conservation and animal welfare n Provide a broad audience with outstanding and unique educational opportunities that lead to the appreciation and stewardship of nature n Inspire our community with engaging, meaningful and memorable experiences n Provide innovative zoological facilities that contribute to the region’s economic vitality n Demonstrate organizational excellence consistent with a commitment to outstanding service, progressive resource management and environmental leadership

Visit dzoo.org/future

Page A-8 • michiganchronicle.com •

October 13-19, 2021

City ity.. Life ife.. Style. B1 | October 13-19, 2021

Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style


Chef Greg’s Soul-N-The Wall Soul Food Restaurant Brings the Flavor Home By Sherri Kolade It’s not hard to get lost in the depths of flavor and soul that seep out from the kitchen deep inside Chef Greg’s Soul-NThe Wall soul food restaurant located at 10009 Curtis St. and Wyoming on Detroit’s northwest side. From friendly conversation in the hot kitchen where staff always throws down while dishing out soul food to talk that makes some want to clutch their pearls, it’s all in good humor -- with a side of a whole lotta love -- at the barbecue joint where framed pictures of Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and others grace the front carryout area. A neon “open” sign is a cue for customers in the early afternoon to come by to order up. This local establishment is a dream come true for the owner and chef Greg Beard, who keeps copies of different publications close by that feature his famous restaurant, along with their rave reviews of his delicious eats.

Luxury Mobile Bar By Megan Kirk For those looking for an intimate and unique dining experience in the city, a new traveling luxury bar may be just the thing. Sprinkled with a dose of vintage flair, Via Bar Detroit is elevating the social experience and doing it in style.

Soul food soul in the wall “I always had it in my mind, I’m going to open a restaurant,” Beard said, adding that he’s always been inspired to “keep on keeping on” with his hard work and grinding to bring his dreams to reality at his family establishment. In 2006, Beard opened his restaurant near Mumford High School, which Beard used to attend. Beard, who spoke to the Michigan Chronicle, said, while sitting on a stool just outside the restaurant to cool down on that overcast, light rainy morning, that he opened his restaurant to bring better soul food back to the city. Beard, who has a wealth of culinary and hospitality experience, works at his soul food restaurant alongside his brother and son, Greg Beard Jr., who is as matter of fact and funny as his delicious cooking and musical skills as a guitarist and producer. Beard’s primary purpose, as posted on Facebook, is to offer a variety of exquisite cuisine along with outstanding service within a safe, friendly environment along with “unique diverse styles of food.” Home to the viral Boogaloo Wonderland sandwich, the gastronomical delight is reminiscent of a “glorified loose burger” – but so much better. The sandwich is typically made with seasoned ground beef (or with chicken, steak, and vegetarian options), caramelized onions, melted cheese, a tangy, flavorful Boogaloo sauce – all piled between an eight-inch Italian grilled bun. Beard cherishes the sandwich so much he


First launched in July 2021, Via Bar Detroit is quickly becoming a fan favorite. A custom 1959 vintage camper serves as the backdrop for unforgettable memories and social media-worthy shots. Founder Kiya Barden, first seeing luxury traveling bars abroad, decided to bring the concept back to the city. “I do a lot of traveling and I have a lot of friends who throw luxury events. I’ve been to quite a few. This concept came from just being out in the event world. I’ve seen mobile bars, but I wanted to create something that was luxury but something that also gave you a vintage feel,” says Barden. “I saw it in Europe and I said I want to bring this to the city of Detroit. I want to grace Michigan with something like this.” Putting the plan into motion after some research, the entrepreneur was able to locate a seller looking to rehome a vintage camper. “I found quite a few, but nothing really grabbed my eye like the 1959 camper that I purchased. It was giving me enough room on the inside and the outside to do what I needed to do and create the feel I wanted to have for my clients,” says Barden. Purchasing the camper was just the first step. The renovations began July 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic was in full swing. The business visionary had a plan to stick to the original state as much as possible and add modern elements to the classic beauty. “Renovations went through the beginning of winter and then we started back renovating with all my contractors in the spring. Renovations took about a year to be fully complete,” says Barden. With seating for up to six, the camper is equipped with everything needed to set the scene including decor, unlimited access to the inside and 12 Bartesian capsules that allow guests to create a cocktail with ease. The Keurig-style machine can customize drinks ranging in strength from mocktails to drinks with bar-like quality. Guests can also include premium add-ons to take the

Founder Kiya Barden and renovated camper. event to the next level. Although bartending services do not come with rental, licensed bartenders are available for all-day events. Party-throwers are welcome to bring their own spirits. “Not only do you get something that is beautiful and picturesque on

the outside, almost Instagram-able, but you have that same opportunity on the inside of the trailer,” says Barden. Perfect for bachelorette parties, birthdays and private picnics, Via Bar


Broadway in Detroit Opens with 25th Anniversary Farewell Tour of “Rent” By Megan Kirk After more than a year, the curtains are rising again and Broadway is back in Detroit. This season, Broadway will welcome the return of a crowd favorite for its opening. The Fisher Theatre will present the “Rent” 25th Anniversary Farewell Tour. For more than 25 years, creator Jonathan Larson’s “Rent” has inspired generations to choose love, create a personal sense of family and live unapologetically. It has also cultivated a growing following of watchers. The stage play, which is both a Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-winner, takes viewers on a journey through the lives of a group of friends chasing their dreams, falling in love and facing devastating loss. “In October it will be 60 years since the Fisher Theatre reopened as a legitimate Broadway Theatre,” said Alan Lichtenstein, Broadway In Detroit executive director. “And now, 842,400 minutes since our last performance, we’re ready to begin a new era of Broadway performances with one of Detroit’s favorite shows, ‘Rent.’ Ring the bells, flash the lights, our intermission is coming to an end.” The show will feature several returning Black cast members reprising their roles in the final presentation of “Rent.” Among those returning is Shafiq Hicks who plays Tom Collins. “Just being back after a 17-month period of nobody

The company of “Rent” with any huge major theatre works, or people not being able to enter back into the theatre and things like that; to have that has been a little overwhelming to be honest because I didn’t even think it would be possible for theatre to come back, but yet here it is,” said Hicks. “I’m just honored to be here. I’m honored that they

called me back after the first tour and I’m honored to just be doing theatre because I know there are so many theatre artists out there now who may not have a job.” For actors and other theatre professionals, the


Page B-2 • michiganchronicle.com • October 13-19, 2021

Soul-N-The Wall

From page B-1

even has it saved on his phone’s lock screen. Customers also come from as far away as Chicago, California, Florida and elsewhere to get a bite of the Boogaloo Wonderland sandwich after it went viral from a video about his restaurant. “Food had to been good,” Beard said of his growing fans that recognize him nationally. Amidst the joking and humor (sometimes a bit too risqué for print), Beard Jr., 33, said in all seriousness that he is as passionate about making music and food while doing whatever it takes to better the family business. As a former businessman in the local corporate world (which he left around three years ago) Beard Jr. went to work at his father’s restaurant while working on his music career. “I want to make music professionally,” he said, adding that he wants to be in a position where he can do what he has to do to uplift himself and the restaurant. “Whatever you got to do to make the restaurant happen, do it.” That particular day the kitchen was buzzing as the noisy receipt machine went off continually alerting the cooks that the cashier out front just rang up an order. Coming right up at that moment was none other than the Boogaloo Wonderland sandwich as the semi-crowded kitchen staff moved effortlessly, rhythmically, to get the ingredients ready to be served. And don’t forget your Kool-Aid drink options to wash it all down. “Without food, we wouldn’t be here,” Beard’s friendly brother, dishwasher, food prep, and chef-in-training, Daniel Ragland said inside the kitchen. “Food is medication; brings us together.” Ragland said that soul food like the restaurant’s triple-layer butter crust peach cobbler, black-eyed peas, and more is what keeps the customers coming back. “Good morning chef,” someone yelled from a car during Beard’s interview outside. Others strolled by greeting him as the friendly acknowledged patrons who kept on pouring in and out of his restaurant like clockwork.

For those interested in nonmeat options but still want that flavor and spice, they are welcome to try Beard’s seasoned, sauteed vegetables like his famous collard greens, sweet potatoes and more. For those looking for more options to indulge, their seared wings and Detroit Philly steak and chicken subs are available, too. “All foods are made from scratch with the freshest ingredients possible,” Beard Jr., who gets his cooking and also musical background from his entrepreneur father, said. You can’t quite talk about Greg’s Soul-N-The Wall without mentioning the late Detroit native Allee Willis, a Hall of Fame, Grammy, Emmy, Tony, Webby award-winning/nominated songwriter, performer, artist, and self-proclaimed party-thrower who loved Beard’s Boogaloo Wonderland sandwich. The two had been practically inseparable as good friends since meeting by happenstance in 2011. “One of those things that the powers that be made everything fall into place,” Beard said. She had flown Beard out to Los Angeles to serve his signature Boogaloo Wonderland sandwiches, which was named by a Mumford student in 1967 after the popular Boogaloo dance, according to her website. The Wonderland was added when she met him and fell in love with the sandwich, and he added it as a tribute to her song “Boogie Wonderland.” She also introduced him to the likes of stars like comedian Lunell and Larry Dunn, the keyboard player for Earth, Wind and Fire, among other celebrities who have now become his dear friends. Beard, who could talk for hours about the importance of life, meeting people at the right time and passing his cooking skills to the next generation, said that while he plans in the near future to expand throughout metro Detroit, that it is “wonderful” to bring all of his love for food just minutes away from where he grew up on his side of the city, which he is also passionate about. “[It is an] experience to take all what I learned and give that back to the community,” he said.

Luxury set up.

Mobile Bar

for Detroiters in the future, but will have a new look and feel. The Bar also plans to expand to additional states.

Detroit also caters to children. Substitute cocktails for juice boxes and parents can host a child’s party fit for storybooks.

“Via Bar wants to bring a premium experience to all events. We want to expand. We want to offer franchise opportunities to different states so they can have something that brings them a luxury experience for their city and their state, says Barden. “The response from people who aren’t even in the state of Michigan is crazy. We have people calling for something similar in Miami, in Houston, in LA. Promoters are asking how they

From page B-1

As the luxury bar and lounge brings the party, rental packages come with up to 30 miles of travel from the 48226 area. With additional mileage available at a surcharge, Via Bar Detroit is ready to customize all party needs. With plans of expansion, Via Bar Detroit will grow with an additional traveling vessel


From page B-1 months following the onset of the pandemic proved to be some of the most difficult. Like others, this industry was hit hard with closures caused by the coronavirus. To stay busy, artists began to tap into other avenues that helped them to survive the pandemic.

for $20 for every performance of “Rent.” These specially priced tickets are available for in-person purchases at the Fisher Theatre Box Office on the day of each performance only, two hours prior to the show. These tickets are limited to two tickets per person.

“I think the pinnacle of the pandemic was probably opening my vocal studio. I also got to record an album,” said Hicks.

In an effort to keep staff and guests safe, the Fisher Theatre will take the lead of Broadway and other concert venues in requiring guests to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours of showtime. Guests will also be requested to stay masked.

Tickets for the 25th anniversary show will start at $39 which will also include parking. Broadway In Detroit will also offer seats in the first rows of the Main Floor section

Originally premiering off-Broadway on February 13, 1996, at the New York Theatre Workshop, the play debuted on Broadway two months later on April 29, 1996.

can be a part of it.” In business just a few months, Via Bar Detroit has received a warm reception. With no official marketing, social media has helped the business to grow. “It has exceeded my expectations. When I launched the trailer this year, I wasn’t expecting to get a lot of business. I wasn’t expecting for it to be a hit, or to get the response the way I’ve gotten it. It was going to be a trial period for me,” says Barden. “When I launched it, it was insane. So many people have reached out.” This is the final chance for lovers of “Rent” to see the play onstage at the Fisher Theatre before its last curtain down. Tickets will be available in person at the Fisher Theatre Box Office, online or via phone. There will be a limited number of premium seats available through Ticketmaster and at the Fisher Theatre Box Office. ““Rent” is such an amazing story of love, triumph and loss as well as relationship and friendship and what that all encompasses. I’m excited to be able to tell that story with the people I’m telling it with, but also with the people who are going to see it,” said Hicks. “Rent” 25th Anniversary Farewell Tour will be on stage October 19 through October 24.

Detroit, MI (October 6, 2021) -- Infrastructure Engineering of Michigan, LLC. (IEI), a majority African American civil and structural engineering firm, celebrates the opening of a new office in Detroit, MI. Opportunities are said to be rising in the City of Detroit and IEI’s new location will serve as a strong resource of INGENUITY for teaming partners and new clients’ needs in the city and state.


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IEI delivers civil and structural engineering solutions for vital and high-profile developments. The firm has more than 100 talented engineers and administrative staff nationally who take great pride in applying strategic thinking at the beginning of a project and resolving any obstacles that may arise, to not just meet, but exceed client expectations. With a proven track record of success as a Prime civil and structural engineering firm, the firm reports that overcoming challenges has been their story since day one. They believe it explains why they’re so good at resolving their clients’ engineering challenges. The firm focuses on design engineering, program management, and construction engineering services for public and private organizations, from conception and planning through implementation. Markets include Airport, Harbor, Highway/ Roadway, Traffic, Mass Transit/Railways, Educational Facilities, Site Development, Structural, Water Management and Green Infrastructure. On September 30th, IEI held its New Office Open House in the atrium of its local office building at New Center One with a welcome address from the State Transportation Director Paul C. Ajegba. “Our mantra is MISSION MICHIGAN as we look forward to providing value and improving infrastructure in the state,” said Michael Sutton, IEI’s CEO. IEI is a DBE/MBE certified firm whose mission is to transform, inspire, and enrich communities by reimagining infrastructure. To start a conversation, visit: www.infra-eng.com

October 13-19, 2021 • michiganchronicle.com •

Page B-3

Make Yourself a Priority Today By Sherri Kolade “Make yourself a priority. Fill yourself up so that you can give more to others.” Oprah Winfrey hit the nail on the head when she was quoted as saying those words. Making oneself a priority is something that no longer has to take a backseat. Be Spoke Wellness Partners wrote in an article that becoming a priority in your own life can be done in simply five steps. “When you think about paying attention to yourself—your dreams, your body, your mental health and everything that has to do with you—what is it that you are thinking about?” author Limor Weinstein noted. “How would you feel if just for one hour (and maybe we can even stretch this a little bit to one day), you only think about you and your needs? Many of us confuse taking care of ourselves with being selfish or inconsiderate, but if you truly give this some thought, you’ll realize that in order to be all that you want for everyone else, you must first take care of yourself and make yourself a priority.” Weinstein said that these five steps include being a bit self-centered, in moderation. Step 1: Tell yourself it’s allowed to be selfish. “While saying ‘selfish’ has negative connotations, I am using it purposely because I think that it is important that you know that it is OK to take care of yourself and attend to your needs,” Weinstein wrote adding that one thing to do is stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself: “What do I want? What do I need? How can I make myself feel better at this moment?” She added that to write the answers down is “even better” and a great start to getting on the self-prioritization journey. Step 2: Write down several things that are priorities in your life. The author recommends to write down a list of 10 things that are vital to you and then rewrite them in a rank of priority. “It might help to highlight the things that are important to you. Then, take a look at the list and think about everything that you have done the past week. Was any of what you did related to the list? Let’s even be more specific and ask yourself if what you’ve done in the past week was related to the top three things that are important to you or that you want to achieve,” Weinstein added. She added that if you are holding onto some things that are not healthy mentally, ask yourself why are you holding onto things that make you feel “unhappy or unworthy,” that do not contribute to your well-being, and look into it further. Step 3: Find out what is holding you back from your potential. From digging deeper and consulting with a mental health professional, it’s time to look at what might be holding you back from keeping yourself a priority. “For most people, fears and anxiety are at the core of why they’re not making themselves a priority,” Weinstein wrote, adding that, “whatever it is standing in your way, once again, ask yourself why.” Step 4: What is it that will make me happy? “Continue by asking yourself, what is it that I need to do to get myself there?” wrote Weinstein. Being happy, it is easy to live on autopilot, but it’s time to snap out of that and push harder to get to that space of happiness. “I know that life is crazy and many of us have no choice but to work for as many hours as we can and to push hard to get things done, but sometimes, all it takes is a few minutes or an hour for you to invest in yourself, your well-being, your physical and mental health, or anything related to you,” Weinstein penned. “Often, making yourself a priority isn’t easy and maybe it includes talking to a therapist who can help you see what it is that you really want more clearly.” Find more information on www.bespokewellnesspartners.com/.

No Sneaky Link Here

Cuffing Season Starts Now and Black Men Weigh In By Sherri Kolade It’s cuffing season, ladies and fellas – it’s time to possibly start looking for the (temporary) one, right? As Fall is well underway and the seasonal holidays ramp up and kick into full swing, according to modern-day social pressures, cuffing season is now in the mix, and our good single folks should probably start looking for their next boo but hold on – not so fast. For those a bit in the dark, cuffing season refers to a period where single people begin looking for short-term partnerships to pass the colder months of the year. Cuffing season typically starts in October and lasts until just after Valentine’s Day. According to an article, CUFFING SEASON: Everything We Learned About Our Weird Winter Relationships, a recent study shows that many study participants – over 56 percent – believe that the term, “cuffing season” is real, although the idea is relatively new. Refinery29 reported that the phrase first showed up around 2011 on Urban Dictionary. The Michigan Chronicle reached out to a few of the single fellas and got their take on this seasonal phenomenon and what they’re looking for in a woman -- especially amidst the ever-competing quarantine baes and all that. Guys, it’s your turn. Ladies, let’s read on: A Short-Term Entanglement or Something More? Dr. Eddie Connor, a best-selling author, international speaker, and college professor, said that cuffing season happens after the hot boy/ hot girl summer season goes away. “Oftentimes, it can be a shortterm entanglement that ends when springtime rolls around because it became a relation-slip or situation-ship,” he said, adding that the caveat though is everybody that has a heart doesn’t have a heart. “There’s nothing worse than doing permanent things with temporary people. What is it to have a warm body, if the person you’re connected to has a cold heart?” Connor, whose favorite holiday is Christmas, said that he has been single during the holiday season before, and that the best antidote to “stave off the feelings of loneliness and sadness” is to give to others. “Yes, it’s important to acknowl-

edge those emotions and the root cause[s] of them,” Connor said, adding that surrounding yourself with family, friends and accountability partners “helps to offset the holiday blues.” Connor added that while there is nothing wrong with looking for a bae during this time, focusing on the relationship internally with oneself is “vitally important before seeking a relationship.” “As you are waiting begin working by pouring into your purpose, practicing self-discipline and personal development,” he said adding that a lady with a sweet personality who knows her purpose is attractive. “Character, intelligence, personality and beauty create an indelible imprint on a woman that can’t be erased. A man can’t help but acknowledge a lady who wears her crown like a queen, keeps her standards higher than her heels and whose personality is a fragrance, not an odor,” he said. “It’s not that she’s perfect but she’s worth it.” He added that he believes that every woman should know about the general needs of a man before looking to date, which he talks about indepth in his books on relationship rules. “You are most ready to date when it’s not a need, rather it’s a choice,” Connor added. “When you’re not needy but needed that choice allows you to make decisions that provide purposeful direction. Never be desperate to date.” For more information visit DrEddieAcademy.com. Not the Blankets and High Energy Bills Flint resident Errin Whitaker is a Flint charter school educator and said that the term “cuffing season” is actually funny to him when he hears it, though the actual steps of finding that right one are very real. “People just don’t want to have those energy bills up and tons of blankets and why not try to find another individual they can keep warm with?” Whitaker said, adding that these relationships, like other relationships, usually come with a certain level of responsibility. “I think the pandemic has made it so people are more thoughtful about who they get involved with or how long they are involved with an individual.”

Whitaker added that he thinks people’s tolerance has decreased. “Some people have quarantine baes (a whole ‘nother discussion),” he said, adding that in the midst of that people have realized they don’t necessarily have to spend the cold with a person because they might have already spent the whole year with that person – especially if it’s not serious. Whitaker, whose favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, had his own quarantine bae, said that he is now single because he realized how much he liked his solitude. “I haven’t lived with anybody since then,” he said of the relationship ending in March. Whitaker said that he is looking for more serious encounters with women, and “if the right one comes along” he is open to dating – even now, especially someone with soothing energy and discipline. “I feel like I don’t want to waste anybody’s time and I don’t want my time wasted,” he said. It’s the Wholeness for Him Detroit resident Jeff Jones, a real estate investor/agent and clothing brand designer, said that for him, cuffing season means that summer is officially over and winter is approaching. “The time all the single people doing their last-minute recruiting trying to lock in who they [are] spending their winter inside with. These could turn into long-lasting relationships, or it could just be that -- a season,” he said. Jones, whose favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, added that he is attracted to a woman who has drive, is ambitious, smart, loyal, supportive, stable, and has good communication skills, along with a calm and nurturing side. He also said that men are interested in a woman who can “level up” her own bag first before trying to get a man with one. “Level up yourself as a whole first before trying to jump in a relationship to get there,” he said. “We gotta start coming into these relationships whole, not broken and expecting to be fixed. Everything you bring should be a plus, not a subtraction. This actually goes for some men now, too. Know yourself and what you truly want and deserve. Not what you think or what you see on the internet.”


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Page B-4 • michiganchronicle.com •

October 13-19, 2021

James Tatum’s Musical Outreach Helped Hundreds of Young Artists

Detroit Musician Composed a Life Full of Jazz and Service By Danton Wilson

munity College, retiring in 2014.

Special to the Chronicle

Although he was a noted jazz pianist, Tatum was not limited to that genre. In lectures, he often emphasized the shared roots of blues, gospel, jazz, and other traditions.

Those who worked closely with him say Detroit jazz musician and music educator James Tatum touched lives just as majestically as he touched piano keys in concert halls and classrooms throughout the U.S.

Are We Getting Digitally High? It’s no surprise that digital addictions are becoming a very real problem. According to national statistics, typically, a person in the U.S. spends around five hours on their smartphone as kids and teenagers spend 5.7 hours. Nearly 92 percent of Americans think that smartphone addiction is real. The Aspen Brain Institute reports in an article, Digital Addictions Are Drowning Us in Dopamine, that increased usage of digital devices are not only making people more connected now than ever before – but also equally depressed. “Rising rates of depression and anxiety in wealthy countries like the U.S. may be a result of our brains getting hooked on the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure,” according to the article, which added that more young people are suffering from anxiety and depression. Twenty years ago, where a person would have been prescribed some medication, doctors should now consider recommending a dopamine fast: staying away from all screens, including videogames, for one month. Dr. Anna Lembke wrote in the article that throughout her career as a psychiatrist, she has noticed a growing amount of patients who suffer from depression and anxiety, where normally they would be “healthy young people with loving families, elite education and relative wealth.” “Their problem isn’t trauma, social dislocation or poverty. It’s too much dopamine, a chemical produced in the brain that functions as a neurotransmitter, associated with feelings of pleasure and reward,” she was quoted as saying in the article. “When we do something we enjoy … the brain releases a little bit of dopamine and we feel good. But one of the most important discoveries in the field of neuroscience in the past 75 years is that pleasure and pain are processed in the same parts of the brain and that the brain tries hard to keep them in balance. Whenever it tips in one direction it will try hard to restore the balance, which neuroscientists call homeostasis, by tipping in the other.” Lembke said that the brain tries hard to keep the pleasure and pain parts of the brain balanced, yet it is hard to keep that regulation when more and more dopamine is being released with the usage of electronic devices. When an increase of dopamine starts, the brain “adapts to it by reducing or downregulating the number of dopamine receptors that are stimulated,” she said, adding that the brain levels out by “tipping to the side of pain.”

“Which is why pleasure is usually followed by a feeling of hangover or comedown,” Lembke said, adding that if a person can wait long enough, that feeling goes away and neutrality “is restored.” “But there’s a natural tendency to counteract it by going back to the source of pleasure for another dose,” Lembke said, adding that when this consistent level of digital interactions keep up for hours on end the brain rewires itself. “Now we need to keep playing games, not to feel pleasure but just to feel normal. As soon as we stop, we experience the universal symptoms of withdrawal from any addictive substance: anxiety, irritability, insomnia, dysphoria and mental preoccupation with using, otherwise known as craving.” Lembke added that people’s brains have worked themselves out over time to run on low pleasures and alert for dangers she described as ever-present. Today, those former threats and being on high alert is not always the case. “Instead, we now live in a world of overwhelming abundance. The quantity, variety and potency of highly reinforcing drugs and behaviors has never been greater,” she said, adding that sugar and opioids and electronic addictions are in abundance. Lembke, who says texting, tweeting, online shopping and gambling is just a phone tap away are all “engineered to be addictive” with attractive lights, sounds and “likes.” “Yet despite increased access to all of these feel-good drugs, we’re more miserable than ever before. Rates of depression, anxiety, physical pain and suicide are increasing all over the world, especially in rich nations,” she said, with statistics that back it up, too. According to the World Happiness Report, which ranks 156 countries on their happiness meter, Americans reported being less happy in 2018 than they were in 2008. Other wealthy countries saw similar decreases in self-reported happiness scores, including Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, New Zealand and Italy. The Global Burden of Disease study found that the number of new cases of depression world-wide increased 50 percent between 1990 and 2017.

Tatum, 90, died Oct. 6 in Detroit, following a lengthy illness. A viewing is set for 3-9 p.m. Thursday, October 14, at the James H. Cole Funeral Home at 16100 Schaefer in Detroit. Funeral services are set for Friday, October 15 at the Westminster Church of Detroit, 17567 Hubbell. A 10 a.m. family hour will be followed by the 11 a.m. funeral service.

His most popular lectures included “The History of Jazz,” “How to Listen to Jazz,” and “Elements and Improvisation of Jazz Expressions.” Tatum’s own compositions reveal the range of his music appreciation. They include Contemporary Jazz Mass, Jubilee Jazz Suite, The Return of Joshua, Great Detroit Renaissance, and A Tribute to Nelson Mandela. In 2015, Jazzman Records of London reissued his Spiritualotta Jazz Suite.

Still, his greatest com “Some of the young position may have been people he helped have the founding of the James been reaching out to say Tatum Foundation for the just how much James Arts in 1987. He often helped guide them or described it as a “divinely helped open doors of opinspired way to help talportunity for them,” said ented youths pursue their Tatum’s wife Cleatrice. dreams.” Over the years, “Musicians such as trumthe foundation has conpeter Omar Butler in Flortributed about $400,000 in ida and cellist Joshua scholarships to more than McClendon, now a senior 500 Detroit-area students at The Juilliard School in of virtually every ethnic James Tatum New York, have said they background. The founwould not be where they are – or who dation has reported that more than 95 they are – without James Tatum’s influ- percent of scholarship recipients ultience and support.” mately received college degrees. Both Butler and McClendon are For his efforts, Tatum received dozamong legions who received mentor- ens of awards. In 2000, he was the first ship and scholarships from the James jazz musician to receive the People’s Tatum Foundation for the Arts. Butler, Choice Michigan Artist Award from McClendon, and other Foundation alum then Governor Jennifer Granholm. In have performed with major U.S. orches- 2005, he performed in Washington, D.C. tras, including the Detroit Symphony at the Annual Jazz Forum and Concert, Orchestra. hosted by Congressman John Conyers. Tatum was born in Mineola, TX, Prairie View A&M presented him with a where he began playing piano at an ear- Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2010 ly age. He received a bachelor’s degree and in 2012, he performed in Grenada, from Prairie View A&M University be- West Indies as part of a Jazz Lecture fore earning a master’s degree from the and Performance Festival sponsored by the U.S. Embassy. In 2017, the mayor of University of Michigan. his Mineola, TX hometown proclaimed After a brief stint in the military, July 6 James Tatum Day. Tatum became instructor and department head at Detroit’s Murray-Wright A longtime member of Tabernacle High School, inspiring students such Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, as accomplished local vocalist Jeanetta Tatum was featured several times as a Carr. He also regularly worked as guest lecturer and concert performer at the lecturer and instructor at local colleges historic church. and universities such as Oakland Coun- In lieu of flowers, the family is rety Community College, Oakland Univer- questing that donations be made to the sity, and Macomb County Community Endowment Fund of the James Tatum College. For many years, he was a be- Foundation for the Arts, P.O. Box 32240, loved professor at Wayne County Com- Detroit, MI 48232.

they didn’t know we were seeds

Lembke said it’s sometimes hard to see how running after a digital dopamine can undermine one’s mental health, but it can be done. Just put down the phone. “It’s only after we’ve taken a break from our drug of choice that we’re able to see the true impact of our consumption on our lives,” Lembke said.

Get Right on the Road By Sherri Kolade With more drivers on the road now (seemingly more than ever) as pandemic-related restrictions have eased in Michigan over the summer, it’s no surprise that you are probably spending more time in the vehicle and on the road. With those extra minutes commuting to work, attending more in-person events or just taking a short drive down the block – being in that confined space on wheels could take a mental toll if the vehicle is somewhat of an unproductive, cluttered space. According to an article from Master Mechanic, having a clean car is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Auto editor Jennifer Greene wrote in the article that in addition to having peace of mind on the road with a clean car, it is important to take care of one’s vehicle to ensure even more wellbeing with these several tips: Make Your Car a Sanctuary Like many people who spend a lot of time in their cars, why not make it a place to collect your thoughts, get some clarity and find some peace of mind? This starts with keeping the car organized and clutter-free. For moms, especially those who have young kids, it might seem like a hard task – but it can be done because that time in the car is critical to regather your thoughts in a space that is quiet of excess noise and one you can call your own. Store Reading Material in The Car While it might seem counterintuitive to keep books, magazines and the like in your car when you want to keep it clean, it’s important to take a pause on technology while in the car to create an

even greater sense of peace while in the vehicle. Pulling out a magazine or book while in the car when not driving could be helpful to bridge the entertainment gap. “When I have some downtime in the car [waiting for practices to end], I like to pull one out and read. It’s more peaceful and less aggravating than messing around on social media,” Greene said. Press Play on Relaxing Playlists Ensure that while in the car you have your music to set the mood and tone for the day. Relaxing sounds in the car can get your mind unwinding with the right sounds. Music as many know can boost your mood and emotions. “If you keep a collection of your [favorite] tunes in different genres, you will always be prepared to pick the right music to make you feel good,” according to Greene. Another article, “A Peace of Mind Approach to Taking Care of Your Car,” talks about car maintenance and how peace of mind can come in the form of better car care by taking it to a qualified professional regularly. From buying a new car and getting all the bells and whistles updated to fixing vehicles that could use a little love – use professional mechanics at automotive service centers because taking care of the vehicle now ensures that it will be well-kept down the line. The article suggests that for optimal car maintenance (and peace of mind) follow these tips: • Get your car checked once a year to avoid vehicle breakdowns • Think about getting an extended warranty on a used car • When vehicle owners take care of their car, they will find that their peace of mind goes a long way with practical care.

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October 13-19, 2021 • michiganchronicle.com • Page B-5 HELP WANTED



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District 1 encompasses the following two precincts: Precinct 1 – Downes Manor 13725 John R


Precinct 2 – Robert B. Blackwell Municipal Complex 12050 Woodward Ave. Registered voters in precincts 1 & 2 ONLY will be able to participate in this election. Sample ballot can be found at www.highlandparkmi.gov Absentee ballots are available for all elections. Due to the passage of the statewide ballot proposal 18-3, all eligible and registered voters in Michigan may request an absent voter ballot without providing a reason. Registered electors may obtain an A.V. Ballot IN-PERSON at the City Clerk’s office until 4:00 p.m. on Monday November 1, 2021. The Clerk’s office will be open on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the purpose of issuing and receiving AV Ballots. Requests to have an absent voter ballot mailed to you must be received no later than 5 p.m. October 29, 2021 the Friday before the election.

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Coordinate the clinical processing in a First Year Advising Center by performing a variety Tomedical provideclinic specialized office assistance, specialized office assistance, ofProvide multi-step processes according to a or To comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in coordinating procedural business coordinating procedural business specified framework of procedures and Braille. Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the service activitiesactivities for a complex program or service a complex regulations, to serve asfor an informationclerk in advance of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities. area involvingareaprocessing, implementing, involving al program source within the clinic processing, in addition and advising on, andtheadvising reporting toimplementing, maintaining role as on, a specialized medical Brenda Green reporting specialized subject matter. subject matter. Qualifications: assistant in the Minimum clinic. Minimum QualMinimum Qualifications: High school City of Highland Park Clerk ifications: High Schoolorgraduation or High school graduation an equivalent graduation or an equivalent combination anof equivalent combination of educa12050 Woodward Ave. combination of education and experience. education and experience. Four tion andprogressively experience.responsible Three years’ exFour years progressively responsible office years office Highland Park, MI 48203 perience as including a medicaldirect assistant or in experience, experience experience, including direct experience in (313) 252-0050 x 220 a in directly related field with experience office coordination, prioritizing work office coordination, i.e., prioritizing work inassignments medical office clerical functions. Exand maintaining work assignments, flow meet perience inmaintaining venipuncture and flow to meet deadlines.work This isobtainatofull ANNOUNCEMENTS PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED deadlines. This is a full time, clerical-technical ing basic patient information including time, clerical-technical position. Salary blood pressure, electrocardiograph is $44,592.00 annually. See online position. Salary is $43,718.00 annually. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS posting for additional position measurements and urine specimens. See online posting for additional position ADAS Simulation & Test Engineer – II Global Indirect Tax Manager - VAT Global The Suburban Mobility Authority for requirements. consideration This is a part-timeFirst clerical-technical porequirements. First consideration will General Motors, Detroit, MI. Identify &gather new Visteon Corporation seeks a ADAS Regional Transportation (SMART) will beworking given toMonday-Friday, those who apply by be sition, 10:00 indirect &direct tax regs, &analyze &measure Simulation & Test Engineer – II in Van given to those who30apply byper March October 21,p.m., 2021. Must apply onweek. line 23, is soliciting RFPs for Implicit Bias potential tax &reporting implications on U.S. &global a.m. – 5:00 hours Buren Twp., MI, to support the business ops (NA, SA, Middle East, Africa, Europe, &Asia to: https://jobs.oakland.edu 2020. Training, Control No. 22-3402A. Salary is $30,973.00 annually. See requirements for the Simulation and the Pacific), &related parent, regional &country intrnl IT RFP forms may be obtained Must apply posting online to: https://jobs.oakland.edu online for additional posi(SAP-based &satellite) syss &processes, to ensure System Validation of Advanced Driver

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Assistance Systems (ADAS) / Autonomous Driving (AD) including both Functional & Non-functional validation; among other duties. Master’s degree in Electrical, Automotive or Robotics Engineering or Computer Science or closely related and one year of experience in the job offered or related. Mail resume to: Briana Hebner, Visteon, Resume Processing / JO#12261507, One Village Center Drive, Van Buren Township, MI 48111.

Senior Process Engineer - Engine Assy Warren, MI, General Motors. Define &set, using Teamcenter Vismockup, Manufacturing Process Planning (MPP), Auros, &E2, &ECM tools, &implement Bill of Process (BOP) &Bill of Equipment (BOE) reqmts, collaborating w/ ME team incldg Lean, Agile, Flexible guidelines, for current &future psgr vehicle gasoline &diesel engine (incldg Small Gasoline Engine smalldisplacement 3- &4-cyl gasoline engines (1.0 L to 1.5 L) assy processes, &CSS Diesel Prgrm) assy processes incldg engine assy, fastening, & dowel /fuel pump/fuel rail pressing, oil pan/lower crankshaft cover plasma treatment, aluminum &steel cmpnt room temperature vulcanization, &Autoload &Unload robotics, for new &major propulsion syss programs in N.A. Region. Prepare RFQs on fastening, pressing, plasma treatment technologies &hand tools. Support design engrg &on site equipment build &run-off. Assure new prgrms are executing BOP, BOE &engine assy specs. Required travel to U.S. &MEX engine plants to attend engine assy launches &troubleshoot assy process prblms, up to 8 wks P/A. Bachelor, Industrial, Mechanical, or Mfg Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, defining &setting, using Tc Vismockup, MPP, Auros, &E2 tools, &implementing BOP &BOE reqmts for engine or transmission assy, or related. Mail resume to Ref#6101, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32C66, Detroit, MI 48265.

tion requirements. Must apply online to: https://jobs.oakland.edu

2col. x 4.75 Seeking Assistant II Seeking Seeking Medical ASSISTANT III atOFFICE Oakland University LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS ATGraham OAKLAND UNIVERSITY Health Center ASSISTANT School of Medicine Coordinate the clinical processing in a Oakland University

by performing a variety Tomedical provideclinic specialized office assistance, Library of multi-step procedural processes according coordinating businessto a or To perform a variety of complex specified framework procedures and service activities for technical aof complex non-standardized or program pararegulations, to serve as an informationarea involving activities processing, implementing, of considerable al professional source within the clinic in addition difficulty specific toreporting the acquisition of advising on, and to maintaining the role as a specialized medical librarymatter. collection-related materials in all subject Minimum Qualifications: assistant in the clinic. Minimum Qualformats. This position assists in monifications: School High schooltheHigh graduation orgraduation an equivalent itoring library’s materials budgetor anand equivalent combination educacombination of education and ofexperience. in overseeing the functional areas tion and experience. Three years’ exmaterials purchasingresponsible and receiving/ Fourofyears progressively office perience asMinimum a medical assistant High or in invoicing. Qualifications: experience, including direct experience in a school directlygraduation related field experience or anwith equivalent comoffice coordination, i.e., prioritizing work inbination medicalofoffice clerical Exeducation andfunctions. experience. assignments, workand flowobtainto meet Four years progressively responsible perience inmaintaining venipuncture library and/or accounting/bookdeadlines. is aclerical full time, clerical-technical ing basicThis patient information including keeping experience. This is annually. a full time, blood pressure, electrocardiograph position. Salary is $43,718.00 clerical-technicaland position. Salary is measurements urine specimens. See online posting for additional position $44,592 annually. See online posting This is a part-time clerical-technical porequirements. First consideration will be for additional position requirements. sition, working Monday-Friday, 10:00 First consideration will be given given to those who apply by March 23, a.m. – 5:00 p.m., 30 hours per week. to those who apply by October 22, 2020. Salary is $30,973.00 annually. See 2021. Must apply on line to: Must apply posting online to: https://jobs.oakland.edu online for additional posihttps://jobs.oakland.edu tion requirements. Must apply online to: https://jobs.oakland.edu


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2col. x 4.75

Employment Opportunity

CITY OF EASTPOINTE Police Officer Salary - $51,534 – $76,334 Under the supervision of a superior officer, performs responsible law enforcement and patrol work. Works to maintain order, regulate traffic, protect life and property and prevent crime and disorder. Provides assistance at the scene of accidents, fires and other emergency situations. Performs related work as required. To review the job description and to apply, please visit our Employment Opportunities web page at https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/eastpointemi


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PROJECT MANAGER RIZER, LLC has an available position of Project Manager in Livonia, MI. Although the Project Manager will work in Livonia, MI, the Project Manager will be required to travel 75% of working time to customer construction sites throughout the metropolitan Detroit area. Position requires a Master’s degree in Construction Management or Building Construction & Facility Management & 36 months experience as a Project Engineer. Position also requires: Exp. must include: 1) 24 mos. exp. assisting Project Manager & Project Superintendent on site at high-rise (more than 6 stories) building construction sites. Job duties: Manage all construction activities for high-rise (more than 6 stories) buildings. Coordinate all compliance issues with subcontractors to ensure all regulatory reqs. are met. Estimate projects & prepare bids. Develop & update project schedules with site Superintendent. Review contract documents for accuracy & completeness, & cross reference with RIZER customer contract. Supervise 2 RIZER employees, Site Superintendent & Project Engineer, as well as manage subcontractor employees on specific projects. Provide a single source of accountability & responsibility for construction project closeout. Qualified applicants should send resume & verification of reqs. to Rob Williams, RIZER, LLC, 31001 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia, MI 48150.

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