JazzHubs Keynote Presentation

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#JazzHubsPortland #JazzHubsPhoenix

Mike Charlasch


Background  2

Background (conInued) 3

Jazz Industry: Complex Ecosystem 4

§  Internal v  v  v  v  v  v

Content creators – musicians Presenters – fesIvals, clubs, venues Intermediaries – agents, managers Journalists – print, electronic Aggregators – labels, distributors Educators – schools, teachers, students

§  External v  v  v  v  v

Consumers & nonprofit funders Private sector partners & sponsors Streaming media Governments Trade groups – NARAS, unions

A Rising Tide LiVs All Boats 5

§  Highly decentralized v

Very few big players, such as: Ø  Ø  Ø  Ø

v  v

Jazz at Lincoln Center Blue Note Records Ted Kurland Agency Blue Note Jazz Clubs

Hundreds of smaller orgs Thousands of individuals

§  Strength in numbers v  v  v

CollaboraIve efforts Shared resources Difficult to achieve

Seth Godin 6

“There is no industry… only people.”

Select Elements of a Jazz Ecology 7

§  Product §  Venues §  Media §  Marke>ng §  Educa>on §  Value

1. Product 8

§  Recording, concert, series, etc. v

Audio, visual & “vibe” components

§  Related to jazz tradi>ons? §  Dis>nc>ve? Unique? §  Fresh? Innova>ve? Exci>ng? §  What changes over >me? §  Relevant to consumer tastes? §  What are the reference points? §  Who are the audiences?

Esperanza Spalding by Mark Ulriksen

2. Venues 9

§  §  §  §  §

Fes>vals, halls & clubs Sea>ng capacity? Comfort? Sound? Sight lines? Food? Drink? Quality? For all ages?

§  §  §  §  §

Photos allowed? Tex>ng? Traffic? Parking? Public transporta>on? Affordable lease? Who are the audiences?

3. Media 10

§  Jazz radio v  v  v

Signal strength? Hours on? Local arIsts?

§  Newspapers v

Jazz coverage?

§  Websites v

Local focus?

§  Blogs v


§  Social media v  v

Jazz-­‐focused thought leaders? Jazz-­‐oriented followers (e.g., Bay Area Jazz Fans)?

4. MarkeIng 11

§  Adver>sing v  v  v

Media mix? Message & imagery? Strength & consistency?

§  Brochures & websites v  v  v

InformaIve & persuasive? Text, images, audio & video? NavigaIon, usability, commerce?

§  Email v

Quality, variety, consistency?

§  Social media v  v

Commerce & non-­‐commercial? Engaging & worth sharing?

5. EducaIon 12

§  Building musicianship v  v  v  v  v

Great teachers? Theory & performance training? Jazz history & appreciaIon? Available at all levels? OpportuniIes to perform?

§  Building audiences v  v  v  v  v  v

Role of presenters? EducaIonal markeIng? Listening parIes? Community outreach? Adults & kids? Sponsors & funders?

6. Value 13

§  Product v

Relevant & engaging?

§  Venue or media v

Quality experience?

§  Pricing v  v

Affordable for most? Encourages trial?

§  Value proposi>on v  v  v

Worth Ime & money? Deserves contribuIons? Value vs. other opIons?

Bay Area CollaboraIve Efforts 14

§  Leteires Leite §  CJC & Yoshi’s §  BNN & Chris BoY §  SFCM & SFJAZZ §  Monterey & CJC §  SJZ & South First Fridays §  SFJAZZ & Adam Theis §  SF house concerts §  NCBC & Concord Records

Case 1: LeIeres Leite 15

§  Orkestra Rumpilezz v  v

20-­‐piece band from Bahia, Brazil New twist on candomblé tradiIon

§  3 grant par>cipants v  v  v

San Jose Jazz SFJAZZ Jazz at Lincoln Center

§  Mid Atlan>c Arts Founda>on v

Crossing Boundaries program

§  First-­‐ever U.S. tour

Case 2: CJC & Yoshi’s 16

§  California Jazz Conservatory v  v  v  v

Also known as the CJC Bachelor’s program Community music school Weekend workshops

§  Yoshi’s Oakland v  v  v

Shows 7 nights a week Jazz, R&B, soul & more 310 seaIng capacity

§  Incremental workshop gigs v

Play Yoshi’s & teach at the CJC

Case 2: CJC & Yoshi’s (conInued) 17

§  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

Charles Lloyd Ron Carter Dave Liebman Bobby McFerrin Jimmy Heath Peter Erskine Dave Douglas Mike Clark Steve Coleman Kurt Elling Jeff ‘Tain’ Wa`s

§  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

Billy Cobham Donald Harrison Dave Weckl Vijay Iyer Kenny Werner Steve Coleman Alex Acuna Marc Cary Ralph Alessi Miguel Zenón Bobby Sanabria

§  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

Conrad Herwig Taylor Eigs> Sheila Jordan Michael Wolff Theo Bleckmann Ben Allison Too>e Heath Russell Ferrante Craig Handy John Hollenbeck Terri Lyne Carrington

Case 3: Blue Note & Chris Bop 18

§  Grand opening week v  v  v  v

6 shows in Blue Note Napa 1 show in NV Opera House 1350 Icket capacity Over $100k revenue goal

§  Venue ads on Facebook v  v

Produced by the venue Part of larger markeIng plan

§  Ar>st posts on Facebook v  v

Produced by Bop’s team Complementary to the ads

Case 4: SFCM & SFJAZZ CollecIve 19

§  San Francisco Conservatory of Music v  v  v

New bachelor’s program in Roots, Jazz & American Music Simon Rowe, ExecuIve Director Taught by members of the SFJAZZ CollecIve & SFJAZZ staff

Case 5: Monterey Jazz Fest & CJC 20

§  Monterey Next Genera>on Jazz Fes>val v  v  v

Annual compeIIon among 68 groups from nine states California Jazz Conservatory was a 2017 presenIng partner Awarded $500,000 in CJC scholarships to eight students

Case 6: SJZ & South First Fridays 21

§  San Jose Jazz Summer Fest v  v  v  v

3 days, 13 stages Some paid, some free Various sub-­‐genres of jazz Atracts audience of 40-­‐50k

§  South First Fridays Art Walk v  v

First Friday of each month South First Street

§  “Jazz Beyond” stage v  v

On street with South First Friday Bands with younger appeal

Case 7: SFJAZZ & Adam Theis 22

§  SFJAZZ Monday Night Band v  v  v  v

Community big band open to teens and adults by audiIon Performs in the Miner Auditorium at the SFJAZZ Center Adam Theis, director, also leads the “Jazz Mafia” 10 projects that blend jazz, hip hop, LaIn jazz & more

Case 8: SF House Concerts 23

§  Two “alterna>ve” jazz venues in San Francisco v  v  v  v

Monthly concerts in homes, owned by individuals 50-­‐seat capacity, Ickets about $20 InvitaIon by email & Facebook events Band takes $400 -­‐ $1,000

Case 9: NCBC & Concord Records 24

§  North Coast Brewing Company v  v  v

Brother Thelonious Belgian-­‐Style Ale Monk InsItute sponsor Monterey, Newport & other jazz fesIvals

§  Concord Records v  v  v

Monk & Coltrane 3-­‐LP box set Complete 1957 Riverside Recordings $90 retail value

§  Monk centennial promo>on v  v  v

Essay contest recommended 100 winners suggested SIll in proposal stage

Break 25

#JazzHubsPortland #JazzHubsPhoenix

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