22 - 25 SEPT 2022 festival programme festivalFREEarts

Image: Lucy Gregory, photo: Reece Straw
contents 4 - 5 preview 6 - 17 exhibitions 18 - 21 talks 22 accessibility 23 - 29 at a glance 30 - 31 map 32 - 33 performances 34 - 37 workshops 38 - 41 events 42 - 45 public art 46 - 47 thank you

welcome 3
Exhibitions, performances, talks, events and screenings take over all sorts of spaces across the town; a former bank, a shopping centre, a disused car park and even plumbed into the council CCTV system. This year also sees the launch of mini-MAW, our kid powered workshops and events across the Asfestival.always,
events are FREE unless stated otherwise. We invite everyone to join in, explore, discuss and enjoy.
All power to you.
Welcome to MAW22. The theme for our fifth year is power, doubled. Somewhat fitting for the times we live in, power POWER formulates its subject in both lowercase and ALL CAPS. Whispered or shouted, quiet or loud, wielded with or without responsibility, careful or not of its consequence. This year, artists from near and far come together to explore hard POWER and soft power; intervene and disrupt the way power is seen or unseen, and set things in motion that unsettle and settle anew.

6pm - 8pm Pineapple Black
4.30pm - MIMA
9pm - late
CINEWORLDSTMcDonalds11 5 preview
6pm - 8pm Platform A Gallery From Gesture to Geometry
Zetland Buildings
6pm - 9pm Commerce House power POWER: irrational exuberance, Layla Khoo (The Dome, upstairs)
6pm - 8pm The Auxiliary power POWER: the way things go, New Graduate Award, Durational performance by Leah Capaldi (from 6pm)
Afterparty Base Camp
6pm - 9pm
power POWER: unpalatable truth, Queer Fringe, The People’s Plinth, Michael Pybus
Performances by Thomas Keenan (7.30pm) and Stephen Wright (8pm) Gordon Matta-Clark, Bobby Benjamin, Jessamyn Fiore and Jaime Davidovich, North East Open Call, Charlotte Dawson and Pippa Eason, Pop Up Printing
preview thurs 22 sept 12876521
6.30pm Art Social, DYAD, WetDovetail, Spin City & Babi Badalov
MAW22 opens this year with a very special pre-launch event at MIMA. We then move on to our four spaces. We invite you to meet and make friends over some refreshments, enjoy a print pop-up workshop and performances, and see all of the amazing art on show!
power POWER: the ways things go
“The Way Things Go” (Der Lauf der Dinge) Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Short feature, CH 1987, 16mm, 30’

Vladan Joler and Kate Crawford, Hannah Cooke, Fischli & Weiss, Jeremy Lee, Simon Starling, Leah Capaldi, Suzzanne Treister, Jamie Iceton

At the Auxiliary, ‘power POWER: the ways things go’ shows works that examine power in relation to bodies and mapping: a wooden boat powered by consuming itself; bollards and body parts as surveillance sculpture; Amazon Echo as anatomical map made of human labour, data and planetary resources; hidden machine vision mapping processes and the will to make sense of them; the power relations of maternity and performance art; the tracing of a control society through structures that bind power, identity and knowledge; warehouse work as game or simulator; the extraordinary work put into the way things go.
31 Station Street, TS1 1SR
Thurs 6pm - 8pm, Fri 9.30am - 5pm, Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 4pm
exhibitions 1

Sophie Coleman, Sarah Twell, Egypt Clarke, Lauryn Brede, Sabby Jamal, The War-Bar Group
Upstairs at The Auxiliary

7 New AwardGraduate
A group show of work by recent graduates and awardees from the festival’s ongoing programme for new and emerging artists. Supported by Katowice University, Poland and regional universities MIMA School of Art, Northern School of Art and Northumbria University, our eight new graduates exhibit work from their summer residencies at The Auxiliary.
ClarkeEgyptImage:JamalSabbyImage: exhibitions

Pineapple Black Hillstreet Shopping Centre (Primark entrance)
Rachel Maclean, Cliff Hindmarsh, Eimear Walshe, John Waid, Darren Cullen, AAAA, DYAD

Thurs 6pm - 9pm, Fri/Sat - Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 4pm
power POWER: unpalatable truth explores power, politics and place. Artists from Ireland and the UK exhibit painting, print, VR, installation and film. The absurdities and carelessness of politics and the very real consequences for lived experience are explored in a show that is by turns provocative, funny, threatening and thoughtful.
8 power unpalatablePOWER:truth
9 exhibitions
DYAD, Harry Fraser, John James Perangie, Liz Collier, Loucey Bain, Robbie O’Keeffe, Seb, vision 25-C, Will Hughes, Wren
What lies at the fringes of MAW? Come and find out!
Window Gallery 24 hour access
In the weeks running up to the festival, families, friends and strangers came together in a series of workshops run by Sue Loughlin, responding to the theme of power. Over three weekends, they created clay sculptures. This huge display shows the powerful breadth of work.
Michael Pybus
New Horizons
Upstairs at Pineapple Black
Queer Fringe is an exciting exhibition of selected works by a plethora of Teesside’s finest queer, alternative and outsider artists. Curated by the Bordello Collective and presented in collaboration with Pineapple Black.
Queer Fringe
Remixing icons, brands and franchises, the artist creates Frankenstein hybrids. While they might look familiar they are decidedly warped, blurring the boundaries between high, low and everything in-between. A re-imagining of contemporary culture and its meaning.

ShoppingHillstreet Centre
Sid & Jim Concourse outside Superdrug Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun, during centre opening
Sid and Jim rework the shopping experience with a sculpture that balances between the visible and invisible. Playfully upending expectations of objects we encounter in retail and art settings, it’s an intervention in the shopping centre that is not what it might seem at first glance. Vroom vroom!
See listings for individual exhibition times
Tom Schofield Unit opposite Thurs/Fri/Sat/SunPrimark11am - 4pm
Various locations within the Shopping Centre Centre opening hours Thurs - Sat 9am - 6pm, Sun 10.30am - 5pm
Everywhere I have never been, except there examines signals from the smartphones of shoppers and audiences, probing them for their own spatial histories, told through records of past networks they have connected to. Instead of using this information as the basis of security attacks the work uses the resulting network of global locations to imagine new hybrid spaces brought together by shared network names.
JimandSidWraps,UnderImage: 13 14
Under Wraps (YZR M1)

Oberhausen Mall (beside O2 shop) Fri/Sat 10am - 5pm Sun 11am - 4pm ‘Painting in Time’ is an installation of hybrid works by Alison Goodyear, from a series of virtual abstract paintings. The exhibition includes a series of short and long play films, a series of abstract narrative and large format prints, and a 360 VR experience
4pm Come and see what
You can’t
Gallery, Unit
15 16
11 exhibitions
surveillance technologies through an intense audiovidual installation. SmithA/BImage:

Unit (beside The Works) 3pm - 6pm, 10am - 5pm 11amICU makes of what it thinks it can reveal about emotions? help but take use of
part in this interactive installation, which examines the

your face and
Painting in Time Goodyear
WDT 23/25B
A/B Smith - ICU
Part of Celebrating Hidden Middlesbrough & Middlesbrough High Street Heritage Action Zone programme. Follow @hiddenmbro #hiddenmbro 13 13
Various locations within the Shopping Centre Centre opening hours Thurs - Sat 9am - 6pm, Sun 10.30am - 5pm
Navigator North, opposite Primark
For further information visit navigatornorth.co.uk/artists-support/
Arts & InvestigatorsHeritage
On Saturday and Sunday, mini-MAW visitors will have the chance to take part in arts activities and achieve their own ‘Discover Boro’ Arts Award. For further information visit celebrating-hidden-middlesbrough/navigatornorth.co.uk/programme/
Artwork created by school children from Breckon Hill Primary School. Inspired by local history and responding to heritage in Exchange Square, pupils created their own collage portraits with artist Annie O’Donnell, as part of a Discover Arts Award.
ShoppingHillstreet Centre
Cluster Navigator North, opposite Primark Open Fri, Sat & Sun 11am - 4pm
An opportunity to come, meet artists and experience live drawing. Featuring the work of 20 artists from Navigator North’s Middlesbrough based studios, work includes painting, sculpture, drawing, mixed media, digital animation, sound and installation.
See listings for individual exhibition times
Open Fri, Sat & Sun 11am - 4pm
Opening times opposite
Power ofthroughdynamicsthelenspoverty
Fri/Sat 10am - 5pm Sun 11am - 4pm
exhibitions NorthNavigatorCluster,Image: 17 17
Aleksandra Valchuck
Alek’s work is about the beauty in nature and focuses on positive possibilities. A printmaker from Odessa in the Ukraine, Aleksandra Valchuck is currently living in a safe camp with her husband and children. All donations/sale of work will help support Aleksandra and her family.

Unsought poverty can take power away or generate a power previously unknown in the individual. Through an open call process, this literary installation draws on experiences, perceptions and feelings of poverty, highlighting the changes in power and dynamics operating within the perceived relationship of the powerful and the powerless.
2B Creative Health (Unit 25 Oberhausen Mall, beside Ramsdens)
2B Creative Health (Unit 25 Oberhausen Mall, beside Ramsdens)
Celebrating Middlesbrough’s history of charitable giving and part of a 12 month Exchange Artist Residency led by Tees Valley Arts. Part of Celebrating Hidden Middlesbrough & Middlesbrough High Street Heritage Action Zone programme.
KhooLaylaImage: 5
1 Exchange Square, TS1 1DE
power exuberanceirrationalPOWER:
Step inside the grandiose former bank to enter a large cartoony hallucination of an installation, an interactive work that accuses the visitor with something you can’t quite put your finger on. Alongside this, two very different film works attack the power of bureaucracy from very different ends. In one, the recording of an infamous performance, bureaucracy and deadpan destruction smash together in a bizarre office ritual. A second film charts the joyful destruction of debt through community power.
The Exchange Layla Khoo
Fri/Sat 10am - 5pm Sun 11am - 4pm
Jimmie Durham, Lucy Gregory, Daniel Edelstyn and Hilary Powell
‘Smashing’ Courtesy the Estate of Jimmie Durham and Matt’s Gallery, London.

Thurs 6pm - 9pm
A site specific installation in the copper dome at Commerce House. In this exhibition, the artist invites the audience to make a special ‘exchange’; a day of volunteering time in exchange for one of the 365 handmade porcelain block sculptures.
North East Open Call
In this exhibition Pippa Eason explores moments of play, how materials may contain our human frenetic energy for millennia, whilst embedding personal memories. Charlotte Dawson asks questions of objects worth, casting plates in jesmonite. Commenting on mass production and the duality of purpose within a vessel, used in both service and for decorative purposes.
This year we showcase nine regional artists selected in partnership with MIMA, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art and Matt’s Gallery that add to the theme of power with new or existing work. Performance, sound, installation, photography - works that wield or yield to power.
15 exhibitions
Mark Duffy, Penny Payne, Thomas Keenan, James Stephen Wright, Henna Asikainen , Stephen Irving, Yusuf Ghani, Alexandra Carr, Carolyn Thompson, Toby P Lloyd
Exchange Square, TS1 1DE
Thurs 6pm - 9pm
Reality Properties: Fake Estates
Gordon Matta-Clark with Jaime Davidovich, Jessamyn Fiore & Bobby Benjamin Explore the hugely influential U.S artist Matta Clarke’s Fake Estates project that parodied the absurdities of bureaucracies of land ownership by buying up slivers of kerbs, alleys and corners in 70’s New York. Alongside this wry project, Bobby Benjamin riffs on Matta-Clark’s work with a contemporary Middlesbrough response to the absurdities of ownership that Fake Estates satirises.
Objects at play Charlotte Dawson and Pippa Eason
Fri/Sat 10am - 5pm Sun 11am - 4pm
Fri/Sat 10am - 4.30pm
Sun 12pm - 4pm
ChowdharyLubnaImage: 8
Thurs 10am - 6.30pm
Lubna Chowdhary
Babi Badalov
An exhibition of recent paintings, sculptures and installations made from ceramic, wood and industrial materials. Lubna Chowdhary combines manufacturing processes with intuitive hand-made techniques. Gathering ideas and techniques from manufacturing, design and architecture, her works combine personal memories with references to art and material culture from around the globe, questioning what is valued and what is overlooked.

A special pop-up display. Badalov has spent his life migrating between Russia, the United States of America, Europe, Asia Minor, and the Middle East. The textile pieces feature word play and mix the various languages he has adopted to survive while living clandestinely in numerous countries.
Centre Square, Middlesbrough TS1 2AZ
Local artist Amy Davies’ exhibition offers a rare glimpse into the lives of those who worked and lived on Zetland Road.
Zetland Exhibition
From Gesture to Geometry
Platform A Gallery
Amy Davies
Rachael Clewlow, Sarah Cooney, Lorraine Lawler, Theresa Poulton, Francesca Simon
Using her very own bespoke ‘Zetland Ink’, her large scale drawings are exhibited alongside floor plans, architectural drawings and archival photographs.
17 exhibitions
Navigator North, The Masham, 27 Linthorpe Road, TS1 1RL Fri/Sat/Sun 11am - 4pm 2
The Masham
The practice of non-objective painting that erupted in the early 20th century was soon divided into two camps; gestural abstraction, built upon the loose compositions of the post-impressionists, and geometric abstraction, that rejected the notion of gesture and the trace of the artist’s hand. This exhibition explores the contemporary attitudes of artists from both factions and of those who use both approaches.

As part of a 6-month residency responding to the people, places and activity of Zetland Road and its buildings and the Celebrating Hidden Middlesbrough & Middlesbrough High Street Heritage Action Zone programme.
Middlesbrough Railway Station, Zetland Rd, TS1 1EG Thurs 6pm - 8pm Fri/Sat 10am - 4pm Sun 11am - 4pm
18 DeakinRachelPhoto: talks 1
The Auxiliary Project Space, 31 Station Street, TS1 1SR Fri 1pm - 1.45pm
Curatorial walk through
Ever wondered about the stories behind the artworks? Get up close to the work and join the curator of the festival to discuss and ask questions about the exhibition, theme and artists. The walk through is limited to 10 people.

To book go to www.middlesbroughartweekender22.eventbrite.com
Bradford City talk ‘Culture is our plan’ Talk and Q&A with Nic Greenan, Head of CityatPartnershipsCulturalBradfordCouncil
Calling all freelancers, creators and artists! Clore Leadership presents a roundtable gathering. Facilitated by Jo Walley, this talk explores the future challenges of the arts, cultural leadership and changemaking across the Tees Valley. Guest speaker Annabel Turpin from ARC Stockton talks about her own leadership journey and offers a provocation on the current challenges, asking; what difference can we make? With time for the audience to get involved and explore ideas and possibilities.
The Old Firestation, Middlesbrough Town Hall, Albert Road, TS1 2QJ Fri 10.30am - 12.30pm
The Old MiddlesbroughFirestation,Town Hall, Albert Road, TS1 2QJ Fri 2pm - 3pm
Bradford will be City of Culture 2025. Hear more from Nic Grennan about Bradford’s vision for culture - where creativity is celebrated in every home and on every street corner - opportunities for artists. Opportunities to discuss how culture can create a place that is knowingly different and radically alternative. 9 9
Clore roundtableLeadershiptalk
MAW Artists: panel discussion
Take a seat after a days trek around the exhibitions and enjoy a round table discussion with some of the festival artists. Join artists Bobby Benjamin, Annie O’Donnell and Darren Cullen. Chaired by festival curators Kypros Kyprianou and Will Hughes.

Pineapple Black, Hillstreet Shopping Centre (Primark entrance), TS1 1SU Fri 3.30pm - 5pm
Hearing from Fionaartists:Larkin
MIMA, Centre Square, TS1 2AZ Sat 11am - 12pm
Take a seat after a day’s trek around the exhibitions and enjoy a round table discussion with some of the festival artists. Join Bobby Benjamin, Jessamyn Fiore and curator Kypros Kyprianou. 6
MAW Artists: panel discussion
12 8
Zetland Buildings, Exchange Square, Middlesbrough TS1 1DE Sat 4pm - 5pm, Free
Join Fiona Larkin as she introduces her new publication, Soft Power Soft Fictions, made in response to the Women Artists of the North East Library (WANEL) Collection and the work of Ethel Guymer held in the Middlesbrough Collection. Larkin will discuss her practice and engagement with archives and making work in response to the life and work of others. Booking is free but essential, RSVP via MIMA’s website: mima.art
Fiona AroundLarkin:atablecloth
In LorrainewithconversationartistsLawler & Theresa Poulton
talks8 2
Join us at Platform A Gallery for a discussion between artists Lorraine Lawler & Theresa Poulton around gesture and geometry in non-objective painting.
Photo: Kev Howard
Come join this open table event, where artist Fiona Larkin convenes a discussion inspired by Ethel Guymer and artist led groups working locally. A tablecloth, made by the artist and in the spirit of Guymer, frames the event. With special guests and light refreshments made by Gutsy Girl, this event is part of a collaborative project between Women Artists of the North East Library and MIMA. Booking is free but essential, RSVP via MIMA’s website: mima.art
MIMA, Centre Square, TS1 2AZ Sat 2pm - 4pm
Platform A MiddlesbroughGalleryRailway Station, Zetland Road, TS1 1EG Sat 1-2 pm

Ramp access in place where possible
Noise cancelling headphones will be available during the festival
As a welcoming and inclusive festival, we strive to make as much of our programme accessible to the broadest range of people possible. In addition to signposting venues with step-free access and accessible toilets within this guide, we have also planned for the following:
Captions on all relevant videos/films
BSL interpreter used for selected talks (p. 18-19)
Documentation of inaccessible works throughout the festival

Large print interpretation sheets for spaces
As an organisation we are working hard to achieve our goal of removing all barriers to access and understand our efforts might not always accommodate your needs. We actively seek feedback from visitors and would love to hear your suggestions to help make MAW the best and most inclusive it can be.
Play area/space for parents and guardians with young children at Pineapple Black
22 accessibility
Audio tours of the main exhibition at The Auxiliary, available online and with an accompanying pamphlet
Drop us an email theauxiliaryprojectspace@gmail.com
A ‘buddy’ system available on request
23 glanceaatat a thursdayglance22september 4.30pm - 6.30pm Art Social, DYAD, WetDoveTail, SpinCity & Badi Babalov MIMA 6pm Leah Capaldi Performance p.6 The Auxiliary 6pm - 8pm power POWER: the ways things go p.6 The Auxiliary New Graduate Award p.7 The Auxiliary The People’s Plinth p.7 Pineapple Black From Gesture to Geometry p.17 Platform A Gallery power POWER: unpalatable truth p.8 Pineapple Black Queer Fringe p.9 Pineapple Black 6pm - 9pm power POWER: irrational exuberance p.14 Commerce House Layla Khoo The Exchange p.14 Commerce House Gordon Matta-Clark et al Reality Properties: Fake Estates p.15 Zetland Buildings North East Open Call p.15 Zetland Buildings Charlotte Dawson and Pippa Eason p.15 Zetland Buildings 7.30pm Thomas Keenan performance Zetland Buildings 8pm Stephen Wright performance Zetland Buildings 9pm - late Afterparty Base Camp 24hr Michael Pybus window gallery exhibition p.9 Pineapple Black

24 friday 23 september 9am - 6pm Sid and Jim p.10 Hillstreet (Concourse) 9.30am - 5pm power POWER: the ways things go p.6 The Auxiliary New Graduate Award p.7 The Auxiliary The People’s Plinth p.7 Pineapple Black 10am - 4pm From Gesture to Geometry p.17 Platform A Gallery 10am - 4.30pm Lubna Chowdhary Erratics p.16 MIMA Babi Badalov p.16 MIMA WalsheEimearImage:

Pineapple Black Queer Fringe p.9 Pineapple Black Aleksandra Valchuck Linocuts
10am - 5pm A/B Smith ICU p.11
Primark) Cluster p.12 Hilltreet
Commerce House Layla Khoo The Exchange
Commerce House Gordon Matta-Clark et al Reality Properties: Fake Estates
Primark) Zetland Exhibition p.17 The Masham 11am - 2pm Powerland Workshop p.32 Gutsy Girl 1pm - 1.45pm MAW Curatorial walk through p.18 The Auxiliary 2pm LOL Sound installation p.29 Commerce House, A66 CCTVUnderpasssystems 2pm - 3pm Bradford City talk p.19 Middlesbrough Town Hall 3.30pm - 5pm MAW Artists: panel discussion p.20 Pineapple Black 7pm - late YABBA & Haunted Hair gig p.36 Basecamp 7.30pm - 8.30pm Scott King Debrist Manifesto p.28 Pineapple Black 8pm - 10pm Queer Fringe Performance p.28 Pineapple Black 24hrs Michael Pybus Window gallery exhibition p.9 Pineapple Black 25 glanceaat
Zetland p.15 p.15 p.8 p.13 (opp. (opp. (opp. (opp.
Zetland Buildings Charlotte Dawson and Pippa Eason
Zetland Buildings power POWER: unpalatable truth
Hillstreet (Unit 28) p.11 (WDT Gallery) exuberance p.14 p.14 p.15
Buildings North East Open Call
Alison Goodyear Painting in Time
Primark) Arts & Heritage Investigators p.12 Hillstreet
Primark) Clore Leadership roundtable talk p.19 TownMiddlesbroughHall 11am - 4pm Tom Schofield Everywhere I have never been, except there p.10 Hillstreet
power POWER: irrational
(2BHillstreetCreative Health) Powerdynamics through the lens of poverty p.13 (2BHillstreetCreative Health) 10am - 11pm Practice 22 p.36 Basecamp 10.30am - 12.30pm Meet the walking forest p.32 Hillstreet
Gallery) power POWER: unpalatable truth
Pineapple Black Queer Fringe p.9 Pineapple Black power POWER: irrational exuberance p.14 Commerce House Layla Khoo The Exchange p.14 Commerce House Gordon Matta-Clark et al Reality Properties: Fake Estates p.15 Zetland Buildings North East Open Call p.15 Zetland Buildings Charlotte Dawson and Pippa Eason p.15 Zetland Buildings power POWER: the ways things go p.6 The Auxiliary New Graduate Award p.7 The Auxiliary The People’s Plinth p.7 Pineapple Black Practice 22 p.36 Basecamp Aleksandra Valchuck Linocuts p.13 (2BHillstreetCreative Health) Powerdynamics through the lens of poverty p.13 (2BHillstreetCreative Health) 11am - 12pm Hearing from artists: Fiona Larkin p.20 MIMA
Hillstreet p.11 (Unit p.11 (WDT p.8
(Concourse) 10am - 4pm From Gesture to Geometry p.17 Platform A Gallery MINI MAW Creativity Hub p.30 Pineapple Black 10am - 4.30pm Lubna Chowdhary Erratics p.16 MIMA Babi Badalov p.16 MIMA 10am - 5pm A/B Smith ICU
28) Alison Goodyear Painting in Time

- 6pm Sid and Jim p.10
26 saturday 24 september
11am - 2pm Powerland Workshop p.32 Gutsy Girl 11am - 4pm Cluster p.12 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) Arts & Heritage Investigators p.12 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) Zetland Exhibition p.17 The Masham Arts Award with Navigator North p.31 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) Tom Schofield Everywhere I have never been, except there p.10 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) 12pm - 4pm Power Up Play p.30 BaseCamp Print pop up workshop p.33 Orange Pip Market Crafty Bast*rds Workshops p.37 BaseCamp Post Apocalypse School of Teesside p.31 Orange Pip Market 12pm - 6pm Coalescence Soundsystem 12v p.33 Exchange Square 1pm - 2pm In conversation with artists Lorraine Lawler and Theresa Poulton p.21 Platform A Gallery 1pm - 4pm Toby P Lloyd: Are washing machines more important than mobile phones? p.29 Hillstreet Superdrug)(opp. 2pm LOL Sound installation p.29 Commerce House, A66 CCTVUnderpasssystems 2pm - 4pm Fiona Larkin: Around a tablecloth p.21 MIMA 4pm - 5pm MAW Artists: panel discussion p.20 Zetland Buildings 24hrs Michael Pybus window gallery exhibition p.9 Pineapple Black 27 glanceaat

28 sunday 25 september 10am - 4pm MINI MAW Creativity Hub p.30 Pineapple Black 10.30am - 5pm Sid and Jim p.10 Hillstreet (Concourse) 11am - 4pm Tom Schofield Everywhere I have never been, except there p.10 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) A/B Smith ICU p.11 Hillstreet (Unit 28) Alison Goodyear Painting in Time p.11 Hillstreet (WDT Gallery) Cluster p.12 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) Arts & Heritage Investigators p.12 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) From Gesture to Geometry p.17 Platform A Gallery Zetland Exhibition p.17 The Masham power POWER: unpalatable truth p.8 Pineapple Black Queer Fringe p.9 Pineapple Black power POWER: irrational exuberance p.14 Commerce House Layla Khoo The Exchange p.14 Commerce House Gordon Matta-Clark et al Reality Properties: Fake Estates p.15 Zetland Buildings North East Open Call p.15 Zetland Buildings Charlotte Dawson and Pippa Eason p.15 Zetland Buildings

29 glanceaat 11am - 4pm cont power POWER: the ways things go p.6 The Auxiliary New Graduate Award p.7 The Auxiliary The People’s Plinth p.7 Pineapple Black Arts Award with Navigator North p.31 Hillstreet (opp. Primark) TIME TBC Aleksandra Valchuck Linocuts and p.13 (2BHillstreetCreative Health) Powerdynamics through the lens of poverty p.13 (2BHillstreetCreative Health) 12pm - 4pm Practice 22 p.36 Basecamp Lubna Chowdhary Erratics p.16 MIMA Babi Badalov p.16 MIMA Power Up Play p.30 BaseCamp Post Apocalypse School of Teesside p.31 The Auxiliary Crafty Bast*rds Workshops p.37 BaseCamp 2pm LOL Sound installation p.29 Commerce House, A66 CCTVUnderpasssystems 5pm Mayshe Mayshe plus support p.37 BaseCamp 24hrs Michael Pybus window gallery exhibition p.9 Pineapple Black

1 Exchange Square, TS1 1DE
PINEAPPLE 3/4, (Primark
UNIT 28 The Works
Centre Square, TS1 2AZ
109B Marton Road, TS1 2DU
27 Linthrope Road, TS1 1RL
1716151413121110987654321LOL map
Exchange Square, TS1 1DE
Middlesbrough Train Station, TS1 1EG
Exchange Square, TS1 1DE
Baker Street, TS1 2LF
Exchange House, TS1 1DB
Unit 23b/25 Oberhausen Mall, beside O2
LOL Sound installation, various locations
Albert Road, TS1 2QJ
2B Creative Health 25 Oberhausen Mall, beside Ramsdens
31 Station Street, TS1 1SR
entrance) NAVIGATOR NORTH Opposite Primark CONCOURSE Opposite Superdrug
After what was deemed by many as an extremely successful arts career ground to a halt, King decided to ‘re-brand’ his own failure as ‘success’, and produced a book entitled The Debrist Manifesto. This is the live show of the book.

Pineapple Black, Hillstreet Shopping Centre (Primark entrance), TS1 1SU Fri 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Debrist Manifesto
Pineapple Black, Hillstreet Shopping Centre (Primark entrance), TS1 1SU Fri 8pm - 10pm
An evening of spoken word and sound art performance from the Bordello Collective and friends. Featuring Teesside’s finest queer, alternative and outsider artists. 12
Are TobySmartImportantMachinesWashingMoreThanPhones?PLloyd
Pre recorded performance LOL is a sonic intervention delivered through Middlesbrough’s CCTV surveillance network. At sites in the centre of town, passers-by can hear political slogans, news headlines - read by the AI voice ‘Kate’ - and the sounds of protest, reflecting the current state of political affairs in Britain. Created by Sound Art Brighton artist Olivia Louvel, with field-recordings by Swiss artist Stefano Christen and produced in collaboration with Kersten Glandien.
LOL Thurs 8pm, Fri/Sat/Sun 2pm Commerce House / A66 Underpass / House of Fraser
Sound Art Brighton is an independent initiative that celebrates the presence of sound art in Brighton, www.soundartbrighton.comUK. LOL14
Join Toby P Lloyd for a participatory project that engages in conversations with the public to explore and challenge complicated aspects of our daily lives from a critical, yet convivial perspective. The questions may sound simple, but participants might find that the answers are much more complicated than expected, revealing hidden tensions, contractions and social hierarchies.
Hill Street shopping Centre (opposite Superdrug)
Sat 1pm - 4pm
All ages
Power Up Play
Free child led arts activities at Base Camp. Let the little ones imagination run riot with fun activities like Picasso style abstract art sessions, pasta jewellery & magic wand weaving. Cafes open so why not drop in for a cuppa and a bite to eat and let your little ones get creative.

Free drop in and make family sessions
Basecamp, Exchange House, Exchange Square, TS1 1DB Sat/Sun 12pm - 4pm
Drop in to draw, model, design and build at the Mini-MAW Creativity Hub. Across our six POWER STATIONS you’ll find loads of fun things to do that will really get your imagination powered up!
Pineapple Black (Primark entrance) Hillstreet Shopping Centre, TS1 1SU Sat/Sun 10am - 4pm
All ages
7 12
Free drop in sessions
34 workshops
Carve MINI MONUMENTS from soap. Imagine you are in a galaxy far, far away and add to a massive floor drawing of the EPIC BATTLE between the forces of GOOD and EVIL. Where will your imagination take you?
workshops 35
Navigator North @ Hillstreet Shopping Centre (opposite Primark) TS1 1SU & The Masham, 27 Linthorpe Rd, TS1 1RL Sat/Sun 11am – 4pm Age 8+ Free drop in sessions
Historic England and Middlesbrough Council
Arts Award with Navigator North

delivered by Navigator North, with additional support and funding from
Want to be an artist? Come and collect a FREE activity pack, have fun exploring the festival with lots of activities along the way and complete the award! Limited numbers available each day, so arrive early to collect your pack and set out on your Arts Award
Sat - Orange Pip Market, Baker Street, TS1 2LF Sun - The Auxiliary Project Space, 31 Station Street, TS1 1SR (across from Zetland carpark) Free drop in sessions 12pm - 4pm Age 12+
“It is coming. We all feel it in our bones.” The PAST empowers people by teaching them how to become fully autonomous human beings living self-sufficient and sustainable lives. Blending fun, creativity and survival skills, we will be running sessions on fire making, foraging, and how to create art and literature after the www.thepast.org.ukapocalypse. 3 10 1
11 13
Meet walkingtheforest
Join an interactive creative workshop, talk and film screening about Walking Forest, a 10 year international public Artwork that makes the connection between women, tree ecology, activism and climate justice. The project will culminate in 2028 with the planting of an intentional woodland to honour women Earth defenders from across the Globe. Places for 16 people only. Register at art-weekender/meet-the-walking-forest-at-middlesbrough-www.festivalofthrift.co.uk/event/
Navigator North (opposite Primark), Hillstreet Shopping Centre, TS1 1SU Fri 10.30am - 12.30pm
St. John’s Gallery at Gutsy Girl & Co, Studio 109, 109B Marton Road, TS1 Fri/Sat2DU11am -2pm All ages Superheroes need a super place to live, play and practice their super powers. St. John’s Gallery, within Gutsy Girl & Co, is providing little minds with a blank canvas to create an imaginary city scape. Children and young people will be encouraged to draw on the walls of the gallery, creating a landscape that will evolve and grow bigger each day. Add your own superhero to the city sky, and attend in superhero costumes if they wish! Gutsy Girl & Co will be open, serving their menu of Breakfast, Brunch & Lunch. Please note the Gallery and Gutsy Girl & Co are open Wed- Sat 10am-3pm.

Come along for FREE workshops for all ages. Learn printing techniques from artists such as screen, intaglio and fabric printing. All materials are provided with the option of bringing your own T-Shirts to print on or upcycle. Artists will be on hand to guide you through the making process to create something unique for yourself.
FREEasabird 4 6 10
Exchange Square, TS1 1DE Sat 12pm - 6pm Coalescence Soundsystem 12v was started during 2020 as a project aiming to bring music back to public spaces. Growing and adapting ever since, it’s now fully mobile! Come and enjoy the environs of the newly renovated Exchange Square, grab a coffee and soak up the tunes.

Thur 6pm - 8pm - Zetland Buildings Sat 12pm - 4pm - Orange Pip Market, Baker Street, TS1 2LF
Print pop workshopup

38 events
Image: Cliff Hindmarsh, Do You Want to Buy Your Council House (2005)


Platform A MiddlesbroughGalleryRailway Station, Zetland Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 1EG Sun 12 - 4pm

Please enter from the back of the train station (entrance to Platform 2) and walk through the tunnel to get to Platform 1.
Settle in with a coffee and enjoy two screenings - John Amokrofah’s Handsworth Songs (58 minutes, 1986) and Eimear Walshe’s Land Cruiser (23 mins, 2022). ‘Handsworth Songs ’is a defiantly experimental Black Audio Film Collective documentary, that explores race and civil disorder in 1980s Britain and the inner city riots of 1985. The film goes beyond the agenda setting of contemporary reportage, and explores a multiplicity of issues that link the historical and contemporary to do with race, longing and belonging.
Basecamp, Exchange House, Exchange Square, Middlesbrough TS1 1DB Sun 12pm - 2pm
Eimear Walshe’s Land Cruiser (2022) is a road movie that charts a perverse quest across an Ireland marked by covetousness, murder and mortgages. It forcefully examines the conditions needed for safe intimacy and its penetration by ‘market forces’.
Open Studios
events 39
*This entrance to the studios are not accessible to all please contact us before to arrange a safe entrance if needed. Gallery is accessible for all.
Discussion at the end with curator Kypros Kyprianou.
The Auxiliary Project Space 31 Station Street, TS1 1SR Sun 12pm -4pm No lift to upstairs studios Accessible toilet 7 12
Sunday Screenings
Anderson/sallylovesharpiesSallyImage: 7
The bar’s open right through. DJs. Food. Let’s have ourselves an arty party!
Contact venue for accessibility information
Fri gig doors 7pm Tickets £7.50
Thurs 6pm - close Free entry. All welcome.
Basecamp, Exchange House, Exchange Square, TS1 1DB
Opening hours Fri 10am - 11pm, Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 12noon - 4pm Café bar open. Free entry.
MAW Opening Party
YABBA + Haunted Hair
Plus kitchen takeover from Deja Street Food 5pm til sell out & 2 cocktails for £10 5-7pm.
Hot from the ashes of one of Scotland’s most vicious live experiences, YABBA are the new breed. Their incomparable sleaze-disco, selfindulgent, drug jam sound has driven the quintet in equal measure to go above and beyond all cultural norms, and to fecund a feeling in music that specialises in the dark and danceable. Refusing to be defined or confined to any limits, for art’s sake, YABBA finds inspiration from the malevolent power structures within an exhausted musical Supportlandscape.from the brilliantly named Haunted Hair
For Base Camp fringe event tickets and info go to www.basecampboro.co.uk
Preview 6pm Thurs
A collection of work by a range of artists and practitioners who teach at the prestigious Northern School of Art. Showcasing a range of visual art disciplines including fine art, illustration, graphic design, typography, photography and print making.

Crafty Bast**ds
12noon - 1.30pm and 2pm - 3.30pm Tickets £15 Celebrate your personal power with an absorbing and fascinating 90 minute
Hour long taster sessions to introduce the art of life drawing. Booking essential. Basic materials provided but please feel free to bring your own.
Mayshe-Mayshe is the solo project of UK musician & bedroom-pop producer Alice Rowan. Her ethereal music blends dreamy art-pop with rich storytelling, skittering percussion and infectious melodies. Her deceptively simple songwriting - at once universal and deeply personalincorporates choral vocals, vintage synths and the occasional hairdryer!
Nudey Dudey Life Drawing
12noon - 1pm and 2pm - 3pm £5 per session
Sun from 5pm Tickets £5
workshop using Posca paint pens. Sally works with sharpies & posca pens to create work on skate decks, canvas & scraps of cardboard. Studying Psychology MSc at The University of Sunderland, Sally’s work draws on the growing body of research which evidences the benefits of arts participation for mental health and wellbeing. Her workshops are inclusive for all levels of art ability and encourage radical expression within a supportive space. Tickets £15 include all materials with a completed canvas for you to take away. Queer Zine Workshop with Queer Base 1pm - 3pm, Free Using letterpress poster making and collage printmaking techniques, participants will get hands-on experience in our pop-up print studio, culminating in a collective, handmade, DIY, selfpublished zine and fold-out poster.
Mayshe Mayshe plus support
12noon - 1.30pm, Tickets £25 Wreaths aren’t just for Christmas. Get creative with the colours of autumn and build a beautiful indoor wreath with dried flowers and plants. Tickets £25 include all materials.
Self Portrait Workshop with artist Sally (sallylovesharpies)Anderson
Sat & Sun 12noon - 4pm
Autumn Wreath Workshop with Plantopia
public art

van Bruggen outside MIMA, Centre Square, TS1 2AZ Installed in 1993 to become one of Middlesbrough’s most iconic landmarks. Middlesbrough is home to some outstanding examples of public art. Take some time out from the festival to explore a selection of the town’s growing collection.

artpublic 43 For more information go to www.wearemiddlesbrough.com/things-to-do/arts-museums-things-to-do/public-art/ Temenos by Anish Kapoor Middlehaven Docks, TS3 6RT A monumental sculpture (110 metres long and 50 metres high) by world-renowned artist Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond.
Bottle of Notes by Coosje
Claes Oldenburg and
44 Broadcasting House Reimagined by Emma Bennett Brentnall Buildings, Brentnall Street, Middlesbrough, TS1 5AP See Bennett’s other public work ‘Car Park Stairway’ on The Cleveland Centre, Grange Road. #e11b22 (borough red) by Jade Blood outside The Auxiliary, 31 Station Street, Middlesbrough, TS1 1SR A banner made by participants and the artist. Using hand dye cottons and silks, they tried to achieve the ‘borough red shade using only natural materials. Boro Through Time by Sofia Barton Wilson Street/Linthorpe Road, town centre, Middlesbrough Boro Through Time explores Middlesbrough’s rich culture and heritage, using designs inspired by Victorian matchboxes. Transmit, Transform, Translate by Stephen Hurrell Corporation Road/Dunning Street Corner, town centre (between Middlesbrough Town Hall and Middlesbrough Empire), Middlesbrough A light and sound installation for five redundant, yet iconic, telephone boxes located beside Middlesbrough Town Hall.

After Warsama takes the legacy of Abdillahi Warsama, the legendary local owner of Bongo Club International, as its celebratory starting point. Painted by Liz Collier and Russ Walker.
After Warsama by Dominic from Luton outside The Auxiliary, 31 Station Street, Middlesbrough, TS1 1SR

Beating Heart by Stuart Langley

We Walked Out of the Wilderness by John Ayscough outside The Auxiliary, 31 Station Street, Middlesbrough, TS1 1SR Neon light work inspired by an iconic 1987 photograph of Margaret Thatcher ‘walking into the wilderness’ in Thornaby. Endless Convenience by Andrew Mckeown Albert Park TS1 3LB, Stewart Park TS7 8AR, and by the Parkway Centre TS8 0TJ Endless Convenience is a series of sculptures inspired by shapes and forms found in throwaway plastic lunch containers.
A light installation which uses Church House’s windows as a canvas. Activates every half hour from dark - midnight.

artpublic 45 For more information go to www.wearemiddlesbrough.com/things-to-do/arts-museums-things-to-do/public-art/
Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 2LR
Sam Cole, Emily Long, Igor Warykiewicz, Barbara Klus
Anna Byrne Managing Director Kypros Kyprianou Curator Rachel Deakin Marketing
MAW Team
Adam Shaw Install Crew Mia Braine Volunteer Manager
Paul Weild & Mark McPhie at Holiday Inn Express - Centre Square, Peader Byrne at Leinster Property Services, Mark Hill at Jomast, Christine Huntington at Commerce House, Colin Smith at Hillstreet Shopping Centre
All our brilliant volunteers thank you
Tees Valley Combined Authority
Stephen Wiper at Creative Darlington, Pat Chapman at Northern School of Art, Laura, Elinor, Helen, Danni, Kate & Sally at MIMA, Kesia Bruce at Middlesbrough Town Hall, Nicola Golightly & Vicky Holbrough at Navigator North, Emma Bennet, Bobby Benjamin & Steve Irving at Pineapple Black, Tony Charles & Michaela Wetherell at Platform A Gallery, Carmel & Graham Ramsey at Base Camp, Annie O’Donnell, Tim & Robin at Matt’s Gallery, Ciara Dunne at Rachel Maclean Studio, Shahda Khan at Borderlands, Fiona Crisp at Northumbria University, Newcastle University School of Arts and Cultures
MAW relies on connections and collaborations with incredible communitieswithout this structure, we wouldn’t exist.
Artists & organisations
Stuart Langley Graphic Design
Mayor Preston, Deputy Mayor Mieka Smiles, Charlotte Nicol, Leanne Littlewood, Holly Glover, Dale Metcalfe, Andrew Glover
Sam Peace, Nicholas Baumfield
Charlie Kemp, Heather Walker, Dominique Finn
Atlanta Austick, Emily Kamara
Production Assistants
Arts Council
Middlesbrough Council
Simon Cole Technical Manager Chris Suttie Install Crew
Will Hughes Project Manager/Curator
Liam Slevin Artistic Director
youthank 47

www.middlesbroughartweekender.com /middlesbroughartweekender /middlesbrough.art.weekender /MAW_weekender