In a break with our tradition or reviewing the past year, we at MED decided to dedicate this final issue of 2023 to some forward thinking. We hope you'll enjoy reading what top level executives at large and small hospitals and health systems across the region are most excited about for the coming year. Get ready to be inspired!
Also in this issue, the experts at COPIC take on the complex but timely topic of artificial intelligence in medical practice. Like it or hate it, AI is a part of the new reality. We know you'll glean some useful tips from this month's insightful article.
Of course, it wouldn't be an and-of-the-year issue without at least a brief look back at the people and programs that graced our pages in 2023, so we have that for you, too.
And just a reminder that you can do your own 'look back' any time by joining the free VIP list at MED VIPs get instant and ongoing access to every past issue of the magazine - and get each new one delivered right to their Inbox!