Pedestrians: •
To facilitate improvements in level of pedestrian access, particularly in areas of higher pedestrian concentration
To facilitate improvements in the level of personal mobility and safety for pedestrians with disabilities and older persons through the provisions of infrastructure and facilities which cater to the needs of all pedestrians.
To provide continuity of pedestrian access by identifying and enhancing safe and convenient crossing opportunities on major roads.
To identify and priorities infrastructure that can be implemented by Council through the operational and delivery plans.
To provide a framework for Council to apply for external funding primarily from other levels of government.
Bicycle: •
Provide a planning framework for the necessary infrastructure to provide for a safer and more comfortable cycling environment.
Increase the proportion of all trips undertaken by bike – by residents, workers and visitors.
Identify and improve bicycle tourism opportunities
Identify the short- and longer-term actions to be considered in the development of the operational and delivery plans.
Increase general health and fitness, reduce car dependency, improve air quality and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
Provide a focus to advocate the lobbying of State and Federal Government for funding assistance
Ensure new developments align with the overall bike plan
Updated April 2021 │ MidCoast Council Towns & Villages PAMP & Bike PLan Page 3