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AIESEC NUM Local Committee Executive Board 15-16

Application booklet

"If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. But do not care to convince him. Men will believe what they see. Let them see." Henry David Thoreau

Content Introduction Application Convocation LCVP ER Introduction LCVP ICX Introduction Questionnaire General questionnaire Specific questionnaire

Election Selection Submission Summary

From the LCP elect Dear fellow AIESECer, Thank you for taking the time to read through this little application. Once you have made the decision to join this awesome team of 6 leaders as the last Vice President. It has been 2 years already since I joined AIESEC. I have never imagined myself becoming the leader of an organisation. I think I have taken my leap a year ago. Since that day I applied for my current LCVP FiG position, I have become someone who strives for excellency. And I suppose that all great things are not planned. This is the very last round application for my last 2 EB slot for ER & ICX function. It has been more than 5 years since our entity established. But we never had an ER function before which gives us the great opportunity to start something new and really big and for ICX, we need new and BiG ICX team which will be taking care of iGiP and iGCDP. So why don’t you grab this awesome chance? Why don’t we make it happen together? Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. - Orison Swett Marden Read more at Yours, 9.html#y5ufIlY2KyOkU5h0.99 Myagmarsuren Boldbaatar

Application Minimum of 2 endorsement letters (from Team leader & Team member are required) / pdf or .jpeg/

Questionnaire – 80% of General and Specific questionnaires are required, your creativity will define the design of the application form. /pdf/

Curriculum Vitae – maximum of 1 page /pdf/

Personality tests – Belbin & MBTI /MS Excel/

Video – maximum of 3 minutes (optional), topic is free to choose. / youtube link in pdf/ Application should be in .rar/zip format and should be submitted before 10.59 PM, June 10

Convocations Election candidate should be prepared for :  Video Presentation – only submitted videos will be shown to the plenary

 Opening speech – maximum of 10 minutes speech for your background and motivation for the position  Question and Answer – each candidate will participate in a panel Q&A session with other candidates  Closing speech – maximum of 5 minutes speech for any topic for convincing why you are the most suitable for this position Reminder: 1. If there is Video and presentations, Candidate must submit to the election committee by 3.59 PM, Friday, 11th of June 2. Vote of Confidence is at 6.30 PM, Friday, 13th of June 3. Candidate should come to the venue 30 minutes before the VoC. Any candidate who are late would be penalized by the election committee. 4. Election venue : MC office.

Introduction to LCVP ER 1.

Role Purpose

VP ER will start the ER operations in AIESEC NUM for the first time. ER focus will be University relations, Alumni relations, starting and maintaining partnerships, synergy with other functions, specially ICX

2. LCVP ER Responsibilities and bottomlines: • • •

• • •

Being able to work minimum of 20 hours a week. Attending both WNLDS and SYLC University relations - first main role to take on is to improving partnership and relationship with National University of Mongolia and expanding to new Universities. Partnership Management – find strategical partnership opportunities that AIESEC NUM can have Alumni relations – Establishing alumni relations Synergy and alignment with iGiP – synergize and align the ER principles and operations with ICX team for the Partnership and Universities.

Skills and qualifications Candidate must be able to demonstrate competencies of being proactiveness, openness, responsibility, honesty, maturity, critical thinking, presentation and communication skills. Candidate must be able to demonstrate qualities of strategic thinking & analysis, sales, partnership management, customer-centricity, networking, coaching, market awareness and organizational understanding.

Introduction to LCVP ICX Overview for the position LCVP ICX is responsible for ICX sales and delivery of the ICX process In AIESEC NUM. He/she will be developing marketing and sales strategies for different cooperate segments, and develop and package products accordingly, both in iGiP and iGCDP. LCVP ICX is also responsible for ICX sales education in the LC, as well as taking part in recruitment planning and execution of potential core performers and star sellers. LCVP ICX also is responsible for intern management and you will be managing the cultural integration of the intern in the LC.

Key Responsibilities 1. To ensure the alignment of iGIP and iGCDP to the AIESEC Way and its relevance with in Mongolian society and being accountable to the LCP and national & global network 2. To exponentially grow iGiP and establish & kick-start iGCDP towards AIESEC 2015 while optimizing the development of every single one of its participants (TN takers and interns) and turning them into promoters of AIESEC NUM. 3. To streamline and innovate upon our internal business processes for iGIP to deliver the best possible experience to every customer and partner. 4. To turn Incoming exchanges into AIESEC NUM’s main star product. 5. To manage both national and international partnerships so as to deliver maximum value to iGIP and iGCDP.

Skills and qualifications Candidate must be able to demonstrate competencies of being proactive, openness, responsibility, honesty, maturity, criticalthinking, presentation and communication skills. Candidate must be able to demonstrate qualities of strategic thinking & analysis, sales, partnership management, customer-centricity, networking, coaching, market awareness and organizational understanding.

Questionnaire for LCVP ER General Questions  What is your motivation to apply for this position?  Using any framework or assessment tool of your choice, provide an analysis of current realities of AIESEC NUM and draw a conclusion with the corresponding action steps to grow the organisation  Depending on your assessment before, what bottlenecks that AIESEC NUM is facing now ? During our 15-16 term, how can we as EB team contribute to these issues ?  What are the responsibilities of an EB team? 1. EB team as a whole to the members 2. EB team amongst each other 3. EB team to the respective MCEB team Team management • AIESEC develops leadership in lot of ways. What is the most inspiring and meaningful leadership experience in AIESEC that you ever had? • What kind of leader would you like to be? What is your current leadership style? How will you drive the change within yourself? • What kind of team member would you like to be? How would you feel at your first EB meeting? • What kind of team culture would you like to build and how can you build it? How will you ensure effective learning experience and optimal performance from your team?

Specific Questions 

In this current sitiuation, you will most likely to be the only LCVP ER in AIESEC Mongolia, how will you ensure your members are motivated ? How will you ensure to establish the ER function in AIESEC NUM successfully ? Provide action steps for the situation As given introduction to ER responsibilities in AIESEC NUM, how are you going to ensure initiating partnerships with different stakeholders such as Members, Alumni, EPs, Universities and Partnership. Describe an successful ER member’s JD

Questionnaire for LCVP ICX General Questions  What is your motivation to apply for this position?  Using any framework or assessment tool of your choice, provide an analysis of current realities of AIESEC NUM and draw a conclusion with the corresponding action steps to grow the organisation with your perspective  Depending on your assessment before, what bottlenecks that AIESEC NUM is facing now ? During our 15-16 term, how can we as EB team contribute to these issues ?  What are the responsibilities of an EB team? 1. EB team as a whole to the members 2. EB team amongst each other 3. EB team to the respective MCEB team Team management • AIESEC develops leadership in lot of ways. What is the most inspiring and meaningful leadership experience in AIESEC that you ever had? • What kind of leader would you like to be? What is your current leadership style? How will you drive the change within yourself? • What kind of team member would you like to be? How would you feel at your first EB meeting? • What kind of team culture would you like to build and how can you build it? How will you ensure effective learning experience and optimal performance from your team?

Specific Questions • Give realistic analysis of current ICX team of AIESEC NUM, what are the bottomlines? How can you contribute to these? • How ICX team will change in Term 15-16? (general plan is expected) How will the role change? • What can be the bottomlines during Term 15-16? What are the risks of doing iGCDP?

Election guideline Vote of Confidence Agenda  Election education  Video Presentation  Opening speech  Question and Answer  Closing speech  Voting

Selection Process  Passing VoC with more than 60% confidence of the total votes  LCP elect will make the last announcement after the selection process

Submission summary Application package should be submitted before 11.59PM, 10th of June Video and Presentation should be submitted before 3.59PM, 11th of June Be ready at 6.00 PM, 13th of June for the Vote of Confidence Submit to both : Myagmarsuren Boldbaatar 1., LCP elect Nasanburmaa Bayarbaatar 2., LCP current After submission, you will get a confirmation mail.

Good Luck!

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