SUMMAT FOR THE BAIRNSSat24&Sun25Sept FREE workshops

This leaflet details all the fun & free art activities for kids during Middlesbrough Art Weekender (MAW), a free arts festival held across the town. And it includes a do-it-yourself drawing activity for future MAW artists!
Across our six POWER STATIONS you’ll find loads of fun things to do that will really get your imagination powered up!
11am – 4pm Age 8+ Free drop in sessions
Want to be an artist? Come and collect a FREE activity pack, have fun exploring the festival with lots of activities along the way and complete the award! Limited numbers available each day, so arrive early to collect your activity pack and set out on your Arts Award adventure. This activity is designed and delivered by Navigator North, with additional support and funding from Historic England and Middlesbrough Council FORLISTINGSMORE
This years MAW runs 22 - 25 Sept.
Arts Award with Navigator North Navigator North @ HillStreet Shopping Centre (opposite Primark) & The Masham Sat 24 and Sun 25 Sept
MINI-MAW Creativity Hub
Carve MINI MONUMENTS from soap Imagine you are in a galaxy far, far away and add to a massive floor drawing of the EPIC BATTLE between the forces of GOOD and EVIL Model a SUPER HERO from dough. Make your very own SPY GOGGLES to stare back at BIG BROTHER.
Pineapple Black, HillStreet Shopping Centre, Sat 24 and Sun 25 Sept Free drop in and make family sessions
10am - 4pm, All ages Drop in to draw, model, design and build at the Mini MAW Creativity Hub.

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On Friday of MAW and Saturday of Mini MAW, children and young people will be encouraged to add to the walls, creating a landscape that will evolve and grow bigger each day. Add your own superhero to the city sky- what super power will your hero provide to the Childrencity?are welcome to attend in super hero costumes if they wish!
St.PowerlandJohn’sGallery at Gutsy Girl & Co, Studio 109, 109B Marton Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 2DU Free, 11am - 2pm, All ages Superheroes need a super place to live, play and practice their super powers. St. John’s Gallery within Gutsy Girl & Co is providing little minds with a blank canvas to create an imaginary city scape on the walls of the gallery.
12pm - 4pm, All ages
Free child led arts activities at Base Camp.
Post SatSchoolApocalypseofTeesside24Sept-OrangePip Market, Albert Road North Sun 25 Sept - The Auxiliary Project Space (across from Zetland carpark) Free drop in sessions
Power Up Play Base Camp, Exchange House, Exchange Square, TS1 1DB Sat 24 & Sun 25 Sept
Free Drop in sessions
Let the little ones imagination run riot with fun activities like Picasso style abstract art sessions, pasta jewellery & magic wand weaving. The cafe is open so why not drop in for a cuppa and a bite to eat and let your little ones get creative.
The PAST empowers people by teaching them how to become fully autonomous human beings living self-sufficient and sustainable lives. Blending fun, creativity and survival skills, we will be running sessions on firemaking, foraging, and how to create art and literature after the
12pm - 4pm, Age 12+ “It is coming. We all feel it in our bones.”
Gutsy Girl & Co will be open, serving their menu of Breakfast, Brunch & Lunch. Please note the Gallery and Gutsy Girl & Co are open Wed - Sat 10am-3pm.

2 3 7 14 WHERE TO FIND THE FUN... For the wider MAW programme and ‘grown-up’ activities, please visit: Pineapple Black, HillStreet Shopping Centre The Auxiliary, 31 Station Street, TS1 1SR HillStreet Shopping Centre (opposite Primark) The Masham, 27 Linthorpe Road, TS1 1RL Basecamp, Exchange House, TS1 1DB Gutsy Girl, 109b Marton Road, TS1 2DU Orange Pip Market, Albert Road North 5 6

WHAT IS YOUR SUPER POWER? Everyone has a super power. Think about what your power is and how you would look if you were dressed as a super hero. Why not have fun by drawing your ideas in the space below... my name is: