ELLINGSON PROFOUND 2100 Profound x Advance BW: +3.3 WW: +84 YW: +143 HP: +16.3 $M: +101 • BW: 88 205: 924 ELLINGSON BARRICADE 2158 Barricade x Boardwalk BW: +2.5 WW: +75 YW: +125 HP: +14.2 $M: +84 • BW: 87 205: 933 ELLINGSON TURN KEY 2058 Turn Key x Perfect Storm BW: +3.3 WW: +87 YW: +147 HP: +17.8 $M: +101 • BW: 87 205: 967 CHAD & JULIE ELLINGSON FAMILY St. Anthony, North Dakota www.ellingsonangus.com • ellingsonangus@westriv.com 701-445-7309 • 701-361-3606 Like Ellingson Angus on Facebook!
A Common Sense Approach to Genetic Excellence
» Sound, dependable, proven genetics
Progressive, no-nonsense approach produces genetics that are deep, balanced and high quality—in large contemporary groups.
» Real-world data
Fed cattle performance data, direct feedback from semen companies and documented results from clients to guide breeding decisions to what is making money in commercial production.
» Large numbers of ET and AI siblings for consistency
» Wintering and delivery options
» Feeder calf marketing
Capture the added value of your TH-sired calf crop through a variety of Topp Herefords alliance programs. Multiple marketing options suited for your operation’s needs:
» Conventional bids—forward contracts, retained ownership, spot pricing;
» Verified natural/NHTC—forward contract, retained ownership;
» Buyer Support at sale barns and video auctions
» Replacement-quality heifer solutions
Premium pricing buy-back program for replacement quality F1 heifers sired by Topp Herefords bulls. In five years we have purchased back over 8,000 head of TH-sired replacement quality heifers.
At the Ranch, Grace City, ND 1 PM (CST) February 10, 2023
Quality genetics and marketing programs for ranchers who sell ’em by the pound.
sale book, call 701.674.3152 or visit ToppHerefords.com
BULL SALE Topp Herefords
83rd Ave
Grace City, ND 58445
230+ Hereford Bulls Sell 90 TH-Sired Black F1 Bred Heifers Sell February 10, 2023! Give us a call! Topp Herefords—Crossbreeding Solutions » Topp Herefords makes crossbreeding easy—consistently improving net profits in commercial Angus herds. On average, commercial Angus herds can expect a 5 percent increase in weaning weights from heterosis. If the average cow raises seven calves, that’s an additional $248 in gross revenue. Multiply that by a herd of 250 cows and you are adding $62,000 to the bottom line without additional inputs. Can you afford not to crossbreed? » Curious about how other cattlemen are making crossbreeding work at scale? Call Topp Herefords, 701.674.3152. LOT 1 — TH 183F MASTERPLAN 511K ET Reg. # 44334241 CED: -1.9 BW: 3.8 WW: 64 YW: 101 MM:28 REA: 0.63 MARB: 0.23 Lot 9 — TH 183F MASTERPLAN 542K ET Reg. # 44334376 CED: -1.4 BW: 1.7 WW: 61 YW: 99 MM: 28 REA: 0.6 MARB: 0.31 LOT 35 — TH 183F MASTERPLAN 546K ET Reg. # 44334276 CED: 3.5 BW: 1.3 WW: 60 YW: 112 MM: 27 REA: 0.57 MARB: 0.29
Make Your Voice Heard!
Do you use rodenticides on your land? Are rodenticides essential to the viability of your agri-business? The EPA will seek public comments on its proposed mitigation measures for the registration review of rodenticides starting in November. During a 60-day public comment period, the Agency will accept comments on their proposed changes, as described in the Proposed Interim Decision (PID) documents fo r:
Acute Rodenticides (bromethalin and
Acute Rodenticides
and cholecalciferol)
Zinc phosphide.
Zinc phosphide.
T h e R o d e n t i c i d e T a s k F o r c e i n c l u d e s i n d u s t r y p r o f e s s i o n a l s , e d u c a t o r s , a n d s c i e n i s t s w i t h d e c a d e s o f e x p e r i e n c e a n d s p e c i a l i z e d e x p e r t i s e I t i s c o m m i t t e d t o p r o v i d i n g e d u c a t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d e f f e c t i v e s e o f r o d e n t i c i d e s a s p a r t o f I n t e g r a t e d P e s t M a n a g e m e n t p r o g r a m s t h a t p r o t e c t p u b l i c h e a l t h , f o o d s a f e t y , a n d p r o p e r t y w h i l e p r o t e c t i n g t h e e n v i r o n m e n t , e n d
T h e R o d e n t i c i d e T a s k F o r c e i n c l u d e s i n d u s t r y p r o f e s s i o n a l s , e d u c a t o r s , a n d s c i e n t i s t s w i t h d e c a d e s o f e x p e r i e n c e a n d s p e c i a l i z e d e x p e r t i s e I t i s c o m m i t t e d t o p r o v i d i n g e d u c a t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d e f f e c t i v e u s e o f r o d e n t i c i d e s a s p a r t o f I n t e g r a t e d P e s t M a n a g e m e n t p r o g r a m s t h a t p r o t e c t p u b l i c h e a l t h , f o o d s a f e t y , a n d p r o p e r t y w h i l e p r o t e c t i n g t h e e n v i r o n m e n t , e n d an g e r e d s p e c i e s , a n d o t h e r n o n - t a r g e t a n i m a l
n o n - t a r g e t a n i m a l
American Beef Producer January 2023 4
s Anticoagulant Rodenticides (chlorophacinone, diphacinone, warfarin, brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difenacoum, and difethialone)
The U.S. EPA is proposing to make the most significant changes to Rodenticides in 15 years: Cancelling products and crop uses Adding more requirements to the labels Reclassifying some products to Restricted Use Pesticides
you use rodenticides on your
Make Your Voice Heard!
land? Are rodenticides essential to the viability of your agri-business? The EPA will seek public comments on its proposed mitigation measures for the registration review of rodenticides starting in November. During a 60-day public comment period, the Agency will accept comments on their proposed changes, as described in the Proposed Interim Decision (PID) documents fo r:
p e c
e s , a n d
s Anticoagulant Rodenticides (chlorophacinone, diphacinone, warfarin, brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difenacoum, and difethialone) www.responsiblerodenticides.org TAKE ACTION The U.S. EPA is proposing to make the most significant changes to Rodenticides in 15 years: Cancelling products and crop uses Adding more requirements to the labels Reclassifying some products to Restricted Use Pesticides
e d s
Marc Wolf • (701) 579-4221 • New England, ND 21 ANGUS Marc Wolf • (701) 579-4221 • New England, ND Saturday, January 28, 2023 at the Ranch in our heated facility New England, ND Lunch starts at 11am MST • Sale at 1pm MST TOP CUT BULL SALE Selling 164 Top Cut Bulls View our auction and bid online at DVAuction.com 406.600.7514 Featuring these proven sires: www.21angus.com 29TH ANNUAL SITZ STELLAR 60 SONS SELL! SAV RESOURCE 1441 57 SONS SELL! AUCTIONEER: Roger Jacobs 21AR JUSTIFIED C086 REG#20476026 BW 68 • 205 790 • WR 118 Lot 4 21AR STELLAR C152A REG#20469567 BW 68 • 205 825 • WR 123 Lot 1 21AR RESOURCE C289 REG#20476140 BW 80 • 205 704 • WR 106 Lot 57
Twenty Three for 2023
Landi McFarland Livingston
Hoover Angus
E llston, I owa Landi@HooverAngus.com @ HooverAngusFarm HooverAngus.com
1. Tell us about what you do
I’m a sixth-generation farmer and rancher from a tiny town in the rolling hills of Southern Iowa named Ellston. My family has been raising purebred Angus cattle for 95 years now and I’m the 4th generation to own and operate Hoover Angus. We run 400 purebred Angus cows. We have an annual production sale in February selling bulls and females. I do a little bit of everything on the farm from putting together our 70-page sale catalog, to calving cows, to preparing planned matings and breeding cows. It’s a multi-generational family business in which my entire family is involved.
2. Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised on my family’s farm that was homesteaded in 1856, 167 years ago. Nowadays I live about 5 miles from the homestead farm.
3. Introduce us to your family at the ranch.
My husband Andrew and I are full time and then some. My dad and mom, David and Joy, still play an active role in Hoover Angus. My grandfather John, who just turned 97 years old, is still coaching us too. He keeps us in line when he comes out to the farm and he still oversees what we’re doing. We also have some full-time crew as I’m an only child, so we weren’t blessed with a built-in labor force. Our crew besides the family is Jeff Livingston, David Hoyt, and Mike Pudlo & Ann Newberry, who live on the main farm.
4. Tell us more about your kids
We have two, Gwen and Ty. Gwen will soon be six and Ty is four. They go to the local elementary school and enjoy being out on the farm. They love their bottle calf and doing those types of things that young kids do on a farm. They have shown a bottle calf and bottle lambs at the fair. Gwen placed first in the Iowa State Fair tumbling competition. My mom lives close by and helps us out a lot with the kids. She’ll get here at 6am so I can head to the farm and make sure everything gets started for the day. She comes again later in the afternoon when the kids get off the bus and stays until I get home. When I’m out calving over 12 hours a day, she stays as long as we need, which is just great. She’s a big help. It is definitely a team effort at Hoover Angus to raise kids and cattle!
January 2023
Twenty Three for 2023
5. Describe your program at Hoover Angus
Genetics are extremely important to me – it’s my passion. We create genetics for the commercial cattlemen that go out and do what they’re supposed to do, which is ultimately to make money for our customers. We strive to create genetics that exemplify multi-trait superiority, but our main focuses are calving ease, growth, docility, structure and phenotype. I’m a huge proponent of “you can’t improve what you don’t measure”, and we collect (and submit to the American Angus Association) phenotypic measures on 21 different traits, plus genomics.
We’ve been in business for 95 years because our cattle continually meet the demands of our commercial customers, and because we take care of our customers. I would much rather build a long-term relationship with customers rather than have a one-time high seller. Our sale, always the first Tuesday in February, offers 100 bulls, 50 spring bred heifers, 30 fall bred heifers, and 10 heifer calves. Cow families in production here have been consecutively bred by members of the Hoover family for up to 19 generations, and I think that’s pretty neat considering the average lifespan of an Angus herd is 7 years.
6. How did your ranch get its name?
Walt Hoover, my great grandfather, started Hoover Angus in 1928. Since that time, Hoover Angus has been passed down through the first-born females in my family. If we would have changed names with each generation, it would have been Hoover, Kiburz, McFarland, and Livingston! Therefore, we kept the original family name that we’ve always been known as, Hoover Angus.
7. What's your favorite/most used tool on the ranch?
The one that I never leave the house without – my pocketknife. I can do everything from scraping crap off my jeans to cutting twines to saving a bloated calf’s life. I’ve used it for hundreds of different things and it’s the most useful tool I have. Not a particular brand or type, just a 3 inch pocketknife. No fancy gizmos on it either.
8. What was your first real job?
I’ve never had a full-time “off farm” job. The only time I earned a paycheck off the farm was in college, 5-10 hours per week. When I told my boss the next semester that I needed to devote my time to my studies and farm, she begged me to work ½ the hours – she said, “You can do in 5 hours what anyone else I’ve ever had can do in 10 hours.”
Twenty Three for 2023
I obliged. I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Agricultural Studies with a minor in Animal Science. Other than that, my “full time plus” job has always been Angus.
9. What do you think about today’s cattle industry?
I believe we have a lot of opportunity these next few years. We have lost thousands of cows (and producers) due, in part, to drought in the south and the west. If we don’t have a major catastrophe, the beef industry is poised for some really, really good years in the short term. I feel more optimistic about the next 5 years for the whole cattle industry than I’ve ever felt in my life. That to me is pretty big. I’m usually optimistic, but I’m very optimistic now.
Covid made our producers stronger – we have banded together to increase our packing capacity. Others have taken the bull by the horns and marketed their own beef locally. Many Hoover Angus customers have eliminated the middle men and started selling beef locally, and are successful at it! American consumers want to be connected to their food source, and the American beef producer is championing their family farming or ranching story while building relationships with their customers. What a success story!
10. What can we do to keep today’s cattlemen in business?
Genetics, genetics, genetics. High quality cattle, and subsequent high quality beef for our consumers will always be in demand. As seedstock producers, it is our job to ensure the genetics we supply America’s cattlemen fit their needs. . . and that’s certainly not the same
for every region of the country, let alone every operation. Beef operations exist for a multitude of reasons – for some, it’s a way to get “away” from a town job and enjoy the outdoors while tending to livestock. For others, like my family, it’s our life, our passion, and our sole source of income. It’s what drives us. End-product merit is certainly important, but we as seedstock producers must not lose sight of the traits (many times not measured by EPDs) that make cattle profitable. I often liken some of today’s beef genetics to that of my Dad’s 500 horse power General Lee. . . it is great at going super fast down the speedway, but will overheat in a parade because it isn’t designed to go slow. In my opinion, successful cattlemen need genetics that can do both – go fast (such as rapid gain and carcass merit), yet go “slow” enough to do the basics of conceiving every 365 days and producing a live, unassisted calf at birth with a momma cow’s temperament and udder quality that doesn’t hamper her owner. In a world of so many things we can’t control, genetics is something we can control that has a definite impact on our bottom line.
11. If they could hear you, what would you tell the politicians in Washington?
First, I believe one of the greatest challenges for the American farmer and rancher is government intrusion, regulation, and taxation. Don’t tie our hands behind our back, but give us the freedom to do what we do best, which is to use our innovation to produce the safest, most wholesome and inexpensive food supply in the world. Unleash us from government burdens, and we can do an even better, more efficient job of feeding America while sustaining the land and the multi-generational family businesses of this great nation. When the American farmer and rancher flourishes, so do our rural communities, and so does America.
Twenty Three for 2023
Bureaus carry the torch at the state and local levels. Farm Bureau educates American’s youth by championing modern-day agriculture in schools.
17. ...and the American Angus Association?
The American Angus Association and its subsidiaries do an awesome job. Once again, they serve a diverse membership and seek to provide the tools and education necessary for small and large Angus breeders to be successful. They also provide the tools, resources, and marketing opportunities for commercial cattlemen to thrive using Angus genetics. The National Junior Angus Association provides a multitude of opportunities and leadership development for our youth that stretches far beyond the showring.
12. How can local governments do better regarding the cattle industry?
That’s a deep question. And hard. Can I use a lifeline and call Kristi Noem for help?
13. Favorite cut of beef and how do you like it cooked?
Filet, Certified Angus Beef® brand, of course. Cooked any way as long as it’s been on the grill and not still mooing.
14. What industry organizations do you support?
My short list is NCBA, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, American Farm Bureau & the American Angus Association.
15. Online conversations about the NCBA can become quite heated, what are your thoughts?
I pay $400/year in dues to NCBA and it’s the cheapest, easiest check I write the entire year. Among other things, NCBA lobbies for us in Washington, D.C. and advocates for the American farmer and rancher every day. They do this for us because we are out scooping bunks, calving cows, and can’t take time to head to D.C. every time an important issue comes up. NCBA is always there, advocating their member’s policy. That’s why I support them. Have they been perfect and do they do everything exactly the way I think it should be done? Well, no. They represent a wildly diverse membership and geographical area. NCBA’s grassroots policy is voted on by dues-paying members that show up and vote. If you don’t like their policy, be part of the solution, not part of the problem. I support NCBA because 95% of the time, they get it right.
16. What do you like about the American Farm Bureau?
They are a highly respected voice in supporting farmers and ranchers in Washington D.C. Likewise, state Farm
The Certified Angus Beef® success story has catapulted our breed to the forefront of the industry. Over 1.2 billion pounds Certified Angus Beef® produced annually give consumers a repeatable, positive dining experience while putting premiums in the pockets of those who produce it. My family and I are proud supporters of the brand, and will be getting our new sale facility “branded” with the Certified Angus Beef® logo this June.
Tell us about your new Sale Facility!
We wanted to bring our customers to the farm so they can see our operation, rather than just going to the local sale barn. The building will be multi-purpose – of course it's for sale day, but it will serve other purposes as well. We
January 2023
Twenty Three for 2023
have a couple of bedrooms in it for when people visit. We get a decent amount of out-of-state traffic and they can stay there instead of heading into town for a hotel. It will serve as a place to host events like the Block & Bridle group from Iowa State we hosted last month. We are using wood from some of our old barns for the interior walls. The north wall will be the “history wall”. There will be pictures, memorabilia, and artifacts from the last 95 years of my family being in the Angus business. We'll have 5 big pictures of the 5 generations (Gwen and Ty being the 5th). I've got pedigrees from when Walt Hoover started the herd. I’ve even got Walt’s high school diploma from 1922 which will be on display. It will be really unique and my favorite part of the barn!
19. Tell us about any mentor(s) you’ve had along the way. There are too many to mention. I have been very blessed to know people who have invested their time and energy into helping me in my journey. In my younger years, our auctioneer Craig Conover was a great influence on my life.
20. What do you do to get away from it all?
It’s been a life goal of mine that once we had kids we would take a summer vacation every year. That’s the only time of year it’s even remotely “slow” enough for Andrew and I to be gone from the farm at the same time. I would love to travel with Gwen and Ty to every state before they graduate high school. It’s a lofty goal, but if you don’t set goals, you’re not going to get any-
where. We’ve been to 13 states so far, so we’re on our way. After each vacation, I make a photo book, captions included, so when Gwen and Ty get older, they can remember our trips through the photos. I make three photo books for each trip – one for Andrew & I, and one each for Gwen and Ty to have when they are old enough to appreciate the memories.
21. Ford, Chevy, Dodge?
I’ll take any brand of truck, as long as it can get me from point A to B and it doesn’t break down!
22. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Keeping up with the Beef industry and the genetic changes that are happening plus the technological advances. Master breeder Bill Rishel said it best, “I’m probably not going to be the first one that adopts a new technology, but I’m darn sure not gonna be the last”. I think that’s very fitting for us.
23. What advice do you have for young, up-and-coming ranchers?
Never sacrifice your morals or your values. Life is easier when you learn from other people’s mistakes and don’t make them yourselves.
The Hoover Angus Annual Production Sale is Tuesday, February 7th! See their Ad on the next page ----->
- all cattle photos in this article taken by Derek Sample -
Sale Calendar
1-Jan Blom Red Angus PT (opening day) Vida, MT
1-Jan Red Revolution frozen genetics Oklahoma City, OK
1-Jan Registered 4 Success online
2-Jan Genetics on Ice benefit Oklahoma City, OK
2-Jan National Limousin Oklahoma City, OK
3-Jan Bases Loaded Oklahoma City, OK
3-Jan Lawrence Family Limousin online
3-Jan Red Revolution Oklahoma City, OK
4-Jan Denim & Diamonds Oklahoma City, OK
4-Jan GMC in the OKC Oklahoma City, OK
5-Jan Angus at the Congress Oklahoma City, OK
5-Jan Black Knight Cattle Co. online
5-Jan Greater Midwest Hereford-Influnced Carthage, IL
5-Jan Hereford Eve frozen genetics Oklahoma City, OK
5-Jan Ogallala Livestock Ogallala, NE
6-Jan Hereford Night in OKC Oklahoma City, OK
6-Jan National Angus Bull Sale Oklahoma City, OK
7-Jan Adams Angus Farm Union Springs, AL
7-Jan EBS Farms Norwood, NC
7-Jan Genetic Excellence Cookeville, TN
7-Jan National Shorthorn Sale Oklahoma City, OK
7-Jan North Dakota Select Angus Mandan, ND
7-Jan Royal Classic Female Ames, IA
8-Jan Bricktown National Simmental Sale Oklahoma City, OK
8-Jan Ressler Land & Cattle Cooperstown, ND
9-Jan Dikoff Angus Ranch Onaka, SD
9-Jan Lylester Ranch Frozen Genetics Martell, NE
9-Jan Macdonald Ranches Genetic Partners Napoleon, ND
9-Jan National Salers Oklahoma City, OK
9-Jan The Diamond Ring Billings, MT
10-Feb Lemke Cattle Lawrence, NE
10-Jan Magness Land & Cattle Mile High eliete online
12-Jan Derflinger’s D Lazy T Ranch Faith, SD
12-Jan Foundation Angus @ NWSS Denver, CO
12-Jan Math Farms Whitewater, MT
12-Jan Stockyards Beef Festival Denver, CO
12-Jan Un. Of Tennessee Bull Test Spring Hill, TN
13-Jan Diamond Bar S Great Falls, MT
13-Jan Hereford in the Yards & NWSS Denver, CO
13-Jan Spike Forbes complete dispersal Buffalo, WY
13-Jan Straight’s Friday the 13th Elite online
14-Jan Angus Pen & Carload @ NWSS Denver, CO
14-Jan Baxley Family Farms Georgetown, SC
14-Jan Carl Dethlefs & Sons Rockville, NE
14-Jan Dixie Valley Angus Montague, CA
14-Jan Grassy Meadow Ranch Michigan, ND
14-Jan National Charolais @NWSS Denver, CO
14-Jan Orton Ranch Red Angus Bassett, NE
14-Jan Rafter T Angus Buffalo, WY 14-Jan Red Land Cattle/ Woodland Ag Bagwell, TX 14-Jan SimMagic on Ice Denver, CO 14-Jan Schneider Cattle CO. Stuart, IA 14-Jan Thames-Kea Brookhaven, MS 14-Jan Univ. Of Florida Bull Test Marianna, FL 15-Jan Jallo Angus Ranch Fordville, ND 15-Jan The One and Only Simmental Denver, CO 16-Jan Joseph Angus Ranch Winner, SD 16-Jan LaGrand Angus Complete Dispersion Mitchell, SD 16-Jan Spur M Consignment Bowman, ND 16-Jan Van Newkirk Herefords Oshkosh, NE 17-Jan Becky Craig online 17-Jan Ken Haas Angus LaGrange, WY 17-Jan Kern Cattle (Visalia, CA) online 17-Jan Lazy C Diamond Simmental Ranch online 17-Jan Powerline Genetics Arapahoe, NE 17-Jan Sand Dune Cattle LLC online 18-Jan Edisto Pines embryo online 18-Jan Lau Angus Armour, SD 18-Jan Panther Country Salers PT Leigh, NE 19-Jan Diamond Lazy J Valentine, NE 19-Jan Linz Angus @ Blue Branch Ranch Byars, OK 19-Jan Thomas Angus (WY Division) Cheyenne, WY 20-Jan Texas Angus Assoc. Best Of The West Fort Worth, TX 21-Jan Anita Livestock Hereford infl. feed Anita, IA 21-Jan Bull Hill Red Angus Gray Court, SC 21-Jan Louisiana Angus Assoc. Kinder, LA 21-Jan Mohnen Angus White Lake, SD 21-Jan Oesterling Angus Batesville, IN 21-Jan Redland Angus Buffalo, WY 21-Jan Rohrich’s Cutting Edge Ranch Mandan, ND 21-Jan Rolling B Ranch Yatesville, GA 21-Jan Texas Angus Assoc. Stars of Texas f Fort Worth, TX 22-Jan Kansas Jr. Angus Futurity Hutchinson, KS 22-Jan Rolling B Ranch Yatesville, GA 23-Jan Bullis Creek Ranch Wood Lake, NE 23-Jan Delaney Herefords/ Atkins Herefords Lake Benton, MN 23-Jan Edgar Bros. Rockham, SD 23-Jan Gardiner Angus Ranch Ashland, KS 23-Jan Hunt Ranch Millburn, NE 24-Jan Churchill Cattle Co. Manhattan, MT 24-Jan Huwa Cattle Co. Roggen, CO 24-Jan Mohnen Angus White Lake, SD 24-Jan Wiegel Angus Kintyre, ND 25-Jan Raasch Bros Massena, IA 25-Jan Roberts Angus Dispersion Dickinson, ND 25-Jan Sioux Empire Show & Sale Sioux Falls, SD
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates
f = female sale
Fall Tours - Part 3 of 3
by Tim McCray Tim@ABPmag.com
Norfolk, NE
“Are we there yet...?"
NE Angus Tour
September 26-27
It’s not fore everyone. Honestly, though, I wish there were more participants in the golf scrambles. But I get it, golf isn’t for everyone either. But these (golf scrambles) can be more of a drinking game involving golf, and can also be good for networking too. The 2022 Nebraska Angus tour started with a golf scramble OR a river tour at Gavin’s point dam. So, two options to pick from, both were entertaining or so I’m told. Doug went to Poppe’s to clip bulls, Derek worked on our next issue back at the hotel and I played golf. Just so I have a written record of this, in hopes I can return, I’ll mention that Crofton Lakeside Golf Course was by far my favorite of any courses on
any tours thus far. It was very well-kept and offered some scenic views as well as some challenging landscapes. For a nine-hole course, it’s well worth the drive even if it’s a little out of the way. After each festivity, we all convened at Crofton Haymarket & the Lewis & Clark pulley museum for lunch. You’re probably asking what so many of us did too – a Pulley museum? Yes, and I’ll tell you if pulleys are your thing, this is the place to go. Doug DeShazer started collecting pulleys in 2005 and has restored and is displaying close to 1000 from his collection. The food was outstanding as well as the atmosphere at the attached Crofton Haymarket. There are not a lot of choices when it comes to
food in Crofton anyway, but, like the golf course, you won’t be disappointed.
HEINE FARMS FEEDYARD Fordyce, NE facebook: @heinefarms
The first official stop of the NE Angus tour started as a small acreage and has grown to one of the most renowned feedlots in Nebraska and SE South Dakota. Heine Farms Feedyard has a capacity of 15000 head and has been feeding cattle and family owned for more than 100 years. Both the quality of care and the quality of the feeding environment are top priorities.
American Beef Producer January 2023 18
all photos & artwork by Derek Sample Derek@ABPmag.com
Grab your boots, your pups, your cowbell and the Jeep. Let's hit the road.
Featuring Northeastern Nebraska's Angus Breeders
Top: NE Tour 2022 Group photo taken by Derek. Below left: the Jindra family receiving NE Angus Assoc recognition.
Bottom Left: Rick Pfortmiller of Neogen catching everybody up regarding genetics testing. Below right: Ian & Redemption at Foxhoven Angus. Bottom right: Angus CEO Mark McCully
They take great pride in the quality of care as well as their facilities. Pens are maintained daily and animal welfare is monitored precisely. They also offer custom feeding solutions and are visited weekly by all the major packing companies.
POPPE BULLS/ HORSESHOE HILL RANCH Bloomfield, NE poppebulls.com
Gary, Karen, and Jay Poppe welcomed guests to their ranch as we progressed on the Nebraska Angus Tour. Gary & Karen Poppe founded Horseshoe Hill Ranch with the purchase of a few Simmental cows from Karen’s dad (Ken Kube, 10 Bar Ranch) in 1980. A few years later, Angus were added, also from 10 Bar Ranch and Bryce Angus. The herd grew slowly in the early years being a part of a diversified operation
that included a farrow to finish hog operation. Gary’s interest in beef genetics began in 1972 when he was in high school. He was encouraged to take an instructional class to learn the practice of AI. With this skill, and quality foundation Angus cows led them to their present herd of Angus, SimAngus, and Red Angus. The second generation began in 2005 when Jay, Deanna, and their kids came back home and the opportunity to grow the cow herd arose. Jay followed in his father’s footsteps and side by side they are continuing to AI well over 300 cows and heifers annually. This past year, one of their bulls HHR JailBreak joined the Origen marketing system, and no doubt there will be more great Angus genetics waiting to be seen. 2022 also saw them hosting their first online auction. The open house is scheduled for February 21st and the online sale is February 22nd23rd.
FOXHOVEN ANGUS RANCH Crofton, NE foxhovenangus.com
Galen, Brock, and Justin provided a fantastic final stop of the evening, with ample food and some entertainment from comic Tyler Walsh. God provided a beautiful evening and a landscape to match. Truly a family operation, Galen is the third generation and lives on the original homestead. Brock and his family live at the calving headquarters, and Justin and his family live at the sale facility. They started in the early 90s with 12 heifers and have not purchased any outside cow families since the beginning. They had planned to cap their herd at 300 at one point, but they are well past that number today. They focus on performance and breeding ability, utilizing in-herd genetics that
American Beef Producer January 2023 21
Above: Sunset @ Foxhoven Angus. Left top: Jay Poppe @ Poppe Bulls explaining things. Left middle: Foxhoven Angus dinner. Top: NE Angus Queen Rachel Smith playing piano. Then Our favorite bus driver every year! Middle: Tom Burke meditating with the cows at Wagonhammer. Bottom: Hangin' at Poppe Bulls
26-Jan Flesch Angus Shelby, MT
26-Jan Ludvigson Stock Farms Billings, MT
26-Jan Marcy Livestock Gordon, NE
27-Jan Charolais Assoc of Texas Fort Worth, TX
27-Jan Double J Farms Garretson, SD
27-Jan Drake Simmental Centerville, IA
27-Jan Ellingson Simmental Dahlen, ND
27-Jan McConahay Bull & Bred Russell, IA
27-Jan McConnell Angus Dix, NE
27-Jan Ruggles Angus McCook, NE
27-Jan Soreide Charolais Ranch Bowman, ND
27-Jan VCCP (VA Club Calf Producers) Harrisonburg, VA
27-Jan Woodward’s in the Rockies online
28-Jan 21 Angus Ranch New England, NE
28-Jan ATAK Limousin Avon, IL
28-Jan Baldridge Performance Angus North Platte, NE
28-Jan Decades of Devotion Anita, IA
28-Jan Dennis Charolais Farms Sulphur Springs, TX
28-Jan Forster Farms Smithfield, NE
28-Jan Hutson Angus Farms Elk City, OK
28-Jan J & C Simmentals Arlington, NE
28-Jan Jungles Shorthorn Farm Kathryn. ND
28-Jan LA Angus Assoc. Kinder, LA
28-Jan Little Goose Ranch Buffalo, WY
28-Jan Melcher Herefords open house Page, NE
28-Jan Jauer Dependable Genetics Hinton, IA
Lucas, Stephanie, John, and Owen Niebur N2315 140th Street, Plum City, WI 54761
Lucas cell: 715-307-2229
28-Jan Nichols Farms Bridgewater, IA 28-Jan Red Bluff @ Tehama Fairgrounds Red Bluff, CA 28-Jan Schriefer Red Angus Golden Valley, ND 28-Jan Star Gate Cattle Twin Falls, ID 28-Jan Thompson Angus Kintyre, ND 29-Jan Reck Bros.-N-Sons Genetic advantage Blakesburg, IA 29-Jan Triangle J Ranch Miller, NE 30-Jan Apex Cattle Co. Dannebrog, NE 30-Jan Black Hills Stock Show Rapid City, SD 30-Jan Deer Valley embryo online 30-Jan Gold Rush Elite Rapid City, SD 30-Jan Goeken Cattle Lesterville, SD 30-Jan Nagel Cattle CO. Springfield, SD 31-Jan Black Hills Stock Show Rapid City, SD 31-Jan Hunt Limousin Ranch Heritage online 31-Jan Kern Cattle (Visalia, CA) online
1-Feb Begger’s Diamond V Wibaux, MT
1-Feb Black Hills Hereford Show & Sale Rapid City, SD 1-Feb Cline Angus Valentine, NE 1-Feb Lazy C Diamond Ranch Kintyre, ND 1-Feb Ressler Angus Ranch Cooperstown, ND 2-Feb Badlands Angus Alliance Dickinson, ND 2-Feb Bear Mountain Angus Palisade, NE 2-Feb K2 Red Angus Wheatland, WY 2-Feb Klamath Bull sale Klamath Falls, OR 2-Feb Ridder Hereford Ranch Callaway, NE 2-Feb Stavick Simmentals Veblen, SD 2-Feb Stroh Hereford Ranch Killdeer, ND
3-Feb Baumgarten Cattle Co. Belfield, ND 3-Feb Burgess Angus Homedale, ID 3-Feb Cow Camp Ranch Lost Springs, KS 3-Feb Dvorak Herefords Lake Andes, SD 3-Feb Elkington Polled Herefords Idaho Falls, ID
3-Feb Kunkel Simmentals New Salem, ND
3-Feb Maher Angus Morristown, SD
3-Feb Ohlrich’s & Friends Norfolk, NE
3-Feb Poss Angus Scotia, NE
3-Feb Schooley Cattle Bloomfield, IA
3-Feb Spring Valley Ranch Burwell, NE
3-Feb TJs “Red Truck” Buffalo, WY
4-Feb Beartooth Angus Red Lodge, MT
4-Feb Calvo Family Red Angus Bassett, NE
4-Feb Cardinal Cattle Co. Wyoming, IL
4-Feb Clemson Bull Test Clemson, SC
4-Feb Ekstrum Simmental Kimball, SD
Ellingson Angus
Saint Anthony, ND
Graff Cattle/ Tumbling T Ogallala, NE
Horsley Bros. Pleasant Plains, IL
American Beef Producer January 2023 22
We believe in raising Reliable, Dependable, Performance-Driven Bulls to support your operation.
Sale Calendar email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates 46th Annual Bred Female & Bull Sale January 28, 2023 • 1:00 p.m. CST At the Ranch - Hinton, Iowa • Kurt ph. (712) 253-8710 • Doug ph. (712) 253-0125 • doug@jauerangus.com • www.jauerangus.com Featuring: Elite Spring Bred Cows Fall Bred Cows w/Calves Spring Bred Comm. Hfrs. Coming Two Year Old Bulls At Jauer Dependable Genetics, the scope of our program continues to be the production of efficient Angus mamma cows. We have over 40 years experience breeding low maintenance - maternal lines of cattle to produce consistent, predictable, balance traited offspring that can be profitable in any environment. Our cattle thrive on grass and forage diets and will not need supplemental grain to maintain their body condition. Jauer Dependable Genetics Jauer Dependable Genetics f = female sale
4-Feb JM Cattle Co. Lawrenceburg, TN
4-Feb Klain Simmental Ruso, ND
4-Feb Klamath Falls Bull Sale Klamath Falls, OR
4-Feb Loonan Stock Farm Corning, IA
4-Feb Ludvigson Stock Farms Shepherd, MT
4-Feb Makovicka Angus Ulysses, NE
4-Feb Messner Ranch Laverne, OK
4-Feb NE AL Performance Breeders Cullman, AL
4-Feb Prairie Creek Angus Pleasant Plains, IL
4-Feb Prickly Pear Simmental online
4-Feb Quaker Hill Angus Louisa, VA
4-Feb Springer Simmentals Cresco, IA
4-Feb Stockmens Source North Platte, NE
4-Feb Upstream Ranch Taylor, NE
5-Feb Frey Angus Ranch Granville, ND
5-Feb Kline Simmental Ranch Hurdsfield, ND
6-Feb Cannon Charolais Ranch online
6-Feb Gateway Simmental Lewiston, MT
6-Feb Long’s Simmentals Creston, IA
6-Feb Mike Sitz/Joel Johnston Angus Burwell, NE
6-Feb Pelton Polled Herefords Halliday, ND
7-Feb Babcock Ranch Long Pine, NE
7-Feb Bitterroot Ranch Ramsay, MT
7-Feb Hoover Angus @ New Sale Facility! Tingley, IA
7-Feb James Creek Simmental Heaton, ND
7-Feb Jungles Shorthorn Farm Kathryn, ND
7-Feb Twedt Red Angus McHenry, ND
8-Feb Broberg Charolais Tilden, NE
8-Feb Durbin Creek Ranch Worland, WY
8-Feb Friedt Herefords Dickinson, ND
8-Feb Jindra Angus Clarkson, NE
8-Feb Meadow Acres Stanfield, OR
8-Feb Thomas Charolais Raymondville, TX
8-Feb Traxinger Simmental Claremont, SD
8-Feb Wilkinson Farms Simmental Montpelier, ND
8-Feb York Creek Red Angus Dunlap, IA
9-Feb Booth Cherry Creek Veteran, WY
9-Feb Bowman Angus Rhame, ND
9-Feb Felt Farms West Point, NE
9-Feb Hoffman Angus Farm Wheatland, ND
9-Feb Lassle Ranch Simmentals Glendive, MT
9-Feb Focus on Genetically Enhanced EPDs Athens, GA
9-Feb Rust Mountain View Ranch Mercer, ND
9-Feb UGA enhanced EPDs Athens, GA
9-Feb Venner Limousin online
9-Feb Watertown Winter Farm Show & Sale Watertown, SD
9-Feb Wittkopp Angus Glasgow, MT
10-Feb Bar KD Ranch/ Lambert Ranch Alturas, CA
10-Feb Bata Bros/ Bell Family Simmental Rugby, ND
10-Feb Bred For Balance Starbuck, MN
10-Feb Burgess Angus Homedale, ID
10-Feb Dutch Flat Angus & CX Ranch Lewiston, ID
10-Feb Iowa Beef Expo Des Moines, IA
10-Feb Lemke Cattle Lawrence, NE
10-Feb Powder River Angus Buffalo, WY
10-Feb Raml Cattle Goodwin, SD
10-Feb Talkington Angus Ranch Belfield, ND
23 January 2023 www.bluelakeplastics.com 320-333-9255 Sauk Centre, MN WE HAVE ALL YOUR FORAGE PROTECTION NEEDS COVERED! WE SHIP NATIONWIDE!
Sale Calendar Show ‘em What they‘re made of!! Order yours today: www.REALBEEF.shop Stickers too! Unisex - Heather Brown, Olive or Black Women‘s - Heather Sunset or Black Designed by the good, hard working folks at COZY HOODIES! These ain‘t your Daddy‘s shirts! Great Xmas gifts! Spread the Word! ALL SIZES now available in BLACK! S - 2XL 4” or 12” Black, White or Red Cows
KOUPAL’S B & B ANGUS: Bud & Bernie Koupal • 40083 300th St, Dante, SD 57329 C: (605) 491-2102 • H: (605) 384-3481 • E: bbkoupal@gmail.com KOUPAL’S D&K ANGUS: Derek & Kristi Koupal & family • C: 605-491-0244 • H: 605-384-4429 KOUPAL’S J&S ANGUS: Joe & Sara Koupal & family • C: 605-491-3202 KOUPAL’S D&A ANGUS: Dan & Aryn Koupal & family • C: 605-491-1331 • H: 605-286-3038 KOUPAL’S S&K ANGUS: Scott & Kim Van Winkle & family • C: 605-857-1294 MONDAY, FEB. 13, 2023 1:00 PM • AT THE RANCH 3 miles south, ½ mile east of Dante, SD Koupals B&B Coalition 15 • Reg #20399069 CED +2 • BW +2.2 • WW +69 • YW +125 • Milk +40 Koupals B&B Confidence 111 • Reg #20354219 CED +6 • BW +.9 • WW +78 • W +149 • Milk +23 Koupals B&B Atlantis 2021 • Reg #20489981 CED +8 • BW +.9 • WW +65 • YW +113 • Milk +33 Other Sires: Koupals B & B Progress 0017 Koupals B & B Knockout 9080 • ZWT Summit Sitz Barricade • Sitz Stellar • Baldridge Drag Iron U2 Coalition • JVC Concho • Sitz Broker Koupals B & B Charm • Square B Atlantis MAR Ground work 4123 • DL Wheelhouse Koupals B&B McCoy 2073 • Reg #20470476 ED +7 • BW +3 • WW +78 • YW +138 • Milk +41 Koupals B&B Barricade 2071 • Reg #20479065 CED +8 • BW +1.2 • WW +77 • YW +132 • Milk +27 Koupals B&B Summit 2034 • Reg #20480432 CED +14 • BW -1.1 • WW +65 • YW +118 • Milk +33 46th Annual Bull Sale 170 YEARLING BULLS 45 FALL BULLS The Pick of 2022 Heifer Crop A Few Elite Reg Heifers & 80 Commercial Heifers Live bidding on: Koupals B&B Wheelhouse 2064 • Reg #20479048 CED +6 • BW +1.9 • WW +87 • YW +146 • Milk +29
results in around 70% of the females being bred to bulls that were raised or purchased. They breed on natural heats the first cycle, getting 80 to 90% A.I. conception rates. Their annual production sale this year will be on February 27th at the ranch near Crofton.
Clarkson, NE jindraangus.com
Derek and I were slow-moving again as we reached Jindra Angus for breakfast, we were a little surprised when we arrived, we couldn’t find a bus or anyone around. Took me a minute (after we called Doug) to remember that he’s got another facility up on the hill, and sure enough that’s where everyone was. Nick Jindra’s Angus herd started as a 4-H & FFA project. But his family has been farming and raising cattle in the Clarkson area since 1878. The first foundation-registered females were purchased in 1994 from the Hoff Scotch Cap Herd of Bison, SD. From that time on until the Hoff’s dispersed in 2006, the Jindra cow herd grew from Hoff genetics extensively with AI, ET, and the addition of top donors from many great cow families at Hoff’s.
Nick’s operation is centered around a cow herd of about 500 registered mother cows and includes a feed yard where the genetics are tested, evaluated, and marketed. Their goals are to continue to produce functional, high-performance cattle that have the potential to increase profit. This year marks the 23rd annual production sale at the Bull Center near Clarkson on February 8th.
Columbus, NE
Just to be clear, we’re on an Angus tour, so no Herefords were displayed (or harmed) during the presentation. Eric started Frese Angus and Hereford with his brother Michael in 2004. Females were purchased from a few other well-known breeders in the area, but Baldridge Princess S11 was flushed extensively, and many females today can be traced back to her. Eric & Michael continued to grow their herd and small numbers of bulls were
American Beef Producer January 2023 26
Bull's Sunset at Foxhoven Angus Ranch
sold by private treaty. In 2017 the decision was made to switch to an annual spring production sale. Following the 2021 sale, Michael decided to focus on commercial heifer development and sold his portion of the registered herd to Eric. Eric, along with his wife Ashley and their children have operated Frese Angus & Herefords since. Eric & Ashley both do some work off the ranch as well, with Eric working for Select Sires, and Ashley as a teacher and entrepreneur with an online t-shirt business called “The Farmer Took A Wife”. Erics has been modeling her work on the last two NE Angus Tours, and they’re always clever and funny. This year’s Frese Angus & Herefords sale is on February 24th in Columbus.
Linwood, NE macholanangus.com
Jim, Jessica & their son Keaton own Macholan Angus, and together with Jim’s brother David (D-D Angus) run about 400 head of cattle. They also raise corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. Jim is the 3rd generation raising cattle on the farm, which started with a commercial herd and moved into Simmental before crossing them with Angus in the late 80s. at the turn of the century, they started purchasing purebred Angus cows & heifers and committed themselves to improving their herd. They look at many aspects when selecting Angus cattle to add to their program. They aim for a range of birthweights to suit their customers along with strong growth & carcass quality. Attitudes are very important as well, so
they must be docile. Production sales only recently started, and this year will be the 3rd annual sale at the Columbus sale pavilion on March 7th.
THE BULLODGE (Display stops) Fullerton, NE
I don’t believe many people knew about the extra rooms that were available as we gathered here for lunch. I say that because the front room was crowded. I only learned about the other rooms after we had finished eating. Ample space in the rest of them. Just a day late and a dollar short right? There are so many people to cover at this stop though, so I’ll just get right into it. Genoa, NE sonderupangus.com
The Sonderup Angus herd was started over 50 years ago when Lori and her sisters started to show in 4-H. Lori’s parents Lee and Judy Sonderup purchased Angus breeding heifers, which become the base of the herd. After graduating college Lori and her husband Darrel decided to get more involved with the Angus breed through AI and Embryo transfer. The herd was able to grow and get large enough to start having a production sale starting in 1990 till 2003. Their
Scott Angus Cattle is in the house
Frenzen Angus' display at the Bullodge
daughters, Ashley and Cassie, become involved in the National and Nebraska Jr Angus Association and 4-H. Today the herd is run by Lori and Ashley with the help of their hired man Fred who has been with them for over 50 years. Sonderup Angus is determined to continue to provide super-quality Angus genetics with maternal power, depth, and thickness with good carcass traits, that are docile for the success of their valued customers. Bulls are marketed at a production sale in the spring along with DBL, in March.
DBL, Inc. Fullerton, NE dblbullsale.net
DBL was started when Dean and Bonnie purchased 100 commercial cows which, in a couple of years turned into selling breeding bulls. Then, they started to buy registered Angus from several top Angus breeders. By 2006, they were selling commercial and registered bulls and commercial Angus females on a yearly sale. In the last couple of years, they have started a very aggressive embryo program using some of their younger donor cows and herd bulls. In 2022, they placed close to 200 embryos into their top commercial recipient cows. Their base cow herd goes back to SAV, but they have branched into many other top Angus programs. Their short-term and long-term goals are to produce highly productive animals for their customers and their operation that will show profit at the end of the day. The DBL Inc. annual sale, here at the Bullodge will be held on March 16th.
Left top: CAB's Kirsten Nickles & her brilliant speech. Left middle: checking out the bulls at Foxhoven Angus Far Left bottom: aerial view of the Bullodge. Above: Scott Angus Cattle's display at the Ag centerBelow left: Poppe Bulls. Below right: Frese Angus accepting recognition by NE Angus Assoc. Left: blue-eyed cowgirl at Foxhoven. Right: Frese Angus receiving recognition from NE Angus Assoc
Sale Calendar
10-Feb TNT Simmentals Lehr, ND
10-Feb Topp Herefords Grace City, ND
10-Feb Vin-Mar Cattle Co. Rushville, NE
11-Feb Big Rok Angus Detroit Lakes, MN 11-Feb Black Crest Farm Sumter, SC 11-Feb Bradley 3 Ranch Estelline, TX 11-Feb Charolais For Profit Columbus, TX
11-Feb CK Cattle & Wagner Cattle Highmore, SD 11-Feb Conley Cattle Ada, OK 11-Feb Crooked Creek Angus Clarinda, IA 11-Feb Dixie National Simmental Jackson, MS 11-Feb EZ Angus Madras, OR
11-Feb Genetic Power Gelbvieh & Balancer Springfield, MO 11-Feb Kenner Simmental Ranch Leeds, ND 11-Feb Keyes Angus Ranch Brewster, NE 11-Feb Maus Angus Ranch Golva, ND 11-Feb Mississippi Dixie National Simmental Jackson, MS 11-Feb Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Gladstone, ND 11-Feb Quaker Hill Angus Louisa, VA 11-Feb RL Fleckvieh Limerock Ranch Brandon, IA 11-Feb Roscoe Valley Cattle Co. Pulaski, IA 11-Feb Rousey SimAngus North Platte, NE 11-Feb Rydeen Farms Clearbrook, MN 11-Feb Schaff Angus Valley Saint Anthony, ND 11-Feb Smith Farms Purvis, MS 11-Feb Stewart Charolais & Red Angus Madison, SD 11-Feb Treftz Limousin Wetonka, SD
11-Feb York Farms Palestine, IL
12-Feb BB Cattle Connell, WA
12-Feb Brown’s Angus Ranch Center, ND 12-Feb Mrnak Hereford Ranch Bowman, ND
12-Feb Oak Meadow Farms Cresco, IA
13-Feb BB Cattle Co. Connell, WA
13-Feb Benda Ranch Kimball, SD
13-Feb Dakota Power Triple H Simmental Hannaford, ND
13-Feb Iowa Beef Expo Des Moines, IA
13-Feb Koupal Angus/ Koupal’s B&B Dante, SD
13-Feb Logterman Herefords & Angus Valentine, NE
13-Feb Nelson Livestock Company Wibaux, MT
13-Feb NextGen Cattle Co. online
13-Feb Pilakowski Angus Arthur, NE
13-Feb Sletten Angus Ranch Faith, SD
13-Feb Wilkinson Angus Ranch DeSmet, SD
14-Feb Edge Of The West Mandan, ND
14-Feb Felton Angus Deer Lodge, MT
14-Feb Hauser Angus Dickinson, ND
14-Feb Kuck Ranch Lexington, NE
14-Feb Origen Genetic Exchange online
14-Feb Raven Angus Colome, SD
14-Feb Rhodes Red Angus Ranch Faulkton, SD
14-Feb South Mountain Cattle Co. Caldwell, ID
14-Feb Werning Cattle Co. Emery, SD
15-Feb Barenthsen-Bullinger Red Angus Powers Lake, ND
15-Feb Green Valley Cattle online
15-Feb Hart Simmentals Frederick, SD
15-Feb Hilltop Angus Bowdle, SD
15-Feb Iowa Beef Expo Select Hereford Des Moines, IA 15-Feb Millar Angus Sturgis, SD 15-Feb OK&T Buffalo, OK 15-Feb Ostrand Angus Mason City, NE 15-Feb Shaw Cattle Caldwell, ID 15-Feb Vaughn Limousin Napoleon, ND 16-Feb Gustin’s Diamond D Gelbvieh Medina, ND 16-Feb Krebs Ranch Gordon, NE 16-Feb McNamee / Cook Angus Miles City, MT 16-Feb Mogck & Sons Angus Olivet, SD 16-Feb NE Cattlemen’s Classic Hereford female Kearney, NE 16-Feb Olson Hereford Ranch Argusville, ND 16-Feb Rom’n Limousin online 16-Feb Wooden Shoe Farms Blackfoot, ID 17-Feb Antczak Angus/ Hollow Point Angus Chetek, WI 17-Feb Blacktop Farms Mitchell, SD 17-Feb Bullerman Angus/ K&J Angus Rushmore, MN 17-Feb Camas Prairie Angus Lewiston, ID 17-Feb Dakota Xpress Mandan, ND 17-Feb Elston Lone Tree/Burchill Angus Bismark, ND 17-Feb Grandview Angus Rapid City, SD 17-Feb Hoffman Ranch Thedford, NE 17-Feb Jared Werning Cattle Parkston, SD 17-Feb Lundgren Angus Gove, KS 17-Feb NE Cattlemen’s Classic Bull Kearney, NE 17-Feb R & R Cattle Company Chamberlain, SD 17-Feb R Lazy B Ranch Charolais Aberdeen, SD 17-Feb White Hawk Ranch open house Buchanan, GA 18-Feb 7P Ranch yler, TX 18-Feb Angus Alliance Ellensburg, WA 18-Feb Baylor Cowden/ Hornhead Valley Hickory, PA 18-Feb Bledsoe Farms Wellston, OK 18-Feb Byergo Angus Savannah, MO 18-Feb Clift Livestock Charolais & Angus Ellensburg, WA 18-Feb CO State University Ft. Collins, CO 18-Feb Dixson Farms PT Atwood, KS 18-Feb Double T Simmental Turtle Lake, ND 18-Feb Flittie Simmental/ Schnabel/ Lazy J Aberdeen, SD 18-Feb Foundation Angus Alliance Luling, TX 18-Feb Gilbert Cattle Co. Oldfield, MO 18-Feb Great Basin Performance Tested Fallon, NV 18-Feb Gnerer Angus Olive, MT 18-Feb Hoiby Simmental McGregor, ND 18-Feb Janssen Angus Earlham, IA 18-Feb Lazy J Bar Ranch Aberdeen, SD 18-Feb Leader Angus Crofton, NE 18-Feb Minert-Simonson/ Feller Ranch Dunning, NE 18-Feb Nordlund Stock Farm Clearbrook, MN 18-Feb Overmiller Red Angus & Gelbvieh Smith Center, KS 18-Feb Panther Country Salers PT Leigh, NE 18-Feb Pine View Angus Colesburg, IA 18-Feb Rhodes Angus Carlinville, IL 18-Feb Riley Bros. Angus Darlington, WI 18-Feb Schiefelbein Angus Kimball, MN 18-Feb Southern Opportunity Lexington, KY 18-Feb Strommen Ranch Angus Fort Rice, ND
American Beef Producer January 2023 30
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates f = female sale
Belgrade, NE doddscattle.com
Bob & Tonya started in the registered business in 2017. Certainly not that long ago, and they’ve made quite a lot of progress in registered genetics in a short amount of time. This year they will hit a milestone of 100+ registered calves. It was Tonya’s desire for purebred genetics that drove Bob to purchase his first purebred heifer and it has been very rewarding ever since. The family owns, leases, and custom farms nearly 5000 acres of corn and soybean crops. With several hundred acres for hay/alfalfa. They finish several hundred of their own head and offer custom feeding as well. They were well received in Oklahoma last year, and also held their first sale at their home facility. This year’s sale is on February 26th.
Clarks, NE tandekuhn@gmail.com
The family of Travis and Emilee Kuhn (including daughters Clara, Camryn, and Collins), and Travis’s parents Kurt and Kristen Kuhn (Mr. K Angus) manage around 250 head of Angus cows. 200 head are registered with 50 head being commercial. Along with raising Angus cattle, they also operate 2,500 acres of corn, soybeans, native grass, and alfalfa hay. Travis graduated from Fort Hays State in 2011 with a degree in Animal Science. After graduation, he spent time working for Schaff Angus Valley and Poss Angus, before returning home to farm and raise cattle alongside Kurt. Since this time, they have doubled the size of the registered herd through extensive AI and embryo transfer. The base of the cow herd originates from Schaff Angus Valley, Sitz Angus, TK Angus, and Poss Angus. Sires that have left a lasting impact on their herd are Connealy Capitalist, SAV Renown, and Poss Maverick, as well as the owned herd sires including
American Beef Producer January 2023 32
Vieweing the bulls at Foxhoven Angus
TK Investment C894, MK Thick Cut, and WAR Calvary BO63. Each spring they AI around 200 cows and heifers to lead sire bloodlines that will improve their herd as well as their customer’s herd. Their goal is to continue to breed and raise cattle that not only improve their herd but the Angus breed by focusing on functionality and profitability. Look for bulls in their 2023 sale sired by SAV Downpour, Poss Rawhide, Ellingson Three Rivers, SAV Rito 9969, and M K Coaltrain. T&E Angus hosts an annual bid-off sale online starting February 27th and ending with an open house on March 5th, with bidding closing the next day.
son Eric, daughter Genna (and her daughters), daughter Tessa, and her husband Cody Adams (and their children).
The Frenzen’s have always been in the cattle business. The first registered Herefords were added in 1952 as 4-H and FFA projects for Marlin and Galen. Commercial Angus cross females were added in 1968. Registered Angus made their appearance in 1979 when Galen married Gwen Logan. Galen and Gwen’s family consists of their
The first registered Angus were a few select-bred heifers purchased at complete and mature cow dispersions. Emphasis was on soundness, milk, fertility, and performance. There are approximately 350 registered Angus, both spring and fall calving, along with 150 registered Polled Herefords. The herd has always been rigidly culled with emphasis on fertility, calving ease, performance, milk, soundness, and positive carcass traits. Extensive A.I. has been used along with ET. All animals are ultra-sounded as yearlings for carcass information and EPD accuracy. New genetics are incorporated primarily through A.I. Current herd sires include Kraye Medicine Man 9101, Kraye Transformer JK 9363, Frenzen Entrust E72, Frenzen Galaxy G108, and Frenzen Medicine Man J42. An annual production sale where spring, fall yearling, and twoyear-old bulls are sold. Also selling are select yearling and bred heifers, plus two-year-old pairs. Females and club calves are also available at private treaty. Younger bulls are kept back specifically for private treaty later in the year. The annual production sale is held the fourth Tuesday, March 28, 2023.
Wagonhammer Ranch boardroom
Fullerton, NE www.frenzencattle.com
Fullerton, NE dubascattle.com
Gene Dubas is the owner and his son Jarrid, manages the day-to-day operations alongside his cousin Derek. They have a registered Angus and Red Angus operation located west of Fullerton. Gene’s other business (Dubas Equipment) markets cattle equipment such as Silencer Hydraulic Chutes, and full working systems by Moly Manufacturing including Turret gates, tubs, and alleyways. Dubas Cattle Co has been breeding Angus cattle for over 20 years and run around 150 Angus and Red Angus registered cows. Their herd has been influenced by programs such as Basin Angus, SAV, Ellingson, Sitz, and Colemans. They have seen inconsistencies in chasing fads or “hot” bulls and very seldom use an AI bull they haven’t physically seen and assessed with their own eyes. The cows winter on cornstalks without additional feed. If the weather allows, they calve on corn stalks as well. They bring them home to AI and then immediately pair out to grass. With asking a lot of their cows in a very important time of the animals’ nutrition it’s crucial that their cows maintain a good body condition and not rely on extra inputs. Dubas Cattle Co expects their cattle to thrive in any operation. Over the past few years, they have been retaining 90% of their yearling bull crop to market them as virgin two-yearold bulls. The bulls winter on ground hay and silage and then go to grass the next spring to grow naturally. They receive supplemented cake every two weeks while on grass. The Dubas have found this helps their disposition. This year they will be offering around 50 fall and two-year-old Angus and Red Angus bulls. They will also have a nice selection of females ranging from open heifers to pairs. The Dubas Cattle Co annual bull sale is Saturday, March 4th.
As I said, a lot to cover in one stop, but it gave everyone a chance to mingle and spread out and check out the different pens from everyone displaying at the Bullodge.
Albion, NE wagonhammer.com
Wagonhammer was founded in 1910 by Max & Julius Wolf. They came over from Germany as boys and settled in Albion where they began as horse traders. They purchased most of the Wagonhammer Ranches in the ’30s when sodbusters gave up trying to farm the eastern sandhills, considering the land to be a worthless desert. Max and Julius saw the value of the sandhills for grazing and were determined to make it through the hard times. Julius’s son, Jim, started the registered Angus herd in 1960. He was an early believer in performance testing, AI, crossbreeding, and many other innovations. Jim was recognized as the Seedstock Producer of the Year by the Beef Improvement Federation in 1979. Wagonhammer is currently owned and managed by Jim’s son, Jay, and his family including his wife Susie, sons Mitch and Alex, daughter Hilary and her husband Ryan Opdahl, and granddaughter Willa. Jay serves in numerous leadership positions in the community and is a past president of the Nebraska Cattlemen.
The Wagonhammer operation is currently comprised of 800 registered Angus cows, 150 registered Charolais cows, and 1,500 commercial cows between three ranches in Bartlett, NE; a 5,400 head feedlot in Albion and 1,300 irrigated crop acres between the locations.
American Beef Producer January 2023 34
visiting with Jay Wolf @ Wagonhammer Angus
Portable Calving Barn demo by Ryan Large
Somehow we had punched in what we thought was a correct address, and we ended up at a very busy feedyard instead of the fairgrounds. Dumb and Dumber 3, in the making sometimes! But, we finally found our way to the fairgrounds for dinner and to wrap it all up.
Myron & Karen Benes of Circle B Livestock in Albion. Unfortunately we just heard that Myron passed in early November but we're told that it was a HUGE funeral. People flew in from all over the country to pay their respects to such a great man. We sure enjoyed talking to Myron. Our condolences to Mark & Aliscia and the rest of their family.
Albion, NE circleblivestock.com
Although Circle B Livestock LLC is a relatively new company, the owners have been a part of the registered cattle business all their lives. After graduating college, Mark and Aliscia Benes established Gateway Genetics with Mark’s brother and his wife. They marketed show cattle and breeding stock. In 2017 the decision was made by Mark and Aliscia to split from Gateway Genetics to form Circle B Livestock LLC. The company currently runs a little over 100 registered cows and puts in 30-50 embryos each year. Circle B Livestock LLC is made up of and strives to develop balanced, functional registered cattle, cutting horses, and working border collies. They have an online show calf sale in September that is focused more on the junior exhibitors. They have an online female sale in December and the bulls they sell are displayed at the Boone County Fairgrounds the last weekend in February and are marketed through an online bull sale. As for goals they try to keep their goals simple. They want to produce and develop the most fault free, functional cattle with a balance of maternal and carcass traits. They want to be in “it” for the long haul by establishing an operation that can produce a successful herd that can be handed down to the next generation.
SCOTT ANGUS CATTLE Belgrade, NE scottanguscattle.com
The Scott family also goes back nearly 100 years in this area. Marlin’s grandfather settled here in the 30s and raised and sold plow-pulling draft horses and a small herd of Herefords. Marlin and his wife Kelly started an AI program in the 80’s. They purchased top end cleanup bulls to keep bettering their herd and eventually created one of the leading commercial recipient herds in the nation. They started out using their recipient herd for Schaff Angus Valley, Assman Land & Cattle, and Baldridge Brothers. From there they went on to raise many well-known SAV ET bulls: Predominant, Bismarck, President, Rainfall, Quarterback, Elation, Bloodline, Scale House, Riptide, and Jesse James to name
35 January 2023 American Beef Producer
Eric Frese & son from Frese Angus & Herefords
a few. After 2014, Marlin and Kelly's daughter Abby and her husband A.J. Ropers and their son Sam and his wife Stephanie Scott joined the ranch operation. They invested in cow/calf pairs and purchased additional pasture ground and dry land acres. Currently, all three families manage the ranch together which is home to 100 registered and 350 commercial Angus cattle. The short-term goals for the operation include looking to improve the registered herd by their elite female purchases in the last couple years. Sitz Pride 200B (Stellar’s Dam), WMS Blackcap May 9010 (2397 daughter), SAV Blackcap May 4574(flush sister to Regard), Baldridge Pratissa J932 (Pappy daughter), and Linz Lady 116-8213 (890 daughter) were added with the future in mind by creating a trifecta of Sitz, Schaff, and Baldridge progeny. Following this goal, they hope in time to hold their own annual bull and female sale for Scott Angus Cattle and build a strong foundation that can be succeeded by future Scott generations.
at Niobrara Red Angus with ranch manager Jacob Bathke. Owned by Jeff & Tami Keller of Lincoln, both of them had grown up in the area, and they had the desire to get back to their roots and provide a chance for their three boys to be involved with agriculture. Tami’s family ranch (Leader Angus Farm) also isn’t too far away. Meg Penrod takes care of the office duties, and Garret Knebel handles the marketing and suggests options for genetics from his place in Montana, and that rounds out the team at Niobrara Red Angus (NIO).
Jacob was born and raised in Niobrara and lives on the ranch full-time. He has an associate degree in Agronomy from Northeast Community College but came back at the opportunity to work with cattle again. As Jacob, Derek, and I are walking through the maze of gates and pens here at the ranch, I was noticing the exceptional feet throughout. I was surprised to find out that nothing was
LINCOLN, NEBRASKA niobrararedangus.com
Carpe Diem! Rather than head directly home after the Nebraska Angus tour held over the previous two days, I set up another stop for Derek and I
American Beef Producer January 2023 36
Angus Bulls at Poppe Bulls
here, except for one old barn when they started in 2015. The first cows came in the fall of that year from the Wildcat Creek dispersal. From that beginning, they also added some genetics from Six Mile Ranch & U2 ranch in Canada. Jacob says they did extensive AI work during that early period putting in about 140 embryos into commercial cattle. Today, almost all at Niobrara Red Angus are registered, and they continue to AI with two co-operator herds as well. As the team was preparing the herd, they made it a priority to visit and visually appraise an alarming number of other breeders across the country. They had numerous “boxes to be checked” when making decisions, and selected genetics on what they felt provided the most fertility, longevity, and profitability in the business.
From the description on their website, sale catalogs, and stamped throughout the philosophy of NIO is a simplistic statement. “Our long term goal is to bridge the divide in the Red Angus breed between correctly structured phenotype cattle with a disadvantage in the availability of genetic information, with the stereotypical U.S. Red Angus cow; genetic history and contemporaries of plenty, with a compromised foot structure that has simply been overlooked for years.
The seedstock produced at NRA descends from the most problem-free, practical, phenotypical cattle that can be found in North America. But they’re not concerned with EPDs or being in the top 1% of any trait. If they prove to sire calves that have longevity and the buyers get solid results and returns on investment, they know they’re doing the right thing.
Jacob also took us out to some pastures to look at more of the herd, and I was noticing some more familiar territory as we approached Monowi (town of 1) and also came to the realization that this area of Nebraska is just full of storytellers. Or maybe rather full of people whose stories need to be told, as even aside from the latest Angus tour we have visited quite a few in this region before, with documentation in our back issues.
NIO is progressing quite rapidly since they started and desire to stay out front in what the new genetics are. In 2018 they purchased half interest in “John Wick” from Six Mile Ranch, where he topped the sale that year, and he’s been breeding at Niobrara ever since. They also own semen interests in a couple of other bulls that are off the market, positioning them as the only ranch to offer offspring. We left Jacob to get back to his work, today adding some shelving into the sale barn. This year’s annual sale will be on March 13th at the ranch.
January 2023
WHERE QUALITY, PHENOTYPE AND PERFORMANCE MEET MATERNAL EASTERN MONTANA GENETICS SELECT NOW! FREE WINTERING DELIVERY IN THE SPRING 503 MT Hwy 254 • Vida, MT 59274 (24 miles north of Circle on Hwy 13 - 5 miles east on Rd 254) Matt Beery: (406) 979-5720 • Madri Blom - Herdsman: (406) 979-5711 • bllcattle@gmail.com www.beeryherefords.com Like us on facebook/Beery’s Land & Livestock Co. - BEERY Herefords A Brand to Trust Selling Private Treaty 110 HEREFORD BULLS - HORNED & POLLED 35 RED ANGUS BULLS SONS OF : FT. KNOX 4040, ANODYNE 001A, CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F, ADVANCE 9261, FORTY CREEK 45H AND PUTE NASCAR N13.
18-Feb Varilek Angus Geddes, SD
18-Feb Walter Angus Hudson, CO
18-Feb Yon Family Farms Ridge Spring, SC
19-Feb Bruner Angus Ranch Drake, ND
19-Feb Bruning Farms Fairbury, NE
19-Feb Forster Red Angus (Richardton, ND) online
19-Feb Gaffney Family Cattle Barneveld, WI
19-Feb Larson’s Lost River Ranch Clearbrook, MN
19-Feb Miller Angus Valentine, NE
19-Feb Spring Creeks Cattle Co. Fennimore, WI
19-Feb Trauernicht Simmental Beatrice, NE
20-Feb Albrecht-Penz Caddo, OK
20-Feb Bulls Of The Big Sky Billings, MT
20-Feb Five Star Polled Herefords Harrisville, WV
20-Feb Frank Cattle Co. Chappell, NE
20-Feb OPSU Bull Test Goodwell, OK
20-Feb Powder River Angus Buffalo, WY
20-Feb Rausch Herefords Hoven, SD
20-Feb Rennert Ranch/ Heart-J Char-Lay Cozad, NE
20-Feb Smith’s Saddle Butte Ranch Bowman, ND
20-Feb Teixeira Cattle Terrebonne, OR
20-Feb Tokach Angus Ranch Saint Anthony, ND
21-Feb Bar JZ Ranches Holabird, SD 21-Feb Bina Charolais Jamestown, ND
21-Feb Cedar Top Ranch Burwell, NE
21-Feb Coleman Angus Charlo, MT
21-Feb Deutsch Charolais online
21-Feb Doug Booth Family Angus Torrington, WY
21-Feb HoosCow Angus Gordon, NE
21-Feb Kessler Angus Milton-Freewater, OR
21-Feb Moke Angus Corsica, SD
21-Feb Rowh Angus Ranch Hill City, KS
21-Feb Spruce Mountain embryo online
22-Feb C Diamond Simmental Dawson, ND 22-Feb Chestnut Angus Farm Pipestone, MN 22-Feb Larson XL Simmental Lemmon, SD 22-Feb Mount Rushmore Angus Hermosa, SD 22-Feb Poppe Bulls (Bloomfield, NE) online
22-Feb Price Cattle/ Murdoclk Stanfield, OR
22-Feb Quartermaster Creek Ranch Leedey, OK
22-Feb Stortz Angus Glendive, MT
22-Feb TC Ranch Franklin, NE
23-Feb Bar CK Cattle Co. Winnemucca, NV
23-Feb Botts Angus Enterprise, OR
23-Feb Cattlemen’s Cut Brewster, NE
23-Feb Diamond Seven Angus Tucumcari, NM
23-Feb GG&T Cattle Co. Quinter, KS
23-Feb Illinois PT @ IL Beef Expo Springfield, IL
23-Feb Moore Angus Artesian, SD
23-Feb Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Kearney, NE 23-Feb NW Hereford Breeders Hermiston, OR
23-Feb Poppe Bulls (Bloomfield, NE) online
23-Feb Rossman Farms Genetics Oronoco, MN
23-Feb Symens Brothers Amherst, SD
23-Feb The Classic Charolais Kearney, NE
23-Feb Van Dyke Angus Ranch Manhattan, MT
Mandan, ND 24-Feb Deppe Angus PT Bloomfield, IA 24-Feb Frese Angus Columbus, NE 24-Feb Gant Angus & Herefords Mt. Vernon, SD 24-Feb Hyline Angus Ranch Three Forks, MT 24-Feb Jamison Herefords Quinter, KS 24-Feb Pot Of Gold Gelbvieh & Balancer Montrose, CO 24-Feb RS Angus Dodge City, OK 24-Feb Skinner Ranch Seedstock Hall, MT 24-Feb Sprunk/ Erdmann Angus Lisbon, ND 24-Feb Wieczorek Limousin Mount Vernon, SD 25-Feb 44 Farms Cameron, TX 25-Feb Baker Angus Vale, OR 25-Feb Black & White Spring Forward Brundidge, AL 25-Feb Bowlin Cattle Co. Valentine, NE 25-Feb Bush Angus Britton, SD 25-Feb Cannon Charolais Ranch Newton, IA 25- Feb Carlson Angus Ranch Regent, ND 25-Feb Chapman Cattle Co/ Woolf Farms Jackson, TN 25-Feb Dally Angus Montpelier, ND 25-Feb Early March Madness Bowling Green, KY 25-Feb Eastern Iowa Angus Assoc. Maquoketa, IA 25-Feb Fulcher Farms Complete Dispersion Godwin, NC 25-Feb Galaxy Beef Macon, MO 25-Feb Genetic Source Nunnelly, TN 25-Feb Gulf Coast bred for the purple Florahome, FL 25-Feb High Point Genetics Osceola, IA 25-Feb Hoffman Simmental (thru Mar 4) Clay Center, KS 25-Feb Kreth Herefords Mt. Vernon, SD 25-Feb Lazy Black Diamond Ranch Kearney, NE 25-Feb Lonely Valley Seedstock Creston, NE 25-Feb Meadows Creek Farm Brundidge, AL 25-Feb Missouri Angus Breeders Futurity Columbia, MO 25-Feb Never Sweat Ranch Missoula, MT 25-Feb Post Rock Cattle Co. Barnard, KS 25-Feb Quaker Hill Farms Louisa, VA 25-Feb Rancher Choice Othello, WA 25-Feb Rogers Bar HR Collins, MS 25-Feb RV Bar Angus Jensen, UT 25-Feb Saluda County Cattlemen's Saluda, SC 25-Feb Shepherd-Shamburg PT Stuart, IA 25-Feb Studer Shorthorns Anita, IA 25-Feb Tegtmeier Polled Herefords Burchard, NE 25-Feb TS Ranch Herefords Cottonwood Falls, KS 26-Feb Buchanan Angus Klamath Falls, OR 26-Feb Dodds Cattle Belgrade, NE 26-Feb Missouri Angus Breeders Futurity Columbia, MO 26-Feb Namken Red Angus Lake Norden, SD 26-Feb Peckenpaugh Angus Carthage, SD 26-Feb Roberts Angus Raub ND 26-Feb Southwest Simmental Group Dunlap, IA 26-Feb Voss Angus Dexter, IA 27-Feb Birdwell Ranch Fort Cobb, OK 27-Feb C-Bar Red Angus Plainville, KS 27-Feb Circle L Angus Dillon, MT 27-Feb Colyer Hereford & Angus Bruneau, ID
24-Feb Brenner Angus
American Beef Producer January 2023 40
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates f = female sale
Sale Calendar
ND All Breeds Tour!
by Tim McCray Tim@ABPmag.com
Cooperstown, ND
“I’m a terminator Cyberdyne systems model 101, and you’re coming with me”
This was the road trip that caused me to utilize the terminator phrases throughout this tour series. You can blame Doug. Somewhere along I 94, Doug kept asking what that voice was, I pretended I didn’t know what he was talking about at first. “Object on road ahead, get down!” [Termintaor voice] “That! What is that?” Doug asked, so I finally gave in and told him about the app, and that the voices weren’t just in his head. After leaving Derek behind in Nebraska, I headed home for just a few days to do laundry and try and catch up on other work. But only a short time frame as we were due to meet up again in Valley City for the 35th! All Breeds Cattle Tour. Doug met me at my place and we actually carpooled this trip, maybe we’re getting smarter. This year’s tour was of the Cooperstown area and also a one-day tour, not the usual two. We arrived at the AmericInn in Valley City, grabbed Derek for our evening meal, and got caught up over the last few days anyway. Already seeing some familiar faces at registration and in the restaurant. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to the tour tomorrow, featuring six stops and eight
breeders. I’m looking forward to getting it over since I need to finally get a painful, problem tooth extracted.
Carl & Lindey Olson, Edward & Jeanie opened up their ranch for our breakfast stop to kick touring into gear! With a one-day tour, it’s bound to be fast-paced. OHR has been in the Hereford business since 1936. Making them the oldest Hereford breeder in the state. In 1991 they ventured into Red Angus – striving to produce Red Angus with more performance and growth. Currently, they run 200 females including 50 Herefords, 140 Red Angus, and 10 commercial recipients. Performance is their priority with an emphasis on utter quality, maternal traits, and eye appeal. Their annual Red Power bull and female sale will offer their top-end bulls and 35 heifers and will be hosted at the ranch, on February 16th.
photos by Derek Sample Derek@ABPmag.com
October 3rd Featuring eastern North Dakota's Breeders
Argusville, ND olsonredpower.com
the welcoming committee at Ressler Angus Ranch
ELLIOTT LIVESTOCK Clifford, ND elliottlivestock.com
Some puddles and other wet ground from the overnight rains welcomed us to Elliott livestock. Kevin Elliott and his sister Marcia purchased their first Simmental heifers in 1984 as 4-H projects. He’s been improving & expanding his herd ever since. His focus is on functional, productive, high-quality carcass cattle, using top-end genetics to give their customers as much potential return on investment as possible. They utilize DNA and ultrasound to get the most data they can to improve their genetic accuracy. He has been helping his customers get top dollar for their calves by finding buyers, consigning them in his sale, or buying them back themselves. Many of their customers finish out their own calves because of the top-end genetics they have come to expect from Elliott Livestock. Kevin also farms and ranches with the help of his sons, Keegan & Konner. His daughter Mikenzie along with her husband Zach Canton, operate under Wild Rose Cattle Company and work right alongside Kevin. They host their annual sale, selling 18-month-old bulls & select heifers on the third Tuesday in November.
TRI E SIMMENTALS Blanchard, ND triesimmentals.com
Tri E Simmentals also brought a selection of their herd to display at Elliott Livestock. Mike & Patty started in the 1980s when they bought the foundation of their cowherd. With the help of AI & ET, the registered herd is now up to 150 head. They also run 150 commercial head and a feedlot which keeps them all busy. Mike and Patty’s son Kurt & Cheryl, and their kids all take part in the operation. Simmental and SimAngus bulls are offered private treaty starting in February.
RESSLER ANGUS RANCH Cooperstown, ND resslerranch.com
Everybody enjoyed the smoked brisket for our lunch stop. Thank You, Ressler Angus! Ryan, Meghan, Reid, Lane, Lola, and Kimmie make up
bulls at Elliott Livestock bull weight guessing game at OHR
Tri-E Simmentals Display stop
Kevin Elliott welcoming tour to Elliott Livestock
the family that owns & operates Ressler’s. Ressler Angus Ranch set out as commercial ranchers influenced by Ryan’s parents and grandparents. They attained an excitement for improving the functional cow, and eventually found their way into the seedstock business. Improving that functional cow means she calves easily, breeds back quickly, and maintains her condition on a no-frills pasture or ration year after year. That, is the foundation of the bulls and replacement heifers offered come sale day. Selling yearling and 2-year-old bulls, registered heifers, and commercial replacement heifers. They’re also offering frozen semen on more than six different stud quality bulls, a wide assortment of embryos, a large selection of quality replacement females and a consistent offering of herd bulls. A visit to their sires will show a host of Ellingson & Schaff influences, as well as Bruner Angus and Mohnen. The Ressler website speaks of a ready & reliable program of working with their customers to help them reach their goals, plus the reliability that their cattle are easy to conceive, carry a calf to term, mother that calf until fall, and do it all over again, and again. The annual sale at Ressler Ranch is February 1st.
Cooperstown, ND resslerlandandcattle.com
The shortest drive of the day, just over the hill from Ressler Angus to Ressler Land & Cattle. Here, Bryan and his brother Mark partnered up in 2013 to raise Red Angus, as well as commercial cattle. The brother’s careers began by helping out on their parents Larry & Karen’s farm. Whose commercial herd began in the late 1970s. he had utilized AI to produce high-quality females to retain in his herd. Bryan and Mark began their individual herds as 4-H projects that stemmed from the commercial herd of Larry’s. In 2016 they purchased a herd of registered Red Angus cows. Bryan & Mark (& their families) sell coming 2-year-old bulls and commercial-bred heifers in their annual production sale. They select the bulls on growth data and docility. Whatever doesn’t make it into the sale is finished on the farm. Many of the females offered are buybacks from customers who purchased RL&C bulls. The annual production sale for this year is on January 8th.
welcoming committee at OHR lunch at Ressler Angus Ranch
good lookin' Red Angus bulls at Ressler Land & Cattle
McHenry, ND twedtredangus.com
Sam & Emily own and operate Twedt Red Angus along with their children, Nora, Brynn, Wyatt & Eden. In 2008 Sam bought the registered cows from his neighbor, Bar R Red Angus. Sam is a 4th generation rancher and they run 400 head of commercial cows plus 150 registered Red Angus. They implant about 100 embryos each year and AI to some of the breed’s strongest sires. They cull extensively –no excuses. They offer problem-free genetics that provides performance. Their annual production sale this year will include approximately 70 yearling and two-year-old bulls, so registered bred heifers, and an elite group of commercial Red-Angus cross heifers on February 7th at the ranch. -->After leaving Twedts, and we were following the bus/caravan, I needed to refill the gas. We also got to talking to the station owner for a while since she was interested why there were so many cars driving by, which doesn't happen very often. When we got
back into the jeep, I thought I had turned where I saw the caravan go, we ended up driving in a few circles. Eventually landing us at our dinner stop at Hannaford Mercantile. Rather than trying to make it to the last stop and passing the bus going in the opposite direction, we opted to just stay put and wait the 15 minutes or so before their arrival. So we missed out on the last stop (covered below) but we used the time to run the dogs some and look around this unique building that serves as a community hall and locale for our dinner this evening.
Hannaford, ND haugencattleco@yahoo.com
Haugen's a partnership between Eldo, Troy & Lynn Haugen. They are a purebred Angus cattle operation that consists of more than 320 head cowherd. They extensively utilize AI, ET, and DNA testing. They strive to produce high-quality cattle for purebred and commercial cattle producers. In 2017 they were named Breeder of the Year by the North Dakota Angus Association. Their annual sale is held at Kist Livestock in Mandan on the fourth Friday in March.
Megan Overby is the best part of this tour! Introducing Sam at Twedt Red Angus
kids at Ressler Angus Ranch
Dana keeping the cattle in line at Ressler Angus Ranch
Ryan's welcome speech at Ressler Angus Ranch
The first registered Simmental females were purchased in 1987 at the North Dakota Simmental Classic sale as 4-H projects. Kelly, Brian, Justin, and Brayden Hanson, with the help of many family members, run Triple H Simmentals. They raise performance-driven Simmental and SimAngus that are sound in structure and udder quality, with attention to docility. They have been using AI and ET extensively for the past 34 years to utilize top genetics. Triple H Simmentals 19th annual Dakota
Power bull and female sale will be held at the ranch, offering 60 bulls and 40 bred females on Monday, February 13th
Arnold – aka “Da Terminator” says:
Thank you everybody at ND Stockmen's Association for your hard work in making a very full day of tours so enjoyable. It was a really great day!
Hannaford, ND triplehsimmentals.com
“Mission accomplished. It has to end here….I’ll be back!”
top left: Ressler Angus aerial view, top right: Hereford bull at OHR. Both above: Bryan & Mark welcomes everybody to Ressler Land & Cattle.
Ryan Ressler . 701.797.7212 . Meghan Ressler . 701.797.7213 WWW.RESSLERRANCH.COM F ebruary 1 , 2023 Yearling Bulls, Aged Bulls Registered Yearling Heifers Commercial Yearling Heifers BULL SALE esslerRranch
'CALLICRATED' S I N C E 1 9 9 1 M I L L I O N S O F B U L L S H A V E B E E N S U C C E S S F U L L Y Animals banded with Callicrate Banders rarely go off feed and show little discomfort. CallicrateBanders.com Humane, bloodless, drug-free castration made easy! 785-332-3344
80 Yearling Simmental and SimAngus™ Bulls 30 Open Yearling Heifers and 12 Bred Cows Sires include: R Plus Yuma 9087G, NGDB Structure 34D, SFG Cowboy Logic D627, KBHR High Road E283, KBHR All American G104, Deer Valley Growth Fund, Hart State of War 056, CIPU Bentley 81F, WS Proclamation E202, RFS Bulletproof B42, HHS Bobby 847F, WS All Aboard B80, CLRS Guardian 317G, Rubys Turnpike 771E, Ellingson Dominator W905, and WS Epic E152, Ellingson Ultimate F830. ELLINGSON ROYAL K2004 ASA# 4088758 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 14 2.8 93 150 .36 9 33 80 -.03 1.04 136 84 Adj. WW: 810 lbs. ELLINGSON YUKON K254 ASA# 4088825 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 5 4.5 102 148 .28 2 28 79 .09 1.28 112 88 Adj. WW: 841 lbs CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 10 4.8 108 184 .47 8 21 75 .07 .52 124 86 Adj. WW: 856 lbs. ELLINGSON DYNASTY K283 ASA# 4088844 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 10 2.8 96 147 .32 6 24 72 .08 .74 120 82 Adj. WW: 795 lbs. ELLINGSON FRONTIER K228 ASA# 4088745 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 14 .0 96 151 .3 7 32 8 .14 1.13 154 93 ADj. WW: 811 lbs. ELLINGSON DAKOTA K207 ASA# 4088840 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 7 3.3 96 153 .36 3 26 74 -.04 .81 118 83 Adj. WW: 828 lbs. CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 10 5.5 09 174 .40 6 26 81 .05 1.30 120 91 Adj. WW: 807 lbs. ELLINGSON LINCOLN K244 ASA# 4088811 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 5 5 94 147 .33 1 29 76 .20 .99 123 85 Adj. WW: 815 lbs. ELLINGSON EVEREST K211 ASA# 4088821 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE MM MWW MB REA $API $TI 7 5.1 117 182 .1 4 26 84 .21 1.27 136 99 Adj. WW: 828 lbs. Selling: www.ellingsonsimmentals.com or www.simmental.org EPD pulled 12.1.2022 Friday, January 27, 2023 • 1:00 pm CST Sale Location: At the farm, Dahlen, ND 23rd Anniversary Bulls will be SEMEN TESTED and GUARANTEED BREEDERS. Guest Consignor: Strommen Simmentals, Arthur, ND • 701-967-8320 Terry Ellingson & Family Phone: 701-384-6225 Cell: 701-741-3045 5065 125th Ave. NE • Dahlen, ND 58224 email: tellings@polarcomm.com For catalogs and information: The catalog and updated information (homozygous polled test, ultrasound and scrotal measurements) will be available online.
Dick Loonan and his daughter, Judy, began the Loonan Stock Farm venture 48 years ago with a vision to help their customers achieve the most profit from their cow herd. The loyalty of their
is a testament that they have accomplished that goal and more.
Today, Judy and herdsman, Rick Thompson, continue to buy the best Red Angus and Simmental genetics available, expecting calving ease with rapid growth and good marbling and ribeye area. Join Loonan Stock Farm on Saturday, February 4, to evaluate bulls
Judy Loonan Rick Thompson, Herdsman RED ANGUS • RED SIMMENTAL • RED SIMANGUS™ Phone: (641) 322-3921 1724 Holly Avenue • Corning, IA 50841 Judy’s Cell: (515) 423-5642 • Rick’s Cell: (515) 229-0920 E-mail: lsfrras@gmail.com Website: www.loonanstockfarm.com Request a catalog or view online at www.LoonanStockFarm.com! 48th Annual Production Sale Saturday, February 4, 2023 Private Treaty Auction: 1 p.m. Sharp At the Farm • Corning, IA RED ANGUS • RED SIMMENTAL • RED SIMANGUS™ Se ing 100 YEARLING BULLS • 31 years of carcass traits, ultrasounding since 1993 • Calving ease • Performance • Disposition • Uniform, thick and easy-fleshing • Priced from $3,200, $3,500 and $4,000 Heifers will
Our Vision for our Customers ... is for them to achieve
be o ered private treaty in the fall as bred heifers. Visitors are welcome to visit the farm before the sale to view the bu s.
are happy to assist you in your bull selections to help you reach your cow herd profitability goals.
profit from
cow herd.
that will add profitability
through calving ease, performance and carcass merit.
Red Angus Bulls
HybRED Bulls Simmental Bulls
Sale Management & Marketing powered by The Judge Source LLC Joel & Kourtney Judge 805.234.7191 • 480.322.1583 thejudgesource@gmail.com Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Dr. Jeff Gower 417.839.1200 drjeffgower@gmail.com big leagues welcome to the PROMOGEN 5.2 Williams Jonesboro 700-602 AAA +*19850751 • Semen/Cert: $50 WW 105 YW 189 RADG .38 SC 1.55 Claw .33 Angle .34 CW 101 Marb 1.16 RE 1.17 $M 98 $B 235 $C 403 Owned with Williams Angus, Tennessee Top 1% in 12 EPD traits & $Values! Williams F Eagle 900-333 AAA +*19850767 • Semen/Cert: $50 Owned with Williams Angus, Tennessee Top 1% in 11 EPD traits & $Values! CED 12 BW .8 WW 90 YW 168 RADG .37 PAP -1.15 CW 87 Marb 1.70 RE 1.36 $B 253 $C 397 the hype is for a reason the full brother to “hollywood” that you can’t afford to overlook! currently the #3 $C Proven Angus Bull, this “fireball” son is gaining steam! PROMOGEN 6.0
Nebraska cattle country with Derek & the Doggos
Scotia, Nebraska
By now, everybody is familiar with the Poss Angus reputation of leading edge genetics. It wasn't that long ago we got news of the record breaking sale of Poss Deadwood for $900k. What a week that was! Deadwood has since become legend, and deservedly so.
Of course that was the first topic of conversation after I arrived to visit with Danny and Nolan at their ranch the day after we left the Nebraska Angus Tour. We talked for quite a while and I learned more about the back story with Deadwood. As soon as Deadwood was born, they knew they had something special in their midst. As he grew older, they regularly tested his DNA & EPD's and the results would show at least a 10% improvement every time. They decided to put Deadwood up on Facebook to get a feel for how things could go. Soon enough, the craziness began. They had over 200 people interested in ordering semen before they even began to think about semen collection. A lot of those people mentioned that they didn't even care what the EPD's were, they just loved Deadwood's photo and the quality he would add to their own cattle. By the time Danny and Nolan were ready to officially start taking semen orders, there were over 4,500 interested parties. A facebook follower mentioned that buying Deadwood's semen would probably be the smartest thing he ever did, especially since everybody's in such a frenzy. Not long after that, Deadwood was sold for the 2nd highest amount ever paid for an Angus bull.
This, of course, is what Danny, Kristi and their
January 2023
words, artwork & cow photos by Derek Sample. Derek@ABPmag.com
family have been working towards. Their goal has always been to produce top line genetics, and Deadwood was the one that put them over the top. Now when we hear the name Poss Angus, they're synonymous with leading edge Angus genetics.
As I run around the ranch with Nolan, I'm a bit awestruck by their cattle. They're simply beautiful. I couldn't take a bad photo if I wanted to. No wonder everybody was so awestruck by the one photo shared during the Deadwood reveal.
Danny grew up not far from Scotia, and was an active 4-H member while also helping out the family's commercial cow/calf operation. He studied science at the University of Nebraska Lincoln while also competing on the meat and animal evaluation team and the livestock judging team. After college, he started selling bulls privately. "I'm a first-generation Angus breeder. At my first bull sale in 1999, I sold 18 head. Our bull sales have grown every year since then." Last year, Poss Angus sold 300 bulls
through event sales plus private treaty. They've sold bulls throughout the United States and have sold semen throughout the world. They also host a female sale every other year.
As I spend more time with Nolan, I can tell that Poss Angus will always be in good hands. Nolan's passion for their cattle as well as the Angus breed is very apparent during our conversation. He looks up to his Dad who he learns from every day and from what I can see, they make a great team. I didn't get a chance to meet the rest of the family that day, but I'm sure I'd find the same. I was sorry to leave when I did as I could have easily spent more time talking to both Danny and Nolan, but they're hard working ranchers who always have a long list of things to do, so I left them to it.
The 2023 "Poss Equals Power" Angus Bull Sale is happening next month, February 3rd at their ranch in Scotia. We'd recommend that you don't miss it. Make sure to check out their Sale Ad on page 9 !!
At the last stop of the NE Angus Tour, one thing I noticed were the loud t-shirts over in the corner with with the words "Scott Angus Cattle" on 'em. I really wanted one of those shirts! Plus I wanted to meet Marlin & Kelly finally so I kept meaning to talk to them but sure enough, they were busy with a constant flow of interested parties. So the next day, after visiting Poss Angus, I spent just about a whole day with the Scott family. Tim wrote about them a few pages back (last page of the NE Angus tour highlights) and that about covers their history in a nutshell. Yeah, I could go on and on with more of that, but what I also found to be impressed with was not only their cattle, oh and Marlin's vow to sing at everybody's wedding (he has quite the voice), but it was their "Bunkhouse" that they built as a an added 'wing' to their own home. Here's one of the most impressive places I've seen that was built entirely for guests. It's a luxurious, 2-bedroom 2 bath cabin (called the Bunkhouse) that they built just to be sure that people had a place to stay when people come by to see Marlin & Kelly's Angus, which are worthy of the visit, or maybe they are on their way north to tour or attend bull sales like at Schaff Angus Valley, where Scott Angus Cattle provides a lot of AI solutions as well as raise some of of the bulls that are for sale each year at the annual SAV sale.
With that said, I thought I'd take this space to share some of the photos that I took of the 'Marvelous Inn' as I call it. You couldn't ask for a better place to stay within 500 miles. If I'm impressed enough to fill 2 pages of our magazine and advertise a place to stay in Belgrade, Nebraska...then you know you have to take a look. Contact Kelly at Scott Angus Cattle to arrange your own stay at the "Bunkhouse". Oh, did I mention you get your own side-by-side too? You'll love it.
American Beef Producer January 2023 56
57 January 2023 American Beef Producer
Richard Wiese & Family 6430 Co 1 SW Pequot Lakes, MN Richard Wiese (218)820 6451 Juanita Dice (218)820 3167 www.WRBarRanch.com 45 Yearling Angus Bulls 30 Yearling Angus Heifers 31 Annual Production Sale Saturday April 22, 2023 1p.m. JR Fast Forward SAV Rainfall 6846 JR Fast Forward Nelson Imax 6514 AAR Power Point 946 BACH DareDevil 640 Drysdale Southern Charm 014 Hoover Counselor N29 Woodhill BluePrint Marriott of WR Bar 8055 2XL Bronc 8153 Arjons Empire 1807 Marda Maverick 081 Abe Kuck 308-991-6870 Bertrand, NE COWMAKER BULLS! Sires represented SAV Quarterback, SAV Bloodline, SAV Renovation, SAV Down Pour, SAV Renown, Ellingson Rider Pride and more! PLEASE JOIN US Annual Production Sale Tuesday February 14, 2023 Lexington Livestock Market Selling Registered Angus Yearling Bulls & Heifers Sale Starts at Noon Lexington, NE SAV Renovation 6822 SAV Quarterback 7933 SAV Bloodline 9578 SAV Renown 3439 Catalog available online at kuckranch.com
january 26, 2023
Moving Forward NEW date same program
The kids and I would like to extend our deepest thanks for all of the support we have been shown after the tragic loss of Nanna. Thank you to all who organized, donated, delivered bulls, fed cows, or just called to check in and share a good story. We are forever grateful.
Moving our sale date is something that has been in our conversations for a few years. With high school sports and a busy calving season; this change is just a step to simplify our lives so we can continue to do what we love.
We believe this our most exciting set of bulls to date. Look forward to bulls sired by Connealy Clarity, Sterling Pacific, Sitz Continuity & Ellingson Deep River. We look forward to seeing you January 26, 2023 in Shelby, Montana.
Our most sincere thanks, Jeff, Preslee, Jagger & Lennon
Power. Performance. Phenotype fleschangus.com
FF Clarity K8 #20466842 Featuring
January 2023 Stay WARM during the next Bomb Cyclone in our warm & cozy custom Hoodies!!! Send quantity and info to RealBeef@ABPmag.com We'll have your custom order delivered before you know it. Regular versions are found here: Customize the back with your Ranch name, Logo, Town, State Our popular Real Beef Logo on the front www.REALBEEF.shop Tell 'em Whatthey're Made Of!!!
61 January 2023 American Beef Producer
Sale Calendar
27-Feb Foxhoven Angus Crofton, NE
27-Feb Hart Angus Frederickm ND
27-Feb Hereford Heritage Fort Cobb, OK
27-Feb Lone Tree Red Angus Meadow, SD
27-Feb Reyes Russell Angus Wheatland, WY
27-Feb Ridl Angus Dickinson, ND
27-Feb Robert Elliott and Sons Adams, TN
27-Feb Woodall Angus Farm Quality, KY
28-Feb Barker Cattle Burley, ID
28-Feb Connelly Angus Valier, MT
28-Feb Deckert’s Simmental & Red Angus Steele, ND
28-Feb Deep Creek Angus Ranch Midland, SD
28-Feb Frederick Angus Verdigre, NE
28-Feb Geppert’s Rock Creek Livestock Mitchell, SD
28-Feb Haynes Cattle Co. Ogallala, NE
28-Feb JC Heiken & Sons Broadview, MT
28-Feb OPSU Bull Test Goodwell, OK
28-Feb Perez Cattle Co. Nara Visa, NM
28-Feb Thomas Angus OR Baker City, OR
28-Feb TSN Simmental Platte, SD
1-Mar Adams Connection Blackfoot, ID
1-Mar Beckman Livestock Roberts, ID
1-Mar Bredmeier Angus Farms Falls City, NE
1-Mar Brun’s Angus Farm Madison,SD
1-Mar Carcass Plus Isabel OK
1-Mar Dille Red Angus Buhl, ID
1-Mar Hall Ranch Bassett, NE
1-Mar Hills Ranch Simmental Stanford, MT
1-Mar Klein Ranch Simmental Atwood, KS
1-Mar Ox Bow Ranch Wolf Creek, MT
1-Mar Pederson’s Broken Heart Ranch Firesteel, SD
1-Mar Perks Ranch online
1-Mar Tifton Bull Test Irwinville, GA
2-Mar Bieber Fever Leola, SD
2-Mar Bratcher Farms Elizabeth, IN
2-Mar Cannon Angus Preston, ID
2-Mar Generic Genetics Ida Grove, IA
2-Mar J6 Farms Gibbon, NE
2-Mar Jensen Bros. Herefords Courtland, KS
2-Mar Keller’s Broken Heart Ranch Mandan, ND
2-Mar Kearns Cattle Co. Rushville, NE
2-Mar Larson Angus Ranch Sharon Springs, KS
2-Mar Parry Angus Sterling, CO
2-Mar Split Diamond Angus Whitehall, MT
2-Mar TK Cattle Co. online
3-Mar Brookdale Angus Larchwood, IA
3-Mar Crouthamel Cattle Stanfield, OR
3-Mar Eichacker Simmental Salem, SD
3-Mar Express Ranches Yukin, OK
3-Mar Intermountain Genetic Alliance Haber City, UT
3-Mar K-State Legacy Manhattan, KS
3-Mar Meadow Lawn Angus Eastman, WI
3-Mar Porter’s Hip-O Angus Dalhart, TX
3-Mar Reminisce Angus Dillon, MT
3-Mar Sandmeier Charolais Bowdle, SD
3-Mar Spring Valley Ranch Burwell, NE
3-Mar Sutherlin Farms Red Angus Stevensville, MT
4-Mar 3C Cattle
Stevensville, MT
4-Mar B & B Angus/RC Ranch Kemp, TX
4-Mar Barnett Angus Ranch/GA Angus Washington, GA
4-Mar Blackjack Farms Seminole, OK 4-Mar BoPat Farms Bradford, TN
4-Mar Bulls of the Bitterroot Stevensville, MT 4-Mar Cannon Valley Ranch Goodhue, MN 4-Mar Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmental Russell, IA 4-Mar Davis Angus Ranch Foss, OK 4-Mar De-Su Angus Fremont, IA
4-Mar DK Red Angus Williston, ND
4-Mar Hickory Hollow Farms/ Burns Angus Wellman, IA 4-Mar Hilltop Farms Asbury, MO 4-Mar Hobbs & Eathington Angus Fairview, IL 4-Mar Hoffman Simmental (closing day) Clay Center, KS 4-Mar Judd Ranch Pomona, KS 4-Mar KY Farm Bureau Beef Expo Louisville, KY 4-Mar KY Beef Expo Gelbvieh/ Balancer Frankfort, KY 4-Mar KY National Shorthorn Louisville, KY 4-Mar Laflin Angus Ranch Olsburg, KS 4-Mar Lazy JB Ranch Montrose, CO 4-Mar Lazy TV Ranch Selby, SD 4-Mar Linhart Limousin Leon, IA 4-Mar Loving Farms Pawnee Rock, K 4-Mar Lucky 7 Angus Riverton, WY 4-Mar Mason Angus Broken Bow, NE 4-Mar Mead Farms Versailles, MO 4-Mar Peterson Farms Charolais Moutain Grove, MO 4-Mar Powerline Genetics Castle Dale, UT 4-Mar Redland Red Angus Hysham, MT
4-Mar Rudolph Angus Yellow Springs, WV
4-Mar SE Iowa Angus Sigourney, IA
4-Mar S Diamond Angus Henderson, NE
4-Mar Satterfield Charolais & Angus Evening Shade, AR
4-Mar Shaggy Meadows Red Angus Marion, SD
4-Mar Trinity Farms Ellensburg, WA
4-Mar WI Hereford Assoc. Fenimore, WI
4-Mar Wieseler Angus Orient, SD 4-Mar Wilde Angus Ranch Shevlin, MN
4-Mar WMC Cattle Co. Springfield, MO
5-Mar Gold Bullion Group Westmoreland, KS
5-Mar Lazy H Ranch Hays, KS
5-Mar Smokey Hill Charolais/ Lazy H Ranch Hays, KS
5-Mar Thompson Farms Baudette, MN
5-Mar Windy Creek Cattle Co. Spencer, SD
6-Mar Best Angus Watford City, ND
6-Mar Buck Ridge Cattle Co. Seymour, MO
6-Mar Campbell Red Angus Mcintosh, SD
American Beef Producer January 2023 62
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates f = female sale
63 January 2023 American Beef Producer 23 rd A nnu A l P roduction S A le Wed, February 8, 2023 A t the B ull C enter - n e A r C lA rkson , n e B r A sk A Call or stop by anytime! 82235 567 Ave. • Clarkson, NE 68629 402-920-3171 • nickjindra@hotmail.com • www.jindraangus.com Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services Preserving the power of Scotch Cap genetics Selling 175 r egi S tered A ngu S B ull S • 30 r egi S tered A ngu S H eifer S l A rge S t S ire g rou PS B y Sitz Resilient • Linz Exemplify • Woodhill Domain • Jindra Superior • Jindra Assurance Sterling Pacific • Jindra Acclaim • Tehama Patriarch • Tehama Tahoe • Jindra Perfection Jindra Strategy • Hoover No Doubt • G A R Hometown • Jindra Cutting Edge • Jindra Megahit This Resilient son sells! This Superior son sells! This Superior son sells! This Exemplify son sells! This Pacific son sells! This Domain son sells! This Assurance son sells! This No Doubt son sells! S itz r e S ilient Sitz Stellar 726D x Sitz Top Game 561X BW 80 • WW 747 BW +0.3 • WW +80 • YW +142 • Milk +23 • $B 153 J indr A S u P erior Guinness x Jindra Acclaim BW 78 • WW 976 • YW 1634 BW +1.0 • WW +84 • YW +150 • Milk +23 • $B 190
Jim & Lynn Arthaud • 701-623-4461 Wes Obrigewitch, Ranch Mgr, 701-290-6424 PO Box 197 • Medora, ND 58645 jima@midstate.net • openaangus.com
Chuck & Annette Steffan
American Beef Producer January 2023 64 OCC DAYBREAK 743D #19068490 5L FOREMAN 2174-370E #3744501 Wednesday, March 8, 2023 The Feedlot • Belfield, ND Lunch 11:30 a.m. MT • Sale 1 p.m. MT Tuesday, March 7 • The Feedlot Prime Rib Supper • 6 p.m. Annual Producti Sale Buy with c fidence –Our bulls are genomic tested, parent verified, carcass ultrasounded and fertility tested. 70 Angus Yearling Bulls 10 Angus 2-Year-Old Bulls 45 Red Angus Yearling Bulls Including a good selection of heifer-bull prospects. Registered & Commercial Red Angus Heifers Available by Private Treaty Selling:
4291 Hwy 85 South • Belfield, ND 58622 701-575-8145 • 701-290-9745 • 701-260-4630 heartrivergenetics@yahoo.com heartrivergenetics.com
C mi ed to efficiency & l gevity in any env ment!
YcRa GrEgOr Fj13 (#4647869) Double-bred SSS Soldier 365W YcRa/ C-BaR FrAnChIsE K21 Franchise x Seneca donor YoRk CrEeK ReD AnGuS Annual Production Sale 11 A.M. CdT - DuNlAp, IoWa DuNlAp LiVeStOcK AuCtIoN YoRk CrEeK ReD AnGuS Grant Potadle | 402-870-1488 | yorkcreekredangus@gmail.com WeDnEsDaY, FeBrUaRy 8, 2023 O ering: 45 ReD AnGuS BuLlS Stout calving-ease yearling & 18-month-old bulls FeMaLeS Elite Reg. Bred Heifers and Commercial Replacements Catalogalsoonlineat: www.YoRkCrEeKrEdAnGuS.com Want to receive a fr catalog? Call, email or message us and we’ll get you added! YcRa My KiNd Fj6 (#4647943) NSFR My Kind D37 x Patty donor YcRa FoReIgNeR K66 Foreigner x Soldier x Redman YcRa SoLdIeR Fj119 (#4647933) Soldier x Foreigner YcRa/ C-BaR CoLlUsIoN K22 Collusion x Mimi 8134F donor OnlineCatalog Videos&Bi ing:
• Pull on highway at speed limit.
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American Beef Producer January 2023 66 The First Hydraulic Corral and still the Largest!
Rawhide Portable Corral 900 NORTH WASHINGTON ST., ABILENE, KS 67410 785.263.3436 www.rawhideportablecorral.com 3 Sizes Available!
by John McDonald
Sale Calendar
6-Mar Clear Creek Angus Chinook, MT
6-Mar Cody Cattle Co/ Hanel Simmental Courtland, KS
6-Mar Don Johnson Angus Salina, KS
6-Mar Harrell Hereford Ranch Baker City, OR
6-Mar Hojer Ranch Lake Preston, SD
6-Mar Kester Herefords/ Valley Creek Atkinson, NE
6-Mar KM Cattle Co. Coon Rapids, IA
6-Mar Lyons Ranch Manhattan, KS
6-Mar McCann Red Angus Billings, MT
6-Mar New Mexico Angus Assoc. Roswell, NM
6-Mar Pearcy Angus Cattle Eakly, OK
6-Mar S/M Fleckvieh Cattle PT Garretson, SD
6-Mar Stone Gate Farms Flemingsburg, KY
6-Mar Styles Angus Brentford, SD
6-Mar Vision Angus North Platte, NE
7-Mar Allen Bros. Cattle North Powder, OR
7-Mar Apex Angus Valier, MT
7-Mar Cornwell Farms LaCrosse, KS
7-Mar Doll Ranch Mandan, ND
7-Mar Ipsen Cattle online
7-Mar Lott-McMurphy Alva, OK
7-Mar Macholan Angus Columbus, NE
7-Mar Manzano Angus Estancia, NM
7-Mar Sandhill Red Angus Sidney, MT
7-Mar Schott Limousin Mobridge, SD
7-Mar Schutte & Sons Polled Herefords Guide Rock, NE
7-Mar Swanson Cattle Co Oxford, NE
7-Mar Warner Beef Genetics Arapahoe, NE
8-Mar Berwald Red Angus Toronto, SD
8-Mar Bischoff’s Ravine Creek Ranch Huron, SD
8-Mar Cates Farms online
8-Mar Flat Iron Ranch Washington, KS
8-Mar Heart River Ranch/ Open A Angus Belfield, ND
8-Mar Hornung Livestock Stratton, CO
8-Mar Open A Angus Belfield, ND
8-Mar R.A. Brown Ranch Throckmorton, TX
8-Mar Sitz Angus Ranch Dillon, MT
8-Mar Stucky Ranch Kingman, KS
8-Mar The Source Sessions Invitational Fort Worth, TX
8-Mar Treasures Of The Tank online
8-Mar Udy Cattle Co. Rockland, ID
9-Mar BJ Angus Genetics Manhattan, KS
9-Mar Brink Simmentals phone
9-Mar Cates Farms online
9-Mar Edelman Ranch Willow Lake, SD
9-Mar Effertz Key Ranch Velva, ND
9-Mar Lone Star Angus Gainesville, TX
9-Mar McCurry Angus Ranch
Hutchinson, KS 9-Mar Mogck Angus Farms Tripp, SD 9-Mar Schmig Simmental Ranch Stockholm, SD 9-Mar Sunny Okanogan Omak, WA 9-Mar T-Bone Angus Atkinson, NE 9-Mar Treasures Of The Tank online 9-Mar Wheeler Mountain Angus Whitehall, MT 10-Mar Christensen Angus Ranch Okarche, OK 10-Mar Huftle Cattle Co. Cozad, NE 10-Mar Kenny Angus Schaller, IA 10-Mar L Bar W Cattle Co. Absarokee, MT 10-Mar Leland & Koester Red Angus Sidney, MT 10-Mar Rollin’ Rock Pilot Rock, OR 10-Mar Schlager Angus Palmyra, MO 10-Mar Smithland Angus Russell Springs, KS 10-Mar Western Illinois University PT Macomb, IL 11-Mar Bar S Ranch Paradise, KS 11-Mar Beavers Charolais PT Collins, IA 11-Mar Boyd/ Myers Mays Lick, KY 11-Mar Callan Farms Stonington, IL 11-Mar Express Ranches Honor Roll Yukon, OK 11-Mar Fast/ Dohrmann/ Strommen Angus Mandan, ND 11-Mar Flickerwood Angus Jackson, MO 11-Mar Genetic Alliance Franklin, WV 11-Mar Heart Of The Ozarks Angus West Plains, MO 11-Mar Heim Cattle Co. Angus St. Charles, MN 11-Mar Herb Angus Pierce, NE 11-Mar I-29 Bull Run Sioux Falls, SD 11-Mar Jones Family Angus Wamego, KS 11-Mar Keystone Elite Mill Hall, PA 11-Mar Koberstein Farms Angus Ogallala, NE 11-Mar May-Way Farms Angus Baldwin City, KS 11-Mar Midwest Beef Cattle Consultants Carthage, IN 11-Mar Nipp Charolais Wilson, OK 11-Mar Riverbend Ranches Idaho Falls, ID 11-Mar Rock’n D Ranch Junction City, OR 11-Mar Sampson Cattle Co. Kirksville, MO 11-Mar Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Springfield, MO 11-Mar Stangl Shorthorn online 11-Mar Sunnyhill Angus Fairview, IL 11-Mar Tennessee Beef Agribition Lebanon, TN 11-Mar Thousand Hills Angus Ranch Three Forks, MT 11-Mar Tucumcari Bull Test Tucumcari, NM 11-Mar Western Colorado Angus Association Delta, CO 11-Mar Wright Charolais Kearney, MO 12-Mar 4M Angus Blue Hill, NE 11-Mar Brad Z Ranch Guthrie Center, IA
American Beef Producer January 2023 68
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates f = female sale
SELLING 125 BULLS, 70 FEMALES, 1 ELITE DONOR AND 5 FABULOUS OPEN HEIFERS. MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US IN STARBUCK, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 10, 2023 • 1:00 PM (CT) The Jim Wulf Family Travis Wulf 320-288-6433 twulf09@hotmail.com 30819 250th St., Starbuck, MN 56381 Jim - 320-491-6312 Brady 320-424-2989 Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 Corey Wilkins 256-590-2487 Jared Murnin 406-321-1542 www.alliedgeneticresources.com BALANCE BRED FOR BALANCE CLRS HA JRA TECS TERS BredforBalance.com MORE WITH LESS CLRS JEMIMA 144J ASA# 3874426 G A R HOME TOWN x HOOK`S BEACON 56B HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Due 3/5/23 to CLRS Hillview 337H $API 187 $TI 106 CLRS KINDHEARTED 291K ASA# 4032150 LCDR AFFIRMED 212H x HOOK`S BEACON 56B HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED PB SM Sells open $API 178 $TI 101 TECS KINGDOM 214K ASA# 4056635 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E x W/C UNITED 956Y HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED 5/8 SM 3/8 AN $API 169 $TI 103 CLRS KEYNOTE 0210K ASA# 4032006 GIBBS 9114G ESSENTIAL x REDHILL 672X X004 231A HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED 3/4 SM 1/4 AN $API 184 $TI 99 CLRS KINGPIN 7001K ASA# 4032038 CLRS GUARDIAN 317G x C25 HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED 3/4 SM 1/4 AN $API 172 $TI 101 CLRS KING JAMES 616K ASA# 4031931 LBRS GENESIS G69 x GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED PB SM $API 191 $TI 112
Sale Calendar
12-Mar Badgerland by Marda Angus Lodi, WI
12-Mar Bar J Angus Brooten, MN
12-Mar Beavers Charolais PT Collins, IA
12-Mar Beckers Angus Askov, MN
12-Mar RBM Livestock Florence, SD
12-Mar Stangl Shorthorn online
13-Mar Dix Angus Ranch Plainville, KS
13-Mar Feddes/ C-T Red Angus Manhattan, MT
13-Mar Holden Herefords Valier, MT
13-Mar Niobrara Red Angus Niobrara, NE
13-Mar Pine Coulee Bulls Hardin, MT
13-Mar Schauer Angus Faith, SD
13-Mar Spring Cove Ranch Bliss, ID
13-Mar Weers Angus Diller, NE
14-Mar Anderson Land & Cattle Leoti, KS
14-Mar Conroy Angus Gordon, NE
14-Mar Cooper Hereford Ranch Willow Creek, MT
14-Mar James Angus Alma, NE
14-Mar Loosli Red Angus Ashton, ID
14-Mar Macdonald Ranches Bismark, ND
14-Mar McKenzie Land & Livestock Fort Stockton, TX
14-Mar Origen Genetic Exchange online
14-Mar Powerline Genetics Arapahoe, NE
14-Mar Romans Ranches Charolais Westfall, OR
14-Mar Route 66’s Highway To Success online
14-Mar Schreiber Angus Beaver, KS
14-Mar Upchurch Bros. & Guests online
14-Mar Van Beek Angus Mobridge, SD
14-Mar Veltkamp Angus Manhattan, MT
14-Mar Weber Land & Cattle Lake Benton, MN
14-Mar Wedel Red Angus Leoti, KS
15-Mar 2 Bar Angus Hereford, TX
15-Mar Klompien Red Angus Manhattan, MT
15-Mar Lufkin Cattle Tendoy, ID
15-Mar Mid-Kansas Angus Breeders Lacrosse, KS
15-Mar Sadler Ranches online
15-Mar Stevenson Angus Hobson, MT
15-Mar Topp Angus Grace City, ND
15-Mar Valley Oaks Chilhowee, MO
15-Mar Wagonhammer Ranches Bartlett, NE
15-Mar Western Breeders Assoc Eltopia, WA
15-Mar Woodbury Farms Overbrook, KS
16-Mar Bar Star Cattle/Ernst Herefords Musselshell, MT
16-Mar Benoit Angus Ranch Esbon, KS
16-Mar Carter Cattle Co. Pingree, ID
16-Mar DBL Angus Fullerton, NE
16-Mar Evenson Angus Hettinger, ND
16-Mar Henke Farms Salisbury, MO
16-Mar GKB Cattle Co. Desdemona, TX
16-Mar Iowa Shorthorn Sale online
16-Mar K7 Herefords Lockridge, IA
16-Mar Malek Angus Highwood, MT
16-Mar McGinn Angus & Friends Johnson City, TN
16-Mar Vallad/ OFT Vale, OR
17-Mar 3C Christensen/NLC Simmental Wessington, SD
17-Mar Barta Farms Marquette, KS
17-Mar Black Summit Cattle Co. Powell, WY 17-Mar Huck-Stegman Dodge City, KS 17-Mar J Lazy S Carmen, ID 17-Mar Leadore Angus Leadore, ID 17-Mar Marshall & Fenner/ Murphy Boonville, MO 17-Mar McKellar Angus Mount Pleasant, TX 17-Mar Mehlhaf Angus Freeman, SD 17-Mar MT Co-Op w/Basin Angus Columbus, MT 17-Mar Mushrush Ranches Strong City, KS 17-Mar Schweitzer Red Angus Pleasant Dale, NE 17-Mar Southern WV Bull Test Ripley, WV 17-Mar Sunflower Genetics Maple Hill, KS 17-Mar TD Angus North Platte, ND 17-Mar Wann Ranch Poteau, OK 18-Mar 44 Farms Abilene Abilene, TX 18-Mar Bradley Cattle Springfield, MO 18-Mar Brinkley Angus Green City, MO 18-Mar Buckeye Hereford Assoc. Columbus, OH 18-Mar Carolina Futurity Clemson, SC 18-Mar Cattlemen’s Choice Greenleaf, KS 18-Mar East TN Angus Assoc. Knoxville, TN 18-Mar Fairview Farms Moorefield, WV 18-Mar Falling Timber Farms Marthasville, MO 18-Mar Full Circle Cattle Co. Dodge City, KS 18-Mar Fuoss Angus Ranch Draper, SD 18-Mar Gardels Angus Kearney, NE 18-Mar Grays Angus Ranch Harrison, NE 18-Mar Hales Angus Canyon, TX 18-Mar Iron Lorenzen Cattle Co. Madras, OR 18-Mat MCA/ MSU Bull Test Remus, MI 18-Mar Mississippi Valley Angus Assoc. Cuba, MO 18-Mar Molitor Angus Ranch Zenda, KS 18-Mar Musgrave Angus Griggsville, IL 18-Mar NE AR Angus Assoc. Charlotte, AR 18-Mar Nelson Angus Salmon, ID 18-Mar Ohio Beef Expo Columbus, OH 18-Mar Pollard Farms Waukomis, OK 18-Mar Profit Through Performance Lexington, KY 18-Mar Red Hill Farms Lafayette, TN 18-Mar Red Reckoning Douds, IA 18-Mar Reynolds Land & Cattle Sanford, CO 18-Mar Sonstebo Angus Wallace, SD 18-Mar South Mountain Angus Assoc. Ramsay, MT 18-Mar Springhill Herefords Blue Rapids, KS 18-Mar T & S Strnad Charolais Formoso, KS 18-Mar Triangle J Ranch Fort Collins, CO 18-Mar Valley Oaks Warsaw, MO 18-Mar Ward Ranches Angus Gardnerville, NV 18-Mar Waukaru Farms Rensselaer, IN 18-Mar Wild Indian Acres Joplin, MO 18-Mar Windy Hill Charolais open house Cedar Hill, MO 19-Mar 2K Cattle Enterprise Bloomington, WI 19-Mar April Valley Farms Leavenworth, KS 19-Mar Big House Show Cattle Iola, TX 19-Mar Briarwood Angus Butler, MO 19-Mar ED Angus Ashby, NE
American Beef Producer January 2023 70
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates f = female sale
Sale Calendar
19-Mar Hanneken Angus Ranch Royalton, MN
19-Mar Intermountain Genetic Alliance Baker, NV
19-Mar Vision Quest Ranch Yates Center, KS
19-Mar Wabash Valley Angus Breeders Harrisburg, VA
20-Mar Angus In the Basin Duchesne, UT
20-Mar B & D Herefords & Angus Claflin, KS
20-Mar Brent Charolais online
20-Mar Bridle Bit Simmentals Walsh, CO
20-Mar Dal Porto Livestock/ Rancho CasinoPurdum, NE
20-Mar Flat Water Gang Broken Bow, NE
20-Mar Frank Cattle Co. Chappell, NE
20-Mar Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Nevada, MO
20-Mar Jones Red Angus Walsh, SD
20-Mar JR Ranch/ Sackmann Cattle Othello, WA
20-Mar Whistling Winds Angus Hingham, MT
21-Mar Bartels Angus Riverton, NE
21-Mar Blevins Angus Ranch Missoula, MT
21-Mar ELK Angus Buffalo, WY
21-Mar Flying S Herefords Paluxy, TX
21-Mar Green Mountain Red Angus Logan, MT
21-Mar Hall Stock Farm Berthold, ND
21-Mar Hinkson Angus Ranch Cottonwood Falls, KS
21-Mar Lorenzen Farms online
21-Mar Schrader Ranch Wells, KS
21-Mar Schragg/Nikkel Marion, SD
21-Mar Slovek Ranch Philip, SD
22-Mar Diamond H Ranch LaCrosse, KS
22-Mar McCumber Angus Ranch Rolette, ND
22-Mar Moore Shorthorns online
22-Mar Nebraska Bull Test Broken Bow, NE
22-Mar NJW Polled Herefords Sheridan, WY
22-Mar Peterson Grain & Cattle Havre, MT
22-Mar Rossow Angus Ranch Herreid, SD
22-Mar Schilling Cattle Co. Brewster, KS
22-Mar Westphal Red Angus Grass Range, MT
23-Mar Dethlef’s Angus/ Treffer Angus Burwell, NE
23-Mar Gartner~Denowh Angus Ranch Sidney, MT
23-Mar Glasoe Angus Wildrose, ND
23-Mar Iowa Shorthorn Assoc. online
23-Mar Iron Creek Cattle Co. LaMotte, IA
23-Mar L Bar L Imperial, NE
23-Mar Lau’s Valley View Farms Angus Armour, SD
23-Mar McCabe Genetics Elk City, KS
23-Mar Sweiger Farms Maysville, MO
23-Mar Vermillion Ranch Billings, MT
23-Mar Wardensville Bull test Wardensville, WV
23-Mar West Fork Ranch Loup City, NE
23-Mar Western Cattle Source Crawford, NE
24-Mar Barrett Cattle/ Mill Brae Ranch Maple Hill, KS
24-Mar Jager Land & Livestock PT Eddyville, IA
24-Mar Kolt Cattle Co. Marietta, OK
24-Mar Lisco & M Diamond Angus Casper, WY
24-Mar Miller & Friends Harrisonburg, VA
24-Mar Olson Land & Cattle Hereford, TX
24-Mar Quaker Hill Orange, VA
24-Mar Schurrtop Angus McCook, NE 24-Mar Sexton Genetics Muskogee, OK
24-Mar Smith Angus Bassett, NE 24-Mar Stone Creek Angus Freeport, IL 24-Mar The Great Northern Clear Lake, MN 24-Mar Vermillion Ranch Billings, MT 25-Mar 3C Cattle Co. Carrollton, MO 25-Mar 8 Story Farms Gallatin, MO 25-Mar Basin Bullfest Klamath Falls, OR 25-Mar Brent Cattle Co. Maywood, NE 25-Mar Bluegrass Gelbvieh Alliance Lexington, KY 25-Mar Candy Meadows Farm Lexington, TN 25-Mar Clearwater Simmentals Milan, IN 25-Mar Conley Cattle Sulfur, OK 25-Mar Connealy Angus Whitman, NE 25-Mar DaKitch Farms Ada, MN 25-Mar Deer Valley Farm Fayetteville, TN 25-Mar Fischer Red Angus Harlowton, MT 25-Mar Gabriel Ranch Grand Saline, TX 25-Mar Geyer Cattle Co. Huron, SD 25-Mar Hammock Ridge Farms Amma, WV 25-Mar Harris Angus Ranch Ottawa, KS 25-Mar Heart Of America Hereford Assoc. Wayne City, IL 25-Mar Kramer Farms PT Farina, IL 25-Mar Lunds B Bar Angus Baker, MT 25-Mar Littlerobe Angus Higgins, TX 25-Mar Lunds B Bar Angus Baker, MT 25-Mar New Haven Angus Leavenworth, KS 25-Mar Pembrook Cattle Co. Fairview, OK 25-Mar Rogers & Lile Red Angus Strafford, MO 25-Mar Sandhill Farms Haviland, KS 25-Mar Sauk Valley Angus Rock Ralls, IL 25-Mar Sinclair Ranch Buffalo, WY 25-Mar T Heart Ranch La Garita, CO 25-Mar Virginia BCIA SW Bull Test Wtheville, VA 25-Mar Wakefield Farms Dunlap, IA 25-Mar West Wind Red Angus open Pella, IA 25-Mar Wildberry Farms Hanover, IL 25-Mar Wildorado Cattle Co. Wildorado, TX 25-Mar Worthington Angus Dadeville, MO 25-Mar Zehnder Waage Partnership Greenbush, MN 26-Mar Leachman Cattle of CO f Fort Collins, CO 26-Mar Leary Bros. Angus Caledonia, MN 26-Mar Mlnarik Cattle Co. Clearwater, NE 26-Mar Traynham Ranch Central Point, OR 26-Mar WHR Shorthorns Van Alsryne, TX 26-Mar Woody Ranch Barnard, KS 27-Mar Axtell Cattle Company Sterling, CO 27-Mar Cole Creek Angus Columbus, MT 27-Mar Copeland & Sons Herefords Clayton, NM 27-Mar Deer Valley Farm embryo online 27-Mar Harrer’s Lost Lake Ranch Great Falls, MT 27-Mar Herbster Angus Farms Bull & Female Sale 27-Mar Larsen Angus Ranch Rosebud, MT 27-Mar Leachman Cattle of CO Fort Collins, CO 27-Mar Luddington Cattle Freedom, OK 27-Mar Maplecrest Farms Hillsboro, OH 27-Mar McEntire Red Angus Sweetwater, OK 27-Mar Miller Angus of Estelline Bruce, SD
American Beef Producer January 2023 72
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates f = female sale
73 January 2023 T SIMMENTALS NT T N T SIMMENTAL RANCH 38TH ANNUAL “CARRYING ON” THE EXPLOSIVE DIFFERENCE SALE Friday, FEBRUARY 10, 2023 1 p.m. CST • At the ERBELE RANCH, Lehr, ND Your COMMERCIAL BULL HEADQUARTERS, along with BREED-LEADING HERDSIRES! ey are THICK and DEEP – All backed by the TNT 100% GUARANTEE! • Volume discounts! • Performance data and genomic-enhanced EPD! • No creep feed! • Majority homozygous polled! • All reds are non-diluters! • All blacks will be homozygousor heterozygous-black verified! T Kevin & Lynette Thompson 5125 53rd St • Almont, ND 58520-9731 (701) 391-1631 (Kevin’s cell) (701) 843-8454 kevinandlynette@westriv.com Shanon & Gabe Erbele 6471 51st Ave SE • Lehr, ND 58460 (701) 527-5885 (Shanon’s cell) (701) 426-9445 (Gabe’s cell) gserbele@hotmail.com Bulls viewable anytime at the Erbele Ranch, 30 m. S of I-94 Exit 228 • Videos & photos at tntsimmentals.com and DVAuction.com Selling 108 Bulls Purebred Black Sim 3/4, 1/2 & 1/4 SimAngus™ Purebred Red Sim 3/4, 1/2 & 1/4 SimAngus™ Purebred Red Angus TNT Convergence F380 x G A R Prophet K508 BD: 3/16/22 Homo Polled Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN #4102913 Sutphin’s Out In Front 6699 x IR Imperial D948 K609 BD: 3/7/22 Homo Polled Red 1/2 SM 1/2 AR #4105890 BAR CK Avenger 9023G x TNT Unified B203 K601 BD: 2/27/22 Polled Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN #4105883 TNT Ignite D370 x Hook’s Delegate 64D K464 BD: 3/11/22 Homo Polled Red 5/8 SM 3/8 AR #4102803 TJ Frosty 318E x Rymo Extra Up U60D K497 BD: 3/15/22 Homo Polled Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN #4102965 RSF Bulletproof B42 x TNT Whisky River B298 K449 BD: 3/10/22 Homo Polled Red 3/4 SM 1/4 AR #4102839 Gibbs 7382E Broad Range x S D S Nightride 611D K404 BD: 3/2/22 Homo Polled Homo Black PB SM #4102928 Gibbs 7056E Southern Comfort x HSR Lead Off C705 K524 BD: 3/19/22 Homo Polled Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN #4102876 Bieber CL Stockmarket E119 x Bieber Hard Drive Y120 K462 BD: 3/11/22 Homo Polled Red 1/8 SM 7/8 AR #4102882 Contact us for a catalog!
What people are sayin' about us lately:
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American Beef Producer 74
” -----------------
75 January 2023 American Beef Producer www.ABPmag.com www.ABPmag.com Refill your Hot Coffee & Catch up on our Past Issues Go to: bit.ly/ABPmagazines www.ABPmag.com/Subscribe Guiding Beef Producers for over 30 years
Sale Calendar
27-Mar Oak Hollow Smiths Grove, KY
27-Mar Oleen Bros. Dwight, KS
27-Mar Snowshoe Cattle Co. Arthur, NE
27-Mar SW Missouri PT Springfield, MO
27-Mar West Wind Red Angus bidding closes online
28-Mar Bar JV Angus Fairview, MT
28-Mar C-B Charolais Montpelier, ND
28-Mar D&W Angus online
28-Mar Ferguson Angus Agra, KS
28-Mar Frenzen Angus & Polled Herefords Fullerton, NE
28-Mar Littau Angus Dallas, SD
28-Mar Missouri Shorthorn Association online
28-Mar Rocking L Genetics Lewistown, MT
28-Mar Silver Bit Angus May, ID
28-Mar Superior Beef Genetics Lamar, MO
28-Mar Top Gun Cattle Co. Smithfield, NE
29-Mar Davis Ranches Limousin & Lim Flex online
29-Mar Roseda Black Angus Farm Monkton, MD
30-Mar Lylester Ranch Beatrice, NE
30-Mar Williams Angus Johnson City, TN
31-Mar Anthony Ranches Ryan, OK
31-Mar Double Creek Farms Clifton, TX
31-Mar PA Angus f & bull test Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
31-Mar Pieper Red Angus Hay Springs, NE
31-Mar Prairie View Farms Gridley, IL
1-Apr All Breeds Matter Rush Springs, OK
1-Apr The Andras Kind Manchester, IL
1-Apr Circle S Ranch Canton, KS
1-Apr Debruycker Charolais Great Falls, MT
1-Apr Ludens Family Limousin Viborg, SD
1-Apr Magness Land & Cattle Platteville, CO
1-Apr McDonald Farms Blacksburg, VA
1-Apr Paint Valley Farms Millersburg, OH
1-Apr Schrute Farms Honesdale, PA
1-Apr Shoal Creek Excelsior Springs, MO
1-Apr Southern Eagle Ranch Evington, VA
1-Apr Wagner Charolais Nunn, CO
2-Apr Hassebrook Charolais Farms Albion, NE
3-Apr FBA Ranch Havre, MT
3-Apr Weber Charolais & Red Angus Lake Andes, SD
4-Apr Coleman Limousin Ranch Missoula, MT
4-Apr Gerber Land & Cattle Richmond, IN
4-Apr Hubert Charolais Ranch Monument, KS
4-Apr Jackson Cattle Co. online
4-Apr Reisdorfer Red Angus Magnolia, MN
5-Apr Cross Creek Farm online
6-Apr Wildcat Cattle Co. online
6-Apr Wulf Cattle Opprotunity online
7-Apr Roster Charolais Spencer, SD
8-Apr Central MO Pooled Hereford Assoc Cuba, MO
8-Apr Charolais Assoc of TX Gainesville, TX
8-Apr Dybdal Charolais Laurel, NE
8-Apr Ellis Farms Chrisman, IL
8-Apr Fink Beef Genetics Charolais & Angus Randolph, KS
8-Apr HanSine Ranch Pierre, SD
8-Apr Hebbert Charolais Hyannis, NE
8-Apr Hillbrands Cattle Co. Clara City, MO
8-Apr Knoll Crest Farm Red House, VA 8-Apr Lazy Bar F/ Double G Shorthorns Seminole, OK 8-Apr Math Farms Glasgow, MT 8-Apr Prairie Valley Farm Platte, SD 8-Apr Sonstegard Cattle Co. Montevideo, MN 8-Apr The Rennaissance Strafford, MO 8-Apr WV Polled Hereford Assoc. Weston, WV 10-Apr Eggleston Charolais Wessington, SD 11-Apr Hager Cattle Co. Karlsruhe, NE 11-Apr Ludvigson Stock Farms Shepherd, MT 11-Apr Thomas Ranch Harrold, SD 12-Apr Peterson L7 Bar Pukwana, SD 13-Apr McClun’s Lazy JM Ranch Torrington, WY 13-Apr Reich Charolais Belle Fourche, SD 14-Apr Regency Acres Angus Sidney, MT 15-Apr Belle Point Ranch Lavaca, AR 15-Apr Clifford Farms & Guests Lexington, KY 15-Apr DLCC Ranch Pierz, MN 15-Apr Lindskov’s LT Ranch Isabel, SD 15-Apr Mid-Atlantic Spring Bonanza Harrisonburg, VA 15-Apr MO Charolais Breeders Assoc. Springfield, MO 15-Apr Sandrock Ranch Herefords Benton, WI 15-Apr Stuber Ranch Bowman, ND 15-Apr Wilder/ Lawrence online 18-Apr Dybdal Charolais Show Female Laurel, NE 19-Apr Cherokee Sales Co. Cherokee, OK 20-Apr JMAR Genetics & Guests online 20-Apr KLS Farms It’s a Southern Thing online 21-Apr Grill’s Red Western Crawford, NE 21-Apr Wild Indian Acres online 22-Apr Heartland Simmentals Waverly, IA 22-Apr Lazy Bar F/ Double G Shorthorn Seminole, OK 22-Apr Middle TN Hereford Assoc. Cross Plains, TN 22-Apr Ritchie County Polled Hereford Harrisville, WV 22-Apr Thomas Farms Damascus, AR 22-Apr MO Red Angus Springfield, MO 22-Apr Right On Red Seneca Falls, NY 22-Apr WR Bar Pequot Lakes, MN 25-Apr Baxter Angus Farm Rockham, SD 25-Apr Linhart Divas online 26-Apr Gill Red Angus Timber Lake, SD 27-Apr Davis Ranches show heifer online 27-Apr Wilder Family Aggie Traditions online 28-Apr Kuhn’s Red Angus & Huber EY Napoleon, ND 29-Apr Aschermann Charolais/ Akaushi Carthage, MO 29-Apr Barnes Herefords Cedartown, GA 29-Apr Sharben/Martindell Shorthorns Campbellsburg, KY 29-Apr The Great American Pie Lebanon, MO 29-Apr Wienk Charolais Lake Preston, SD 2-May Edwards Land & Cattle show heifer online 5-May Torgerson Farms online 6-May Coyote Hills Ranch Chattanooga, OK 6-May Mead Farms Versailles, MO 6-May SC Hereford Assoc. Clemson, SC 6-May Stars & Stripes Hummelstown, PA 6-May TN River Music Fort Payne, AL 6-May The Sale of Excellence College Station, TX
American Beef Producer January 2023 76
email Tim@ABPmag.com for updates f = female sale
Featured Sires 18th Annual Focus on Quality Sale SELLING : 60 Registered Black Angus Bulls 25 Open Black Angus Heifers Sunday, March 19th, 2023 1:00 PM At the Ranch Near Pierz, MN Genomics on All Cattle All Sale Cattle are on our website BJ Surpass - Reg#19774516 KG Justified - Reg#17707279 Sitz Stellar - Reg#18397542 Tahoe - Reg#17817177 RALPH & CARLA HANNEKEN 22348 93rd St Royalton MN 56373 Phone: 320-630-5095 Email: rchanneken@aol.com www.hannekenangus.com
These make great Gifts! www.REALBEEF.shop Show 'em What they're Made of! Designed by the hard workin' folks at American Beef Producer Black, Red or White cows Stickers 4” or 12” cozy sweatshirts Unisex/Mens Black, Brown or Olive Youth sizes Black or Maroon Youth sizes Black or Maroon We take Custom Orders with Ranch, Town, Logos on back. For pricing, email: REALBEEF@ABPmag.com
PB SM • K942 • S: LFE Style • MGS: Erixon Bitten Open Heifer • Black • Polled ASA 4108908 • CE 11 • WW 79 • YW 113 • API 131 • TI 79 PB SM • J869 • S: Erixon Bitten • MGS: SAS Bitten 220D Bred Heifer • Hetero Black • Homo Polled ASA 3952093 • CE 11 • WW 89 • YW 121 • API 145 • TI 85 PB SM • KG03 • S: SAS Infra-Red • MGS: Erixon Bitten BW 89 • WW 780 • Red • Homo Polled ASA 4108940 • CE 9 • WW 93 • YW 143 • API 144 • TI 90 ASA 4043362 • CE 16 • WW 73 • YW 104 • API 136 • TI 76 PB SM • J093 • S: SRH Patriot • MGS: Erixon Bitten BW 74 • WW 755 • Red • Polled PB SM • J367 • S: Erixon Bitten • MGS: Erixon Bitten ASA 4043351 • BW 95 • WW 746 • Homo Black • Homo Polled SAT @ 2pm(CST)…FEB 4, 2023 Decorah Sale Barn, Decorah, IA EPDs, Actual Weights, Carcass Evaluation & Phenotype to Improve Your Profit Line 44YearsBalancing www. SPRINGERSIMMENTALS .com Jeff & Lynda Springer | Jeff: (641) 330-6654 or sprinsim@iowatelecom.net 70 Herd Improving Bulls • Bred & Open Females • Donor Females • Embryos Selling VBG ValueBasedGenetics UnconditionallyGuarantee d *EPD as of 11/30/2022
Cow Calf Days ™ 2023 Seminar Tour & Trade Show 1973 2023
Northern Tour
24 Staples, MN 9:30 AM Timbers Event Center
24 Bagley, MN 5:30 PM American Legion
25 Greenbush, MN 5:30 PM Community Center
26 Iron, MN 5:30 PM Clinton Hall
Southern Tour
6 Mora, MN 5:30 PM Grand Event Center
7 Starbuck, MN 9:30 AM Clear Springs Cattle Co.
8 Pipestone, MN 9:30 AM MN West CC
9 Oronoco, MN 5:30 PM Tony Rossman Farm
10 LeSueur, MN 9:30 AM Ag Partners $10 per person at the door, includes meal and materials Topics: 50th Anniversary Celebration of Cow Calf Days Cattle Market Outlook (Where do we go from here?) Eric Mousel, U of M Beef Team Simple Things that Add Value Dar Giess, DLCC Ranch of Pierz, MN Integrating Grazing & Soil Health MN Grazing Lands Association Vitamin & Mineral Nutrition Dr. Aimee Lutz, Devenish Nutrition www.extension.umn.edu/beef | 218.513.0781 | emmousel@umn.edu
Visitors welcome anytime! Monty & Terri • Matt, Eddy, Emersyn & Landri Kline Matt: (701) 693-6317 • Monty: (701) 693-6806 E-mail: klsrcows@gmail.com www.KLSRCOWS.com • /Kline Simmental Ranch Contact us for a catalog, videos, DNA and other updates prior to sale day. FEEDER CALF MARKETING ASSISTANCE REPLACEMENT HEIFER CALF BUY BACK Our customers’ success is our success! 56 Simmental and SimAngusTM Bulls 30 Registered Open Heifers & 75 commercial black bred heifers 11th Annual Production Sale Selling: FEB. 5, 2023 AT THE RANCH • HURDSFIELD, ND K6 WS EPIC E152 x W/C LOCK DOWN 206Z ASA#: 4134634 • BD: 2/14/22 • PB SM K26 SPRINGCREEK TESLA 6E x LFE THE RIDDLER 323B ASA#: 4130537 • BD: 2/24/22 • PB SM K29 MRL RED WHISKEY 101B x RENDEZVOUS MIDNIGHT 442B ASA#: 4130539 • BD: 2/24/22 • 3/4 SM 1/4 AN K64 SPRINGCREEK TESLA 6E x TNT TANKER U263 ASA#: 4130528 • BD: 3/3/22 • PB SM K72 SPRINGCREEK TESLA 6E x KUNTZ SHERIFF 8A ASA#: 4130510 • BD: 3/5/22 • 3/4 SM 1/4 AN K74 CROSSROAD STRIDE H149 x KUNTZ SHERIFF 8A ASA#: 4130551 • BD: 3/4/22 • PB SM K88 DCR MR MAIN ATTRACTION E18 x BAS HEAVY DUTY ASA#: 4130545 • BD: 3/8/22 • PB SM K139 CROSSROAD STRIDE H149 x IPU ROYAL FLUSH 4C ASA#: 4134630 • BD: 3/26/22 • PB SM K170 CROSSROAD STRIDE H149 x IPU ROYAL FLUSH 4C (E797) ASA#: 4130509 • BD: 4/25/22 • PB SM
January 2023 82 Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 Corey Wilkins 256-590-2487 Jared Murnin 406-321-1542 www.alliedgeneticresources.com Darby and Annette Line 35355 Arrow Rd. Miller, NE 68858 Phone: 308-457-2505 Cell: 308-627-5085 www.trianglejranch.com Visit our website for more sale information www.trianglejranch.com 33rd Annual Bull Sale Sunday, January 29, 2023 1:00 PM (CT) • At the Ranch, Miller, NE Selling 265 Simmental, SimAngus™ & Angus Bulls Nebraska’s Largest Source for Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled SimAngus™ Genetics Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions Bid live online www.dvauction.com All bulls are born, fed and raised from one ranch, giving you the most accurate contemporary groups possible. Bulls will be performance and fertility tested, and sell with genomicaly enhanced EPDs. All bulls will be cared for free of charge until April 1, 2023. Contact us today to be added to our mailing list for a January sale book. 522K TJ BRUTUS 428H SON ASA 4065096 $API 154.2 • $TI 83.6 694K TJ BLACK ICE 451H SON ASA 4064938 $API 123.3 • $TI 88.6 708K TJ CHIEF 460G SON ASA 4064924 $API 147.7 • $TI 85.3 202K TJ FROSTY 318E SON ASA 4066787 $API 135.2 • $TI 88.2 515K HOOK`S FRONTLINE 40F SON ASA 4065103 $API 158.1 • $TI 88.8 817K TJ FROSTY 318E SON ASA 4064818 $API 129.7 • $TI 80.7 512K CAMP CAMPBELL E737 SON ASA 4065106 $API 135.5 • $TI 82.8
NEWSALEDATE •TUESDAY,JANUARY26TH,2021 tTheRanch(WhiteLake,SD) anch( W Selling:112YearlingAngusBulls,40FallBulls,and17Sim-AngusBulls Oneofthegreatestbreedingprospectsinour34yearhistory.Hasthattrueherdbullpresence, OneofmanyeliteGeneralsonsthatwillhighlightour2021sale.Thisoneisverycompletefrom Reg.#19771346 MohnenLieutenant DATE TUESDAY JANUARY AnEventYouDoNotWanttoMiss! M ohnen A ngus MohnenBandolier NEWSALEDATE •TUESDAY,JANUARY26TH,2021 tTheRanch(WhiteLake,SD) anch( W Selling:112YearlingAngusBulls,40FallBulls,and17Sim-AngusBulls MohnenLieutenant DATE TUESDAY JANUARY AnEventYouDoNotWanttoMiss! M ohnen A ngus •TUESDAY,JANUARY26TH,2021 tTheRanch(WhiteLake,SD) anch( W Selling:112YearlingAngusBulls,40FallBulls,and17Sim-AngusBulls MohnenLieutenant TUESDAY JANU nEventYouDoNotWanttoMiss! “Raisingqualitycattleisnotourjob,it’sourLIFE!” ohnen MohnenBandolier SATURDAY ★ JANURAY 21, 2023 ★ 1 P.M. ★ AT THE RANCH Mohnen Salvation 3362 ★ Reg #: 20372667 Mohnen Exclusive 1272 ★ Reg #: 20373409 ~ SELLING ~ 180 BULLS including 40 FALL BULLS 12 SIM-ANG US All bulls are Angus GS & Sire parent verified. • Volume Discounts. View cataog online at mohnenangus.com Mohnen Barricade 2112 ★ Reg #: 20373352 Mohnen Doc Ryan 2212 ★ Reg #: 20383673 Mohnen Bandolier 652 ★ Reg #: 20372520 Tag Birthdate CED BW WW YW SC Milk CW MARB RE $M $W $B $C ADJ 205 1272 12/15/21 7 1.6 77 137 0.82 28 69 0.68 0.65 82 75 166 297 913 3362 01/29/22 9 1.9 80 138 0.14 27 70 0.91 0.93 82 72 187 325 885 2212 01/08/22 4 3.3 89 155 0.43 25 82 0.71 0.78 77 76 182 313 915 652 12/15/21 5 2.6 74 136 0.75 28 58 0.78 0.6 61 67 154 261 946 2112 01/07/22 -1 4.3 84 158 0.53 19 79 0.48 0.79 72 57 168 290 949
21 Angus 7
American Foods Group 50
Bar J 84
Baxter Angus 64
Beery's Land & Livestock 38
Big Rok Angus 60
Blue Goose Herefords 22
Blue Lake Plastics 23
Brad Z 16, 68
Bush Angus 86
Callicrate Banders 50
Clear Springs Cattle 69
Churchill Cattle Company 85
Dairyland Supply 50
Dixie Valley Angus 87
DK Red Angus 62
Ellingson Angus 2
Ellingson Simmental 51 Flesch Angus 59 Frey Angus 71 Grays Angus Ranch 17 Hanneken Angus 77
Heart River/Open A 64 Herbster Angus 44-45 Hoover Angus 15 Jallo Angus 41 Jindra Angus 63 Jauer Dependable Gentics 22 Kessler Angus 8 Keyes Angus 31
Kline Simmental 81 Koupal Angus 25 Kuck Ranch 58 Liphatech 4
Loonan Stock Farms 52 McNamee Cook 61 Mohnen Angus 83 Nagel Cattel Co 67
Poppe Bulls 5
Poss Angus 9
Prairie Hills Gelbvieh 39
Rawhide 66
Red Bluff Bull Sale 61
Ressler Angus Ranch 49
Schaff Angus Valley 88
Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks 53 Springer Simmental 79 Sweet Pro 24
TNT Simmental 73 Topp Herefords 3 Triangle J 82 U of M Extension Service 80
WR Bar 58
York Creek Red Angus 65
50 Angus Bulls, Yearlings & 2 -Yr-Olds 10 Yearling Angus Heifers Fleshing Ability Sound Structure Fertility Bar J Ranch -J Angus Bull & Female Sale 47 Years in the Angus Bull Business! Count on us for great service and dependable, profitable genetics! Sunday March 12, 2023, 1:30 PM At the ranch and online at liveauctions.tv Calving Ease Disposition Carcass Quality Dependable genetics raised in a low -input commercial environment, that have been closely selected for: Jake & Dawnte’ Reed Jake: 320-429-0983 Email: barjangus@gmail.com Website: barjangus.com John & Joanne Reed John: 320-808-1938 30217 110th Ave Brooten, MN 56316 Sitz Logo 8148. Selling Elite, High Maternal Herd Bull Prospects by 8148! Deer Valley Growth Fund. Selling many powerhouse sons and daughters of this elite growth sire!
Advertiser‘s Index
A n n u a l F O C U S O N P E R F O R M A N C E S A L E www.bushangus.com Call for catalog. 300 miles free delivery on all sale cattle. SELLING: 63 BULLS | 24 FANCY OPEN HEIFERS ▶ 6 BULLS SIRE BY TEHAMA TAHOE B767 AND OUT OF THE LEGENDARY DONOR COW, 7885, DAM OF BUSHS EASY DECISION 98 ▶ EVEREST SON THAT HAD AN ADJ WW OF 881#, RATIO 116 AND IS OUT OF THE DAM OF BUSHS GRIT 501 GRIT WAS THE TOP PERFORMANCE AND TOP SELLING BULL IN OUR 2020 SALE ▶ A THREE RIVERS SON THAT RECORDED A WW OF 865#, RATIO 115. HE DID GENOMIC IN THE TOP 1% FOR BOTH WEANING WEIGHT AND YEARLING WEIGHT. ▶ 5 SONS OF BUSHS CRUISE CONTROL THAT AVERAGE 84# @ BIRTH AND 828# ADJ WEANING WEIGHT THEIR AVERAGE WEANING WEIGHT RATIO IS 109 BUSHS CRUISE CONTROL 650 19902527 CAPITALIST 316 X INCREDIBLE 6704 BW 71# WW 837# YW 1507# RATIO 110 Reg. 19902527 BUSHS CRUISE CONTROL 650 EVENSON EVEREST 964 HILL VALLEY RECKONING 931 JACS RARE FIND BUSHS CHANGING TIMES CONNEALY EMERALD ELLINGSON THREE RIVERS 8062 TEHAMA TAHOE B767 BUSHS WING MAN 201 Scott: 605-470-0555 • Jim: 605-470-0605 Tyler: 605-290-0888 • Office: 605-448-5401 B U S H A N G U S 41785 109ST, BRITTON, SD 57430 This sire group is as solid as any we have ever had for both performance and shape Cruise Control sired the top ranking weaning weight group as they were 8% over the average He carries on our mission of combining performance, style, and correctness. 49 th Featuring Lots: S I R E D B Y : S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 3 a t t h e f a r m n e a r B r i t t o n , S o u t h D a k o t a BEPD +2.3 WEPD +93 Top 1% YEPD +166 Top 1% MEPD +34 Top 10% $F-TOP 3% $W-TOP 1%, RADG-TOP 2% $B & $C-TOP 10% P e r f o r m a n c e i s O u r P r o d u c t
Brand you Believe in... ® Saturday • February 11, 2023 • 10 am at the ranch 120 th Production Sale SELLING 420 REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS & 210 FEMALES Kelly & Martie Schaff St. Anthony, ND • 701-445-7465 www.schaffangusvalley.com • kelly@schaffangusvalley.com The SAV America 8018 SAV Bloodline 9578 SAV Territory 7225 SAV Renovation 6822 SAV Certified 0849 SAV Scale House 0845 SAV Grand Canyon 0969 SAV Jesse James 0968 He sells! A powerful representation of the first calfcrop by the $185,000 SAV Jesse James 0968. His Pathfinder dam by Resource records a weaning ratio of 105 on 7 calves and is the #1 ribeye female in the SAV herd. Sires represented include America, Bloodline, Territory, Renovation, Jesse James, Scale House, Certified, Grand Canyon, Downpour, Rainfall, President, Density, Circuit Breaker, Anthem, Early Arrival, Ease, Pancho Villa, Landmark, North Face, Benchmark, Revolution, Scale Crusher, Rito 707, Ideal Encore and more. ✓ Volume selection ✓ Free delivery ✓ Affordable to the cowman He sells! This performance headliner by Renovation takes all honors as the heaviest 205-day weight bull of his entire calfcrop at 1100 lbs. for a weaning ratio of 118. His perfect-uddered 3-year-old dam by President is on a productive path. His Harvestor x Bismarck Pathfinder grandam, SAV Madame Pride 3045, has eleven direct progeny selling. He sells! Represents the phenomenal first calfcrop by Scale House, the $275,000 top-selling bull from the 2021 SAV Sale. His Sensation x Rito 9969 x Net Worth dam comes from six consecutive generations of Emblynette Pathfinders. SAV Reputation 2214 BW 89 • 205 WT. 1100 30 progeny sell! 15 progeny sell! 50 progeny sell! 60 progeny sell! 55 progeny sell! 75 progeny sell! 60 progeny sell! 75 progeny sell! 50 sell! 60 55 75 60 75 SAV Gunsmoke 2158 BW 92 • 205 WT. 1015 SAV Steakhouse 2177 BW 88 • 205 WT. 1042 Sale books by Request