April 2022 - American Beef Producer

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American Beef Producer

April 2022

Selling Several sons and one maternal brother to Welytok Pro Discovery 6D34 the #1 Proven bull in the angus breed when you combine ww, yw, marbling and scrotal epd’s.


Our cattle consistently grad 100% CAB and 60-100% Prime.

Frank or Jeff 32199 Cty Rd 33 | Lake City, MN 651-764-1281 | 651-764-1065 brandangus@hotmail.com


47th Annual Production Sale

2022 Bull & Female Sale


At The Ranch - Pequot Lakes, MN - 1:00 PM (CST) Dustin Wiese: (218) 537-0096 dustinwiesefwr@gmail.com Cody Wiese: (218) 232-8601 codyawiese@gmail.com

Real Cattle Raised By Real Cattlemen At Flying W Ranch, we strive to breed cattle that excel on a range environment. Our cows are expected to be fertile, early maturing, and easy fleshing. They must calve unassisted and care for their calves on their own. 99% of our calves are born outside with no assistance and only the trees for protection. Where Performance and Growth is Bred in, Not Fed On Generations of selection without feeding creep feed has allowed us to identify the superior maternal bloodlines of our herd. The yearlings offered on our sale were raised on only grass and their mother’s milk with NO CREEP FEED. As yearlings, they have been developed in a realistic range environment with a high forage and low concentrate diet. These bulls have been bred and raised to work for you! More Than Great Genetics Free delivery in Minnesota and surrounding states. All bulls have been ultra-sounded and are performance and fertility tested and fully backed by a 1 year breeding guarantee.



American Beef Producer

April 2022

Immunologically superior animals are proven to return higher significant gains across all traits: overall wellness, fertility, and feed efficiency. Profits on overall wellness are realized through an increased response to vaccines and antiparasitic treatments, drastically reducing the incidence of morbidity and antibiotic use. Fertility is reflected in higher conception rates, reduced risk in early embryonic death, weaning calves at higher weight ratios, and overall retention and longevity in replacement females. Feed efficiency is directly affected by the body’s ability to ward off inflammation due to environmental stress factors. Cattle on feed who possess this natural ability have higher conversion rates than their counterparts who are immunologically inferior – all without commanding additional medicine costs and higher overall expenses. Immunologically superior animals who possess specific Defensen predictive biomarkers are proven to be more profitable, and aid in economic gains through these highly heritable traits for generations to follow.

Choose immunologically superior animals through Promogen Genetic Evaluation. Choose genetic gold.

Dr. Jeff Gower - 417.839.1200 • Dr. Bill Julien - 402.677.2083 Kourtney Judge - 480.322.1583 • Joel Judge - 805.234.7191


Volume XXVIII Number 8 April 2022 “I love Cows It‘s people that annoy me” - anonymous, Derek too


Inside our April 2022 issue

PO Box 280, Cottage Grove. MN 55016


w w w. A B P m a g . c o m / S u b s c r i b e

12 Feature: Fying W Ranch, Pequot Lakes, Minnesota - by Tim McCray @ ABP 16 Bull Sales: Sales : C a l e n d a r L i st ! 24 22 4 22: 22: Megan Overby, NDFB Rep. Overby Ranch, Binford, ND View this issue online: www.ABPmag.com/Latest-Issue

Derek Sample

Publisher, Editor, Photographer Derek@ABPmag.com 307-213-9975

Tim McCray

Ad Sales and Traffic Manager Tim@ABPmag.com 651-917-4093

Doug Ward



Ad Sales & Ring Service Doug@ABPmag.com

Complaints, HR, Circulation, Pencil sharpener, Covid Enforcer Bruce@ABPmag.com

Sidekick, Coffee & Cinnabons Jokester, Cattle Wrestler Norm@ABPmag.com



Andy Gose and his horse Cholo Wo r k i n ’ t h e A n n u a l B u l l S a l e l a st m o nt h a t Rollin’ Rock Angus, Pilot Rock, Oregon

w w w. R o l l i n R o c k A n g u s . c o m

PHOTO by: Derek Sample www.DerekSample.com American Beef Producer (ISSN 1551-2339) is owned, produced and published monthly, except for a combined May-June issue and no July or December issue, by Marcomm Publishing, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louise, MO and other entry points. Subscription Memberships are $30 yearly, payable at www.ABPmag.com/Subscribe POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Marcomm Publishing, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016-0280



April 2022







S A W AA 141 born: 2/25/21 Sire: MA Advocate 9035

S A W ASHlA 114 born: 3/1/21 Sire: gA Ashand

BW: 92 (+1.2) Adj. WW: 773 (+81) Adj. YW: 1477 (+148) $C: +302


BW: 91 (+3.9) Adj. WW: 762 (+81) Adj. YW: 1466 (+143) $C: +288


158 BW: 88 (+1.2) CED: +10 Adj. WW: 815 (+82) Adj. YW: 1481 (+148) $C: +279

✓ No creep feed used ✓ Offering top AI genetics and health assurances ✓ Good selection of heifer bulls

BW: 84 (-0.6) CED: +12 Adj. WW: 786 (+71) Adj. YW: 1424 (+131) $C: +241



S A W S blAS 1158 born: 2/28/21 Sire: SAW Sonic boom 865

S A W bK bW 47 born: 2/28/21 Sire: KM broken bow 002


S A W HgH P 1192 born: 4/5/21 Sire: Foxs Hih Point 85g BW: 101 (+2.9) Adj. WW: 889 (+90) Adj. YW: 1571 (+157) $C: +260

✓ Performance and ultrasound data available. ✓ Bulls semen tested prior to sale day

A.I. Sires include: SAW Sonic Boom 865, M R A Advocate 9035, Sitz Stellar 726D, Mill Bar Hickok 7242, KM Broken Bow 002, G A R Ashland, E & B Plus One, Basin Payweight 1682, Sitz Upward 307R, and Carter’s Payweight 1682 – C204

For more information or to request a catalog:

K W S Wby 7315 born: 3/17/21 Sire: SAW Sonic boom 865

BW: 95 (-0.1) CED: +12 Adj. WW: 820 (+85) Adj. YW: 1412 (+149) $C: +275

✓ Free delivery in South Dakota or within 300 miles ✓ All cattle selling will be on display day of sale

Scott at 605-352-9802 or 605-350-0092 or email sawangus@yahoo.com

Visit us on the web at www.wicksangus.com

Auctioneer: Dustin Carter 712-898-9972 RANCH LOCATED 3 ½ MI. NORTH AND 1 ¼ MI. EAST OF CARPENTER, SD Cattle producers are welcome to contact us anytime to view the livestock we have for sale.

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Ritchie has been innovating automatic watering since 1921. Made in America and built to last, Ritchie and its waterers are as strong and enduring as the farmers, ranchers and horsemen we serve.


Carlson Wholesale • 1-800-669-4038 8

American Beef Producer

April 2022

1 6 9 8 4 3 6 8 T H AV E ROCKHAM, SD



CED +0 BW +2.5 WW +76 YW +143 SC +.83 MILK +31 $B +177 $C +324

MARK BAXTER 605-450-0206 EPDS AS OF 03/03/22


April 2022

JADE JANDEL 605-460-1714


American Beef Producer



American Beef Producer

April 2022

April 2022

American Beef Producer


Flying W Ranch Pequot Lakes, MN

by Tim McCray, Tim@ABPmag.com

I was talking with a friend one day and he told me “Doing things leads to things”. Simple words that I remember to just keep doing – you never know where they may lead. At the time, I was growing tired of going to work and scraping out a living. Shortly thereafter, I met Betsi Sample, who introduced me to Jim Sample who brought me on to sell advertising for Midwest Beef Producer (MBP) magazine. An odd turn of events, just for going into work one day. Now here I am, writing stories for ABP, much like Jim used to do earlier in his career. Usually, when Derek and I set out on a road trip, we have some sense of direction and stops to make. But honestly, you never know if 1) they will even happen, and 2) what will become of a ranch visit once we get there. Pictures and eventually covers, happen in the same fashion. You never know when they’re coming or what you will get. But when we visited Flying W ranch in June of last year Dustin Wiese was showing 12

us some of his cattle and walking with his son Owen just ahead of Derek and me. I reached a point where it was apparent to me that this was a good photo opportunity, and as I was reaching frantically for my camera, I noticed Derek had already gotten the shot which turned into our August issue cover. Did you get it? I asked Derek. He replied, “Yep!”. You just never know what you’re going to get, or where the road will take you. The start of that drought tour took us to Pequot Lakes, MN, which is known more for fishing than it is for cattle. The town’s water tower is made and painted to look like a fishing bobber. But, we’re not a fishing magazine, and honestly, I know even less about fishing. That image of Dustin and Owen on our cover speaks more to me about what the family business is all about. Usually, passing it down to the next generation. Dustin is the 4th generation, and Owen & his brothers would represent the fifth hopefully. You never know. It also brings up some images and memories of family and the generations that come before us.

American Beef Producer

April 2022

Brüder auf der Wiese

Brothers in the meadow for the rest of us who aren’t fluent in German. Which, I am not. Despite taking a few classes in high school as a second language, and at my age, I don’t remember much of it. Eldon Wiese of Flying W Angus ranch in Pequot Lakes, MN has a great memory, especially at 96 years old. The Wiese family has been raising cattle in Minnesota since 1935. Although with surname meaning meadows, I would bet they come from a long line of cattle in their backgrounds. Probably much further back than the five generations they claim. Most of the stories I do are about family, and this one is no different. But I am starting at the present. I’ll warn you now-I’m working backward. Dustin along with his wife Katie and their other sons Owen, Levi, and Derek are living at and running the dayto-day operations of Flying W Ranch. They are also helped by Dustin’s brother Cody (Jenna ) and also their sister, Amy. They continue to carry on the same characteristics and qualities, that their father did, and their grandfather before him. The three “kids” of Danny Wiese found themselves running operations at Flying W after Danny died unexpectedly in 2019. They offer three scholarships for their sale in Danny’s honor for any young person wanting to get started or further pursue their interest in the beef cattle

April 2022

business. The annual Flying W sale is held the first Saturday in May as it has since 1978. Danny was well involved in youth activities and 4-H throughout his life. He served on the Cass County fair board, hosted a fundraiser at Flying W, helped to build the 4-H show arena, and started the youth livestock auction at the Cass County fair. He also served as the area rep for R-Calf. He was constantly working to improve the Flying W ranch herd as well as the kids in local agriculture. He and his father Barney had/ have been operating Flying W Ranch together since Danny’s brother Richard started WR Bar ranch. Before that, the three of them were operating Flying W. Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes and one could say Flying W is the home of 10,000 boulders. This portion of Minnesota Is not suitable for farming at all. Dustin estimated one summer a landscaping firm took out about 500 semi loads from Flying W alone. Barney’s philosophies on his cattle have been instilled for at least the next two generations if not three. Since the beginning, they’ve had one mission – to produce superior Angus genetics that thrives in a harsh environment with minimal input. They calf outside in large pastures with only the trees for protection and maintain a less than 1% assisted birth rate. Any cows with prolapse, eye, udder, feet, or fleshing ability problems are culled. AI’ing since the early 70s, they were one of the first to adopt the method in the state. They develop their herd on the native grasses abundant in the area, with no creep feed. They strive for a minimal-input cow herd, with easy calving, good dispositions, good utters, and good feet. On a visit during the MN Cattleman’s tour of the area in 1992, Jim Sample wrote: north central 13

Minnesota is an ideal place to raise hardy, fast-growing calves. The glaciated area abounds with wetlands, trees and forests, lakes and streams, and grassy meadows. Of course, Norwegian, Swede, Finland, and German ancestry is plentiful in this area. Some remember earlier times and recall childhood memories of living in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and western Nebraska. Often the reason they emigrated to northern Minnesota is a secret buried beneath the tombstones of their ancestors. Barney Wiese remembers exactly when and why they first moved to Jenkins. His grandfather Jocham Wiese had immigrated from Germany along with his wife Anna in the latter half of the 1800s and settled near Omaha, NE. Louis Wiese (Barney’s father)


who was one of the middles out of thirteen kids born to Jocham and homesteaded in the sandhills of Nebraska. The Dust Bowl of the 30’s only intensified the Great Depression and drove many families to abandon farms in search of better land and conditions. It was during a trip to Minnesota that Louis was amazed by how green it was and decided to move his family to fairer pastures. If it wasn’t for the frigid cold temperatures and giant man-eating mosquitos, it’s the ideal place to call home. Winter does loosen its grip though, and we do manage some sweltering days in the summer along with high humidity Barney was 10 at the time but remembered that they arrived on May 4, 1935, as it was his older brother Elmer’s birthday. Jocham Wiese came from Hamburg Germany and settled first in Omaha. He worked as a scout for the Union Pacific railroad and was present at the driving of the golden spike in Utah which connected the west to the east. Louis was one of thirteen, who eventually settles in Jenkins, MN. With Louis, Elmer John & Barney worked the cattle, which Barney passed on to Richard & Danny, to which he passed on to Dustin, Cody, and Amy. Three generations of brothers, raising superior Angus genetics in Minnesota – all the way from Germany. The Flying W Ranch family has an elite cow herd that has stood the test of time. All of their traits have been bred for generations. The harsh environment and demands on their herd have made their genetics more functional, more efficient, and more profitable.

American Beef Producer

April 2022

The First Hydraulic Corral and still the Largest!

Rawhide Processor by John McDonald

3 Sizes


• Pull on highway at speed limit. • Fits through any gate your pickup will. • Stable on uneven terrain. • Permanent sheeted adjustable alley. • Transport wheels are permanent, no sliding off the axles and rolling out of the way. • Wheels on each panel and electric over hydraulic jack eliminates lifting—saves time. • Frame gates for sorting.

April 2022

Rawhide Portable Corral 900 NORTH WASHINGTON ST., ABILENE, KS 67410



American Beef Producer


Sale Calendar email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates

1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr 2-Apr

CK Bar Ranch Saint Onge, SD Henry’s Fork Cattle Co. PT Rexburg, ID Kammerer Livestock St. Onge, SD McBride Angus Farms Manchester, TN Meyer Cattle Co. Curryville, MO Pieper Red Angus Hay Springs, NE Prairie View Farms Gridley, IL Pratt Cattle Co. Atkins, VA Regency Acres Lambert, MT Roster Charolais Spencer, SD SpringLake Angus Lynch, NE Veeman Ranch/ SV Cattle Co. Sterling, CO Weers Angus Diller, NE 007 Charolais & Filippo Family Farms Rush Springs, OK Ade Polled Herefords Amsterdam, MO Andras Stock Farm Manchester, IL Angus @ Buckner & Jeffries Canmer, KY B/F Cattle Co. Butler, MO Bennett/ Biggs/Switzer Green City, MO Blackrose Angus McCook, NE Blubaugh Angus Ranch Tonkawa, OK Brooks Chalky Butte Bowman, ND Circle G Ranches Adel, GA Cirle S Ranch Canton, KS Cross Timbers Polled Hereford Assoc College Station, TX Dean Angus Boyd, TX DeBruycker Charolais Great Falls, MT Four States Angus Assoc. Springfield, MO Gardiner Angus Ranch Ashland, KS Grass Valley PT Greeneville, TN Haugestuen Ranch Build Your Herd Barron, WI Iowa Angus Assoc. Tested Bull sale Lamoni, IA Kraye Angus Mullen, NE MC Livestock Greenville, VA McDonald Farms Blacksburg, VA MC Livestock Greenville, VA Paint Valley Farms Millesburg, OH Panther Creek Ranch Bowen, IL Partners in Performance Zanesville, OH Reds in the Haeartland El Reno, OK Ridder Farms Hermann, MO Reisig Angus Hardin, MT SERAA Grasstime Sale Cullman, AL Shoal Creek Land & Cattle Excelsior Springs, MO Six Mile Ranch Fir Mountain, SK Southern Eagle Ranch Evington, VA Southern Indiana Angus Assoc. Little York, IN Spear J Red Angus Jordan, MT Turnpike Creek Farms Milan, GA WBIA Test Sale Platteville, WI

Protected Processing! -

2-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 3-Apr 3-Apr 3-Apr 3-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr

West Tennessee Angus Assoc. Bradford, TN WYE Angus Queenstown, MD Hassebrook Charolais Farms Albion, NE Miller Angus Presho, SD Minnesota Angus Breeders Lanesboro, MN Northern Indiana Angus Breeders Logansport, IN OSU Cowboy Classic Stillwater, OK Ridder Farms Online Brockmere PT Brookfield, MO Dameron Angus online Lexington, IL Gollaher Angus Cascade, WY Green Garden Angus Ellsworth, KS Kingman Red Angus Chinook, MT Miller Angus Presho, SD Smoky Y Ranch Red Angus Monument, KS Square B Ranch & Cattle online Warsaw, MO Stewart Select Angus Greensburg, IN Weber Charolais & Red Angus Lake Andes, SD Cedar Ridge Pulaski, TN Coleman Limousin Missoula, MT Daigger-Orr Angus North Platte, NE Elm Creek Ranch Hebron, ND Gerber Land & Cattle Richmond, IN Grimmius Semen sale online Hankins Farms online Hinman Angus Malta, MT Hubert Charolais Ranch Monument, KS Johnson Angus Ranch (Durham, CT) online Lowderman Cattle Co. online Premier Angus Group online Johnson City, TN Reisdorfer Red Angus Magnolia, MN Sunrise Sunset Show Heifer & Embryo Modac, IN Vollmer Angus Ranch Wing, ND WEBO Angus Lusk, WY 2J Angus Dunlap, IA DH Red Angus PT John Day, OR D Lazy T Angus Ranch Faith, SD Kansas Bull Test Wamego, KS Missouri River Red Angus Sidney, MT Nissen Angus Chinook, MT Peak Dot Ranch ltd. Wood Mountain, SK Poss Deadwodd semen vol.3 Maxwell, NM Roseda Black Angus Farm (Monkton, MD) online Schelske Angus Alpena, SD Stertzbach Cattle Co. (Louisville, OH) online A&B Cattle Bassett, NE Arntzen Angus Hilger, MT Bar 69 Angus Belle Fourche, SD Bowles J5 Red Angus Glasgow, MT Deppe Angus @ Midland Bull test Columbus, MT

A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time!

Marvin Schultis, NE - "It works great! Safe and very easy to process calves. Would not be without it! Thanks for the great workmanship." Craig Oceanak, WY - "We calve range cows on rough ground. Catcher is very valuable for a one-person outfit!"

Safe Release!

Watch Action Video at


For local dealers or to order, call 877-505-0914 today!


30th Annual Production Sale Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 1p.m. 45 Yearling Angus Bulls 20 Yearling Angus Heifers 2XL Bronc 8153 SAV Rainfall 6846 G G Raptor JR Fast Forward AAR Power Point 946 Arjons Empire 1807 BACH DareDevil 640 WR Bar DareDevil 981 Drysdale Contender 9614

Richard Wiese & Family

Richard Wiese (218)820-6451

6430 Co 1 SW – Pequot Lakes, MN

Juanita Dice (218)820-3167



We’re a


AmericanFoodsGroup.com April 2022

American Beef Producer



American Beef Producer

April 2022

April 2022

American Beef Producer


Sale Calendar email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates

7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 8-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 10-Apr 10-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 20

Four Corners Farm (St. Francilville, IL) online Fox Angus Farm Watertown, SD Hunter Angus Fair Grove, MO Kaiser Angus Park, KS Midland Bull Test Columbus, MT MBCIA Jackson, MN Univ of Tennessee Angus online Wildcat Cattle Co. online Wulf Cattle Opportunity sale online 5L Red Angus Sheridan, MT Cardinal Charolais Hillrose, CO Country Road Angus Carthage, IL Dandy Acres Pipestone, MN ICA Tama Bull Test Tama, IA Ingram Angus Pulaski, TN KB Angus @ midland bull test Merritt, MI Midland Bull Test Angus Columbus, MT Miller Farm LLC & Friends Harrisonburg, VA Quaker Hill Farm Louisa, VA Sellman Ranch Crawford, NE South Dakota State University Brookings, SD TA Cattle West Point, NE Turtle Creek Angus/ Centennial Angus Faith, SD Bar T Ranches Winslow, AZ Black Ink Farms PT Delmont, SD Branch View Angus Hustonville, KY Butler Creek Farms Milton, TN Central MO Polled Hereford Assoc Cuba, MO Charolais Assoc of TX Gainesville, TX Crazy K Michie, TN Dybdal Charolais Laurel, NE Ellis Farms Hereford Chrisman, IL Fink Beef Genetics Randolph, KS Griswold Cattle Company Stillwater, OK Hansine Red Angus Annual Sale Pierre, SD Hebbert Charolais Hyannis, NE Hillbrands Cattle Co. Clara City, MN Indianhead Polled Hereford Assoc. River Falls, WI Knoll Crest Farm Red House, VA Lazy Bar F / Double G Shorthorns Seminole, OK Ludvigson Stock Farms Shepherd, MT Markota Angus PT Hillsboro, OH Montgomery/ Hansen Carrington, ND Mountaineer Red Angus Classic Weston, WV Prairie Valley Farm Charolais Platte, SD Rambur Charolais Sidney, MT Rocking R Red Angus Loma, CO Shady Brook Angus Leoma, TN Sonstegard Cattle Co Montevideo, MN Southern Synergy Wadley, GA Southwest Ranchers Chickasha, OK Thorstenson Hereford Ranch Selby, SD The Renaissance 30th Anniversary Strafford, MO The Spring Turnout Simmental Worthing, SD West Virginia Beef Expo Weston, WV Woodhill Farms Viroqua, WI North Country Alliance Barnesville, MN TJB Gelbvieh Embryo online Tweedy Cattle Co Imboden, AR C Spear Angus Billings, MT EGGLESTON CHAROLAIS Wessington, SD Grass Time Partners Paris, KY HERBSTER ANGUS Marysville, KS

11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr

Hillside Angus online Pierce City, MO Jorgensen Farms Ideal, SD Raile Charolais St. Francis, KS Wallace Cattle Co. online Beckton Red Angus Sheridan, WY Hager Cattle Co. Karlsrhue, ND Hilltop Angus Denton, MT Sydenstricker Angus New Cambria, MO Thomas Ranch Harrold, SD Ward Bros. Livestock Plattsburg, MO Clark Anvil Ranch La Junta, CO Dameron PT (Lexington, IL) online Flying K Ranch Swift Current, SK Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin Pukwana, SD POss Deadwood semen auction vol. 4 Maxwell, NM Pass Creek Angus Wyola, MT Tennessee Hereford Infl. Feeder Calf Columbia, TN Tucker Bred Heifer Amherst, VA Bowling Ranch Newkirk, OK Carr Angus Hobson, MT Carter Angus Ranch Oberlin, KS

Carter Angus Ranch 16th annual Bull sale noon — April 14, 2022 60 Registered Black Angus Bulls 18 month & 2 year olds & 2 1/2 Year olds available 30 Registered Black Angus Females 785-678-7 168

car ter_blackangus@yahoo.com

car terangusranch.com

14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr

American Beef Producer

A .I. Sires

TE X Playbook Deer KA Eisenhower Deer Deer LD Capitalist Werner Flat Top Deer

oberlin livestock auction, oberlin, KS

Valley Valley Valley Valley

Growth Fund Wall Street Brigade Old Hickor y

Connors State College Bull Test Warner, OK McClun’s Lazy JM Ranch Herefords Torrington, WY Mid-Atlantic Spring Bonanza Harrisonburg, VA Reich Ranch Charolais Belle Fourche, SD Sonderup Charolais Fullerton, NE Tweedy Cattle Co. Imboden, AR VA Angus Assoc. Harrisonburg, VA Wagner Charolais Nunn, CO Western National Angus Futurity Reno, NV Cross Mountain Cattle Quest Harrisonburg, VA DeGrand Angus Baker, MT ECP Cattle Leading Ladies III online JJ Scheckel Bellvue, IA Mitchell Angus Burwell, NE North Dakota Angus Assoc. Bull Test Mandan, ND Pine Creek Angus Ranch Faith, SD Sellman Ranch Crawford, NE Tennepohl Farms Zanesville, OH 2-Ten Angus Vining, MN Alabama Angus Assoc. Cullman, AL Central Kentucky Angus Assoc. Danville, KY Clifford Farms & Guests Lexington, KY Cobb Charolais Ranch Great Falls, MT DLCC Ranch Pierz, MN Double G Farms Rush Springs, OK East Central Missouri Angus Assoc. Cuba, MO Feiring Angus Ranch Powers Lake, ND Friendship Farms Canoochee, GA Indiana Beef Evaluation Program Springville, IL KB Angus Merritt, MI Lindskov/ Thiel Ranch Isabel, SD MO Charolais Breeders Assoc Springfield, MO April 2022

Sale Calendar email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates


We believe in raising Reliable, Dependable, Performance-Driven Bulls to support your operation.

Lucas, Stephanie, John, and Owen Niebur N2315 140th Street, Plum City, WI 54761 Lucas cell: 715-307-2229

16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr

Owen Bros. Bois D’Arc, MO Power Performance Pedigree Mountain Grove, MO Reds In the Green Hills Harris, MO RS&T Simmental Maryville, MO Sandrock Ranch Herefords Benton, WI St. Croix Valley Bull Test River Falls. WI Stuber Ranch Bowman, ND Terry Little’s TL Angus Monticello, MO TJB Gelbvieh/ Three T Rineyville, KY W4 Ranch Morgan, TX Dameron Angus show heifer online Ohlde Cattle Co. Palmer, KS Audley Farm online Berryville, VA Bull Power Linwood, NY Tifton Herd Irwinville, GA Trask Angus Wasta, SD Treasure Bull Test Great Falls, MT Checkerhill Online West Plains, MO Dixie Valley Female Petaluma, CA Keller Windchime Angus Dunlap, IA Milk River Angus Chinook, MT Schaack Ranch Angus Wall, SD Twenty Oaks Heifer (Union, MO) online Bieber Fall Bred cow & open heifer Leola, SD Big Dry Angus Ranch Jordan, MT JMAR Genetics & Guests online Trennepohl Farms Middletown, IN Belles and Bulls of the Bluegrass Lexington, KY Black & White Rush Springs, OK DeGrand Angus Baker, MT Grills Red Western Crawford, NE ICA Humeston Bull Test Humeston, IA

22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 24-Apr 24-Apr 24-Apr 25-Apr 25-Apr 25-Apr 25-Apr 26-Apr 26-Apr 26-Apr 26-Apr 26-Apr 27-Apr 27-Apr 27-Apr

McKean Bros. PT Angus Mercer, PA Medicine Rocks Ranch Baker, MT NextGen Cattle Co. Paxico, KS Prairie Pride Angus Jamestown, ND 4 Brands Alliance Foss, OK Belle Point Ranch Lavaca, AR Brand Angus Lake City, MN Central Kentucky an. classic Bowling Green, KY Collins Farms Angus Bred Heifer Cusseta, AL ClearWater Simmentals Milan, IN Great Meadows Angus Assoc Campbellsburg, KY Hallstrand Angus Prentice, WI Heartland Simmental Waverly, IA Katie Colin Farm Cartersville, GA Kimberly Black Cattle Lewiston, ID Kniebel/ Downey PT Wamego, KS Lesikar Angus Female Athens, TX Middle Tennessee Annual Hereford Cross Plains, TN Missouri Show Me Reds Springfield, MO Murray State College Tishomingo, OK NC Spring Fever Union Grove, NC OK Commercial Female Holdenville, OK RAO Ranch Salers Williston, ND Richie County Polled Hereford Assoc. Harrisville, WV SWVAA Double Header Abingdon, VA Wicks Angus Carpenter, SD WR BAR RANCH Pequot Lakes, MN Christensen Simmental Wessington Springs, SD Quintin Smith Family & Guests Lebanon, TN Rocking W Angus Jefferson, GA Deer Valley Online Embryo Fayetteville, TN Diamond T Land & Cattle online Jocko Valley Missoula, MT Ma & Pa Angus Presho, SD Baxter Angus Rockham, SD Cottonwood Angus Farms Philip, SD Currant Creek Angus Sydney, MT Grasstime Billings, MT Hemphill County Beef Cattle Canadian, TX Gill red Angus Timber Lake, SD Opp Angus Dickinson, ND Wedge Tent Ranch Faith, SD



American Beef Producer


Sale Calendar email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates

28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 29-Apr 29-Apr 29-Apr 29-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 1-May 2-May 2-May 3-May 3-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 5-May 5-May 5-May 5-May 5-May 6-May 6-May


J Spear Angus Belle Fourche, SD Mangen Angus Broadus, MT North Country Glasgow, MT Crosshair Simmental Napoleon, ND Express Ranches Grass Time Yukon, OK Kuhn / Huber / Crosshair Napoleon, ND Medicine Rocks Ranch Baker, MT 4 Brands Hereford Alliance Foss, OK Barnes Herefords Female Sale Cedartown, GA Friends Of The Valley Harrisville, WV Gobbell Farms Oxford, MS Gulf South Hereford Assoc. Wiggins, MS Meinders Stock Farms Buffalo Center, IA Pleasant Hill Farm Rockfield, KY SE Angus Classic Opelika, AL Sedgewood Plantation (Canton, MS) online Sharben & Martindell Shorthorns Campbellsburg, KY Wall Street Cattle Co. Lebanon, MO Wienk Charolais Lake Preston, SD Bridge View Angus Frankfort, KY Gardiner Angus Ranch Ashland, KS Spickler Ranch South Angus Glenville, ND Philip Livestock Philip, SD Premier Angus Female (Johnson City, TN) online DH Red Angus PT John Day, OR Hoyt Angus McHenry, ND McDonnell Angus Bowman, ND Reppe Ranch Bradley, SD 44 Farms (Cameron, TX) online Kopriva Angus Raymond, SD Paint Rock Angus Hyattville, WY Powerline Genetics/ Seward CC Lonetree, WY Spruce Hill Angus Ludlow, SD Duppong Angus Glen Ullin, ND Greene County Angus Association Greeneville, TN

6-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May 7-May

Nold Family Angus Aberdeen, SD FLYING W RANCH Pequot Lakes, MN Genomic Gems Female Giddings, TX Lawson Family Farms Angus Ewing, VA Mead Farms Versailles, MO Mississippi Angus Assoc. Raymond, MS Neighbors Cattle Co. PT Fordland, MO South Carolina Hereford Assoc Williamston, SC Tennessee River Music Fort Payne, AL Totton Angus Chamberlain, SD Trowbridge Farms Ghent, NY Whitestone Farm PT Aldie, VA

American Beef Producer

April 2022

Sale Calendar 9-May 12-May 13-May 13-May 14-May 14-May 14-May 14-May 14-May 14-May 14-May 14-May 18-May 21-May 21-May 21-May 21-May 21-May 21-May 21-May 22-May 23-May 24-May 25-May 26-May 28-May 28-May 28-May 30-May 31-May 1-Jun 1-Jun 1-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 20-Jun 25-Jun 6-Aug 13-Aug 27-Aug 27-Aug 1-Sep 2-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 9-Sep 10-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep 17-Sep 17-Sep 20-Sep 24-Sep 30-Sep 1-Oct 1-Oct

Wendel Livestock Angus LaMoure, ND Koenig Ranch Reds Glasgow, MT Hillhouse Angus Schulenburg, TX LA Angus Assoc. Shreveport, LA A Bar Ranch Commercial Female Claremore, OK AL & MS State Assoc Simmental Cullman, AL Burns Farms Female Sale Pikeville, TN Louisiana Angus Assoc Female Shrevport, LA Maternal Gems Union Springs, AL Springfield Farms Louisburg, NC Texas Angus Assoc. Spectacular Female Salado, TX V-Bar Cattle Co. Complete Dispersion Beloit, KS Bar 7 Genetics (Scottsboro, AL) online Britt Family Farm dispersal Calypso, NC Byergo Angus Savannah, MO Flying W Diamond Ranch Capitan, NM NY Angus Breeders/ New England Angus Bath, NY Optum Angus Seaman, OH Pleasant Valley Angus & Friends Shelbyville, TN Spur Ranch Female Vinita, OK Perez Cattle Co. Female Nara Visa, NM TK Angus mat fall female dispersion Valentine, NE TPC Annual Online sale Jackson, MS Ludvigson Grass Time Turnout online Big Timber Online Lithia, FL Innisfail/ Mead Madison, GA MO/ KS/ AR/ OK Angus Ozark, AR Soaring Eagle Farms Springfield, MO White Hawk Ranch Cedartown, GA Ehlke Herefords PT Townsend, MT Calhoun HERD Calhoun, GA Lowell Fisher Family Spencer, NE Innisfail Farm PT Madison, GA Appalachian Classic Knoxville, TN Shaw Cattle Co, Caldwell, ID West Winds Farm Complete Dispersion New Holland, PA Bruner’s Angus Rugby, ND Hawkeye Country Angus Bloomfield, IA Sunnyslope Angus Lanesboro, MN TJB Gelbvieh Bred Heifer online Baldridge Performance Angus North Platte, NE Edisto Pines Leesville, SC Spruce Mountain Ranch Larkspur, CO East Tennessee Hereford Assoc White Pines, TN Riverbend Ranch Female Idaho Falls, ID Vintage Angus Ranch Modesto, CA IMS Angus Gibson City, IL Graber Angus Montgomery, IN Linz Heritage Crown Point, IN Sunrise Sunset Farm/ Cates Farms Modac, IN Autumn In The Ozarks Strafford, MO Walker Herefords Morrison, TN Rooney Angus Ranch Chippewa Falls, WI Pearcy Angus Ranch f Fairy, TX Riley Bros. Angus Darlington, WI Ludvigson Stock Farms West Coast Visalia, CA NDAA Fall Tour – SW area, ND Wild Indian Acres & Friends DeSoto, MO McGinn Angus Johnson City, TN Angus Celebration @ Lindstrom Angus Woodville, AL Brumfield Angus Farm Sawyer, MI 2 Bar/ Goode Angus f Hereford, TX Horstman Cattle Co West Lafayette, IN





320-333-9255 Sauk Centre, MN

Twenty Two for 2022 Megan Overby

Northeast Field Representative, North Dakota Farm Bureau Overby Ranch

Binford, North Dakota overby_ranch mternquist@gmail.com 1. Where do you live? My husband, Tanner, and I live on our farm and ranch near Binford, North Dakota. Coined as the “Biggest Little Town in ND”, Binford has a population of about 200 people. Don’t let size fool you, though. We have just about everything we need in our tiny town, including a grocery/hardware store, bank, post office, school, hair salon, massage therapist, insurance agency, thrift store, clinic, bar and more. 2. Where did you grow up? I grew on up on a third-generation diversified crop and beef cattle operation in northeastern North Dakota near Michigan, where my dad, mom and younger brother still actively farm and ranch today. Growing up, I was active in 4-H, showed livestock and helped on the family farm. My passion for agriculture obviously started at a young age and continued to grow throughout my college and professional careers. 3. How did you meet your husband? Our small town hosts a Professional Bull Riders (PBR) rodeo every June. Neither Tanner nor I are exactly sure how we ended up talking, but we are sure glad we stumbled into one another. We drove around after the bull ride to check crops, bantering about the supposed waist-high corn. 24

Tanner also tested my knowledge of every small grain field along the road. Needless to say, our future date nights involved romantic tractor rides in the hayfield and long walks through mud-filled pens chasing cows. 4. What do you do with your day? The better question would be what don’t I do in a day? I work full-time as a field representative for North Dakota Farm Bureau (NDFB). When I clock out from my ‘day job,’ you can find me helping on our farm and ranch. My favorite places are in the tractor cab making hay or in the calving barn. I spend what spare time I have left trying new grilling recipes, taking pictures and sharpening my graphic design skills. 5. What’s a day like on your ranch? This is definitely a loaded question. No day is the same, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! We have a commercial herd of SimAngus cattle, which is a family affair with Tanner’s parents, brother and sister. We spend our winters feeding the cowherd and backgrounding our weaned calves. April and May are by far the busiest months on the ranch with calving in full swing. Come spring, you can find us

American Beef Producer

April 2022

Twenty Two for 2022 planting wheat, soybeans, corn and alfalfa. Our summers are filled with getting pairs to pasture, spraying and haying. We harvest our crops in the fall, and then start the cycle all over again.

needed to shift more focus to our growing farm and ranch. My new gig is giving me some needed work-life balance. Stay tuned - I’m always brainstorming ways to put my journalism skills to good use.

6. Tell us more about your current career. I am one of the newest members of the NDFB team, taking on this role just five months ago. As a field representative, I provide support to members in 13 northeastern North Dakota counties, which includes ag policy, education, and leadership development opportunities and much more. Previously, I worked in radio as a farm broadcaster for the Red River Farm Network for nearly five years.

9. Tell us more about your interest in Ad Design and Photography. My interest in photography started as a young 4-Her. As a kid, I remember dragging my younger brother outside for photo shoots in hopes of capturing that Grand Champion picture. I bought my first DSLR camera over ten years ago and haven’t looked back. Today, I take photos and video, design sale advertisements and manage social media accounts for a few cattle producers. Who knows, maybe one day I will decide to turn my talents into a business?!

7. What was your first real job? I would consider my college internship as a farm and ranch news reporter at KFGO Radio in Fargo my first real job. It’s also how I became interested in ag journalism. However, my first “big girl” job after college was with Minnesota Farm Bureau, where I worked in public relations. 8. Why the recent career switch? A lot of emotions ran through my mind as I contemplated this career change. But long story short, I couldn’t do it all. I genuinely loved my years spent in ag journalism, but ultimately

10. In general, what do you think about today’s cattle industry? Like anything in life, there are both positive and negative aspects of today’s cattle industry. It just depends on what news headline you’re reading that morning. Perspective is everything and there is always room for improvement. 11. What can we do to keep today’s cattlemen in business? Also, what superpower would help you achieve that goal? I truly believe telling your story will help keep continued on page 28 -->

American Beef Producer





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Hager Cattle Co. 16th Annual Bull Sale MONDAY, APRIL 25th, 2022 2:00 P.M. CST • AT THE RANCH

4651 2ND AVE. NE • KARLSRUHE, ND 58744

100 Sons Of These Bulls Sell! AHCC DAKOTA THUNDER 363D 50% Lim-Flex

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This is quite simply the most advanced, best built manure spreader you’re ever going to see. Now, do you want one this tough? Well, that all depends on how often you like to buy them.


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Tub grinder/hay processor. Can handle (2) 6’x6’ round bales, in cab electric controls, 1000 RPM, bale ejection door for when unwanted mold or debris is in the bale.

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Austin, Leah, Bailee, Pitch, Tripp & Remmi Hager 701-525-6363 (Office) • 701-626-2345 (Cell) www.HagerCattleCompany.com • Follow us on Facebook 26

American Beef Producer

April 2022


BULLS SIRED BY • Ellingson Resource 6219• Musgrave Stunner 316 • Jindra Acclaim• Raven Powerball • Jindra Authority• Sydgen Enhance • Sitz Barricade• Woodhill Reliable G209 • Gar Ashland• Byergo Titus 6340

THIS ASHLAND BULL i18 SELLS B/W 77# ADJ WW 752 WW RATIO 110 Fertility Tested | Pfizer 50k Tested | Parentage Tested



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Kurt Hallstrand (715) 657-0233 Todd Hallstrand (715) 820-1810 Jed Hallstrand (715) 657-0531


St. Croix Valley Bull Test

Annual Beef Bull Sale

April 16th, 2022 12:00 p.m.

Offering Seven Different Breeds Celebrating 37 Years of Performance Tested Herd Sires

River Falls, WI Bull Preview – 10:00 a.m. Free catalog – 715-977-2167

April 2022


Website:scvbt.com Affiliated with UW-River Falls

American Beef Producer


What we‘ve been heari ng lately here at ABP! “Your magazine is the light in my dark mailbox full of boring!” ----------------“I‘m a mailman in Nebraska and I just love reading your magazine on my break. I just subscribed.” ----------------“My wife and I save your magazine to read to each other at night so we can both enjoy it together. Love the photos!” ----------------“I cancelled years ago when my husband passed, but now all of my ranching friends have been talking about your magazine. Please help me subscribe again” ----------------“I always put your magazine aside so I can read it later. Then I‘ll find it later in my husband‘s truck ” ----------------“My wife makes sure to put your magazine on top of our huge pile of magazines we get every month. She knows I‘d be upset if I can‘t find it” ----------------“Your photography, wow! I can‘t believe how fun this is to read. Don‘t ever forget to send it!” ----------------“We only keep 2 magazines on our reading table, TIME and American Beef Producer” ----------------“Our ad in your magazine this year brought us more buyers and more gross receipts than we‘ve ever had”



American Beef Producer

April 2022

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April 2022



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American Beef Producer



Twenty Two for 2022 >continued from page 23

today’s cattlemen in business. According to Farm Bureau, the average American is at least three generations removed from the farm. Farm and ranch families make up less than 2 percent of the U.S. population. We need to visit with our members of Congress about policies and regulations that work for us. More importantly, we need to educate consumers on where their food comes from. The ability to read people’s minds would be very helpful in achieving this goal. 12. What can be done to improve today’s cattle/ beef industry? As an eternal optimist, I believe fellow cattle producers should focus on the things they can control – animal nutrition, pasture management, risk mitigation, industry education, policy implementation, etc. Put the pen to paper and decide if you need to make changes to your operation. I also believe we need to embrace the future of the industry. Sustainability and technology are a couple of things that rise to the top of my list. Figure out what place they hold in the future of your ranch and get ahead of the game. 13. Real Beef vs. Beyond Meat. What’s your take? My support lies 100% behind the real deal – BEEF – because we are cattle producers. According to Beef - It’s What’s for Dinner, a 3-ounce serving of beef provides more than 10 essential


nutrients including protein, iron and zinc in an unprocessed form. Don’t get me wrong… I am not against plant-based protein sources because we also raise crops, such as soybeans, on our farm. However, I do not believe plantbased protein should be labeled as “meat” in the grocery store. 14. Favorite cut of beef and how do you like it cooked? My favorite cut is a T-bone steak cooked medium-rare. Add a baked potato and grilled asparagus on the side, please! 15. What organizations do you support? I am a member of NDFB, North Dakota Stockmen’s Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, North Dakota CattleWomen and North Dakota Agri-Women. I am also a proud North Dakota State University (Go Bison!) and 4-H alum. 16. What’s on your bucket list? My bucket list is a long one. A few things at the top of it are: 1.) Travel to Australia/New Zealand. 2.) Sell my first, home-raised registered heifer 3.) Attend the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in Las Vegas. 17. Favorite western wear or favorite store? Oh man, where do I begin? (I am imagining

American Beef Producer

April 2022

Twenty Two for 2022 my husband rolling his eyes as I begin to answer this question, ha.) I love supporting small, locally owned, western inspired boutiques. The proof is in my closet! A few of my favorites are: CCXO of Mitchell, South Dakota, Junkin Jo’s Boutique of Menoken, North Dakota and The Cold Cactus Boutique of Appin, Ontario. 18. Favorite music artist? My long-time favorite music artist is Eric Church. I’ve actually attended six of his concerts! Some of my other favorite artists include Koe Wetzel, Cody Johnson, Chancey Williams, Jon Pardi and Tyler Childers. 19. What is the greatest challenge facing agriculture? In my opinion, mental health is one of the greatest challenges facing the industry. For example, did you know that almost half of all American adults will experience a mental health challenge at some point in their life? I recently learned that during a course I took to become Mental Health First Aid certified. There are so many uncontrollable factors farmers and ranchers battle every day, like the weather and markets. We need to break down the barriers surrounding mental health and learn that it is “okay to not be okay.” 20. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I honestly see myself in the same place I am today, just a little older and (hopefully) a little wiser. My husband and I are only in our first couple years of farming and ranching together, so there is so much room and opportunity for growth. Ten years from now, we hope to have 100 more cows, another 1,000 acres of farmland and be raising the next generation on the ranch. 21. What’s your daily driver? The Three F’s – Faith, Family and Farming – are my daily drivers. First and foremost, Tan-

ner and I owe our success both on and off the farm to our family. I also know for a fact that we have a little extra help from the Big Man upstairs to get through the daily challenges of farming and ranching. Drought conditions this past year taught us a lot about diligence. We are learning that persistent work and effort WILL pay off one day. It certainly takes a lifetime of love and labor! 22. What advice do you have for fellow young ranchers? My biggest piece of advice is to be diligent. Success isn’t achieved overnight. My husband I learn something new every single day. Most importantly, learn from your mistakes; they will happen. Turn to an elder or a mentor for advice. This will make you bigger and even better in the future!

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Sitz Resilient • 28 Sons Sell

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Musgrave Stunner 316 • 17 Sons Sell

Basin Rainmaker 4404 • 5 Sons Sell

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S A V Inspection 5132 • 9 Sons Sell

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E-mail: wcfarm@westriv.com View videos of the bulls at dvauction.com April 2022

American Beef Producer


A d v e r t i s e r ‘s I n d e x American Foods Group 17 Baxter Angus 9 Brand Angus 3 Blue Goose Herefords 21 Blue Lake Plastics 23 Callicrate Banders 26 Carlson Wholesale 8 Carter Angus Ranch 20 Dairyland Supply 26 Dixie Valley 35 Duppongs Willow Creek 33 Flying W Ranch 4 Hager Cattle Company 26 Hallstrand Angus 27 Herbster Angus 18-19 Huber EY Red Angus 2 L & H Branding Irons 23 Nold Angus 22 Petersen Mfg 20 Poppe Bulls 22 Promogen 5 Rawhide 15 Safety Zone 16 SCVBT 27 Soaring Eagle 36 TJ‘s Fencing 34 “We built our new ABS Global Calf Facility in the summer of 2016. This was the first time we utilized anything except steel at one of our facilities and it was a hard sell to the staff. However, after meeting with Travis at TJ’s Fencing in Harpers Ferry, and having him bring a gate home to show the staff, we were sold. We utilize more than 200 different sizes of gates, all purchased from TJ’s Fencing and installed by Cliff ’s Incorporated from Friesland, WI. The gating is holding up very well. We intend to expand our calf facility this summer and will definitely continue utilizing TJ’s Fencing for the gating.” - Jim Meronek, Health Assurance, Production and Supply Chain Director ABS Global, Inc DeForest, WI

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April 2022

American Beef Producer





WW YW RADG 104 182 .35 MARB RE $M 1.48 1.23 99

DOC 26 $W 111

Reg# 19850747

CLAW .38 $F 140

ANGLE CW .29 92 $G $B $C 95 235 404



Reg# 19850751

WW YW RADG SC CEM MW MH DOC CLAW 105 190 .37 1.55 13 99 1.3 25 .32

ANGLE CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C .29 102 1.17 1.17 100 110 158 81 239 410




Reg# 19788890

CED WW YW RADG CEM MILK MW MH 15 95 170 .35 13 35 112 1.0


ANGLE CW MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C .29 81 1.71 67 108 132 102 234 370

Female Sale • May 28, 2022 • 1 PM Mark Your Calendars SEO Dinner to Be Held on Friday, may 27 at 7 PM Marketing powered by The Judge Source LLC Joel & Kourtney Judge 805.234.7191 • 480.322.1583 thejudgesource@gmail.com

Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Dr. Jeff Gower, Owner 417.839.1200 drjeffgower@gmail.com

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