It never fails. As the summer winds down, MED’s Inboxes begin to fill up. We love it. Because it allows us to bring you an issue jam-packed with news and events you’ll want to know about.
As you read through News & Notes and Upcoming Events (MED’s two most popular segments), remember that each news item or event is available in expanded form online. Whether you want to skim through all the news quickly or go in-depth on just a few stories, MED Magazine and have got you covered!
Our thanks to Laurie Landeen, Chad Kurtenbach, Josh Crabtree, and Tiffany Facile of Sanford Health, Daniel Petereit of Regional Health and Avera, and Joseph Carreau of CNOS for speaking with us for this issue.
Finally, be sure to join the VIP list at for access to the digital issue and up-to-the-minute medical community news and events in your Inbox between issues.
Wishing you a colorful Fall!
Alex & Steff