Progress report 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities No. 1

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ยก Progress report 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities No. 1

CEO Alejandro Gamboa …………………………………………….. Cooperation area leader Pamela Escobar Administrative area leader Olga Trujillo Technology and strategy area leader Olga Acosta Implementation area leader Janeth Osorio Finance area leader Alejandro Molina Human resources area leader Carmenza Barriga National technical advisory area leader Margarita Martinez Communications area leader Liliana Escobar Internal control area leader Susana Cardona Knowledge management area leader Rafael Fajardo Presidential advisor Natalia Currea ……………………………………………….. Capture, analysis and production of information Knowledge Management Area 2

The fiscal year 2018 (FY18) was a transition period for us in Fundación PLAN because of several reasons. First of all, PLAN International designed a new global strategy called “100 million reasons” which drove us to design our country strategy called “16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities”. In second place, we are aware that in order to amplify our impact we must innovate, develop more and better alliances, strengthen our teamwork and seek to have a new and sustainable financing model. Finally, we assume our commitment to the new 2030 Development Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals-SDG, so that our projects and influencing actions are aligned with these Objectives, particularly those with the 5 SDG of Gender Equality and SDG 16 on Peace, Justice and Solid Institutions. Our new strategy 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities is a novel and challenging bet. Innovative because we believe that in order to build a more just world, the emphasis of the actions should be on girls, an emphasis that is reflected in all of PLAN's social value proposal, and challenging because it seeks to expand the scale and magnitude of our work towards girls. 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities implies that PLAN year after year seeks to reach 4.3 million children, their families and communities so that they may : strengthen their talents, : their voice is more heard, so that girls have control over their lives and bodies and so that they grow without violence and fear. To achieve these results is to incorporate the gender transformative approach in our programs and influence, and to promote together, with our allies and in all contexts, as mentioned in our Global Theory of Change, norms, attitudes and behaviors; social and economic assets and safety nets; policy frameworks and budgets that promote lasting impact. This report shows the results of Fundación PLAN at the level of coverage and the contributions to the transformations from the perspective of the Global Theory of Change by impact area, result area, area of global distinctiveness (AoGD), level of theory of change and SDG in the implementation of the country strategy 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities, throughout the FY18.


Since the implementation of the Country Strategy began, we set out to inform our results beyond coverage, which in itself is important. Our goal was to be able to inform from different perspectives: by areas of impact, of result, of global distinctiveness, dimensions of the Theory of Change or by SDG; the magnitude of our work; and, based on the results framework and indicators built for the strategy, inform the main transformations achieved from the Contribution Indexes designed. In Fundación PLAN, we have a Project Monitoring System “45 grados”1 version 2.0, that allows us to know with certainty how many people participate in our projects disaggregated by sex, age, territory, life cycle, disability and ethnicity, avoiding double counting. Each of the sessions of the activities in each project are associated with one or more global output codes, which allows us to know for each session-activity-project: the areas of sub-impact, impact, result, global distinctiveness, the dimensions of Theory of Change and the SDGs to which they are associated. In this way all the information you browse in 45 grados, is associated with any of these forms of analysis necessary to understand how our Country Strategy evolves. To inform beyond our scale we have designed contribution indexes for each of the impact areas. An index is a measure of quantitative performance built from several indicators of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework that measures the contribution of 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities to the areas of impact, result or global distinctiveness from the dimensions of change of the Global Theory of Change; the closer it is to 100 means greater progress in the dimensions of change.

Steps that we follow: To present these results we have traveled a path that we share with the aim of promoting organizational learning and the exchange of experiences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Approval of the country strategy 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities. Construction of the M&E frameworks by impact areas and AoGD. Construction of the indicator matrix and measurement instruments. Validation of the instruments for measuring the indicators. Design and validation of contribution indexes. Design and implementation of the M&E System 45 grados version 2.0. Design of the M&E Plan. Capture, from the first day of FY18, information on the number of people per session-activity-project disaggregated by sex, age, territory, life cycle, disability and ethnicity, associated with their respective output codes. 9. Definition of the statistical sample by project for the measurement of the contribution indexes. 10. Randomization and capture of information. 11. Quality control over the information captured.


Here you can see a demo in Spanish and in English of our M&E System


12. Processing and storage of captured information. 13. Calculation of contribution rates. 14. Calculation of the magnitude of our work. 15. Presentation of the M&E report FY18.


The results are presented in the following order: 1. General Coverage FY18. 2. Coverage and contribution indexes by impact areas. 3. Coverage by result areas and AoGD. 4. Coverage by dimensions of change of the Global Theory of Change. 5. Coverage by SDG.

During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN executed 24 projects in 25 departments and 256 municipalities. That is to say that we were in 78% of departments and in 20% of municipalities. We reached

single direct beneficiaries - avoiding

double counting - and indirect beneficiaries, through our programs and projects.

Type of actor: Right holders: girls, boys, teenagers and young people. Co-responsibles: fathers, mothers, and caregivers. Duty bearers: People workers. 6

In Fundación PLAN we have prioritized 6 global impact areas and we work 2 cross-cut ones: Prioritized areas

Cross-cut areas

 This impact area has the result that girls and boys enjoy the right to a healthy and protected life, and adolescent women exercise the right to maternal health from a gender perspective.

During FY18, Fundación PLAN executed 6 projects associated with this area of impact in 22 departments and 186 municipalities. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.


A project can point to more than one impact area, so that a person can be in more than one area of impact or result or global distinctiveness, etc. 7

For this area of impact, in FY18 we reached

single direct beneficiaries, of which

boys, adolescents and young people, that is to say

and of these,

were girls,

were girls, adolescents and

young women, that is

This index measures the contribution of PLAN to children enjoying the right to a healthy and protected life, and adolescent women exercise the right to maternal health from a gender perspective, based on changes in: I. norms, attitudes and behaviors; II. family and community resources and III. legislation, policies and budgets.

The main results of the index for this impact area are: of girls, adolescents and young people improve their knowledge to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights, take actions to prevent subsequent pregnancies and modify their behaviors and practices around motherhood and their self-care. of fathers, mothers and caregivers have developed initiatives around maternal health and the care of children during the first thousand days from a gender perspective. 8

 This area of impact has as a result that girls, boys, adolescents and young people, especially women, exercise the right to sexual and reproductive health. During FY18, Fundación PLAN executed 6 projects associated with this area of impact in 4 departments and 9 municipalities. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.

For this area of impact, in FY18 we reached

single direct beneficiaries, of which

adolescents and young people, that is to say


were girls, boys,

This index measures the contribution of PLAN to the fact that girls, boys, adolescents and young people, especially women, exercise the right to sexual and reproductive health, based on changes in: I. norms, attitudes and behaviors; II. family and community resources and III. legislation, policies and budgets.


Some of our results in this impact area are: of girls, adolescents and young people improve their capacities to make autonomous and informed decisions about their lives and modify their practices around their sexual and reproductive rights. of fathers, mothers, and caregivers develop initiatives for the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights in school and community settings. of public servants and public servants, promote access and exercise of sexual and reproductive rights in adolescents and young people through the strengthening of friendly sexual and reproductive health services.

 This area of impact has as a result that adolescents and young people, especially women, have developed skills and abilities for economic empowerment and entrepreneurship.

During FY18, FundaciĂłn PLAN executed 8 projects associated with this area of impact in 7 departments and 9 municipalities. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.


For this area of impact, in FY18 we reached single direct beneficiaries, of which were adolescents and young people, that is to say and of these, were adolescents and young women, that is,

This index measures the contribution of PLAN to adolescents and young people, especially women, developing skills and abilities for economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, based on changes in: I. norms, attitudes and behaviors; II. family and community resources and III. legislation, policies and budgets.

The main results of the index for this impact area are: of adolescents, young women and their families, develop better capacities for access and control of resources that allow them access to better opportunities for financial inclusion. of adolescents, young women, especially women, have developed skills and abilities that favor their connection to the productive sector. of adolescents, young women, especially women and their families develop skills for life and entrepreneurship, improving their income and economic empowerment. of fathers, mothers, and caregivers have improved their income level from the development of productive initiatives.


 This area of impact has as a result that children, adolescents and young people, especially women, are protected against all forms of violence, particularly sexual violence and gender-based violence.

During FY18, FundaciĂłn PLAN executed 10 projects associated with this area of impact in 13 departments and 84 municipalities. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.

For this area of impact, in FY18 we reached

single direct beneficiaries, of which

adolescents and young people, that is to say the

and of these,

were girls,

were girls, adolescents and young

women, that is,


This index measures the contribution of PLAN to children, adolescents and young people, especially women, being protected against all forms of violence, particularly sexual violence and gender-based violence, based on changes in: I. Attitudes norms and behaviors; II. family and community resources and III. legislation, policies and budgets.

The main results of the index for this impact area are: of girls, boys, adolescents and young people, especially women, strengthen their knowledge and skills to exercise their rights with a gender approach of mothers, fathers, and caregivers generate capacities for the development of initiatives aimed at the protection of children.

 This impact area has as a result that girls, boys, adolescents and young people, especially women, actively exercise their citizenship. During FY18, Fundación PLAN executed 6 projects associated with this area of impact in 7 departments and 19 municipalities. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.


For this area of impact, in FY18 we reached adolescents and young people, that is to say

single direct beneficiaries, of which and of these,

were girls, boys,

were girls, adolescents and young

women, that is,

This index measures the contribution of PLAN to children, adolescents and young people, especially women, actively exercising their citizenship, based on changes in: I. norms, attitudes and behaviors; II. family and community resources and III. legislation, policies and budgets.

The main results of the index for this impact area are: of girls, boys, adolescents and young people, especially women, strengthen their leadership skills, actively exercise citizenship and position their rights in public spaces of girls, boys, adolescents and young people, especially women, strengthen their knowledge and skills for participation in oversight exercises and social control of their rights initiatives of mothers, fathers and caregivers that have promoted advocacy actions for the design of public policy and development plans.


 This area of impact has as a result that girls, boys, adolescents and young people, especially women, actively exercise their citizenship. During FY18, Fundación PLAN executed 6 projects associated with this area of impact in 5 departments and 7 municipalities. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.

For this area of impact, in FY18 we reached boys, adolescents and young people, that is to say

single direct beneficiaries, of which and of these,

were girls,

were girls, adolescents and

young women, that is,


Our Country`s Strategic Plan 16 million reasons, 16 million opportunities addresses the four result areas and the 6 AoGDs of the Global Strategy. During FY18 we executed 24 projects 3, 12 projects in , 5 in , 6 in y 14 in Regarding AoGDs, the projects executed were associated as follows: 5 projects in quality inclusive Education; 8 projects in Skills and opportunities for youth employment and entrepreneurship; 7 projects in active drivers of change; 6 projects in Sexual and reproductive health and rights; 7 projects in early childhood development and 9 projects in Gender-transformative child protection. The following are our results for each result area and the corresponding AoGD:

During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN was present in 25 departments and 202 municipalities with projects associated with the result area We reached


single direct beneficiaries.

A project can be in more than one result area and AoGD. 16


in FY18 we reached

single direct beneficiaries, of which

adolescents and young people, that is to say

and of these,

were girls, boys,

were girls, adolescents and young

women, that is,

During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN executed projects in associated with this area of global distinctiveness.

In FY18, in the AoGD

departments and

we reached

municipalities with projects

single direct beneficiaries, of which

were girls, adolescents and young women, that is to say

During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN executed projects making presence in departments and with projects associated with this area of global distinctiveness.

In FY18, in the AoGD reached

single direct beneficiaries, of which


we were girls, adolescents and young women, that is

to say


During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN was present in 7 departments and 19 municipalities with projects associated with the result area We reached

single direct beneficiaries.

is composed of only one AoGD single direct beneficiaries, through people, that is to say

and of these,

, in FY18, for these two areas, we reached projects, of which

were girls, boys, adolescents and young

were girls, adolescents and young women, that is,


During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN was present in 5 departments and 10 municipalities with projects associated with the result area We reached

single direct beneficiaries.

is composed of a single AoGD

, in FY18 we reached

single direct beneficiaries, through projects, of which people, that is to say

and of these,

were girls, boys, adolescents and young

were girls, adolescents and young women, that is,


this area of results and distinctiveness there was an important work with men addressing gender stereotypes and dealing with them the construction of positive masculinities in order to promote gender equality.


During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN was present in 19 departments and 88 municipalities with projects associated with the result area We reached


single direct beneficiaries.

during FY18 we reached

single direct beneficiaries, of which

boys, adolescents and young people, that is to say

and of these,

were girls,

were girls, adolescents and

young women, that is,

During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN executed projects in associated with this area of global distinctiveness.

departments and

municipalities with projects


Regarding the AoGD beneficiaries, of which

during FY18 we reached were girls, adolescents and young women, that is to say

During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN executed projects making presence in municipalities with projects associated with this area of global distinctiveness.

Regarding the AoGD direct beneficiaries, of which

single direct

departments and

during FY18 we reached


were girls, teenagers and young women, that is


Making use of the output codes, where each sub-impact area is associated to four codes according to the level of expected changes: 1. norms, attitudes and behaviors; 2. social, economic, family and community resources; 3. provision of public services and 4. legislation, public policy and budgets; in Fundaciรณn PLAN, from linking all actions of programs, projects and influence, we have calculated our results according to each of these four dimensions. Our main results of coverage by level of Theory of Change are:

118.723 beneficiaries. 24% of the total.

272.048 beneficiaries. 55% of the total.

55% of the beneficiaries participated in actions aimed at promoting the change of norms, attitudes and behaviors; 24% in actions related to changes in social, economic, family and community resources; 20% in actions oriented to changes in the provision of public services and 1% in changes related to legislation, public policy and budgets.

105.635 beneficiaries. 21% of the total.

From a project perspective, out of the 24 projects executed during FY18, 76% had actions to promote changes in norms, attitudes and behaviors; 36% in social, economic and family resources; 12% in the provision of public services and 4% in actions that promote and promote changes in legislation, public policy and budgets.


From a territorial perspective, actions by territory were concentrated in this way:


In our M&E System 45 grados, all projects, results, indicators, activities and sessions are associated with the SDGs to which they contribute. In this way we calculate the number of people who participated in activities that contribute to a specific SDG. In Fundaciรณn PLAN we have prioritized in particular to follow up on our work with SDGs 5 and 16. Following are the results of coverage by SDG and particularly by the prioritized ones.

202.511 beneficiaries. 41% of the total.

202.511 beneficiaries. 41% of the total.

111.919 beneficiaries. 23% of the total.

32.631 beneficiaries. 7% of the total.

197.320 beneficiaries. 40% of the total.

111.919 beneficiaries. 23% of the total.

90.039 beneficiaries. 18% of the total.

The previous infographic means, for example, that 41% of the beneficiaries of FY18, that is 205,511, participated in actions related to SDG 4-Quality Education, while 40% of the total beneficiaries participated in actions related to SDG 5-Gender equality. For the two prioritized SDGs, 5 and 16, our results are the following:


A person can participate in actions linked to more than one SDG


During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN was present in 15 departments and 95 municipalities with projects associated with SDG 5. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.

In actions related to the SDG 5 Gender equality, in the FY18 we reached of which

single direct beneficiaries,

were girls, boys, adolescents and young people, that is to say

and of these,

were girls, adolescents and young women, that is,


During FY18, Fundaciรณn PLAN was present in 13 departments and 88 municipalities with projects associated with SDG 16. We reached

single direct beneficiaries.

In actions related to SDG 16 Peace, justice and solid institutions, in FY18 we reached beneficiaries, of which these,

were girls, boys, adolescents and young people, that is to say

single direct and of

were girls, adolescents and young women, that is,





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