On Road
On Road
Bicycle Awareness Zone (BAZ)
Typical 4 - Way Intersection signalised
These are painted bicycle markings positioned in the traffic lanes and are generally used to indicate to motorists that bicyclists may be in the road environment. Often these are used on roads where cyclists travel but there is limited road space to provide desiccated facilities. These markings have caused some confusion to all road users about what message they convey. Their use is becoming less common and many local authorities are not renewing these as the marking fades over time. Cycle lane treatments through intersections typically do not have any markings but do have advanced stop line areas where cyclists can position ahead of the traffic queues.
Source: Qld Police
Source: Georgiou Group Or
Source: Bicycle Network (Qld) On Road
Typical 3 - Way Intersection (T) – unsignalised
Cycle lanes at Tintersections operate the same way as normal vehicular conditions. In some cases a lane is marked across the intersection so motorists from the minor road are aware that cyclists are in the area.
Source: IRap toolkit (and VicRoads)
Updated April 2021 │ MidCoast Council Towns & Villages PAMP & Bike PLan Page 12