Expression MBP202 Week10

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Mike Charlasch

MBP202 Week 10 – Facebook Marke2ng

Building Blocks 2

§  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

Images Words Sound Mo6on Informa6on A9tude Emo6on Personality Ac6on

Facebook is Unique 3

§  The world’s most powerful and popular marke6ng tool

Facebook User Sta2s2cs 4

§  1.9 billion monthly ac6ve users worldwide v

Up +18% versus year ago

§  1.7 billion mobile ac6ve users §  300 million photos daily §  20 minutes average visit §  76% of all women §  66% of all men Source: Zephoria, July 2017

3 Ways to Use Facebook 5

§  Posts (free) v  v  v  v

Personal pages Business pages Text & photos Videos, live stream

§  Events (free) v


§  Adver6sing (paid) v  v  v  v

Right column ads News feed ads Carousel ads Video ads

Facebook Engagement Metrics 6

§  Likes §  Reac6ons §  Comments §  Shares §  Clicks v  v  v

Typically to a website page Can be tracked to purchases Return on investment (ROI)

Facebook Event Pages 7

Facebook Ads Manager 8

§  Set the type of ad v

Right column, news feed, etc.

§  Set geographic targets v

X-­‐mile radius, state, total U.S.

§  Set demographic targets v

Such as % men and % women

§  Set “interests” targets v

Names of ar2sts, keywords, etc.

§  Set campaign dates §  Set daily budgets §  Create the ads!

Interest Targets: Names & Words 9

FB Carousel Ads 10

§  §  §  §  §  §

Appear within news feed Up to 5 images plus a logo Different text for each image Ac6on buYons (buy, learn) User swipes from le[ to right FB op6mizes the image order v

Based on number of clicks

§  Can change images or text v

Re-­‐sets “likes” & “shares” metrics

FB Carousel Ad – 1st 3 Slides 11

FB Carousel Ad – 2nd 3 Slides 12

Facebook Video Ads 13

§  Pop up in the news feed v

Play automa2cally

§  Sound can be on or off v

Can include cap2ons

§  Edit down to :30 seconds v

Up to about 3 minutes

§  Includes links to learn more §  Can be very cap6va6ng! v

Sight, sound & mo2on

Ad Performance Metrics 14

§  Track clicks, cost per click (CPC), click-­‐through rate (CTR) and more

Building Facebook Ads 15


Break  16

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