Flying-fox Camp Management Plan

Page 79

MidCoast Council Flying-fox Camp Management Plan

Welfare trigger



Reproductive condition

females in final trimester dependent/crèching young present

• •

Works to cease immediately and DPIE notified Rescheduled Stopped indefinitely and alternative management options investigated.

*maximum of two unsuccessful attempts to recommence work before ceasing for the day. ^a person with experience in flying-fox behaviour will monitoring for welfare triggers and direct works.


Regeneration area (Action A08): Wingham Foreshore Recreation Reserve


Location and setting

The Wingham Foreshore Recreation Reserve is an area consisting of three Crown Reserves located on the southern outskirts of Wingham bordering the Manning River. The Reserve is 11.46 ha in size and is bounded to the north by Farquhar Street, Wingham Brush Nature Reserve and private land holdings; to the east/south by the Manning River; and to the west by private land and the Wingham township. Land that makes up the Reserve is listed in Table 12 and displayed in Figure 30. The topography of the Reserve is generally flat to gently undulating, except for steeper gradients adjacent to the banks of the Manning River and in the north-western corner of the Reserve. Elevation ranges from 0m to 14.5m AHD (Australian Height Datum). The Reserve is located below the 1 in 100 year average recurrence interval (ARI) flood level. The majority of the Reserve is inundated during a 5 year ARI flood event. Most of the original native vegetation at the Reserve has been cleared in the past for agriculture. Remnant and regrowth vegetation contain attributes of the following DPIE BioNet PCTs: • • •

1068 Pepperberry - Giant Stinging Tree - Fig lowland rainforest in the NSW North Coast Bioregion 1530 Weeping Lilly Pilly – Water Gum riparian warm temperate rainforest of the lower North Coast. 1106 River Oak riparian woodland of the NSW North Coast Bioregion and Northern Sydney Basin Bioregion.

PCT 1068 and 1530 are indicative of the BC Act Threatened Ecological Community (TEC): Lowland Rainforest on Floodplain in the New South Wales North Coast Bioregion. The adjoining Wingham Brush Nature Reserve is a significant remnant rainforest with 10% of lowland rainforest on floodplain remaining in New South Wales. Table 13

Planned action for potential impacts during management

Property Name



Mick Tuck Riverside Reserve



Mick Tuck Riverside Reserve




Owner DPI - Crown Lands - Council Managed DPI - Crown Lands - Council Managed

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Articles inside

Flying-fox expert definition

page 162

Camp characteristics

page 95

Standard measures to avoid impacts

pages 158-161

Figure 30 Wingham Foreshore Recreation Reserve

pages 81-82

Figure 22 Hawks Nest camp land zoning and proximate residences

pages 48-50

Table 12 Planned action for potential impacts during management

page 79

Table 11 Management Actions

pages 67-73

Table 10 Threatened species known to occur at the subject camps based on BioNet records

pages 65-66

Table 7 Stakeholder in the subject camps and this Plan

pages 53-57

Table 9 Threatened and Protected Ecological Communities at the subject camps

page 64

Table 8 Local Government Policy Documents and their Relevance to this Plan

pages 58-63

Table 6 Hawks Nest camp land tenure and zoning

page 47

Table 1 Known flying-fox camps in the MidCoast Council LGA (DoAWE 2021) 11 Table 2 Karloo Street Reserve camp land tenure and zoning

page 18

Figure 18 Smiths Lake camp land zoning and proximate residences

pages 41-43

Figure 14 Pacific Palms land zoning and proximate residences

pages 35-36

Figure 6 Karloo Street Reserve land zoning and proximate residences

pages 19-23

Table 5 Smiths Lake camp land tenure and zoning

page 40

Figure 2 Regional MidCoast Council flying-fox camps

pages 12-13

Table 4 Pacific Palms camp land tenure and zoning

page 34

Table 3 Cocos Crescent Reserve land tenure and zoning

pages 27-30
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