October 2020
American Beef Producer
In it for the H
Long Haul
ow do you position your cowherd when it seems like the rules are always changing? A reproductively efficient cow is your FOUNDATION year in and year out. The best numbers, performance, genomics, and carcass don’t mean a danged thing unless you have the calf first.
he traits we have always focused on help you survive and thrive no matter what comes at you. Reproductive efficiency is number one. We don’t give lip service to that; we live it. We finish cattle so we know what you need to earn premiums. We know that maximum is rarely optimum and we know how to balance traits. Could we chase the latest fads? Sure, but it’s not in your long term interest or ours. Our program took YEARS to develop, and it takes strict discipline to maintain and continually improve.
hat will the future bring, whether it’s next year or 10 years down the road? Whatever it is, with the thoughtful, deliberate, PROVEN genetics and unmatched customer service of Downey Ranch & Kniebel Cattle Co behind you, you can be certain you’ve positioned your herd for the future.
Because we’re in it for the long haul. Just like you.
Selling 170+ head in person &/or online, come hell or highwater!
Friday, Nov. 6, 2020 @ 12:00pm CDT
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50 1A Red Angus bulls - from Kniebel Cattle Co. including
56 Black Angus bulls - from Downey Ranch with sons of
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Bull Wintering Available - turn out a 2-year-old come
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spring and cover 50% more cows than with yearlings.
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Kevin & Mary Ann Kniebel Chuck & Kim Kniebel White City, KS (785)349-2821
www.KCattle.com American Beef Producer
October 2020
October 2020
American Beef Producer
Volume XXV Number 2 October 2020 “All is not Butter that comes from a Cow” - Proverb
w w w. A B P m a g . c o m PO Box 280, Cottage Grove. MN 55016
Cow Body Condition Score - Guest Editorial by Dr. Kelly Sanders, Westway Feed Products
School of Hard Knock$ by Luke Bowman, Director of Member Events and Int’l Operations, ASA
Doc‘s Orders - Turns out Red Meat‘s What the Doctor Ordered by Brooke Roberts
Trending - Mobile Butcher - Sal Cardoza by Derek Sample, American Beef Producer magazine
Forage Production on Cattle Farms by Doug Ward, American Beef Producer magazine
October and November Bull Sale List calendars
A Defining Decade - the Modern Simmental Success Story
Derek Sample
Publisher, Editor, Photographer Derek@ABPmag.com 651-224-1489
Tim McCray
Advertising Sales and Traffic Manager Tim@ABPmag.com 651-917-4093
Doug Ward
Ad Sales & Ring Service Doug@ABPmag.com 507-273-7465
Cover Photo by: Derek Sample www.DerekSample.com
American Beef Producer (ISSN 1551-2339) is owned, produced and published monthly, except for a combined May-June issue and no July issue, by Marcomm Publishing, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at St Paul, MN and other entry points. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Marcomm Publishing, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016-0280
Any and All Political Ads in this magazine do Producer not necessarily reflect our opinions here October at ABP American Beef 2020
JUS T FOCUS. WE’LL TAKE IT FROM THERE. Pneu-Dart’s Remote Delivery equipment provides you with all the tools you need to protect your herd. Treat your animals at the onset of infection before it’s too late. Call us today and protect your future. Pneu-Dart. The best in sight.
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American Beef Producer
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One of the most important factors in cattle production is the reproductive performance. Protein and energy levels, mineral deficiencies and/or health challenges can each affect the nutritional status of the cow. When cows are in adequate body condition (fat stores) they are in proper health and nutritional status to return to estrus and become pregnant with their next calf. Short and Adams (1988) reported that nutrient intake was prioritized by the body in a specific order, see table below. Bottom line is that reproductive efficiency is a corner stone for a profitable operation! One fundamental management tool that can help cattlemen gauge the nutritional status of their herd is the evaluation of body condition at important times during the production cycle. The common body condition scoring system that has been developed for beef cattle is on a scale of 1-9 (Whitman 1975). Body condition of 1 would be emaciated while a body condition score of 9 would be considered obese. A condition score of 5-6 is ideal. Once scores become lower than 5 a cow’s performance will start to decrease. The same result can happen if cows become too fat, exhibiting scores above 7. The loss of body condition score is associated with the loss in body weight. One body condition score is approximately 60 pounds for a 1200 pound cow and will be more than 60 pounds as cow size increases. It is important to evaluate the condition of cows throughout the year and to gauge the quality and quantity of grass they have available. There are 3 critical times to measure body condition. The first time to 6
really evaluate cows are 90 days prior to calving. Approximately 75% of the calf ’s growth occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy which demands more nutrition from the cow. If nutrition is limited, the cow will have to use her own energy store (fat and muscle) to meet the nutritional demand for calf development. This will put the cow in “negative energy balance” causing a loss in body condition. Secondly, the nutritional status during the last trimester will have great impact on how quickly a cow will return to estrus after calving. Cows in poor body condition during this time can result in a longer post-partum interval from delayed estrus. Calves will be born later the next years and will be light at weaning. Another note to mention, cows that calve late will generally always calve late, they rarely ever catch back up to the herd. Body condition at calving can have impact on the current calf crop’s health and performance. Calves can be born light and less thrifty, colostrum quality can be reduced leading to greater risk of health challenges. Cows will not produce as much milk having a negative impact on calf gains and weaning weight. Again, poor body condition at calving will affect the length of time before a cow return to estrus and become pregnant. Another good time to body condition score cows is prior to breeding and before the bulls are turned out. Cows in good body condition, 5 or greater, will breed up quicker than cows in body condition less than 5. Cows need to be in good body condition (5 plus) 90 days before calving, at calving and at breeding. At this American Beef Producer
level of condition a cow should be able to have strong, healthy calves, that gain weight and she should breed back in less than 80 - 90 days. When a cow is in proper body condition (5 plus) 90 days prior to calving, it is much easier and cheaper to manage her for the next phases of production that were discussed above. It is much cheaper and easier to keep cows in good body condition because they are much more efficient with the nutrients they receive from their diets. To the contrary, if cow is in poor condition and losing weight 90-days prior to calving, she will require more supplemental feed to improve her body condition. Managing the body condition of a cow herd means that the nutrition program has to be managed appropriately for a cow to sustain a body condition score of 5 or better. Grass quality and quantity is directly related to cow body condition score since it is the majority of their diet. When the grass is good, cows can consume more of what is required. We know that grass quality declines throughout the year but cow requirements do not. Cows begin to lose weight when the available nutrition in the grass cannot meet the cow’s requirement. Supplement feeding then becomes necessary to meet the protein and energy deficiencies to help maintain her status or aide in the recovery of body condition. There are several ways to supplement cows to provide the additional nutrition they need. Hand feeding cubes or other mixed feeds can be used to provide the necessary nutrients cow maybe deficient. These methods do allow producers to control the feeding October 2020
photos by Cheramie Viator
Top: Body Condition Score 2-3 Bottom: Body Condition Score 8
“It is important to evaluate the condition of cows throughout the year and to gauge the quality and quantity of grass they have available.
There are 3 critical times to measure body condition. The first time to really evaluate cows are 90-days prior to calving�
Priority of Nutrient Intake for Cow Production 1) Basal metabolism 2) Activity 3) Growth 4) Energy reserves 5) Pregnancy rates and control cost. Many times, cows still continue to lose weight and body condition because the amount of supplementation is a guess generally. Also, more timid cows may not consume what they need due to more dominant cows in the herd. Self-fed products such as tubs or liquid feed supplements allow cows to have free choice access. This allows cows to consume what they need to meet their ever-changing requirements and changing forage quality conditions. October 2020
6) Lactation 7) Additional energy reserves 8)Estrus cycle 9) Additional energy reserves
Adequate forage in some form is necessary for self-fed product to work correctly. Bottom line, the success of a cattle operation is for a cow to produce a live calf and breed back within 80-90 (82-days on average) days after calving. Body condition scoring at the necessary times can help producers manage the nutrition program to insure cow performance and they are reproductively efficient. American Beef Producer
References: Short, R. E., and D. C. Adams. 1988, Nutritional and hormonal i.terrelationships in beef cattle reproduction. Can. J. Animal. Sci. 68:29-39. Whitman, R. W. 1975 Weight change, body condition and beefcow reproduction. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University., Fort Collins. Lamb, C., Relationship between nutrition and reproduction in beef cows, North Florida Research and Education Center, U of F. 7
“DUAL PURPOSE”— Haul it or Feed it, Wherever you Need it — Quick & E-Z!
When feeding cattle, saving hay & labor is a matter of good stewardship! “My cows don’t waste enough hay to lay on anymore.” R.M., Dardanelle, AR
“I really like my Bale Carrier/Feeder. It pulls nice and handles well. It doesn’t waste much hay. Everybody that has seen it is impressed. I wish I had a couple more.” - J.T., Austin, TX “Hauling & feeding round bales with the CF890 saves hay & makes my job much easier. I’m going to replace my portable bunk feeders.” - W.W., Glen Haven, WI
Self-Adjusting Feeder Panels
Feeding 8 bales
You could pay up to $12,000 for two competitive four-bale feeders and one bale carrier…Or you can buy the “dual purpose” Carrier/Feeder that feeds 8 bales & carries 11 bales (as pictured) for only $5,400/unit.
“We had such a rough winter that I had to use 2 CF890s to keep my cows fed. Winter or summer it’s a good working all-purpose trailer. We haul our bales quite a distance. I wish it were 3 feet longer so I could haul 12 big bales. It has plenty of strength.” - L.D., Gary, SD
"The Bale Carrier/Feeder is the best thing I ever bought for my farm. I really love it & like to tell other people about it." - A.M., Berryville, VA
Feeder Panels Included
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Hauling 11 bales In all thy ways acknowledge Him, & He shall direct thy paths. Prov. 3:6
American Beef Producer
It is Multi-Purpose & works circles around any other bale feeder!
October 2020
THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCK$ by Luke Bowman Director of Member Events and International Operations American Simmental Association
He brought more than $50,000 and If you sorted the breeds database for YW to MW there was sold to a major bull stud. Lots of was no other animal in the money made, but none of it for me! entire population even close to This is what I get for cutting corners I want to share an important lesson him. GULP. I started to sweat. I learned this past year — I learned and trying to stay cheap, I guess. Had I continued to stay in touch the hard way. It was grass time around I genomically tested the bull, I would with my friend throughout the farm back in Indiana. The calves have retained an interest and reaped the year and the set of bulls were a couple months old, the cows some of the dollars made not only for developed nicely. I heard there had one round of AI and the lush his purchase but also semen sales in were ramblings about folks green growth was calling the herd. finding him on the EPD search the future. My father wanted to cut back on cows before they went to pasture. I live tool with typing in parameters The school of hard knocks taught far away and can’t help out too much to get max growth with under- me that bottom line – TEST YOUR on the farm, so I volunteered to sell a control size, quality carcass, etc. CATTLE. Know as much as you can small portion of the cows that I own. Then came sale day in early before breeding or marketing them to The pairs were sold over the phone March. The bull sold well. someone else! at an agreeable price. I didn’t get rich. I priced each pair the same and I think I even gave a discount if he would PREMIUM AUTOMATIC take all five pairs I had sorted off. My WATERERS friend had the cattle picked up and living in cow country in the central US in a matter of days. Around weaning time, I called to check in on how the calves shaped up at the end of the season. Did they wean off heavy? Which one was his favorite? Did he think they would all make the bull sale in the spring? My friend’s reply brought all good news: the calves did awesome, no one got sick, they should all make the sale, and one of them was a “genetic freak” as he put it. We’ll refer to this calf as “Tag 5.” I asked him what he meant by a genetic freak? He genomically tested the calves, and Tag 5’s EPDs improved with his genomics; however, I was nowhere near prepared for what my friend had to share. He further explained that Tag 5 kept his great calving ease figures (an extremely important trait; I ALWAYS consider CED and CEM when making mating decisions), shot up on growth into the Top 1% of the breed, and also ranked Ritchie manufactures a complete line of livestock watering products with the amongst the very best (lowest) in the highest specifications in the industry. From a single horse Stall Fount to a breed for Mature Cow Weight (based fountain that waters up to 500 head, Ritchie fountains are top quality. Plus, on American Angus Association every Ritchie fountain is backed by our 10 year limited warranty. For more EPDs). information contact us at: Now, this was ideal. Calving ease was in check, all the growth we can Carlson Wholesale - 800-669-4038 get in a moderate, not over-sized package. His carcass traits all landed www.carlsonwholesale.net above average too. But I didn’t really @carlsonwholesale put together how good this calf was until I did an EPD search myself. October 2020
American Beef Producer
ABP HEALTH improved communication of beef ’s nutritional qualities, beef has “steaked” its claim as a top protein source amongst consumers and health professionals alike.
reprinted with permission from Hereford World
Doc’s Orders
Turns out, red meat is just what the doctor ordered by Brooke Roberts
Do you ever wonder how beef came
to be known as “what’s for dinner”? Make no mistake; that reputation was earned. Decades of insufficient research and misinformation tarnished the role of red meat in a healthy diet and led health professionals to avoid advising patients to consume red meat. In fact, some bias against red meat still lingers amongst society. Thanks to a better understanding of the long-term benefits of eating red meat and the
Shifting perspective Every day doctors and dietitians across the country advise Americans in regard to their diets, health and well-being. But few Dr. Steve Merry doctors understand beef from pasture to plate better than Dr. Steve Merry, a cardiologist at Aurora Health and owner of MGM Polled Herefords in Hartford, Wis. The son of a veterinarian and a nurse, it was only natural for Merry to pursue a career in the medical field. But after he completed his cardiology fellowship, his roots pulled him back into the Hereford business with his parents, Marion and Gordon Merry. The legacy of Merry’s late parents lives on in the 50 head of cows carrying the MGM prefix and in their son’s medical career. In his 41 years practicing cardiology, Merry has witnessed the reputation of red meat struggle through the ill-informed 1970s and now progressively gain favor amidst positive research results, the popularity of the Atkins diet and an increasing emphasis on protein in healthy diets. “I remember as a medical student, back in the ’70s, there was a lot of emphasis on LDLs [low-density lipoproteins] and bad cholesterol,” Merry says. “Because meat is high in saturated fats, doctors and dietitians tended to recommend avoiding red meat in order to lower your bad cholesterol. What was not done then is research related to outcomes — the outcome difference between people who eat red meat and people who do not.” Continued research has played a key role in changing opinions regarding red meat. Merry says a detailed analysis1 of multiple studies comparing red meat eaters to those who did not consume red meat found those who consumed red meat did not suffer more strokes, did not have more heart disease or diabetes, and showed no difference in how long they lived relative to those who did not consume red meat. Since then, studies have continued to evolve and to provide further clarity.
American Beef Producer
October 2020
ABP HEALTH “The studies that came out about 10 years ago were relatively neutral, saying those who eat red meat would not have any more problems than anyone else,” Merry explains. “But now the studies2 are actually revealing that if you eat more unprocessed red meat, you live longer and have less strokes.” Along with continued research, Merry credits the Atkins diet for playing a role in popularizing the consumption of red meat in a high-protein, lowcarbohydratediet. The diet served as the first major consumer-facing public statement advocating for red meat. But personal opinions regarding diet are difficult to shift, and debunking decades of anti-red meat sentiment is a tedious process. “People are slow to change,” Merry says. “They have their ideas and are slow to accept change or new ideas.” For that reason, he believes educating consumers is crucial to changing the narrative. But, as a doctor, he recognizes facts need to reach individuals well in advance of his interactions with them as patients. “We need to get the message to young people and families long before they become patients. You don’t find doctors talking to patients very much about diet,” Merry explains. “What ultimately happens is a referral to a dietitian. The dietitians are the ones who more often connect with the people.”
Making the connection
animal proteins contain essential amino acids we cannot produce ourselves.” Registered dietitian (RD) Sarah Agena For the last six years, Agena has interacted spends every day doing just that — with patients, fellow dietitians and other health helping people establish healthy diets and professionals in her role as the consulting dietitian develop informed eating habits. I talk about for the Wisconsin Beef Council. During that time, Sarah Agena the nutritional benefits of beef,” Agena she feels health professionals have become increasexplains. “In a three- to four-ounce serving of beef, you ingly more receptive to incorporating red meat on get about 25 grams of protein for only about 150 calo- a healthy plate. ries. Beef, and other good protein sources, help people “Research3 has concluded it‘s okay to feel fuller for longer with less calories.” A collegiate include healthy fats like lean beef in a hearthealthy swimmer with a master’s degree in exercise science, diet,” she says. “Unfortunately, society is constantAgena knows firsthand how consuming the right foods ly bombarded with the latest and greatest way to can affect performance. “As a student athlete, I was lose weight on social media. A lot of times this is always conscious about what I ate and how it fueled my not information that is supported by research or performance,” she says. “Including protein after exercise suggested by health a professional like a physician or an athletic event helps with muscle recovery, as or RD.” 1 Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Risk of Incident Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes Mellitus; Circulation 2010; 121: 2271-2283. 2 Association of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE): A prospective cohort study; Lancet 2017; 390:2050-2062. 3 Roussell MA, et al. Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet study: effects on lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;95:9-16.
October 2020
American Beef Producer
...Doc’s Orders continued from page 39
ABP HEALTH MoreMore recently, are curious recently, peoplepeople are curious about about how plant-based proteins and meat how plant-based proteins and meatalternatives alternatives compare beef. In the dietitian’s mind, is there is tocompare beef. Intothe dietitian’s mind, there no comparino comparison. son. “Beef is beef — one ingredient,” Agena says. “Plant-based “Beef is beef — one ingredient,” Agena says. proteins contain about 20 “Plant-based proteins contain aboutand 20 ingredients ingredients and are higher in calories and are higher in calories and sodium. In my opinsodium. In my opinion, these new plant-based ion, theseare new plant-based proteins certainly not proteins certainly not turning meatare eaters into plant-based eaters.” turning meat eaters into plant-based eaters.” nutritional aspectsaspects of beef of continue to The The nutritional beef continue to drive sales and to earn the protein its rightful drive sales and to earn the protein its rightfulplace on place on dinner tables across America. dinner tables across America.
Heart-healthy choices Eating healthy does not have to be difficult or unpleasant! For your next heart-healthy meal, choose from any of these nine extra-lean beef cuts certified by the American Heart Association’s® Heart-Check program: Extra Lean Ground Beef (96% lean, 4% fat) Bottom Round Steak (USDA [United States Department of Agriculture] Select grade)
Keeping beef top of mind
Extra Lean Ground Beef (96% lean, 4% fat, with natural flavors) Sirloin Tip Steak (USDA Select grade) Top Sirloin Petite Roast, Boneless (USDA Select grade) Top Sirloin Strips (USDA Select grade) Top Sirloin Filet (USDA Select grade) Top Sirloin Kabob (USDA Select grade) Top Sirloin Steak, Boneless, Center Cut (USDA Select grade)
Editor’s note: Find out more at BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com/ nutrition/beef-and-heart-health.
| May/June 2020
Keeping beef top of mind Demand for beef is crucial to the livelihoods of cattlemen Demand for beef is crucial to the livelihoods and women nationwide. Agena is one of ofmany cattlemen and women Agena state beef council staffnationwide. members across the is one of country whobeef promotes consumer demand for beef the many state council staff members across through local promotion efforts, often extending country who promotes consumer demand for beef messages from the national “Beef. It’s What’s through local promotion often for Dinner.” brand, which is efforts, funded by the extending Beef messages from the national “Beef. It’s What’s for Checkoff program. The ”producer-funded Checkoff partners Dinner. brand, which isBeef funded by the Beef Checkoff with the American Heart Association (AHA) program. beef products with theBeef AHACheckoff Heart- partners to certify The producer-funded Check mark logo on food packages and to help with the American Heart Association (AHA) to cerhealth-conscious consumers identify foods that tify beef products with thefatAHA Heart-Check mark meet criteria for saturated and cholesterol. logo on food and to help health-conscious Through this packages same partnership, heart-healthy beef recipesidentify are created for that the AHA consumers foods meetRecipe criteria for satuCertification Program. rated fat and cholesterol. it’s “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner.” Whether Through this same partnership, heart-healthy reaching consumers via social media and digital beef recipes are created for the Recipe Certiadvertising, state beef council staffAHA members fication Program. Whether it’s “Beef. It’s What’s for sharing beef’s nutritional qualities, or consumers choosing an AHA Heart Check-certified cut and Dinner”reaching consumers via socialbeef media at the grocery store, the Beef Checkoff is actively digital advertising, state beef council staff members involved in educating consumers about beef’s sharing beef ’s nutritional qualities, or consumers positive role in health. These efforts help to inform choosing anmay AHA Heart Check-certified people who never interact or discuss theirbeef cut at the grocery store, Beef professional Checkoff islike actively indietary choices withthe a health a volved in educating about beef ’s positive registered dietitian or consumers a cardiologist. education and communication roleResearch, in health. These efforts help to inform people continue pave interact the way for who maytonever orconsumer discuss their dietary consumption beef. Ask the cardiologist choices with of a health professional like and a registered cattleman about the future of beef, and you will dietitian or a cardiologist. Research, education and find the same optimism of the student-athlete communication continue to pave the way for conturned dietitian. sumer consumption of beef. the cardiologist and “I think the consumption of Ask red meat will cattleman future beef, and you will find continue toabout grow,”the Agena says.of “People are more open to including beef in a well-balanced diet the same optimism of the student-athlete and turned continue to realize beef is not only an excellent dietitian. source of protein, but also tastes delicious.” “I think the consumption of red meat will continue to grow,” Agena says. “People are more open to including beef in a well-balanced diet and continue to realize beef is not only an excellent source of protein, but also tastes delicious.”
American Beef Producer
October 2020
ABP HEALTH Delicious and nutritious Many popular beef cuts already fit the criteria of a healthy and lean cut. According to the “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner.” brand, a sign a cut is lean is if the word “round” or “loin” is part of the name. With improved genetics, feeding and trimming practices, more than 60% of whole muscle beef cuts commonly sold in retail stores are considered lean when cooked with visible fat trimmed. Here are some of the most popular lean options from “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner.” Find out more at BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com/nutrition/lean-beef.
TOP SIRLOIN STEAK (TOP LOIN STEAK) Known as: Boneless Sirloin Butt Steak; Boneless Top Sirloin Steak; Loin, Top Sirloin Butt Steak, Boneless; Sirloin Butt Steak; Top Sirloin Butt Center-Cut Steak; Top Sirloin Butt Steak, Boneless; Top Sirloin Steak Boneless Cap Off; Top Sirloin Steak Cap Off A flavorful cut that is versatile and juicy. Great served as a steak or cut into kabobs.
STRIP STEAK (TOP LOIN STEAK) Known as: Ambassador Steak; Beef Loin, Strip Loin Steak, Bone In, Center-Cut; Club Steak; Country Club Steak; Delmonico Steak; Hotel Cut Steak; Kansas City Steak; Kansas City Strip Steak; New York Strip Steak; NY Strip Steak; Shell Steak; Strip Loin Steak; Top Loin Steak; Top Loin Steak, Bone-In Tender, lean and perfect for grilling.
TENDERLOIN STEAK (FILET MIGNON) Known as: Beef Loin, Tenderloin Steak, Side Muscle Off, Skinned; Beef Tender Steak; Butt Tenderloin; Chateaubriand; Chateaubriand Filet De Boeuf; Filet De Boeuf; Filet Mignon; Filet Steak; Fillet de Boeuf; Fillet Steak; Medallions; Short Tenderloin; Tenderloin Medallion; Tenderloin Steak, Side Muscle Off, Skinned
This is the most tender steak, lean yet succulent, with a fine buttery texture. Sold boneless. This steak also meets government guidelines for lean.
95% LEAN GROUND BEEF Known as: Ground Chuck; Ground Round; Ground Sirloin; Ground Steak Versatility and rich flavor make it ideal for burgers, tacos or wraps. Perfect for breakfast, lunch and everything in between.
May/June 2020 |
October 2020
American Beef Producer
41 13
MOBILE BUTCHER by Derek Sample
It’s 6am Saturday morning and Sal Cardoza is waiting for me at the back entrance to a small farm nestled among the rolling hills of Yucaipa, CA, 70 miles east of Los Angeles along the infamous I-10 fwy. The reason I‘m here is because Mobile Butchers are all the trend lately since commercial operations are closing because of Covid-19 outbreaks. This has been consistently in the news over the last few months and ranch owners are unsure how to bring their livestock to market. So with that in mind, I did some research and yesterday I happened upon Sal‘s Facebook page. Here is a guy who has a small standard practice in the slaughter business and he‘s a very busy guy. Oh, and also has great facebook reviews to boot. To put it simply, his industry is on fire. Demand for mobile butchers, USDA approved and not, has skyrocketed. Good reefer trucks have become scarce now too even with the higher costs of mobile startups. The old law of demand is showing its teeth again... Fortunately Sal, with his years of experience, is kind of a legend around these parts. From what I can tell so far, it‘s at least because he‘s punctual. I pull onto the dirt road behind Sal and I am overwhelmed by the size of his F550 14
photos by Derek Sample
truck and the huge lift boom periscoping above the tree line. After a brief introduction with the owner and his spirited steer, Sal gets down to business. While loading his .22, his sleepyeyed son jumps out of the cab and starts his own support shift of sterilization, winch tests and arranging the reefer‘s interior for the incoming ton of freshly cut American Beef Producer
meat. 3 minutes later and it’s a go. The steer is down, the knives are out and it’s business as usual for SoCal Mobile Butchering. As the muscle memory of Sal‘s butcher routine kicks in, his face crinkles a bit and his character starts to show. Now it‘s story time. His delight in sharing experiences in this industry is engaging. Laughter is good medicine this morning and I find October 2020
MOBILE BUTCHER myself forgetting to take photos. The smile on Sal‘s face tells you not to worry about the heaviness of his job. He loves what he does and he’s damn good at it. In fact, his employer this morning, Devin Aubrey, asked him “why didn’t I know about you years ago?” Another vote of confidence for Sal Cardoza. His son, Triston, laughs and tells me that everybody says that. He’s proud of his Dad. He wants to become the next full time employee when he’s ready. Of course he thinks that’s only a few months away since he’s 10yrs going on 20. A dozen stories and an hour or so later, it’s time for final cuts before the sun rises over the trees and brings on the heat. Whiz-bang-grind and the high powered winch lifts the carved remains of the 1500+ pound bullock into Sal‘s truck. Now I can hear the rustle of the pigs the next cage over...do they know they‘re next? Devin Aubrey, the farm‘s owner, has this done annually to feed his family. He tells me that he feeds only grain to his cattle because he likes the taste and that “grass fed cattle won‘t do”. Though he did share that he bottle-fed this particular steer from birth for weeks so he had to look away for a bit. As I‘m packing up to head to my next shoot, I am realizing that Sal Cardoza is probably one of the hardest working and humble legends I have ever met. ABP Visit Sal‘s FB page: www.facebook.com/ socalmobilebutchering October 2020
American Beef Producer
American Beef Producer
October 2020
October 2020
American Beef Producer
FORAGE PRODUCTION ON CATTLE FARMS by Doug Ward Doug@ABPmag.com Forage production on cattle farms & ranches is one of the most essential elements needed for it to be profitable. The only reason the Beef cow was put on this earth was to convert lower quality forages that are inedible to humans and turn them into a very delicious protein for human consumption. The cow would graze the rough terrain, consuming forage not only to feed herself, but to also provide nutrition to her offspring. Ideally year round grazing of these forages would greatly reduce the need for equipment and in turn increase profitability of the ranch or farm. The climate that you live in dictates how much forage has to be mechanically harvested and stored to feed the herd during the winter months and during years of lower production due to weather. There are 100 different ways to put up hay. From the early days of putting up loose hay, to the invention of the small square baler. Then there‘s the now high capacity round and big square balers along with self-propelled forage harvesters. The modern-day equipment has come a long way to help reduce labor and time needed to harvest forages. Though it seems like we don’t have as many good harvesting hours in the day to put up quality forage as when we were younger. This might be due to the instant access to weather on our smart phones and the weatherman not 18
being as correct in their forecasts that reduces our harvestable hours. Plus there are some of the more arid parts of the U.S. where baling is done at night when there is a dew on the hay to help prevent leaf loss. What are companies providing and what are the farmer/ ranchers wanting these days in equipment? Farmers/ranchers want equipment that is reliable, cost effective, and has the ability to do the job a fast, efficient way. Equipment has become bigger and faster due to less available labor. Another question one has to consider is to own your own equipment or to hire the job done? Machinery is not cheap to own. Most of the custom operators have newer equipment that might be more reliable than what you can afford on your own. Equipment dealers are providing more customer and technical service in recent years. When I was talking with one of my local dealers, he mentioned that within American Beef Producer
their 4 stores, they were able to have a forage specialist amongst their employees to help producers with problems and breakdowns. This way communication between the dealer or service tech can be face to face or via cell phone while in the field. Wireless communication can reduce downtime if the problem can be diagnosed without bringing equipment in from the field to be repaired. Before a company turns out a new piece of equipment, they go through a couple years of research on it before selling it to the public. They research out in real situations in all parts of the country. One machine might be running over 20-30,000 acres to ensure that every possible scenario is covered. Cutting hay and other forages: Many producers have gone to the Disc Mowers. These mowers range in sizes from 7 - 20 feet. They can be just a cutter bar or be equipped with conditioning rolls. October 2020
The principle of the machine is by having knives on a rotating disc which provide high speed, non-clogging cutting. Continuous non-stop mowing is accomplished. The smaller producer can use one that is 3 point mounted on smaller tractors. Pull behind models come in side draft, hydro-swing and self-propelled. Bigger machines require higher horse power to do the job. But there are disadvantages. Initial costs are higher and resale value can be lower. If you have rock in your fields, these are not the machines to use. Hay quality is also reduced as more ash (dirt) gets into your windrow. The Sickle Mowers can still do the job. They can be towed behind a sickle bar or can come equipped as a mower conditioner. High quality hay can be produced with this type of cutting. The mower conditioner has a reel to guide hay into the cutter and conditioner which can help in picking up downed hay. Although this machine has to run slower ground speeds, it has the advantage of being lower cost. In some parts of the country where higher humidity levels hinder the drying of hay, the Tedder has gained popularity. These machines fluff the windrow to allow more air movement to the forage. The rotary tedders take the forage and spread it out wide allowing more of the crop being exposed to the sun. These machines can reduce drying time by a day or two. Higher quality forage can be put up by using a tedder. Tedding dry hay can lead to high leaf loss and quality. Rakes have changed over the years. Raking was used to speed the drying process and to make a narrow windrow. October 2020
The Single Basket Bar Rake was the standard for years. It produced good quality hay as the tines did not touch the ground. Speed of raking is slow and only one windrow at a time could be turned. Most are hydraulically driven with one being left delivery and the other right in the same unit. Cost of this machine is higher. Rotary rakes both single and double can rake nice clean hay into a windrow without added dirt to the hay. The tines do not touch the ground, but are higher cost and higher maintenance with many moving parts. They work well when combing windrows of higher moisture hay. Can lead to leaf loss when used to rake dry alfalfa. The most common and cost effective rakes are the Wheel Rakes. The wheel rake has very few moving parts. One windrow with some models to many feet of cut hay with other models. The ground drives the wheels so there are fewer moving parts and they can handle high ground speeds resulting in high volumes of forage. The small Square Baler is still being used in most parts of the country. A person can put up some really high-quality hay in a small square bale which still has its place today. They come in handy when needed to feed a single or a small group of animals and can be hand fed. The big square balers have its place in forage production too. Continuous baling is an advantage for big squares. Basically, the baler does not have to stop in the field once you start to bale. They can bale up many acres in a day when the hay is dry. American Beef Producer
A disadvantage of this type is the hay has to be drier than round baling and most of the time a preservative has to be used to prevent spoilage. Higher HP is needed to power the baler and baler cost is high. Round Baling has become the most go to way of baling hay. Tons per hour can be baled with most round balers. With the bales rounded tops they can shed most of the rainfall and do not necessarily need to be stored right of way. The standard size baler makes a 5x6 ft. bale. Other sizes include 4x5 and 4x6. Newer model round belt balers make a very tight, dense bale that is easy to handle and transport. Many options can be added to the baler, like moisture meters, preservative applicator, bale density gauge, bale accumulator, bale Âź turn positioner to aid in picking up bales in the field. The monitors for the baler provide a lot of settings for aid in making the correct shaped bale. Twine can be used to wrap the bale but net wrap has become the norm. A mesh is wrapped around the bale while in the baler. It provides for a nice and neat looking bale that sheds more moisture and can be handled multiple times still keeping its shape. In the last couple of years, a Self-propelled Round Baler has come onto the market. This unit is gaining interest amongst larger and custom operators. It has the ability to replace possibly 2 pull type round balers due to its speed and efficiency which reduces the need for multiple balers and tractors. It has moisture sensing, cameras and even an auto mode. It is great when baling corn stalks. It can Âź turn to position bale 19
more easily so it makes for more efficient mechanical pickup. The unit also has a higher highway speed to get to multiple places in one day. Operator comfort is another advantage with this unit since there‘s no need to look backwards at the machine while operating. Then there‘s Silage Bales. Both big square and round bales can be baled at 35-45% moisture and wrapped with plastic to prevent spoilage. A smaller diameter bale is used as the weight of the bale is increased due to higher moisture levels. Silage balers can handle the higher moisture hay and many times are equipped with knives to cut the hay for easier feeding. Bales can be feed free choice, rolled out or even further processed in a vertical feed wagon or bale processor. Although the cost of plastic can cost up to $4.00 per bale plus equipment costs, this method of harvesting and storage can take out the weather equation. Most of the cutting takes place on day 1 and day 2 consists of baling and wrapping. With so many different ways to put up high quality, a person has to decide what works on their operation. This was just an overview of what‘s available in terms of equipment. Ideally, we would like to graze all year long. ABP Artex SB Series Spreader
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This is quite simply the most advanced, best built manure spreader you’re ever going to see. Now, do you want one this tough? Well, that all depends on how often you like to buy them.
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“We built our new ABS Global Calf Facility in the summer of 2016. This was the first time we utilized anything except steel at one of our facilities and it was a hard sell to the staff. However, after meeting with Travis at TJ’s Fencing in Harpers Ferry, and having him bring a gate home to show the staff, we were sold. We utilize more than 200 different sizes of gates, all purchased from TJ’s Fencing and installed by Cliff ’s Incorporated from Friesland, WI. The gating is holding up very well. We intend to expand our calf facility this summer and will definitely continue utilizing TJ’s Fencing for the gating.” - Jim Meronek, Health Assurance, Production and Supply Chain Director ABS Global, Inc DeForest, WI
Financing Available
5290 Hagedorn Hydra-Spread Spreader Hydraulic push gate and end gate. Poly floor and side boards. Replaceable beater paddles. High ground clearance. Simple hydraulics. Infinite push gate speed adjustment. Sizes range from 285-550 Bu.
Ritchie Waterers Most models on hand. Parts on hand.
Call or check our website for dealers & all our other products!
American Beef Producer
October 2020
October Bull Sale Calendar 11 - Ridgeview Farm Definitely Different Sale - Alto, MI 11 - Sullivan Farms Maternal Legends Sale - Dunlap, IA 11 - Callahan Cattle Co Sale - Edmond, OK 11 - Quintin Smith Family & Guests Sale - Lebanon, TN 11 - Vintage Angus Ranch Female Sale - Modesto, CA 12 - Indian Mound Ranch Bull Sale - Canadian, TX 12 - DeanaJak Farms Traditions Sale - New Enterprise, PA 12 - Zehnder Waage Pearls of Fall Online Sale - SC 12 - EZ Angus Ranch Female Sale - Porterville, CA 12 - Lazy JB Angus Online Heifer Sale - Montrose, CO 13 - AM Livestock Pasture Promises Online Sale - SC 13 - Lawerence Family Limousin Online Sale - Miami, OK 13 - Powell Herefords Production Sale - Ft McKavett, TX 13 - 9 Peaks Bull Sale - Fort Rock, OR 13 - Checkerhill Angus Online Sale - West Plains, MO 13 - Coleman Angus Female Sale - Charlo, MT 14 - RA Brown Ranch Bull Sale - Throckmorton, TX 14 - Shaw Cattle Female Sale - Caldwell, ID 14 - Valley Oaks Angus Sale Chilhowee, MO 15 - Kirkes Black Angus Ranch Sale Talihina, OK 15 - Ladies of the Beartooth Female Sale Billings, MT 15 - Thomas Angus Ranch Sale Baker City, OR 15 - Wilks Ranch Sale - Eastland, TX 16 - Wooden Shoe Farm Sale Blackfoot, ID 16 - THM Land and Cattle Female Sale Vienna, MO 17 - BUB Ranch Sale - Koshkonong, MO 17 - Byergo Beef Genetics Bull Sale Dearborn, MO 17 - Seedstock Plus Fall Bull and Female - Joplin, MO 17 - Angell-Thomas Charolais Bull & Heifer Sale - Paris, MO 17 - Sullivan Charolais Spirit of Bluegrass Sale - Lexington, KY 17 - Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi Bull Sale - Carthage, MO 17 - Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer and Bull Sale - Springfield, MO 17 - Duck River Classic Sale - Columbia, TN 17 - Gerloff Farms Sale Bland, MO 17 - Heart of the Ozarks- Angus Assn Sale West Plains, MO 17 - IBEP PT Bull Sale - Springville, IN 17 - NILE Angus Female Sale - Billings, MT 17 - Pembrook Cattle Co Sale - Fairview, OK 17 - Sandy Ridge Farm Dispersion - Cullman, AL 17 - Top Notch Angus Sale - Wheeler, TX 17 - Whitestone Farm Sale - Aldie, VA 17 - Haught Farms Production Sale - Harrisville, WV 17 - C&T Cattle Co & Guests Female Sale - Kisbey, SK 17 - Lambert Ranch Butte Sale - Oroville, CA 17 - Buck Cattle Co Fall Premier Sale - Madill, OK 18 - Six Mile Creek/Curry Herefords Sale - El Reno, OK 18 - Blair-Athol/Haroldson’s & Guests Female Sale - Arcola, SK 18 - Fran/Hazelrigg Cattle Co Sale - Fulton, MO 18 - Maryland Angus Event Sale - Boonsboro, MD 18 - Nowatzke Cattle Angus Genetics - Michigan City, IN 18 - Magness Land & Cattle Female Sale - Miami, OK 19 - Delaney/Atkins Herefords Bull/Female - Lake Benton, MN 19 - Whitehawk/Barnes Hereford Bull/Female - Cedartown,GA 19 - Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Sale - Nevada, MO 19 - Montana Angus Female Bonanza - Billings, MT 20 - Edgewood Angus Online Sale - West Point, VA October 2020
21 - Cox Ranch Sale - Peaster, TX 21 - 2K Cattle Online Heifer Angus Sale Live 21 - Thomas Charolais Fall Bull Sale - Raymondville, TX 22 - Tubmill Creek Farms Online Female Sale - PA 22 - Jensen Bros Chosen Sale - Louisburg, KS 23 - CK Cattle Headquarters Sale - Hope Hull, AL 23 - T Bar S Future Bull and Female Sale - Billings, MO 23 - Royal Collection Charolais Sale - Kansas City, MO 24 - Southern Connecton Charolais Sale - Calhoun, GA 24 - Mead Farms Fall Performance Bull Sale - Versailles, MO 24 - LG Herndon Farms Charolais Sale - Lyons, GA 24 - 44 Farms Bull Sale - Cameron, TX 24 - C4 Land & Cattle Sale - Perkins, OK 24 - Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale - Ratcliff, AR 24 - Foster Angus Ranch Online Sale - Paragould, AR 24 - Great Meadows Angus Assn Sale - Campbellsburg, KY 24 - Mead Angus Farm Sale - Versailles, MO 24 - Northern Virginia Angus Fall Female - Culpeper, VA 24 - Quaker Hill Angus Sale - Louisa, VA 24 - Square B Ranch Open House - Warsaw, MO 24 - Southern Synergy Open - Wadley, GA 24 - Flying H Genetics Grown on Grass Sale Butler, MO 24 - Jamison Herefords Production Sale Beggs, OK 24 - Debter Hereford Production - Horton, AL 24 - Ladies Royal National Hereford Sale Horton, AL 24 - Mead Farms Fall Bull Sale - Barnett, MO 25 - American Royal Open Hereford Kansas City, MO 25 - Baker Angus Sale - Butler, MO 25 - Four Sons Farm Sale - Cynthiana, KY 25 - Marda Farms/Spring Creeks Sale Lodi, WI 25 - Shcroeder Angus Online Sale - Clarence, IA 25 - P Bar S Ranch Production Sale Sand Springs, OK 26 - Tennessee River Music Bull Sale - Fort Payne, AL 26 - Stone Gate Farms Angus Sale - Flemingsburg, KY 26 - TRM High Cotton Bull Sale - Fort Payne, AL 27 - Mill Road Limousin Trophy Hunt Online Sale 27 - Bowling Ranch Fall Female Sale - Blackwell, OK 28 - Fink Beef Genetics Angus Bull Sale - Manhattan, KS 31 - Banks Polled Herefords Sale - Ada, OK 31 - Mohican Polled Herefords and Guests - Glenmount, OH 31 - 12 Star Ranch Angus Sale - Amite City, LA 31 - Adams Connection Female Angus Sale - Idaho Falls, ID 31 - Howard Ranch Angus Dispersion - Ada, OK 31 - Ragged Edge Angus Sale - Kingston, OK 31 - Sexton Genetics Angus Bull Sale - Muskogee, OK 31 - Snake River Genetics Female Angus Sale - Blackfoot, ID 31 - Straightstone/Wild Wind Angus Sale - Long Island, CA 31 - Wall Street Cattle Co Sale - Lebanon, MO 31 - Thomas & Sons Limousin Online Heifer Sale 31 - Fox Hollow Farms Fall Charolais Sale - Hulbert, OK 31 - Nipp Charolais Annual Fall Bull Sale - Wilson, OK 31 - Plyler & Son Get the Brand Vol 5 Charolais Bull Sale TBA 31 - Yon Family Farms Angus Sale - Ridge Spring, SC 01 - WMC Cattle/Guests Hereford Bull Sale - Springfield, MO 01 - Linhart Limousin Fall Harvest Production Sale - Leon, IA 01 - P&R Herefords Annual Hereford Bull Sale - Trail, OK 1 - Tennessee Hereford Feeder Calf Sale Columbia, TN 4 - Ward Bros Online Angus Bred Heifer Sale - Plattsburg, MO 5 - Kempfer Cattle Co Angus Bull Sale - Deer Park, FL 5 - Stokrose Farms Angus Bull Sale - Moses Lake, WA
American Beef Producer
November Bull Sale Calendar 5 - Red Revival Online Sale V TBA 6 - Downey Ranch Angus Sale Wamego, KS 6 - Frank Turner & Sons Angus Sale Hayneville, AL 6 - ZWT Ranch Angus Sale Crossville, TN 7 - A Bar Ranch Fall Gathering El Reno, OK 7 - Barnett Angus Sale Washington, GA 7 - Decades of Excellence Angus Unionville, TN 7 - Dieckmann Cattle Angus Sale Greensburg, IN 7 - Evans Farms Angus Bull Sale Proctor, TX 7 - High Roller Draft & Sale Center, TX 7 - MC Livestock Angus Sale Greenville, VA 7 - Mystic Hill Farms Angus Sale Culpeper, VA 7 - Tanner Farms Angus Sale - Shuqualak, MS 7 - Worthington Angus Sale - Dadeville, MO 7 - Fall Bull Charolais Sale - Letohatchee, AL 7 - Hudspeth Farms Gathering Charolais Sale - Harrison, AR 7 - Southern Source Charolais Bull Sale - Bartow, FL 7 - Combined Excellence Hereford Sale - Mason, OH 7 - JMF Herefords Ladies of Liberty Female - Holloway, MN 7 - Harvie Ranching Hereford Dispersal - Olds, AB 7 - Wheeler Farms/Sims Family Cattle Sale - Chickasha, OK 7 - Burns Farms Angus Bull/Commercial Female - Pikeville, TN 7 - B/F Cattle Maternal Gelbvieh & Balancer Sale - Butler, MO 7 - Seedstock Plus Bull/Female Gelbvieh - Osceola, MO 7 - Dobson Ranch Building your Future Gelbvieh Female Sale 8 - Nebraska Hereford Assn Cornhusker - Broken Bow, NE 8 - Conley Angus Sale - Clarksdale, MO 9 - OAA Special Feeder Angus Sale - Oklahoma City, OK 10 - Edwards Limousin Annual Online Sale 11 - Heart K Ranch Angus Sale - Lewistown, MT 11 - Mill Creek Ranch Angus Sale - Alma, KS 11 - Barber Ranch Annual Hereford Bull Sale - San Saba, TX 12 - Circle G Ranches Angus Bull Sale - Adel, GA 12 - Diamond D Angus Sale - Valier, MT 12 - Lone Star Angus Bull Sale - Gainesville, TX 12 - Southern Source Charolais Bull Sale - Bartow, FL 13 - Alabama Angus BCIA Fall Roundup Sale - Uniontown, AL 13 - Virginia Hereford Assn MidAtlantic Sale - Harrisonburg, VA 13 - Alabama Angus Assn Sale - Cullman, AL 13 - Crouthamel Cattle Angus Female Sale - Stanfield, OR 13 - Deer Valley Angus Sale - Fayettville, TN 13 - Double Creek Farms Angus Bull Sale - Clifton, TX
13 - Ingram Angus Sale - Pulaski, TN 13 - Malson Angus Sale - Parma, ID 13 - Reese Bros Hereford Sale - Morgan, UT 14 - Big League Hereford Genetics Sale - Waukomis, OK 14 - Friendship Farms Angus Sale - Canoochee, GA 14 - Ginger Hill Angus Sale - Culpeper, VA 14 - Montana Ranch Angus Sale - Bigfork, MT 14 - Reverse Rocking R Angus Sale - Maxwell, NM 14 - Smith Registered Angus Ranch Sale - Green Forest, AR 14 - Star Creek Ranch Angus Sale - Durant, OK 14 - Leachman Cattle of Colorado Charolais - Fort Collins, CO 14 - Oklahoma Charolais Bull Sale - McAlester, OK 15 - Janssen Angus Complete Dispersion - Earlham, IA 15 - Pearls of the Prairie Angus Sale - Mandan, ND 15 - Wyoming Select Female Angus Sale - Casper, WY 17 - B&D Hereford and Angus Fall Classic Sale - Claflin, KS 17 - Spruce Hill Ranch Angus Bull Sale - Ludlow, SD 18 - Spickler Ranch North Angus Sale - Glenfield, ND 19 - Bar 7 Genetics Online Angus Female Sale - Scottsboro, AL 19 - DHT Angus Online Angus Embryo Auction - Ava, MO 19 - JR Ranch Angus Bull Sale - Othello, WA 19 - WMR Livestock Angus Sale - Whitehall, MT 19 - Largent and Sons Hereford Bull Sale - Kaycee, WY 19 - Fenton Hereford Ranch Production Sale - Irma, AB 20 - Bear Creek Farms Angus Sale - Leonard, TX 20 - Green Mountain Angus Bull Sale - Reygate, MT 20 - HD Dunn Bull Angus Sale - Tetonia, ID 20 - OK Select Commercial Female angus Sale - Vinita, OK 20 - Poss Angus Female Sale - Scotia, NE 20 - Wienk Charolais Ranch Bull Sale - Arcadia, FL 21 - Complete Dispersion of Roth Herefords - Windsor, MO 21 - Amdahl Angus & Hereford Sale - Rapid City, SD 21 - Baldridge Tiedeman Angus Sale - North Platte, NE 21 - Dalebanks Ranch Angus Bull Sale - Eureka, KS 21 - Double Creek Farms Angus Female Sale Clifton, TX 21 - Miller-Gustin Angus Sale - Harrisonburg, VA 21 - MM Cattle/Callaway Angus Bull Sale - Carrollton, GA 21 - NE Arkansas Angus Assn Sale - Charlotte, AR 21 -Redland Angus Bull Sale - Buffalo, WY 21 -Southern Cattle Co Angus - Marianna, FL 21 -Sydenstricker Angus Genetics - Mexico, MO 21 -TLC/Sugar Top Angus Bull Sale - Jerome, ID
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American Beef Producer
22 -Heart of America Hereford - Shelbyville, IL 23 -Oklahoma Herefords Sale - Marietta, OK 23 -Bennett’s Bayou Angus - Henderson, AR 23 - Conneay Angus Bull Sale - Whitman, NE 23 - Math Farms Angus Bulls - Whitewater, MT 24 - Paint Rock Angus Sale - Hyattville,WY 26 - Nelson Hirsche Herefords- Del Bonita, AB 28 - Able Acres Herefords Sale - Wingate, IN 28 - Amdahl Angus Herefords - Rapid City, SD 28 - Butch’s Angus Sale - Jackson, MO 28 - Dameron Angus Sale - Lexington, IL 28 - Pine View Angus Sale - Colesburg, IA 28 - Vermilion Angus Sale - Billings, MT 28 Bosch Farms Limousin Sale - Indianola, IA 29 - Adcock/Crum Hereford Sale - Illinois 29 - Siebring Angus Sale - Gilman, IL 30 - Stevenson’s Angus Sale - Hobson, MT DECEMBER 1 - Ward Angus Heifer Sale Plattsburg, MO 1 - Stephens-Loehr Herefords Online - Illinois 1 - Online Sale Buckingham, VA 1 - Stevenson Angus Ranch Sale Hobson, MT 2 - Big Country Breeders Angus Sale Colombus, MT 2 - 44 Farms Online Angus Female Sale Cameron, TX October 2020
semen available
$30/straw $40/certificate
2019 Champion Jr. Bull Calf at Minnesota State Fair 2019 Reserve Grand Champion Bull at World Beef Expo 2020 Reserve Grand Champion Bull at Wisconsin Angus Spring Preview Show 2020 B/O Reserve Jr. Champion Bull at Eastern Regional Jr. Angus Show
Reg: 19480860 // Born: 2/28/19 // Act. bw: 86# // act. yw: 1473# Sire: 5T Power Chip 4790 // Dam: LAA Empress 121A - semen packages available, contact us for details! ✓ Unmatched Calving Ease ✓ Beautiful Rib Shape
✓ Phenotypically Phenomenal ✓ Structural Soundness
✓ Bold Muscle Expression ✓ Excellent Feet and Legs
Alchemist: “TURN YOUR STOCK INTO GOLD” Also Offering Flushes to the Bull of Your Choice:
A. DAMERON FIRST CLASS x DAMERON LADY 9113. Reg.# 19173151. DOB: April 2018. Flush to bull of your choice. Co-owned with Brickhouse Farm.
Knutson Family Farms
B. SILVERIAS STYLE 9303 X FERNVALE PLOWESS 002-918. Reg.# 19106231. Flush to bull of your choice. C. A June calf out of SILVERIAS STYLE 9303 x LAA MISS LASS 1518. Reg.# 19537640. Flush to bull of your choice.
A. schroder daf lady 48
October 2020
B. laa plowess 1728
C. kf miss lass 1918
Owner/Breeder: Knutson Family Farms
Gary Knutson Family | E5166 1370th Avenue - Ridgeland, Wisconsin 54763 715-377-8620 or 715-377-6575 | knutsonfamilyfarms@gmail.com | knutsonfamilyfarms.com
Owner: Wright way farm
Will Wright | 931-224-7938 | 904 Shelbyville Highway - Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334 Herd Manager Doug Graber | 931-532-5802
American Beef Producer
The Modern Simmental Success Story
By Chip Kemp, Director of ASA & IGS Commercial and Industry Operations The Harvard Business Review (HBR) recently published their “Top 20 Business Transformations of the Last Decade”. The article highlights those organizations that have adapted and flourished in the last ten years to become dominant players in their respective fields, and in many cases, these businesses have changed our lives. Netflix and Amazon were both in the top three. If we know anything about recent months, we know both groups have flourished. But there are lesser known names on the list like Ecolab (16th). You might know them for their wide array of cleaning products which built a long-established and successful business. But what placed them on this list was their awareness of a need to branch out. And branch out they did — into providing water efficiency solutions globally, tripling the value of an already multibillion-dollar company in just nine years.
May/June 2020
Three qualifications of “Top 20 Business Transformations of the Last Decade” according to Harvard Business Review. Reposition the core: How effectively has the company adapted its traditional core business to changes in its markets, giving its legacy business new life? New growth: How successful has the company been at creating new products, services, and new business models? Financials: Has the company posted strong financial performance? So, how would the “business of Simmental” fare relative to its competitors if HBR were to dig into transformations within the ag sector? Seems a worthwhile thing to consider. We often hear folks give opinions and thoughts about many businesses. Some perspectives are well founded in intimate knowledge and facts. All too frequently, some perspectives lack the details necessary to make an accurate judgement. ASA is no different. So, let’s dig into details using HBR’s own three-pronged approach.
American Beef Producer
October 2020
Reposition the Core What is ASA’s core? The ASA mission statement should suffice. “The success of the American Simmental Association is dependent on our members’ cattle making a significant genetic contribution to the beef industry. By utilizing the most advanced science, the highest priority is to maintain services and products which bring value to ASA members’ customers.” Fair enough. That means we must provide tools that allow members to generate cattle that work in the marketplace and that are in demand. To see if we’ve continued to position the business of Simmental to meet that directive, we will tackle this in two parts. First, we’ll look at genetic indicators of whether SimGenetics are working in today’s beef business. Secondly, we will look at how they fare relative to customer demand. From a genetic standpoint, a very complicated and dynamic business can be boiled down to two areas of focus that directly impact the profitability of a commercial beef enterprise (our “members’ customers” from the mission statement): maternal traits and terminal calf value. Maternal traits: The plight of the short-lived cow has become all too recognized in the modern ranching community. It has been repeatedly highlighted over the last couple decades as commercial operators have bought too heavily into straightbred cow herds. Let’s just look at SimGenetic trends to see if cow longevity (stayability) and other relevant maternal traits are working for or against today’s cow-calf operator. Clearly, over the same period that you’ve heard neighbors and pundits lament the concern with cows that can’t last, members and their customers have experience and proof that SimGenetics are clearly a solution to that problem and more. Calving ease, maintenance costs (mature size and milk production), and weaning weights all favor balancing those straightbred British females with Simmental genetics. Simmental breeders continue to moderate mature cow size and milk production with no loss in performance, resulting in lower maintenance costs. What is more, it is recognized that the largest mature-size beef breed is now a prominent British breed, a fact acknowledged by their own association. Of the two profit centers for a commercial outfit — cow herd value and terminal calf value — the SimGenetic influence on cow longevity is evident and proven. What about the other profit center — terminal calf value? Terminal calf value: As more data is shared and utilized, it becomes abundantly clear what determines demand for a terminal beef calf: health and the ability to minimize/avoid the need for prophylactic health aides; efficient gain, marbling and in some cases, access to certain branded programs based on visual traits. If you can do those things, you have the potential for significant returns. If you can’t, you are relegated to the edges. Health and calf management continue to be a primary driver in the feedlot sector. Market sector data and scientific literature leaves no room for doubt. Dr. Ken Odde’s (Kansas State University) work with the Superior Livestock Auction dataset highlights these facts. Simultaneously, the recognition that responsible crossbreeding and heterosis provide positive benefits in health are gaining more steam. A ten-year dairy industry crossbreeding study conducted by the University of Minnesota highlighted similar health benefits in the crossbred dairy female. Other animal agriculture sectors have known this for quite some time. The “business of Simmental’’ has consistently touted the appropriateness of responsible crossbreeding to solve a myriad of problems. That approach is more vital now than ever given feedlot health concerns associated with BRD and late-term congestive heart failure issues. While much is to be learned in the arena of heart health, research and anecdotal benefits of Continental-derived breeds suggest a great deal of promise in this area for SimGenetics. October 2020
American Beef Producer
(Continued on page 12) May/June 2020 2511
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The cattle feeder demands animals that can gain and gain efficiently. This is the core of the premise of a feedlot. Slow-growing or poor-doing cattle make it essentially impossible for profit in that sector. Simmental breeders have always acknowledged this and have continued to select for growth performance while still ratcheting down mature size and inefficiencies. The packer has one essential duty: to deliver to the beef purchaser the caliber, consistency, and quality of product their customers demand. Period. It is no more complicated than that. And fortunately, Simmental-influenced cattle are flawlessly positioned (this comes from decades of work and sweat) to compete in the beef business of 2020 and well beyond. SimGenetics allow for efficient and responsible gain and flexibility in carcass weights, which gives marketing latitude, and high cutability carcasses with superior marbling ability. As a strong bonus, most Simmental-influenced calves come with a strong punch of hybrid vigor. The terminal trend chart proves the responsible selection for each of these important traits. The genetic merit is proven. What does the market think of what we are doing together? Fortunately, this is easy to demonstrate. Two items to consider — 1) how has the demand changed for Simmental-influenced terminal calves? and 2) how has the Percent of respondants who either recently purchased demand changed for SimGenetic sires? or intended to purchase bulls of various breeds based We could look at internal ASA info to get a glimpse, but it’s on a survey conducted by BEEF magazine. likely more impactful if we look outside of our business to see what others think. Breed 2014 2020 Let’s consider number 1. We will use information from the Angus (AN) 66.8 58 largest marketer of feeder cattle in the United States. Their data SimGenetics (SM) 16.9 31 will do nicely. Early in 2020 Dr. Bob Hough wrote an article for Red Angus (AR) 11.9 19 Western Livestock Journal that dug into the large Superior LiveHereford (HH) 17.2 20 stock Auction dataset to analyze breed types represented in the Charolais (CH) 6.5 9 data. The numbers showed a seven-fold increase (yes, seven times as many!) in the number of SimAngus™ calves highlighted Gelbvieh-influenced (GV) 10.2 12 in 2018 when compared to 2010. During that same time period, Brangus (BN) 5 5 Angus-identified calves dropped 11% and Hereford-sired calves *Respondents could select more than one breed. went up 0.6%. When it comes to the demand for SimGenetic sires,we could look at the increase of Simmental and SimAngus bulls in any semen company catalog over the last decade. The pages allotted to SimGenetics have grown greatly. Just one example — Select Sires carries twice as many SimGenetics bulls today as it did in 2010. Or, we could view the open-access information provided by the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB). NAAB numbers show a combined look at semen sales and custom semen collection to indicate an increase in Simmental semen usage between 2013 and 2018 of 179%. Yes, 179%. Over the same time frame, Angus increased 56% and Hereford had no change. Or, we can consider the bull sale reports posted on the websites of those three breeds from October 2019 to present. Using those results, Simmental and SimAngus bulls out-averaged the other two breeds by roughly $200 per head. Popular press is another manner to evaluate our success in highlighting SimGenetics to the commercial producer. In both 2014 and 2020, BEEF magazine conducted a large survey of producers regarding the breed composition of the bulls they owned or intended to purchase. The rate of increase for SimGenetic demand outpaced every other breed highlighted in the top seven responses, positioning SimGenetic sires in a very desirable spot of high customer demand and trending in an ever more positive direction. Maybe we look at a different angle of SimGenetic demand. What about the demand for high-type females as evidenced by the desire for junior exhibitors to own and display at the AJSA National Classic? Any single year in the last decade might underestimate or inflate this demand. If we average the number of head for years 2012 and 2013, years 2015 and 2016, and years 2018 and 2019, we get a less biased view of the changes across the decade. Steady increase in demand is evidenced by increased average attendance numbers of 389 head, 535 head, and 655 head, respectively. Even the youngsters get it! Have we positioned and repositioned the core of our business for success? Clearly, SimGenetics are on an arc never before seen in the history of the Simmental business. So far, the HBR would be impressed. (Continued on page 14)
May/June 2020
American Beef Producer
October 2020
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New Growth Creativity and ingenuity are crucial if we are to have new growth opportunities. But cool ideas without the ability to truly have a positive impact on the long-term success of the commercial beef business are hollow and destined to fail. The core of any breed association is credible genetic evaluation. It would make sense then, that novel approaches and new business endeavors would align with the skillset necessary to deliver elite-level genetic awareness. Massive genotyping research projects have been implemented on two fronts in recent years. It’s no coincidence that those efforts align with earlier-discussed issues of enhancing predictors of cow longevity and gaining more insight into the genetics of carcass parameters. The Cow Herd DNA Roundup (CHR) was implemented to encourage submission of unique maternal metrics that are all too frequently lacking in a genetic evaluation. To label CHR as a success to this point would be an understatement. Between the inception of the program in 2017 through mid-2019, there have been over 40,000 female genotypes, over 40,000 mature cow weights, and over 30,000 body condition scores incorporated into the genetic evaluation because of CHR. This trend has continued since that time and has greatly improved the accuracy of prediction for all members, large and small, CHR users or not. This manifests itself every time you or I use a genomic panel. Even if I wasn’t a CHR participant the knowledge gained by the project makes my selection and breeding decisions more valid and more impactful. In a similar fashion, the Carcass Expansion Program (CXP) looks to glean more power from genomics by linking actual carcass data with pedigree knowledge and DNA. Much like the CHR, this multi-year research project benefits all members and has a tremendous advantage for members who are unable to directly participate by retaining ownership on their terminal calves. The genomic insight makes its way to the daily DNA tests we run on our own farm or ranch. We get more carcass awareness by the work of our peers in the Simmental business who are positioned to own their steers and heifers through the feedyard. The first year of this five-year effort brought in more than 4,000 carcass records with genomic information and pedigrees. That more than doubles the number of carcasses normally entered in a given year! The second year of the program has 4,600 head committed, and staff is presently communicating with producers regarding year three. Bold steps that only enhance the next chapter of the modern Simmental story. By definition, new growth means bringing new folks to the party. As a result, ASA has provided a platform through Total Herd Enrollment (THE) that allows for seedstock producers of any breed composition or breed affiliation to receive EPDs and Indexes. They benefit from the services and multi-breed approach the organization provides. This broadens the reach of our business philosophy — specifically allowing breeders who are looking for new association attitudes and capabilities, or for those who’ve never found a genetic evaluation home — to get the breeding, selection, and marketing information they need. Their data makes for a more robust and accurate genetic evaluation for all parties involved. This novel approach provides for serious growth opportunities while generating superior knowledge for the more traditional ASA audience. In the same vein, a subset of commercial operations is prepared to capture the genetic insight that comes with data collection. While this is a fairly small percentage of the commercial landscape, it is a crucial group that often has direct access to carcass records and long-term female metrics that are tied to pedigrees — and more and more frequently, to genomics. Inclusion of that information into the genetic evaluation makes all of our EPDs more meaningful, relevant, and accurate. As such, there is even a mechanism for those folks to work within the Total Herd Enrollment system. They receive female-only EPDs and Indexes — something never before available in the commercial space, and the rest of us benefit from the inclusion of hard-to-capture data. New growth is a win-win for both the core of the business and unique situations present outside the traditional association framework. Welcome collaboration. Welcome International Genetic Solutions. Our friends at the HBR would undoubtedly see International Genetic Solutions (IGS) as one of the turning points and game-changers in the long-established beef business. For far too long, we’ve isolated our different breed types into silos, making it difficult and uncomfortable for commercial beef operators who were trying to make wise decisions for their family’s future. Many other individuals and entities have tried through the years to piece together multi-breed genetic evaluation. Despite serious commitment and remarkable efforts, essentially all those failed, until the humble, thoughtful, collaborative effort that morphed into IGS. IGS presently has 16 different breed association partners, and the 17th partner of the group is Neogen Genomics, Inc. IGS leverages the strength of the science team at ASA to provide the most credible and trusted EPDs in the business to breed associations across the globe. IGS is the largest beef genetic evaluation on the planet with 20,000,000 animal records and nearly 400,000 added annually. Yes, ASA data is the largest group within IGS, but it isn’t about the size of any group. It is about the connectedness across the various populations that make the genetic predictions more accurate and more thorough.
14 2020 OctoberMay/June 2020
American Beef Producer
The Power of Collaboration Volume of records by year of birth from each individual breed association compared to the pooled IGS Data
The IGS Feeder Profit Calculator™ (FPC) is a perfect example of what happens when we work together. The FPC gives commercial producers and feedlot buyers the ability to communicate about the profit potential within a set of calves. All while using a common language readily understandable by both sides — dollars and cents! This tool works across breed types and allows you to provide your customer with an awareness and marketing tool never before seen in the industry. And, by the way, at no cost to its users!
Financials Understanding the financials of a business is crucial to having a thorough understanding of where it’s been and where it’s going. In times of uncertainty, it is affirming to know that those businesses we rely upon are not only steady, but still thriving and striving ahead. That provides the stability to keep services flowing, while allowing the potential for new growth and new opportunities. But more importantly, ASA financials reflect SimGenetic influence in the marketplace. Our numbers are a reaction to members’ ability to sell seedstock. If the commercial producer demands SimGenetics, then our members benefit and grow and then, ultimately, grow their business relationship with us. At the same time, ASA works aggressively to keep costs in check. Our services are amongst the most inexpensive in the breed association space. Our goal isn’t to grow our resources while exhausting yours. Our purpose, our “why”, is to give you cost-effective tools that make your operation more profitable, so that you have more discretionary dollars for your family. If you grow, we grow. And vice versa. Your success is our success. Forever linked. The financial indicators highlight the responsible nature in which ASA uses your resources. And that prudent approach allows us to leverage any excess through programs like CHR, CXP, etc. to benefit the entire community and business of Simmental. (Continued on page 16) 28
American Beef Producer
October 2020
May/June 2020
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The Bottom Line By any measure — in this instance the measure of the HBR — the business of Simmental has never been stronger or more influential in the beef industry than today. Ever. ASA has never had a more impactful decade. Ever. How did we get here? Well, first and foremost, this success is attributed to the wide swath of focused Simmental enthusiasts who have toiled and worked for generations to build, evolve, adjust, then rebuild and evolve again. Success comes one small, detail-oriented step at a time. More than 50 years ago, the Simmental forefathers took a step. And serious Simmental breeders have been methodically stepping ever since. This is no accident or luck, but rather the result of a persistent commitment to adaptability and industry relevance. Excellence creeps up slowly over time, seeking close proximity to the humble-hearted and determined. It is also no accident that the last decade has seen numerous ASA trustees that donate mightily of their time and personal treasures to give guidance and wise counsel on a wide array of topics and decisions. The entire beef business owes a debt of gratitude to those genuine, honest, transparent individuals who step up to carry the burden of leadership. The HBR would clearly remind us that no organization is worthy for consideration in the Top 20 without an efficient and effective organizational structure and a powerful staff. The senior leadership at ASA has taken a similar approach to that of those serious breeders — seeking success one small, detail-oriented step at a time. Often without hype, credit, or recognition, those individuals do their part to position the “business of Simmental” in a place most never allowed themselves to dream about: clearly positioned at the forefront of the beef business. In an era of unprecedented chaos, successful businesses look to tested leadership to navigate the path forward. Fortunately, there is a track record that gives us calm in the uncertainty of 2020. This has been the defining decade of Simmental’s place in the beef business. And the starting point of many successful Simmental stories to come. ◆
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16 May/June October 2020 2020
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American Beef Producer
October 2020
The First Hydraulic Corral and still the Largest!
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• Wheels on each panel and electric over hydraulic jack eliminates lifting— saves time.
Rawhide Portable Corral 900 NORTH WASHINGTON ST., ABILENE, KS 67410
American Beef Producer
Selling 150 Yearling and 2-Year-Old Bulls - Angus and Hereford (Many Full Brothers Sell!) – 30 Elite Open Heifers & 40 Bred Females ** 20 of the Bred Females are A.I.’d to Sitz Resilient
Other Sires: Growth Fund, Enhance, Amdahl Range Master, Amdahl Ultimate, Bar R Jet Black, Amdahl Landmark, Behm Cuda 100W, UPS Sensation 2504, and KB L1 Domino 5104
American Beef Producer
October 2020