Informe Anual 2010 Eng

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serhs annual report 2010 Dear shareholders, In the year 2010 we celebrated our 35th anniversary, which will end in the summer of 2011 with a special edition of the 35th SERHS Evening at the Castell Jalpí. Our present economic and social environment is undoubtedly marked by the crisis that is so difficult to overcome. Some European countries, and above all Germany and France, which are very important for us in terms of tourism, are coming out of the situation and timidly driving the rest at the same time, although other countries are not going at the same rate, and Spain is not either. We are currently immersed in a financial crisis that we have not overcome and which has spread to the productive economy and consumption and indirectly has significant social connotations. In SERHS we believe that we have adapted to this framework by acting on the basis of the fundamental principles that have made us grow and develop over this considerable 35-year trajectory: the creation of confidence, rigour in management and determined participation of all members of our corporation (shareholders, workers and collaborators). The confidence has been revealed in the increase in our shareholding, which now accounts for 1580 partners (74 up on last year) and a share capital of over 85 million Euros, an increase of 11%. The partners achieved economic returns of 10% in 2010, which can be seen in this annual report we now present. The dividend choice program and the flexible payment plan for group workers have been very well received. We firmly invest in innovation as a pillar to continuing to develop in the future with more efficient management. This is the message from 2010 and the one which marks our actions. We have made a total investment of 15 million Euros (22% more than in 2009), amongst other things to improve and expand our cold facilities in Tarragona, to purchase an area in Arenys de Munt to build a modern integral food centre and also to strengthen our corporation’s technology in order to give a more effective reply to our customers. This spirit has a clear future view in the SERHS business activities. Without being disrespectful, we might say that we have great credibility in the sectors where we work. Large enterprises such as PortAventura, FC Barcelona, RCD Espanyol, where we give our services, trust in us, just like the main credit institutions in the country which have opened their doors to us despite the great upheaval. We also have suppliers who we have always considered essential true collaborators and to whom we are bound, in the majority of cases, by close relationships way beyond the merely mercantile. In this 35th anniversary, they have once more shown this and I would like to thank them from here. We have a large participation and notoriety in Spain’s economic framework thanks to our involvement in entities such as FemCAT, which has led us to be present on the Board of Directors of the Spanair airline. This all backs us as the leading tourist group in Catalonia and places us amongst the leaders of the sector in Spain. The values of our SERHS brand are reinforced year by year, and this year we have evolved our corporate image to make it new and to implement the ideas of international projection, innovation and identity. However, by way of reflection, our company would be nothing without its soul. The people who form part, the interest with which we take on each day’s work and the new projects have forged a unique spirit with a strong, enterprising, constant personality that has pushed us forward day by day since the time we started. It is sometimes good to look back to appreciate one’s evolution and to remember from whence we came

(so we might know what we are and where we can go). 1976 closed with a turnover of 135,000 Euros and pre-tax profits of 3,000 Euros. We had a team of three people, one vehicle and storage space of 420 square metres. In 35 years the evolution is obvious from the turnover in 2010. The heart which beats untiringly and the constant search to overcome the difficulties have been perfectly set out by the different artists who made the commemorative posters for the 25th, 30th and 35th anniversaries. The last work by Erwin Bechtold shows the current situation of the environment and our strength. In the different celebrations of these 35 years, we have organised a route of visits to the 64 SERHS companies in order to be close to the people and to listen to their concerns. As Chairman of the Board of Directors I have wanted to meet everybody who works for SERHS and everywhere I have been I have found great energy, knowledge and desire to develop and improve. I feel particularly proud of representing the institution. The year 2010 has seen moderate growth in turnover and profits, which we must view as very positive given the present situation. We have great future perspectives in the internationalisation of our business, working intensely in countries such as Brazil, and with the new products and sales channels we present. On-line bookings have grown spectacularly in the tourism division (we have 22,300 hotels in 65 countries) and the SERHS Distribution website has exceeded all initial expectations. Innovations such as the Eudec comprehensive kitchen management system, the exclusive Kahova single shot coffee distribution for the hotel, restaurant and catering sector and the creation of SERHS Integral Service, which embodies of our global force of action by presenting SERHS as a partner that offers its customers total service, largely reinforce our position on the market. We face the new season 2011 with optimism and courage. The early months have shown signs of a timid general recovery throughout the country and above all in Europe and beyond, where our commercial presence is constantly growing. I have no doubt that this season we will work just as we have done in these 35 years so that it might be as beneficial as possible for one and all, acting always with our philosophy and identity. Thank you Ramon Bagó Agulló Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SERHS Group On our 35th anniversary, in the SERHS Group we invest firmly in innovation as a mainstay for developing towards the future with more efficient management. Page 6- STRUCTURE AND ORIGINS OF THE GROUP Thirty-five years ago SERHS (1975 - 2010) was founded in reply to a time of crisis in the tourist sector and the specific concerns of the hotel owners in Calella (El Maresme region) as a cooperative company under the name of “Servicios Mancomunados de Hostaleria y Similares”, SERHS in its contracted form. Throughout this season 2010-2011 SERHS has carried out a series of large celebrations to commemorate this so emblematic date with all of those who work with the group: workers, shareholders, customers, suppliers and friends of the corporation. These commemorations has served to show that our success and considerable growth have been the result of many people’s dedication and hard work for a long time, people who have always believed that

teamwork is essential for development. Our entity, now a large corporation leading the Catalan tourist sector, is among the leaders in the Spanish state. Today’s SERHS is present on three continents and is formed by 64 active companies. It has an average payroll of 2,683 workers and 1,580 shareholders, 44% of whom are workers or relatives of workers in SERHS. Six large divisions make up the SERHS business, which also enjoys considerable operative synergies: distribution (perishable and non perishable products); tourism and travel; hotels; food management and production; equipment; services and new technologies. As a business corporation, it also works in other areas of activity such as real estate, equity and portfolio. Our growth based on diversification has brought new customers into the group and has, at once, enhanced territorial expansion inside and outside of Spain. In order to face the future challenges, the SERHS Group knows that it has to rely on its large human structure, without ignoring investment in innovation and in applying new technologies, and to move on with our philosophy based on the sectoral and territorial diversification of our businesses, always within our field of action. We also take great care in maintaining a balance between the risky businesses and the more conservative. Mission and vision Our mission, to continue improving to offer goods and services basically to the tourist, hostelry and foodstuffs sectors through careful management and our own know-how, seeking active participation and teamwork, understanding the creation of prosperity and the generation of well-being for all people related to the Group “as our own way of doing business and building the country.” The vision, to be a European benchmark in our sector as a Catalan company working on human principles and with criteria of quality, service and efficiency. Our values The values that form part of our philosophy and identity are the following: - Diversification and specialisation in different related fields: tourism and travel, hotels, food management and production, distribution, equipment and services. Companies that complement each other and which form a truly comprehensive service management. - Our origin as a cooperative 35 years ago is today a large, international Catalan corporation. - The human side, both internally with our workers and shareholders and externally with our customers, suppliers and collaborators, showing continuous improvement, confidence, innovation, responsibility and respect for people. Our activity is highly based on people, for these are our main asset. Page 8- COMPANIES & TERRITORIAL DISTRIBUTION Page 10- MANAGEMENT BODIES AND TEAM The personality of the members of the Board of Directors guarantees the rigour and plural sectoral vision of each business area, as well as efficiency, transparency and visibility in the decision taking. The Board therefore has an Executive Commission and receives the support of a professional, enthusiastic management team.

SERHS annual report 2010



serhs Page 12- INNOVATION SERHS INNOVATION PLAN A work team led by the general manager Mr. Raimon Bagó at the top has dealt with developing the “SERHS Group innovation plan” since December 2009, when the project was presented at the meeting of directors. The plan was created in order to develop a good culture and to socialise innovation, as well as to guarantee effective management that should allow us to apply new formulae, new products and new procedures to make our companies’ daily work more profitable and competitive. On 5 October 2010, the opening session of the plan was held in the Castell Jalpí. The plan was presented to the members of the Board of Directors and SERHS managers in order to share its strategic axes and to explain how it was intended to work and how the implemented innovation was to be managed.

SERHS annual report 2010

SERHS GROUP DOCUMENTARY MANAGEMENT PLAN In 2010, the SERHS Group started up several corporate strategic plans: Innovation Plan, E-learning Training Plan, Management Plan and Process Improvement Plan, all of which have a common variable which is the use and management of the documentation that is produced. Therefore, in the Social Responsibility Values Plan promoted by the RS Corporate Management we have the Documentary Management Plan which is intended to identify, work with and optimise the documentary management processes in all functions affecting the group companies. The plan is valid and applicable to all departments and disciplines such as Administration and Finance, Human Resources, Mercantile Management, Insurance, Internal Communication and Social Policy, and others. The objectives for implementing the Documentary Management Plan include the centralised electronic storage of digital documents using a single, central bank to guarantee security, to control the life cycle and document flow, and to seek and recover digital documents using Web technology, to provide fast and simple access to multiple users by means of advanced search tools and to disseminate the use of electronic signatures. In order to meet these objectives, a series of steps have been established which the corporation is currently working on, such as the analysis of the present documentary management system, the identification of opportunities for improvement, the economic analysis of improvements and finally the increase in the technological infrastructure.


NEW IMAGE OF THE SERHS BRAND A brand identity is all of its characteristic features stable in time that make up its personality, values, attitudes, symbols and other elements of identification. Since it started out as a cooperative of associated services for hostelry and similar (giving rise to the acronym of SERHS), the group has presented clear signs of identity defined as the idea of its Catalan nature and business rigour. Market circumstances have changed with time and also the productive processes and activities. In 1985, the word “Grup” (Group) was included in the logo to suggest the set of activities carried out under the same name and structured into different business areas. In 2001, an organised structure was created in the SERHS Corporate Identity Plan, in which fundamental criteria of brand application and development in our group were established to enhance SERHS as a benchmark brand. Now, almost 10 years later, the new SERHS image represents: innova-

tion brought in as a circle, the symbol of perfection and great change in our history; the international projection with the world and the view of having a local and global market at the same time; the Catalan identity forged in our origins and shown by the four stripes of colour that also suggest different business areas and diversification. This new logo was presented at the opening of ExpoSERHS in the Camp Nou Stadium and since then all of the other brands making up our corporation have been developed while observing each particular character and area of action but under the same central structure drawn up in the SERHS Corporate Identity Plan. SERHS SIGNS AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FRENCH COMPANY MALONGO The exclusive distribution of the innovative single shot coffee system for hostelry, restaurant and group professionals. The SERHS Group in September signed a strategic agreement of collaboration and exclusive distribution with the Malongo company, specialised in coffee and recognised in France for its dynamism, quality and innovation capacity. This agreement is based on the introduction of the single shot system in the hotel, restaurant and catering sector by SERHS Distribution, which thus increases its offer in this area in which it will have a large selection of premium coffee varieties adapt to the tastes of its customers in Spain, modern and innovative machinery (with capacity to make from 100 to 450 coffees/hour), and a commercial and technical advisory service for the sector professionals. The brand of this new coffee will be Kahova, espresso by SERHS. Malongo started up in Nice in 1934 and is now market leader in vacuum packed coffees and biological coffee (with the “AB” seal). It has more than 400 workers and a turnover of over 80 million Euros. Kahova, innovation in coffee At the end of 2009 and in the early months of 2010, SERHS Distribution launched a new coffee concept, KAHOVA. This is a coffee that is dispensed using biodegradable capsules designed especially for the professional restaurant sector and to the taste of Spanish customers. It is a high-quality coffee with a blend conceived to satisfy the most demanding customers and above all a coffee treatment that guarantees maximum quality for consumers. The aim of this coffee is to guarantee a state of purity and quality in each cup of coffee. Kahova guarantees maximum quality at the service point in a totally homogenous, regular way regardless of who ever makes it, dispensing a coffee that has been perfectly preserved up to the time it is made and providing consumers with the pleasure of flavour in its maximum expression. Kahova is available from all SERHS Distribution distributor companies. SERHS DISTRIBUTION, NEW WEBSITE In October 2010, the new website of the Distribution division, was started up. This is an innovative website, a new work tool that offers exclusive service for all of the division’s customers. The website is different from conventional informative websites as it gives customers a personal area where they can process their orders, and receive the product technical sheets, fully personalised offers adapted to their needs, consumption statistics and where they can consult the state of their orders and invoices on-line, amongst other things. In short, it is a website created and conceived to improve and give high-level service to customers.

The introduction of this new on-line sales channel has been very well received by customers of the SERHS Distribution division. The system has been up and running in all distributing companies around Catalonia since April, and is intended to be a tool of great utility and service, easyto-use and focused on customers. By May 2011, more than 700 customers a week were purchasing on-line to a total of more than €2 million. EUDEC SYSTEM, MANAGEMENT BEYOND THE COLD LINE SERHS Food presents professional kitchen management based on criteria of technology, efficacy and quality. The EUDEC System for groups opens and introduces a new specialised, optimal line for serving health centres that require very specific products with high nutritional and dietetic demands, to cover the very specific profile of users that are children, the elderly and the sick, amongst others, with pathologies and highly controlled needs requiring the preparation of specific diets for diabetics, the allergic, easy to chew, salt free, mashed, gastric protection, etc. This system, which was introduced in SERHS Food several years ago, now has more than 100 references to make up the varied offer. It has made some changes to its essence by bringing in an innovative, effective proposal focused on different sectors and areas of group restaurant services: homes, hospitals, hotels, companies, schools, etc. SERHS Food has more than 35 years experience in the field of hostelry and restaurants and improves with each year by using modern culinary techniques such as vacuum packing, deep freezing and pasteurisation, amongst others. It has now developed an enormous number of recipes characterised by their traditional, home flavour with natural ingredients, speed and simplicity in service and long shelf life’s. Maximum food safety is also offered through minimal handling. It is a system that is very easy to understand and for the (polyvalent and flexible) kitchen team required to make a special cooked dish to apply. A universal label directs the way in which the product is handled in the kitchen and how it is regenerated, identified and located. The whole purchase management system is computerised so that methodology and planning take over from improvisation and products are reused by other methods. SERHS PROJECTS SPECIALISES IN PROJECTS AND CONSULTANCY FOR F&B AREAS This division has presented a new concept of specialised global solutions for the hotel, sanitary, restaurant sectors and companies focused in the centres’ Food and Beverage areas. It works in the areas of consultancy, project, planning, execution and start of each action. Technological, functional, sustainable and design solutions are offered. The distinction focuses on the capacity for management and introduction, experience, installation monitoring and on the quality and innovation of the projects. SERHS and PortAventura The SERHS Group in March 2010 signed a large, significant agreement with PortAventura, which this season 2010 made it its comprehensive supplier of food products for the restaurants. The agreement covers both product supply and their distribution around the different restaurant units in the resort, including the theme park itself and its four hotels. This agreement establishes a long-term collaboration. In Tarragona SERHS has a large integral distribution platform of nearly 20,000 square


SERHS INTEGRAL SERVICE Work was done under the SERHS concept in 2010 with a view of comprehensive service applied to PortAventura and other customers. At the end of the year it was decided to create a new department called SERHS INTEGRAL SERVICE directly dependent on the management of the SERHS Distribution division. It is a project of mutual commitment between SERHS and the customer in which there is total integration between both parties in the purchase, administrative management and logistics management. The department has been entrusted with managing large customers from a transversal, integral viewpoint to offer all of the products that form part of our corporation. Here it must be stressed that SERHS Distribution has a product (conceptualised as a service) that nobody offers on the market, and that it is capable of presenting customers with a wide range of references at three different temperatures, purchasing management, electronic invoices, electronic remittances and top level logistics, and many other aspects. Together with the added value of all of the remaining SERHS products and services, this new department has a wide range of business options and a unique view of the market. The department’s objective is to achieve customers of hostelry organised in Spain. A great example is the service given in PortAventura, in which different SERHS divisions take part (distribution, food, equipment and services). SERHS Tourism has also worked with the tourist complex since it was opened, and is one of the travel agencies that deals with most tourists each year. Page 17- NEW UNDERTAKINGS MANAGEMENT OF MONTANYÀ RESORT AND SPA-SERHS **** Following the expansion plan that projects growth on the basis of internationalisation and by encouraging hotel establishment management, the SERHS Hotels division portfolio now includes the management and operation of the Hotel El Montanyà Resort & Spa ****. This is a toplevel, emblematic resort very well-known in the sector, with two 4-star hotel buildings with 240 rooms, outdoor swimming pool, three tennis courts, sports hall, two football pitches (one with artificial grass and the other natural grass), swimming pools, gymnasium, a spectacular spa, two restaurants, auditorium and conventions halls, and many other installations. In an excellent location, it lies between Seva (Osona region) in an area of over 60,000 square metres, just 56 km from Barcelona and 15 km from the city of Vic. Since the past 1 March 2011, SERHS Hotels has managed this great resort specialised in company meetings, celebrations, sports stages (one aspect that it wants to enhance), and stays for individuals in topquality, natural surroundings. EXPANSION IN BRAZIL AND INCORPORATION OF TWO HOTELS ON THE COSTA DE BARCELONA – MARESME The SERHS Group brought in its second hotel establishment in Brazil in August 2010. This time the building was rented in the location of Pipa in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is the SERHS Hotel Villas da Pipa

(, a three-star exclusive hotel with 22 villas all with their own private pools, lounge, American kitchen and barbecue with individual cook. 300 m from the beach and 200 m from the main “Rua” in Pipa, the commercial area of the town. Since November 2005 SERHS has had the SERHS Natal Grand Hotel, a five-star resort and the first hotel that the corporation had abroad, renowned as the best beach resort in Brazil. Alongside this, in order to expand the business strategy of the Hotels division abroad and at home, SERHS signed an agreement with the Hotel SERHS Sant Jordi 3* in Santa Susanna (El Maresme region) to manage and operate the establishment from the 2011 season. This is a 162room hotel 100 m from the beach near Barcelona and Gerona, and is an ideal place for family holidays. SERHS does not discard the possibility of continuing to increase its hotel management portfolio in these areas. Another purchase was the SERHS Vila de Calella, a three star hotel establishment in Calella (El Maresme region), 100 m from the beach and with 177 rooms. It has two meeting rooms and reception halls. Operation began on 1 March 2011.

SHARE-OUT OF NEARLY €2.5 MILLION BY APPLYING THE INNOVATIVE PARTNER ELECTION DIVIDEND PROGRAM In the meeting of the SERHS Group Board of Directors held on 13 September 2010 in Castell Jalpí (El Maresme region), the agreement was carried out that was taken at the last General Assembly of Shareholders held in June of last year to structure the partner retribution program under the name of “election dividend”. From this year, the shareholders of the corporation therefore had the chance to choose between receiving dividend payment in the traditional manner, in cash, or exchanging their value for shares. 888 shareholders (59%) decided to acquire shares, and purchased 31,808 for 1,281,862 euro, with a value of 40.30 euro each. The remaining 624 partners (41%) chose to receive the cash amount of 1,101,679 euro, amounting to 0.65 Euros per share. Very few companies apply this form of dividend retribution amongst their shareholders, allowing each person to choose the best alternative for them depending on their economic and tax situation.

SERHS PURCHASES A 4,500 M2 WAREHOUSE IN ARENYS DE MUNT This is intended to be the head offices of SERHS Food. In May, the SERHS Group purchased a warehouse in Arenys de Munt (El Maresme region) with a constructed area of 4,500 square metres that might be extended up to 6,000 square metres. The Corporation plans to locate the new head offices of the SERHS Food division in the town of Arenys de Munt as well, and just a few metres from the new warehouses, to complement the division’s facilities in Vilassar de Mar. The new warehouse is a former factory where textile products are made and which stands out for its size, good location and polyvalence. Nearly 60 people work in the present SERHS Food Service production unit in Arenys de Munt, serving 250 centres of different groups (schools, homes, hospitals, prisons, companies, sports complexes, etc). Turnover has increased significantly in recent years and has driven the management team of the division to seek larger warehouses to be able to better attend the food production needs. The property will include the central kitchens as well as the administration, commercial, production departments and the Fleca SERHS (bakery) in the future. The SERHS Food division makes an average 30,000 menus every day. It has a team with an average payroll of 875 people, peaking at 1,800 depending on the service needs.


Page 19- COMPANY ACTIVITIES SHARE CAPITAL INCREASE TO 85 MILLION EUROS, 11% MORE On 7 October 2010, the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of the SERHS Group was held in Castell Jalpí in Arenys de Munt, the corporation’s headquarters. It was attended by 298 shareholders representing 54.91% of the SERHS share capital. The agenda dealt with the subject of approving the balance sheet closed at 30 June, and served as the basis for carrying out the capital increases that were proposed and unanimously approved by all of the shareholders. It was therefore agreed that the share capital would be increased from the present 77 million Euros to the figure of 85.25 million Euros, an increase of 11%. The General Assembly of Shareholders also agreed on the share-out of 1 released share for every 50 shares under ownership, amounting to €2,959,040. SERHS has a total of 3,875,000 shares.


1975-2010, SERHS celebrates its 35th anniversary Throughout 2010, a series of internal and institutional events were held to celebrate SERHS’ 35 years. The celebrations began in March 2010 with the 24th edition of the SERHS Evening which was followed in June by a Gospel concert in the Castell Jalpí, which was attended by 1,500 people from all areas in relation to the group. In July, there was the VIP celebration in the stands of the Camp Nou stadium. In November, Mr Ibarretxe was a special guest as a speaker at the SERHS Forum. The events continued in 2011, starting with the Exposerhs 2011 fair at which the new SERHS image was presented, and will be closed with the SERHS Evening that will be held for the first time in the Castell Jalpí in June 2011. The thread guiding all of the celebrations has been the Route of the 35 years, in which the SERHS Group chairman has visited the 64 companies of the corporation to present the commemorative lithography or the anniversary in person and to celebrate the 35 years a little closer. Erwin Bechtold, the author of the work, is a German who resides in Ibiza, and following his artistic ideology he brought together what the identity and strength of SERHS represent for him within the framework of the present economic situation. SERHS CELEBRATES ITS 35TH ANNIVERSARY WITH A GREAT PERFORMANCE OF “THE GOSPEL X-PERIENCE” The Gospel show formed by 70 voices performed at the Castell Jalpí in Arenys de Munt before more than 1,500 group collaborators on the three days of the concert. Within the events programme for the SERHS Group 35th anniversary (1975-2010) on the past 29, 30 June and 1 July 2010, the THE GOSPEL X-PERIENCE show was held in the courtyard of arms of the majestic Castell Jalpí in Arenys de Munt, a contemporary choir and musical repertoire of Gospel, soul, blues and jazz by the prestigious musical group GOSPEL VIU. The artists offered the more than 1,500 people who attended the three-day event a sensitive experience in the open air. Those attending, authorities, customers and collaborators of SERHS in the area of hostelry, restaurants and groups, were able to enjoy a choir of more than 70 voices, soloists and the Jazz Band (quintet). THE GOSPEL X-perience is also a magnificent choir and musical show of a

SERHS annual report 2010

metres, with a 10,000 square metre store, on lands close to PortAventura. The corporation invested 10 million Euros in buying the facility and preparing it in December 2008. Considerable work has been done to improve and adapt the facilities in 2011.


serhs project that Gospel Viu! puts forward as the full experience, deepening in a world of visual, sound and sensitive sensations in general. The present titles of contemporary Gospel go in the hand of soul, Negro spirituals and remakes of the great spirituals of all times, which are intended for the public to enjoy more than an hour and a half of top-quality Gospel. In the interlude, the audience was able to try the new Weiss Damm beer (made with high-quality wheat and extending the portfolio of the DAMM Group products), accompanied by fine hors d’oeuvres offered by Arcs Catering (Castell Jalpí).

SERHS annual report 2010

VIP CELEBRATION OF SERHS’S 35 YEARS IN THE FCBARCELONA STANDS On the past 29 July 2010, a commemorative dinner was held for SERHS’s 35th anniversary in the Camp Nou facilities, specifically in the stand that was made especially in the tribune area for the summer. The roughly one hundred people attending the event, all responsible for leading companies with which SERHS has a close relationship or responsible for the public administrations, bank entities and VIPs from the economic, tourist and institutional sectors, were able to enjoy an elaborate dinner served in great style by ARCS Catering, a company of the SERHS Group and which also serves the sports complex. The event was presided by the group chairman, Mr Ramon Bagó, accompanied by Mr Carles Vilarrubí, the vice-chairman of the FC Barcelona institutional area, who also addressed a few words of thanks to all those attending. Before the dinner, there was a tour of the Camp Nou facilities to visit emblematic areas such as the museum, the tribune, the presidential balcony, the changing rooms, the press area, the players’ tunnel and the pitch, and they were even able to tread on the grass. The reason for celebrating it in such special surroundings as FC Barcelona is the group’s close relationship with the football club. Since the summer of 2006, under the SERHS Food Service brand, the corporation has given the restaurant service for the different areas of the Camp Nou facilities. This is a very large service centre with great projection involving more than 500 people from the corporation at its peak.


FORMER LEHENDAKARI IBARRETXE, SPEAKER AT SERHS FORUM Juan José Ibarretxe, lehendakari ohia of the Basque country (1999 to 2009) was one of the main figures at the SERHS Forum held on the past 4 November 2010 at Castell Jalpí in Arenys de Munt, organised particularly to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the SERHS Group. His talk called “Politics and values: the story of an experience” brought together the thoughts, political, social and cultural ideology that marked the former lehendakari for the 10 years (1999 to 2009) during which he was at the forefront of the Basque government. Dr Salvador Cardús, the dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of Barcelona Autonomous University and a good friend of Mr Ibarretxe and speaker at the SERHS Forum in 2008, was responsible for presenting the former lehendakari. Values such as work, humility, honesty, identity, keeping one’s word and discussion, together with the culture and language of the country are the result “of a social, ethical and democratic commitment”. “This crisis is above all an ethical disaster”, said Ibarretxe referring to the present economic situation. “… failing one’s word, commitment are the things that are punished, and not error”. Giving the reference of the experience of the Basque Country during his mandate, the former lehendakari went through the phrases and thoughts of the main thinkers, philosophers,

economists, writers and politicians, who each in their own discipline and in their own times brought forward today’s reality and even dared to postulate on the existence of behaviours which society has come up against. The event was attended by over 200 people between shareholders (entrepreneurs of the tourist sector and related activities), workers of the corporation and figures working with or related in some way to SERHS, both entities and public and private companies and institutions. EXPOSERHS 2011 RECEIVES 8,200 PEOPLE IN CAMP NOU The SERHS Group interactive show-fair received 8,200 visitors, 43% up on 2007 when the corporation also held this fair in Camp Nou. The fair was held on 30 and 31 March, and more than 100 exhibiting brands from all areas of activity, 93% of which had also been present in other additions, successfully displayed their products to professionals of the hostelry, restaurant and collective sectors in attendance. The fair was opened on 13 March by the Rt Hon Mr F. Xavier Mena, the Minister of Enterprise and Employment of the government of Catalonia. The event was attended by Mr Carles Vilarrubí, the vice president of FC Barcelona and Mr Ramón Bagó, the chairman of the SERHS Group. These were accompanied by the Rt Hon Mr Xavier Amor, the Mayor of Pineda de Mar, Mr Xavier Vilà, the Damm Group sales manager, and the general manager of SERHS as well as other authorities and directors of companies and institutions. Alongside the opening event and taking advantage of the attendance of the authorities, the new SERHS logo was presented, which represents the new brand image of the corporation and stresses the values of identity, innovation and internationalisation as the leading tourist group in Catalonia. Recognitions PLATE OF HONOUR OF TURISME DE CATALUNYA FOR THE RURAL VILLAGES The aim of the Rural Village project was the vision of territorial rebalance. The former outgoing president of the government of Catalonia, José Montilla, accompanied by the former outgoing minister of the Ministry of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise, Josep Huguet, presided the 25th edition of the Turisme de Catalunya Awards recognising the career of 23 professionals, companies and institutions of the sector that have contributed to developing tourism throughout the country. The company Vivahotel, S.D.H., SL, as the manager of the Rural Villages, received the Plate of Honour of Turisme de Catalunya for the innovative project developed by the SERHS Group, this year commemorating its 35th anniversary (1975 to 2010). According to government data, “This is an innovative project driven by the group in the area of rural accommodation. These are establishments conceived to be located near towns of considerable natural, cultural, scenic or monumental interest to give an answer to the new needs of demand for inland tourism”. The Cardona Rural Village was created in 2003, the Rural Village of Sant Hilari de Sacalm in 2004, and the Rural Village of Arnes in 2008. The aim is to develop a network of up to 10 Rural Villages the same distance away from each other in the regions of Catalonia. The event was also attended by the Secretary-General of the Ministry, Enric Aloy, the general manager for tourism, Joan Carles Vilalta, and the

manager of the Catalan Tourism Agency, Ignasi de Delàs. From SERHS, Mr Bagó was accompanied by the senior managers of SERHS Hotels led by Mr Josep Maria Bagudà, the division manager. RAMON BAGÓ RECEIVES THE HONORARY TITLE OF CITIZEN OF PARNAMIRIM (BRAZIL) The municipal chamber of Parnamirim (State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) agreed to award Mr Ramón Bagó Agulló, the chairman of the SERHS Group, with the honorary title of “Parnamirian Citizen” for the important service he has given to this Brazilian municipality. The award was presented in great solemnity exceptionally on 10 November on the visit of a SERHS delegation to Brazil, and was attended by the main Brazilian authorities of the municipality led by the president of the municipal Chamber of Parnamirim, Mr Rosano Taveira du Cunha, who signed the recognition. SERHS has a large facility in the town on 300 square metres of land on an important communications route, which is also an excellent strategic location in the area. Parnamirim is just a few kilometres from Natal. In September 2007, Mr Bagó also received the honorary prize as a citizen of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. RAMON BAGÓ RECEIVES THE FAGEM AWARD FOR BUSINESS TRAJECTORY Ramon Bagó, the chairman of the SERHS, received the award for Business Trajectory in the first edition of the FAGEM Awards. This prize pays homage to the businessman who has managed to distinguish his company in contributing to the social economic development of the territory, within the framework of the “Nit amb Visió” (Night with Vision) held in Mataró on the past 18 November. The Mayor of Mataró, Joan Antoni Baron, and the president of the Municipal Institute of Economic Promotion of Mataró (IMPEM) and the Mataró-Maresme TecnoCampus Foundation (TCM), Alicia Romero, presided the act which took place for the first time in the auditorium of the Mataró-Maresme TecnoCampus Congress Centre. Organised by the IMPEM, the Nit amb Visió is an annual meeting that brings together people from the world of business and enterprise and during which different prizes and recognitions related to enterprise, entrepreneuring and technological innovation are awarded. This year, the Nit amb Visió formed part of the Innova 360° Forum organised by the TecnoCampus. SERHS BEACH HOTELS RECEIVE THE SICTED DISTINCTION The Barcelona-Maresme Coast has invested in quality on both the public and private level, which is obvious from the number of SICTED (Integral Spanish Tourism at Destination Quality System) certificates held by the region’s tourist destination. José López, the assistant manager of the SERHS Oasis Park Hotel, representing the Beach hotels of the SERHS Group (in this case SERHS Oasis Park, SERHS Maripins and SERHS Sorradaurada) collected the sign which honours the certification. The event was held at the Coll I Regàs house in Mataró on the past 20 July, and was presided by the president of the Consortium and Mayor of Calella, Josep M. Juhé, the president of the Municipal Institute of Economic Promotion of Mataró, Alicia Romero and the representative of the chamber of Commerce and Navigation, Victoria Silberstein. The SICTED quality recognition promoted by the Regional Council and the Chamber of Commerce and Navigation, and which in the territorial area of the region is coordinated and managed by the Consortium of Tourist Promotion, is already held by a total of 74 companies in the

serhs Institutional meetings Our corporation’s management team has been invited to take part in a very large number of events and conferences related to our activity in the tourist sector understood in the widest sense: new technologies, finance and social responsibility, amongst other areas. SERHS’s experience and recognition have been obvious this year, which also allows our present situation to be brought to the professionals of our world. SERHS PRESENT AT THE UNNIM JOAN SARDÀ MEETING As part of the Joan Sardà Meetings organised by Unnim Caixa Sabadell, with which the group has long had a close relationship, Mr Jaume Torrent, the financial corporate manager of the SERHS Group, on behalf of the corporation, took part in a conference called ‘Integral service’ to explain the group’s operation from the point of view of the financial institution’s customers. Under the title of ‘Customers: present and future’, the Joan Sardà Meetings led those attending to consider the challenge that companies face in gaining the loyalty of their customers, both from the conceptual viewpoint and, above all, from practical evidence. Relationships between the institutions and their customers constitute one of the keys to success. The pressure of the competition and the consumers themselves means that, amongst other factors, companies strategically consider their relationship marketing with a long-term view. Good management and administration of these kinds of relationship have positive consequences for companies. The meeting was also attended by Mr Carlos Izquierdo, the general manager of Laboratorios Kin, Mr Pere Pous, the general manager of Lavola Serveis per la Sostenibilitat (sustainability services), and Juan José Peso, a teacher of Marketing Strategy of the Instituto de Empresa, the joint founder and partner of Daemon Quest and a renowned company consultant. GRUP SERHS, A BENCHMARK IN THE PÚBLICO FORUM On the past 3 November in the Imagina building in Barcelona, the Público newspaper organised a discussion and colloquial under the title of ‘Economic crisis, a crisis of progress?’ The fourth edition of the Público Forum brought together two generations of business people, represented on the one hand by Mr Ramon Bagó, the chairman of the SERHS Group, and Mr Ferran Soriano on the other, the president of Spanair. The professor emeritus of Applied Economy of Barcelona University, Mrs Miren Etxezarreta, and the occupational lawyer and former secretary of the CCOO trade union, Mr Joan Coscubiela, now teacher at ESADE business School, gave the most progressist academic view. It was all presented and moderated by the person responsible for the newspaper in Catalonia, Mr Josep Carles Rius. Mr Bagó noted the need for the workers to be strongly involved in the company management as one of the main keys of our corporation. “Without this involvement, the companies would have no future”, he assured. The SERHS Group is based on transparency of information on the operation of each and every one of its companies, and the necessary growth in taking opportunities to face the crisis, which is expected to last longer than what might have been expected a couple of years ago. However, Soriano believes that this crisis is not different from others in history, and said that “industry is coming out of the crisis”.

Neither Coscubiela nor Extezarreta agreed, Coscubiela said that the crisis would go on still until at least 2015. According to the organisers, the session aroused great interest amongst those attending and innumerable people praised the wealth of the speakers’ arguments and suggested that the discussion should be continued. THE ORACLE OPENWORLD 2010 DENOTES THE SOLIDITY OF THE SECTOR OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES The SERHS Group, as the technological partner of the company, attended the Congress held in San Francisco (USA) in the figure of Jordi Bagó, the CEO and vice-chairman of the corporation. There are no words to describe the Oracle OpenWorld 2010, a unique event in the world held from 20 to 23 September 2010 in the Moscone Centre in San Francisco (USA). The event gathered almost 41,000 people from 115 countries, 2,500 speakers took part in over 2,400 sessions, and nearly 450 workshops, 700 journalists and certified bloggers, 66 press flyers in three days (one flyer per hour), 13 days of assembly, 64,000 shares, 140,000 coffees, 60,000 menus and dozens of figures like these that illustrate the size of the event of a technology company that supplies other companies. From applications to storage systems, passing through servers, processors, operating systems and programming languages, all conceived and developed to work together in an integrated manner: “Hardware & software engineered to work together”. SERHS could not miss the meeting and was represented by the corporation’s managing director Jordi Bagó. Oracle and the SERHS Group have been technology partners for years, and the consolidated relationship with this leading company in the sector allowed us to take an active part in this great event. VISIT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: VIC-EL MONTANYÀ In May 2011, the Board of Directors went out once more to see the new business activities and to use the day for a cultural meeting. This time, it was 24 May with a visit to Vic, first of all to the store that SERHS Distribution has in the area to serve customers in the Osona, Ripollès regions and nearby villages. Then the group of 50 members visited the facilities of Vic Episcopal Museum, which has a valuable collection of paintings and mediaeval sculptures as well as a magnificent representation of the evolution of liturgical art and decorative arts in Catalonia. Opened in 1891 by Bishop Morgades, it was rebuilt in 2002. At the end of the interesting guided tour, the members of the SERHS Board of Directors went to the spectacular facilities of the Montanyà Resort & Spa-SERHS in the neighbouring town of Seva. On an area of over 60,000 square metres, the facilities are just 56 km from Barcelona and 15 km from Vic. This is a large leading, emblematic resort very well-known in the sector, with two 4-star hotel buildings with 240 rooms, outdoor swimming pool, three tennis courts, sports hall, two football pitches (one with artificial grass and the other with natural grass), pools, gymnasium, a spectacular spa, two restaurants, auditorium and convention hall, and many other facilities. On 1 March 2011, SERHS Hotels began to manage this large resort specialised in company meetings, celebrations, sports stages (an aspect they want to considerably enhance) and stays for private customers in natural surroundings of maximum quality. This was the setting for the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors, which concluded the day.

JORDI BAGÓ PROMOTES THE APPLICATION OF ICT IN THE TOURIST SECTOR IN ANDORRA The Managing Director and vice-chairman of the SERHS Group, Mr Jordi Bagó, explained the change of model that tourist commercialisation has experienced with the application of new technologies to some eighty business people. On 21 October 2010, the 29th Innovation Breakfast was held by the Secretary of State for the Reformation of the Administration and the Promotion of the Society of Knowledge of the Government of Andorra, which gathered the country’s business people in the Congress Centre in Andorra la Vella. The conference dealt with how technology has changed the tourist commercialisation model. Jordi Bagó based his explanation on the transformation of the business model which the implementation of ICT has meant for the SERHS Group. This modernisation has allowed the group to expand its business internationally, to broaden its customer and supplier portfolio (30,000 hotels), to give a quality service (three million daily orders), and to be more efficient in reducing costs (from 7% to 3%) with e-billing, which has eliminated the use of paper. Jordi Bagó recommended that the hotel sector of Andorra should invest in transparency and honesty above all in setting prices (room prices, for example). An excessive cost reduction in order to be competitive only causes “cannibalisation” of the sector, according to the expert, which only benefits the end customer. To avoid this situation, the SERHS managing director recommended that each company should define the business model. SERHS TAKES PART IN THE 7TH HOSTELTUR TOURIST FORUM On the past 5 May, the 7th Hosteltur Tourist Forum was held in Madrid under the title of “in search of competitiveness”. Specialisation in offer, collaboration between the public and private sectors, less aggressive taxation, more occupational flexibility and less bureaucratic dispersion amongst the different communities were some of the recipes which the participants in the 7th Hosteltur Forum tabled. The main course of the meeting was the round table held in the afternoon, which was moderated by the Hosteltur director Manuel Molina, and which included Ramon Bagó, the SERHS chairman; Antonio Catalán, president of AC Hotels; Fernando Conte, the president of Orizona, Gabriel Escarrer, vice-chairman and managing director of Sol Melià and Josep Piqué, president of Vueling. The round table went over the development of the crisis each year and the first question was thrown out on the factors that mark competitiveness in the 2011 that is being affected by the geopolitical situation. Bagó indicated that the “pending issue is the new technologies, which have turned the customer into the king”. Reference was also made to the need to personalise promotional campaigns as general campaigns are no longer useful and the meeting came down in favour of simplifying the relationship between the public and private sectors. RAIMON BAGÓ, SPEAKER IN IESE As part of the “25th Meeting of Food and Drink Entrepreneurs. In search of added value: how to recover consumers, margins and competitiveness”, Ramon Bagó, the general manager of SERHS and the director of the SERHS Food division, presented the innovative Eudec system. Centred in the part of the day that dealt with reinventing eating, and how the innovation and invention of a product can transform the sector, those attending (mainly leading managers from outstanding food companies)

SERHS annual report 2010

Maresme region. It is a tourist quality distinction that began to be implemented in the region in 2006.


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were able to see this new integral view of a collective’s restaurant system that turns the critical point of traditional kitchens into strengths by applying established parameters. The event was carried out in Barcelona on 26 May in IESE Business School (Navarre University), a school of national and international renown with over 34,500 former pupils who have done some postgraduate course and who work in over 100 countries around the world.


Page 26- SERHS DISTRIBUTION Innovation applied to the sales channels and the products, and the operative synergies amongst the different activities have marked the year of this great division, one of the most important in SERHS for the number of people who work there and its turnover. It is formed by two large business lines structured according to the products that each one distributes.

Page 25 - SERHS and the economic fabric With the vocation of being present and involved in our country’s business fabric, SERHS works with and forms part of a large number of public and private bodies, entities and institutions. Examples of these are Fira de Barcelona, where until 2010 Ramon Bagó was president of the Tourism in Catalonia International Exhibition, and since last year has been President Emeritus of this fair, FemCAT and the Spanair airline company (represented by the managing director Mr Jordi Bagó as an observer in the first of these and as a member of the board of directors in the airline), Foment del Treball (Work Association), MAPFRE, the Association of Drinks and Food Logistics and Distribution Companies of Catalonia (ADISCAT) of which we are founding partners, and the similar institution in the community of Valencia (ADISLEV).

DISTRIBUTION OF DRINKS, FOOD AND CLEANING PRODUCTS SERHS DISTRIBUTION has a portfolio of over 30,000 customers, and in the last year has invested in segmenting its customers to adapt to their needs. 60% of these are bars and cafeterias, 20% of restaurant and the other 20% are hotels, groups and different kinds of companies. KAHOVA by Serhs is the new brand of the innovative single shot coffee intended for the hotel, restaurant and catering channel which SERHS Distribution launched in 2011. The new website presented in 2010 has enjoyed excellent results in its first year of life. This new innovative management tool within reach of the division’s customers has enabled the new, broader channel to be opened to offer better services and get to know their needs better.

6th ADISCAT CONVENTION IN THE CASTELL JALPÍ Under the motto of “Now more than ever”, on 11 March 2011, ADISCAT held its annual convention with some 150 people from the 114 companies it gathers, including SERHS Distribution. The assembly was held in the Castell Jalpí in Arenys de Munt, the SERHS Group headquarters. In the new scenario now presented in the hotel, restaurant and catering channel, each player thinks and works depending on their own interests, so this year it was stressed that ADISCAT is now more necessary than ever. During the event, the new president of the association was elected in the figure of Mr Jordi Pujol (Euroestrellas Serveis-Costa Brava Group) in the place of Mr Josep Darnés (Darnés-Disbesa Group) now at the end of his six-year mandate. Speakers such as Mr Joaquin Trigo, the executive manager and director of the Department of Economy of Fomento del Trabajo Nacional, who dealt with the subject of the sector’s economic perspectives for 2011 and 2012, Mr Sebastià Serrano, professor of Linguistics and Theory of Communication of Barcelona University, who talked about Communication and Leadership as key tools for companies, and Mr José Manuel Fernández Echevarría, ADISCAT executive director, played a decisive role in the meeting. As the name would suggest, the Association of Drinks and Food Logistics and Distribution Companies of Catalonia works in the form of a corporation in favour of the common interests of the sector’s companies and to reveal the importance of its activity and its services, which are key for the sectors of hostelry, leisure and tourism. The SERHS Distribution division has been a member for many years, along with companies such as the Darnès Group, the Disbesa Group and the Costa Brava Group, and many others. The meeting ended with a brotherhood lunch with all of those attending the conference along with several figures from the SERHS Group management, including Mr Ramon Bagó, the chairman of the corporation.

INNOVATION OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SERHS DISTRIBUTION in 2010 launched the single shot coffee onto the market, intended for the hotel, restaurant and catering channel. This is a product that helps customers to make coffee and guarantees the same quality in all coffees that are served. The KAHOVA by Serhs brand offers customers a high-quality coffee that is sustainable (the caption is biodegradable) and easy-to-use. 2010 also saw the launch of the new website. This is a unique tool in the sector that enables customers to place their orders from their facilities at any time, and provides them with the full range of the SERHS Distribution catalogue, in addition to giving them exclusive offers to cover their needs. In addition to the orders, the website also offers customers complementary services in aspects related to product sheets and administrative information, amongst other things. This year, work has begun on segmenting the salespeople’s routes in line with the kind of customers. This is a very important process that involves cultural change and supposes focusing the division’s commercial strategy by thinking of the needs of each kind of customer (bars, restaurants, collectives, hotels, etc.). One important thing that must be highlighted is that SERHS DISTRIBUTION, along with companies of other divisions of the SERHS Group, is the exclusive supplier of food for the restaurants in PortAventura, and offers the theme park a comprehensive service. Related to this, it is important to note the innovation that has been created in the division under the name of SERHS INTEGRAL SERVICE. This is a department intended for large customers and which offers an integral service not only in supply, but also making use of the group’s logistic and technological capacity. Under the same global service view, we find drinks, food and cleaning product distributor companies, and, on the other side, those related to perishable products such as fruit and vegetables or fresh, frozen and refrigerated food for hotels, groups and restaurants.

STRATEGIC AGREEMENTS Following the tone of establishing business lines, the distribution division has established two new agreements. Firstly, the agreement with the Gallina Blanca food group has been extended for a further five years. Up to 2010, the agreement has brought both companies very good results, which has made it easier to renew it and extend it with a wider variety of products and therefore to expand the horizon of targets. This is the agreement will also give considerable benefit to customers of the division from the point of view of the product selection and especially in personnel training plans, for an ambitious plan is contemplated that will exceed 20 actions a year. Furthermore, the SERHS Distribution division has reached a strategic agreement with the García Carrión Group that specialises in wines and juices. The collaboration specifically lies in the range of wines. García Carrión has wineries in the main denominations of origin in Spain, and holds a leading position in many of its brands. From 2011, SERHS Distribution will commercialise the extensive range of wine products. The agreement also establishes that García Carrión will pack the wines of the SERHS Distribution no name brand in its different denominations of origin. Following the business strategies, an agreement has been signed with the French Compagnie Méditerranée des Cafés (Malongo) by which in the coming years it will make the KAHOVA coffee single shots. This is an entirely new product in the sector in which coffee in capsules is constantly gaining market share. Finally, a commitment has been signed with ECKES Granini to commercialise these juices through the division’s distributors. The companies have worked together for many years and this year they have decided that it was convenient to sign this agreement for the coming years. OUTSTANDING FACTS As in previous years, a considerable effort is being made in staff training. Something new is that in 2010 a large part of the training has been done by e-learning, in other words courses through the group’s digital platform. This enables each worker to do the course from their work centre, without any need to travel and providing a personalised follow-up. SERHS Distribution is a very large part of the ExpoSERHS organisation. Following the good experience in holding the fair in previous editions such as those performed at the Circuit de Catalunya, in 2011 the fair was held in the Camp Nou facilities and was even more successful. Regarding the organisation, in early 2011 Mr Igor Onandia took over the management of the SERHS Distribution division and made important changes throughout the organisation, strengthening the Logistics department with a new manager, creating an Operations, HR and CSR department, and incorporating a new Sales Management and Commercial Management. Experience in the sector and the good value for money of its products, as well as complete commercial attention, enable an integral service to be provided to the professional restaurant sector both in the area of frozen and refrigerated food and in fruit and vegetables. The continuous growth provides new tools for continuing to expand throughout the territory that the company serves. DISTRIBUTION OF FROZEN, REFRIGERATED AND FRESH FOODS Nam Nam, S.L. has two operative centres in Tordera (el Maresme region) and Tarragona. In 2010-2011 it carried out a complete reformation

FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DISTRIBUTION The service agreement with PortAventura has meant that this business activity has considerably increased its demand in Tarragona. To strengthen its capacity in the area, and also bearing in mind its habitual customers, two refrigerated vehicles have been brought in, one of 12 tonnes and the other 3.5. In addition to this important agreement with the theme park, Allelac, S.L. offers its services to over 500 customers, mainly food shops, markets and hotel and restaurant establishments. Its zone of influence covers the local areas of the Maresme, Selva, Gironès, Baix Empordà, Garraf, Barcelonès, Tarragonès, Alt and Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Baix Llobregat and Baix Ebre regions. It has an average team of 39 people each year and a total fleet of 28 vehicles, most equipped with refrigerated and/or isothermal systems to avoid breaking the cold chain of the products. Since 2010, this company has had a logistics area in Mercabarna as a central point of the wholesale markets in the city of Barcelona, as well as numerous firms involved in preparing, trading, distribution, importing and exporting fresh and frozen products. Allelac, S.L. has two large stores: one in Blanes (La Selva region) with nearly 4,000 square metres of facilities, including 6,000 cubic metres of refrigerated chambers, and also a large area for display and another store in Tarragona with an area of 1000 square metres and 2,400 cubic metres of cold rooms. Costabonaser, SL, specialised in high-quality fruit and vegetables, has reached an agreement with the promoters of the “School fruit consumption plan”, the European Union and the government of Catalonia, to distribute more than 100 tonnes of fruit during the school year until June of this year among 680 schools in Catalonia. The company team is formed by an average payroll of 19 people, who have 13 commercial vehicles and a distribution store in Ripoll with a total area of 1,600 square metres. These serve almost 500 customers in the hostelry and food sectors from one end to the other of the Ripollès and Garrotxa regions, as well as the Pla de l’Estany. Fruites Pàmies, S.L.. Since this company came into the SERHS Group in 2008 and throughout this last year it has signed numerous agreements with suppliers such as Primaflor and Meló Bruño. The family company with almost 40 years in the sector, it has 300 square metres of facilities in Reus Central market, including two very well located cold rooms. It deals with a wide range of products and presentations of the

third and fourth ranges and stands out as having high-quality products available, which the company receives from origin, without intermediaries. The star product is the ‘calçot’ (kind of large spring onion). Most of its 300 customers are hostelry and restaurant wholesalers and professionals and trades in the regions of Tarragona. It has an average payroll of 9 workers and a fleet of 4 lorries. In 2010, it brought a salesperson into the company, devoted entirely to customers of the hostelry sector in the area. Page 32 - serhs tourism SERHS Tourism works to be recognised as a great multiproduct, multichannel operator of tourist services in the Mediterranean and Europe, with over 30 years of experience in the sector. The division is made up of powerful marketing and business development teams constantly innovating to enable new products with great added value to be launched on the market. Of particular note this year have been the great commercial agreements with international tour operators and the lead taken in the on-line sales channel, which has multiplied the number of orders and reservations. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SERHS Tourism is a receiver travel agency and B2B supplier of services for international travel agencies and tour operators. It is also a wholesale travel agency which offers its product to Spanish agencies through the Rhodasol brand. It has a wide range of services covering all market segments and a large variety of destinations throughout the world: - Accommodation: the company provides its customers with more than 22,300 hotel establishments of all categories in 65 countries: hotels, apartments, rural houses and spas, with very competitive prices and maximum availability right up to the last minute. It has holiday hotels on the coast and the islands, urban hotels in the main cities, and snow and mountain hotels. - Groups: it deals with all kinds of sports groups, groups of special interest and companies, amongst others. - Circuit and outings. - Transfers and car rental. - Tickets. - Extras: airport assistance, special attention, guides, restaurant bookings. In order to adapt the technology to the division’s customers, different possibilities are offered for working together: on-line, XML, offline. - On-line: two large modern, dynamic and simple booking portals intended for B2B professionals without their own portal. The wish to give customers maximum satisfaction drove the company in 2010 to restyle the Rhodasol and SERHS Tourism websites. The new versions brought in substantial improvements in their booking and management systems. - XML: with XML technology, customs are able to access the whole of the product range of SERHS Tourism from their own system. - Offline: the personalised treatment of the call centres is complemented by deep local knowledge of each tourist destination. - Issuing agency: the headquarters in Pineda de Mar has enhanced dealings with end customers, giving service to all group workers and shareholders for company and leisure trips, as well as external customers.

This year in the area of innovation, the SERHS Tourism division has introduced the OTRS system in the European Cities office to enable greater control of incoming orders and to be more efficient in its reply times. The new module of offers, holiday contracting and excursion bookings is currently being studied and analysed, and the product range has been expanded in five countries with new products brought into North Africa and Portugal. More than 1,500 hotels contracted directly in cities. Significant figures - 22,300 hotels in more than 65 countries. - 2 B2B portals: and - 240 workers. - More than 160 million on-line requests with a portfolio of 4,500 customers. - We serve more than 1,500,000 tourists. SERHSNET This new tool started up in 2010 for city hotels has been expanded in terms of the functions it offers, and now through a powerful extranet, suppliers are able to easily manage their prices, update availability and technical sheets, and many other functions. In this sense, a series of improvements have been brought in to adapt better to customer needs: new rappels module, booking viewer, increased technical sheet output, integration with Channel Managers and improvement of the electronic billing module. COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS SERHS Tourism has achieved strong growth in the three original markets: Spain, Russia and Britain. This is the result of the commercial strategy applied in 2010 to consolidate these markets. In Spain, in addition to being suppliers of the large part of the existing tour operators, strategic agreements and integrations have been achieved with a large part of the wholesalers. The Russian market has become the reference receiver for the Spanish market, not only due to the increase in the customer portfolio in the market, but also because of the greater number of existing customers. The British market has considerably increased in the number of B2B and B2C integrations, and is now the benchmark supplier in this market. STRATEGIC PLAN Within the strategic plan established for five years (2009-2013), by modifying the internal structure with new incorporations, by creating new sectors of activity and also by developing certain existing departments, growth is sought through distinction, diversification and internationalisation. Mission In SERHS Tourism we work to be recognised as the multi-product and multi-channel operator of tourist services in the Mediterranean and Europe. We therefore innovate in the value chain: - By turning to the customer: by offering different, profitable and competitive products. - By increasing the value put in by our partners and suppliers. - By forming teams with the best professionals, ensuring their development and well-being. - By developing technology based on continuous improvement.

SERHS annual report 2010

of its store in Tarragona, which consisted of substantially increasing the cold capacity of the previous facilities and modernising them to ensure the best possible quality service to customers. The SERHS fresh and frozen company is formed by an average staff of 60 workers and over 4,500 square metres of facilities and a fleet of 40 vehicles, most of which have been renovated in recent years. They include refrigerated systems and suitable equipment for working according to the food safety directives. The product portfolio comprises fresh and frozen fish and shellfish, fresh and frozen meat (poultry, pork, beef and lamb), frozen vegetables, delicatessen and dairy products. It has over 1,500 customers, mainly hotels and restaurants, located on the Costa Brava, Costa de Maresme-Barcelona, Costa Daurada and in inland populations. It is worth noting the growth in turnover in the regions of Gerona and inland Tarragona, and above all in PortAventura, with which a large collaboration agreement was signed turning the company into the exclusive supplier of food for the restaurants, a large part of which are supplied by this company.


Values - Customer orientation - Teamwork - Results orientation - Innovation and continuous improvement - Ethical conduct Page 36 - serhs hotels This division focuses on managing and operating hotel establishments and projects its growth on the basis of internationalisation. The diversity of the hotel and restaurant offer making up the division has given high employment levels and great customer satisfaction. This broad portfolio allows a wide range of holiday leisure establishments to be offered and particularly beach hotels, the resorts in Brazil, the Rural Villages and the accommodation and restaurant services in the SERHS **** El Montanyà Resort & Spa.

SERHS annual report 2010

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED This division is made up of the beach hotels of the Costa BarcelonaMaresme, in Brazil the SERHS Natal Grand Hotel ***** and the SERHS Villas da Pipa ***; The Rural Villages (recently awarded the Turisme de Catalunya Plate of Honour and located in Cardona, Sant Hilari and Arnes); and the mountain hotels: the SERHS Ski Port del Comte and the El Montanyà Resort & Spa. The SERHS Hotels offer very good value for money and particularly stress service and customer attention. This versatility enables them to reach a large variety of customers: from families looking for warm, close treatment, to large business or associative groups requiring wellplanned organisation of their events. In 2010, all of the establishments generated more than 500,000 stays in Catalonia and close to 82,000 room nights in Brazil. In June 2011, the company manages 12 hotels. The aim of SERHS Hotels is to continue to expand its portfolio to offer a wide range of holiday leisure. THE RURAL VILLAGES Investment continues in revealing Catalan customs and traditions with different activities within the stimulation programs of the Rural Villages with thematic months at different times of the year and events in the area (salt, honey, water, environment, Sant Jordi, etc.), and specialisation in meetings for family and friends. The Rural Villages brand has been consolidated in the Valencia market, particularly through the Arnes Rural Village. The commercial aspects particularly include the work done to offer customers thematic weekends through specialised websites for specific target, families with children, in order to offer new activities in the rural villages for children from 8 to 12 years of age, particularly related to sport. A great drive has also been given to product exchange in websites specialised in the world of family tourism and in different media, as well as advertising campaigns on TV3, “Educad a las Criaturas” (CatRadio), Rac 1, Rac 105, Radio Gandesa, Levante, El Periódico – Escapadas, Descobrir Catlunya and Cap Catalogne. The Sant Hilari Rural Village has opened a new forest acrobatic park “Sant Hilari Aventura” in the village facilities where customers can find nature and fun together. The Montseny Park allows these kinds of fun


activities for children over three years of age and the village has taken the chance to offer children, young people and adults a place to release the adventurers we all have inside and enjoy nature while doing sport and sharing the activity with family and friends. In the area of awards, the government of Catalonia granted the Turisme de Catalunya Plate of Honour to the company Vivahotel, S.L. as the company responsible for managing the rural villages in the innovative project backed by the SERHS Group, this year commemorating its 35th anniversary. This is an innovative project in the area of rural accommodation: establishments conceived to be located near towns of noteworthy natural, cultural, scenic or monumental interest.

with 177 rooms. It has halls for meetings and celebrations. This is the fifth hotel in the division on the Barcelona-Maresme coast and came into operation on 1 March 2011.

SERHS Hotels has brought 400 establishments into its portfolio in the last year: the SERHS El Montanyà Resort & Spa, the SERHS Hotel Villas da Pipa, the SERHS Sant Jordi Hotel and the SERHS Vila de Calella Hotel.

BEACH HOTELS José López, the assistant manager of the Hotel SERHS Oasis Park and representing the SERHS group Beach hotels (in this case, SERHS Oasis Park, SERHS Maripins, and SERHS Sorradaurada) collected the SICTED award for the public and private tourist quality sought after by the Barcelona-Maresme coastline. The Hotel SERHS Sant Jordi, on the seafront in Santa Susanna, was brought into the portfolio of the division’s hotel establishments, as well as the SERHS Vila de Calella, in the same town in the Maresme region. With respect to the beach hotel on-line communication, the organic positioning has begun with SEO and pay per click campaigns for the SERHS Sorradaurada and SERHS Maripins hotels, and there have been insertions in new direct sales portals such as the Weekendesk.

The SERHS El Montanyà Resort & Spa **** is a great leading, emblematic resort very well-known in the sector. It specialises in company meetings, celebrations, sports stages and stays for private individuals in natural surroundings of the utmost quality. INNOVATION: POSITIONING ON INTERNET AND THE SOCIAL NETWORKS The hotels division is completely focused on innovation, above all with regard to the positioning and on-line sales of its hotels. Its presence on the Internet and particularly in the social networks is more and more obvious. This is now the second year work has been done to gain presence on the Internet by positioning the website through the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) campaigns, where work is done by pay per click. This has enabled more than 450,000 visits to the Rural Village website. Work has also continued on SMO (Social Media Optimisation) campaigns, with insertions in the social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and a blog. Finally, in the so-called Business Local Centre, understood as the positioning of the hotels of the division on the net through Google Maps according to their population and the places the location has to offer. NEW INCORPORATIONS The SERHS Hotels division has been one of the most active with respect to new acquisitions, in line with the expansion plan announced at the beginning of 2010. This year brought in its second hotel establishment in Brazil, this time a rented facility in the town of Pipa, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. This is the Hotel SERHS Villas da Pipa ***. Alongside this and in order to expand the business strategy abroad and at home, SERHS signed an agreement with the Hotel SERHS Sant Jordi 3* in Santa Susanna (El Maresme region) for the management and operation of the establishment from the 2011 season. Finally, in January 2011, the company brought in the management and operation of the Hotel El Montanyà Resort & Spa ****. This is a large leading, emblematic resort very well-known in the sector, which specialises in company meetings, celebrations, sports stages and stays for private individuals in natural surroundings of the utmost quality. SERHS VILA DE CALELLA This hotel establishment newly brought in to the division is located in Calella (El Maresme), is a three star located 100 m from the beach and

HOTEL SERHS SKI PORT DEL COMTE This 36 room, two-star establishment is located at the foot of the ski slopes in the resort of the same name. It is the second year that the integrated booking engine was used to convert user sales for bookings in the hotel, which allows bookings in real-time. An advertising campaign was carried out in the Tot Oci magazine of the Solsonès region to give greater media coverage to the hotel.

SERHS NATAL GRAND HOTEL 5 * In this last year 2010, the two hotels that the corporation has in Brazil (the Natal with 396 rooms and the Pipa with 22 villas) have received an average of 82,000 room nights. Many meetings and events have been held in the last year in the SERHS Natal Grand Hotel, the five-star hotel establishment considered one of the best beach hotels in the country. One of the most significant visits was the meeting between the president of the CVC Valter Patriani and the board of directors of the SERHS Hotels division, led by Mr Josep M. Bagudà. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen the bonds of collaboration and synergies carried out between the five-star resort and this great Brazilian travel operator. CVC is the largest travel operator in Latin America and wishes to make the number of tourists in Natal grow by 25%. In October, the hotel was awarded the prize of the Intituto Marca Brasil Ministry of Tourism for the excellence of its service to the elderly, as part of the second Edition of the Public Attention Competition. Page 40 - serhs food This is the SERHS division that offers comprehensive food service. Its structure is based on a series of companies with different food management and production activities aimed basically at the sectors of hostelry, restaurants and groups. It stands out both for its high-quality standards and for its respect of productive processes and its infrastructure and management capacity. SERHS Food in 2010 started up the EUDEC Hospital system based on the cold chain and the fifth range of products (EUDEC products). This system, which is a pioneer in Spain, is totally innovative and a true revolution in hospital restaurants with total traceability to guarantee customer satisfaction.

FOOD MANAGEMENT SERHS FOOD SERVICE Under this brand, the division has two production plants, one in Arenys de Munt and the other in Vilassar de Mar. The company serves more than 250 centres, including both public and private entities (companies, universities, hospitals, old people’s homes, penitentiary centres, sports complexes, educational centres and hotels), found around the whole of Catalonia, mainly, and in the Spanish state. In 2010, SERHS Food Area prepared an average 30,000 menus a day and had an average team of 875 people, rising to 1,800 people at peak times, depending on the needs of the service. The personalised service developed to measure for each kind of customer is at the same time accompanied by the maximum measures of management, environmental and healthcare quality, which has positioned the division among the leaders of the sector. The enhancement of continuous improvement in their productive processes has led it to achieve the necessary certifications to be a leader in management based on control, safety and food hygiene. The company Serhs Food Area, S.L. has the following guarantee stamps: • Certification of the ISO 9001:2000 Quality System. • Certification of the ISO 22000:2005 Foodstuff Innocuousness Management System. • Certification of the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System. At the same time it has its own environmental and foodstuff health laboratory registered and authorised by the Ministry of Health and Social Security of the Government of Catalonia. SERHS Food Service manages more than 250 centres, including both public and private entities (companies, universities, hospitals, old people’s homes, penitentiary centres, sports complexes, educational centres and hotels), found around the whole of Catalonia, mainly, and in the Spanish state. SERHS FOOD SERVICE SPORT SERHS Food Service is one of the leading brands in the sector thanks to its five years experience managing large sports facilities such as FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol, in which it deals with the comprehensive restaurant and catering service management. SERHS Food Service-FCB. The fifth season has come of the concession of the operation and management of restaurant services in the facilities of Futbol Club Barcelona, specifically Camp Nou. This brand (SERHS Food Service FCB), created especially to coordinate the activity of this so singular place, has, since early 2006, carried out a very ambitious project of evolving and structuring this service. A working methodology has been applied with rigour and professionalism in this sports complex known and round the world and which receives a large number of fans every day of the year, not only for sports activities, but

also tourists and fans who want to see the facilities, such as the Museu del Barça (one of the museums most widely visited in Catalonia, with easily more than a million visitors). SERHS Food Service-RCD Espanyol. SERHS Food Service manages all of the general restaurant areas (bars, impulse product sales, etc) and the VIP restaurant areas mainly for companies and VIP club guests, such as the Executive Club, the Corporate Club and the President Club. On the same level is Corporate SERHS, a multipurpose area managed by SERHS Food that provides a space for meetings, meals and celebrations for up to 250 people. In early 2011, a new reloadable payment card for customers was created that can be used for purchasing at the different points of sale in the Cornellà-El Prat Stadium. Apart from the comfort when paying, as the need for carrying cash disappears, its use provides end consumers with a series of advantages such as discounts and promotions. The division is considering implementing this card and its system for the staff in the different centres it manages, such as companies and health centres (hospitals, cafeterias, vending, etc). ARCS CATERING-SERHS This year 2010, Arcs Catering – SERHS has continued forward gaining the loyalty of important customers and carrying out emblematic events of great importance on the political and private level and other social and family events. This brand is ascribed to the Food division and, on the level of cuisine, manages all kinds of events such as celebrations, banquets, weddings, congresses and conventions in Catalonia and the rest of the state. For several years, Arcs Catering has been aimed at offering new cuisine and event organisation proposals. It offers personal, exclusive dealing, as every customer is unique and every event is special. Customers benefit from the experience of a team of highly qualified professionals who carry out the activity with a fundamental premise: to satisfy the most demanding expectations of their customers by offering personalised advice, quality products and the most modern installations, together with a careful presentation and service. CASTELL JALPÍ This has been the centre for numerous institutional activities in the region and is the headquarters of the SERHS Group, where many meetings and events are also held that require the solemnity and majesty of the surroundings and facilities. Located in the municipal area of Arenys de Munt overlooking a 5,000 square metre lake, it has 22,600 square metres of land and 2,500 square metres of buildings surrounded by gardens. The exceptional nature of this area has in recent years made it a benchmark for banquets and celebrations in the Maresme region. However, most customers (weddings, companies, meetings...) come from Barcelona, the Vallès region, la Selva region and the surrounding area. The value for money of its proposals without forgetting the exclusiveness and touch of distinction in the gastronomic service and the overall personalisation of the service, places Castell Jalpí on a mediumhigh level that can be adapted to the needs of each event. FOOD PRODUCTION EUDEC PRODUCT This commercial brand is structured into three lines of action: EUDEC Restaurants, EUDEC Collectives and the EUDEC Personalised Product (B2B). EUDEC restaurants is conceived to facilitate and complement

the work of the establishments we call commercial restaurants. EUDEC collectives, this year under the motto of “We cook and we innovate” has opened and set up a new specialised line optimal for services in health centres where very specific products are required with high nutritional and dietetic demands to cover specific user profiles such as children, the elderly and sick with pathologies and highly controlled needs requiring the preparation of specific diets for diabetics, the allergic, food that is easy to chew, salt free, mashed, gastric protection, etc. This system, which was introduced in SERHS Food several years ago and now had more than 100 references to make up the varied offer, has made some changes to its essence by bringing in an innovative, effective proposal focused on different sectors and areas of group restaurant services: homes, hospitals, hotels, companies, schools, etc. EUDEC personalised product: in collaboration with customers, this line has been developed which makes use of all technical resources, the most advanced technology for cooking and a professional team with experience to create products to the measure of each need. RENATO ROMAGNONI Under this name we find a wide range of products: pizzas, sandwiches and other deep frozen food conceived as products for impulse sale that can be found in bars, cafeterias and snack bars. This brand also includes support and advertising and promotional assessment to make this offer attractive to end customers. FLECA SERHS (SERHS BAKERY) This year, Fleca SERHS, a company that offers an integral service of wheat products for hostelry, restaurants and collectives, has made a great effort to improve its image and graphic material. It is important to note the increase in the number of non-seasonal customers which means that in production and distribution a movement was generated of more than 11 million tonnes of product in 2010. This company offers an integral service 363 days a year. With over 30 years of experience, it is a bakery specialised in making products for the hostelry, restaurant and collective sectors such as fresh and frozen bread and rolls, pizzas and sweets, amongst others. Page 44 - serhs PROJECTS The SERHS Projects offers personalised, global solutions by presenting a product portfolio that includes consultancy, projects, planning, performance, start-up and implementation of equipment for collectives, restaurants, cafeterias and hotels, and other companies. This division, which is present throughout Spain, has become the leading company for its capacity to present innovative proposals in the Food and Beverage areas. SERHS Projects has been characterised by offering specialised global solutions where customers have a team to advise them in defining ideas, the business concept, image and functionality, and to parameterise the investment, the level of quality and performance time, to plan and carry out the implementation, to train the customer’s team and to coordinate the after sales service. SERHS Projects assumes the commitment of controlling and maximising efficiency in the areas of Food & Beverage by applying criteria of functionality, sustainability, technology, design and management in the equipment installed for different sectors:

SERHS annual report 2010

This year, the division has been consolidated in hotel and hotel restaurant kitchen management. With regard to the agreement with PortAventura, the division is also a supplier of fifth range products to the theme park and also of bakery products provided by the company attached to the division, Fleca SERHS.


- Hotel: hotels, hospitals, pensions, campsites and other accommodation. - Health: hospitals and geriatric centres. - Restaurants: bars, cafeterias, restaurants, pizzerias. - Education: schools, nurseries, universities. - Other companies: public administrations, private companies, commercial buildings and foodstuff. This division has a multidisciplinary team of professionals with consultants, architects, engineers, interior designers, equipment projectors, designers and operators specialised in the Food & Beverage areas of the health, hotel, restaurant and corporate sectors. To be a benchmark in improving the efficiency and innovation in each of the sectors, its products include all of the operative knowledge of the SERHS Group when advising, projecting, planning, carrying out and training in the operation of any installation where small changes and details might bring improvements in the daily operation of the business. It has a wide range of solutions and services based on the effective use of equipment: - Equipment for kitchens: refrigerated chambers, cold rooms, cooking equipment, large production equipment, ovens, washing areas, cold equipment, tailor-made equipment, auxiliary machinery. - Service equipment: buffets and self-service, show cooking and free flows, bars, service trolleys, regeneration trolleys, serving belts, furniture. - Structural equipment: cooker extraction and drive systems, extractor hoods and filtering ceilings, fire fighting systems, osmosis systems, decalcification systems and waste management systems. PRODUCT AND SERVICE INNOVATION In the understanding that innovation is its resource, we find improvements in the equipment of the different Food & Beverage areas that bring in long-term savings in operative costs. These savings give an economic benefit which, firstly, amortises possible equipment rationalisation and investment, and secondly, provides a sustainable competitive edge. The Projects division invests in seeking operative efficiency based on improving functionality, sustainability, design and technology.

SERHS annual report 2010

Significant figures - Average payroll of 50 workers. - Fleet of 33 commercial vehicles. - 4,200 square metres of installations, of which 1,500 square metres for exhibition. - More than 13 million Euros turnover in projects for the Food & Beverage areas. The more than 35 years experience as an integral supplier, manager and customer of the hotel and collective sector gives the division a global view of the business. The consultancy team helps customers to make their resources more productive in order to reduce their operating costs and to offer greater added value. The approach focuses on four concepts and a single objective, that of seeking operative efficiency: - Measures for improving the operation of the equipment - Measures for improving the sustainability of the equipment - Measures for improving the design of the equipment


- Measures for improving the technology of the equipment The strength of this division is based on having a team with a clear functional view and commercial view of the hostelry and collective business, capable of reorganising and optimising existing hostelry businesses, of equipping new businesses, and of maintaining and giving after sales service for installed equipment. EMBLEMATIC PROJECTS In 2010, the equipment division carried out important projects to restore and create new equipment throughout Spain. Of these we might highlight the Monteprincipe and Alhambra building, and the extension of the Banco de Santander in Madrid’s financial district buffets in the dining rooms. In July, a very large project was carried out with the construction of a central kitchen in a completely new 1,000 square metre warehouse in Cuarte de Huerva (Zaragoza). This kitchen was managed by a company providing catering for collectives and events which makes more than 6,000 menus a day, and which was granted the concession of a large series of schools in the province of Zaragoza. In Tivoli Tienda Gourmet in Barcelona, the integral project was carried out of equipping and building this delicatessen product shop and cafeteria in the higher part of the city of Barcelona. Also in 2010, in order to extend its area of action to the whole of Spain, it was adjudicated the equipment of the Mérida hostelry School installations by public tender from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Environment of the Government of Extremadura. The project includes fitting out the central kitchen, à la carte kitchen, demonstrations kitchen, working area, buffet, bar, cleaning areas, cold rooms, etc. Alongside this, an agreement was reached for equipping the kitchen in cold line and supplying furniture for the rooms of the Cotxeres Integral Health Centre in Barcelona, which ended in early 2011. In Valencia, the kitchen and bar were equipped for the new Montepicayo casino in the city, run by the Cirsa company. In the school sector, more than 50 school kitchens were equipped in Catalonia and the community of Madrid. OUTSTANDING FACTS To adapt to the ever more competitive environment, the Projects division has decided to work on four principal focuses: Innovation: as hostelry customers, they need to have a collaborating company that helps them to be advised in the most innovative technologies applied to food production and to improving management at the point of sale. Training as a service: it is necessary to focus more and more on suitably using and maintaining hostelry equipment. This is a competitive factor for the customer and the reason why specific training and startup processes are offered in reformation or new floor projects in which customers have all the support they need to make their resources more efficient. Sustainability: energy efficiency, waste management and polluting emissions have been some of the objects of study throughout 2010 and will be in 2011. The division analyses solutions that enable sustainable development of the customers to be improved and made more feasible. Customer orientation in order to minimise their operating expenses and to maximise their income, by doing what is truly necessary for their business. It is not only a question of finding and applying products that improve the specific point, but of making a complete analysis that enables de-

velopment within a sustainable management system of the business activity, bearing in mind parameters such as financing, efficiency and functionality. Page 48 - serhs services The companies ascribed to this division are intended to offer the maximum number of services both generally to companies forming part of the SERHS group and externally, and aimed basically at customers of the tourist sector. Structured in different areas of action that allow synergies between them, the companies forming part help and complement each other: human resources, administration and finance, insurance and new technologies. SERHS SERVICES MEDITERRANEUM XX, S.L. The added value of this company is the use of new technologies and the most modern systems of communication, which has supposed a considerable development in all activities carried out and which allow users to directly and effectively manage a large number of computer applications on-line that are placed within their reach. Similarly, it offers internal and external customers a quality job with high-level professional specialists. Human resources This corporate management of the SERHS group covers all the necessary specialities to give a complete human resource management service in all of its specialities: Personnel Administration, HR Development, Labour Relations and Prevention of Occupational Risks. It makes a firm stake on Internet portals as management platforms and applies continuous improvement in its services in order to offer both SERHS Group companies and external customers an ever more effective service. Administration and finance An area ascribed to the financial corporate management of the SERHS group that is formed by different specialised sections such as the calculation centre, tax advice, auditing, treasury and aggregation and financial consolidation. Its fields of action are all of the companies of the corporation. It also has the collaboration of different external advisers. In order to create a framework of common action for all SERHS Group companies, this corporate management manages the “SERHS Book of Corporate Regulations” only available on the SERHS portal (intranet). This is a manual which includes all of the administrative, legal and occupational procedures, the rules that have to be followed and the corporate criteria of each area of action. ASSEGURIS MEDITERRANEUM XX, CORREDURIA D’ASSEGURANCES, S.L. At 31 December 2010, Asseguris had a portfolio of 3,000 customers and 5,300 contracted policies, 20% up on last year, with a great increase in individual customers, 23%. The group insurance company has 2 sales channels, basically: direct sale in the office and salespeople. The total team of the insurance brokerage company includes 9 people. The volume of managed premiums was €4,600,000, with an increase in individual customers of 10% over 2009.

The SERHS corporate managements working transversally across the remaining business divisions of the group are also represented in this division. SERHS NEW TECHNOLOGIES In this area of activity we find two companies devoted entirely to developing and implementing new technologies aimed at the tourist sector or internally for SERHS. Migjornser, S.L. and Vector K, S.L. are connected in the same place in Pineda de Mar, and aim to enhance and get the most out of the synergies. MIGJORNSER, S.L. This company works in the area of new technologies and fundamentally serves all of the companies of the SERHS Group. Its areas of action are systems and they maintain and produce hardware and software. Another of the activities they carry out is technological projects either on installations, software implementations or IT consultancy. Furthermore, from the telecommunications department they deal both with management and consultancy. Migjornser has the responsibility of making Internet one of the group’s main channels of communication, starting with websites, e-mail and hosting management, as well as other functions. Finally, one of its values is the Service Desk for giving users technical attention. Significant figures - An average team of 30 professionals in 2010. - The Technical Services responsible for maintaining a computer fleet of 1,000 PCs, 375 printers and 210 PDAs. - They have 105 central servers located in a state-of-the-art CPD started in 2007. - More than 1,150 e-mail accounts and 190 hosted domains are controlled. - Each day they manage more than 50,000 mails, 1,200 land lines and 1,400 mobile telephone lines. - They control a database of more than 60 nodes. - They attend more than 6,100 calls a year in the Service Desk. - They made more than 860 technical interventions in 2010. New agreements and investments Migjornser has signed an agreement for three years with Oracle to use their software licenses. SERHS and Oracle have long been technology partners and a consolidated relationship is maintained with this leading company in the sector. The collaboration agreement includes a series of advantages for the corporation, and especially that it can broadly and freely use all of the software that Oracle provides its customers. The agreement contemplates on-line training of the Migjornser technicians

in the use of all of their products, a follow up on all projects carried out, for example the Documentary Management Plan, and they will perform strategic technological consultancy to guarantee the correct implementation of their products in SERHS. Software is understood as programs such as databases, the Oracle Service Bus and the BPM for procedure management. In this sense, Migjornser this year extended the collaboration agreement with RICOH, which had previously applied to printers, and implemented new tools and methodology for Documentary Management. This extension includes the introduction of the Documentary Management Platform in itself, documentary process consultancy and multifunction machines (scanners and digital signatures, amongst others). Outstanding aspects In order to highlight the importance of the innovative improvements in search of customer satisfaction, we must point to the restructuring of the Migjornser management team by bringing in a new systems department manager, and above all with regard to the services it gives the remaining companies of the Group. This year, Migjornser has focused much more on giving the business value, managing and coordinating projects and giving support to all users instead of having computer application development as its main service. It therefore leans much more on its partners and suppliers, and together they form an ecosystem forged from the outset of the company more than eleven years ago. VECTOR-K A company of the Services and New Technologies division, Vector-K is dedicated to creating, maintaining, implementing and supporting computer products for the tourist sector, both for companies of the Group and for external companies. The basic Vector-K products are: the Guest, comprehensive hotel management; the Bistrot, management of bars, restaurants, discotheques, etc.; and the Webguest, which enables on-line sales of bookings from the hotel’s own Web. The WebguestHotel on-line sales engine, in its fifth year up and running, increased its sales by 18% (from €4.9 million in bookings sold in 2009, to nearly €6 million in 2010). As expected, the areas of Sanxenxo and Vall de Benasque have been consolidated and the Vall de Tena has been brought in in the Pyrenees in the Aragon region. A special effort is still being put into the fastest-growing product, on-line hotel bookings. In 2010, the new all-in-one version was created, which more clearly and understandably offers all of the options available on a single screen and simplifies the search for anything that might be of interest to future purchases. The Guest 3.0 version has been implemented in all customers as well as the first electronic billing, which we hope will increase considerably in 2011 with the incorporation of BSF, the second provider. Early 2011 expects the version of WebGuestHotel on-line sales through smart phones and also the Facebook social network. The remodelling of the Bistrot in version 3.0 includes very wide management of room cards for direct charges, prepayment, control of all-inclusive and VIPs. Page 52 - serhs real estate This business division deals with seeking maximum returns from the SERHS Group assets. Structured within the company Kimburu, SL, it focuses its actions on facility rental, bargain and sale and promoting certain actions on urban and industrial lands.

Page 53 - serhs equity and portfolio As a business corporation, Grup SERHS, S.A. is the holder of a large portfolio of securities and is also the owner of a series of buildings. Through its portfolio of securities it directly or indirectly takes part in dominating all the companies of the group. These management actions led by the general management of the Group are formed by companies involved in administering and holding properties, lands, securities and facilities, which form a series of goods resulting from the Group’s business rhythm. The strategic axes of the corporation pass through the strengthening and future viability of all of the companies of SERHS, which have a global focus that allows them to successfully confront the critical factors of competitiveness by consolidating and creating new business opportunities in all areas of action. RELATED COMPANIES SERHS S/COOP. C. LTDA. Its initial drive and its wish to cooperate and associate on the level of people have brought about an intense social activity. Since the company started now 35 years ago, its feeling of belonging, of mutual confidence and its wish to improve have led to the development of many initiatives around the company which have enabled the achievement of what today is known as the SERHS Group. MÚTUA DEL MARESME The Mútua del Maresme, adhered to the Federació de Mutualitats de Previsió Social de Catalunya, is a social provision entity born out of the spirit of cooperation that has allowed the exercise of social provision by help and mutual aid among the associates, without seeking to make a profit. Due to changes in current legal regulations affecting its activity and the fact of having Asseguris Mediterraneum XX CA, SL offering a large portfolio of similar services in many cases, in early 2011 it was agreed that this emblematic entity would wind up its activity in the same year. Page 54 - related companies ESCOLA UNIVERSITÀRIA D’HOSTALERIA I TURISME DE SANT POL DE MAR This centre, ascribed to Girona University and founded in 1966, has a long tradition in tourist and hotel training, and maintains a tight, reciprocal institutional bond with the SERHS Group. But the most important thing about this hotel-school, the oldest in Spain, is the exchange which is established between this university centre and the SERHS group of companies, which generates intense, fruitful feedback. The EUHT in Sant Pol is receptive to the business baggage of the Group, which gives it prime order, updated knowledge of the sector movements. At the same time, this means that the Group can benefit from the support and a package of knowledge and technical experience which can only be given by a certified university centre that is a benchmark in the state. The school has received institutional recognition both around the state and in the autonomous community and sector, by being distinguished with the “Gold Plate for Tourist Merit” and the “Turisme de Catalunya Plate of Honour”, amongst other awards.

SERHS annual report 2010

The lines of action used in the work are those of constantly improving the product portfolio and continuing to work with companies of renowned prestige and solvency to be able to offer a service and good advice that is as complete as possible and satisfies customers’ expectations. Constituted as an insurance brokerage company in 2003, it deals with leading companies on the market such as MAPFRE, AXA, DKV, ALLIANZ, ACE, VITALICIO, ARAG, and in the last year it has brought in FIATC and Europea de Seguros. The aim in 2011 is to establish continuous customer loyalty, investing in ongoing specific insurance training for all staff to give the company more professionalism.


PUBLINTUR, S.A. The Grup SERHS is and has always been aware of the need for instruments of dissemination and communication to effectively inform on the multiple, diverse actions it carries out. For this reason, it has a close, intense relationship and bond with the company PUBLINTUR, S.A., a company engaged in image and communication, as well as graphic and digital production. This company has become an instrument of help at the service of promoting and disseminating the tourist resort of Catalonia, and a source of support for the tourist activity in areas in destinations where different plans of excellence and tourist dynamisation have been drawn up. In the business field it has stood out by providing solutions adapted to the needs in marketing policy and image through imaginative proposals from the graphic design studio with leading technology and its own printing workshop. Communication and external relations, advice and development of tourist products and services also appear amongst its activities, which include offering image and sound services and editorial production. The last EXPOSERHS served to present its new line of work devoted to on-line marketing. The purpose of this is to offer and help customers to implement the strategies that might improve their presence on the Internet so that this might become a profitable resource for the company. Renovation and better website positioning, as well as improved architecture, is the first to be taken. All of these activities have generated strong business synergies and developed intense, close quality relationships. Page 55 - corporate financial report

SERHS annual report 2010

Page 56 - letter of the first vice-chairman AND CEO Dear shareholders, A few days before the end of the celebration of our 35th anniversary, we are able to draw up the balance of all of the initiatives and activities carried out in our group in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Policy and SERHS Human Resources in 2010. With respect to the first part, this is the third year of our Values Plan, an initiative that tries to reconcile economic growth and competitiveness with social development and environmental improvement. One of the sides of the Values Plan that has been worked on a great deal to have it ready is the so-called “Integral plan of human resource development”, which means that today all of the workers in the group have their own description of their post and therefore know their functions and the responsibility that corresponds to them. In the same line, in order to establish improvements in the processes of the companies of our group, the first stage has been carried out which consists of identifying the procedures to be improved by each business division, and of confirming the computer program that will be used to analyse these processes. As we have seen throughout this report, our value this year is innovation, and we are working to direct our path in this direction. A clear example of this is the Documentary Digitisation Plan, whose bases have already been established for development in 2011 and which include four basic strategic processes: personnel dossiers, mercantile documentation, electronic signature and supplier billing. These processes will allow us to turn our companies into paperless offices and therefore to innovate in the area of environmental protection and protection of our surroundings


in general. We have always said that our team is a fundamental pillar in the structure of this group, and we have therefore continued to work on initiatives to enhance the combination of our staff’s professional and personal lives to achieve greater motivation and recognition. The measures of conciliation could be in reply to the need to make work more compatible with family life and in answer to the considerable increase in the number of women coming onto the jobs market. This commitment must be taken by the family, the company and society. In 2010 we saw an increase both in the volume of applications and in the percentage of the conciliated payroll. As a summary we might say that 441 applications were received, 49% more than in 2009. As a general figure, 13% of the payroll of the whole group has asked for a conciliation measure. For workers coming into any of the group companies, this year the digital edition of the Welcome Manual was started up through the SERHS portal, which enables a policy of participation and commitment to be built on the basis of social, cultural, economic and promotion components. We cannot forget one of the star programs that causes great satisfaction for all families of our corporation. I am talking about the Families Program, this year amounting to 48,000 with an increase of 6.25% over last year. The Family Party held in the Castell Jalpí, this year following the line in which we are strongly investing, was dedicated to sensitisation to the environment and the preservation of values beginning with children. However, all of this would not be possible if work was not done on enhancing internal communication, given the size of the payroll throughout the group, establishing fluid two-way communication open to all members of the corporation. This effort has resulted in a high degree of participation in the Ideas Mailbox, an internal communication tool used to pass information, ideas and suggestions down-up, from the staff to the presidency. In 2010, 50 ideas were received, 61% up on the previous year, showing that internal communication in SERHS is ever more effective. As I was saying at the beginning, in the second block of the report which starts here you will find the environmental information of each of the divisions, and also the economic and financial information corresponding to the year ending at 31 December 2010. These consolidated figures have been checked by the Faura-Casas Auditors-Consultors auditing company, who bore witness to the annual accounts.

INTEGRAL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DESCRIPTION OF JOBS AND ORGANISATION One of the first objectives and one of the most basic to be able to work on the INTEGRAL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES has been to draw up a CATALOGUE OF WORK POSTS starting with the collaboration of all of the workers, who replied to a questionnaire describing work posts through the SERHS portal. This allowed 375 different work posts to be identified, as well as 9 different levels of responsibility. At the present time, each worker has his own job description, which is hung on the SERHS portal, and therefore knows his functions and the level of responsibility which corresponds. The work post sheet includes: • Name of the post, level, area and department. • Hierarchical relations of the post • Jobs • Functional relations • Responsibilities • Characteristics of the post • Knowledge and experience • Working conditions Alongside this, this catalogue of work posts was also used to update the group organisation charts. An organisation chart was designed for each area with its management committee and an organisation chart of each company, which can be accessed by all workers of the Group, regardless of the area and the company to which they belong, which allows all workers to be informed on the organisation of the Group. This description allows the training profile of each post to be drawn up so that, with the collaboration of human resources, it is possible to know what training every worker has done or must do.

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CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF PROCESSES A first stage is carried out in improving processes, which consists of identifying the most suitable procedures to be improved for each business division, and to validate the computer program that will be used to analyse processes. In 2010, the bases were laid for developing the Documentary Digitisation Plan in 2011, which includes four basic, strategic processes for the whole group as a starting point: - Staff dossier. - Mercantile documentation. - Electronic signature. - Supplier billing. In addition to the Documentary Digitalisation Plan, work is under way on the level of processes to establish more specific actions for the tourism division and insurance brokerage.

The Values Plan of Corporate Social Responsibility was started up in 2008. This plan attempts to reconcile economic growth and competitiveness with social development and improvement of the environment. Grup SERHS has always had special interest in highlighting the features that have characterised its identity, and the human side and social involvement it has encouraged since it was founded The design of the corporate social responsibility policy focuses on a mission and company values, with strategic objectives to be developed through two strategic plans: the Integral Plan of Human Resource Development and the Plan of Transversal Management of Quality Environment and Prevention of Occupational Risks.

CONCILIATION OF WORKING AND FAMILY LIFE IN GRUP SERHS Concerned at improving the quality of life of its workers, the SERHS Group has drawn up a catalogue of conciliation for each business area, which includes a series of measures that derive in a system of leave for family reasons, both to attend infants or the elderly and dependent persons, and to create a more flexible structure and organisation in the working environment to allow men and women to combine their work with family and household responsibilities. The conciliation of personal, working and family life arises as a need to make work more compatible with the life of the families and to reply

Jordi Bagó Mons First Vice-chairman and CEO of Grup SERHS

EQUALITY PLAN BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN The Equality Plan is a strategic tool that enables equal opportunities to be achieved between men and women in the company. As is defined by article 46 of the law which regulates this matter, “an Equality Plan is an organised series of measures adopted after making a diagnosis of the existing work situation, which is intended to achieve equality between men and women and eliminate possible discriminations that might be detected by reasons of sex.” The Plan foresees objectives and actions for developing in different areas, such as access to work, professional classification, promotion, training, retribution, prevention of sexual abuse and harassment, and the organisation of work time to favour conciliation between work, personal and family time in terms of equality between men and women. The Equal Opportunities Plan is a tool that enables strategies to be developed through a series of specific objectives in the short, medium and long-term, and which also achieve equality. Therefore, it is a guide to define actions to be developed in the short-term and is also flexible tool that allows new objectives and actions to be brought in for improvement. The benefits of an equality plan for the company, beyond complying with current legislation, are the consolidation of a work tool in management, as it allows the human resources of the company to be optimised, by enhancing and nurturing the capacity of people under equal conditions and without gender discrimination. For all of this, the Equal Opportunities Plan between men and women is being drawn up, by analysing the present situation of our organisation and developing improvement proposals such as: • Working with a non-sexist language in communications (internal and external). • Preparing a protocol of sexual harassment and harassment by reasons of sex. • Including all important collectives in the Equality Plan (women, the disabled, the staff at risk of social exclusion). • Preparing a space for equality where all staff have the plan and its measures available to them. WELCOME MANUAL With respect to the Manual, work was done in 2010 on the digital edition. This is a tool on the SERHS intranet portal then allows a policy of participation and commitment to be built on the basis of social, cultural,

economic and promotion components. The Welcome Manual gives us: - The letter of welcome from the SERHS Group chairman. - The letter from the director of the business division. - The description of the company and the work centre of the new worker. - The company organisation chart and job description. - The contractual relationship and information. - The documentation for preventing occupational risks. - The description of good environmental practices. - Information on the development of human resources. - Information on the social benefits. Alongside the digital development of the Manual, work has also been done on the protocol for welcoming new workers and establishing a training schedule that they must all undergo. SOCIAL AREA The second edition of the supportive campaign “Give a toy or food and feed excitement” resulted in 1,000 kg of food and 415 toys collected. All of the material was sent to the beneficiary institutions, such as the Arsis Foundation, where part of the food was offered, and Caritas, which received all of the toys and the second part of the food. The company’s collaboration with the Arsis Foundation is not sporadic, but rather SERHS takes part in more specific projects depending on their needs. SERHS has attended different events presenting the Social Responsibility project, such as the CETT meetings on sustainability reports, and talks on equal opportunities. Page 62 - social policy ANNUAL FAMILIES PROGRAM 2010 In September, more than 300 people met at the SERHS Family Day, an event at which the help forming part of the “Families Programme 2010” for SERHS Group workers was given out. The gathering was held at the Castell Jalpí, the corporation’s headquarters, this time dedicated to environmental sensitisation starting with the youngest in the household. Mr Ramon Bagó, chairman of the SERHS Group, gave out the different awards amounting to €48,000 this time, 6.25% up on the previous year’s €45,000. This year there was an increase in the provisions for the three kinds of help given each year: nurseries, school material and university grants, apart from the gift given to workers when they become parents, which forms part of the Welcome Baby campaign. To close the event, there were afternoon snacks in the courtyard of arms of the castle and children were able to enjoy a party with gifts and entertainment. There were also draws and gifts provided by SERHS customers such as Frit Ravich, Frida, Alemany and Nestlé, to mention but a few. All applications were handled through the SERHS portal, where workers were able to complete their applications and attach the required documentation. Environment Party The second purpose of this party was to sensitise children to environmental aspects and the preservation of the values of the environment. Therefore, the group’s Department of Corporate Social Responsibility carried out a series of activities in the form of games aimed at nurturing respect for the environment: workshops dealing with material reuse, the turtle game in recycled plastic and an inflatable ‘To recycle jumping’ castle in the courtyard of arms. It must be said that contents such as the

reuse of materials, selective waste collection and recycling are workshops that have already been carried out in the Rural Villages. MANAGERS’ MEETING 2010 A further edition of the annual meeting of the Grup SERHS managers was held on 10 December 2010 at the Castell Jalpí in Arenys de Munt. The meeting brought together the 100 main managers of the Corporation led by the chairman, the general management and the directors of all of the SERHS divisions. In the morning the meeting dealt with matters of organisation and strategy, and institutional and corporate presentations were made. After the Christmas lunch there was an original, creative activity organised by a specialised, highly renowned company, in which the participants used music and rhythm, playing an African drum (djembé), to show their great coordination as a work team. Page 63 - internal communication Communication between the company and its workers is basic for the good operation of a corporation of the size of Grup SERHS. This is why the Group is in favour of establishing fluid, two-way, open communication with all of the members who form part of the corporation, through the tools created specifically for this. SERHS WEB The SERHS group, in its firm wish to stake on new technologies, has the website constantly updated and very active to adapt to changes. This was designed in order to offer a wide range of informative content to the institution and within each operative division. It has become a central connection for all of the webs in our corporation. SERHS PORTAL This is an exclusive space for workers and the shareholders of the corporation, which is intended to be a valuable tool of internal communication with contents of interest to all people in Grup SERHS. Year after year new developments have been brought in depending on the uses and needs at each moment. The Plans of Equality, Flexible Compensation, Innovation and Training, amongst others, other developments this year. The portal also offers the chance to see and print out one’s salary in any place and at any time. This possibility also extends to family help, shareholder information regarding calls to assembly and the media library, amongst other things. IDEAS MAILBOX The SERHS Group provides its staff with the Ideas Contest, “And you, how would you do it?” This is open to all company workers and shareholders and is intended to encourage them to make suggestions for improving the operation of the Group and as a means for the company to know their concerns, ideas and suggestions and to listen to the voice of all those who form a part of it. Ideas may be sent in through the SERHS intranet portal or by physical means. The ideas go straight to the group chairman and are duly answered to give a real effect and complete acknowledgement of the proposed situation. Five ideas were awarded in the second edition of the competition of some 50 ideas presented in 2010.

SERHS annual report 2010

to the considerable increase in the number of women coming onto the jobs market. This commitment must involve the family, the company and society. The MEASURES OF CONCILIATION involve a process of transversal change in society; they contribute indirectly to improving the quality of life of the workers and to nurturing a business transformation which modifies the conventional work patterns. In 2010, both the number of applications and the percentage of the payroll conciliated increased. The following graphs show a summary of the most significant data. In matters of occupational conciliation, the group has played an active part in the Nust Network since 2010. This is an initiative created by the Barcelona City Hall Department of Uses of Time, which consists of establishing a network for exchanging experiences then allows knowledge and measures of action concerning the use of time to be shared. This has enabled us to appear as an example of good practices on the NUST website, an entity attached to Barcelona City Hall.


ROUTE OF THE 35 YEARS In recent months, further visits have been paid by the chairman as part of the SERHS 35th anniversary, following the program of visits to all SEHRS companies from March 2010 to March 2011. The intention is to be close to the team to report the evolution of the group’s activities and developments and at the same time to hand over the lithography commemorating this 35th anniversary. Apart from reporting the Internal Communication project and making a public presentation, the person responsible for linking the information between the group and each company (the so-called “corporate communicator”), these visits have a double objective. On the one hand, it is a question of establishing direct contact with the managers and staff of each company to increase their mutual awareness, to be able to assess their work and thus enhance the feeling of belonging to the Group. Secondly, to inform everyone of the possibilities and advantages that Grup SERHS offers everyone who forms part of the entity, such as the Family Program, the “Welcome Baby” campaign, the magazine and its content, and to promote participation in the “And how would you do it?” contest. SERHS MAGAZINE Every quarter, the SERHS Group publishes an informative and disseminative magazine of the developments of the companies and the aspects of general interest for the whole of our group. With a circulation of over 6,000 copies, it is published in Catalan and Spanish. Workers, shareholders, collaborators, suppliers and customers have become habitual readers of our magazine.

SERHS annual report 2010

INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL DISCOUNTS WITH THE SERHS CARD All of the workers and shareholders of Grup SERHS can benefit from the advantages and internal discounts offered by the Group in each of its divisions. Discounts may be found on food and drinks products, travel, hotels, household items, insurance and computer products, and they also have access to permanent and sporadic external offers and advantages such as gymnasiums, dealers, medical and leisure centres. In 2010, the workers and shareholders of the corporation were able to enjoy discounts in over 55 establishments in Spain. To be able to receive these discounts, the members of the Group must present their identity card. The aim of cards is to enable the identification of all people working in any of the companies of the corporation, or shareholders, who may be confirmed as members of the Group whenever they need. The intention is that they might benefit from the promotions and discounts available at all times both internally in the companies themselves and externally, as a result of the commercial agreements reached with other companies outside the group. SHAREHOLDER PARTICIPATION As a significant part of the social policy and the feeling of belonging to SERHS, the workers of the Group who so wish may benefit from advantages in financing the purchase of shares in our corporation through the Flexible Compensation Plan. This allows them to make payment in several blocks without any kind of interest or fees, but still allows them to receive the dividends. SOLIDARY AGREEMENTS The Vicente Ferrer Foundation has received co-operation from Grup SERHS for many years. SERHS began to co-operate in financing the


maintenance of two primary education centres for girls with hearing and visual disability in Kanekal, in Anantapur, the southern region of India where the Foundation has worked for over 40 years to change the situation of the most vulnerable communities living there. Page 65 -human resources The SERHS Group team is formed by an average 2,683 people. However in the summer months, the time of maximum activity for our group, the team easily exceeds 3,000 people. The following table shows the average team by divisions, and it can be seen that the divisions with the largest staff are those of SERHS Distribution due to the large number of personnel involved above all in commercial attention and drinks distribution; and that of SERHS Food, given the large number of workers in the more than 200 centres where the service is given. STAFF ADMINISTRATION It stakes above all on the Internet portals and applies continuous improvement in its services in order to offer both SERHS Group companies and external customers an ever more effective service. The http://portal. portal is used as a personalised and interactive means of communication between the company and the HR department. It is a tool which saves much time and costs, avoids travelling or telephone calls and is operative 365/24. With identification, it is possible to use any connection point in the world, guaranteeing the required confidentiality and maximum security. In 2010, the staff administration department managed a total 36,926 salaries. One innovative project started up in 2010 was the Flexible Compensation Plan, the intention of which was that Group employees could choose how they want to receive their gross annual income (up to 30% of total), in order to adapt it to their personal and family needs. The Flexible Compensation Plan gives staff the chance to voluntarily design the composition of their pay package, and to devote part of their salary to contracting certain products with significant tax and economic benefits and thus increase their net availability. The products offered are SERHS Group shares, health insurance, restaurant card, nursery and training. The project has been very well received by the workers of the corporation, which was seen in the results of the last quarter of the year, when the plan started. Many workers subscribe to the share plan, and later the rest of the products. TRAINING In 2010, a total 250 training groups were carried out for the whole of the SERHS Group, which means that training has reached 4112 participants, 41% up on 2009, and more than 37,847 training hours were given. Investment in training exceeded 294,495 years. As for external training, a total of 70 courses were given to 464 students, with a total 8,591 training hours, at a cost of €32,068. Throughout the group, 57% of the training was done through teletraining, 41% was done in attendance and 2% was given by distance training. This year a new training project was started, the e-learning platform which under the name of “A2 learning to apply” led the teletraining project in the SERHS Group. This change was seen on both the methodological and pedagogical level and in the organisation and strategy. The A2 platform has been a further step in integrating the new technologies as a daily tool in learning.

This new strategy has been intended as a way to increase know-how in the SERHS Group by bringing in its own contents. Special mention must be given to the work of the different corporate managements in making this project reality. Alongside this, a catalogue of 73 training blocks were drawn up, structured in a total of 17 courses with content focused exclusively on the corporate group. These courses turned into more than 50 training actions in different subjects such as Human Resources, Social Responsibility, Marketing, Communication and New Technologies. The project also contributed to eliminating the rigidity of attended courses by providing worker-students with the necessary freedom to be able to do the courses from wherever they wanted, at any time they wanted and at their own rate. A further step in the effectiveness was the possibility of training more students in a shorter time, by creating training groups with students from different companies of the group in Spain and standardising the training given. Regarding the training offered to external customers, we must highlight the effort made to persuade our customers on the importance of training workers, and the advice given to them to be able to ensure that they fulfil what is legally required of companies in the area of training. The number of organised external customer training actions increased by 42% over the previous year (from 40 to 69). SELECTION In order to support companies in their needs for personnel, the selection department answered more than 90 applications from the company’s Employment Exchange, which receives an average of more than 100 CVs a month. As every year, the department was present at the most important fairs and workshops of the sector: CETT, EUDHT and TURISPRO. PREVENTION OF OCCUPATIONAL RISKS With respect to the SERHS Group Associated Service, the efforts of the department have led to considerable developments. In 2010, all of the companies of the SERHS Distribution and SERHS Hotels divisions were brought into the associated prevention service, which now includes more than 97% of all the companies. With specific reference to the Occupational Risk Prevention department, the occupational risk prevention management system was introduced and prepared for legal audit to achieve the approval certificate of the Occupational Risk Prevention Management System for the companies of the Distribution and Hotels divisions. This audit had already been carried out in the companies of the Distribution division in early 2011, and the audit for the Hotels division is planned for the end of the year. 98% of the occupational risk prevention training carried out in group companies was given by the Associated Prevention Service to guarantee training more adapted to needs and above all more specifically aimed at the occupational risks of each area and company. The telematic training of the basic 30-hour occupational risk prevention course also started and the e-learning platform was started up for the administrative and commercial staff. In order to integrate prevention on all levels of the hierarchy and to improve the preventive culture in the companies, at the end of 2010, basic 30 hour occupational risk prevention training courses were given to the SERHS Group companies management personnel. There was an overall fall of 1.79% in losses among the companies of the

Page 69 - environmental report TRANSVERSAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The SERHS Group in recent years has brought in criteria for protecting the environment within the general management of its business in a general policy of corporate social responsibility, and assuming part of the responsibility corresponding to them in preserving and improving the environment. In this sense, SERHS is moving slowly but steadily along the path to environmental excellence. In this area, NAM NAM SL has shown its awareness of the importance of the environment in preserving and developing the company by seeking new ways to produce added value, such as the implementation of an environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 guidelines. Having a certified environmental management system has brought a series of market benefits to NAM NAM in terms of the economy, the improvement of the company image and also its regulatory situation. For these benefits to arrive, the management system must be correctly planned from the beginning. This has been the basic role of the CSR Department, which worked as a consultant to exhaustively identify all of NAM NAM’s environmental aspects and to establish criteria that might allow objective assessment and which might be sensitive to the improvements made in time. In order to favour exemplary environmental behaviour throughout our staff, a Manual of Good Environmental Practices of all of the companies of the Group has been prepared and can be accessed through the Welcome Manual on the SERHS intranet portal. Alongside this and in order to nurture responsible use of heating (in the winter) and air-conditioning apparatuses (in the summer), the “Set an example, let’s save energy” campaign has been started to make workers aware with a series of recommendations to produce well-being and energy-saving. SERHS DISTRIBUTION The distribution companies in the hostelry and collective sector carry out a very positive function for the whole of society in preserving the environment. The distribution of drinks in returnable and reusable packs (boxes or barrels) helps to reduce a large volume of packs which otherwise would have to be collected by the municipal cleaning services to be sent to the disposal units or, in the best of cases, to be recycled by means of selective collection. The companies with their own mechanical workshop have an agreement with a waste manager by which they collect oils from the vehicles which are rich in sulphur, chlorine and metals, which therefore represent a considerable environmental risk. It is therefore avoided pouring used oils into the drains, flowing water or on to the soil. A single litre of used oil pollutes 1 million litres of water, or 5 litres of used oil pollute the air that a person breathes for three years. In recent years, a process has also been carried out to renew all of the forklift trucks in the stores, by replacing the diesel trucks with electric ones, a cleaner energy which avoids gas emission in the stores. This year an agreement was reached with a used kitchen oil recycling company by which customers are offered the chance to be able to re-

cycle their kitchen oil free and with approval. For every 20 litres of used oil, SERHS Distribution gives the customer 1 litre of the same kind of oil. The system is now entirely managed and controlled through the website. SERHS PROJECTS The main factors have been focused on improving waste management: separators, filters and instruments for controlling fat and oil in kitchens, functional designs helping waste classification, management and evacuation while the work is under way; and on improving energy consumption: rainwater recovery, economising taps and cisterns, low consumption electrical installations and energy recovery. As a further step in the process of liberalising the energy market, the electricity consumption of all of Grup SERHS companies has been noted and analysed in order to draw up an energy efficiency study in the work centres. The study resulted in SERHS Projects centralising all of the electrical billing of the group. From this division, when carrying out any project in hotels, restaurants, cafeterias or collectives, customers are advised so that they might apply new systems that help the environmental policy to be improved. SERHS FOOD This division has maximum certification regarding environmental quality and food safety. It was ISO 14001:2004 certified years ago in environmental management and has also passed the monitoring audits required by this regulation. As a result of the change in the ISO 9001 regulation, which has a new version, the Quality Management System is certified in the new version ISO 9001:2008. Furthermore, the ISO 22000:2005 regarding the system for managing the innocuousness of foodstuffs is still held. Each of the companies of the SERHS Food division manages their own waste according to the law on waste management. They have a welltrained, professional quality department which sets the steps that have to be followed in continuous innovation and research to be abreast of the new laws and regulations concerning the environment which are extended, renewed and/or modified constantly. Therefore, all of the companies forming the division work to adapt the industries to the new environmental and health regulations. This is primordial for the division, not only as a concept but also as a work procedure, as it offers a high degree of professionalism and rigour as a competitive advantage. Furthermore, an important subject with a significant impact to be improved, and on which this area is making a great effort in finance and management, is the replacement of natural resources (natural gas) as energy consumption products, to the detriment of other more polluting products (gas-oil). Annual studies are made of energy consumption, and an evaluation is made to be able to improve production planning and therefore reduce costs. Working salubrity A pause must be made on this aspect, for SERHS Food trains its team very strictly and continuously in salubrity and food hygiene, centre by centre. All of the workers have their corresponding compulsory individual protection equipment. SERHS TOURISM AND SERHS SERVICES The great introduction of new technologies and innovative communication systems in operative jobs has, on the one hand, involved the

reduction above all of paper and, on the other, enhanced the sending of communiques by electronic mail and the creation of web portals. All of this has increased the speed of communications and improved energy expenditure. These divisions promote the recycling of paper, printer cartridges and toners (the recycling procedure is established in the agreement that the SERHS Group has with Ricoh). Centralised recycling is carried out of any electronic equipment in all of the companies of Grup SERHS, either in collaboration with NGOs or taking the material directly to the disposal units. Both the new offices of SERHS New Technologies and the Data Processing Centre have rooms fitted out with programmed air-conditioning and heating to guarantee a suitable temperature, but also to ensure energy savings whenever possible (we optimise energy consumption as far as possible). The fact of intervening in automation/ domestic robotic projects means that the SERHS New Technologies division helps the rest of the group companies to improve their energy efficiency and therefore to optimise their energy consumption. Regarding the introduction of technology to help to meet the objective of “Paper-free offices” we use multifunction devices, on-line collaboration tools (Google Apps) and digital invoicing has also been started up. SERHS HOTELS This division started the project for achieving the Environmental Quality Guaranteeecolabel in the Arnes Rural Village. Specific training was given to the monitors of the Rural Villages in “Environmental education games and resources” in which they increased their range of resources, games and activities to work on the subject of the environment with sustainability criteria in which saving, recycling, responsible consumption and respect for nature will be fundamental values. The aim of this project was to sensitise children to the environmental problems and the preservation of environmental values. With the environmental education offered in the Rural Villages, the boys and girls (aged 2 to 12) are explained the importance of respect of the environment. Some examples of the games played are: informative material from the government of Catalonia with posters of the “Give packs a new life” campaign, the paper game; “See waste and how it is used”; posters of “ We perform selective collection for the present and future of the environment”; and the recycling octopus game. The recycling workshops also played an important role in the villages’ activities, and the origami workshop, with contents aimed at raising awareness and respect of the environment. In the beach hotels, the hot water and heating boiler of the SERHS Sorradaurada Hotel was changed for a high output natural gas and boiler giving savings of approximately 5% and significantly fewer CO2 emissions. The same hotel also renewed the locks on the dining room to give greater comfort and smaller energy losses. At the same time, the SERHS Oasis Park started up a timer system to control the operation of the air-conditioning, which has given gas savings of 18%. Finally, the Sant Hilari Rural Village has included a heat pump temperature detection system so that the standby might be longer in winter and they will only be started if there is a chance of freezing.

SERHS annual report 2010

corporation with respect to 2009. It must particularly be said that the divisions with a higher loss rate reduced their accident rates considerably.


Page 76 - consolidated annual accounts This economic and financial information corresponding to the year closing at 31 December 2010, which we provide in the following, has been prepared from the accounting registers of Grup SERHS, S.A. and its subsidiaries in order to show the true and fair image of the equity, the financial situation and the results of the Consolidated Group. These consolidated figures are backed by the auditing of the company Faura-Casas Auditors-Consultors and, as revealed in the opinion which we attach further on, the annual accounts of 2010 express the true and fair image of the consolidated equity and financial situation of the SERHS Group and its subsidiaries, and the results of their operations. In this dossier you can find: * GROUP CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS · Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement). · Auditors’ Report. * CONSOLIDATED INFORMATION · Different analyses of important aspects of the economic and financial situation. general explanation For the effects of drawing up the Annual Accounts of Grup SERHS, S.A. and subsidiaries (Consolidated Group), we must consider that the Group is made up of 64 active companies which, gathered in operative business divisions, has the following composition: SERHS DISTRIBUTION SERHS TOURISM SERHS HOTELS SERHS FOOD SERHS PROJECTS SERHS SERVICES SERHS REAL ESTATE SERHS EQUITY AND PORTFOLIO

14 Companies 2 Companies 12 Companies 9 Companies 2 Companies 6 Companies 6 Companies 13 Companies

SERHS annual report 2010

In 2010, a business combination operation was carried out between companies that already formed part of the consolidation perimeter: the merger by takeover by Grup Serhs, SA of SERHS Development, SL with a view to simplifying the company structure of the Group. In 2010, the global integration method was used to bring the companies “Fabrication du Jus au Maroc, SARL” and “Jus du Maroc SARL” (Moroccan companies engaged in juice production and distribution) into the area of the group consolidated by global integration. Three new companies were also incorporated that are attached to the SERHS Equity and Portfolio division (Abantser, SL, Itinereser, SL snd Conexumser, SL) to be used in the future.


In application of current regulations, as a result of different participation percentages in the companies which form the consolidation perimeter, different consolidation procedures were used this year: * GLOBAL INTEGRATION METHOD (Companies with a participation of over 50%). The consolidation method used in 2010 by all of the companies of the Group, mentioned above. * EQUIVALENCE method (Companies with a participation of between 20%-50%) Companies which have been consolidated by this method in 2010: “Viajes Sol i Esquí, SA” (travel agency), “Baciverser, SL” (real estate company). The functional currency of the Group is the euro. As a result of the Group’s internationalisation process in recent years, Brazilian and Moroccan companies have been included in the consolidation perimeter and transactions have also been increased with foreign customers and suppliers using currencies other than the euro. This has meant that our Group now works with four different kinds of currencies: * Euros (EUR).- The main working currency of our companies. * Dollars (USD).- The currency with which some operations are carried out with countries outside the E.U. * Brazilian Reales (BRL).- The main working currency of our companies in Brazil. * Dirhams (MAD).- The main working currency of our companies in Morocco. The fact of working with different currencies and accounting criteria complicates the procedure of consolidation, as the financial statements have to be transformed into a currency other than the functional currency of the Group, which is the euro, which can cause conversion differences with repercussions on the equity and the results of the year due to exchange differences in the transactions. 2010 was the first year in which the SERHS Group has paid tax under the system of tax consolidation. A total of 36 of the subsidiaries came into the consolidation perimeter.

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