MidCoast Council Flying-fox Camp Management Plan
Interest/reported impacts
Civic leaders and influencers (including local, state and federal politicians)
All levels of government have legislation or policies relevant to flying-fox management or impact assessment. Local councillors have, at times, received complaints about local flying-fox camps and have been involved with management decision making (particularly the Forster camps).
Local government
Local government has responsibilities to the community and environment of the area for which it is responsible in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. Council is also responsible for administering local laws, plans and policies, and appropriately managing assets (including land) for which it is responsible.
Local Government NSW (LGNSW)
LGNSW is an industry association that represents the interests of councils in New South Wales.
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE; NSW government)
DPIE is responsible for administering legislation relating to (among other matters) the conservation and management of native plants and animals, including threatened species and ecological communities.
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DoAWE) (relevant to camps with greyheaded flying-foxes or other matters of national environmental significance)
DoAWE is responsible for administering federal legislation relating to matters of national environmental significance, such as the grey-headed flying-fox and any other federally-listed values of the camp site.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)
NSW NPWS manage land directly adjacent to the Pacific Palms and Hawks Nest camps. They also have an interest in land and fauna management more broadly.
Wildlife carers and conservation organisations
Wildlife carers and conservation organisations have an interest in flying-fox welfare and conservation of flying-foxes and their habitat. They also have an interest in conservation based education programs. FAWNA and WINC are local wildlife care organisations that look after flying-foxes within the MidCoast Council area.
Researchers have an interest in flying-fox behaviour, biology and conservation. The media occasionally publish stories relating to flying-foxes, particularly during times of conflict. They have a responsibility to deliver correct information to the MidCoast Council community
Engagement methods
Extensive effort has been made to engage with the community regarding the subject flyingfox camps to: • • • •
understand the issues, directly and indirectly, affecting the community raise awareness within the community about flying-foxes correct misinformation and allay fears seek ideas and feedback about possible future management options.
The types of engagement that have been undertaken include: